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Topical 0.1% tacrolimus was used for treatment of localized lesions associated with 10 cases of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) and two cases of pemphigus erythematosus (PE) either as a sole therapy (n=2) or as an adjunctive treatment (n=10). Eight of 10 dogs with DLE and both dogs with PE were improved following 8 weeks of topical application. In six of the eight dogs that improved, other medications were discontinued. No adverse effects in clinical or laboratory parameters were noted throughout the study.  相似文献   

Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is a common canine autoimmune disease that usually manifests as a localized ulcerative and scarring nasal dermatitis. We report herein a generalized variant of canine DLE successfully treated with the antimalarial immunomodulator hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). A 9-year-old hairless Chinese crested dog was presented with annular and polycyclic hyperpigmented and scaly skin lesions with central erosions, hypopigmentation and/or scarring on the trunk, neck and lateral extremities. Associated systemic signs were not seen. The clinical diagnosis of generalized DLE was supported by the demonstration of lymphocyte-rich interface dermatitis with epidermal atrophy and dermo-epidermal deposition of immunoglobulins and activated complement. As for human DLE, treatment was initiated with HCQ at 5 mg/kg once daily along with 2 weeks of 0.1% tacrolimus ointment and restriction of sun exposure. Over the following year, complete remission was maintained with HCQ at 5 mg/kg orally once daily with the exception of three relapses; two occurred during treatment induction and the third arose when the frequency of HCQ administration was reduced to every other day. Disease flares were controlled with 0.1% tacrolimus ointment alternating with 0.1% prednicarbate cream once daily for 5-10 days. Altogether, adverse drug events were not seen with this regimen. In summary, clinically, histologically and immunologically, this dog's disease mirrored the generalized discoid variant of chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus of humans. The apparent benefit of HCQ, its safety and low cost warrant future investigations of its use for treatment of canine cutaneous lupus variants.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of long-term treatment with tetracycline and niacinamide on antibody production in dogs by measuring postvaccinal serum concentrations of antibodies against canine parvovirus and canine distemper virus. ANIMALS: 10 dogs receiving long-term treatment with tetracycline and niacinamide (treatment group) and 10 healthy dogs (control group). PROCEDURE: The treatment group included 9 dogs with discoid lupus erythematosus and 1 dog with pemphigus foliaceus on long-term treatment (> 12 months) with tetracycline and niacinamide. The control group included 10 healthy dogs with no clinical signs of disease and no administered medications for the past 3 months. Blood samples were obtained from all dogs by jugular venipuncture. Serum antibody titers against canine parvovirus and canine distemper virus antigens were measured, using hemaglutination inhibition and serum neutralization, respectively, and compared between groups. RESULTS: A significant difference in antibody titers between treatment- and control-group dogs was not found. All dogs had protective antibody titers against canine distemper virus, and 8 of 10 dogs from each group had protective titers against canine parvovirus infection. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: These results provide evidence that long-term treatment with tetracycline and niacinamide does not interfere with routine vaccinations and thus does not seem to influence antibody production in dogs.  相似文献   

A colony of dogs was obtained by the mating of a female German Shepherd Dog crossbred and a male Belgian Shepherd Dog crossbred, both with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The colony also contained 16 dogs representing F1, F2, and F3 generations. Ten colony dogs had circulating antinuclear antibodies, and 5 of the 10 had clinical signs of SLE. Two F3-generation females had signs of severe SLE. Two dogs had antibodies to extractable nuclear antigen, notably 1 dog had antibodies to Smith (Sm) antigen and 1 had antibodies to Sjogren syndrome A (SSA) antigen. Thymulin (serum thymic factor associated with zinc) titers were generally low in the descendants, but fluctuations were detected within the same dog. In vitro response of lymphocytes from these colony dogs to concanavalin A was maximal for lower mitogenic concentrations, compared with response of lymphocytes from 10 healthy dogs. The suppressive lymphocyte activity in 6 autoimmune colony dogs was diminished in comparison with the activity in 5 nonautoimmune colony dogs and 6 healthy dogs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine serum antinuclear antibody (ANA) titers in dogs with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and in dogs with related clinical and clinicopathologic findings. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. ANIMALS: 120 dogs. PROCEDURES: Information that was evaluated included signalment, clinical signs, results of routine laboratory testing, ANA titer, and diagnosis. RESULTS: The most common clinical signs were arthralgia, myalgia, and stiffness (n = 41 [34.2%]); the most common clinicopathologic abnormality was thrombocytopenia (30 [25%]). Serum ANA titer was < 160 (seronegative) in 89 dogs (74.2%), 160 in 14 dogs (11.7%), 320 in 5 dogs (4.2%), and > or = 640 in 12 dogs (10%). Immune-mediated disease was confirmed in 40 dogs, 18 of which fulfilled the criteria for a definitive or probable diagnosis of SLE. Only 1 of 47 dogs with no major signs compatible with SLE had immune-mediated disease, compared with 26 of 57 dogs with 1 major sign and 13 of 16 dogs with > or = 2 major signs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggested that measurement of ANA titer was not a useful diagnostic test in dogs without any major clinical or clinicopathologic abnormalities suggestive of SLE. In contrast, there was a good chance that results of the ANA assay would be positive and that the dog would be found to have immune-mediated disease if at least 2 major signs were evident. Findings suggest that it would be reasonable to limit the use of the ANA assay to those dogs that have at least 1 major sign compatible with a diagnosis of SLE.  相似文献   

Several cognitive tests have been developed to evaluate specific aspects of human and animal learning and memory. These tests have been used for early detection of cognitive deficits and to monitor the treatment of dogs with cognitive impairment. Thus, this article evaluated the feasibility of cognitive tests for use in canine neurology clinical routines and the suitability of the different tests to accomplish this aim. Fifteen healthy adult dogs were used for the cognitive tests of reward approach learning, object approach learning, object discrimination learning, reversal learning, delayed non-matched to position, and delayed non-matched to sample to assess different aspects of memory. No difference was observed between tests of delayed non-matched to position (3.13 ± 2.23 days) and delayed non-matched to sample (3.20 ± 2.40 days) (P = 0.944). However, dogs had greater difficulty in reversal learning (8.47 ± 2.61 days) than in object discrimination learning (4.60 ± 1.64 days) (P ≤ 0.001). Based on the tests performed, the delayed non-matched to position test may be performed in clinical routine if the owner and the veterinarian have time available, because this test is sensitive to evaluate dogs with cognitive impairments, but requires approximately 10 days of training. Thus, elderly dogs are excellent experimental models to study pathological aging based on their similarities with some human brain diseases, such as Alzheimer disease.  相似文献   

The objective of this retrospective case series, which included 82 client-owned soft-coated wheaten terriers, was to characterize clinical features of hypoadrenocorticism in this breed. Median age at diagnosis was 3.5 years. There was no gender predilection. Clinicopathologic findings included sodium/potassium ratio < 27 (85%), hyperkalemia (76%), hyponatremia (63%), elevated blood urea nitrogen (83%) or creatinine (71%), and hypercalcemia (36%). Nine dogs with normal sodium and potassium (11%) were older and less often azotemic, hyperphosphatemic, or hypercalcemic. Twenty-one dogs (26%) developed protein-losing nephropathy (n = 18) and/or end-stage renal disease (n = 3). Overall median survival time was 5.4 years, but was shorter in dogs with normal sodium and potassium at diagnosis (4.2 years), or those with subsequent protein-losing nephropathy (4.2 years). This population showed no gender predilection, unlike that reported in the general canine population with hypoadrenocorticism, and more comorbid protein-losing nephropathy than in the general soft-coated wheaten terrier population.  相似文献   

Epistaxis was retrospectively evaluated in 35 dogs. Systemic disease was diagnosed in seven dogs and intranasal disease in 29. Nineteen dogs with intranasal disease had neoplasia. Dogs with neoplasia were older (mean 10.0 years) than dogs with nonneoplastic intranasal disease (mean 5.6 years). Signs persisting for >1 month occurred more often in dogs with intranasal than systemic disease. Unilateral epistaxis did not distinguish intranasal from systemic disease. Only dogs with intranasal disease had facial deformity, decreased airflow, or regional sub-mandibular lymphadenopathy. Dogs with systemic disease had a lower packed cell volume (mean 31.8%) than dogs with intranasal disease (mean 42.7%).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine clinical features and outcome in dogs and cats with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 103 dogs and 23 cats. PROCEDURES: Records of patients with OCD were analyzed for clinical features, medication used, extent of behavior modification, and outcome. RESULTS: Most dogs affected with OCD had been obtained from breeders. Male dogs significantly outnumbered females (2:1). Female cats outnumbered male cats by 2:1 in a small sample. Most affected dogs lived in households with 2 or more humans and other dogs or cats, and had some formal training. Client compliance with behavior modification was high. A combination of behavior modification and medication resulted in a large decrease in intensity and frequency of OCD in most animals. Clomipramine was significantly more efficacious for treatment in dogs than was amitriptyline. Only 1 dog and 1 cat were euthanatized because of OCD during the study. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: OCD in dogs does not appear to be associated with lack of training, lack of household stimulation, or social confinement. In cats, OCD may be associated with environmental and social stress. Obsessive-compulsive disorder appears at the time of social maturity and may have sporadic and heritable forms. With appropriate treatment (consistent behavior modification and treatment with clomipramine), frequency and intensity of clinical signs in most dogs and cats may decrease by > 50%. Success appears to depend on client understanding and compliance and the reasonable expectation that OCD cannot be cured, but can be well controlled.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize clinical signs, clinicopathologic features, treatments, and survival in dogs with naturally acquired foodborne aflatoxicosis. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. ANIMALS: 72 dogs that consumed aflatoxin-contaminated commercial dog food. PROCEDURES: Medical records of affected dogs were reviewed. Between December 2005 and March 2006, dogs were identified as having foodborne aflatoxin hepatotoxicosis on the basis of the history of consumption of contaminated food or characteristic histopathologic lesions (subject dog or a recently deceased dog in the same household or kennel). Recorded information included signalment, clinical features, clinicopathologic test results, treatments, and survival. Data were analyzed by survival status. RESULTS: Most dogs were of large breeds from breeding kennels. No significant differences were found in age or weight between 26 (36%) survivor dogs and 46 (64%) nonsurvivor dogs. Severity of clinical signs varied widely; 7 dogs died abruptly. In order of onset, clinical features included anorexia, lethargy, vomiting, jaundice, diarrhea (melena, hematochezia), abdominal effusion, peripheral edema, and terminal encephalopathy and hemorrhagic diathesis. Common clinicopathologic features included coagulopathic and electrolyte disturbances, hypoproteinemia, increased serum liver enzyme activities, hyperbilirubinemia, and hypocholesterolemia. Cytologic hepatocellular lipid vacuolation was confirmed in 11 dogs examined. In comparisons of clinicopathologic test results between survivor and nonsurvivor dogs, only granular cylindruria (7/21 dogs) consistently predicted death. Best early markers of aflatoxicosis were low plasma activities of anticoagulant proteins (protein C, antithrombin) and hypocholesterolemia. Despite aggressive treatment, many but not all severely affected dogs died. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Serum liver enzyme activities and bilirubin concentration were unreliable early markers of aflatoxin hepatotoxicosis in dogs. Hypocholesterolemia and decreased plasma protein C and antithrombin activities may function as exposure biomarkers.  相似文献   

Eight dogs with generalized demodicosis and five with sarcoptic mange were treated with 1.25% amitraz solution applied weekly and associated with an antidote treatment (atipamezol, 0.1 mg kg−1 IM once: and yohimbine 0.1 mg kg−1 once daily for 3 days, orally). Results of skin scrapings were used to determine whether therapy should be continued or stopped. The median number of treatments for demodicosis and sarcoptic mange was three (range 2–5) and two (range 1–3), respectively. Some side-effects were observed but all were stopped with antidote treatment; no failure or relapses occurred at 6–36 months after treatment.  相似文献   

Five hundred and eighty dogs with at least one clinical sign compatible with a systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) were entered in a prospective study aimed at evaluating the prevalence of antinuclear antibodies (ANAb). SLE was diagnosed in 38 of these dogs (group A) which fulfilled at least four American Rheumatism Association (ARA) criteria; of these, sixteen had ANAb titers greater than or equal to 4096. The 23 dogs which met three or two ARA criteria (group B) had an ANAb geometric mean titer (GMT) of 259. Dogs (group C) with only 1 criterium had an ANAb GMT of 75. Anti-ds-DNA Ab were present in 6 dogs from group A (16%), and 2 dogs from group B (9%). Anti-histone Ab were present among dogs from group A, B and C with frequencies of 81%, 67% and 26%, respectively. Among dogs from group A, the ANAb titers and the levels of anti-histone Ab correlated positively when individual sera were considered. Antibodies against the soluble nuclear antigen (SNA) were detected in 74%, 39% and 13% of the dogs from groups A, B and C, respectively. Antibodies initially described in human SLE also exist in SLE dogs. Anti-Sm Ab were found in 24% of dogs in group A. With anti-RNP Ab the frequency was still lower (10%). However, two other types of anti-SNA Ab against RNAse and trypsin-resistant antigens, not found in human "reference sera", were often detected. The first type (anti-type 1 Ab) was found in 26% and 9% of group A and group B, The first type (anti-type 1 Ab) was found in 26% and 9% of group A and group B, respectively; the second type (anti-type 2 Ab) is less frequent, and was found in 13% and 17% of group A and B, respectively. It appears that testing for anti-Sm, anti-type 1 and anti-histone Ab should be performed in order to improve the diagnosis of SLE in dogs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine signalment, clinical features of the disease, and treatment in dogs with diskospondylitis. DESIGN: Case-control study. ANIMALS: 513 dogs with diskospondylitis (cases) and 236,109 canine hospital accessions (controls) from 12 veterinary teaching hospitals. PROCEDURE: Information retrieved from the medical records of 123 dogs with diskospondylitis at the Louisiana State University veterinary teaching hospital between 1980 and 2001 included sex, age, breed, primary complaint, neurologic status, location of lesions, causative organism, treatment, and outcome. The signalment of 390 additional cases from 11 other veterinary teaching hospitals was accessed from the Veterinary Medical Database. Comparisons were made with controls from the same time periods. RESULTS: Male dogs were twice as likely as female dogs to be affected (odds ratio [OR], 2.0; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.7 to 2.4). Dogs were significantly more likely to be affected as age increased. Purebred dogs, especially Great Danes, were more likely than mixed-breed dogs to be affected (OR, 73; CI, 4.3 to 12.6). For dogs from Louisiana State University, Staphylococcus spp, Brucella spp, Streptococcus spp, and Escherichia coli were isolated most often; multiple organisms were detected via microbial culture in 11 dogs. The mean duration of treatment was 53.7 weeks. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Male dogs, older dogs, and Great Danes appeared more likely to be affected with diskospondylitis than female dogs, dogs < 1 year of age, and mixed-breed dogs, respectively. Long-term administration of antimicrobial drugs for treatment of diskospondylitis may be expected. Identification of the causative organism and early treatment are recommended.  相似文献   

For 16 dogs with testicular neoplasia (n = 19 tumors), ultrasonography was performed to determine whether a correlation exists between ultrasonographic features of testicular tumors and cell type. The echogenicity of the tumors varied depending on the size of the tumor and whether the tumor had focal or diffuse distribution within the testis. The ultrasonographic characteristics of Sertoli cell tumors were variable, with no predominant pattern. This variation may be related to tumor size, because 6 of 7 Sertoli cell tumors were greater than 5 cm in diameter. Focal seminomas and interstitial cell tumors less than 3 cm in diameter had hypoechoic texture. Focal seminomas and interstitial cell tumors greater than 3 cm in diameter had mixed echogenicity. Tumors of multiple cell types were greater than 5 cm in diameter and had mixed echogenicity. In valuable breeding dogs with a small (less than 3 cm) focal intrascrotal lesion, testicular ultrasonography would be of benefit for localization of the mass to the testis or epididymis for subsequent biopsy. In dogs with intraabdominal neoplastic testes, ultrasonography may be of benefit in determining intra-abdominal metastases and invasion of contiguous structures.  相似文献   

The medical records of 18 dogs in which ultrasonography was useful in making a diagnosis of splenic hemangiosarcoma were reviewed. Splenic ultrasonography revealed masses with echo patterns that ranged from anechoic fluid to hyperechoic tissue. In 7 dogs, metastasis was detected ultrasonographically as anechoic to hypoechoic lesions in the liver.  相似文献   

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