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The monogenean parasite Gyrodactylus salaris poses serious threats to many Atlantic salmon populations and presents many conservation and management questions/foci and challenges. It is therefore critical to identify potential vectors for infection. To test whether hybrids of native Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) × brown trout (Salmo trutta) are suitable as reservoir hosts for G. salaris during winter, infected hybrid parr were released into a natural subarctic brook in the autumn. Six months later, 23.9% of the pit‐tagged fish were recaptured. During the experimental period, the hybrids had a sixfold increase in mean intensity of G. salaris, while the prevalence decreased from 81% to 35%. There was high interindividual hybrid variability in susceptibility to infections. The maximum infrapopulation growth rate (0.018 day?1) of G. salaris throughout the winter was comparable to earlier laboratory experiments at similar temperatures. The results confirm that infrapopulations of G. salaris may reproduce on a hybrid population for several generations at low water temperatures (~1 °C). Wild salmon–trout hybrids are undoubtedly susceptible to G. salaris and represent an important reservoir host for the parasite independent of other co‐occurring susceptible hosts. Consequently, these hybrids may pose a serious risk for G. salaris transmission to nearby, uninfected rivers by migratory individuals.  相似文献   

1. Long‐term data sets on macro‐algae, sediment invertebrates, shorebirds and physical parameters are explored for the Ythan estuary, Scotland. 2. Coverage by macro‐algal mats has increased over the last 40 years with significant impacts on the distribution and abundance of benthic invertebrates and their shorebird consumers. Areas of the estuary worst affected by the mats now support fewer Corophium volutator, whilst the abundance of this and other species has increased in areas less affected by mats, possibly through enrichment by non‐local macro‐algal detritus. 3. Shorebird abundance increased between the early 1960s and the 1980s, possibly in response to enhanced invertebrate abundance in unaffected areas, but has declined since, as algal mats continue to spread. 4. The cause of the increased biomass of macro‐algae is contentious, but the present analysis shows that the increase is unlikely to be related to changes in the physical characteristics of the estuary, which appear to have remained fairly constant over at least the last 30 years. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • 1. A 2‐year experimental seining programme and underwater visual censuses were undertaken to quantify the direct effects of active demersal fishing on the population structure and relative abundance of two sympatric seahorse species of conservation concern: the European long‐snouted seahorse, Hippocampus guttulatus Cuvier 1829 and the short‐snouted seahorse, Hippocampus hippocampus L. The influence of habitat preference on population‐level responses to changes in habitat structure following a reduction in fishing effort was also investigated.
  • 2. It was predicted that the benthic habitat would be more structurally complex after fishing ceased and that seahorse densities would increase in response to reduced fishing mortality. Furthermore, it was predicted that the magnitude of the increase in density would be greater for H. guttulatus than for H. hippocampus, because the former species prefers complex vegetated habitats while the latter species uses sparsely vegetated habitats.
  • 3. As predicted, the amount of habitat cover increased significantly when seining ceased, primarily through increases in the abundance of drifting macroalgae and unattached invertebrates. Despite similarities in life histories, the two seahorse species responded differently in terms of magnitude and direction to reduced fishing effort: the abundance of H. guttulatus increased significantly while H. hippocampus decreased in abundance.
  • 4. Results suggest that active demersal fishing may influence the magnitude and direction of the responses of benthic marine fishes to exploitation through its impacts on habitat structure. An increase in habitat cover appeared to favour higher densities of H. guttulatus when seining effort was reduced. By contrast, repeated seining, which maintained less complex habitats, appeared to favour greater abundances of H. hippocampus.
  • 5. Given differences in habitat preference among benthic marine fishes subject to incidental capture in fisheries, simultaneous attempts to manage populations of sympatric species may require complementary strategies that support the persistence of diverse habitat types.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We assessed the potential for simulation and modelling of the blackspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) population in the Strait of Gibraltar to discriminate the environmental effects of fishery impacts. A discrete biomass–abundance dynamic model was implemented to obtain a simulated monthly time series of blackspot seabream biomass. On this simulated time series, autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models were fitted. The best ARIMA fit provided a significant correlation of 0.76 and persistence index higher than 0.85. The proportion of variance non‐explained by the ARIMA models was correlated with a time series of sea surface temperature (SST) and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). The analysis of global, annual and winter correlation between the proportion of variance not explained by the ARIMA models and environmental variables showed that significant associations were not detected over the full time series. Our analysis therefore suggests that overexploitation is the main factor responsible for the commercial depletion of blackspot seabream in the Strait of Gibraltar.  相似文献   

By‐catch in marine fisheries, particularly those using pelagic and demersal longlines, is a major driver of declines in abundance of sharks and rays around the world. A wide variety of by‐catch reduction devices (BRDs), that is, modified gears designed to reduce incidental captures of a variety of marine species while maintaining target catch rates, have been proposed, but the extent to which BRDs actually reduce the risk of catching sharks and rays remains unclear. We performed a meta‐analysis of 27 publications that reported the capture of sharks and rays and, in some cases, of targeted teleosts in longline gear deployed with and without BRDs. The risk of shark and ray capture differed between types of BRDs, but only one BRD type, longlines raised off the bottom, reduced by‐catch significantly. Circle hooks did not reduce the risk of capturing sharks and rays but might improve discard survival and are inexpensive, which might make them effective in reducing the detrimental effects of longlining on these species. In addition to being generally ineffective, some devices, such as electropositive and magnetic repellents, are expensive and have inherent construction drawbacks that are likely to make them unsuitable for commercial use. Overall, most BRDs did not affect the likelihood of catching targeted teleosts, but a substantial number of studies did not adequately assess target catch. We identified two poorly studied classes of BRD gear (i.e. raised demersal longlines, and monofilament nylon leaders), which represent promising directions for future research.  相似文献   

Fish farms have been shown to aggregate large numbers of wild fish in their surroundings. Although little is known about how this affects the local fishery, two hypotheses have been put forward; a trapping and a protecting effect on wild fish. This study provides the first monitoring of commercial and recreational fishing activity at a fish farm. We assessed the effect on the small‐scale fishery analysing the differences between fishing in farm proximity and away from the farm (in terms of catch rate, income and catch composition). Moreover, we estimated the biomass removal from fishing activities by farm employees inside the farm. The study was conducted from January 2011 to June 2012 at a Gilthead seabream farm in the NW Mediterranean. The findings revealed a relevant amount of commercial and recreational fishing effort in farm proximity. Yet, the results showed no benefit or difference of fishing in close proximity to the farm compared with areas away from the farm. Thus, we conclude that farm‐aggregated fish are protected from the commercial fleet by the farm leasehold area, but remain vulnerable to hidden fishing practices inside the farm, where farm employees harvest more than 4 t of wild fish annually.  相似文献   

Proliferative kidney disease (PKD) of salmonids caused by Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae causes high mortalities of wild brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) and farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) at elevated water temperatures. Here the aim was to compare the temperature‐dependent modulation of T. bryosalmonae in the two salmonid host species, which display different temperature optima. We used a novel experimental set‐up in which we exposed brown trout and rainbow trout to an identical quantified low concentration of T. bryosalmonae for a short time period (1 hr). We followed the development of the parasite in the fish hosts for 70 days. PKD prevalence and parasite kinetics were assessed using qPCR. Exposures were performed at temperatures (12°C and 15°C) that reflect an environmental scenario that may occur in the natural habitat of salmonids. T. bryosalmonae infection was confirmed earliest in brown trout kept at 15°C (day 7 post‐exposure) while, in all other groups, T. bryosalmonae was not confirmed until day 15 post‐exposure. Moreover, significantly greater infection prevalence and a faster increase of parasite intensity were observed in brown trout kept at 15°C than in all other groups. These results indicate that PKD is differentially modulated by water temperature in related host species.  相似文献   

Small‐scale driftnets (SSDs) have been historically used in the Mediterranean without major environmental concern. The introduction of large‐scale driftnets caused unwanted catches of protected species. Specific regulations were therefore issued in European waters, culminating in a proposed moratorium on SSDs. This study aimed to characterise the SSD fishery targeting anchovy (menaide), evaluating its environmental sustainability, economic performance and social relevance. In 2013, a survey by interviews, logbooks and observers on board assessed the order of magnitude of this fishery in terms of fishing capacity and activity, volume of landings and revenues. The menaide fleet consisted in 60 vessels <12 m overall length, moored in little harbours in southern Italy. These nets are highly selective: the target species, European anchovy, Engraulis encrasicholus (L.) and sardine, Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum), dominates the catches, while discards are negligible. The anchovies caught are of high quality and large size; the high prices support fish processing by local factories. Moreover, the results of a SWOT analysis demonstrated that replacing SSDs with a semi‐industrial fishery, like purse seining, would increase impacts on the ecosystem, and a loss of socio‐economic opportunities for several coastal villages. These findings support the option of keeping SSDs operating, in the framework of specifically oriented management measures.  相似文献   

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