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夜来香花叶病毒(telosma mosaic virus, TeMV)是对西番莲危害较大的一种病毒病原。根据病毒末端结合蛋白(VPg)序列设计引物, 建立了以Vpg-334F/506R为特异性引物, 退火温度54℃, 引物浓度0.6 μmol/L的SYBR Green Ⅰ实时荧光定量PCR检测方法。该方法可特异性扩增TeMV基因组6 483~6 675 nt区域, 所得标准曲线扩增效率为102.77%, 决定系数为0.996 1, 最低检测浓度为2.370×10 2 拷贝/μL, 灵敏度是普通PCR的1 000倍。应用该方法对接种TeMV的西番莲进行检测, 发现接种3 d后可在叶片中检测到TeMV, 定量分析不同温度下TeMV在叶片中的积累, 发现26~28℃下病毒积累速度最快, 且植株症状表现与病毒积累量密切相关。对赣南地区采集的76份西番莲田间样品进行检测, 共检出71份阳性样品, 检出率为93.4%。综上, 本研究建立的实时荧光定量PCR方法特异性强, 灵敏度高, 适于TeMV的快速检测。  相似文献   

化感作用及其在杂草防除中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
化感作用在植物界中广泛存在,在杂草防除方面潜力巨大.重点对化感作用的判定、化感物质的释放途径、化感作用的作用机制及其在杂草防除中的应用进行了讨论,并对化感作用在杂草防除中的应用方式和应用潜力进行了探讨.  相似文献   

Kava is a perennial pepper plant from the Oceanic region, which is commonly used as a drink by natives and for pharmacological purposes. Results of this study concluded that Kava has allelopathic potential and suppressed germination and growth of lettuce ( Lactuca sativa L), barnyardgrass ( E. crus-galli Beauv var. formosensis Ohwi.), and duck-tongue weed ( M. vaginalis Presl var. plantaginea Solms-Laub.) Moreover, Kava inhibited emergence of weeds in paddy soils. The inhibition of Kava became stronger as the applied concentration increased. In a greenhouse experiment, Kava had the greatest inhibition on emergence and weed growth in paddy soils when a dose of 1 ton ha−1 of Kava was divided and applied at 3, 16, and 23 days after watering. Inhibition by Kava varied among weed species. Results from this study suggest that Kava might be useful for weed control in rice or reduce dependence on herbicide.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the weed suppression potential of soil steaming plus activating compounds (KOH or CaO) to boost soil temperature. Different combinations between the compounds and rates were tested in experiments carried out in the field and in a controlled environment. Treatment effects were assessed on field weed vegetation and on seedbank and seedling emergence of three winter ( Alopecurus myosuroides , Matricaria chamomilla and Raphanus raphanistrum ) and four spring annuals ( Amaranthus retroflexus , Echinochloa crus-galli , Fallopia convolvulus and Setaria viridis ), were assessed on field weed vegetation. Neither maximum soil temperature (from 72 to 85°C) nor duration of high temperature in the 3 h following application consistently affected weed suppression. In the field, no significant effects on total weed density were recorded, but there were some significant effects on individual species. The weed seedbank was clearly suppressed by activated steaming: total seedling emergence was inversely related to increasing KOH rates both in the 0–10 and 10–20 cm soil layers, while for CaO the relationship was significant only in the 0–10 cm layer. Winter annuals were more sensitive to KOH than CaO and spring annuals had a more pronounced species-specific response to treatments. There was a strong negative relationship between compound rate and seedling emergence for all species. Alopecurus myosuroides was the most sensitive to the steam-alone treatment (77% reduction), whereas M. chamomilla and E. crus-galli were the least sensitive. Results from this study indicate that the type and rates of activating compounds for soil steaming must be adjusted to the weed community composition.  相似文献   

The endophytic fungus, Alternaria J46, was isolated from the stem of the medicinal plant, Platycladus orientalis. A suspension of Alternaria J46 mycelial segments and the culture filtrates of the fungi exhibited marked seed germination inhibition against the monocot wheat, large crabgrass, bromegrass, rice and barnyardgrass and weak inhibition against the dicot redroot pigweed and morning glory, but it was safe for use on soybean, rape, cucumber, tomato, lettuce and radish crops. It is possible to use J46 culture filtrates in order to prevent monocot weeds in dicot cropland. Three active metabolites were isolated from an extract of the fungus cultures and elucidated as 3‐acetyl‐5‐sec‐butyltetramic acid (1, tenuazonic acid), 3‐acetyl‐5‐iso‐butyltetramic acid (2, vivotoxin II) and cyclo‐(L‐leucyl‐L‐proline) (3). Among these three compounds, compounds 1 and 2 showed significant phytotoxic effects on the seed germination of large crabgrass, while compound 3 exhibited weak activity, and all were safe for lettuce at 100 μg mL?1. Accordingly, compounds 1 and 2 were the main active metabolites that were responsible for endophytic fungus Alternaria J46's strong seed germination inhibition against monocotyledons.  相似文献   

A weed survey methodology was used for 2 years in three provinces in Greece to determine the abundance and spatial distribution of weeds in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) fields. Based on a stratified random sampling procedure, the most frequently occurring weeds were counted in 150 cotton fields. The field surveys were conducted late in the growing season; hence, the weed populations consisted of species that had been present during the critical competitive period for the crop and may have contributed to yield losses.Solanum nigrum was the most abundant weed in the surveyed fields of the southern province, followed byCyperus rotundus, Convolvulus arvensis, Xanthium strumarium, Chrozophora tinctoria andCynodon dactylon, in descending order. The ranked weed flora in the fields of the northern province was differentiated, suggesting the geographical distribution of weed species. The weedsDatura stramonium andS. nigrum were recorded in high abundance and followed byAmaranthus spp.,Abutilon theophrasti, Portulaca oleracea, Chenopodium album andXanthium spinosum, in descending order. Although the use of preplant incorporated herbicides is the dominant practice in cotton cultivation, certain weeds continue to spread in increasing densities. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting July 26, 2005.  相似文献   

研究了小麦活体、小麦水提液及小麦次生代谢产物丁布对几种杂草的异株克生活性。小麦与马唐、反枝苋、野燕麦、早熟禾、稗草等杂草混播的盆栽试验呈现出小麦播种密度越大,杂草种子萌发率越低的趋势。小麦水提液对马唐、反枝苋、早熟禾、稗草、野燕麦根和茎的生长均有明显的异株克生作用,IC50(根)<1.5 mg/mL,IC50(茎)<3.0 mg/mL,而对黑麦草、圆叶牵牛无明显的抑制活性。除马唐外,小麦水提液对供试杂草种子萌发抑制效果不明显。小麦次生代谢产物丁布对3种不同杂草的根、茎总体抑制效果为反枝苋>马唐>野燕麦,IC50(根、茎)<1.5mg/mL,IC50(种子萌发)<3.5 mg/mL。比较IC50可知,生物活性:丁布>小麦水提液。丁布是小麦中具有异株克生活性的次生代谢物。  相似文献   

在我国冬季南繁育制种作物中,水稻所占面积最大,但是由于不同地域杂草群落组成的差异,继续沿用原产地的除草剂品种和技术后,除草效果并不理想甚至会造成水稻药害。为了解决此类问题,连续3年对南繁区水稻田冬季杂草发生情况进行调查,明确现用地的杂草种类与发生规律,分别按照杂草群落中禾本科、阔叶杂草和莎草科主要危害的种类指导科学合理地选择除草剂种类,避免盲目用药,从而实现减药又高效的除草目标。  相似文献   

采用田间试验方法研究了五氟磺草胺和氰氟草酯复配剂(五氟磺草胺&#8226;氰氟草酯)对水稻直播田杂草的控制效果和应用安全性。结果表明,五氟磺草胺&#8226;氰氟草酯对直播稻田的禾本科杂草、阔叶杂草和莎草均具有较好的防除效果,有效成分用量90~180 g/hm2的综合防效可达95%以上,显著优于对照药剂氰氟草酯,与五氟磺草胺、五氟磺草胺+氰氟草酯、丙草胺+苄嘧磺隆的防效相当。五氟磺草胺&#8226;氰氟草酯显著降低了稗、鸭舌草种群对田间N、P、K养分的吸收,保持了土壤肥力。五氟磺草胺&#8226;氰氟草酯有效成分用量90~120 g/hm2苗后茎叶处理对水稻安全,对后茬小麦、油菜、甘蓝、葱、大蒜等作物无不良影响。  相似文献   

Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) C.B. Clarke (Asteraceae) is a rapidly spreading perennial weed in semiarid areas of north‐west India. While preparing fields for cultivation, farmers incorporate Pluchea plant debris into the soil. In the present study, mustard grown in plots with soil‐incorporated Pluchea had significantly reduced shoot height (61 ± 8.8 cm), number of pods per plant (7 ± 3.2), number of seeds per pod (4.1 ± 3.9) and weight per seed (0.08 ± 0.03 g) of mustard compared to mustard growing in Pluchea‐free soils. Pluchea‐infested and Pluchea‐free soils were analyzed for pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter, soluble chloride, exchangeable phosphate, copper, zinc, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and water‐soluble phenolics. Pluchea‐infested soils had different values for electrical conductivity, Cl, K and total phenolics when compared to Pluchea‐free soils. Data on yield reduction of mustard due to soil‐incorporated Pluchea leaves have been reported for the first time. The reduced mustard growth and yield is proposed to be partly due to water‐soluble phenolic compounds contributed by Pluchea leaves into soil.  相似文献   

Laboratory and field experiments were conducted to evaluate the usefulness of Oxalis spp. as allelopathic ground-cover plants for weed management. Some Oxalis spp. have previously been reported to possess strong allelopathic activities but few studies have been conducted on their activities in fields. This study aimed to investigate allelopathic activities and the possibility of weed suppression in five species of common Oxalis : shamrock oxalis ( Oxalis articulata Savigny), Bowie's woodsorrel ( Oxalis bowiei Lindl.), trefoil ( Oxalis brasiliensis Lodd. ex Knowl. et West.), lucky clover ( Oxalis deppei Lodd. ex Sweet) and Oxalis hirta L. The effects of the leachates from dry leaves and the exudates from living roots of these plant species were tested in laboratory experiments. The leachates from O. articulata , O. bowiei , O. deppei and O. hirta and the exudates from O. deppei caused > 84% inhibition of the radicle elongation of lettuce seedlings, but no effect was observed on the seed germination of lettuce. In the field experiment, O. deppei significantly reduced the weed population in July. A significant relationship was observed between the weed population and the percentage ground coverage of Oxalis spp. In contrast to the weed population, a significant relationship was observed between the weed above-ground biomass and the allelopathic activity of exudates from Oxalis spp.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of agronomic practices and farmer demographics on levels of weed infestation in chickpea fields, a survey was conducted during 2015 in Sanjabi district, Kermanshah, Iran. Two sets of data were collected: (a) weed sampling from the selected chickpea fields, and (b) questionnaire recording of farmer demographics and agronomic management. The farmers were asked about their residence status (resident or migrant), occupation (farming only, farming plus a second job), experience and education levels, as well as seedbed preparation, sowing date and method, source of seed supply, crop cultivar, sowing seed rate, weed control operation and crop rotation history. The results showed that weed species composition was similar across the studied fields. The use of a row crop planter, a sowing rate of 45 kg ha‐1, and weed control resulted in 30.2, 23.03 and 34.2% reductions in weed infestation compared with hand sowing, a sowing rate of 30 kg ha‐1 and lack of weed control, respectively. Weed density decreased with increasing farmer experience and decreased by 33.0% and 23.5% in chickpea fields of resident farmers and owners whose sole occupation was agriculture. We found that 89.5% of the most experienced farmers adopted weed control operations and most resident landowners (77.4%) opted for crop planter (77.4%) and weed control (90.3%) compared to migrant farmers (50 and 68.5%, respectively). More landowners who were exclusively farmers performed weed control (90.6%) than owners who had a second job (67.9%).  相似文献   


A study was carried out in sandy clay loam textured soil of Mymensingh, Bangladesh to evaluate weed control efficiency of pre-emergence herbicide pyrazosulfuron-ethyl either alone or in sequential application with post-emergence herbicide in transplanted rainy season rice under non-puddled strip-tilled (NPST) field condition and also to examine the residual effect of those herbicides on germination and growth of the subsequently grown wheat crop. Five treatment combinations of pyrazosulfuron-ethyl were tested against one weedy check and one weed-free check. The study revealed that NPST rice field was mostly infested by grass and sedge weeds and herbicide treatments offered a wide range of control (above 50% to 95%) on all types of weeds. Application of pyrazosulfuron-ethyl followed by (fb) orthosulfamuron fb butachlor plus propanil provided the most effective and economic weed control over two years of the study. Moreover, micro-plot bioassay study claimed germination and growth of subsequently grown wheat were not adversely affected by herbicides that were applied in rice. Therefore, application of pyrazosulfuron-ethyl followed by post-emergence herbicide could be effective and economic to control weeds in NPST rice under rice-wheat system, but proper rate and time of application should strictly be followed.  相似文献   

为了明确新型除草剂NC1的杀草谱、施药时期、使用剂量及对水稻的安全性,采用种子生物测定法测定34.5% NCI悬浮剂对稗草的生物活性,并与30乡丙草胺乳油进行比较;采用室内整株生物测定法测定34.5%NC1 SC不同时期处理对禾本科杂草的控制作用和对水稻的安全性,并进行田间验证.结果 表明:NC1对稗草种子的生物活性优...  相似文献   

Cover crops are increasingly being used for weed suppression and to enhance the sustainability of agro‐ecosystems. However, the suitability of cover crops for weed suppression in integrated and organic conservation tillage systems is still poorly investigated. Therefore, a 2‐year field study at eight sites was conducted to test the weed suppressive potential of six legume‐based cover crops, with the aim to reduce herbicide input or mechanical weed management interventions. In all experiments, cover crops were directly sown after cereals before next year's main crop (grain maize or sunflower). The presence of cover crops caused a 96% to 100% reduction of weed dry matter at the four sites managed under integrated production, while effects were lower at the four sited managed under organic production, ranging from 19% to 87%. Cover crops that covered soil quickly and which produced much dry matter had the best weed suppressive potential. However, their weed suppressing effect was difficult to predict, as it depended on the year of the investigation, experimental site, cover crop species, the speed of soil cover in autumn and the density of the resulting mulch layer in spring. The study demonstrated that cover crops are a useful tool to suppress weeds under integrated and organic conservation tillage practices. Our recommendation for supporting weed management in conservation tillage systems is to use locally adapted cover crops that have rapid establishment, good soil coverage and high dry matter production. However, additional weed management measures are required for reliable weed control under on‐farm conditions.  相似文献   

连续2年对3种不同耕作方式下小麦田杂草的发生规律和防治进行研究,结果显示,四川省小麦田在3种不同耕作方式杂草发生的种类差异不大,主要有5科7种,翻耕处理杂草数量最多,其次为免耕不覆盖稻草处理,免耕覆盖稻草处理杂草最少.在同一耕作方式下,小麦生长前期的杂草最多,生长中期居中,生长后期最少.免耕不覆盖稻草处理的优势杂草为禾本科杂草+繁缕,免耕覆盖稻草处理和翻耕处理优势杂草为繁缕+禾本科杂草.杂草的发生高峰期集中在播后2~4周,占整个生育期的70%~ 80%.免耕覆盖稻草小麦的产量较免耕不覆盖稻草和翻耕产量高,翻耕和免耕不覆盖稻草差异不大.通过药剂筛选可知,炔草酯可有效防除禾本科杂草(棒头草和看麦娘);2甲·唑草酮和唑草酮都能有效防除繁缕、通泉草、碎米荠,2甲·唑草酮比唑草酮杀草谱宽,效果更好;2甲·氯氟吡和氯氟吡氧乙酸能有效防除繁缕、通泉草,2甲·氯氟吡比氯氟吡氧乙酸杀草谱宽,效果更好;苯磺隆对繁缕、碎米荠防效优良,对通泉草、扬子毛茛防效较差.  相似文献   

双环磺草酮是一种以对-羟苯基丙酮酸双氧化酶 (HPPD) 为作用靶标的双环辛烷类化学除草剂。为明确其在水稻田的应用技术,采用温室盆栽法测定了双环磺草酮的杀草谱、除草活性及对8个水稻品种的安全性。结果表明:在有效成分360 g/hm2剂量处理下,双环磺草酮对水稻田常见杂草稗草Echinochloa crusgalli、雨久花Monochoria korsakowii、异型莎草Cyperus difformis的地上部分鲜重抑制率均高于90%,对主要秋熟杂草稗草E. crusgalli、牛筋草Eleusine indica、雨久花M. korsakowii、千金子Euphorbia lathyris、田皂角Aeschynomene indica和异型莎草C. difformis的GR50值为有效成分48~196 g/hm2,除田皂角外,除草活性均高于对照药剂硝磺草酮。双环磺草酮对8个水稻品种的安全性研究结果表明:在有效成分720 g/hm2剂量处理下,隆两优华占、皖垦糯1号、皖稻68和绿旱粳1号4个水稻品种对双环磺草酮耐药性较高,徽两优882、C两优608、皖稻119和Y两优1号4个水稻品种的株高和鲜重受到不同程度的抑制。双环磺草酮在隆两优华占、皖垦糯1号、皖稻68和绿旱粳1号4种水稻与异型莎草、稗草和雨久花3种杂草之间的选择性指数分别为3.66~4.37、4.50~5.37、3.36~4.01和3.29~3.93,明显高于对照药剂硝磺草酮。研究表明,双环磺草酮对多种秋熟杂草防效较好,且对供试的3个粳稻品种及5个籼稻品种中的隆两优华占安全。  相似文献   

对入侵杂草豚草的天敌昆虫——外来广聚萤叶甲幼虫取食豚草不同部位叶片后的存活情况进行了观察;对不同日龄幼虫和成虫的生长速率和食物利用效率进行了测定。幼虫取食上部叶片的累计死亡率显著高于下部叶片,但与中部叶片无显著差异。广聚萤叶甲幼虫鲜重在6日龄前成倍增长,之后趋于平稳;各日龄幼虫的近似消化率均很高(〉80%),并随幼虫龄期增大而逐渐降低,但到10日龄时又有所升高;幼虫对食物的转化率与近似消化率之间未表现出常见的反比关系;幼虫取食的相对表现(相对生长率、相对取食率和相对代谢率)呈现早期高于晚期的变化格局。初羽化成虫(4d内)的取食量明显较高,之后基本保持平稳。  相似文献   

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