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Background, Aims and Scope  

Our study determined if and when an avoidance or attraction behavioural response would be displayed by Ilyanassa obsoleta when presented with a choice between harbour and reference sediments. Our goal was to develop a non-lethal approach that could be used in future assessments of the environmental quality of field sediments.  相似文献   

Abstract. Soils contaminated with organic chemicals are now widespread in industrialized and developing countries, and the risk assessment and remediation of such contaminated sites is a priority. However, containment and remediation strategies are complicated in many cases by the range of contaminants present and the historical nature of the contamination. Research has increased our understanding of the behaviour of organic contaminants in soil and the factors that control their behaviour. There is a fundamental need to understand and, where possible, quantify the bioavailable fraction as well as the total concentration of contaminant present in soil: the bioavailable fraction is key to toxicity or biodegradation. To quantify these fractions, a large number of techniques have been employed, ranging from organic and aqueous based solvent extractions to the use of biota. Many studies have been carried out investigating the use of chemical techniques to describe bioavailability, which could be used in the assessment and remediation of contaminated land. The aim of this review is to consider the behaviour of organic contaminants in soil, highlighting issues of bioavailability, and then to discuss the relevance of the various methods for assessing risk and potential remediation of organic contaminants in soil.  相似文献   

叶新新  孙波 《土壤》2012,44(3):360-365
稻田受重金属镉(Cd)污染后,土壤中的Cd可能被植物吸收通过食物链进入人体,威胁人类健康。而水稻品种和土壤类型对Cd吸收和积累有着深远的影响,因此在进行Cd的农产品安全阈值制定和人体健康风险评价时,需考虑土壤Cd的生物有效性和不同水稻品种对Cd吸收的影响。本文综述了水稻品种和土壤类型对Cd吸收和积累的影响,并重点介绍了目前常用于预测重金属生物有效性的模型,以期为环境风险评价、土壤环境质量标准及农产品安全阈值制定提供有效的工具,并为生产安全(无公害)稻米提供参考。  相似文献   

洪水胁迫因子对千岛湖水质的影响与风险评价研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
研究表明1996年洪灾中千岛湖总体水质在多年走势图中出现“污染峰”现象,表明外来面源污染是主要污染源。对比分析洪灾前后水质变化表明,千岛湖水体受洪灾的影响仅局限于当年,通过水体的缓冲和自净能力的恢复,各项污染指数在灾后均能迅速恢复至正常状态。洪灾年中其水质污染指数排序及负荷比均为百亩畈>航头岛>街口和三潭岛,4断面总负荷占全湖的72%。洪灾年中综合污染指数对全湖分担率最高为大肠杆菌(高达46.6%,为洪灾年中水质最大污染因素)和总N,其他各项目分担率很低,对洪灾年中总体水质几无影响,而总Cd、氨氮和总Pb该年上升偏离正常年份中的变化趋势,尤其是总Cd和总Pb指数灾年过后仍不能回落,显示出洪灾对水质影响带来重金属污染的“滞后效应”。  相似文献   

有机物料对土壤中外源镉形态与生物有效性的影响研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
盆栽试验研究稻草与紫云英对土壤中外源Cd形态及其生物有效性的影响结果表明 ,添加稻草与紫云英可降低水稻分蘖期潮土和红壤交换态镉含量 ,且二者在不同土壤的影响不同。 2种有机物料在水稻分蘖期固定作用并不稳定 ,随时间的推移 ,氧化锰结合态和紧有机质结合态吸附的镉将随紧有机质的分解和活性锰的还原被释放出来 ,并向交换态镉转化 ,提高Cd的生物有效性。水稻对外源Cd吸收与Cd在土壤中形态密切相关 ,水稻分蘖期稻草与紫云英均可抑制水稻根和茎叶对外源Cd的吸收 ,至成熟期水稻根、茎叶和糙米中Cd含量迅速增加 ,其根本原因是由于土壤中交换态镉含量提高和紧有机质结合态镉含量降低所致  相似文献   

An important goal of the European Commission-funded ECOGEN project is to develop a computer-based decision support system (DSS) for the assessment of economic and ecological impacts of using genetically modified crops. In ecological impact assessment, special emphasis is put on soil biology and estimating soil quality from the observed biological parameters. Methodologically, we have addressed this goal using model-based DSS, taking the approach of qualitative multi-attribute modelling. The approach is based on developing various hierarchical multi-attribute models that consist of qualitative attributes and utility (aggregation) functions, represented by decision rules. The model presented in this paper assesses the impact of cropping systems on soil quality and can subsequently be used to assess crop management options. It was developed as a collaboration between ECOGEN soil experts and decision analysts, and consists of 34 attributes, hierarchically structured into eight levels. There are 21 input attributes, most of which measure the richness and biomass of representative soil organisms. The assessment of soil quality is based on two main indicators: (1) soil diversity (assessed through microfauna, mesofauna and macrofauna richness) and (2) soil functioning (in terms of leaching, comminution, mineralisation and plant growth). In the paper, we address the methodological aspects of the model and its development, and describe the components of the model (attributes, value scales, decision rules and weights). We present initial results of its application to the assessment of crop management on soil quality in the case of using conventional and Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)-maize at three field sites in France and Denmark. Our finding was that soil quality was unaffected even though several input attributes had changed. We also analyse the sensitivity of the model and discuss its current and potential contribution to soil quality management. The model is operational (available through a web page) and can be used for the assessment, comparison and analysis of realistic management scenarios. Furthermore, it provides an effective means of synthesising a lot of data, encoding knowledge about soil-quality factors, supporting communication among experts, answering ‘what-if’ and ‘so-what’ questions, and supporting the evaluation of new agricultural practices.  相似文献   

充分认识青藏高原地区耕地资源质量的空间格局与时间变化特征,是探索区域性耕地资源保护与可持续利用路径的重要基础,对维护青藏高原地区的粮食安全和社会稳定具有重要意义。设计空间抽样方案,利用较少的样点尽可能全面地表征区域耕地质量的总体特征,对于开展耕地资源质量长期观测与机理研究具有重要意义。该研究以青海省互助土族自治县为研究区开展基于耕地质量指标数据驱动的空间抽样实证研究,从信息熵、Kullback–Leibler散度、相似度距离、样本对总体耕地质量空间异质性的表征能力、样本空间分布均匀性等视角,对比分析随机抽样法(random sampling method,RSM),空间覆盖随机抽样法(spatial coverage sampling and random sampling,SPCOSA),条件拉丁超立方体法(conditioned latin hypercube sampling,CLHS),加入平面坐标的条件拉丁超立方体法(CLHS with x and y coordinates as covariates,XY_CLHS),空间覆盖随机抽样与条件拉丁超立方体抽样的混合抽样法(s...  相似文献   

针对农业圩区的排涝以及水环境问题,该研究以江苏里下河地区为研究对象,以满足里下河圩区设计排涝标准与水质净化要求为目标,构建农业圩区坑塘-排水沟道湿地系统最优水面率数学模型。模型以工程系统总费用现值最小为目标函数,以泵站涝水外排能力与圩内水面率、水面率上下限、水环境容量与圩内坑塘与排水沟道系统的关系(主要包括圩内坑塘沟道湿地系统对总氮、总磷以及铬的化学需氧量的去除率)等为约束条件,以圩内坑塘(湖泊)水面率、排水沟道水面率、外排涝水泵站设计排涝流量为决策变量,采用遗传算法对模型进行求解。对江苏里下河地区阜宁县渠南灌区的圩区河湖与排水工程系统进行实例优化分析可知:当采用明沟排水系统,圩内总水面率为11.35%(其中坑塘、排水沟道系统水面率分别为8.15%、3.20%)、设计排涝模数为0.86 m3/(s·km2)时,工程建设费用现值最小;此时,圩区可达到20年一遇设计排涝标准、且圩外周边水体为V类时,圩内水体可达到IV类水标准。该方法可为同类地区在国土整治、防洪排涝规划、河湖水体净化等提供参考。  相似文献   

试验得出,播量与施氮量不同处理组合的产量以每公顷播量105kg施纯氮225kg的小麦产量6724.95kg/hm2最高。施氮量因播量不同酌情增减,每公顷播种52.5、105及157.5kg的最大施氮量分别为270~285、210~225及195~210kg/hm2,施用氮肥对提高小麦子粒品质的作用明显,播量与小麦品质无关。  相似文献   

播量与氮肥用量对优质小麦产量和品质的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
试验得出,播量与施氮量不同处理组合的产量以每公顷播量105kg施纯氮225kg的小麦产量6724.95kg/hm^2最高。施氮量因播量不同酌情增减,每公顷播种52.5、105及157.5kg的最大施氮量分别为270.285、210—225及195~210kg/hm^2,施用氮肥对提高小麦子粒品质的作用明显,播量与小麦品质无关。  相似文献   

海南岛土壤质量系统评价与区域特征探析   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
研究建立了海南岛热带地区土壤质量系统评价模型 ,并对该岛土壤质量进行综合评价 ,结果表明海南岛土壤养分有效性为主要限制因子 ,水分有效性和根系适宜性状较好 ,土壤综合质量中等偏上。与林地相比其他土地利用方式土壤质量均有所下降  相似文献   

Heavy metal contamination of bottom sediments of the Changjiang River is widely reported, however, the potential source and methods of transportation of these heavy metals in the contaminated sediments is poorly defined. This paper examines the correlation between heavy metals and geochemical indices, including Fe2O3, Al2O3, total organic carbon (TOC) and black carbon (BC), as well as magnetic susceptibility (MS). Using these indices we investigate the contamination characteristics of heavy metals in the sediments by with Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Results from 83 sediment samples collected in the lower reach of Changjiang River (from Nanjing to Shanghai) show that the first principal component accounts for 52.23% of the total variance, corresponding to the heavy metals, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn, and conservative components of Fe2O3, Al2O3 and TOC. This result indicates that heavy metal distributions are controlled by the transportation and sedimentation of fine particles which is also confirmed by particle size analysis. The second principal component explains 24.81% of the variance and is dominated by Cd, Pb and MS, which, collectively, result chiefly from industrial and transportation activities and, for MS, fly ash production. The third principal component accounts for 7.91% of the variance and corresponds solely to Hg. Principal component analysis/multiple linear regression (PCA/MLR) was used to estimate the contribution of the three principal components to each heavy metal. PCA/MLR results suggest that more than 50% of Co, Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn were influenced by the particle size effect. Particle size effect and fly ash account for 37.1% and 27.7% of As. Cd and Pb were mainly explained by fly ash. 98.9% of Hg was related to PC3, which represented black carbon (BC). Our study indicates that the combination of geochemical and multivariable statistical methods clearly characterizes the geochemistry of heavy metals in sediment of the lower reaches of the Changjiang River and suggests that power plants are the main source of heavy metal pollution.  相似文献   

Soil and sediment reference materials were used to calibrate and evaluate an analytical method for the determination of major (Si, Al, Fe, Mg, Ca, Na, K, Mn, P, Ti) and trace elements (As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ga, Mo, Mb, Ni, Pb, Rb, S, Sb, Sn, Sr, Th, U, V, Y, Zn, Zr) by sequential wavelength X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Samples were prepared as pressed pellets and analysis was done with a total measuring time of thirty minutes per sample. Special attention was given to the selection of the thirty reference materials used for calibration of the spectrometer. Another set of eleven RM (reference materials) was analyzed for the evaluation of accuracy. Detection limits for trace elements (1-2 mg kg-1) are adequate both for geochemical and environmental purposes, except for Cd and Sb. Accuracy for trace elements falls within the expected interval of certified or recommended values in most cases, but for some major elements, like SiO2, some results showed discrepancies, evidencing difficulties associated with the determination of light elements in complex matrices. But when quality criteria proposed by mapping programs are applied to the results, their requirements are fulfilled. Both instrumental precision, obtained by twelve sample replicate analyses, and analytical precision, considering also sub-sampling and pellet preparation, lie between the limits of the Horwitz expression, except at concentrations close to the detection limits.  相似文献   

探讨了缺铁胁迫与外源VC对小白菜生理和品质的影响。结果表明:缺铁较大幅度地降低了叶绿素含量及NR、POD活性,导致蛋白质、糖及VC的含量减少,而硝酸盐的积累量显著增加,使蔬菜的营养及卫生品质下降;外源VC能在一定程度上减轻缺铁胁迫对蔬菜的一系列不良影响。  相似文献   

喷施微量元素和稀土对柑桔经济性状和品质的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
试验结果表明,喷施稀土、硼砂、硫酸镁能明显提高柑桔的坐果率、单果重和品质。其中喷施稀土对提高柑桔单果重、果实品质作用最大,与喷施清水比较,柑桔单果重提高14.44 g,果实固形物提高1.15个百分点,果瓣重与果重的比值高0.036;喷施硼砂对提高柑桔坐果率效果最好,比喷施清水高1.71个百分点。  相似文献   

郑曦  韩宝平 《农业环境保护》2010,(11):2185-2191
采用现场采样及室内高效液相色谱分析测试的方法,探讨了微山湖表层沉积物中多环芳烃(PAHs)的分布,并进行了风险评价。结果表明,微山湖表层沉积物中16种优控PAHs的总量范围在324.93~1576.65ng.g-(1干重)之间,平均值为699.01ng.g-1,属中等污染水平,沉积物中的多环芳烃主要来源于煤炭、木材及石油的不完全燃烧。利用沉积物质量基准法(SQGs)、沉积物质量标准法分别对微山湖沉积物中多环芳烃的风险评价表明,严重的多环芳烃生态风险在微山湖沉积物中不存在,负面生物毒性效应则会偶尔发生,风险主要来源于低环的多环芳烃,以芴(Flu)和苊(Ace)为主。  相似文献   

为了快速检测鱼粉的品质,该文设计了一种便携式的鱼粉品质检测装置,该装置以微处理器树莓派为核心,主要由气路气体采集、电路数据获取和软件等部分组成,其中气路气体采集主要是采集零气和样品气体,电路数据获取主要是将传感器的电信号进行采集、放大和AD(analog-digital)转换,软件部分则设计了传感器数据采集和清洗等界面,并实时显示采集到的数据。为了研究该装置的检测性能,该文采用响应面法,选取了对检测结果影响较大的气体流量、采样时间、清洗时间作为试验因素,以离散比为试验指标,利用Design-Expert软件对该装置的参数进行优化,得到最优的参数组合,并在最优参数下,验证了检测装置对鱼粉品质检测的可行性和检测性能。试验结果表明:气体流量、采样时间、清洗时间均对离散比影响显著,且显著性影响程度为清洗时间采样时间气体流量,综合考虑各因素,得到最佳参数组合为气体流量2.2 L/min,采样时间39 s,清洗时间77 s,此时离散比实测值为0.579 9。在最优参数下,对不同储藏时间等级的鱼粉样品进行检测,得到不同储藏时间等级逐步判别的正确度为89.4%,可以实现对不同品质的鱼粉进行检测,可为鱼粉品质检测装置的研究提供相应参考和技术支撑。  相似文献   

生物炭添加提高渍水条件下番茄产量改善品质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探索支持渍水下番茄优质高效生产的途径,摸清渍水胁迫下生物炭添加改善作物品质的可能性,于2017年3—8月借助土柱试验探讨了不同生物炭添加量(3%、5%、10%)对番茄产量及各品质指标的影响。结果表明,渍水胁迫会造成番茄需水量降低,使可溶性糖、可溶性固形物、有机酸显著下降,对产量、水分利用效率,以及单果质量、单果密度和果色指数等外部品质指标影响不显著;渍水胁迫下生物炭添加可显著提高水分利用效率,减少需水量,改善果实内部品质,使可溶性糖、可溶性固形物、有机酸和维生素C含量等内部指标显著增加。通过品质主成分分析发现品质外部和内部综合主成分均随生物炭添加量的增加而增大。借助模糊综合评价法对不同处理的番茄产量、品质和水分利用效率进行综合评价发现,10%生物炭添加量处理的评价值最大,而无生物炭添加的渍水胁迫处理最小,说明渍水胁迫下施加10%生物炭可实现节水、优质和高效生产。研究结果可为南方地区渍水胁迫下番茄优质高效生产提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   

杨政水 《农业工程学报》2005,21(10):190-191
用加权关联度作为灰色米质指数,在介绍其求解原理和方法基础上,对灰色米质指数在稻米品质综合评判和分级中的应用进行了初步探讨。通过对6个籼稻品种综合米质的评判结果表明,如参考数列构造合理,权重系数分配得当,依据灰色米质指数对稻米品质进行综合评判和分级是可行的;虚拟的理想参考数列所建立的评判模型,使评判的适用性得到增强。  相似文献   

Aim and Background  Little data are available on the levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the sediments of the Mediterranean Sea Coast of Egypt in general and the Alexandria coastal zone in particular. It was therefore deemed necessary to set up a monitoring programme to determine the current concentrations of PAHs in bottom sediments, and to identify any area where high concentrations of these potential hazardous contaminants were present in the Western Harbour of Alexandria. Methods  The composition, distribution and the source of PAHs in surficial sediments of the harbour were investigated. To document the spatial PAH input, surficial sediment samples from 23 locations throughout the harbour were analysed. as]Results and Discussion The total PAH load determined in the surficial sediment samples ranged from 8 to 131150 ng g1 dry wt, generally with most of the samples having total concentrations of PAHs greater than 5000 ng g1 dry weight. The highest concentration of total PAHs was recorded in sediments of the inner harbour. Ratio values of specific compounds such as phenanthrene to anthracene, fluoranthrene to pyrene, methyl-phen-anthrene to phenanthrene, methyl-dibenzothiophenes to dibenzothiophenes, alkylated to non-alkylated and high molecular weight to low molecular weight PAH, were calculated to evaluate the possible source of PAH contamination in the harbour sediments. Conclusions  Two main sources of PAH in the study area have been found: pyrolytic and petrogenic. Interferences of rather petrogenic and pyrolytic PAH contaminations were noticed for most samples. The dominant sources of PAH appear to be the combustion processes through run-off, industrial and sewage discharges, and atmospheric input. The concentrations of PAHs were generally above levels expected to cause adverse biological effects. Recommendations and outlook  Information from this study and any other relevant studies should be useful in designing future strategies for environmental protection and management of the harbour.  相似文献   

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