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蛋白质饲料资源的合理利用及开发对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
<正>随着人们生活水平的提高和对生活质量的重视,对肉、蛋、奶的需求日益增多。但从我国人均膳食中动物性蛋白摄取量与世界水平相比,仍然处于中等偏下的水平,仅相当于经济发达国家的1/8~1/5,据预测若争取达到20世纪的世界平均水平,按最佳  相似文献   

本研究旨在明确影响肉兔断奶后窝生长性状和料肉比的重要因素。利用一般线性模型分析了来自5个不同肉兔品种(新西兰白兔,加利福尼亚兔,比利时兔,青紫蓝兔和福建黄兔)的909只173窝肉兔断奶后窝生长和料肉比性状。结果表明,品种和断奶数对断奶窝重(5周龄窝重),窝增重,窝上市体重(10周龄窝重),个体平均上市体重,窝采食量和料肉比的影响极显著(P<0.01)。出生月份对窝采食量影响极显著(P<0.01),对断奶窝重和窝上市体重的影响显著(P<0.05)。比利时兔的断奶窝重、窝增重、窝上市体重、窝采食量和平均上市体重显著高于其他品种,而福建黄兔的上述5项指标显著低于其他品种(P<0.05)。断奶数与断奶窝重、窝采食量、窝增重、窝上市体重和料肉比的回归系数为正且显著。品种、断奶数和出生月份是影响肉兔断奶后窝性状和料肉比的重要因素。本研究的结果为将比利时兔作为杂交的终端父本提供重要依据。  相似文献   

Models for genetic evaluation of feed efficiency ( FE ) for animals housed in groups when they are either fed ad libitum ( F ) or on restricted ( R ) feeding were implemented. Definitions of FE on F included group records of feed intake () and individual records of growth rate ( GF ) and metabolic weight ( MF ). Growth rate ( GR ) as FE measurement on R was used. Data corresponded to 5,336 kits from a rabbit sire line, from 1,255 litters in 14 batches and 667 cages. A five‐trait mixed model (also with metabolic weight on R, MR ) was implemented including, for each trait, the systematic effects of batch, body weight at weaning, parity order and litter size; and the random effects of litter, additive genetic and individual. A Bayesian analysis was performed. Conditional traits such as and were obtained from elements of additive genetics ( and ) or phenotypic ( and ) (co)variance matrices. In the first case, heritabilities were low (0.07 and 0.06 for and , respectively) but null genetic correlation between the conditional and conditioning traits is guaranteed. In the second case, heritabilities were higher (0.22 and 0.16 for and , respectively) but the genetic correlation between and was moderate (0.58). Heritability of GR was low (0.08). This trait was negatively correlated with and of animals on F, which indicate a different genetic background. The correlation between GR and GF was also low to moderate (0.48) and the additive variance of GF was almost four times that of GR, suggesting the presence of a substantial genotype by feeding regimen interaction.  相似文献   

Energy and protein sources are of prime importance for ruminants as they stimulate microorganisms in the rumen and enhance the productive functions of the animals. Cassava roots in the form of dry cassava chips or pellets as energy sources and dried cassava leaves and cassava hay as protein sources have been used successfully in ruminant rations. These uses of cassava could provide year-round feed which results in a high yield and good quality of milk and contribute to a more lucrative dairy and beef cattle enterprise, especially for small-holder dairy farming systems. There are many other available feed resources in the tropics of potential use in ruminant feeding and particularly in the development of food-feed-systems that are not only beneficial for human and animals but also for the environment.  相似文献   

Non-genetic information (epigenetic, microbiota, behaviour) that results in different phenotypes in animals can be transmitted from one generation to the next and thus is potentially involved in the inheritance of traits. However, in livestock species, animals are selected based on genetic inheritance only. The objective of the present study was to determine whether non-genetic inherited effects play a role in the inheritance of residual feed intake (RFI) in two species: pigs and rabbits. If so, the path coefficients of the information transmitted from sire and dam to offspring would differ from the expected transmission factor of 0.5 that occurs if inherited information is of genetic origin only. Two pigs (pig1, pig2) and two rabbits (rabbit1, rabbit2) datasets were used in this study (1,603, 3,901, 5,213 and 4,584 records, respectively). The test of the path coefficients to 0.5 was performed for each dataset using likelihood ratio tests (null model: transmissibility model with both path coefficients equal to 0.5, full model: unconstrained transmissibility model). The path coefficients differed significantly from 0.5 for one of the pig datasets (pig2). Although not significant, we observed, as a general trend, that sire path coefficients of transmission were lower than dam path coefficients in three of the datasets (0.46 vs 0.53 for pig1, 0.39 vs 0.44 for pig2 and 0.38 vs 0.50 for rabbit1). These results suggest that phenomena other than genetic sources of inheritance explain the phenotypic resemblance between relatives for RFI, with a higher transmission from the dam's side than from the sire's side.  相似文献   

Feed intake and feed efficiency are economically important traits in beef cattle because feed is the greatest variable cost in production. Feed efficiency can be measured as feed conversion ratio (FCR, intake per unit gain) or residual feed intake (RFI, measured as DMI corrected for BW and growth rate, and sometimes a measure of body composition, usually carcass fatness, RFI(bf)). The goal of this study was to fine map QTL for these traits in beef cattle using 2,194 markers on 24 autosomes. The animals used were from 20 half-sib families originating from Angus, Charolais, and University of Alberta Hybrid bulls. A mixed model with random sire and fixed QTL effect nested within sire was used to test each location (cM) along the chromosomes. Threshold levels were determined at the chromosome and genome levels using 20,000 permutations. In total, 4 QTL exceeded the genome-wise threshold of P < 0.001, 3 exceeded at P < 0.01, 17 at P < 0.05, and 30 achieved significance at the chromosome-wise threshold level (at least P < 0.05). No QTL were detected on BTA 8, 16, and 27 above the 5% chromosome-wise significance threshold for any of the traits. Nineteen chromosomes contained RFI QTL significant at the chromosome-wise level. The RFI(bf) QTL results were generally similar to those of RFI, the positions being similar, but occasionally differing in the level of significance. Compared with RFI, fewer QTL were detected for both FCR and DMI, 12 and 4 QTL, respectively, at the genome-wise thresholds. Some chromosomes contained FCR QTL, but not RFI QTL, but all DMI QTL were on chromosomes where RFI QTL were detected. The most significant QTL for RFI was located on BTA 3 at 82 cM (P = 7.60 x 10(-5)), for FCR on BTA 24 at 59 cM (P = 0.0002), and for DMI on BTA 7 at 54 cM (P = 1.38 x 10(-5)). The RFI QTL that showed the most consistent results with previous RFI QTL mapping studies were on BTA 1, 7, 18, and 19. The identification of these QTL provides a starting point to identify genes affecting feed intake and efficiency for use in marker-assisted selection and management.  相似文献   

随着我国畜牧业和畜禽产品对外贸易的进一步发展,必须重视药物添加剂合理使用,应从单方面注重饲养效果尽快转到在注重饲养效果的同时,更关注药物添加剂的安全性(药物残留、耐药性等),大力提倡选择使用高效、安全、无药物残留的药物添加剂。最近荷兰罗帕法姆公司利用现代育种技术,成功地从天然植物中提取出了一种纯天然抗菌药物添加剂诺必达。该药物对畜禽肠道细菌(大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌、猪密螺旋体)有特效,具有显著的促生长和提高饲料转化率效果,重要的是该药物添加剂属纯中草药提取物,无任何药物残留和耐药性问题,国外已批准作为饲料药物添…  相似文献   

随着我国马铃薯主粮化的战略性发展,饲用马铃薯块、马铃薯茎叶、马铃薯渣将大幅度增加。马铃薯饲用资源总体表现高水分、高纤维、低蛋白、β-胡萝卜素等功能性因子与龙葵素等有毒物质共存的特点。为了降低龙葵素的毒性,熟制、烘干、青贮或发酵后饲用是马铃薯饲用资源的主要处理方式。薯渣、茎叶、秸秆、辅料不同组合进行青贮、混贮、裹包青贮、发酵,可有效改善物料的营养价值和饲用价值,且操作简便,适于规模化推广。马铃薯饲用资源固体发酵饲料可在猪、家禽、肉兔、肉羊和牛的饲养中替代部分能量饲料或蛋白饲料,且有较好的经济效益。农户种养循环自给模式、产地茎叶综合利用模式、马铃薯渣生产发酵饲料模式,不仅变废为宝,而且减少环境污染,具有良好的环保、经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

提高禽饲料利用率的营养学方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RAPD技术具有操作简便快捷、检测面广、样品用量少、灵敏度高的优点。RAPD技7l专不仅应用于动物遗传变异及遗传多样性检测,而且还被应用于群体遗传关系的分析,数量性状位点的连锁分析等方面。本文从7个方面综述了RAPD技术在家禽育种中的应用。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the optimum test duration and the effect of missing data on accuracy of measuring feed efficiency and its 4 related traits ADG, DMI, feed conversion ratio, and residual feed intake in beef cattle using data from 456 steers with 5,397 weekly averaged feed intakes and BW repeated measurements taken over 91 d. Data were collected using the GrowSafe System at the University of Alberta Kinsella Research Station. The changes and relative changes in phenotypic residual variances and correlations (Pearson and Spearman) among data from shortened test durations (7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, or 84 d) and a 91-d test were used to determine the optimum test duration for the 4 traits. The traits were fitted to a mixed model with repeated measures using SAS. Test durations for ADG, DMI, feed conversion ratio, and residual feed intake could be shortened to 63, 35, 42, and 63 d, respectively, without significantly reducing the accuracy of the tests when BW was measured weekly. The accuracy of the test was not compromised when up to 30% of the records were randomly removed after the first 35 d on test. These results have valuable and practical implications for performance and feed efficiency testing in beef cattle.  相似文献   

侯东来  吕世秀 《饲料工业》2006,27(21):62-63
现行的《饲料标签》标准GB10648-99是继GB10648-89、GB10648-93之后的第三套标准.它与《饲料卫生》标准(GB13078-2001)并列为国家强制性标准,国务院颁布的《饲料和饲料添加剂管理条例》规定的十三项管理制度中,饲料标签制度即是其中之一。国家之所以将饲料标签通过最高技术法规和晟高行政法规的形式固定下来,其目的、意义是不言而喻的。为深入了解饲料标签标准和饲料标签制度的落实情况,笔者对饲料生产、经营、使用及管理各环节进行了调查研究。  相似文献   

利用蚕桑资源开发新型畜禽饲料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
畜牧业产品是维持人类生命所必需的蛋白质重要来源,因而各国都非常注重发展畜牧业。随着畜牧业的不断发展,常规饲料源(牧草、谷物、豆饼等)日益紧张,在一些国家,常规饲料源供需缺口越来越大,不得不寻求新的饲料源来替代,如印度、马来西亚、日本等饲料短缺的国家都研究开发了新的饲料源作代用饲料,来发  相似文献   

甄莉  陈勇 《中国饲料》2004,(13):37-39
青饲料包括青绿饲料和多汁饲料,其特点是青绿、多汁、柔嫩、适口性好、消化率高,是草食动物的重要营养物质。青饲料是奶牛必不可少的饲料,对提高奶牛的泌乳量和品质都有重要作用。青饲料轮供就是要保证奶牛一年四季优质青饲料的均衡供应。目前,一些奶牛场由于不能均衡供应青饲料,导致生产起伏波动,给生产带来较大损失。因此,组织好青饲料的均衡供应有重要的现实意义。1 提高青饲料产量和品质的措施1 1 播种 播种前要对种子进行处理,剔除坏死种子、杂草种子以及禾草种子的芒,打破种子休眠,以保证播种质量。对种子进行预防病、虫害的处理…  相似文献   

随着我国人口迅猛增长及畜牧业的快速发展,面临人畜争粮的问题日益突出。当前乃至今后较长的时期,我国畜牧业的发展将受到饲料粮严重不足的制约。因此,面对这一严竣形势,充分开发和合理利用新兴的节粮型饲料矿产资源,将是有效地解决我国饲粮短缺,加速畜牧业发展的重要措施之一。文章介绍了天然非金属矿产资源:沸石、麦饭石、膨润土、海泡石、石灰石、泥炭等在畜牧业发展中的作用,并对饲用矿资源的主要特征作了系统阐述。  相似文献   

The direct control of feed efficiency is feasible only in test stations and experimental farms. Here coefficients of heritability were found below those for milk yield. Between milk yield and feed efficiency there exist strong genetic correlations, while the correlations between feed intake and feed efficiency are smaller. In spite of these favourable correlations, breeding for higher milk yield entails a serious energy deficit during the first part of lactation. The feed intake reaches its maximum not earlier than 10 to 12 weeks post partum, but peak daily milk yield has already been reached by two to four weeks post partum. Due to energy deficiency the feed efficiency during the first part of lactation seems to be very high, but in fact the feed intake at this time does not cover the energy demand of the high yielding dairy cow.In future more research on genetic factors controlling the feed intake during the first 10 weeks of lactation is required. As potential single factors the capacity of the digestive tract, the production of saliva, the ruminal fermentation, the rate of passage and the overall physiological status of the animal should be investigated. To estimate the real feed efficiency one should observe not only the direct production in milk, milk fat, protein and lactose but also the metabolism of depot fat, growth, nutrition of the foetus, maintenance requirements and a genetically affected resistance against metabolic disorders. Higher feed intake at beginning of lactation can reduce the feed costs, increase the protein content in milk and improve the conception rate in dairy cows. For breeding purposes we need indirect parameters for feed intake under field conditions, e.g. changes in body measurements, urea content in milk, oleic acid proportion in milk fat or content of ketone bodies.  相似文献   

开发饲料稻谷资源促进南方饲料工业稳步发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
饲料工业是以利用粮食及其副产品等为基础原料的综合性工业 ,是促进粮食综合利用 ,节约粮食主要而有效的途径。 1 978~ 1 998年的 2 0年间 ,全国生产配合饲料 5 5亿多t,共节约粮食 1 375亿t,平均每年节约粮食 690多万t。发展饲料工业可以有效地拉动农业产业结构调整 ,促进畜牧业的发展 ,改善城乡居民膳食结构 ,提高人民生活水平 ,促进农村经济发展。开发稻谷资源主要是选育蛋白质含量高、产量高、适于用作饲料的水稻新品种。一、1 997年我国部分省区的稻谷和玉米产量由于作物生长特性和各地区气候、水源、土壤和农民种植习惯等原因 ,我…  相似文献   

1. The objectives of the present study were to estimate heritability and genetic correlations for feed efficiency and body weight (BW) in Japanese quail.

2. Recorded traits during different weeks of the growing period were BW from hatch to 35 d, feed intake (FI), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and residual feed intake (RFI) from hatch to 28 d of age.

3. Genetic parameters were estimated by restricted maximum likelihood method using ASREML software. The results showed that heritability estimates for BW ranged from 0.11 to 0.22, and maternal permanent environmental effect was the highest at hatch (0.45). FCR, RFI and FI showed moderate heritabilities ranging from 0.13 to 0.40.

4.Genetic correlations of BW28 with FI0–28 (0.88) and RFI0–28 (0.1) and genetic correlation of FI0–28 with FCR0–28 (0.13) and RFI0–28 (0.52) were positive. A negative genetic correlation was found between BW28 and FCR0–28 (?0.49). There was a high positive genetic correlation (0.67) between RFI0–28 and FCR0–28.

5. In conclusion, selection for increased BW and reduced FI in a selection index could be recommended to improve feed efficiency traits including FCR and RFI in Japanese quail.  相似文献   

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