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  • 1. To monitor any impacts to coral reefs related to the exponential growth of tourism in the South Sinai region of the Egyptian Red Sea, nine stations were established at key reef sites over 2002–2003. At each station coral cover was determined using a video survey method at depths of 3, 7 and 16 m, and fish abundance by underwater visual census at depths of 3 and 10 m.
  • 2. Mean total coral cover (hard plus soft) ranged from 58% to 23% at 3 m, 50% to 14% at 7 m, and 52% to 13% at 16 m, and hard coral cover from 37.5% to 15.7% at 3 m, 32.8% to 7.0% at 7 m, and 17.8% to 2.2% at 16 m. Analyses confirmed differences in coral assemblage related to depth and wave exposure.
  • 3. Fish abundances and assemblages also varied with depth and proximity of deep water. Also the one site subject to fishing had lower abundances of some commercial fish families and greater abundances of some herbivores.
  • 4. Transects subject to greater tourist use did not segregate from those subject to less tourist use, despite evidence from other work of an effect from visitor damage to corals at some sites. This may be because visitors were more attracted to sites that had higher coral cover.
  • 5. Comparison of the present data with that from past studies is difficult because of the differences in sites and method employed, but several observations suggest a moderate decline in coral cover during recent decades. Such a decline would be compatible with the recorded impact of an outbreak of crown‐of‐thorns starfish, Acanthaster planci, as well as with other evidence of accumulating damage by visitors.
  • 6. Further monitoring using the same stations and consistent protocols is urgently required.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • 1. Since signing the Helsinki Convention in 1974, the countries with coasts around the Baltic Sea have striven jointly within the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) towards the ecological restoration of the Baltic Sea. The European Community signed the revised Convention in 1992.
  • 2. Work under HELCOM includes implementing joint recommendations to curb pollution originating from land and marine sources, ensuring safer maritime traffic, and protecting biodiversity, for example, by setting up a network of Baltic Sea protected areas.
  • 3. A new concept — the ecosystem approach to the management of human activities — was adopted by the Contracting Parties of HELCOM in 2003 to serve as the new framework for further efforts towards attaining good ecological status of the Baltic Sea.
  • 4. Stepwise progress towards the development of quantitative definitions of good ecological status has been made since 2003 to implement the new approach: a common vision reflecting the ecosystem approach was adopted in 2004 and a number of more targeted goals and objectives were agreed in 2006.
  • 5. The Contracting Parties to the Helsinki Convention will use the objectives adopted covering eutrophication, impacts of hazardous substances, and the overall status of biodiversity, including the impact of fisheries and shipping, to draft a new set of joint management actions.
  • 6. In the future, an agreement under development among the Contracting Parties on indicators with quantitative targets will enable a quantitative assessment of ‘good ecological status’ and progress towards the goals of HELCOM, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), as well European legislation concerning marine environmental protection.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • 1. The Ter Vell (NE Iberian Peninsula) is a eutrophic coastal lagoon that has been mostly flooded by excessive irrigation water during recent decades. During 2001 and 2002 the lagoon was subject to several water management actions, the main consequence of which was a change in the hydrological regime due to drastically reduced irrigation water inputs to the lagoon.
  • 2. In order to comply with the Water Framework Directive, all the management actions in an ecosystem should be focused on protecting and, where necessary, improving its ecological status.
  • 3. The aims of this study were (1) to analyse whether the hydrological change caused by management actions have affected the ecological status of the lagoon, and (2) to discuss the suitability of several physicochemical and biological indicators for the assessment of the ecological status in this kind of coastal ecosystem.
  • 4. After the change in the hydrological regime, a general improvement of the ecological status was observed mainly as a result of the significant decrease in the nitrogen Trophic State Index and in the abundance of rotifer indicative of eutrophy, and in turn by the significant increase in the water quality index QAELS, based on crustaceans and insect assemblages.
  • 5. Contradictory results emerged with regard to some of the indicators used. After the hydrological change, the increase in the phosphorus Trophic State Index was related with the fact that Mediterranean confined coastal ecosystems are typically P‐enriched. In contrast with general assumptions, low diversity and richness of the zooplankton and the dominance of a few species have been related with an improvement of the ecological status after the hydrological change, when freshwater inputs were reduced and the lagoon became more confined.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • 1. An index of riparian quality useful for the management of streams and rivers is presented. The purpose of the index is to provide managers with a simple method to evaluate riparian habitat quality. The index is easy to calculate and can be used together with any other index of water quality to assess the ecological status of streams and rivers. It may also be a useful tool for defining ‘high ecological status’ under the EC Water Framework Directive.
  • 2. The index, named QBR, is based on four components of riparian habitat: total riparian vegetation cover, cover structure, cover quality and channel alterations. It also takes into account differences in the geomorphology of the river from its headwaters to the lower reaches. These differences are measured in a simple, quantitative way. The index score varies between 0 and 100 points.
  • 3. The QBR index is calculated in the field through a two‐sided A4 page form that may be completed in 10 min.
  • 4. The development of the QBR index included trials in four Mediterranean stream catchments in Catalonia (NE Spain). Seventy‐two sampling sites were assessed and results were used to test the index.
  • 5. No taxonomic expertise is needed to apply the index, although some knowledge of local flora is required to differentiate between native and non‐native tree species.
  • 6. These results show that the QBR index may be used despite regional differences in plant communities. The quality ranges obtained when the index is applied are not heavily influenced by observers at the same site.
  • 7. At present, the index is being used by different research teams and tested in a comparative study of 12 watersheds along the Mediterranean Spanish coast.
  • 8. It is expected that the QBR index may be adapted for use in other geographical areas in temperate and semi‐arid zones without changes in the index rationale.
Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • 1. Macroalgae are one of the biological parameters considered in the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) for establishing the ecological status of coastal water bodies. In order to test the metric used to assess this element in the Cantabrian coast, the quality of rocky bottoms (CFR) index was applied to 164 transects at 28 sites on the coast of Asturias (northern Spain) in the summers of 2007 and 2008.
  • 2. At each sampling point, three variables were measured: species richness, cover of characteristic and opportunistic macroalgae, and in 2008 the percentage of the area occupied by each characteristic species was also estimated.
  • 3. Application of the Shapiro–Wilk test to the variables ‘cover of characteristic macroalgae’ and ‘cover of opportunistic algae’ revealed that the data were not normally distributed (P<0.001). A Kolmogorov–Smirnov test revealed: (a) significant differences (P<0.01) between the exposed and semi‐exposed sites, for the three variables studied; (b) significant differences in cover, for six species depending on the type of exposure; and (c) significant differences (P<0.01) in opportunistic macroalgal cover in relation to the two subtypes of water bodies in the study area. However, no significant differences were observed for overall macroalgal cover or species richness.
  • 4. According to the results obtained, new reference conditions and class boundaries are proposed for the implementation of the CFR index in Asturian coastal waters. The ranges proposed for the CFR index in the present study provide better discrimination for evaluating the ecological status of the studied area.
  • 5. The results of SIMPER and MDS analyses reinforced the conclusion that the type of exposure and the degree of human impact are the factors that best explain the degree of similarity between the sites sampled. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  • 1. The European Water Framework Directive requires the determination of ecological status in European fresh and saline waters. This is to be through the establishment of a typology of surface water bodies, the determination of reference (high status) conditions in each element (ecotype) of the typology and of lower grades of status (good, moderate, poor and bad) for each ecotype. It then requires classification of the status of the water bodies and their restoration to at least ‘good status’ in a specified period.
  • 2. Though there are many methods for assessing water quality, none has the scope of that defined in the Directive. The provisions of the Directive require a wide range of variables to be measured and give only general guidance as to how systems of classification should be established. This raises issues of comparability across States and of the costs of making the determinations.
  • 3. Using expert workshops and subsequent field testing, a practicable pan‐European typology and classification system has been developed for shallow lakes, which can easily be extended to all lakes. It is parsimonious in its choice of determinands, but based on current limnological understanding and therefore as cost‐effective as possible.
  • 4. A core typology is described, which can be expanded easily in particular States to meet local conditions. The core includes 48 ecotypes across the entire European climate gradient and incorporates climate, lake area, geology of the catchment and conductivity.
  • 5. The classification system is founded on a liberal interpretation of Annexes in the Directive and uses variables that are inexpensive to measure and ecologically relevant. The need for taxonomic expertise is minimized.
  • 6. The scheme has been through eight iterations, two of which were tested in the field on tranches of 66 lakes. The final version, Version 8, is offered for operational testing and further refinement by statutory authorities.
Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Competitive shore‐based sport fishing is a popular recreational activity in the Maltese Islands. However, prior to this study, no scientific research surveys had been carried out during sport fishing competitions to investigate catches. Collaboration with Maltese sports fishermen was developed to target sustainable management. Recreational fishing catches were recorded between July 2012 and December 2015 by means of 1,633 roving‐access creel surveys, conducted during 79 sport fishing competitions, totalling a fishing effort of 7,548 hr. A total of 29,916 fish belonging to 80 species from 26 different families were caught at a mean catch‐per‐unit‐effort (CPUE) of 4.16 fish angler/hr (SD ± 3.79) and 0.18 kg angler/hr (SD ± 0.17) but with seasonal variation. Catch‐and‐release practices were implemented by all Maltese sport fishing clubs, however, the mean mortality rate stood at 35.5% (SD ± 42.1), indicating that more effort is required to improve survival of fish. The study outcomes provide conservation recommendations.  相似文献   

1. Biogenic reefs formed by bivalves are biodiversity hot spots that provide important ecosystem services, but are globally endangered. In Strangford Lough (Northern Ireland) the use of mobile fishing gear (MFG) has caused extensive damage to reefs formed by the horse mussel (Modiolus modiolus L.), leading to declines in their extent and condition. 2. Captive breeding and translocation have been proposed as potential restorative strategies for the remaining reefs, and thus the reproductive biology of M. modiolus as the keystone species needs to be described prior to attempting large‐scale ecological restoration. 3. Physiological condition and gametogenesis were studied in two sympatric M. modiolus subpopulations using direct gonad assessment methods. The size‐ and age‐frequency structure of the whole metapopulation were described to establish present or past recruitment events. 4. Although gonad condition remained high in each year for the two subpopulations studied, significant losses were recorded in one subpopulation. These observations are consistent with autumn and winter spawning, but were not recorded in reefs thought to be more damaged by MFG. 5. Length‐ and age‐frequency histograms showed a distinct bimodal distribution in all remnant M. modiolus subpopulations, which were dominated by mussels over 50 years old. Little or no successful recruitment has occurred in some subpopulations, where low reproductive output caused by declines in broodstock numbers might be preventing natural recovery. 6. A combined approach of strict protection of the remaining larval sources and active restoration through stock supplementation is recommended to address recruitment limitations and increase connectivity between remnant subpopulations.  相似文献   

  • 1. The status of a Posidonia oceanica meadow in front of the town of Sanremo, Italy, was studied through a combined use of benthic mapping and synthetic indices.
  • 2. Mapping was accomplished by integrating side scan sonar imagery and data collected by scuba diving along transects placed perpendicularly to the coastline. A thematic map (scale 1:5000) was produced. Extent of the meadow, occurrence of dead matte areas, and morphology of the lower limit (with new definition) are all described.
  • 3. Two synthetic environmental indices were applied to transect data in order to quantify the status of the meadow: the Conservation Index and the Substitution Index. The former is related to the proportion of dead matte; the latter is a novel index measuring the amount of replacement of the ‘constructional’ seagrass P. oceanica by the ‘non‐constructional’ seagrass Cymodocea nodosa. The potential of a ‘phase shift’ in Ligurian Sea seagrass meadows is discussed.
  • 4. The approach here proposed, based on detailed mapping plus synthetic indices, may provide immediate information to evaluate the state of Mediterranean Posidonia oceanica for monitoring and management.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • 1. The EC Water Framework Directive requires that Member States assess the ecological quality of their water bodies on the basis of a wide set of variables, including benthic invertebrates.
  • 2. The aim of the study was to find one or more faunistic indices that could be related to ecological status of shallow lakes, independent of different macrophyte types.
  • 3. Six invertebrate indices were calculated from abundance and biomass data in 10 Spanish shallow lakes: total abundance and biomass, Shannon's index, percentage of predators, percentage of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera, Orthocladiinae as a percentage of the total Chironomidae, and Chironominae as a percentage of the whole macroinvertebrate community. Taxon richness was also calculated.
  • 4. Differences in the values of indices across different macrophyte types were explored by means of a one‐way analysis of variance. Significant differences were occasionally found when indices were calculated from biomass data. Total abundance was also significantly different across some architecture types.
  • 5. No significant correlations were found between the overall values of the indices for each lake and the environmental variables measured (ecological status, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, chlorophyll a concentrations, dynamics of the water flow, and naturalness of the shore), except in the case of total biomass.
  • 6. Values of indices were plotted (box plots) to detect potential differences between lakes of different ecological status. None of the index values was clearly related to ecological status. Thus, the approach used here, requiring relatively little sampling effort and taxonomic expertise, was of little use as a quality indicator for shallow lakes. The implementation of the Directive will therefore require different approaches to be developed and tested.
Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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