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ansitional cell urethral carcinoma in four female dogs is reported. Lesion distribution in the proximal two thirds of the urethra and the radiographic appearance with retrograde positive contrast urethrography were similar in each dog. The normally smooth longitudinal urethral striations were replaced by multiple small, poorly marginated intraluminal masses that resulted in a generalized moth-eaten appearance. Extension of contrast medium into the periurethral tissues also occurred. Retrograde urethrography, a simple diagnostic technic, aided in establishing a differential diagnosis in dogs that had urine retention and stranguria.  相似文献   

Seven cats with advanced oral squamous cell carcinoma were treated with palliative radiotherapy. Megavoltage radiation in 8 Gray (Gy) fractions was delivered on days 0, 7, and 21 for a total dose of 24 Gy. Treatment field included the mandible, oropharynx, retropharyngeal lymph nodes, and tonsils. Adjuvant treatment with chemotherapy was variable. Age ranged from 13 to 18 years old with a median age of 15 years. Three of the seven cats (43%) did not complete treatment. Six cats were euthanized due to tumor growth and/or radiation side effects with a median survival time of 60 days (range = 42 to 97 days, mean = 63 +/- 8.4 days). Radiotherapy complications or progression of disease occurred in 6 of 7 (85.7 %) cats and included adverse clinical signs, such as mucositis, serosanguinous oral discharge, pain, and dysphagia. These data suggest that coarse fractionation radiotherapy did not result in palliation in cats with inoperable oral squamous cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

The mucosal margin of the urethra is best assessed by positive contrast urethrography, but ultrasonography offers complementary information such as urethral wall thickness and size of medial iliac lymph nodes. Ultrasonography of the urethra is quick, noninvasive and does not require sedation or general anesthesia. In patients with complete urethral obstruction, ultrasonography may be the only way to image the urethra. Twelve dogs which were presented to Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine with clinical signs referable to the urinary bladder, urethra or vagina were examined ultrasonographically. Seven were neutered females and five were neutered males. Each dog had a hyperechoic, nonshadowing line at the epithelial surface of the proximal urethra. In the seven female patients and one of the males, the urethral wall was also thick and hypoechoic to surrounding tissue. In the other males, the urethral epithelial changes were at the level of the prostate, and the limits of the urethra were not visible. In six dogs, the urethral change was the only abnormality seen, while in six, bladder wall, bladder luminal and/or prostatic parenchymal changes were also detected. Three patients had hydronephrosis, and one had enlarged medial iliac lyumph nodes. Biopsies were obtained via suction with urinary catheterization (n = 6), exploratory celiotomy (n = 3), urethroscopy (n = 2), or at post-mortem (n = 1). A histopathologic diagnosis of urethral transitional cell carcinoma was obtained in ten dogs. The ultrasonographic appearance was not pathognomonic for transitional cell carcinoma, as one dog with transitional cell dysplasia and one dog with severe ulcerative and necrosupperative cystitis and urethral stricture had similar findings.  相似文献   

This report compares results from imaging of transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder in 15 dogs using intravenous urography, double-contrast cystography, and ultrasonography. Intravenous urography demonstrated filling defects in the urinary bladder in 3 of the 5 cases examined with this modality. Double-contrast cystography identified bladder masses in 8 of 10 animals. Ultrasonography was the only imaging modality which detected bladder masses in all patients.  相似文献   

Localized tumor implantation of the ventral abdominal wall was found at 2, 5, and 8 months following percutaneous ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) of transitional carcinoma of the bladder, urethra, or prostate in 3 dogs. To our knowledge this complication has not been reported in dogs following FNAB. Despite the rarity of needle-tract implantation, the potential for this complication with transitional cell carcinomas is apparently not negligible and warrants consideration. We recommend traumatic urethral catheterization to obtain a cytologic diagnosis of potential transitional cell carcinomas of the lower urinary tract or prostate whenever possible until more information becomes available. However, needle-track implantation is so rare that it should not influence the decision to perform a percutaneous FNAB if the urethra cannot be catheterized.  相似文献   

Leeann  Pack  DVM  Royce E.  Roberts  DVM  MS  Susan D.  Dawson  PHD  Hugh D.  Dookwah  DVM  PhD 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》2001,42(5):471-474
The medical records of eight dogs with histopathologically confirmed infiltrative thyroid carcinoma treated with external beam radiation were reviewed and a retrospective analysis of survival and local tumor control were performed. The dogs received a definitive radiotherapy protocol of 46.8-48 Gray. All dogs had a reduction in tumor size to a clinically undetectable level on follow up examinations. Kaplan-Meier analysis indicated a median survival time of 24.5 months. Pulmonary metastasis was detected in three dogs and one of these dogs had concurrent bone metastasis. One dog had bone metastasis alone. Two dogs were alive at the censor. This study suggests that fractionated, definitive radiation therapy using multiple, moderate doses of radiation is an effective treatment for local control of invasive thyroid carcinoma in dogs.  相似文献   

The records of 19 dogs with cutaneous mast cell tumor and regional lymph node metastasis (WHO Stage 2) were reviewed to determine the efficacy of radiation therapy in this population. Dogs with grade I (n = 1), grade II (n = 16), and grade III (n = 2) cutaneous mast cell tumor were included in this study. All dogs were treated with a combination of pre-irradiation surgical cytoreduction of the primary tumor, irradiation of the primary tumor and regional lymph node, and oral prednisone. Total radiation dose to the primary tumor and regional lymph node ranged from 48 to 57 Gray (Gy). The medial iliac and hypogastric lymph nodes were irradiated prophylactically in 11 dogs with primary tumor of the pelvic limb and positive ipsilateral popliteal lymph node. Total radiation dose to these lymph nodes ranged from 48 to 57 Gy. For all radiation fields, dose per fraction was 3 Gy, and therapy was administered on a Monday through Friday schedule. Acute and late radiation side effects observed in this study were considered acceptable. The median disease-free survival was 1,240 days (95% confidence interval 256 to 2,391 days). The disease-free survival in dogs with stage 2 mast cell tumor suggests that the combination of surgery, irradiation, and prednisone for the primary tumor along with irradiation of the positive lymph node is effective.  相似文献   

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) accounts for approximately 10% of all feline tumors. The purpose of this retrospective study was to describe outcomes for a group of cats with oral SCC that were treated with palliative radiation therapy. Fifty‐four cats met the inclusion criteria of nonresectable, oral SCC treated with coarse fractionated megavoltage (MeV) radiation therapy. Radiation therapy for all cats was delivered with a 6 MeV linear accelerator. Total radiation doses of 24 Gray to 40 Gray were administered in three to four fractions, once‐per‐week over 4 to 5 weeks. Concurrent chemotherapy protocols varied and were administered at the discretion of the clinician and client. Forty‐nine patients completed the planned treatment protocols. Overall mean and median survival times for cats completing the planned treatment protocols were 127 and 92 days (n = 49). Mean and median survival times of cats receiving palliative radiation therapy alone were 157 and 113 days (n = 12). Mean and median survival times of patients receiving both radiation therapy and chemotherapy were 116 and 80 days (n = 37). Patients with sublingual tumors had a median survival time of 135 days (n = 15), compared to mandibular tumors that had a median survival time of 80 days (n = 26). For the majority of patients that completed the planned treatment protocol (65%), owners reported a subjectively improved quality of life. Findings from this uncontrolled study supported the use of palliative radiation therapy for cats with nonresectable oral squamous cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

A 6-year-old, 1.9-kg female spayed lop-eared European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) was evaluated for acute hematuria and inappropriate urination and defecation of less than 12-hours duration. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed a suspected bladder mass. Ultrasound-guided cystocentesis was performed and the results of the urinalysis were unremarkable. An abdominal exploratory surgery revealed a nodular cystic mass at the cranial ventral apex of the bladder wall which measured 0.5 cm × 0.5 cm. Based on histopathologic evaluation, excision of the neoplasm was complete and the mass was diagnosed as transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. This case suggests that urinary bladder transitional cell carcinoma should be considered in pet rabbits presenting with similar clinical signs.  相似文献   

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the most common feline oral tumor. Standard radiation protocols have been reported to achieve tumor control durations of 1.5–5.5 months (45–165 days). The purpose of this study was to describe the efficacy and toxicity of an accelerated hypofractionated radiation therapy protocol in cats with oral SCC. Twenty‐one cats with histologically confirmed oral SCC and T1‐3N0M0 were treated with 10 once‐daily fractions (Monday–Friday) of 4.8 Gy. Seventeen cats had macroscopic disease and four were microscopic after incomplete excision. Acute toxicity consisted of grade 2 mucositis in all cats and this was effectively managed using esophageal or gastric tube feeding, pain medication, and antibiotics. Late toxicity effects for cats with available follow‐up data included alopecia (4 cats), leukotricia (6), tongue ulceration (1), and oronasal fistula (1). Response could be assessed in 17 cats (seven complete response and five partial response). Four cats (19%) developed metastatic disease without evidence of local progression. The median progression‐free survival (PFS) was 105 days (1 year PFS of 23%), median local progression‐free survival (LPFS) was 219 days (1 year LPFS of 41%), and median overall survival (OS) was 174 days (1 year OS of 29%). Only tumor stage was prognostic, with T1 having a median PFS of 590 days. Findings indicated that this accelerated hypofractionated radiation therapy protocol was well tolerated in cats with oral SCC, with manageable adverse events. Tumor response was observed in most cats and long tumor control durations were achieved in some cats.  相似文献   

Results of radiotherapy of 88 cats with squamous cell carcinomas of the nose were recorded. Two treatment regimens were used: 2000 rad per treatment at monthly intervals and 1000 rad at two-day intervals, with a total dose of 3000 rad. Results indicated that three treatments of 1000 rad each was superior to monthly treatments of 2000 rad. Small lesions had the highest cure rate. Response of large lesions to radiotherapy was poor.  相似文献   

A 5‐year‐old spayed female Shih Tzu was referred for evaluation of a nasal transitional carcinoma. A total lifetime dose of 117 Gy was delivered to the intranasal mass in three courses over nearly 2 years using fractionated intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) to spare normal tissues. Clinically significant late normal tissue side effects were limited to bilaterally diminished tear production. The patient died of metastatic disease progression 694 days after completion of radiation therapy course 1. This case demonstrates that retreatment with radiation therapy to high lifetime doses for recurrent local disease may be well tolerated with IMRT.  相似文献   

Carcinomas represent two‐thirds of canine nasosinal neoplasms. Although radiation therapy (RT) is the standard of care, the incidence of local recurrence following treatment is high. Cyclooxygenase‐isoform‐2 (COX‐2) is expressed in 71–95% of canine nasal carcinomas and has been implicated in tumor growth and angiogenesis. Accordingly, COX‐2 inhibition seems rational to improve outcome. Dogs with histologically confirmed, previously untreated nasal carcinomas were randomized to receive the combination of a selective COX‐2 inhibitor (firocoxib) and palliative RT (Group 1) or RT and placebo (Group 2). Patients were regularly monitored with blood tests, urinalysis, and computed tomography. Pet owners were asked to complete monthly a quality‐of‐life questionnaire. Twenty‐four dogs were prospectively enrolled. According to Adams modified system, there were five stage 1, five stage 2, three stage 3, and 11 stage 4 tumors. Two dogs had metastases to regional lymph nodes. Median progression‐free interval and overall survival were 228 and 335 days in Group 1 (n = 12) and 234 and 244 days in Group 2 (n = 12). These differences were not statistically significant. The involvement of regional lymph nodes was significantly associated with progression‐free interval and overall survival (P = 0.004). Quality of life was significantly improved in Group 1 (P = 0.008). In particular, a significant difference was observed for activity and appetite. Although not providing a significant enhancement of progression‐free interval and overall survival, firocoxib in combination with RT is safe and improved life quality in dogs with nasal carcinomas.  相似文献   

Radiation therapy of the head and neck can result in mucositis and other acute affects in the oral cavity. This prospective pilot study evaluated a novel, intraoral, beam‐blocking device for use during imaging and therapeutic procedures. The beam‐blocking device was made from a metal alloy inserted into a coated frozen dessert mold (Popsicle® Mold, Cost Plus World Market, Oakland, CA). The device was designed so that it could be inserted into an outer shell, which in turn allowed it to be placed or removed depending on the need due to beam configuration. A Farmer type ionization chamber and virtual water phantom were used to assess effects of field size on transmission. Six large breed cadaver dogs, donated by the owner after death, were recruited for the study. Delivered dose at the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the device, with and without the alloy block in place, were measured using radiochromic film. It was determined that transmission was field size dependent with larger field sizes leading to decreased attenuation of the beam, likely secondary to scatter. The mean and median transmission on the ventral surface without the beam‐blocking device was 0.94 [range 0.94–0.96]. The mean and median transmission with the beam‐blocking device was 0.52 [range 0.50–0.57]. The mean and median increase in dose due to backscatter on the dorsal surface of the beam‐blocking device was 0.04 [range 0.02–0.04]. Findings indicated that this novel device can help attenuate radiation dose ventral to the block in dogs, with minimal backscatter.  相似文献   

Intensity‐modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) allows optimization of radiation dose delivery to complex tumor volumes with rapid dose drop‐off to surrounding normal tissues. A prospective study was performed to evaluate the concept of conformal avoidance using IMRT in canine sinonasal cancer. The potential of IMRT to improve clinical outcome with respect to acute and late ocular toxicity was evaluated. Thirty‐one dogs with sinonasal cancer were treated definitively with IMRT using helical tomotherapy and/or dynamic multileaf collimator (DMLC) delivery. Ocular toxicity was evaluated prospectively and compared with a comparable group of historical controls treated with conventional two‐dimensional radiotherapy (2D‐RT) techniques. Treatment plans were devised for each dog using helical tomotherapy and DMLC that achieved the target dose to the planning treatment volume and limited critical normal tissues to the prescribed dose–volume constraints. Overall acute and late toxicities were limited and minor, detectable by an experienced observer. This was in contrast to the profound ocular morbidity observed in the historical control group treated with 2D‐RT. Overall median survival for IMRT‐treated and 2D‐treated dogs was 420 and 411 days, respectively. Compared with conventional techniques, IMRT reduced dose delivered to eyes and resulted in bilateral ocular sparing in the dogs reported herein. These data provide proof‐of‐principle that conformal avoidance radiotherapy can be delivered through high conformity IMRT, resulting in decreased normal tissue toxicity as compared with historical controls treated with 2D‐RT.  相似文献   

For canine and feline patients with head tumors, simultaneous irradiation of the primary tumor and mandibular and retropharyngeal lymph nodes (LNs) is often indicated. The purpose of this study was to assess the repeatability of a planning target volume (PTV) expansion protocol for these LNs. Two CT image sets from 44 dogs and 37 cats that underwent radiation therapy for head tumors were compared to determine LN repositioning accuracy and precision; planning‐CT (for radiation therapy planning) and cone‐beam CT (at the time of actual treatment sessions). Eleven percent of dogs and 65% of cats received treatment to their LNs. In dogs, the mandibular LNs were positioned more caudally (P = 0.0002) and the right mandibular and right retropharyngeal LNs were positioned more to the left side of the patient (P = 0.00015 and P = 0.003, respectively). In cats, left mandibular LN was positioned higher (toward roof) than the planning‐CT (P = 0.028). In conclusion, when the patient immobilization devices and bony anatomy matching are used to align the primary head target and these LNs are treated simultaneously, an asymmetrical PTV expansion that ranges 4–9 mm (dogs) and 2–4 mm (cats), depending on the directions of couch movement, should be used to include the LNs within the PTV at least 95% of the time.  相似文献   

Feline oral squamous cell carcinoma is one of the most refractory feline malignancies. Most patients succumb due to failure in local tumor control. 2‐18F‐fluoro‐2‐deoxy‐D‐glucose positron emission tomography (18F‐FDG PET) is increasingly being used for veterinary oncology staging as it highlights areas with higher glucose metabolism. The goal of the current prospective study was to compare gross tumor volume measurements using 18F‐FDG PET vs. those using computed tomography (CT) for stereotactic radiation therapy planning in cats with oral squamous cell carcinoma. Twelve cats with confirmed oral squamous cell carcinoma underwent pretreatment 18F‐FDG PET/CT. Gross tumor volumes based on contrast‐enhanced CT and 18F‐FDG PET were measured and compared among cats. Mean PET gross tumor volume was significantly smaller than mean CT gross tumor volume in the mandibular/maxillary squamous cell carcinoma group (n = 8, P = 0.002) and for the total number of patients (n = 12, P = 0.006), but not in the lingual/laryngeal group (n = 4, P = 0.57). Mismatch fraction analysis revealed that most of the lingual/laryngeal patients had a large region of high‐18F‐FDG activity outside of the CT gross tumor volume. This mismatch fraction was significantly greater in the lingual/laryngeal group than the mandibular/maxillary group (P = 0.028). The effect of poor spatial resolution of PET imaging was greater when the absolute tumor volume was small. Findings from this study indicated that 18F‐FDG PET warrants further investigation as a supplemental imaging modality in cats with oral squamous cell carcinoma because it detected regions of possible primary tumor that were not detected on CT images.  相似文献   

Pancreatitis is the most frequent disease affecting the exocrine pancreas in dogs and reliable diagnostic techniques for predicting fatal complications are lacking. Contrast‐enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) improves detection of tissue perfusion as well as organ lesion vascular pattern. Objectives of this prospective case control study were to compare perfusion characteristics and enhancement patterns of the pancreas in healthy dogs and dogs with pancreatitis using CEUS. Ten healthy dogs and eight dogs with pancreatitis were selected based on physical examination, abdominal ultrasound, and blood analysis findings. A CEUS study of the pancreas was performed for each dog and two observers who were aware of clinical status used advanced ultrasound quantification software to analyze time‐intensity curves. Perfusion patterns were compared between healthy and affected dogs. In dogs with acute pancreatitis, mean pixel and peak intensity of the pancreatic parenchyma was significantly higher than that of normal dogs (P = 0.05) in between 6 and 60 s (P = <0.0001–0.046). This corresponds to a 311% increase in mean pixel intensity in dogs with acute pancreatitis compared to healthy dogs. Wash‐in rates were greater and had a consistently steeper slope to peak in dogs with pancreatitis as opposed to healthy dogs. All dogs with pancreatitis showed a decrease in pixel intensity 10–15 days after the initial examination (P = 0.011) and their times to peak values were prolonged compared to the initial exam. Findings from the current study supported the use of CEUS for diagnosing pancreatitis, pancreatic necrosis, and disease monitoring following therapy in dogs.  相似文献   

The positioning accuracy and precision of a head and neck immobilization device for radiation therapy of tumors in the canine skull was evaluated. Nineteen dogs with a spontaneous tumor of the head were enrolled including 12 with an intracranial mass and seven with an intranasal or maxillary tumor. Three hundred thirty-three pairs of orthogonal digital portal radiographs were analyzed to assess patient displacement in the cranial–caudal, lateral, and dorso-ventral directions. The mean systematic displacement was 0.8, 1, and 0.9 mm. The mean random displacement was 1.9, 1.6, and 1.5 mm. These values resulted in an overall displacement of 2.1 mm in the cranial–caudal direction, 1.8 mm in the lateral direction, and 1.7 mm in the dorsal–ventral direction. The mean displacement value of the three dimensional (3D) vector was 2.4 mm with a standard deviation of 2.1. Ninety-five percent of all vectors were <6.4 mm. This study quantifies the precision and accuracy of this particular positioning device. Knowing the limitations and setup variability of the system being used to set patients up for daily radiotherapy is paramount to planning and delivering appropriate radiation doses, especially as more complex treatment methods are used.  相似文献   

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