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The crosswise bonding of the layers in laminated solid wood panels results in internal stresses when the humidity varies. The layers hinder one another as a result of the anisotropy of wood. The purpose of this study was to determine the internal stress state in free and constrained swelling. The expansion properties in the three panel directions were measured. Furthermore, the swelling of samples was constrained while the resulting forces were recorded. Hygroscopic warping experiments were carried out inducing a climate gradient within the panels. Afterwards the stresses were calculated from released deformations and non-destructive measurements of the Young’s modulus. The materials used were untreated and heat-treated beech wood, the latter modified in two levels. In addition to homogenously structured panels, treated top layers were combined with an untreated middle layer. Swelling, swelling pressure, warping and internal stresses considerably decreased from untreated to treated wood. If layers from treated and untreated material were combined, stresses and deformations increased as compared to the variants produced only from treated wood. It was concluded that the lower equilibrium moisture content of heat-treated beech wood improves its dimensional stability, which results in smaller deformation differences between the layers. Hence, the stresses were less distinctive.  相似文献   

Tension wood (TW) fibres from maple, beech and oak were analysed with special emphasis on the cell wall fine structure and deposition of aromatic compounds within the gelatinous layer (GL). For this purpose, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was applied after section staining with potassium permanganate. There was evidence for the occurrence of aromatic compounds in the GLs of fibres of all three species. Some GLs showed a concentric sub-layering. Hence, conclusions about the biosynthetic activities during cell wall formation in TW could be derived. Additional information about structural characteristics of TW fibres were obtained by means of field emission electron microscopy. High-resolution micrographs of cell walls were used for measurements of diameter and microfibril angle (MFA) of cellulose aggregates (CAG). CAG of 7 nm were observed although their diameter varied greatly in the GLs. MFA in the secondary wall of TW was slightly smaller than in opposite wood. The microscopic methods provided complementary ultrastructural and topochemical information on tension wood fibres. The subcellular localisation of aromatic compounds and the observations of the ultrastructural morphology will contribute to the understanding of origin and functionality of TW and its characteristic GL.  相似文献   

The moisture diffusion coefficient of compression wood in spruce (P. abies) and tension wood in beech (F. sylvatica) was examined. The results indicated that the diffusion coefficient measured under steady-state condition (cup method) could well characterize the drying kinetics of the reaction woods. The compression wood offered more resistance to the moisture diffusivity when compared with the corresponding normal wood. The thick cell wall rich in lignin explains the small mass diffusivity in compression wood. In contrast, the mass diffusivity in beech is almost always higher in tension wood than in normal wood, in spite of similar density values. The high moisture diffusion in tension wood can be explained by the ease of bound water diffusion in the gelatinous layers (G-layers).  相似文献   


Discolouration during the drying of non-steamed beech is a major industrial concern. The generally preferred yellow-white colour can easily develop a reddish or dull grey appearance during drying. In this study, the influences of log storage time and kiln drying climate on the colour of non-steamed sawn beech have been investigated and quantified. Samples 27×87 mm in cross section were dried in laboratory kilns and the average colour, in CIELAB colour space was measured on dry planed surfaces using a photoelectric colorimeter. Log storage for 13 weeks under low-temperature conditions had no visible effect. The reddish discolouration is mainly temperature related while the greyish discolouration is mainly controlled by the equilibrium moisture content (EMC) during the initial drying. Within the investigated climate interval, the EMC was twice as important as temperature for the final colour. Regression models developed show that, as long as the EMC is kept below 15%, a temperature of up to 37°C can be allowed without any visually detectable discolouration.  相似文献   

POWER  S. A. 《Forestry》1994,67(1):13-30
Dendrochronology and twig growth studies provide useful historicalinformation about tree growth and permit analyses of the effectsof measured environmental parameters on such growth. Recentgrowth histories of currently healthy and unhealthy beech {Fagussylvatica L.) trees were reconstructed for a number of sitesin southern England, by measuring annual twig extension growthback to 1960. The relationships between twig growth and a numberof climatic (and one pollution) variables were then determined,using multiple regression analyses. A substantial reduction in twig growth was found in 1976 and1977 for all trees, indicating the dramatic effect of the severedrought that was experienced throughout much of southern Englandduring 1976. After this time, healthy trees at all sites quicklyregained their pre-1976 growth rates. In contrast, unhealthytrees at two sites failed to recover and still show greatlyreduced rates of growth. At two additional sites, while theeffect of the 1976 drought is clear, the growth rates of unhealthytrees have been significantly lower than their healthy neighbourssince before 1960. Soil type and tree age failed to providean adequate explanation for the lower than expected growth ratesof unhealthy trees seen at almost all sites. At most sites, a significant proportion of the variance in twiggrowth is explained by combinations of climatic variables. Inmost such cases, growth rates decreased as the variable concernedincreased. Ozone was included in the best fit model for unhealthytrees at two sites. However, since this pollutant accountedfor only a small amount of the model variance and the ozonedata were of poor spatial resolution, care must be taken overthe interpretation of this result.  相似文献   

Xylem cavitation resistance is a key physiological trait correlated with species tolerance to extreme drought stresses. Little is known about the genetic variability and phenotypic plasticity of this trait in natural tree populations. Here we measured the cavitation resistance of 17 Fagus sylvatica populations representative of the full range of the species in Europe. The trees were grown in three field trials under contrasting climatic conditions. Our findings suggest that the genotypic variability of cavitation resistance is high between genotypes of a given population. By contrast, no significant differences were found for this trait across populations, the mean population cavitation resistance being remarkably constant in each trial. We found a significant site effect and a significant site?×?population interaction, suggesting that cavitation resistance has a high phenotypic plasticity and that this plasticity is under genetic control. The implications of our findings for beech forest management in a context of climate change are discussed.  相似文献   

INNES  J. L. 《Forestry》1992,65(1):35-60
In 1990, the Forestry Commission's main monitoring programmeassessed the condition of 864 beech trees across 36 sites inBritain. Sites were located throughout the country, with thenorthernmost site being near Inverness and the southernmostnear Exeter. The initial crown density data suggested that asmall deterioration had occurred. However, further investigationrevealed that the spatial pattern of crown density changed in1990, with trees in southern sites deteriorating markedly. Otherindices of crown condition also changed, with the amount ofdieback, the amount of mast, the incidence of small leaves andthe amount of leaf-rolling all being high in the south of thecountry. In addition, the radial growth of many trees was depressed.Most of the changes in 1990 are thought to have been causedprimarily by the 1989 drought, with the 1990 drought only havingan effect on parameters such as leaf-rolling. Further effectsin 1991 and possibly later years are anticipated.  相似文献   

The recent taxonomic classification of beech in Europe considers existence of one species (Fagus sylvatica L.) with two subspecies: F. sylvatica ssp. sylvatica and F. sylvatica ssp. orientalis. Four beech populations growing on the Greek part of the Rodopi Mountains were studied using morphological traits as well as DNA molecular markers (AFLPs and chloroplast DNA SSR). The aim of the study was to describe the variation patterns of beech in the Rodopi Mountains and to test the hypothesis of possible introgression between the beech subspecies’ sylvatica and orientalis in this area. Both morphological traits and gene markers revealed a possible influence of F. orientalis on the east side of Rodopi and at the low elevations, while characters resembling F. sylvatica were observed mainly on the western part of the mountains and in higher altitudes. There was a clinal increase of genetic diversity from the west to the east, reaching a level firstly reported for beech populations. These results can be explained either by the existence of a main refugial area for beech during the last glaciation or by the occurrence of a recent hybridization among the subspecies, which were spatially isolated during the last glaciation and came into reproductive contact during their postglacial remigration. These two scenarios are not necessarily mutually exclusive.  相似文献   

  • ? Microsatellite markers were used to describe the genetic structure and variability of early, intermediate and late phenological forms of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). Two hundred and seventy individuals from three populations located in southern Poland were divided into three forms according to the phenological criterion — bud burst, and analyzed for allelic variation at five highly polymorphic microsatellite loci.
  • ? Population differentiation was moderate and differed significantly among phenological forms. Average values of F ST and R ST decreased across phenological forms and amounted to F ST values of 0.135, 0.110 and 0.108 and R ST values of 0.365, 0.231 and 0.098 for early, intermediate and late forms of beech, respectively.
  • ? Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) revealed different genetic structures characteristic of respective phenological forms of beech. The amount of within-population variability increased with the delay of the beginning of vegetation and amounted to 64%, 77% and 90% of total variability, depending on phenological form. A similar trend was found in average pairwise genetic distance between individuals belonging to a given phenological form (11.78, 11.85 and 12.22, from early to late forms).
  • ? Our results demonstrate the importance of late spring frosts as a factor influencing the genetic structure of beech, and as a cause of the decrease in genetic variability as well as the increase in population differentiation proportional to the degree of phenological earliness.
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    对65-70mm厚的欧洲山毛榉锯材干燥生产进行了初步试验研究,提出了可供企业参考的木材加工生产用干燥基准。  相似文献   

    Eight different residual lignins isolated from unbleached chemical pulps [sulfite, kraft, alkaline sulfite-anthraquinone-methanol (ASAM), soda/AQ/MeOH] of spruce and beech were characterized using gel permeation chromatography (GPC), thioacidolysis, and desulfurization to determine average molecular weight, amounts of uncondensed β-O-4 linkages, and dimeric linkage patterns, respectively. The total amounts of G-CHSEt-CHSEt-CH2SEt and S-CHSEt-CHSEt-CH2SEt were markedly reduced in residual lignins to 40% to 80% of the values for the corresponding milled wood lignins (MWLs). The number of dimeric units determined by thioacidolysis and desulfurization of the residual lignins was decreased by onehalf to one-fifth compared to the MWLs. Among the diverse types of dimeric units, reduction of β-1 and β-5 units was significant in most of the residual lignins, with the exception of beech ASAM residual lignin. Compared to beech MWL, 40% more C6–C3 main monomers were detected, whereas the relative composition of the dimeric units in the beech residual lignin was very similar to that in the beech MWL. The average molecular weights of residual lignins were less than those of the MWLs. However, the average molecular weights of the spruce kraft and soda residual lignins were determined to be higher than those of the corresponding MWLs.  相似文献   

    Xylem vulnerability to cavitation is a key parameter in understanding drought resistance of trees. We determined the xylem water pressure causing 50% loss of hydraulic conductivity (P(50)), a proxy of vulnerability to cavitation, and we evaluated the variability of this trait at tree and population levels for Fagus sylvatica. We checked for the effects of light on vulnerability to cavitation of stem segments together with a time series variation of P(50). Full sunlight-exposed stem segments were less vulnerable to cavitation than shade-exposed ones. We found no clear seasonal change of P(50), suggesting that this trait was designed for a restricted period. P(50) varied for populations settled along a latitudinal gradient, but not for those sampled along an altitudinal gradient. Moreover, mountainside exposure seemed to play a major role in the vulnerability to cavitation of beech populations, as we observed the differences along north-facing sides but not on south-facing sides. Unexpectedly, both north-facing mountainside and northern populations appeared less vulnerable than those grown on the southern mountainside or in the South of France. These results on beech populations were discussed with respect to the results at within-tree level.  相似文献   


    Key message

    In order to record the seasonal changes in aboveground biomass production (trunk and branches) in a forest, changes in wood density must be taken into account. A 60-year-old beech forest displayed a large intra-annual variability in its aboveground woody biomass production efficiency. This variation followed a seasonal trend with a maximum during the summer while gross primary production was rather low.


    In the current context of land use and climate change, there is a need to precisely quantify the carbon (C) balance of forest ecosystems, and more specifically, of C allocation to tree compartments.


    We quantified the seasonal changes in the aboveground biomass production (aBP) of a beech forest growing on two different soils: an alocrisol and a calci-brunisol. In addition, for the alocrisol ecosystem, we assessed the existence and degree of intra-annual variability in the ratio of wood aBP to gross primary production (GPP), i.e., the wood aBP efficiency.


    The study site is a 60-year-old beech forest in northeastern France. An eddy covariance tower records continuously net ecosystem exchange. To investigate the temporal changes in aBP, mini-cores were drilled and diameter at breast height measurements were taken on a monthly basis from 45 trees for both stands studied over 2014.


    A clear difference in aBP was observed between the two soils with the alocrisol being more productive than the calci-brunisol. For the alocrisol, both woody aBP and GPP changed over the course of the year, reaching peak values during June (6 and 12.5 gC m?2 day?1, respectively). Wood applied bias photon-to-current efficiency aboveground Biomass Production Efficiency (aBPE) also showed important intra-annual variations, ranging from 0.09 in September to 0.58 in July. Wood density varied throughout the year, and not taking it into account would have led to an overestimation of aBP by as much as 20% in April and May.


    Our study highlights the importance of taking wood density into account for intra-annual studies of aBP. Wood aBPE cannot be considered as constant as it fluctuated from 0.09 to 0.58 throughout the year for an annual value of 0.34. The potential error in wood aBPE stemming from not taking these changes into account amounts to 15%.



    European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) is considered threatened by anticipated climate change, but the physiological causes of potential beech decline or mortality remains poorly understood.


    The purpose of the present study was to fuel debate about the assumption that carbohydrate depletion is involved in the decline of mature European beech.


    The health status of beech trees from a severely declining stand was visually assessed by examining their crown condition. Content and radial distribution of non-structural carbohydrates (starch and soluble carbohydrate) were analyzed in the trunks and compared to those reported earlier in trunks of healthy beech trees.

    Results and discussion

    The distribution of carbohydrate in the beech trunks recorded here seemed affected by decline. We found a stronger radial decrease of starch content than those reported earlier for healthy beech trees. Carbohydrate reserves appear partially maintained in the outermost rings while starch depletion occurred in older wood rings in declining trees that may be able to mobilize carbohydrate reserves from older wood rings in response to successive climatic constraints.  相似文献   

    Polle A  Glavac V 《Tree physiology》1993,13(4):409-413
    Xylem sap was collected from trunk segments of adult beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) trees by water displacement. Peroxidase activity was analyzed in xylem saps collected in different phases of the yearly growth cycle and from different heights up the trunks (up to 14 m). The xylem saps contained two major peroxidase isozymes with acidic isoelectric points of 4.1 and 4.6, respectively. Mean peroxidase activity was low during the emergence of the new leaves and high in summer and in winter. In the cold season, peroxidase activity decreased from the stem base to the top, whereas significant gradients were not observed during the vegetative period.  相似文献   

    During different phases of the annual growth cycle, xylem sap was collected from trunk segments of adult beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) trees by the water displacement technique. Irrespective of the height of the trunk, both sulfate and reduced sulfur compounds were detected in the xylem sap throughout the year. Sulfate was the predominant sulfur compound in all samples analyzed. Its concentration in the xylem sap varied between 10 and 350 micro mol l(-1), with highest concentrations in April, shortly before bud break. In contrast to other tree species, cysteine and not glutathione was the predominant thiol transported in the xylem sap of beech trees. The cysteine concentration ranged between 0.1 and 1 micro mol l(-1). As observed for sulfate, maximum cysteine concentrations were found in April. Apparently, both sulfate and cysteine transport contribute to the sulfur supply of the developing leaves. Seasonal changes in the axial distribution of cysteine and sulfate differed, indicating differences in the source-sink relations of these sulfur compounds. High, but uniform, xylem sap sulfate concentrations in April may originate from balanced sulfate uptake by the roots, whereas high cysteine concentrations in April, increasing with increasing height of the trunk, may originate in part from protein breakdown in the trunk. Reversal of the axial distribution of xylem sap cysteine in late summer-early fall to higher concentrations in the lower part of the trunk than in the upper part of the trunk suggests that the upper part of the trunk becomes a sink for cysteine as a result of the synthesis of storage proteins at this time of the year.  相似文献   

    Scots pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris L.) and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) were impregnated with five waxes. The experiments indicate deep penetration into pine sapwood. Besides the viscosity, an influence of the wax polarity is presumed. Wax penetrates pine wood deeply via the cross-section, but not sufficiently enough to impregnate longer construction elements. However, the radial wax uptake exceeds the uptake via the tangential orientation and guarantees complete soaking of the sapwood tissue. The lateral wax penetration within beech is quite low and irregular. In addition to the temperature, a prolonged process procedure is decisive for an increasing wax uptake. As such, beech wood vessel elements seem to be fully impregnable via the longitudinal surface after a longer process procedure.  相似文献   

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