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Data were collected from 15 Arkansas livestock auctions to determine factors affecting selling price. Data included how calves were sold (single or groups), sex, breed or breed type, color, muscle thickness, horn status, frame score, fill, body condition, age, health, BW, and price. Data were randomly collected on 52,401 lots consisting of 105,542 calves. Selling prices for steers ($124.20 +/- 0.07), bulls ($117.93 +/- 0.12), and heifers ($112.81 +/- 0.07) were different from each other (P <0.001). Hereford x Charolais feeder calves sold for the highest price ($122.66 +/- 0.14) and Longhorns sold for the lowest price ($74.52 +/- 0.46). Yellow feeder cattle received the highest selling price ($96.47 +/- 0.12), and spotted or striped feeder cattle received the lowest price ($83.84 +/- 0.23). The selling price of singles was lower than the price for calves sold in groups of 6 or more ($117.26 +/- 0.06 vs. $122.61 +/- 0.21; P <0.001). For cattle classified as having muscle scores of 1, 2, 3, and 4, selling prices were $120.45 +/- 0.05, $111.31 +/- 0.09, $96.28 +/- 0.44, and $82.21 +/- 1.87, respectively. Polled feeder cattle sold for $118.57 +/- 0.05, and horned feeder cattle sold for $114.87 +/- 0.14 (P <0.001). Interactions (P <0.001) were detected between frame score and BW groups, and muscle score and BW groups on the selling price of cattle. A number of management and genetic factors affected the selling price of feeder cattle.  相似文献   

Beef outputs from dairy farms make an important contribution to overall profitability in Irish dairy herds and are the sole source of revenue in many beef herds. The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for animal BW and price across different stages of maturity. Data originated from 2 main sources: price and BW from livestock auctions and BW from on-farm weighings between 2000 and 2008. The data were divided into 4 distinct maturity categories: calves (n = 24,513), weanlings (n = 27,877), postweanlings (n = 23,279), and cows (n = 4,894). A univariate animal model used to estimate variance components was progressively built up to include a maternal genetic effect and a permanent environmental maternal effect. Bivariate analyses were used to estimate genetic covariances between BW and price per animal within and across maturity category. Direct heritability estimates for price per animal were 0.34 ± 0.03, 0.31 ± 0.05, 0.19 ± 0.04, and 0.10 ± 0.04 for calves, weanling, postweanlings, and cows, respectively. Direct heritability estimates for BW were 0.26 ± 0.03 for weanlings, 0.25 ± 0.04 for postweanlings, and 0.24 ± 0.06 for cows; no BW data were available on calves. Significant maternal genetic and maternal permanent environmental effects were observed for weanling BW only. The genetic correlation between price per animal and BW within each maturity group varied from 0.55 ± 0.06 (postweanling price and BW) to 0.91 ± 0.04 (cow price and BW). The availability of routinely collected data, along with the existence of ample genetic variation for animal BW and price per animal, facilitates their inclusion in Irish dairy and beef breeding objectives to better reflect the profitability of both enterprises.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare health performance during the first 28 days in the feedlot for vaccinated or conditioned feeder calves sold through special auctions in Ontario with health performance for calves sold through conventional auctions in the province. DESIGN: Cohort study. ANIMALS: 12,313 calves sold through conventional and special auctions at the Keady Livestock Market during the fall of 1999 and 2000. PROCEDURE: Buyers of calf groups were approached at the auction market or contacted by telephone and asked to record the number of calves requiring treatment for bovine respiratory tract disease (BRD) during the first 28 days after purchase. RESULTS: 211 calf groups (> or = 20 calves/group) were followed up for 28 days after purchase. Multivariate logistic analysis indicated that vaccinated calves purchased through special auctions were 0.68 (95% confidence interval, 0.50 to 0.93) times as likely to receive treatment for BRD as were calves purchased at conventional auctions and that conditioned calves were 0.22 (95% confidence interval, 0.12 to 0.38) times as likely to receive treatment. Groups that received antimicrobials by injection on arrival at the feedlot were 0.64 (95% confidence interval, 0.43 to 0.96) times as likely to be treated as were groups that did not. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that vaccinated and conditioned calves were less likely to receive treatment for BRD during the first 28 days in the feedlot; however, there was no difference in mortality rate.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether vaccinated or conditioned feeder calves sold through special auctions in Ontario commanded a premium, compared with feeder calves sold at conventional auctions, and whether various physical characteristics of the calves were associated with the sale price. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. ANIMALS: 14,037 calves sold through conventional and special auctions at the Keady Livestock Market during the fall of 1999 and 2000. PROCEDURE: Calves were observed as they were sold by lot in the auction ring. Lot characteristics and the price received for each lot were recorded. Multivariate analysis was used to estimate the effect of lot characteristics and sale type on price. RESULTS: Information was recorded for 2,601 calf lots. Multivariate analysis indicated that various lot characteristics were associated with sale price, with 68% of the variation explained by the model. Overall, lots sold at special auctions received a premium of 0.06 dollars/lb (Canadian dollars), compared with lots sold at conventional auctions. However, the premium varied with mean body weight of the lot and year. In addition, frame size, breed, body condition score, uniformity of the lot, weaning status, mean body weight, lot size, sex, year, and sale type were significantly related to sale price. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggested that producers selling calves at special auctions at this market received a premium, compared with producers selling calves at conventional auctions.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to assess cattle welfare during transportation. Vehicle inspection and observation of cattle behavior during loading operations were conducted at two major livestock markets (T and M) in Japan. Market T provided young feeder cattle (Wagyu and cross‐bred aged 6.8–9.0 months) mainly for regions farther than 1500 km. Market M provided young cattle (Wagyu aged 6.6–11.2 month) and calves (crossbred and Holstein aged 0.7–1.5 month) for nearby regions within 500 km. Market T had loading platforms 1.0 m high, whereas market M had partial allocation of platforms and forced most transporters to load cattle from the ground. Vehicles were inspected according to the welfare standards for beef cattle of the RSPCA. Number of vehicles inspected was 36 and 31 in markets T and M, respectively. Cattle hesitations (kneeling down, slipping, balking, backing down, turning around, jumping and eliminating) were observed at the loading ramp. Vehicles inspected at the markets complied with most requirements of the welfare standards, but non‐compliance was found in two requirements: in market M, 71.0% of vehicles had the loading ramp at a >20% incline, whereas 17.1% of vehicles did in market T (P < 0.001). Slope of the loading ramp was steeper in market M than in market T (33.9 ± 17.3% vs. 14.9 ± 8.9%, P < 0.001). Market M had higher proportion of vehicles that did not comply with the requirement ‘Both loading ramps and tail boards must be appropriately designed and covered with litter, to prevent animals from falling off or slipping’ compared with market T (83.9% vs. 17.1%, P < 0.001). Higher frequencies were observed in two kinds of hesitating behavior in market M than in market T (both P < 0.01): mean frequencies (times/head) of slipping and balking were 1.3 ± 1.2 and 2.0 ± 1.8 in market M, and 0.2 ± 0.2 and 0.7 ± 0.5 in market T, respectively. Steeper loading ramp was correlated with higher frequencies of kneeling down (r = 0.53), slipping (r = 0.59), balking (r = 0.45) and backing down (r = 0.42) (all P < 0.05).  相似文献   

Relative effects of Beef Quality Assurance (BQA)-related defects in market beef and dairy cows and bulls on selling price at auction was evaluated during 2008. The presence and severity of 23 BQA-related traits were determined during sales in Idaho, California, and Utah. Overall, 18,949 unique lots consisting of 23,479 animals were assessed during 125 dairy sales and 79 beef sales. Mean sale price ± SD (per 45.5 kg) for market beef cows, beef bulls, dairy cows, and dairy bulls was $45.15 ± 9.42, $56.30 ± 9.21, $42.23 ± 12.26, and $55.10 ± 9.07, respectively. When combined, all recorded traits explained 36% of the variation in selling price in beef cows, 35% in beef bulls, 61% in dairy cows, and 56% in dairy bulls. Premiums and discounts were determined in comparison with a "par" or "base" animal. Compared with a base BCS 5 beef cow (on a 9-point beef scale), BCS 1 to 4 cows were discounted (P < 0.0001), whereas premiums (P < 0.05) were estimated for BCS 6 to 8. Compared with a base BCS 3.0 dairy cow (on a 5-point dairy scale), more body condition resulted in a premium (P ≤ 0.001), whereas a less-than-desirable BCS of 2.0 or 2.5 was discounted (P < 0.0001). Emaciated or near-emaciated cows (beef BCS 1 or 2; dairy BCS 1.0 or 1.5) were discounted (P < 0.0001). Compared with base cows weighing 545 to 635 kg, lighter BW beef cows were discounted (P < 0.0001), whereas heavier beef cows received (P < 0.05) a premium. Compared with a base dairy cow weighing 636 to 727 kg, lighter BW cows were discounted (P < 0.0001), whereas heavier cows (727 to 909 kg) received a premium (P < 0.01). Beef and dairy cows with any evidence of lameness were discounted (P < 0.0001). Presence of ocular neoplasia in the precancerous stage discounted (P = 0.05) beef cows and discounted (P < 0.01) dairy cows, whereas at the cancerous stage, it discounted (P < 0.0001) all cows. Hide color influenced (P < 0.0001) selling price in beef cattle but had no effect (P = 0.17) in dairy cows. Animals that were visibly sick were discounted (P < 0.0001). Results suggest that improving BCS and BW, which producers can do at the farm or ranch level, positively affects sale price. Furthermore, animals that are visibly sick or have a defect associated with a possible antibiotic risk will be discounted. Ultimately, animals with minor quality defects should be sold in a timely manner before the defect advances and the discount increases.  相似文献   

王长梅 《饲料广角》2005,(22):26-26,32
豆粕是饲料当中不可缺少的一部分,随着人民生活水平的提高,我国城乡居民对肉蛋奶及禽鱼等食品的摄取量大幅增加,也促进了饲料工业的迅猛发展,从而促进了对豆粕的需求.……  相似文献   


Over recent years we have become aware that cattle are sensitive to nutritional imbalances and may respond by exhibiting infertility. The effects on the reproductive performance of cattle caused by grazing pastures that do not provide sufficient nutrients to meet the requirements for maintenance, growth, pregnancy and lactation are considered.  相似文献   

决定大理石花纹水平的肌内脂肪(IMF)含量是影响牛肉感官质量(包括嫩度、多汁性、风味和颜色)的重要因素之一。肉牛体内IMF的形成始于受孕后6个月左右,并在动物的一生中持续增长。大理石花纹的沉积受到品种、遗传、营养和管理(包括去势、断奶年龄)等多方面因素的影响。本文综述了肉牛大理石花纹沉积的主要影响因素,为品种选择以及在肉牛生长发育过程中有效调整饲料、优化营养、因地制宜改善管理提高牛肉品质提供有效依据。  相似文献   

西藏牛常年生活在青藏高原,是产乳为主,乳肉兼用的地方品种,对高寒低氧的特殊环境有着极强的适应能力,其泌乳性能满足部分藏民对乳制品的需要。随着藏民生活水平的提高和入藏旅游人数的增加,藏区对乳制品的需求也越来越大,但西藏牛本身泌乳性能低的缺点制约了西藏奶业的快速发展。通过杂交改良提高西藏牛泌乳性能的方法在藏区从开始至今已有60余年,但其后代对高原适应能力会随着杂交代数的推进减弱,从而对其泌乳量造成影响,所以杂交改良的方法还需进一步的深入研究。本文以目前影响西藏牛泌乳性能的因素展开讨论和分析,剖析其存在的问题,以期为西藏牛杂交改良和高原引种提供一定的思路。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine biosecurity practices and travel history of individuals exhibiting livestock at the 2005 California State Fair. DESIGN: Survey. STUDY POPULATION: 137 individuals exhibiting livestock at the fair. PROCEDURES: Exhibitors were asked to complete a survey to gather information about the animals they exhibited, the biosecurity practices they used, and the distances they traveled to exhibit their animals. RESULTS: 132 of the 137 (96%) respondents came from California, with respondents representing 40 of California's 58 counties. Median number of livestock exhibitions attended by respondents during the past 12 months was 3 (range, 1 to 7). Respondents indicated that 787 of the 812 (97%) animals they exhibited would be returned home after the fair. Nine (7%) respondents indicated that they did not take any particular biosecurity precautions before arriving at the fair, and 14 (10%) indicated that they did not take any particular biosecurity precautions while at the fair. Only 36 (26%) respondents indicated that they quarantined their animals when returning to their farm of residence after the fair. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results indicated that there was extensive movement of livestock among exhibitions in California, posing a potential threat for widespread dispersion of disease throughout the state and beyond, particularly given the low percentages of exhibitors who used various biosecurity measures.  相似文献   


Comparisons of seven different individual assignment methods based on likelihood and distances were carried out with four different sets of data, which varied both in number of populations and genetic divergence. Based on 27 microsatellites genotyped in eight cattle breeds (Icelandic and seven Norwegian), 28 hybrid populations were simulated. Factors affecting individual assignment success, such as number and divergence of populations, sample size and number of loci, were assessed from actual and simulated data. The Bayesian, frequency and Nei-minimum methods performed more or less similarly. Individual assignment success depended mainly on population number and divergence (FST). Higher success was observed at high level of divergence among populations and at low number of source populations considered. With eight pure breeds and 27 loci considered the assignment success rate ranged from 55 to 70%. Generally, assignment success increased with increasing number of loci and/or sample size.  相似文献   

Holstein-Friesian cattle raised in tropical environments pose a challenge due to genotype by environment interactions which may lead to higher rates of involuntary culling and reduce profit margins obtainable. This study assessed factors influencing culling within the first three parities of Holstein-Friesian cattle raised on four large-scale farms in Kenya using a Cox proportional hazard model. Differences in length of productive life (LPL) due to differences in area of origin of sires were also assessed in an attempt to determine possible adaptations by specific genotypes to the Kenyan environment. Environmental effects of herd, year-season, parity, sire area of origin, milk yield class and stage of lactation all significantly affected LPL. Daughters of sires born in Kenya tended to have a higher risk of being culled compared to those from other countries. Part of this higher risk was linked to a higher culling of low-producing cows. Further analyses and possibilities for the inclusion of LPL in selection criteria for sires to be used in Kenya should be encouraged.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the live weights at which large-, medium-, and small-framed feeder steers and heifers attain a degree of finish associated with a carcass quality grade of low Choice and to examine the relationship of feeder cattle muscle thickness to carcass yield grade traits. Feeder steers (n = 401) and heifers (n = 463) representing three age classes (calf, yearling, long yearling) were selected randomly at a commercial feedlot to exhibit wide ranges in frame size and muscularity. Individual weights were recorded and a panel of five experienced evaluators scored each animal for frame size, muscle thickness, and flesh condition. The cattle were finished on a high-concentrate finishing diet and harvested at an estimated carcass fat thickness of 10 mm. Final weights and USDA carcass grade data were collected for all cattle. Frame size scores effectively predicted finished weight at a marbling end point of Small(00) for both heifers (r2 = 0.89, SE = 16 kg) and steers (r2 = 0.94, SE = 13 kg). For heifers, the Small/Medium and Medium/ Large frame score intersects corresponded to live weights of 460 kg and 520 kg, respectively. For steers, the Small/Medium and Medium/Large frame score lines corresponded to live weights of 504 kg and 577 kg, respectively. These weights were greater than weights specified in the 1979 USDA grade standards. Evaluations of feeder cattle muscling, based on 1979 USDA Standards, were associated (P < 0.05) with differences in longissimus muscle area but were not related (P = 0.08) to differences in numerical carcass yield grades. An alternative muscle thickness classification scheme, involving the use of four thickness classes, was effective for stratifying feeder cattle according to eventual differences (P = 0.004) in carcass yield grade. Our findings suggest that USDA feeder cattle grade standards developed in 1979 are no longer adequate for describing today's population of feeder cattle.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - A study was conducted to investigate the seroprevalence and associated risk factors of Chlamydia abortus infection in cattle and some selected wildlife...  相似文献   

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