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Sesame, Sesamum indicum L. is used worldwide for cooking oil and food. The United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Plant Genetic Resources Conservation Unit (USDA, ARS, PGRCU) conserves 1,226 accessions originating from Europe, Africa, Asia, North America, and South America. Sesame accessions were directly seeded to the field in Griffin, GA between 15 May and 01 June 2003–2007. At 50% maturity, 192 accessions were characterized for morphological, phenological, and reproductive traits during the regeneration cycles. High quality plants regenerated from all accessions produced 131 to more than 80,000 seeds per accession. Sesame can be successfully grown and regenerated in Griffin, GA. Coefficients of variation and principal component analysis revealed considerable variability among accessions for phenological, morphological and reproductive traits. Assuming appropriate levels of heritability, sufficient variation among sesame accessions exists for days to maturity, plant height, and reproductive traits among these sesame accessions to warrant breeding programs for new sesame cultivar development.  相似文献   

Amplified fragments length polymorphism (AFLP) was used to distinguish 20 cultivars of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) and to elucidate the genetic relationship among these genotypes. The data were also used to estimate the usefulness of parameters currently used to assess the informativeness of molecular markers. A total of 339 markers were obtained using 8 primer combinations. Of the bands, 91% were polymorphic. Five primer combinations were able to distinguish all 20 cultivars used. None of the remaining three primer combinations could distinguish all accessions if used alone, but using all three combinations reduced the probability of a random match to 5 × 10−5. Polymorphic information content (PIC), resolving power (Rp) and marker index (MI) of each primer combination failed to correlate significantly with the number of genotypes resolved. Jaccard’s similarity coefficients ranged from 0.31 to 0.78. Fifteen cultivars were grouped by four UPGMA-clusters supported by bootstrapping values larger than 0.70. The grouping pattern was similar to the grouping generated by principal coordinate analysis. The results demonstrated that AFLP-based fingerprints can be used to identify unequivocally sesame genotypes, which is needed for cultivar identification and for the assessment of the genetic variability of breeding stocks. We recommend to use the number of cultivars identified by a primer combination instead of PIC, Rp and MI; and to calculate the maximal, instead of average probability of identical match by chance in the assessment of the informativeness of a marker for cultivar identification.  相似文献   

Sesame seeds are an excellent food and non-food raw material, for which there is a consolidated deficit in Italy and in other European Union countries. For this reason, a 2-years experiment was conducted in Sicily to compare the agronomic performance (phenology, morphological and productive traits) and grain quality (oil and its main constituents, protein of defatted flour, fibre) of three landraces, one of Turkish origin and two Sicilian (“Ispica” and “Modica”), and two improved varieties (‘Pachequino’ and ‘Yori 77’). The landraces evidenced earliness (115 days) and the greater height of insertion of first capsule (0.52 m), whereas the variety ‘Pachequino’ was the most productive (3.5 t ha?1). Turkish and “Ispica” landraces and ‘Yori 77’ variety provided seeds with greater lipid (54 %, on average) and protein contents (44 % on defatted flour, on average). ‘Pachequino’ and both Sicilian landraces produced seeds richer in fibre fractions. As regard to oil quality, the oleic acid/linoleic acid was found balanced (about 1) for Turkish landrace, and it decreased for the other cultivars reaching the lowest value for ‘Pachequino’. “Modica” had higher quantity of unsaponifiable matter (1.98 %) in the oil, whereas ‘Yori 77’ had the maximum concentration of phytosterols (5532.8 mg kg?1). Policosanol fraction prevailed in oil of “Ispica” (205.8 mg kg?1). Moreover, there was variability in the fatty acid, sterol and policosanol compositions with differences among the cultivars. Research provide information to exploit sesame within agrosystems under Mediterranean climates, and may be a starting point for breeding activity to enhance crop productivity and grain quality.  相似文献   

Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is a traditional oil crop cultivated throughout South East Asia. To estimate the genetic diversity of this crop in parts at the region, 22 sesame accessions collected in Vietnam and Cambodia were analyzed using 10 RAPD markers. The 10 primers generated 107 amplification products of which 88 were polymorphic fragments (83%). Genetic diversity of all populations was Ht = 0.34 when estimated by Nei’s genetic diversity and species diversity was H′sp = 0.513 when estimated by Shannon diversity index. Genetic distance ranged from 0.03 to 0.43, with a mean genetic distance of 0.23. The unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA) cluster analysis for the 22 accessions divided the material in four groups. The dendrogram revealed a clear division among the sesame accessions based on their geographical region. Interestingly, some geographically distant accessions clustered in the same group, which might indicate the human factor involved in the spreading of sesame varieties. The high level of polymorphism shown suggests that RAPD techniques can also be useful for the selection of parents in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) breeding program and for cultivar differentiation.  相似文献   

Pigeonpea germplasm accessions collected from low (<500 m), medium (501–1000 m), high (1001–1500 m) and very high elevation zones (>1500 m) of Kenya were evaluated for 15 agronomic traits and seed protein content at ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. There were significant differences (P < 0.001) among elevation zones for the number of primary and secondary branches, days to 75% maturity, pod length, seeds per pod, 100-seed weight and seed yield. Mean values indicated that the accessions from low elevation zone were significantly different from those collected in higher elevation zones for early flowering and maturity, number of primary branches, pod length, number of pods per plant, seeds per pod, 100-seed weight, seed yield and harvest index. None of the accessions collected in Kenya belonged to extra early (<80 days to 50% flowering) and early (80–100 days to 50% flowering) maturity groups, as defined by time to flowering at Patancheru, India. Mean diversity index based on all characters indicated that accessions from the low elevation zone are more diverse than those from the higher elevation zones. Frequency distribution for trait extremes indicated that the accessions from the low elevation zone were early to flower and mature, short statured, produced more primary and secondary branches with high pod bearing length, long pods, more pods per plant, more seeds per pod, a high seed yield and harvest index. Accessions from the very high elevation zone were late flowering, with a large number of tertiary branches, large seeds and a high shelling percentage and could be a source for cold tolerance and the breeding of vegetable types. Results suggest that the elevation of collection sites is therefore a very important determinant of variation patterns of pigeonpea in Kenya.  相似文献   

A broad range of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) germplasm resources exist with characteristics useful for improving modern cotton cultivars. However, much of this germplasm is not well utilized. The objective of this study was to evaluate agronomic and fiber traits of four germplasm populations to determine the effectiveness of pooling germplasm for generating variability to improve traits of interest. Four populations were developed with parents chosen based on (1) dwarfing genes, (2) a combination of fiber strength and length traits, (3) glandless genes, or (4) inclusion in the G. hirsutum center-of-origin, i.e. race, germplasm group. The dwarf germplasm population had smaller bolls, a smaller lint index, a smaller seed index, lower micronaire, and shorter fibers than the other three populations. There were no significant differences in lint yield, elongation, or strength among the germplasm populations. In contrast to the general lack of significant differences among populations for agronomic and fiber traits, within population variation was observed to be high. Therefore, selections could be made within the race population to raise lint yields and within the fiber population to increase fiber length. Likewise, selections within the glandless population could be made for boll size, lint index, seed index, micronaire, and strength. These results suggest that intercrossing multiple parents in complex populations generates a large amount of variability with potential uses in crop improvement.  相似文献   

Neglected and underutilized species often play a vital role in securing food and livestock feed, income generation and energy needs of rural populations. In spite of their great potential little attention has been given to these species. This increases the possibility of genetic erosion which would further restrict the survival strategies of people in rural areas. Ziziphus spina-christi is a plant species that has edible fruits and a number of other beneficial applications that include the use of leaves as fodder, branches for fencing, wood as fuel, for construction and furniture making, and the utilization of different parts e.g. Fruits, leaves, roots and bark in folk medicine. Moreover, the plant is adapted to dry and hot climates which make it suitable for cultivation in an environment characterized by increasing degradation of land and water resources. Lack of research in Z. spina-christi hinders its successful improvement and promotion. Therefore, studies are needed to fully exploit this species. This article aims at summarizing information on different aspects of Z. spina-christi to stimulate interest in this crop which is of importance in Sudan and other countries of the semi-arid tropics.
Amina Sirag SaiedEmail:

Maize (Zea mays L.) is a tropical crop with low tolerance to cold conditions and has to be planted late in temperate areas due to low temperatures. The objective of this research was to identify new cold tolerant populations among the European germplasm useful for improving adaptation to early sowing. For that, the European Union Maize Landraces Core Collection (EUMLCC) was evaluated under cold conditions. After a preliminary screening of 95 populations the 11 populations with best germination and early growth under cold conditions were multiplied and evaluated in a cold chamber and in early field sowings at two locations during 2 years. The cold tolerant populations from the EUMLCC were not significantly different from the cold tolerant checks in the cold chamber. In early field sowing, some EUMLCC populations had similar emergence than the commercial checks and the coldest tolerant hybrids, and higher vigor than all the hybrids and the yield of some of the populations surpassed the yield of the cold tolerant hybrids. Altogether, Aranga1 emerged as the most promising candidate as base population for improving adaptation to early sowing.  相似文献   

Cereal/cereal and cereal/legume intercropping systems are popular in the north, northwest, and southwest of China and often result in yield increases compared to monocropping. Rhizosphere interactions may play a significant role in the yield increases, particularly with respect to nutrient availability. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of intercropping on N availability and community composition of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in the rhizosphere of wheat, maize, and faba bean at different growth stages. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) based on 16S rRNA genes was used to analyze the community composition of bacterial ammonia oxidizers belonging to β-proteobacteria. The results showed that intercropping with faba bean significantly increased nitrate concentrations in the rhizosphere of wheat and maize at the second sampling time (20 June) compared to monocropping or intercropping between maize and wheat. Intercropping significantly affected the community composition of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in the rhizosphere compared to monocropping, and the effects were most pronounced in the maize/faba bean and wheat/maize intercropping systems when faba bean and wheat were at anthesis and maize was in seedling stage. In wheat/faba bean intercropping, the effects of intercropping on community composition of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria were less pronounced at the seedling stage of the two species but were significant at anthesis.  相似文献   

Wild populations of Vitis vinifera L.␣have been located in Portugal. Morphological characterization was carried out in three populations located in Alcácer do Sal, Castelo Branco, and Montemor-o-Novo, and then compared using multivariate discriminant analysis. These populations were from three different hydrological basins, therefore cross-pollination was not possible. It was verified that in each population all plants were different. The data suggest that the frequency of female and male plants is rather variable in wild populations. The morphology of the adult leaf, from the Alcácer do Sal population, had particular features when compared with Castelo Branco and Montemor-o-Novo populations, which were more homogeneous. The length of teeth compared with width at the end of the base, and the density of prostrate hairs between and on main veins (lower side) were the variables which allowed the best discrimination among populations.  相似文献   

The study here was conducted on nearly 12,000 apricot seedlings in the Malatya Region in the Eastern part of Turkey. This region is famous for its horticulture based mainly on apricot production and the Country's highest apricot production originates from this region. The flower and fruit characteristics of all populations, which include apricot seedlings, in the region were evaluated. Based on their horticultural performances, 13 genotypes were selected, of which seven were considered as apricots served in dried form and six as in table consumption form. Among the selected genotypes, the fruit weight ranged between 28.5 and 71.19 g, soluble solids ranged between 12.7 and 26.5%, while the range in total acidity was between 0.35 and 1.80% and fruit development period was between 87 and 183 days. To determine the selected genotypes performance in a similar environment, they were grafted on to 4-year-old rootstocks. The results from these combinations showed that there was some decrease, especially in fruit size and soluble solids, in the genotypes performance when compared to the results of the initial observations. Some differences were also detected in taste, fruit shape, pit shape, fruit flesh firmness, skin and flesh colors. The dry fruit yield was determined as 22.50–28.36% for the selected dry apricot genotypes. The dry fruit yield of all seven genotypes considered for dry consumption were similar to ‘Hacıhaliloğlu’ and higher than ‘Canino’, which were evaluated as control cultivars.  相似文献   

Genetic relationships among 13 grasspea (Lathyrus sativus L.) landraces mainly collected in Southern Italy were assessed using agronomic traits, biochemical and molecular markers. Field trials were carried out in two locations and revealed a high influence of field locations on yield, but a low genotype × environment interaction. Despite this, the agronomic data obtained provided useful information for the choice of the best grasspea landraces for southern Italian marginal areas. Seed storage proteins utilised as biochemical markers were not able to detect polymorphisms, on the contrary both classes of molecular markers used i.e. AFLP and SSR, provided useful information on genetic variation and relationships among landraces. Even though the number of polymorphic fragments detected by AFLP technique was low, it was sufficient to discriminate all the accessions. The use of SSR to detect polymorphic sites in grasspea showed that most landraces were clearly grouped in two sub-clusters. One comprised two landraces from most northern localities, while all the other landraces were clustered together at a very narrow genetic distance.  相似文献   

An overview of ex situ collections of cultivated flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) and 53 other species of the genus Linum L. is presented. The names of 33 genebanks in 23 countries preserving Linum germplasm and the species preserved at these places are provided. World genebanks engage in ex situ preservation of about 48,000 accessions of cultivated flax (Linum usitatissimum). However, possibly only 10,000 accessions of these are unique. Of the ca. 200 species of the genus Linum, other than L. usitatissimum, 53 are reported to be represented in the world’s ex situ collections with a total of about 900 accessions. Of these, 279 accessions alone refer to the wild progenitor of cultivated flax, Linum bienne Mill. However, L. bienne from the region of origin of cultivated flax is rarely represented in genebank collections. References to publications describing the techniques for ex situ conservation and the infraspecific variation of cultivated flax are made. It is suggested that taxonomic species delimitation within the genus Linum is in need of clarification and that the variation in Linum species for ornamental use or use in breeding is investigated.  相似文献   



Few studies have been conducted to evaluate the effects of mixtures of chemicals in terrestrial environment. Thus, it seems important to evaluate if the combined application of pesticides currently used in agricultural fields may pose a risk to terrestrial plants.  相似文献   

Several Lathyrus species have a considerable potential as alternative pulses in sustainable dryland farming systems mainly due to their high tolerance to drought and disease resistance. Powdery mildew is a serious disease affecting several Lathyrus species. Little is known on the availability of resistance and the underlying resistance mechanisms against powdery mildew in the Lathyrus genus. The present study assessed and characterized the resistance reaction to powdery mildew, Erysiphe pisi, in a collection of Iberian Lathyrus cicera accessions. In general, a compatible reaction with no macroscopically visible necrosis was observed but accessions with reduced disease severity despite of a high infection type have also been identified. This Partial Resistance was in some accessions only expressed in the adult plant stage. The controlling genes of the Lathyrus resistance mechanisms can be of great interest not only for the Lathyrus improvement per se but also for related legume species, like field pea.  相似文献   

Detection of genetic relationships between 19 chickpea cultivars and five accessions of its wild progenitor Cicer reticulatum Ladizinsky were investigated by using RAPD and ISSR markers. On an average, six bands per primer were observed in RAPD analysis and 11 bands per primer in ISSR analysis. In RAPD, the wild accessions shared 77.8% polymorphic bands with chickpea cultivars, whereas they shared 79.6% polymorphic bands in ISSR analysis. In RAPD analysis 51.7% and 50.5% polymorphic bands were observed among wild accessions and chickpea cultivars, respectively. Similarly, 65.63% and 56.25% polymorphic bands were found in ISSR analysis. The dendrogram developed by pooling the data of RAPD and ISSR analysis revealed that the wild accessions and the ICCV lines showed similar pattern with the dendrogram of RAPD analysis. The ISSR analysis clearly indicated that even with six polymorphic primers, reliable estimation of genetic diversity could be obtained, while nearly 30 primers are required for RAPD. Moreover, RAPD can cause genotyping errors due to competition in the amplification of all RAPD fragments. The markers generated by ISSR and RAPD assays can provide practical information for the management of genetic resources. For the selection of good parental material in breeding programs the genetic data produced through ISSR can be used to correlate with the relationship measures based on pedigree data and morphological traits to minimize the individual inaccuracies in chickpea.  相似文献   

Worldwide genetic diversity in 200 individuals comprising 41 castor bean accessions was assessed using amplified fragment polymorphisms (AFLPs) and simple sequence repeats (SSRs). We found that, despite surveying five continents and 35 countries, genetic diversity in castor bean germplasm is relatively low (overall H e = 0.126 for AFLPs and 0.188 for SSRs) compared to estimates of genetic diversity in other plant species. Our data also show no geographic structuring of genotypes across continents or countries within continents. An assessment of the congruence between AFLP and SSRs indicates a low correlation (R 2 = 0.19) between the two data sets, but each marker class nonetheless shows similar patterns of low-genetic diversity and a lack of geographic structure. Our data do suggest that SSRs yield a higher percentage of polymorphic loci, higher heterozyosity and a greater range of genetic distances, and are therefore more informative than are AFLPs on a locus-by-locus basis. Based on comparisons with numerous other plant species, we suggest that the lower genetic variation in this worldwide collection may be due to one or more factors including: sampling strategies that have not captured the full extent of genetic variation in the species; artifactual variation due to long-term germplasm storage and seed regeneration; or intense selection followed by domestic cultivation of a limited number of castor bean genotypes, which are widely propagated for their horticultural and agro-economic value.  相似文献   

Six hundred accessions of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) landraces and its wild relatives from 28 different countries, available at Australian Temperate and Field Crops Collection (ATFCC) were screened for tolerance to salt under greenhouse conditions using three sampling strategies; (1) random sampling of 200 accessions from different countries, (2) restricted random sampling of 200 accessions from geographical regions with salinity problems and high diversity (Middle East and West & South Asia) and (3) as for strategy 1 but with a reduced representation of accessions from the geographical regions used in strategy 2. Degree of salt tolerance was based on necrosis scores and shoot biomass reduction relative to unstressed controls at harvest after subjecting stressed plants to salt treatment from 21 to 42 days after sowing. There was a wide variation in salinity tolerance determined by both measures. For sampling strategies 1, 2 and 3 respectively; 24, 28 and 14% of accessions were salt tolerant. Accessions from the middle east and south Asian (regions with salinity problem, a long history of chickpea cultivation and high diversity) gave a higher probability (P < 0.01) of getting salt tolerant accessions.  相似文献   

Calamintha nepeta and Micromeria thymifolia have been traditionally used in the Mediterranean area as condiments and medicinal plants for a long time. Whereas in parts of Italy C. nepeta (special recipes have been developed in Lazio and Tuscany) is also an established garden plant showing different evolutionary products and their interaction among each other and the wild progenitor, M. thymifolia is being developed into a new crop plant. Both plants and their uses are described with regard to Italy. There is a marked tendency to broaden the use of condiments and spices which results in new crop plants which have to be documented and elaborated in further studies. Many species of Labiatae are predisposed to use by man and new items can be found even in areas which have to be considered as well studied.  相似文献   

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