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Rice brown spot (BS), caused by Bipolaris oryzae, causes yield loss and deterioration of grain quality. Using single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers, we conducted quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of BS resistance in backcross inbred lines (BILs) from a cross between an American rice cultivar, ‘Dawn’ (resistant), and ‘Koshihikari’ (susceptible). Four QTLs for BS resistance were detected in a three-year field evaluation, and ‘Dawn’ contributed the resistance alleles at all QTLs. The QTL with the greatest effect, qBSR6-kd, explained 15.1% to 20.3% of the total phenotypic variation. Although disease score and days to heading (DTH) were negatively correlated in all three years, qBSR6-kd was located near a QTL for DTH at which the ‘Dawn’ allele promoted heading. Another BS resistance QTL (qBSR3.1-kd) was unlinked to the QTLs for DTH. Therefore, these two QTLs are likely to be useful for breeding BS-resistant varieties without delaying heading. The other two BS resistance QTLs (qBSR3.2-kd and qBSR7-kd) were located near DTH QTLs at which the ‘Dawn’ alleles delayed heading. The QTLs reported here will be good candidates for developing BS-resistant cultivars.  相似文献   

Vigorous cold tolerance at the fertilization stage (CTF) is a very important characteristic for stable rice production in cold temperature conditions. Because CTF is a quantitatively inherited trait, pyramiding quantitative trait loci (QTLs) using marker-assisted selection (MAS) is effective for improving CTF levels in rice breeding programs. We previously identified three QTLs controlling CTF, qCTF7, qCTF8 and qCTF12, using backcrossed inbred lines derived from a cross between rice cultivar Eikei88223 (vigorous CTF) and Suisei (very weak CTF). However, pyramiding of these QTLs for the application of MAS in practical rice breeding programs have not yet been elucidated. In this study, we examined the effect of pyramiding QTLs for improvement of CTF level using eight possible genotype classes from the 152 F3 population derived from a cross between Eikei88223 and Suisei. Increasing of CTF levels in combinations between qCTF7 and qCTF12 and between qCTF8 and qCTF12 were detected. Furthermore, we compared the haplotype pattern around the QTLs for CTF among the rice cultivars from Hokkaido. These results are useful for improvement of new cultivars with high CTF levels using MAS and identification of genetic resources with the novel QTL(s) for CTF.  相似文献   

A total of 324 Japanese rice accessions, including landrace, improved, and weedy types were used to 1) investigate genetic variations in blast resistance to standard differential isolates, and 2) across the genome using polymorphism data on 64 SSR markers. From the polymorphism data, the accessions were classified into two clusters. Accessions from irrigated lowland areas were included mainly in cluster I, and upland and Indica types were mainly in cluster II. The accessions were classified into three resistance subgroups, A2, B1 and B2, based on the reaction patterns to blast isolates. The accessions in A2 were postulated to have at least two resistance genes Pish and Pik-s, whereas those in B1 had various combinations of the resistance genes Pish, Pia, Pii, Pi3, Pi5(t), and Pik alleles. The B2 accessions were resistant to almost all isolates, and many accessions of cluster II were included, and had Pish, Pia, Pii, Pi3, Pi5(t), certain Pik, Piz and Pita alleles, and unknown genes. The frequencies of accessions of B1 originating in Hokkaido, and those of B2 originating in the Kanto and Tohoku regions were remarkably higher than in the other regions.  相似文献   

Brown spot (BS) caused by Bipolaris oryzae is a serious disease of rice and decreases grain yield. Breeding for BS resistance is an economical solution but has not hitherto been achieved. To develop a practical BS-resistant variety, we introduced a chromosomal segment including a quantitative trait locus (QTL) for BS resistance, qBSfR11, derived from the BS-resistant local resource ‘Tadukan’, into the genetic background of the high-yielding but susceptible ‘Mienoyume’. Resistance is controlled by a single recessive gene in a 1.3-Mbp region. We named this gene bsr1 (brown spot resistance 1). The near-isogenic line bsr1-NIL had a greater yield with larger grain width than Mienoyume but similar other agronomic traits in fields where BS was mild; it had a significantly lower BS disease score and a 28.8% higher yield in fields where BS was more severe, and it showed resistance to multiple isolates of BS fungus. It showed stable resistance to BS and had excellent agricultural traits in the presence of BS. We developed the bsr1-NIL with resistance to BS and applied it for variety registration to Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in Japan as ‘Mienoyume BSL’. This is the first report for the BS resistant rice variety bred using marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

Improving the eating quality of cooked rice has been one of the most important objectives in rice breeding programs. Eating quality of cooked rice is a complex trait including several components, such as external appearance, taste, aroma, and texture. Therefore, dissection of these components followed by marker-assisted selection of detected QTL(s) may be a useful approach for achieving desirable eating quality in rice breeding. Whiteness of cooked rice (WCR) is an important factor related to the external appearance of cooked rice. WCR is known to be associated with the amylose and protein contents of the endosperm. However, the genetic basis of WCR remains unclear. In this study, we evaluated phenotypic variation in WCR among recently developed rice cultivars from Hokkaido, Japan. Then, we developed doubled haploid lines (DHLs) derived from a cross between two cultivars from Hokkaido, Joiku No. 462 (high WCR) and Jokei06214 (low WCR). Using the DHLs, we detected two QTLs for WCR, qWCR3 and qWCR11, on chromosomes 3 and 11, respectively. We also examined the dosage effect of the two QTLs based on both the categorized segregants in the DHLs and the relationship between the WCR phenotype and inheritance around the QTL regions in cultivars from Hokkaido.  相似文献   

Sheath blight, caused by Rhizoctonia solani, is one of the most serious diseases of rice. Among 33 rice accessions, mainly from National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences (NIAS) Core Collection, we found three landraces from the Himalayas—Jarjan, Nepal 555 and Nepal 8—with resistance to sheath blight in 3 years’ field testing. Backcrossed inbred lines (BILs) derived from a cross between Jarjan and the leading Japanese cultivar Koshihikari were used in QTL analyses. Since later-heading lines show fewer lesions, we used only earlier-heading BILs to avoid association with heading date. We detected eight QTLs; the Jarjan allele of three of these increased resistance. Only one QTL, on chromosome 9 (between markers Nag08KK18184 and Nag08KK18871), was detected in all 3 years. Chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) carrying it showed resistance in field tests. Thirty F2 lines derived from a cross between Koshihikari and one CSSL supported the QTL.  相似文献   

Cold temperature during the reproductive phase leads to seed sterility, which reduces yield and decreases the grain quality of rice. The fertilization stage, ranging from pollen maturation to the completion of fertilization, is sensitive to unsuitable temperature. Improving cold tolerance at the fertilization stage (CTF) is an important objective of rice breeding program in cold temperature areas. In this study, we characterized fertilization behavior under cold temperature to define the phenotype of CTF and identified quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for CTF. A wide variation in CTF levels has been identified among local cultivars in Hokkaido, which is one of the most northern regions for rice cultivation in the world. Clear varietal differences in pollen germination, and pollen tube elongation due to cold temperature have been observed. These differences may confer a degree of CTF among this population. We conducted QTL analysis for CTF using 120 backcrossed inbred lines derived from a cross between Eikei88223 (vigorous CTF) and Suisei (very weak CTF). Three QTLs for CTF were identified. A clear effect by QTL, qCTF7, for increasing the level of CTF was validated using advanced progeny. These results will facilitate marker-assist selection for desirable QTLs for CTF in rice breeding program.  相似文献   

An introgression line derived from an interspecific cross between Oryzasativa and Oryza officinalis, IR54741-3-21-22 was found to beresistant to an Indian biotype of brown planthopper (BPH). Genetic analysisof 95 F3 progeny rows of a cross between the resistant lineIR54741-3-21-22 and a BPH susceptible line revealed that resistance wascontrolled by a single dominant gene. A comprehensive RAPD analysisusing 275 decamer primers revealed a low level of (7.1%) polymorphismbetween the parents.RAPD polymorphisms were either co-dominant (6.9%), dominant forresistant parental fragments (9.1%) or dominant for susceptible parentalfragments (11.6%). Of the 19 co-dominant markers, one primer,OPA16, amplified a resistant parental band in the resistant bulk and asusceptible parental band in the susceptible bulk by bulked segregantanalysis. RAPD analysis of individual F2 plants with the primerOPA16 showed marker-phenotype co-segregation for all, with only onerecombinant being identified. The linkage between the RAPD markerOPA16938 and the BPH resistance gene was 0.52 cM in couplingphase. The 938 bp RAPD amplicon was cloned and used as a probe on122 Cla I digested doubled haploid (DH) plants from aIR64xAzucena mapping population for RFLP inheritance analysis and wasmapped onto rice chromosome 11. The OPA16938 RAPD markercould be used in a cost effective way for marker-assisted selection of BPHresistant rice genotypes in rice breeding programs.  相似文献   

Lowland rice is often subject to iron toxicity which may lead to yield reduction. In order to cope with this nutrient disorder, plants have developed resistance strategies. The aim of this research was to assess morphological and physiological parameters linked to iron toxicity resistance mechanisms and to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) involved in their genetic determinism. A segregating population consisting of 164 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between Azucena and IR64 was tested twice in hydroponics at the vegetative stage at 0 and 250 mg Fe2+ l−1. Morphological traits were measured on all 164 RILs. Physiological traits, which were too time-consuming to allow their measurement on all the population, were measured on the two parents and extreme individuals only, selected on the basis of their leaf bronzing index and shoot dry weight. A total of 24 putative QTLs was identified on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 11 for leaf bronzing index, shoot water content, shoot and root dry weight, relative variation of shoot and root dry weight, shoot iron concentration, stomatal resistance and chlorophyll content index. Several QTLs were detected in overlapping regions for different parameters. The pertinence of phenotyping extreme RILs only for a QTL analysis is discussed in this study. The QTL analysis allowed to better understand the physiological response of rice in the presence of an excess of ferrous iron, inclusive the relations existing between the stomata closure, the shoot water content reduction and the oxidative stress linked to these growth conditions.  相似文献   

Rice grain shape and yield are usually controlled by multiple quantitative trait loci (QTL). This study used a set of F9–10 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross of Huahui 3 (Bt/Xa21) and Zhongguoxiangdao, and detected 27 QTLs on ten rice chromosomes. Among them, twelve QTLs responsive for grain shape/ or yield were mostly reproducibly detected and had not yet been reported before. Interestingly, the two known genes involved in the materials, with one insect-resistant Bt gene, and the other disease-resistant Xa21 gene, were found to closely link the QTLs responsive for grain shape and weight. The Bt fragment insertion was firstly mapped on the chromosome 10 in Huahui 3 and may disrupt grain-related QTLs resulting in weaker yield performance in transgenic plants. The introgression of Xa21 gene by backcrossing from donor material into receptor Minghui 63 may also contain a donor linkage drag which included minor-effect QTL alleles positively affecting grain shape and yield. The QTL analysis on rice grain appearance quality exemplified the typical events of transgenic or backcrossing breeding. The QTL findings in this study will in the future facilitate the gene isolation and breeding application for improvement of rice grain shape and yield.  相似文献   

Marker assisted backcrossing has been used effectively to transfer the submergence tolerance gene SUB1 into popular rice varieties, but the approach can be costly. The selection strategy comprising foreground marker and phenotypic selection was investigated as an alternative. The non-significant correlation coefficients between ranking of phenotypic selection and ranking of background marker selection in BC2F1, BC3F1 and BC3F2 generations indicated inefficiency of phenotypic selection compared to marker-assisted background selection with respect to recovery of the recipient genome. In addition, the introgression size of the chromosome fragment containing SUB1 was approximately 17 Mb, showing the effects of linkage drag. The significant correlation coefficient between rankings of phenotypic selection with the percentage of recipient alleles in the BC1F1 generation suggested that background selection could be avoided in this generation to minimize the genotyping cost. The phenotypically selected best plant of the BC3F1 generation was selfed and backcross recombinant lines were selected in the resulting BC3F4 generation. The selection strategy could be appropriate for the introgression of SUB1 QTL in countries that lack access to high-throughput genotyping facilities.  相似文献   

The Asian rice gall midge, Orseolia oryzae Wood Mason (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), is a major pest of rice in several South and South East Asian countries. The maggots feed internally on the growing tips of the tillers and transform them into tubular galls, onion leaf-like structures called ‘silver shoots’ resulting into severe yield loss to the rice crop. We studied the mode of inheritance and allelic relationships of the resistance genes involved in resistant donor Line 9, a sib of a susceptible cultivar ‘Madhuri’. The segregation behaviour of F1, F2 and F3 populations of the cross between Line 9 and susceptible cultivar MW10 confirmed the presence of a single dominant gene for resistance. Tests of allelism with all the known genes giving resistance to this population indicated that Line 9 possessed a new gene which was designated Gm 9 This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Root system development is an important target for improving yield in rice. Active roots that can take up nutrients more efficiently are essential for improving grain yield. In this study, we performed quantitative trait locus (QTL) analyses using 215 recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between Xieqingzao B (XB), a maintainer line with short roots and R9308, a restorer line with long roots. Only a QTLs associated with root length were mapped on chromosomes 7. The QTL, named qRL7, was located between markers RM3859 and RM214 on chromosome 7 and explained 18.14–18.36% of the total phenotypic variance evaluated across two years. Fine mapping of qRL7 using eight BC3F3 recombinant lines mapped the QTL to between markers InDel11 and InDel17, which delimit a 657.35 kb interval in the reference cultivar Nipponbare. To determine the genotype classes for the target QTL in these BC3F3 recombinants, the root lengths of their BC3F4 progeny were investigated, and the result showed that qRL7 plays a crucial role in root length. The results of this study will increase our understanding of the genetic factors controlling root architecture, which will help rice breeders to breed varieties with deep, strong and vigorous root systems.  相似文献   

Plant breeding programs in local regions may generate genetic variations that are desirable to local populations and shape adaptability during the establishment of local populations. To elucidate genetic bases for this process, we proposed a new approach for identifying the genetic bases for the traits improved during rice breeding programs; association mapping focusing on a local population. In the present study, we performed association mapping focusing on a local rice population, consisting of 63 varieties, in Hokkaido, the northernmost region of Japan and one of the northern limits of rice cultivation worldwide. Six and seventeen QTLs were identified for heading date and low temperature germinability, respectively. Of these, 13 were novel QTLs in this population and 10 corresponded to the QTLs previously reported based on QTL mapping. The identification of QTLs for traits in local populations including elite varieties may lead to a better understanding of the genetic bases of elite traits. This is of direct relevance for plant breeding programs in local regions.  相似文献   

To identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with the primary target traits for selection in practical rice breeding programs, backcross inbred lines (BILs) derived from crosses between temperate japonica rice cultivars Nipponbare and Koshihikari were evaluated for 50 agronomic traits at six experimental fields located throughout Japan. Thirty-three of the 50 traits were significantly correlated with heading date. Using a linkage map including 647 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), a total of 122 QTLs for 38 traits were mapped on all rice chromosomes except chromosomes 5 and 9. Fifty-eight of the 122 QTLs were detected near the heading date QTLs Hd16 and Hd17 and the remaining 64 QTLs were found in other chromosome regions. QTL analysis of 51 BILs having homozygous for the Koshihikari chromosome segments around Hd16 and Hd17 allowed us to detect 40 QTLs associated with 27 traits; 23 of these QTLs had not been detected in the original analysis. Among the 97 QTLs for the 30 traits measured in multiple environments, the genotype-by-environment interaction was significant for 44 QTLs and not significant for 53 QTLs. These results led us to propose a new selection strategy to improve agronomic performance in temperate japonica rice cultivars.  相似文献   

Brown planthopper (BPH) is the most damaging rice pest globally. Resistant varieties are the most effective and environmental strategy for protecting the rice crop from BPH. Functional markers (FMs) designed from polymorphic sites within gene sequences affecting phenotypic variation are highly efficient when used for marker assisted selection (MAS). Bph14 is the first and only cloned insect resistance gene so far in rice. Compared to the sequences of its non-effective alleles there are a number SNP differences. In this study, the method of allele-specific amplification (ASA) was adopted to design a simple, co-dominant, functional marker Bph14P/N for Bph14. Bph14P/N was combined with two specific dominant markers: one, named Bph14P, targets the promoter region of Bph14 and amplifies 566 bp fragments; and the other, Bph14N, targets the LRR region of bph14 and amplifies 345 bp fragments. Specificity and applicability of the functional marker system were verified in two breeding populations and a Chinese mini core collection of Oryza sativa. We recommend the use of this simple, low-cost marker system in routine genotyping for Bph14 in breeding populations.  相似文献   

Spot blotch caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana is an important disease in barley worldwide, causing considerable yield losses and reduced grain quality. In order to identify QTL conferring resistance to spot blotch, a highly diverse worldwide barley set comprising 449 accessions was phenotyped for seedling resistance with three isolates (No 31, SH 15 and SB 61) and for adult plant resistance at two locations (Russia and Australia) in two years. Genotyping with the 50 k iSelect barley SNP genotyping chip yielded 33,818 informative markers. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) using a compressed mixed linear model, including population structure and kinship, revealed 38 significant marker-trait associations (MTA) for spot blotch resistance. The MTA corresponded to two major QTL on chromosomes 1H and 7H and a putative new minor QTL on chromosome 7H explaining between 2.79% and 13.67% of the phenotypic variance. A total of 10 and 14 high-confidence genes were identified in the respective major QTL regions, seven of which have a predicted involvement in pathogen recognition or defence.  相似文献   

Inheritance of resistance to rice stripe virus in rice line `BL 1'   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Rice stripe is the most serious virus disease in temperate rice-growing countries. The most economical and environmentally safe practice for controlling this disease is virus-resistant cultivars. ‘BL 1’ is an elite germplasm line with the blast resistance gene Pib, and has been used as a differential line for testing the pathogenicity of the blast fungus. We found that certain progenies from BL 1 showed resistance to both blast and rice stripe virus (RSV). The objectives of this study were to evaluate the RSV resistance in the field and under artificial conditions, to assess the reaction to the insect vector(small brown plant hopper, SBPH), and to examine its inheritance and its relationship to blast resistance in BL 1.BL 1 was susceptible to SBPH, but resistant to RSV in field and artificial inoculation tests. The inheritance of RSV resistance in F3 lines from the cross Nipponbare (NPB)/BL 1 was studied using artificial inoculation with a population of viruliferous SBPH. A serological assay for RSV infection using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used. RSV resistance in BL 1 was controlled by a single major gene with incomplete dominance. The locus responsible for RSV resistance was genetically independent of the blast resistance gene Pib. The resistance gene for RSV infection in BL 1 was also independent of Stvb-i, a gene widely distributed in resistant Japanese cultivars. Resistance to RSV must be diversified in rice cultivars considering the potential for future emergence of new RSV strains. The new resistance gene identified in BL 1, which has improved plant type and blast resistance, is considered useful for breeding RSV-resistant cultivars in japonica rice. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The eating quality of cooked rice is important and determines its market price and consumer acceptance. To comprehensively describe the variation of eating quality in 183 rice germplasm accessions, we evaluated 33 eating-quality traits including amylose and protein contents, pasting properties of rice flour, and texture of cooked rice grains. All eating-quality traits varied widely in the germplasm accessions. Principal-components analysis (PCA) revealed that allelic differences in the Wx gene explained the largest proportion of phenotypic variation of the eating-quality traits. In 146 accessions of non-glutinous temperate japonica rice, PCA revealed that protein content and surface texture of the cooked rice grains significantly explained phenotypic variations of the eating-quality traits. An allelic difference based on simple sequence repeats, which was located near a quantitative trait locus (QTL) on the short arm of chromosome 3, was associated with differences in the eating quality of non-glutinous temperate japonica rice. These results suggest that eating quality is controlled by genetic factors, including the Wx gene and the QTL on chromosome 3, in Japanese rice accessions. These genetic factors have been consciously selected for eating quality during rice breeding programs in Japan.  相似文献   

Asian cultivated rice Oryza sativa L. was domesticated from its wild ancestor, O. rufipogon. During domestication, the cultivated rice lost its seed-shattering behaviour. Previous studies have shown that two major quantitative trait loci (QTLs; qSH1 and sh4) are responsible for the seed-shattering degree. Here, we produced introgression lines carrying non-functional alleles from O. sativa ‘Nipponbare’ at the two major QTLs in the genetic background of wild rice O. rufipogon W630, and examined the effects of the two QTLs on seed shattering and abscission layer formation. The introgression lines, with Nipponbare alleles at either or both loci, showed complete or partial abscission layer formation, respectively, indicating that other unknown loci might be involved in enhancing seed shattering in wild rice. We detected a single QTL named qSH3 regulating seed-shattering degree using an F2 population between Nipponbare and the introgression line carrying Nipponbare alleles at the two QTLs. Although we generated an introgression line for qSH3 alone, no effects on seed shattering were observed. However, a significant effect on seed-shattering degree was observed for the introgression line carrying Nipponbare alleles at qSH3 and the two QTLs, suggesting an important role of qSH3 on seed shattering in coordination with the two QTLs.  相似文献   

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