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A comparison was made of the effects of grazing with cattie and sheep separateiy hy two methods, continuous and rotationai on two forage mixtures. The two mixtures were timothy (Phleum pratense L.) with iadino white ciover (Trifolium repens L.); and brome grass (Bromus inermis Leyss) witii aifalfa (Medicago sativa L.). The rotationai system of grazing created different effects on sward composition from those caused hy the continuous grazing system. The legumes survived hetter under rotational than continuous grazing. Sheep, under both grazing systems, grazed more severeiy than cattie; they defoliated the ieaf portion of the plants and ieft more stem standing than did the cattle. Protein of the sward increased with the leaf portion, but in vitro digestibility was not altered as leaf to stem ratios changed. Although the gross effects of sheep and cattle were similar, there were differences in detail in the effect on these swards.  相似文献   

Three trials were carried out to compare the feeding value of silage and barn-dried hay for fattening bullocks of approximately 8 cwt initial body weight. In each case the silage and hay were cut from the same sward at the same time. In the first trial the bullocks fed on hay gained 1·88 lb/day while those self-fed on silage gained 1·55 lb/day during a 70-day feeding period. In the second trial of 70 days, the bullocks fed on hay gained 1·96 lb/day and those fed on silage from a trough gained 2·39 lb/day. In the third trial, individually-fed bullocks housed in stalls and given the same hay and silage as used in Trial 2 gained 123 lb/day on hay and 127 lb/day on silage. The significance of these results is discussed in relation to the findings of other workers.  相似文献   

An experiment designed to compare the nutritive values for milk production of dried grasses harvested in spring and autumn is described. The DM digestibility of the spring- and autumn-dried grass was 67±7 and 66±0%, respectively. Both dried grasses were fed at two levels, 0±4 and 0±5 kg/ kg milk (4 and 5 Ib/10 Ib milk), to lactating cows in a randomized-block design experiment using 24 animals. Each animal was also given 2±5 kg hay/day (5±5 Ib) and in addition sufficient of the dried grass under investigation to meet maintenance requirements. Milk yield, milk energy output, live-weight gain and the solids not fat (SNF) and protein contents of the milk increased with feeding level. Season of dried grass harvesting had no effect on milk yield, milk energy output or live-weight change. The spring-harvested dried grass resulted in a significantly higher milk SNF content than the autumn-dried grass and also tended to reduce milk butterfat level.  相似文献   

A medium quality barn-dried hay and a poor quality field-cured hay were each supplemented with 3 levels of concentrate in the diet of young beef cattle, averaging 313 kg liveweight. The supplement was given on predetermined hay concentrate metabolizable energy (ME) ratios based on the determined ME of the hays and an assumed ME of 3·0 McalsAg DM for the supplement. The hay concentrate ratios used were 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3, the aim being to provide a reasonable rate of growth (0·7 kg/day) with the poorer hay. It was necessary to include urea in the concentrate mixtures used on the 1:1 and 1:2 ratios with the field-cured hay. The urea appeared to have an adverse effect on the intake and utilization of DM on the 1:1 ratio. The range of mean intakes of supplement DM was 3·02 to 4·41 kg/day for the barn-dried hay and 2·23 to 4·61 for the field-cured hay. Mean daily liveweight gains with the barn-dried hay were 0·76, 0·89 and 0·85 kg for the 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3 ratios, respectively, with no significant difference between ratios. The mean daily gains with the field-cured hay were 0·39, 0·77 and 0·75 for the three ratios, the mean gain on the 1:1 ratio being significantly lower than those of the other ratios. The ME conversion ratios were not significantly affected by either ratios or hay type, except on the 1:1 ratio with field-cured hay. There were significant differences between the barn-dried hay and field-cured hay diets in the digestibilities of DM, organic matter, crude protein and energy; the mean coefficients for DM being 74·5% and 65·6%, respectively.  相似文献   

A small-plot trial comparing perennial ryegrass, cocksfoot, timothy and meadow fescue sown broadcast and also in 21 inch rows was conducted at Auchincruive from 1954 to 1957. The cutting treatments were arranged so that measurement could be made of both summer and winter production.
Of the four species, cocksfoot was the most suitable for foggage production. Perennial ryegrass suffered severely from winter killing. Timothy and meadow fescue, although persistent, did not yield as much as cocksfoot.
Total dry-matter production over three years was higher from the cocksfoot rows than from the broadcast stand. For ryegrass and meadow fescue, broadcasting gave higher yields than row sowing while timothy showed no significant difference between sowing methods.
During the winter, all species showed a loss of dry matter. Losses for ryegrass, cocksfoot, timothy and meadow fescue were respectively 34%, 17%, 18% and 24%. Broadcast stands averaged 11% greater loss than the rows.  相似文献   

The value of varieties of Italian, hybrid and Westerwold ryegrass for early-bite production was compared at 32 centres in different environments. The relative performance of Italian ryegrass varieties was fairly consistent from centre to centre over a period of 3 years. Danish and Leda Daehnfeldt Italians produced the most, and S22 the least, early spring production. Good early-bite and total annual yields were obtained from hybrid ryegrasses. Swards sown in the previous autumn were more winter-hardy than spring-sown swards and appeared to be as early in the following year.  相似文献   

Two grazing systems, a paddock system and a ‘Wye College’ system, were compared in two 20-week experiments nsing 16 and 20 spring-calved Ayrshire cows in 1970 and 1971, respectively. A sward of S23 perennial ryegrass was used, and an average of 342 kg N/ha (305 lb N/ ac) was applied per annum. The paddock system had 28 separate paddocks; one paddock was grazed each day in rotation and occasionally topped in mid-season. The Wye College system had 4 plots of equal size and the cows were offered 1/7 of one plot each day; no back fence was used and surplus herbage was neither cut nor topped. The stocking rate on hoth systems was 1 cow per 0.20 ha (0.49 ac) in 1970 and per 0.16 ha (0.40 ac) in 1971. The mean daily milk yields per cow on the paddock and the Wye College systems were 16.2 and 15.3 kg (35.7 and 33.7 lb), respectively, in 1970; and 18.1 and 18.4 kg (39.9 and 40.6 lb) in 1971. The average annual output of milk was 13,500 and 13,150 kg/ha (1200 and 1170 gal/ac) on the paddock and Wye College systems, respectively. The fat and solids-not-fat (S.N.F.) contents of the milk were not significantly affected by the grazing system. It is concluded that the Wye College system was as effective as the paddock system in producing a high output of mUk per ha, but at a lower cost and with far fewer management decisions.  相似文献   

To assess the effect of companion grasses on timothy productivity, swards of timothy sown alone or with one of eight companion grasses were harvested as for silage four times per year for two years. The companion grasses were: diploid perennial ryegrasses S24 and S23; tetraploid perennial ryegrasses Reveille and Taptoe; meadow fescues S215 and S53 and cocksfoots Trifolium and S143. Averaged over the N application rates (226, 339 and 452 kg N/ha per year) the total herhage yields of timothy/companion-grass mixtures were all significantly superior to that from timothy alone in the first year. Only perennial ryegrass S24 and the cocksfoot mixtures significantly outyielded timothy alone in the second year. Winterkill hecame evident in April of the second year and pure timothy and timothy/meadow-fescue swards were least affected. Over all swards, timothy DM increased hy a mean of 19% from the first to the second year, compared with a fall of 20% in total herhage DM. The contrihution of timothy herhage to the mixtures was very low with companions other than meadow fescue. Late-heading varieties were more compatihie than early-heading varieties, and tetraploid ryegrasses were more compatihie than diploid ryegrasses. It is concluded that if the inherently valuahle characteristics of timothy are to he exploited, it should not he sovm with aggressive companion grasses.  相似文献   

Studies were made on two perennial ryegrass–dominant swards of the effects of cutting and grazing systems of herbage production. A motor scythe was used for cutting and sheep in small enclosures for grazing. In both systems, herbage production was measured by a ground-level sampling technique, using sheep shears, and the difference between pre-treatment and post-treatment herbage was expressed as ‘utilized yield’. Correction for soil contamination is ensured by quoting all results on an organic-matter basis. Grazing treatments averaged 14–16% more organic matter and 36–45% more crude protein than cutting treatments in both experiments. These differences were ascribed to recycling of N under grazing. Infrequent defoliation gave higher yields than frequent, and severe defoliation higher yields than lenient under both cutting and grazing systems. The trends shown by cutting and grazing intensities are comparable and can be quantified. There is need to examine closely the relationships between the effects of cutting and grazing techniques on herbage production, since such knowledge would allow a more accurate prediction of the relevance to the grazing situation of results obtained under cutting.  相似文献   

The effects of preeropping with Italian ryegrass and tall fescue mixtures on marrow-stem kale (1st test crop) and barley (2nd test crop) were measured. Application of N to the grass/clover swards reduced the yield of DM, P, K, Na, Mg, crude protein and also the percentage crude protein in the kale test-crop. Following the tall fescue swards, the yield of DM, P, Na, Ca, Mg and E, crude protein and percentage crude protein in the kale were lower than after the Italian ryegrass swards. These effects were particularly evident in the kale stem. Interactions occurred which involved the method used to establish the herbage mixtures, the application of N to the swards and of fertilizers to the kale. These effects were complex, but the method of sward establishment could clearly affect the following kale crop grown several years later. The influence of grass swards on the second test-crop (spring barley) was much smaller than on kale. Precropping with Italian ryegrass or using a cover crop during grassland establishment reduced 1000-grain weight of barley. The crude protein percentage in barley grain was reduced by the compound fertilizer applied to the previous kale crop, particularly when no cover crop had been used during establishment of the herbage mixtures. The converse of these effects was recorded in the crude-protein percentage of the straw of the barley test-crop.  相似文献   

Aqueous ammonia was injected to a depth of 10 cm into small grass plots in late winter at rates equivalent to 200 and 400 kg N per ha. The effect on yield of DM, seasonal distribution of yield and uptake of N in the herbage was compared with that of single or split applications of ammonium nitrate. Two levels of supplementary irrigation were given in summer. The method of injection minimised damage to the sward and loss of ammonia by volatilization.
Aqueous ammonia and ammonium nitrate (single application) gave similar yields of dry matter, uptake of N and distribution of yield over the season. Ammonia was no more effective than ammonium nitrate under dry conditions. A single application in February of 200 kg N/ha as ammonium nitrate gave a greater total annual yield than the same quantity of N as ammonia or as a split dressing of the solid fertilizer. At 400 kg N/ha, split application gave the highest yields. The uptakes of N in the harvested grass was similar, in each irrigation treatment and at each level of N, for the three methods of applying N, The apparent recovery was low.
Aqueous ammonia, efficiently injected, was a satisfactory form of N for grass at the first cut, but it did not provide a continuing supply of N for crops harvested later in that season.  相似文献   

Plots of S24 perennial ryegrass were grazed fire times by sheep to stubble heights of 10–15 cm (treatment L), 5 cm (M) and 2 cm (S), other plots were cut (C) at approximately the same height as in M. the quantity of digestible organic matter (DOM) harvested by cutting at 5 cm was not significantly different from that harvested by grazing at the same average height there were only minor differences between grazing treatments in the amounts of DOM harvested, but the number of hours for which the sheep had to be maintained on the plots in order to graze the swards to the required heights increased 4-fold between treatments L and S. the results are discussed in relation to the total DOM harvested in each treatment.  相似文献   

A technique is described whereby sward defoliation by sheep can occur in the absence of treading and the deposition of excreta. By using this technique, swards were grazed to a moderate severitj, leaving behind an amount of herbage similar to that left after cutting; the DM yields from both methods are compared. The technique was also used to study other swards which were grazed either very leniently or very severely. Within the limits tested, efficient rotational grazing (i.e. the removal of a large proportion of the herbage on each occasion) did not give the greatest DM yields, except at the first harvest. Cutting- and grazing-treatments produced differences in sward structure.  相似文献   

The annual yield of tall fescue was higher than that of Italian ryegrass in the third year after sowing, but the total yield of herbage from grass plus clover swards was similar.
In both the second and third year after sowing, the yield of herbage in the spring grazing was higher when fescue was used as the sown grass. The method of establishment of both tall fescue and Italian ryegrass affected the total and seasonal yield in the second and third year after sowing, but the magnitude of these effects was not nearly as marked as it was earlier in the life of the leys. In the second year after sowing, swards of both Italian ryegrass and tall fescue had a higher yield of total herbage and of white clover, and a lower ingress of unsown species, when established without a cover crop and grazed frequently in the year of sowing.
The inclusion of red clover did not increase total yield of DM in the second and third year after sowing, and it slightly decreased the yield of the tall fescue mixture in the third year following sowing when N was applied. S170 tall fescue was readily grazed by sheep in spring and autumn.
The apparent recovery of applied N varied with the mixture sown, and the management given during establishment.  相似文献   

Two grass silages made in May and two made in August were compared in a 16-week winter-feediag experiment with 12 Ayrshire cows. The silages were fed ad lib. with a supplement of barley and groundnut cake. One of the silages made ia May and one made in August consisted of S24, a diploid variety of perennial ryegrass, and the other two of Reveille, a tetraploid variety of the same species. The silages made from Reveille had a higher content of lactic acid and a lower pH than those made from S24. The contents of digestihie organic matter in the silage DM made in May and August were 71.9 and 63.2%, respectively, for RevelUe and 68.7 and 60.9% for S24. Silage and total DM intakes were higher in the treatments where Reveille silages rather than S24 silages were fed. The mean daily milk yields from cows fed on the silages made in May and August were 39.6 and 34.5 lb (18.0 and 15.7 kg), respectively, for Reveille, and 38.0 and 34.1 lb (17.3 and 15.5 kg) for S24. The solids-not-fat (S.N.F.) and the crude protein contents of the milk averaged 8.64 and 3.29%, respectively, for Reveille, and 8.56 and 3.22% for S24. It is concluded (hat the silages made from Reveille were superior to those made from S24 as a feed for dairy cows.  相似文献   

The leaf-area indices (LAI) of simulated swards of three populations of Festuca arundinacea Schreb. were estimated by use of an inclined point quadrat and an air-flow planimeter.
Both for comparisons of leaf areas before defoliation, and for comparisons of leaf areas removed by defoliation, very highly significant relationships were found between estimates by the two methods. In five out of six cases the airflow-planimeter estimates of leaf area became greater than those from the inclined point quadrat as sward leaf area increased.
It is suggested that the major factor responsible for departure from complete agreement between the methods is a difference in leaf areas actually measured by the two methods; in addition, there was some indication of operator error with the inclined point quadrat. The results indicated that these factors were not greatly influenced by leaf canopy arrangement.  相似文献   

It has been observed that, where surface seeding has been attempted, disappointing results occur on some sites due to delays in sowing the seeds mixture after lime and fertilizer applications have been made.
An experiment is described in which the time of application of nitrogen, in relation to the establishment and development of S24 and S23 perennial ryegrass seedlings in pots, was varied. The results of trials on this aspect of surface seeding, under conditions experienced in the north of Scotland, are also given.
More efficient utilization of nitrogen was obtained when applications were delayed until the seedlings had developed sufficiently to utilize the applied nitrogen. This delay enhanced the establishment of sown grasses under conditions where natural species, capable of responding to applied nitrogen, were present.
Where surface seeding is undertaken, consideration should be given to delaying the application of nitrogen until the sown seeds have brairded.  相似文献   

Leaves of different ages were removed 7 times between June and October. Each defoliation was timed to match the appearance of successive leaves on each tiller. The removal of leaves at progressively younger stages reduced total production above ground, but the most severe treatment, the removal of all expanded leaves repeatedly, still produced about 75% as much as the least severely defoliated sward. Clipping with shears 3 times reduced yield as much as removing all expanded leaves 7 times. A crop allowed to grow untouched apparently produced more than any defoliated treatment, but this may have been an artefact.
The lower production following increasingly drastic defoliation was not associated with reduced concentrations of nitrogen or potassium in the foliage removed, or in the crop left behind. The total quantity of these elements recovered in the crop was greatest in those treatments where least dry matter was produced. Explanations for the results depend on the capacity of swards of predominantly young leaves to assimilate carbon more rapidly than those containing old and senescent tissue.  相似文献   

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