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Pancreatitis is the most frequent disease affecting the exocrine pancreas in dogs and reliable diagnostic techniques for predicting fatal complications are lacking. Contrast‐enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) improves detection of tissue perfusion as well as organ lesion vascular pattern. Objectives of this prospective case control study were to compare perfusion characteristics and enhancement patterns of the pancreas in healthy dogs and dogs with pancreatitis using CEUS. Ten healthy dogs and eight dogs with pancreatitis were selected based on physical examination, abdominal ultrasound, and blood analysis findings. A CEUS study of the pancreas was performed for each dog and two observers who were aware of clinical status used advanced ultrasound quantification software to analyze time‐intensity curves. Perfusion patterns were compared between healthy and affected dogs. In dogs with acute pancreatitis, mean pixel and peak intensity of the pancreatic parenchyma was significantly higher than that of normal dogs (P = 0.05) in between 6 and 60 s (P = <0.0001–0.046). This corresponds to a 311% increase in mean pixel intensity in dogs with acute pancreatitis compared to healthy dogs. Wash‐in rates were greater and had a consistently steeper slope to peak in dogs with pancreatitis as opposed to healthy dogs. All dogs with pancreatitis showed a decrease in pixel intensity 10–15 days after the initial examination (P = 0.011) and their times to peak values were prolonged compared to the initial exam. Findings from the current study supported the use of CEUS for diagnosing pancreatitis, pancreatic necrosis, and disease monitoring following therapy in dogs.  相似文献   

Four dogs with an accessory spleen are described. The accessory spleens appeared as a round‐to‐triangular structure located in the perisplenic area. They were homogeneous and isoechoic with the adjacent spleen. Contrast‐enhanced ultrasound was performed using a second generation microbubble contrast medium (sulfur hexafluoride). The type and timing of enhancement of the accessory spleen was similar to that of the parent spleen. Contrast‐enhanced ultrasound is a noninvasive modality useful in distinguishing an accessory spleen from a mass of another origin.  相似文献   

We characterized the pattern of ultrasonographic contrast enhancement of the small intestinal wall using a commercial contrast medium (Sonovue®) in 10 healthy awake cats. Subjectively, a rapid intense enhancement of the serosal and submucosal layers was followed by gradual enhancement of the entire wall section during the early phase. At peak enhancement, there was a subjective loss of demarcation between intestinal wall layers. In the late phase, there was a gradual wash out of signal from the intestinal wall. Submucosal wash out occurred last. Time‐intensity curves were generated for selected regions in the intestinal wall and multiple perfusion parameters were calculated for each cat. Perfusion parameters included arrival time (7.64 ± 2.23 s), baseline intensity (1.04 ± 0.04 a.u.), time to peak from injection (10.74 ± 2.08 s), time to peak from initial rise (3.1 ± 1.15), peak intensity (8.92 ± 3.72 a.u.), wash‐in rate (2.06 ± 0.70 a.u./s) and wash‐out rate (?1.07 ± 0.91 a.u./s). The perfusion pattern of normal feline small bowel may be useful for characterizing feline gastrointestinal disorders that involve the intestinal wall.  相似文献   

Abdominal ultrasonography is one of the most common diagnostic imaging modalities used for dogs with suspected insulinoma; however, pancreatic masses are clearly identified in fewer than half of affected dogs and benign pancreatic nodules can be difficult to differentiate from malignant ones. The purpose of this prospective study was to describe contrast‐enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) characteristics of confirmed pancreatic insulinoma in a group of dogs. Inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) repeated hypoglycemia (blood glucose levels <60 mg/dl, twice or more); (2) elevated blood insulin levels with hypoglycemia; (3) pancreatic nodules detected with conventional ultrasonography; and (4) histological confirmation of pancreatic islet cell carcinoma. Immediately following conventional ultrasonography of the entire abdomen, CEUS of the pancreatic nodule and adjacent parenchyma was performed using contrast‐specific technology pulse inversion imaging and perflubutane microbubble contrast agent. Three dogs met inclusion criteria. Pancreatic nodules in all the three dogs became more clearly demarcated after injection of the contrast agent. Each nodule showed different enhancement patterns: markedly hyperechoic for 5 s, slightly hyperechoic for 1 s, and clearly hypoechoic for over 30 s. These results were not in complete agreement with previously reported CEUS findings in human patients with insulinoma. All nodules were surgically resected and histopathologically confirmed as malignant insulinomas. Findings from the current study indicated that contrast‐enhanced ultrasound may help to increase conspicuity of pancreatic insulinomas in dogs and that enhancement characteristics may be more variable in dogs than in humans.  相似文献   

Nine normal juvenile dogs were evaluated with direct jejunal contrast‐enhanced ultrasonography via midline celiotomy. Three different doses of ultrasound contrast medium (Definity®) were injected through a peripheral venous catheter. Time‐intensity curves were used to calculate baseline, time to initial rise, inflow slope, time‐to‐peak, peak intensity (PI), and outflow slope for each administered dose. PI was directly proportional to dose. Outflow slope was similar for all patients, independent of dose. The most favorable images were acquired with a dose of 0.030 ml/kg given as a rapid intravenous manual bolus. The technique and normal jejunal perfusion pattern described herein may provide useful data for evaluation of intestinal vascular, inflammatory, and neoplastic disease in the dog.  相似文献   

Herein, we describe the normal contrast‐enhanced harmonic, color, and power Doppler ultrasonographic characteristics of the medial iliac lymph nodes in healthy dogs. Contrast‐enhanced harmonic ultrasonography of the medial iliac lymph nodes was performed on 14 healthy dogs after intravenous administration of the lipoprotein‐bound inert gas‐filled microbubble contrast media Definity®. Time–pixel intensity curves were generated for 1‐min postinjection. Quantification of these curves was performed using Philips QLab software. Non‐contrast‐enhanced power and color Doppler examinations were performed in each node to assess vascular patterns subjectively. Normal lymph nodes exhibited a mean contrast wash‐in phase beginning at 6.3 s from the time of injection with mean peak pixel intensity at 12.1 s. Angioarchitecture was best visualized with contrast‐enhanced harmonic ultrasound compared with power and color Doppler. Normal lymph nodes in dogs have a central artery with a centrifugal and uniform branching pattern. Contrast‐enhanced harmonic ultrasonography is a noninvasive examination that demonstrates improved visibility of the intranodal architecture of healthy medial iliac lymph nodes in dogs compared with conventional, non‐contrast‐enhanced Doppler methods that may have future clinical applications.  相似文献   

Contrast‐enhanced ultrasonography is useful in differentiating adrenal gland adenomas from nonadenomatous lesions in human patients. The purposes of this study were to evaluate the feasibility and to describe contrast‐enhanced ultrasonography of the normal canine adrenal gland. Six healthy female Beagles were injected with an intravenous bolus of a lipid‐shelled contrast agent (SonoVue®). The aorta enhanced immediately followed by the renal artery and then the adrenal gland. Adrenal gland enhancement was uniform, centrifugal, and rapid from the medulla to the cortex. When maximum enhancement was reached, a gradual homogeneous decrease in echogenicity of the adrenal gland began and simultaneously enhancement of the phrenicoabdominal vessels was observed. While enhancement kept decreasing in the adrenal parenchyma, the renal vein, caudal vena cava, and phrenicoabdominal vein were characterized by persistent enhancement until the end of the study. A second contrast enhancement was observed, corresponding to the refilling time. Objective measurements were performed storing the images for off‐line image analysis using Image J (ImageJ©). The shape of the time–intensity curve reflecting adrenal perfusion was similar in all dogs. Ratios of the values of the cortex and the medulla to the values of the renal artery were characterized by significant differences from initial upslope to the peak allowing differentiation between the cortex and the medulla for both adrenal glands only in this time period. Contrast‐enhanced ultrasonography of the adrenal glands is feasible in dogs and the optimal time for adrenal imaging is between 5 and 90 s after injection.  相似文献   

Our goal was to develop and validate a technique to identify the sentinel lymph nodes of the mammary glands of healthy dogs with contrast‐enhanced ultrasound, and evaluate the feasibility of obtaining representative samples of a sentinel lymph node under ultrasound guidance using a new biopsy device. Three healthy intact female adult hounds were anesthetized and each received an injection of octafluoropropane‐filled lipid microspheres and a separate subcutaneous injection of methylene blue dye around a mammary gland. Ultrasound was then used to follow the contrast agent through the lymphatic channel to the sentinel lymph node. Lymph node biopsy was performed under ultrasound guidance, followed by an excisional biopsy of the lymph nodes and a regional mastectomy procedure. Excised tissues were submitted for histopathologic examination and evaluated as to whether they were representative of the node. The ultrasound contrast agent was easily visualized with ultrasound leading up to the sentinel lymph nodes. Eight normal lymph nodes (two inguinal, one axillary in two dogs; two inguinal in one dog) were identified and biopsied. Lymphoid tissue was obtained from all biopsy specimens. Samples from four of eight lymph nodes contained both cortical and medullary lymphoid tissue. Contrast‐enhanced ultrasound can be successfully used to image and guide minimally invasive biopsy of the normal sentinel lymph nodes draining the mammary glands in healthy dogs. Further work is needed to evaluate whether this technique may be applicable in patients with breast cancer or other conditions warranting evaluation of sentinel lymph nodes in animals.  相似文献   

Contrast‐enhanced multi‐detector computed tomography (CE‐MDCT) is used routinely in evaluating human patients with acute abdominal symptoms. Contrast‐enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) continues to be in its infancy as it relates to evaluation of the acute abdomen. The purpose of this study was to compare survey radiography, B‐mode ultrasound, CEUS, and CE‐MDCT findings in canine patients presenting with acute abdominal signs; with a focus on the ability to differentiate surgical from non‐surgical conditions. Nineteen dogs were prospectively enrolled. Inclusion required a clinical diagnosis of acute abdominal signs and confirmed surgical or non‐surgical causes for the clinical signs. Agreement for the majority of recorded imaging features was at least moderate. There was poor agreement in the identification of pneumoperitoneum and in the comparison of pancreatic lesion dimensions for B‐mode vs. CEUS. The CT feature of fat stranding was detected in cases including, but not limited to, gastric neoplasia with perforation, pancreatitis, and small intestinal foreign body. Ultrasound underestimated the size and number of specific lesions when compared with CE‐MDCT. Contrast‐enhanced ultrasound was successful in detecting bowel and pancreatic perfusion deficits that CE‐MDCT failed to identify. Accuracy for differentiation of surgical vs. non‐surgical conditions was high for all modalities; 100%, 94%, and 94% for CE‐MDCT, ultrasonography and survey radiography respectively. Findings indicated that CE‐MDCT is an accurate screening test for differentiating surgical from non‐surgical acute abdominal conditions in dogs. Focused CEUS following CE‐MDCT or B‐mode ultrasonography may be beneficial for identifying potentially significant hypoperfused lesions.  相似文献   

Vascular alterations play important roles in many orthopedic diseases such as osteoarthritis, tendonitis, and synovitis in both human and equine athletes. Understanding these alterations could enhance diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. Contrast‐enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) could be a valuable method for evaluation of blood flow and perfusion of these processes in the equine distal limb, however no reports were found describing feasibility or safety of the technique. The goal of this prospective, experimental study was to describe the feasibility and safety of distal limb CEUS in a sample of six horses. For each horse, CEUS of the distal limb was performed after intravenous injections of 5 and 10 ml, as well as intra‐arterial injections of 0.5 and 1 ml contrast medium. Vital parameters were monitored and CEUS images were assessed qualitatively and quantitatively for degree of contrast enhancement. None of the horses had clinically significant changes in their vital parameters after contrast medium injection. One horse had a transient increase in respiratory rate, and several horses had mild increases of systolic blood pressure of short duration after intravenous, but not after intra‐arterial injections. Intra‐arterial injection was possible in all horses and resulted in significantly improved contrast enhancement both quantitatively (P = 0.027) and qualitatively (P = 0.019). Findings from this study indicated that CEUS is a feasible and safe diagnostic test for evaluation of the equine distal limb. Future studies are needed to assess the clinical utility of this test for horses with musculoskeletal diseases.  相似文献   

Computed tomography angiography, sonography, scintigraphy, and portography can be used to evaluate the portal vasculature to evaluate for a portosystemic shunt (PSS). Time‐of‐flight magnetic resonance angiography (TOF‐MRA) and contrast‐enhanced MRA (CE‐MRA) are other potentially useful techniques. The aim of this study was to evaluate CE‐MRA in 10 dogs suspected of having a PSS. Noncontrast MR images of the abdomen were obtained using a Siemens Symphony MR‐scanner (1.5 T) and a T1‐weighted FLASH‐3D sequence with a very short scan time (about 20 s). After injection of contrast medium, the initial sequence was repeated five times. The sequence with the best contrast medium filling of the portal vasculature was selected subjectively, subtracted from the initial survey image series, and a maximum intensity projection (MIP) of the subtraction data, in multiple views, was created. The cross‐sectional and MIP images were evaluated for abnormal portosystemic vasculature. A single PSS was identified and confirmed at surgery in all dogs. A portocaval shunt was found in five dogs, a portophrenic shunt in three dogs, a portoazygos shunt in one, and a central divisional intrahepatic shunt in one other dog. Based on our results, CE‐MRA is a useful tool for imaging abdominal and portal vasculature and for the diagnosis of a PSS.  相似文献   

Canine prostate gland abnormalities affect a large number of adult male dogs. In veterinary medicine, the commonly used methods to diagnose canine prostate gland disease are digital rectal examination and abdominal ultrasound. We evaluated the ability of ultrasound contrast agent to provide additional information about the vascularity of the canine prostate gland; such information could be useful in detecting early prostate gland disease and in staging disease known to be present. We characterized the ultrasonographic appearance of prostate gland vascularity in 10 healthy dogs before and after the injection of an ultrasound contrast agent (Levovist?). Before injecting Levovist?, the prostate gland blood flow was classified as poor in all dogs, whereas after contrast agent injection blood flow was classified as moderate or good, in 3 and 7 dogs respectively. Knowledge of the status of prostate gland vascularity could be useful for the characterization, diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring of canine prostate gland lesions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the perfusion pattern and perfusion dynamics in the normal canine spleen using contrast harmonic imaging. Twenty-five dogs without clinical or ultrasonographic evidence of splenic disease were studied. Twenty-three dogs were scanned with only manual restraint; two dogs were sedated with buprenorphin. All dogs received an intravenous bolus of a microbubble contrast medium (SonoVue). The perfusion pattern during the blood pool phase represented a skewed bell-shaped curve. A tissue-specific late phase, similar to humans, was not observed. Time/intensity curves were generated for a selected region. Mean average-derived peak intensity (PI) was 6.6dB, mean time to peak intensity calculated from the initial rise (TTP) was 25.6 s and mean area under the curve (AUC) was 523.6 dBs. If dogs were divided into two body weight groups (< or =15 and >15 kg body weight), average derived peak intensity area, time to peak intensity, and area under the curve were lower for the smaller dogs than for the larger animals. However, differences were not statistically significant (P = 0.2, 0.05, and 0.08, respectively). No significant association was found between hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration, red blood cell count, blood pressure, heart rate, age, gender, and the perfusion variables. In conclusion, these baseline data may prove useful in the evaluation of dogs with diffuse or focal splenic disease.  相似文献   

Resistive index (RI) and pulsatility index (PI) are indirect measurements of blood flow resistance that may be measured by pulsed wave Doppler ultrasonography. Chemical restrain may potentially alter the indices although it is required to perform ultrasonography in some patients. The purpose of this study was to describe values for both intrarenal and ocular RI and PI within the same subject in clinically normal dogs sedated with a midazolam and butorphanol combination and evaluate if there are any significant changes between sedated and nonsedated dogs. Fifteen healthy Beagle dogs were studied by Duplex Doppler interrogation in interlobar or arcuate arteries of the kidney and long posterior ciliary artery. Pulse rate and systolic blood pressure were also determined. All measurements were recorded before and after the administration of a sedative combination of midazolam (0.2 mg/kg) and butorphanol (0.2 mg/kg). Mean comparison tests (paired t-tests or Wilcoxon's rank-sum test) were used to determine if any significant differences existed between right and left renal values or right and left ocular values. A correlation study (Pearson or Spearman) was applied between RI, PI, and systolic pressure, and pulse rate. RI and PI were significantly higher in sedated Beagles than in unsedated Beagles. There was neither correlation between index and systolic blood pressure nor pulse rate. In conclusion, provided that normal RI and PI increase in sedated animals, then reference ranges should be higher when sedated--healthy or ill--animals are evaluated.  相似文献   

We evaluated dynamic contrast‐enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE‐MRI) in canine brain tumors. Magnetic resonance data sets were collected on seven canine intracranial tumors with a 3 T magnet using a T1‐weighted fast spin echo fluid attenuated inversion recovery sequence after an IV bolus injection (0.2 mmol/kg) of Gd‐DTPA. The tumors were confirmed histopathologically as adenocarcinoma (n=1), ependymoma (n=1), meningioma (n=3), oligodendroglioma (n=1), and pituitary macroadenoma (n=1) The data were analyzed using a two‐compartment pharmacokinetic model for estimation of three enhancement parameters, ER (rate of enhancement), Kel (rate of elimination), and Kep (rate constant), and a model‐free phenomenologic parameter initial area under the Gd concentration curve (IAUGC) defined over the first 90 s postenhancement. Pearson's correlations were calculated between parameters of the two methods. The IAUGC has a relatively strong association with the rate of enhancement ER, with r ranges from 0.4 to 0.9, but it was weakly associated with Kep and Kel. To determine whether any two tumors differed significantly, the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test was used. The results showed that there were statistical differences (P<0.05) between distributions of the enhancement pattern of each tumor. These kinetic parameters may characterize the perfusion and vascular permeability of the tumors and the IAUGC may reflect blood flow, vascular permeability, and the fraction of interstitial space. The kinetic parameters and the IAUGC derived from DCE‐MRI present complementary information and they may be appropriate to noninvasively differentiate canine brain tumors although a larger prospective study is necessary.  相似文献   

Eight normal dogs with no evidence of renal disease, weighing between 8 and 25 kg were imaged using contrast harmonic ultrasound after injection of a microbubble contrast medium. All dogs received three separate bolus injections of 0.05 ml of commercial contrast medium (Definity). Time/mean pixel value (MPV) curves were generated for selected regions in the cortex and medulla of the left kidney in each dog. Upslope, downslope, baseline, peak intensity, and time to peak were calculated for each zone. For a bolus injection, within the renal cortex (averaging all subjects) the upslope was 7.4 +/- 1.5 MPV/s, downslope was -0.4 +/- .2 MPV/s, baseline was 66.8 +/- 9.3 MPV, peak was 103.6 +/- 8.2 MPV, time to peak (from injection) was 12.8 +/- 5.3 s and from time of contrast medium reaching the kidney was 5.1 +/- 2.0 s. Within the renal medulla (averaging all subjects), upslope was 2.8 +/- 1.7 MPV/s, downslope was -0.3 +/- .2 MPV/s, baseline was 39.3 +/- 6.0 MPV, peak was 65.2 +/- 14.3 MPV, time to peak from injection was 20.9 +/- 6.4 s and from time of contrast reaching the kidney was 11.6 +/- 4.1 s. These baseline data may prove useful in the evaluation of dogs with diffuse disease or vascular compromise.  相似文献   

Endoscopic ultrasound was developed initially in humans to overcome limitations of conventional ultrasound in examining certain internal organs due to intervening bone or air-filled structures. Endoscopic ultrasound has been used most widely in investigation of the gastrointestinal tract in humans, but many intrathoracic applications as well as endoscopic ultrasound-guided techniques have recently been described. Mediastinal and pulmonary structures can be examined with endoscopic ultrasound since a high frequency ultrasound probe can be brought into close contact with the areas of interest via a transesophageal approach. The purpose of this report is to describe the application of endoscopic ultrasound as an aid in the diagnosis of intrathoracic disease in the dog. Two dogs, one with a history of prior esophageal foreign body extraction, the other with apathy, weakness and dyspnea were referred for further investigation. Both dogs had caudal intrathoracic soft tissue opacities diagnosed radiographically, but their origin and nature were difficult to determine. Conventional ultrasound was limiting in both dogs due to their location and superimposition of gas-filled structures. With endosonography lesions were characterized more completely. We have found endoscopic ultrasound to be an elegant diagnostic tool for the investigation of radiographically detected intrathoracic lesions in the dog whose origins are difficult to determine or do not lend themselves to investigation by conventional ultrasound. Endoscopic ultrasound provides valuable diagnostic information complementary to that provided radiographically which aids in therapeutic planning. Endoscopic ultrasound was also more sensitive for detecting mediastinal lymphadenomegaly than radiography in one of the dogs. An additional advantage of endoscopic ultrasound is the fact that US-guided tissue sampling can be performed during the examination.  相似文献   

Volumes used in lumbosacral epidural injections for anesthesia have remained unchanged since the 1960s. The goals of this cross‐sectional observational study were to characterize the three‐dimensional spread of a lumbosacral epidural injection, as well as confirm that the commonly used volume of 0.2 ml/kg injected into the lumbosacral epidural space reaches the thoracolumbar (TL) junction in the majority (≥80%) of dogs. Ten clinically normal, adult, nonpregnant, mixed‐breed dogs were obtained within five minutes of euthanasia and 0.2 ml/kg of radiopaque contrast medium was injected into the lumbosacral epidural space. A computed tomography scan of the TL spine was performed immediately following the injection. Migration of contrast reached the TL junction in 8 of 10 (80%) dogs. Contrast was well visualized in all epidural planes with contrast travelling predominantly in the dorsal epidural space in 7 of 10 (70%) dogs. There was no significant difference in the weight of dogs where the epidural injectate reached the TL junction and those where it did not (P = 0.16), or in the weight of dogs where the cranial‐most point of the contrast column was in the dorsal versus the ventral epidural space (P = 0.32). This preliminary study supports the use of computed tomography to characterize injectate distribution in the canine thoracolumbar epidural space and provides evidence that a 0.2‐ml/kg volume is likely to reache the TL junction in most dogs. Further studies are needed in live dogs to determine if variables affecting human epidural injectate doses have similar effects in the dog.  相似文献   

Gray‐scale ultrasonography is often used to screen for involvement of the liver and spleen in canine lymphoma patients but the utility of sonography for staging lymphoma has not been evaluated quantitatively. We performed abdominal sonography in 28 dogs with a confirmed diagnosis of lymphoma. Needle aspirates were obtained for cytology from three separate sites in the liver and three sites in the spleen and the sonographic appearance was noted at each site. Our hypothesis was that in dogs newly diagnosed with lymphoma, abnormal appearance of the liver or spleen on ultrasound examination is an indication that lymphoma is present in that organ. Cytologic evaluation was used as the gold standard. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy of hepatic and splenic abnormalities seen on ultrasound for diagnosis of lymphoma were 72.7%, 80.6%, 77.4%, 76.3%, and 76.8% for the liver, respectively, and 100%, 23.3%, 64.6%, 100%, and 68.1% for the spleen, respectively. Based on these results, we recommend that aspirates be performed for detection of lymphoma in the spleen of dogs only when the spleen appears abnormal ultrasonographically and that cytology of the liver be performed, regardless of ultrasonographic appearance, to determine the presence or absence of lymphoma.  相似文献   

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