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Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) can release dormancy of imbibed wild oat (Avena fatua L.) seeds. Treatments found effective included (i) immersing intact seeds in 800 mm NaOCl for 1 h followed by incubation on 5 × 10?4m gibberellin A3(GA3); (ii) immersing dehulled seeds in 800 mm NaOCl for 1 min followed by incubation on 5 × 10?4m GA3; (iii) immersion of dehulled seeds in much lower concentrations of NaOCl, e.g. 13 4 mm for 3 h followed by incubation on water; or (iv) incubating dehulled seeds on a low concentration of NaOCl. Based on the concentrations of each of the reagents required to produce equivalent responses, NaOCl is approximately 4–6 times more effective than hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in triggering the onset of germination, and 6 times as effective in causing growth inhibition in the roots. These results suggest the modes of action of NaOCl and H2O2 in the termination of dormancy reside in a modification of the properties of the hull and seed coat membranes, and in the provision of additional oxygen to the seed.  相似文献   

Seeds from seven genetically inbred pure lines of wild oats (Avena fatua L.) with different levels of dormancy and viability were analysed for seed-borne fungi. All lines had fungi on the seeds. The predominating fungi were Alternaria alternata and Cladosporium herbarum, of which the latter was non-pathogenic and the former only weakly pathogenic on seedlings of wild oats. Drechslera avenacea, Cochliobulus sativus and Fusarium spp., frequently isolated, were pathogenic on A. fatua. Only D. avenacea was host specific to A. fatua and cultivated oats Avena sativa. Cochliobolus sativus and Fusarium spp, were equal or more pathogenic on seedlings of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), oats and rye (Secale cereale L.) than on seedlings of A. fatua. Drechslera avenacea occurred on a significantly higher percentage of seeds from A. fatua lines, AN 51 and AN 474, than from the other lines. Other fungi isolated occurred randomly on all A. fatua lines. There was no relationship between low viability of seeds and fungi carried on the seeds.  相似文献   

Wild oat plants of types fA, fB and fC were grown at a constant 15 or 20°C during the period of seed maturation. Seed of the three types differed little in dormancy when grown at 15°C, but at 20°C a larger proportion of seeds of type fA were dormant compared with fB or fC. Overall, dormancy of seed produced at 15 and 20°C was 97 and 63% respectively. Plants of another collection of type fB were grown from seed at 15 or 20°C with or without water stress applied only from the time of panicle emergence. Water stress and high temperature reduced viable seed production. Seed dormancy was tested immediately after collection by planting the seed in soil, and by Petri dish tests. Further Petri dish tests were made after 6 months storage. Seedling emergence in the first autumn from seeds of plants matured without water stress at 15°C was 10% compared with 30% for seeds grown at 20°C. Seeds grown with water stress at 15°C gave 47%, and at 20°C 78% emergence. The majority of emergence from seeds formed at 15°C without water stress occurred in the second spring after burial. Petri dish tests support these findings and suggest that seeds produced in hot dry summers are less dormant than those produced in cool moist ones.  相似文献   

The effect of chlorfenprop-methyl, flampropisopropyl and benzoylprop-ethyl on 14CO2 fixation was followed in wild oat (Avena fatua L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L., cv. Ametyst), and wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Mironovská). Experimental plants were exposed to a 14CO2-enriched atmosphere in a special apparatus 2 h, 1, 3, and 9 days after the herbicide treatment. Chlorfenprop-methyl already inhibited 14CO2 fixation in wild oat plants 2 h after the treatment. 14C-metabolite transport to the roots was strongly decreased. Both 14CO2 fixation and 14C-metabolite level in the roots were significantly depressed in A. fatua when compared with untreated plants at the last sampling time. 14C incorporation into starch was inhibited from the first day after treatment, and on day 9 was lowered more than ten fold in treated plants. Flamprop-isopropyl inhibited 14CO2 fixation in wild oat plants from day 3 after treatment, but benzoylprop-ethyl not until day 9. Both herbicides also decreased 14C incorporation into starch in A. fatua. Chlorfenprop-methyl also slightly decreased 14CO2 fixation in barley on day 9. However, assimilate transport into the roots and 14C incorporation into starch were not affected. Flamprop-isopropyl inhibited 14CO2 fixation in barley plants only on the first day after treatment, and assimilate transport was also reduced. By contrast, no differences from untreated plants were found at the end of the experiment. Benzoylprop-ethyl did not decrease either 14CO2 fixation or assimilate transport to the roots in wheat, but it inhibited starch synthesis. Atrazine depressed 14CO2 fixation in wild oat plants by 91%, in wheat plants by 99% compared with untreated plants. Assimilate transport into the roots was also strongly inhibited. In contrast to atrazine, the effect of chlorfenprop-methyl, flamprop-isopropyl, and benzoylprop-ethyl on CO2 fixation seems to be secondary.  相似文献   

An infestation of Avena fatua in two successive spring barley crops was monitored from March 1972 to June 1973. The numbers of viable seeds on the uncultivated stubble, viable seeds in the soil, and seedlings emerging in autumn and spring were assessed. Both seed and seedling populations declined when seeding was prevented in 1972, hut increased in all situations where seeding occurred. The greatest increase occurred when the unburnt stubble was cultivated after harvest; the increase was less following straw burning. The greatest losses of newly shed seeds occurred when the stubbles were left uncultivated throughout the autumn, and delaying cultivation was more effective than burning in limiting the rate of increase. Old seeds, already in the soil before 1972, were less dormant and produced a higher percentage of seedlings in 1973 than did seeds shed in 1972. Once in the soil, the greatest losses of seeds occurred during the spring, and it is likely that many seeds germinated but failed to establish as seedlings. It is suggested that the seed reserves of A. fatua in the soil are less persistent than previously reported, especially where mouldboard ploughing is replaced by tine cultivation. The periodicity of seedling emergence in spring was unaffected by the time or type of cultivation, by the age of the seeds or by burning the straw in the previous autumn. Etude de la dynamique d'une population d'Avena fatua soumise à l'influence du brûdage de la paille, de la chute des semences et des façons culturales. Une infestation d'Avena fatua, dans deux cultures successives d'orge, a été observée depuis mars 1972 jusquà juin 1973. Les nombres des semences viables dans le chaume non cultivé, des semences viables dans le sol, et des plantules levant à l'automne et au printemps, ont étéévalués. Les populations de semences et de plantules ont toutes deux diminué lorsque la montre à graine a été empêchée en 1972, mais se sont accrues dans toutes les situations ou la mise k graines s'est produite. L'aceroissement le plus important s'est produit lorsque les chaumes non brûlés ont été cultives apres la moisson; l'aceroissement a été plus faible apres le brülage de la paille. Les pertes les plus élevées de semences récemment tombées se sont produites lorsque les chaumes sont restes non cultives durant tout rautomne, et le retard des fagons culturales a été plus efficace que le brülage pour limiter le taux d'aecroissement. Les semences anciennes, qui étaient dans le sol avant 1972, ont été moins dormantes et ont produit, en 1973, un pourcentage plus élevé de plantules que les semences tombées en 1972. Une fois dans le sol, les plus grandes pertes de semences se sont produites pendant le printemps et il est vraisemblable que de nombreuses semences ont germé mais n'ont pas abouti a l'établissement de plantules. II est suggéré que les réserves de semences d'Avena fatua dans le sol sont moins persistantes qu'on ne le pensait autrefois, particulierement lorsque le labour avec une charrue à versoir est remplacé par un travail avec des appareils á dents. La périodicité des leviés au printemps n'a pas été affectée par I'époque ou par le type de façon culturale, ni par l'âge des semences ou par le brülage de la paille à Tautomne précédent. Eine Untersuchung iiber die Populationsdynamik von Avena fatua L unter dem Einfluss von Strohabbrennen, Samenfall und Bodenbearbeitung In einer Folge von Sommergerste auf Sommergerste wurde der Flughaferbefall von Mai 1972 bis Juni 1973 beobachtet. Die Anzahi lebensfähiger Samen (Karyopsen) in der unbear-beiteten Stoppel und im Boden wie auch die Anzahl der im Herbst und Frühjahr aufgelaufenen Keimpflanzen wurde erfasst. Sowohl die Samenwie auch die Keimpflanzenpopula-tion ging 1972 zurück nachdem das Aussamen verhindert wurde, nahm aher in jedem Fall wieder zu, wenn die Pflanzen aussamen konnten. Die siärkste Zunahme trat dann ein, wenn die nicht abgebrannte Stoppel nach der Emte bear-beitet wurde; nach Stoppelabbrennen war sie geringer. Die grössle Ahnahme frisch ausgefaltener Samen trat dann ein, wenn man die Stoppel den ganzen Herbst unbearbeiter liess und eine spate Bodenbearbeitung war im Hinblick auf die Zunahme an Flughafer wirkungsvoller als das Abbrennen. Alte Samen, die berelts vor 1972 im Bodden waren. zeigten eine geringere Keimhemmung und produzierten 1973 mehr Keimpflanzen als Samen die erst 1972 ausfielen. Die grossten Verluste an den im Boden vorhandenen Samen trat im Fruhjahr auf und wahrscheinlich konnten viele gekeimten Samen als Keimpflanzen nicht ijberteben. Man kann anneh-men. dass der Samenvorrat von A. fatua im Boden kurzlebiger ist als fruher angenommen wurde, besonders dort, wo Pfliigen durch Grubbern ersetzt wurde. Die Regelmassigkeit des Flughaferauflaufs im Friihjahr war unbeeinflusst vom Zeitpunkt und Art der Bodenbearbeitung, vom Alter der Samen oder vom Abbrennen des Strohs im vorausgegan-gcnen Herhst.  相似文献   

Seeds of Johnsongrass [Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.] germinated to higher percentages (20–30% higher) when incubated at 28 and 35° C than at 10 or 22° C. After-ripening was accelerated by dry storage of these seeds at 50°C. Seeds pre-chilled at 6°C for 2–4 weeks followed by incubation at 28°C germinated 40–60%. Light effects on germination were related to incubation temperatures; inhibitory at 22°C; no response at 28°C; and stimulatory at 35°C. Effects of gibberellin A3 (GA3) also varied depending on incubation temperature, sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) immersion and light conditions. Immersion of dry seeds in either 700 mM NaOCl, 900 mM H2O2 or concentrated H2SO4 before incubation in water was effective in breaking dormancy. This result suggests the modes of action of H2SO4 in the termination of dormancy may be similar to those of NaOCl and H2SO4 as previously suggested by Hsiao & Quick (1984), that is by modification or scarification of the hull or seed coat membranes, and also by the supply of additional oxygen to the seed.  相似文献   

The effect of benzoylprop-ethyl on plant weight, root uptake, transport and metabolism of 32P in wild oat and wheat plants was examined 4 h, 1,3 and 9 days after treatment. The fresh weight of wild oat plants was significantly reduced, due to herbicide action only, by day 9 after treatment. By day 3, shoot weight was decreased while root weight was significantly increased by 47%. No significant changes in plant weight were caused by benzoylprop-ethyl in wheat plants. Uptake of 32P by treated wild oat plants decreased by 39% compared with the control, by day 9, after an initial increase; uptake of 32P was not significantly influenced in wheat plants. By day 1 transport of 32P to the shoots was significantly reduced in wild oat plants by 34%, whereas in wheat plants it was significantly increased by 35%. Metabolism of 32P was already hampered in wild oat plants 4 h after treatment. The content of 32P was reduced on the first two sampling dates in both the roots and shoots of treated plants in all fractions except in DNA in the shoots. On day 3, this decrease was apparent especially in organic, lipidic and nucleic acid fractions in the shoots; incorporation of 32P into lipidic and RNA fractions was significantly inhibited on day 9 in both the roots and shoots of treated wild oat plants. Wheat plants responded most strongly to benzyoylprop-ethyl on day 1 after treatment, when 32P incorporation into all fractions except DNA was hampered. Differences between treated and control wheat plants gradually levelled off on days 3 and 9 after treatment.  相似文献   

The eflect of chlorfenprop-methyl on plant weight, root uptake, transport and metabolism of 32P in wild oat and barley plants was examined 4 h. 1, 3 and 9 days after treatment. The fresh weight of treated wild oat plants became significantly less than that of the controls by day 9. There was no significant effect on the weight of barley plants during this period. Uptake of 32P by treated wild oat planus progressively decreased during the experiment and by day 9 was significantly 70% less yhan that in the control: uptake by barley plants showed a significant 30% increase by day 9. Transport of 32P to the shoots followed a similar pattern. In wild oat plants, transport was significantly inhibited at all sampling dales by 44–91%. In barley plants. 32P transport to the shoots tended to be enhanced by day 9 after herbicide treatment. Metabolism of 32P in wild oat plants was affected 4 h after treatment. The content of 32-P in individual fractions (inorganic, organic, lipidic, and nucleic acid P) was lower in treated plants, especially in the shools. In barley plants. 32P incorporation into the individual fractions was initially inhibited 4 h after treatment, but later corresponded to that found in the control.  相似文献   

Twenty days after addition of 26 ppm of 14C-labelled maleic hydrazide (MH) to unsterilized soil, 45 % of the added radioactivity was liberated in 14CO2, and after 255 days of incubation 56% was liberated. From autoclaved soil only 5% of added 14C was liberated in CO2 after 255 days of incubation. At MH-concentrations below 20 ppm the degradation approaches first-order kinetics, while the degradation of 120 ppm could be described by zero-order kinetics. No lag phase before the start of degradation was observed and the degradation of 14C-MH was not enhanced by pre-incubating the soil with high concentrations of unlabelled MH for 3 months. Degradation of 14C-maleic hydrazide was also demonstrated by autoradiography. After 40 and 127 days of incubation only traces of MH could be extracted with ethanol from unsterilized soil, while unchanged herbicide could still be extracted from autoclaved soil. After 9 days of incubation about 4% of the radioactivity from 14C labelled maleic hydrazide was found in the amino acid fraction of soil. The fraction of added activity found in amino acids decreased to about 2% after 112 days of incubation, following a gradual decrease in the total remaining 14C in the soil. Attempts to isolate micro-organisms able to use maleic hydrazide as a sole source of C or N did not give positive results. The results here quoted indicate the initial decomposition, if microbial, to be a case of co-metabolism. Degradation de l'hydrazide maléique marqué au 14C sous l'influence de la stérilisation, de la concentration et d'un prétraitement Vingt jours après addition de 26 ppm d'hydrazide maléique (HM) marqué au 14C á un sol non stérilisé, 45 % de la radio-activité ajoutée a été libérée sous forme de 14CO2 et 56% après 255 jours d'incubation. A partir d'un sol stériliséà l'autoclave, 5% seulement du 14C ajouté a été libéré sous forme de CO2 apres 255 jours d'incubation. A des concentrations d'hydrazide maléique inférieures á 20 ppm, la dégradation s'apparente á une cinélique du ler ordre, alors que la dégradation de 120 ppm pourrait être décrite par une cinétique d'ordre zéro. II n'a pas été observé de retard de phase avant le début de la dégradation et la dégradation de 14C-HM n'a pas été activée par la pré-incubation du sol avec des concentrations élevées d'hydrazide maléique, pendant trois mois. La dégradation de l'hydrazide maléique marque au 14C a étéégalement demontrée par autoradiographie. Après 40 et 127 jours d'incubation, il n'a été possible d'extraire que des traces d'hydrazide maléique, par l'ethanol, d'un sol non stérilisé, alors que l'herbicide non transformé pouvait encore être extrait d'un sol stérilisé A l'autoclave. Aprés 9 jours d'incubation, environ 4% de la radio-activité de l'hydrazide maléique marqué au 14C a été retrouvée dans la fraction amino-acide du sol. La fraction de radio-activity ajoutée retrouvée dans les amino-acides décrut d'en-viron 2% après 112 jours d'incubation, suivant une decrois-sance graduelle du 14C total restant dans le sol. Des tentaiives pour isoler des micro-organismes capables d'utiliser l'hydrazide maléique comme unique source de C ou de N n'ont pas donné de résultats positifs. Les résultats rapportes ici indiquent que la décomposition initiale, si elle est microbienne, est un cas de co- métabolisme. Der Einfluss von Sterilisation, Konzentration und Vorbehandlung aufden Abbau von 14C-markiertem Maleinsäurehydrazid im Boden 20 Tage nach Zusatz von 26 ppm von 14C-markiertem Maleinsäurehydrazid (MH) zu nicht-sterilisiertem Boden, wurden 45% der zugesetzten Radioaktivitat als 14CO2 freigesetzt; nach 255 Tagen Inkubationszeit waren es 56%. Von autolaviertem Boden wurden nach 255 Tagen nur 5% des zugegebenen 14C als CO2 freigesetzt. Bei MH-Konzentrationen von weniger als 20 ppm entspricht der Abbau etwa einer Kinetik 1. Ordnung, während der Abbau von 120 ppm als Kinetik O. Ordnung beschrieben werden könnte. Vor Beginn des Abbaus wurde keine lag-Phase beobachtet. Eine Vorbehandlung des Bodens mit hohen Konzentralionen von nicht-markiertem MH liber drei Monate, wirkte sich nicht beschleunigend aufden Abbau von 14C-MH aus. Der Abbau von 14C-Maleinsaurehydrazid wurde auch mit Hilfe der Autoradiographie nachgewiesen. Nach 40 und nach 127 Tagen Inkubationszeit kon_nten aus nicht-sterilisiertem Boden nur Spuren von MH mit Athanol extrahiert werden, wahrend aus dem autoklavierten Boden noch das unveränderte Her-bizid extrahiert werden konnte. Nach 9 Tagen Inkubatioti wurden etwa 4% der Radioaktivität aus dem 14C-markiertea Maleinsäurehydrazid in der Aminosäurefraktion des Bodens gefunden. Der Anteil zugesetzter Aktivität der in den Amino-säuren gefunden wurde, nahm nach 112 Tagen Inkubation bis auf etwa 2% ab; anschlieBend nahm dasgesamte reslliche 14C im Boden allmählich ab. Versuche, Mikroorganismen zu isolieren, die Maleinsäurehydrazid als alleinige C- oder N-Quelle verwerten könnten, führten zu keinem positiven Ergebnis. Die angeführten Ergebnisse zeigen, daB es sich beim anfänglichen Abbau, falls er mikrobiell bedingt ist, um Cometabotismus handelt.  相似文献   

The effect of localized placement of trifluralin on uptake patterns of soil-applied 45Ca in vetch (Vicia sativa L.), pea (Pisum sativum L.) and soybean (Glycine max) and 32P in vetch and pea was investigated in two soil zones in the roots and in the shoot zone before and after plant emergence. When trifluralin was in the upper root zone severe inhibition of lateral roots occurred as well as a marked decrease in uptake of 45Ca and 32P from this zone. Root growth in the lower zone was unaffected, but uptake of 45Ca and 32P was slightly reduced. Compensatory adventitious root growth as well as a marked increase in uptake of 45Ca and 32P occurred in the shoot zone. Neither root growth nor uptake of 45Ca or 32P in the upper root zone were affected by the presence of trifluralin in the lower root region. When trifluralin was placed in the shoot zone after plant emergence, adven-titious roots on the shoots were inhibited and uptake of 45Ca and 32P was reduced.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted in the green house on 14C-methyllabelled glyphosate translocation in johnsongrass as affected by rhizome length and growth stage. The amount of 14C measured by the liquid scintillation technique in the rhizomes (2-8%) increased with rhizome length (10, 20 or 30 cm) and tended to increase with growth stage (15-30 cm tall, 45-60 cm tall, or at seedhead), but the amount of 14C per g fresh rhizome weight was almost similar in all cases. Of the total amount applied per plant (0·2 μCi) about 1/3 or less remained on the treated leaf area, while another 1/3 was a absorbed into the treated leaves. Autoradiographs showed that the 14C label moved to all plant parts, basipetally and acropetally. Migration du glyphosate 14 C chez le sorgho d'Alep (Sorghum halepense L. Pers.) en relation avec le stage de croissance et la longueur du rhizome Des recherches ont été effectuées en serru sur la migration du glyphosate marqué au 14C sur le méthyle, chez le sorgho d'Alep, en relation avec la longueur du rhizome et le stade de croissance. La quantité de 14C mesurée par la technique de scintillation liquide dans les rhizomes (2 à 8%) s'est accrue avec la longueur du rhizome (10, 20 ou 30 cm) et elle a eu tendance à augmenter avec le stade de croissance (Hauteur 15-30 cm, hauteur 45-60 cm ou épiaison), mais la quantité de 14C par gramme de poids frais de rhizome est restée Presque identique dans tous les cas. Environ 1/3, ou moins, de la quantitéà la surface des feuilles traitées par plante (0,2 μCi), est restéà la surface des feuilles traitées cependant qu'un autre 1/3 a été absorbé dans less feuilles traitées Les autoradiographies ont montré que le 14C marqueur a migré dans toutes les parties de la plante, dans le sens basipète et dans le sens acropète. Translokation von 14C-Glyphosat in Johnsongras (Sorghum halepense L. Pers.) in Abhängigkeit vom Wachstumsstadium der Pflanzen und der Rhizomlänge Im Gewächshaus wurden Versuche über die Translokation von 14C-Glyphosat in Johnsongras (Sorghum halepense L. Pers.) in Abhängigkeit vom Wachstumsstadium der Pflanzen und der Rhizomlänge durchgeführt. An den Rhizomen stieg der Gehalt von 14C(2–8%), gemessen mit der Flüssig-Szintillationstechnik, mit zunehmender Rhizomlänge (10, 20 oder 30 cm) an und nahm tendenziell auch mit fortschreitendem Pflanzenwachstum zu (15–30 cm und 45–60 cm Sprosslänge oder nach dem Rispenschieben); jedoch blieb die Menge pro g Rhizomfrischgewicht beinahe konstant. Von der insgesamt ausgebrachten Menge pro Pflanze (0.2 μCi) blieben bis zu 1/3 auf der behandelten Blättern absorbiert wurde. Die Autoradiographie zeigte, dass der 14C markierte Teil in alle Pflanzenteile sowohl basipetal wie auch akropetal transportiert wurde.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted in a growth cabinet to investigate the absorption and translocation of 14C-3, 6-dichloropicolinic acid by Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. (Canada thistle, creeping thistle), a sensitive species. Applications were made, either to the middle four leaves of 12-cm-tall vegetative plants grown under low (40%) and/or high (>95%) relative humidity (r.h.), or to four upper or lower leaves of 30-cm-tall flowering plants grown under low r.h. Following application to vegetative plants, absorption and translocation of 14C-3,6-dichloropicolinic acid was rapid and was approximately doubled by high r.h. High r.h. increased the amount of radioactivity retained by the treated leaves or translocated to the shoots but did not affect greatly the amount retained in the roots. The herbicide was highly mobile, with over half of that absorbed, translocated out of the treated leaves after two days. The apex accumulated most of the radioactivity, while approximately 8% was recovered from the roots. The absorption and translocation patterns were similar to those reported in the literature for picloram in C. arvense. Absorption of 3,6-dichloropicolinic acid was greater in vegetative than in flowering C. arvense plants, and placement of herbicide on lower leaves tended to decrease the amount of radioactivity recovered from shoot apex and increase the amount recovered from the roots. Approximately 15% of the applied radioactivity could not be recovered from treated plants by 2 days after treatment.  相似文献   

A new formulation of clethodim {(E,E)-(±)-2-(1-[([3-chloro-2-propenyl]oxy)imino]propyl)-5-(2-[ethylthio]propyl)-3-hydroxy-2-cyclohexen-1-one} is labeled for the control of grasses and volunteer grass crops, including glyphosate-resistant corn. The effects of the formulation (new: 0.12 kg L−1 and current: 0.24 kg L−1) and adjuvants (ammonium sulfate [AMS], crop oil concentrate [COC] or both) on the absorption and translocation of the 14C-clethodim was determined at 1, 4, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h after treatment (HAT) in wheat under greenhouse conditions. The absorption of the 14C-clethodim with the 0.12 kg L−1 formulation was higher than that with the 0.24 kg L−1 formulation, especially at 24 HAT and beyond, regardless of the presence or absence of an adjuvant. The addition of an adjuvant increased the absorption of the 14C-clethodim with the 0.12 kg L−1 formulation at all harvest times, except at 72 HAT. However, there were no differences in the 14C-clethodim absorption among the adjuvants added to the 0.12 kg L−1 formulation, except at 48 and 72 HAT. Most of the 14C-clethodim remained in the treated leaf independent of the formulation or adjuvant. The formulation did not have an impact on the distribution of the absorbed 14C-clethodim; however, the presence of an adjuvant increased the movement of the 14C-clethodim out of the treated leaf. Most of the absorbed 14C-clethodim remained in the treated leaf and a negligible amount translocated to the root. These results demonstrated the improved absorption of clethodim with a formulation containing half of the active ingredient (0.12 kg L−1) and the inclusion of both AMS and COC.  相似文献   

Sunder  Satyavir 《Plant pathology》1998,47(6):767-772
Twenty-eight isolates of Fusarium moniliforme were established from bakanae-infected rice plants of a range of cultivars collected from various localities in Haryana, India. They were characterized by vegetative compatibility, virulence pattern on five paddy cultivars, and biosynthesis of gibberellins and were assigned to 10 vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs). Isolates from different VCGs and also within the same VCG varied considerably in virulence and GA3 production. The 28 isolates were categorized into five gibberellic acid production groups (GPG-I–GPG-V) and five virulence groups (VG-I–VG-V). Vegetative compatibility was independent of pathogenicity and of ability to produce GA3. However, GA3 production was positively correlated ( r  = 0.731) with pathogenic behaviour.  相似文献   

以6个耐盐性不同的白菜型冬油菜种子为材料,将NaCl和Na_2SO_4按摩尔比1:1混合,设浓度为0(CK)、45、90、135、180、240 mmol·L~(-1)6个处理,测定其对种子萌发和生长参数的影响,研究不同冬油菜种子萌发时的耐盐能力,以期为耐盐冬油菜的筛选提供依据。结果表明:(1)45 mmol·L~(-1)和90 mmol·L~(-1)盐浓度对种子萌发的影响不明显;135 mmol·L~(-1)和180 mmol·L~(-1)盐浓度明显抑制了种子萌发,表现为种子发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数、胚根长、胚芽长、鲜重和干重均随盐浓度的增大而明显降低。因此,135~180 mmol·L~(-1)盐浓度可认为是耐盐性鉴定的适宜范围。(2)不同指标对盐胁迫的敏感程度差异较大,发芽指数、活力指数、胚芽长和鲜重与盐浓度均为极显著负相关,对盐胁迫最为敏感。(3)3个耐盐冬油菜ky-1、ky-10-191和ky-NDJ的种子发芽指数、活力指数、胚芽长和鲜重的耐盐临界值显著高于原有品系平油1号、10-191和ky-NDJ。ky-1、ky-10-191、ky-NDJ的耐盐临界值分别为133.895、123.264、107.399 mmol·L~(-1),而平油1号、10-191、NDJ的耐盐临界值分别为117.394、103.947、93.834 mmol·L~(-1)。用隶属函数法综合评价,耐盐性强弱顺序依次为ky-1ky-10-191平油1号kyNDJ10-191NDJ。可见,ky-1、ky-10-191和ky-NDJ的耐盐性较平油1号、10-191和NDJ均有所提高。  相似文献   

从2个不同抗寒性的冬油菜品种中克隆了NCED3基因及其启动子序列,并分析其在叶片和根中的表达,研究NCED3基因在冬油菜中的作用机理。结果表明,陇油6号的NCED3基因开放阅读框(ORF)长度为1 794 bp,编码597个氨基酸,分子量65.74 kD,理论等电点为5.81;天油2号的ORF与其长度相同,分子量为65.78 kD,理论等电点为5.94。2个蛋白都是亲水蛋白,具有疏水峰。根据预测,启动子具有生物过程中常见的顺式作用元件如CAAT-box等、分生组织表达CAT-box相关的顺式作用元件、-30 TATA box附近的核心启动子元件等,还有ABRE、TGA-element、CGTCA-motif、TGACG-element等激素响应元件,此外,还鉴定出低温响应元件(LTR)。2个品种启动子序列的相似度为99.38%,只有1个不同的顺式作用元件,即circadian,推测其与昼夜节律相关。低温、PEG及ABA处理后NCED3在叶片和根中的表达均高于对照,增加范围为0.07~6.48,且均于8 h达到峰值。与根系的表达特性相比,胁迫处理后叶片的基因表达均在2 h显著升高,天油2号的升高幅度(1.54~6.00)均大于陇油6号(0.04~1.95)。  相似文献   

The metabolism, uptake and translocation of paraquat in resistant (R) and susceptible (S) biotypes of Crassocephalum crepidioides (Benth.) S. Moore (redflower ragleaf) at the 10-leaf stage was investigated. A study on the properties of leaf surface was carried out to examine the relationship between leaf surface characters and paraquat absorption. The extractable paraquat was not metabolized by the leaf tissue of either the resistant or susceptible biotypes. Differential metabolism, therefore, does not appear to play a role in the mechanism of resistance. Both biotypes did not show any significant difference in the amount of cuticle and trichome densities. Furthermore, both biotypes are identical in the structure of stomata, trichomes and epicuticular wax. The results of the leaf surface studies are in agreement with the findings of the uptake study. Both biotypes demonstrated no significant difference in absorption between the resistant and susceptible biotypes. However, 10% of the absorbed 14C-paraquat into the S biotype was translocated basipetally, but not in the R biotype. The results of this study suggest that in C. crepidioides , differential translocation may contribute to the mechanism of resistance at the 10-leaf stage.  相似文献   

采用固相萃取-高效液相色谱(SPE-HPLC)法建立了快速、准确检测果蔬中赤霉酸(GA3)残留量的方法。样本采用丙酮-水(5 ∶ 1,体积比)进行超声提取,经石油醚脱色、乙酸乙酯萃取、HyperSep C18固相萃取小柱净化(以1 mL甲醇为净化剂,以1 mL水为活化剂,上样液为1 mL 10%的甲醇,以5 mL 40%甲醇为洗脱剂),用HPLC检测,外标法定量。结果表明,GA3在0.05~10 mg/L范围内线性关系良好,相关系数 r =0.999 7,检出限(LOD)为0.012 mg/kg。用所建立的方法抽检了18种市售果蔬样品,在1 mg/kg添加水平下的回收率在90.58% ~99.35%之间,相对标准偏差在1.25%~8.67%之间。该方法稳定、准确,适用于果蔬中GA3的残留检测。  相似文献   

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