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Separation of large DNA molecules by contour-clamped homogeneous electric fields   总被引:342,自引:0,他引:342  
Electric fields can be manipulated by a method in which multiple electrodes are arranged along a closed contour and clamped to predetermined electric potentials. This method may be applied to a broad range of problems in the separation of macromolecules by gel electrophoresis. DNA molecules as large as 2 megabases can be well separated with a contour-clamped homogeneous electric field alternating between two orientations 120 degrees apart. The pattern of separation is independent of position in the gel, which is an advantage over previous methods. DNA less than 50 kilobases can be separated without distortion even at high voltage with a nonalternating contour-clamped homogeneous field. Decreased band broadening in DNA less than 200 bases can be achieved with a contour-clamped inhomogeneous field.  相似文献   

In gel electrophoresis, nucleic acids and protein-detergent complexes larger than a threshold size all migrate at the same rate. For DNA molecules, this effect can be overcome by the simple procedure of periodically inverting the electric field. Tuning the frequency of the field inversions from 10 to 0.01 hertz, makes it possible to resolve selectively DNA's in the size range 15 to greater than 700 kilobase pairs.  相似文献   

A silicon micromechanical magnetometer was constructed and successfully used in 60-tesla pulsed magnetic fields of less than 100-millisecond duration. The device is small, inexpensive to fabricate, and easy to use. It features a fast mechanical response (up to 50,000 hertz) and extremely high sensitivity yet is relatively robust against electrical and mechanical noise. Quantum oscillations in the magnetization of a 1-microgram sample of an organic superconductor, kappa-[bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene]2Cu(NCS)2, have been observed with this device.  相似文献   

研究了高压脉冲电场(PEF)应用于牛乳的可行性杀菌工艺,结果表明,30 kV/cm、600 μs、200 Hz PEF处理可延长牛乳在4 ℃下冷藏的货架期到24 d.采用固相微萃取(SPME)法提取鲜牛乳和PEF处理牛乳中的挥发性风味物质,气质联用法对其进行对比分析,结果鲜牛乳和PEF处理牛乳中分别检出28种和31种挥发性化合物.进一步采用SPME法提取2种牛乳中的挥发性风味物质,用时间-强度(OSME)的GC/O法鉴定其中的特征挥发性风味物质,发现了鲜牛乳中9种带有明显风味特征的物质,PEF处理牛乳中检出13种特征风味物质.  相似文献   

研究了高压脉冲电场(PEF)对接种于南瓜浆中不同微生物的杀灭效果及其对南瓜浆中菌落总数的影响.结果表明:随着电场强度、脉冲处理时间和协同温度在试验参数范围内的增加,PEF对微生物的杀灭效果显著提高;不同微生物在南瓜浆中对PEF耐受力的大小为:青霉菌〉金黄色葡萄球菌〉沙门氏菌〉大肠杆菌〉酵母菌,嗜热脂肪芽孢杆菌的耐受力强于枯草芽孢杆菌;60℃的温和热与20.14kV·cm^-1、109.25μs PEF的协同处理使南瓜浆中的菌落总数显著下降,显示出很好的协同作用.  相似文献   

处理室是脉冲电场系统的关键部件,为改善处理室的结构和性能,设计并优化一种在中强脉冲电场下的处理室。运用COMSOL Multiphysics软件对优化前后处理室的电场、流场和温度场进行分析,测定物料出口温度和杀菌效果对优化效果进行实际评价,基于优化后的处理室对比中强脉冲电场处理和巴氏杀菌处理对蓝莓果汁的品质影响。结果表明:1)研究得到的直角型叉指式平板处理室,除电极拐角处存在电场尖峰外,其他区域的电场强度分布均匀,均为2kV/cm,与理论值相同,优化后的圆角型叉指式平板处理室在拐角处消除了电场尖峰,电场强度峰值由22.7kV/cm降低至2.64kV/cm,电场强度分布更加均匀,物料出口温度降低了4.3℃,温度和流速分布均得到改善;2)基于叉指式平板处理室搭建的中强脉冲电场处理系统具有显著的杀菌效果,电场强度大于2kV/cm时,直角型和圆角型叉指式平板处理室均使大肠杆菌菌落数下降了3lg(CFU/mL)以上,但圆角型叉指式平板处理室的物料温度升高幅度显著降低,效果更好,与仿真结果一致;3)与热处理相比,中强脉冲电场处理更好地保持了蓝莓果汁的pH、颜色、花色苷和抗氧化能力。本研究研发的叉指...  相似文献   

External oscillating electric fields (1166 volts per centimeter, 5 hertz) enhanced the incorporation of [3H] thymidine into the DNA of chondrocytes isolated from the proliferative layer of embryonic (16 days) chick epiphysis. Verapamil or tetrodotoxin at 10(-6)M concentrations completely blocked the electric field effect. Tetracaine reduced the incorporation of [3H] thymidine in both control and electrically stimulated cells. The findings support the hypothesis that Na and Ca2 fluxes generated by the electrical perturbation trigger DNA synthesis in these cells.  相似文献   

Genetic engineering of novel genomes of large DNA viruses   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Analyses of the function of specific genes and sequences of large DNA viruses such as herpesviruses and poxviruses present special problems because of the size of their genomes (120 to 250 kilobase pairs). Various methods for engineering site-specific insertions or deletions based on the use of selectable markers have been developed and applied for the elucidation of the function of specific DNA sequences, the identification of genes nonessential for virus growth in cell culture, and the expression of foreign genes. These methods should also make possible the construction of viral vectors capable of delivering genes specifying antigens for the prevention of infectious diseases in humans and animals.  相似文献   

对高压脉冲电场(PEF)与热协同的液态蛋杀菌新工艺的杀菌效果及其对液态蛋品质的影响进行了研究,并与热杀菌工艺进行了比较.考察了 PEF与热协同工艺对液态蛋中接种的大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、李斯特菌的杀灭效果,并对此工艺对液态蛋的色泽和黏度、起泡和乳化性能以及凝胶结构的影响进行了评价.相对于液态蛋的热巴氏杀菌(60 ℃,3.5 min),PEF(35 kV/cm,400μs)与热(55 ℃)协同具有较好的杀菌效果,而且对液态蛋的色泽和黏度影响很小,能引起蛋白质的较小程度变性,起泡和乳化性能有所提高,蛋白质发生轻微聚集,凝胶结构变化较小.  相似文献   

一种快速提取玉米大群体基因组DNA的方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
快速高效的DNA提取方法是玉米大规模分子育种的第一步,因此,需要发展一种快速提取玉米基因组DNA的方法,以满足我国中小型实验室的需要。本研究介绍了一种可用于玉米大规模基因组DNA提取的方法:先利用改良碱煮法提取玉米籽粒小块胚乳的DNA,进行基因型鉴定,对大群体进行筛选,再利用电钻磨样及简化的CTAB法快速提取玉米苗期叶片的DNA,进行后期的研究。这种方法使得玉米大群体的筛选和研究简单化、快速化、常规化,可广泛应用于玉米分子育种。  相似文献   

为快速准确原位获取水田土壤黏附特性,结合水田土壤环境特征与黏附力测量原理,设计了一种便携式水田土壤黏附力测量仪,其由黏附力测盘、水平驱动装置、拉拔装置、PLC控制部分、机架及相关连接件构成,其控制系统采用GX Works2编程软件进行指令编辑。以法向拉拔速度v_n、切向速度v_τ、水田土壤空间深度为影响因素,利用该测量仪开展水田土壤黏附力单因素试验,初步获取了上述因素对水田土壤接触界面黏附力的影响机制。结果表明,在试验条件下,随法向拉拔速度v_n、切向速度v_τ增加,土壤黏附力呈增大趋势;随水田土壤空间深度的增加,土壤黏附力呈先增后减小趋势。  相似文献   

Manipulation of single spins is essential for spin-based quantum information processing. Electrical control instead of magnetic control is particularly appealing for this purpose, because electric fields are easy to generate locally on-chip. We experimentally realized coherent control of a single-electron spin in a quantum dot using an oscillating electric field generated by a local gate. The electric field induced coherent transitions (Rabi oscillations) between spin-up and spin-down with 90 degrees rotations as fast as approximately 55 nanoseconds. Our analysis indicated that the electrically induced spin transitions were mediated by the spin-orbit interaction. Taken together with the recently demonstrated coherent exchange of two neighboring spins, our results establish the feasibility of fully electrical manipulation of spin qubits.  相似文献   

[目的]为了更好地分析脉冲电场处理下液态介质中能量和电场力的变化过程。[方法]基于MATLAB设计了一个以图形用户为中心的能量算法界面。将不同浓度溶液的电导率、比热容、脉冲强度、作用时间、绝对介电常数分别代入能量的不同算法中,直观、简洁地分析液体在脉冲电场下能量的损耗,从理论上实现介质能量和宏观电场力的转换过程。[结果]明确了能量损耗和电场作用力之间的相互关系,证明了脉冲波形、介质电导率、处理室功率显著影响能量利用率。以单个水滴为例说明了液滴平衡状态时的形态变化,确定所需电场力的大小。[结论]本文能够满足高效、节能、无污染的需求,为进一步研究液态介质能量与结构的关系提供一定理论依据。  相似文献   

DNA transposons are mobile genetic elements that have shaped the genomes of eukaryotes for millions of years, yet their origins remain obscure. We discovered a virophage that, on the basis of genetic homology, likely represents an evolutionary link between double-stranded DNA viruses and Maverick/Polinton eukaryotic DNA transposons. The Mavirus virophage parasitizes the giant Cafeteria roenbergensis virus and encodes 20 predicted proteins, including a retroviral integrase and a protein-primed DNA polymerase B. On the basis of our data, we conclude that Maverick/Polinton transposons may have originated from ancient relatives of Mavirus, and thereby influenced the evolution of eukaryotic genomes, although we cannot rule out alternative evolutionary scenarios.  相似文献   

重点探讨了智能电压表测试不同电压的接口电路设计(包括交流电压,直流正电压,直流负电压),正常测试及故障,零点漂移处理以及9种量程自动切换的硬件原理。  相似文献   

High electric fields have been used to extract organic cations from solutions of small organic molecules in polyphosphoric acid. The cations have been analyzed by mass spectrometry. Production of ions by this method is shown to be related to ease of protonation by acid rather than to ionization potential.  相似文献   

Widespread use of electric vehicles can have significant impact on urban air quality, national energy independence, and international balance of trade. An efficient battery is the key technological element to the development of practical electric vehicles. The science and technology of a nickel metal hydride battery, which stores hydrogen in the solid hydride phase and has high energy density, high power, long life, tolerance to abuse, a wide range of operating temperature, quick-charge capability, and totally sealed maintenance-free operation, is described. A broad range of multi-element metal hydride materials that use structural and compositional disorder on several scales of length has been engineered for use as the negative electrode in this battery. The battery operates at ambient temperature, is made of nontoxic materials, and is recyclable. Demonstration of the manufacturing technology has been achieved.  相似文献   

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