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中国卤虫卵孵化温度特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据有效积温法则,对中国12个主要地理品系卤虫卵的孵化速度、发育起点温度及其发育同步性作了分析。结果表明,各品系的孵化速度因温度不同而差异极显著;相同温度下各品系间孵化速度也有显著差异;在沿海品系中,其发育起点温度由北往南基本呈递增趋势。以各品系孵化发育历期的变差系数作为发育同步性的衡量指标,依据发育同步性程度及发育起点温度、有效积温进行聚类分析,提出了适合我国卤虫卵加工及使用的最佳品系组合。  相似文献   

实验室条件下,在经过沉淀以及过滤的自然海水中分别加入不同浓度的Hg^2+、Pb^2+、Cd^2+离子,分别对国产和进口2个产地的卤虫卵进行了孵化试验.结果表明:与对照组相比,3种重金属离子都降低了2个产地卤虫卵的孵化率,且浓度越高降低的百分率越大,3种重金属离子降低孵化率大小顺序为:Hg^2+>Cd^2+>Pb^2+;3种离子对2个产地的卤虫卵产生了不同的影响:进口卤虫大于对国产卤虫卵的降低率.  相似文献   

Calanoid copepods, including species of the genus Acartia, are commonly used as larval diets for marine finfish. This study aimed to determine the separate effects of water temperature (18, 22, 24, 28° ± 0.5°C) and photoperiod (24L:0D; 18L:6D; 12L:12D; 8L:18D; 0L:24D) on Acartia grani egg production (EP), hatching rate (EHR) and population growth. Egg production rate was not affected by the two abiotic parameters. A. grani eggs incubated at T24°C and T28°C were the first to achieve 50% hatching rate (23–25 hr), with significant differences at the end of the experiment (48 hr) between T28°C treatment (EHR 88 ± 5%) and T18°C treatment (EHR 65 ± 2%). However, different temperature regimes did not affect final number of individuals in population growth experiment. Still, when eggs were excluded from data, population at lower temperatures (18°C) was mainly composed by the nauplii stage (72%), while at higher temperatures (24°C and 28°C) more than 60% of the population was composed by copepodites and adults. A. grani subjected to long‐day photoperiods had significantly lower EHR (16.7% at 24L:0D; 20.8% at 18L:6D) than at short‐day photoperiods (52.6% at 6L:18D; 50.0% at 0L:24D). In population growth experiment, eggs were the most common life stage after 12‐day culture. Lowest population number was found at constant light conditions (665.0 ± 197.1), suggesting higher metabolic rates and depletion of energy reserves in long‐day conditions. This study expanded knowledge on the biological response of A. grani to separate temperature and photoperiod regimes, and provided ground to improve the culture of this potential life feed species for hatcheries.  相似文献   

Spotted rose snapper, Lutjanus guttatus (Steindachner), eggs were incubated under different photoperiods to examine the effect of photoperiod on incubation. The eggs from two fish were incubated under five artificial photoperiods: constant dark (D), constant light (L) from 06:00 hours and 6, 10 and 14 h of light from 06:00 hours. The eggs from seven other fish were incubated under a natural photoperiod. Different spawning times (21:00 – 01:00 hours) and different photoperiods combined to give the start of the dusk photoperiod change after 11–23 h of incubation. Constant light or applying the dusk photoperiod change after ≥20 h of incubation appeared to extend the hatching period. The mean hatching period for groups of eggs incubated in darkness or that received the dusk photoperiod change after ≤19 h of incubation (n=8 different groups) was 2 h 15±10 min, which was significantly lower (P<0.05) than the mean hatching period of 4 h±37 min for groups that did not receive the dusk photoperiod change or that received the dusk photoperiod change after ≥20 h of incubation (n=9 groups). However, despite these differences, the majority of the eggs hatched during a 2–3 h period from 17 to 20 h of incubation, and a sigmoid regression (r2=0.9) explained the relationship between percentage hatch and hours of incubation for all photoperiod groups.  相似文献   

真蛸为福建省近年来新兴的海水养殖优良种类,具有较高的营养价值、商品价值和产业化养殖前景。本文报道了福建省水产研究所2008年-2011年真蛸人工繁殖及受精卵孵化结果:127头雌亲蛸经强化培育,共有77头产卵,获卵194×10^4粒,孵出143.4×10^4头浮游幼体。雌亲蛸获产率46.2%~86.7%,卵子受精率75.6%-91.8%,受精卵孵化率77.9%~95.0%。在20.0~22.5℃水温条件下,真蛸受精卵经21~36d开始孵出,孵出后4~6d为孵出高峰,每窝卵开始孵出至孵化结束维持10—16d。  相似文献   

采用室内受控实验方法测定了不同温度(15,20,25和30℃)和盐度(盐度5,10,15,20,25,30和35)以及温度和盐度交互作用对中华原钩虾幼体孵化、存活及生长的影响。结果表明,中华原钩虾幼体孵化的数量受水温影响显著(P<0.05),20℃幼体孵化率最高,平均每只亲体孵化幼体30.67个。水温对幼体生长的影响差异十分显著(P<0.01),15~25℃范围内,幼体的日增长和特定生长率随水温升高而增加,水温25℃时达到最大值,平均日增长体长为0.23 mm/d、体质量平均日增长体质量为0.20 mg/d,特定生长率体长为6.40%/d、体质量特定生长率为15.79%/d;当水温高于25℃,钩虾的日增长和特定生长率降低。根据相关性方程式推算其最适孵化温度为21.50℃,最适生长温度为20~25℃。中华原钩虾幼体的存活率受温度的影响差异不显著(P>0.05),20℃钩虾幼体存活率最高,为98%,30℃存活率最低,为87.67%。盐度对中华原钩虾孵化幼体数量、存活率及幼体生长的影响差异不显著(P>0.05)。温度和盐度交互作用结果表明,中华原钩虾对盐度有较好的适应能力,温度对中华原钩虾种群发展的影响要大于盐度的影响。  相似文献   

温、盐度对鲻鱼胚胎发育和孵化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文探讨了不同温度、盐度条件下鲻鱼胚胎发育和孵化情况,结果表明:(1)鲻鱼胚胎发育的适宜水温为18—25℃;(2)适宜盐度为25—40;(3)最适孵化条件为温度25℃和盐度30—35。  相似文献   

To investigate egg storage capacity of the copepod Acartia bilobata for aquaculture interest, we tested hatching success rate (HSR) of inclusive eggs (mixture of all egg types) after 4°C storage. The HSR peaked after 14 days storage when incubating at 28°C for 48 hr (85.8 ± 1.6%) and 72 hr (87.6 ± 0.9%), then gradually declined until 1 year (48 hr: 7 ± 0.6%; 72 hr: 19.4 ± 3.9%). Reallocation of fatty acid profile suggests that docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is correlated with the HSR of A. bilobata eggs. Additionally, we investigated the HSR of diapausing eggs (unhatched eggs after 72 hr incubation of the inclusive eggs) after 4°C storage. Their HSR peaked after 14 days storage (48 hr:75.3 ± 3.5%; 72 hr:78.2 ± 2.1%), then gradually declined until 60 days (48 hr HSR:42.1 ± 2.3%; 72 hr HSR:53.0 ± 3.2%). Overall, we illustrated the hatchability of diapausing and quiescent eggs of A. bilobata after 4°C storage. The cold storage capacities were low (<60% HSR after 60 days), and it could be limited by the egg DHA content. Our findings provide implications for future studies aiming to improve cold storage techniques of tropical copepod eggs for aquaculture applications.  相似文献   

Body movements of cod (Gadus morhua L.) embryos reared from fertilization to hatch at 5.4°C were observed at various stages of development and at six experimental temperatures ranging from 0–10°C. Frequency of cod embryo body movements increased from zero at 42 degree‐days post fertilization to maximal at 73–82 degree‐days (1 or 2 days prior to hatch). Embryos were most active at 2°C (mean of 5.5 movements per 10 min), with activity declining to less than 1/10 min at 8–10°C. Lengths of hatched cod larvae reared at a series of constant temperatures (from 4–10°C) from fertilization to hatch were greater at lower incubation temperatures. Incubation temperatures of 2–4°C were found to be optimal for incubation of cod eggs.  相似文献   

This study deals with the influence of temperature on the hatching of eggs of Diplectanum aequans, a branchial ectoparasite of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). At temperatures of 20 °C, 25 C and 30 °C hatching takes place within a few days of laying, whereas at 15 C and 10 C it occurs respectively between the 7th and the 12th day and between the 11th and the 19th day. No hatching has been observed at 5 C. Development is not completely inhibited at 5 C as the eggs can, at least partially, go on maturing and will subsequently hatch as soon as higher temperatures are encountered.  相似文献   

The interactive effects of salinity and temperature on development and hatching success of lingcod, Ophiodon elongatus Girard, were studied by incubating eggs at four temperatures (6, 9, 12 and 15°C) and five salinities (15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 g L?1). Hatch did not occur in any of the 15°C treatments. Degree days (°C days) to first hatch was not influenced by temperature or salinity, however, calendar days to first hatch differed significantly for temperature (P<0.0001, 61±1, 44±1 and 35±1 days for 6, 9 and 12°C respectively). Degree days to 50% (427.1±4.2) hatch was not significantly influenced by temperature but was by salinity (P=0.0324). Viable hatch (live with no deformities, 74.1±4.0%) was greatest at 9°C and 25 g L?1 but not significantly different in the range of 20–30 g L?1. Larval length (9.4±0.13 mm) was greatest at 9°C and 20–30 g L?1. Temperature and salinity significantly influenced all categories of deformities with treatments at the upper (12°C and 35 g L?1) and lower limits (6°C and 15 g L?1) producing the greatest deformities. The optimal temperature and salinity for incubating Puget Sound lingcod eggs was found to be 9°C and 20–30 g L?1.  相似文献   

As natural diets of fish larvae, a number of calanoid copepod species are being investigated for use as live prey in aquaculture hatcheries. One of these, the tropical calanoid copepod, Acartia sinjiensis, has good potential as a live feed for tropical reef fish larvae. However, the rearing techniques for A. sinjiensis require further development to improve productivity. This study was carried out to investigate the population growth and egg hatching success of A. sinjiensis when fed a range of mono-and binary algal diets, including algae in the form of frozen paste.For the population growth experiment, the final A. sinjiensis population, including eggs, nauplii, copepodites and adults, was determined after feeding eight algal diets (two frozen algae, four live monoalgal and two live binary algal diets) for 8 days at temperature 28 ± 1 °C; salinity 34 ± 1 psu and photoperiod 12 L:12 D. Five replicates, with an initial 12 adult A. sinjiensis per replicate, were set up for each treatment. In a separate experiment, effects of diets on egg hatching success were examined after 48 h incubation of eggs produced by A. sinjiensis fed the same eight diets.The results showed that diet significantly affected both population growth and hatching success of A. sinjiensis. Of the diets tested, the binary algal diets were more successful than monoalgal diets, while the frozen algae had little dietary value. The highest population growth was recorded on A. sinjiensis fed a binary diet of Tetraselmis chuii and the Tahitian strain of Isochrysis sp. (T-ISO) (final population: 1091 ± 80), which was significantly higher (P < 0.001) than all other diets tested except for the other binary diet of Nannochloropsis sp. and T-ISO (final population: 897 ± 123). Diet also had a significant effect (P < 0.001) on egg hatching rate, though the highest hatch rate was recorded with eggs produced by A. sinjiensis fed binary diet Nannochloropsis sp. and T-ISO (88.1 ± 2.1%), this was not significantly different from that of eggs produced by A. sinjiensis fed either T-ISO alone (88.0 ± 1.7%) or the binary algal diet of T. chuii and T-ISO (76.4 ± 7.1%). The results of this study suggest that among the diets tested, a combination of live T. chuii and T-ISO was the best for the culture of A. sinjiensis.  相似文献   

Two experiments, dealing with short‐term storage of ova and thermal conditions to optimize gamete and eggs management in hatcheries of the African catfish, Heterobranchus longifilis, were carried out. In the first experiment, ova collected by stripping from two strains of H. longifilis were stored for intervals up to 8 h at two temperature regimes: in a domestic refrigerator (3–5°C) and at ambient room temperature (20.5–22°C). In the second experiment, eggs were incubated from fertilization to hatching at different experimental temperatures (21, 25, 29, 32 and 35°C) to determine the effects of temperature on the kinetics of white egg appearance, hatching times and hatching quality. Gamete storage at warmer temperatures significantly prolonged viability irrespective of the strain used. In fact, the hatching rate for ova stored at 20.5–22 and 3–5°C for 5 h ranged between 75.2–79.3% and 6.5–9.4% respectively. Loss of viability was most noticeable after 6 h storage at ambient room temperature. Post‐storage viability significantly declined after 2 h exposure to the domestic refrigerator temperature. No hatching of normal larvae took place after 8 h post‐storage time. Results from the second experiment showed that time to maximum whitening of eggs was both strain‐ and temperature‐dependent. The time to maximum mortality of eggs was shorter in the Layo strain (LS) than in the Noun strain (NS), regardless of incubation temperature. The appearance of white eggs was shorter with increasing incubation temperatures. Hatching times decreased with increasing temperature, regardless of strain. Hatching took place from 21 to 27 h and 19 to 24 h after fertilization at temperature of 29°C, respectively, for NS and LS. The length of the hatching period was remarkably shorter for LS than NS at any tested incubation temperature, except 35°C. No hatching took place at 21°C. The highest proportion of normal larvae occurred at 25 and 29°C, respectively, for NS and LS. Hatching rate was highest at 25 and 29°C, respectively, for NS and LS. There was a significantly higher proportion of deformed larvae at 35°C regardless of the strain.  相似文献   

Copepod oil (CO) from the marine zooplankton, Calanus finmarchicus, is a potential alternative to fish oils (FOs) for inclusion in aquafeeds. The oil is composed mainly of wax esters (WE) containing high levels of saturated fatty acids (SFAs) and monounsaturated fatty alcohols that are poorly digested by fish at low temperatures. Consequently, tissue lipid compositions may be adversely affected in salmon‐fed CO at low temperatures. This study examined the lipid and FA compositions of muscle and liver of Atlantic salmon reared at two temperatures (3 and 12 °C) and fed diets containing either FO or CO, supplying 50% of dietary lipid as WE, at two fat levels (~330 g kg?1, high; ~180 g kg?1, low). Fish were acclimatized to rearing temperature for 1 month and then fed one of four diets: high‐fat fish oil (HFFO), high‐fat Calanus oil (HFCO), low‐fat fish oil (LFFO) and low‐fat Calanus oil (LFCO). The fish were grown to produce an approximate doubling of initial weight at harvest (220 days at 3 °C and 67 days at 12 °C), and lipid content, lipid class composition and FA composition of liver and muscle were determined. The differences in tissue lipid composition between dietary groups were relatively small. The majority of FA in triacylglycerols (TAG) in both tissues were monounsaturated, and their levels were generally higher at 3 °C than 12 °C. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), particularly (n‐3) PUFA, predominated in the polar lipids, and their level was not significantly affected by temperature. The PUFA content of TAG was highest (~26%) in the muscle of fish fed the HFCO diet at both temperatures. Tissue levels of SFAs were lower in fish‐fed diets containing HFCO than those fed HFFO, LFFO or LFCO, particularly at 3 °C. The results are consistent with Atlantic salmon being able to incorporate both the FA and fatty alcohol components of WE into tissue lipids but, overall, the effects of environmental temperature on tissue lipids were more pronounced in fish fed the CO diets than FO diets.  相似文献   

Two egg batches of spotted wolffish, Anarhichas minor Olafsen, were incubated at 4, 6 and 8°C. Embryo samples were fixed and compared on each 100th daydegree until hatching (up to 1000 daydegrees). Embryos, yolk sacs and chorions were dissected and the sizes, wet and dry weights were recorded separately. Comparisons of gross morphologies and measured parameters showed increasing and generally significant differences with time between the incubation temperatures. Lower temperatures produced longer and more differentiated larvae at hatch with a smaller yolk sac. Even though some unexpected deviations were registered among batches and experimental groups, it was clear that temperature affected embryo survival and time of hatching. Overall survival was best at 6°C, in agreement with results from earlier studies. Yolk conversion efficiencies measured around the hatching point were generally high, ranging from 60% to 78%, varied between the two batches and probably reflected the developmental variations between embryos and larvae at the respective ages (daydegrees). The hatching process was apparently an energy‐demanding period; yolk conversion efficiencies of unhatched embryos of similar age at each temperature were always higher. Temperature is one environmental factor that can be manipulated in hatcheries to induce hatching of viable larvae at an optimal stage of differentiation with respect to first‐feeding success and early survival.  相似文献   

The brackish cyclopoid copepod Apocyclops royi is used in Taiwanese aquaculture industry as a prey for fish larvae. This study investigated the effects of seven microalgal diets, namely single‐species diets of Isochrysis galbana (ISO), Nannochloropsis oculata (NAN), and Tetraselmis chui (TET), two‐species diets (ISO+NAN, ISO+TET and TET+NAN), and a three‐species diet (ISO+NAN+TET), on the population growth, female fecundity and fatty acid composition of A. royi. For reproductive traits, the combination ISO+NAN was found to be the most supportive diet for both population growth and female fecundity. For nutritional value, copepods fed ISO and ISO+NAN were detected to have the highest content of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (18.99% and 10.73% total fatty acid, respectively) and, more importantly, a high DHA/EPA ratio (6.09 and 4.09, respectively). Additionally, a comparison of fatty acid composition between copepods and microalgae gives a tentative indication that A. royi may have the ability to synthesize long‐chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) from short‐chain PUFA. Our findings illustrate that ISO+NAN is the most suitable microalgal diet for mass culturing A. royi because it increases productivity and enhances the nutritional value of the copepods for use as fish larvae prey.  相似文献   

The influence of incubation light intensity on development and hatching success of the lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus Girard) was studied by determining time to hatch, per cent hatch (total and viable) and per cent of deformities for embryos incubated at three different light intensities: ~0, 1, and 563 lux. Photoperiod for the last two treatments was 16 h dark: 8 h light. Chemical parameters throughout incubation remained within acceptable ranges. Hatching in all treatments began 43 days post fertilization (353 °C days) and was complete on day 46 (377 °C days), with peak hatch for all treatments on day 44 (361 °C days). Per cent viable hatch for eggs incubated in the 1 lux treatment (88.6 ± 2.1%; mean ± SEM) was significantly greater than eggs incubated in the ~0 lux (59.6 ± 11.3%) and 563 lux (61.4 ± 9.2%) treatments. A significantly greater per cent of deformed embryos with curled bodies occurred at 563 lux (9.5 ± 2.6%) compared with the 1‐lux treatment (2.5 ± 0.6%). No significant differences for the other categories of deformities (ball, short, distended gut) were detected among treatments. Total deformities (all categories combined) for ~0 lux (16.0 ± 4.2%) and 563 lux (17.2 ± 3.3%) were significantly greater than total deformities for 1 lux (5.0 ± 1.4%).  相似文献   

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