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无论光通量密度(PPFD)为200靘ol穖-2穝-1还是500靘ol穖-2穝-1,生长在林冠下的红松幼苗光合速率达稳定净光合速率的50%和90%的诱导时间均长于全光条件下生长苗木。全光下生长的红松幼苗在PPFD为500靘ol穖-2穝-1时的诱导反应较PPFD为200靘ol穖-2穝-1时缓慢,而林冠下生长苗木则恰好相反。表明林冠下生长红松幼苗的光合作用诱导期与光斑强度有关。图3参6。  相似文献   

通过对红松种子雪藏和沙藏、红松留床苗覆锯沫子和草碳土等不同处理方法对红松苗木生长影响的研究,表明种子的沙藏和雪藏对苗木的高生长和径生长都有显著影响。  相似文献   

I "trod notionNatural lines, such as coastlines, mountain outlines, or boundaries between forest types, usuallyhave spatial dimensions, called "f racial dimensions,"that are greater than one. The excess over one indicates the amount of convolution within a line. Similarly, the dimensions of natural surfsces exceed two.Natural lines are hybrids betWeen ideal lines andsurfaces, just as classical surfaces and volumesserve as the ideal extremes of actual surfsces.Tree crown is a truly fractal obj…  相似文献   

对露水河红松无性系种子园中不同分布亚区优树群体的结实和生长性状进行调查与分析,结果表明:在相同立地条件下,结实株率、种子平均产量以南亚区优树群体最高,其次为北亚区,中亚区最低;单株平均结实数、球果平均长度与宽度、单果平均重量、千粒重以南亚区优树最高,其次为中亚区,北亚区最低,与纬度呈现反比状态,而与温度和湿度呈正比。南亚区优树群体的平均树高生长量最大,为10.2 m,分别高出北亚区、中亚区及对照的29.11%、59.38%、92.82%。胸径平均生长量各分布亚区的优树群体之间差异不显著,但均分别高出对照24.87%、21.64%、18.41%。  相似文献   

As one of the three major five-leaved pines in the northern hemisphere, Pinus koraiensis is the most important dominant tree species in the natural mixed-broadleaved Korean pine forests. However, the regeneration of P koraiensis under the canopy of secondary forest stands is poor because of the light limitation. This study was conducted to understand how P koraiensis seedlings adapt to different light intensities and what would be the optimum light level for their establishment and growth. Three repetition plots with four light intensities (15%, 30%, 60% and 100% of the natural incident irradiances, achieved by suspending layers of black nylon net above and surrounding the plots) were set up under natural climate conditions in a montane region in eastern Liaoning Province, Northeast China. A total of 80 P koraiensis seedlings with similar height and root collar diameter were transplanted into four plots. After one year of acclimation to the specific light conditions, the seasonal variations of the photosynthetic variables and needle traits of the current and one-year-old needles, and the growth parameters were observed under four light intensities. The results indicated that: (1) The seedling at 60% treatment exhibited the greatest growth, which agreed with the response of the light-saturated photosynthetic rates (Amax) and the dark respiration rate (Rd) in the current and one-year-old needles, i.e., Rd at 60% treatment was significantly lower than that at 100% treatment, but Amax did not differ between the seedlings at 100% and 60% treatments. (2) The P. koraiensis seedlings have a certain photosynthetic plasticity to adapt the light conditions by adjusting their needle traits and regulating the physiological processes, because Amax, Rd, light saturation point and compensation point, the needle mass area, needle nitrogen and chlorophyll contents were significantly (p〈0.05) correlated with the light intensities. Especially, Am,x at 100% and 60% treatments was significantly higher (p〈0.05) than that at 30% and 15% treatments for both current and one-year-old needles. (3) The needles of different ages played a commutative role during the growing season, i.e., the one-year-old needles played a major role for the photosynthesis in the early growing season; the current year needles did in the later growing season. This ensured the effective photosynthesis throughout the growing season. These findings suggest that P. koraiensis is the in-between heliophilous and shade-tolerant tree species at least for the seedlings up to 8 years.  相似文献   

遮荫对红松、红皮云杉苗木生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
研究不同年龄红松,红皮云杉在全日照、70%、40%、30%及10%光照条件下的生长情况,结果表明,红松、红皮云杉苗木均在相对照度70%的条件下,树高生长量最大。全日照不利于苗木高生长。地径生长随着光照强度的增大而增大。相对照度70%条件下,红松、红皮云杉(小)平均单株生物量最高。红皮云杉(大)在全日照下平均株生物量最高。随着苗龄的增长对光的需要量增大。  相似文献   

本文通过设置标准地捕鼠调查,查明了红松人工林鼠类种群的构成及所占比例,确定了能够直接危害红松的害鼠种类以及对红松幼林的危害程度,分析了红松人工林鼠类种群密度和害鼠种群密度与林分郁闭度、林龄、坡向及坡位的关系。  相似文献   

红松生长发育规律研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
红松在1a中高生长主要分为三个阶段,开始生长期(5月初-5月20日),生长速生期(5月20日-6月5日),生长末期(6月5日-6月20日),部分红松二次高生长出现在8月5日-9月10日。各期高生长与各期积温关系密切。15a红松高生长分为缓苗期(3a生苗造林后4a内)、加快期(造林后5—8a内)、速生期(造林后9—12a)。速生期内,树高连年生长量平均达40cm,最大者达90cm。树高近5a定期生长量及15a总平均生长量均是北亚区大于南亚区,南亚区大于中亚区,但是,近3a、2a、当年生长量都是南亚区大于北亚区、北亚区大于中亚区。  相似文献   

红松苗木高生长与气象因子相关关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用固定样方和定期观测的方法研究红松苗木高生长和气象因子之间的关系,并进行相关分析。结果表明:红松2 a生和3 a生苗木的高生长与气温、土壤温度和空气相对湿度之间有良好的相关关系,相关方程通式为:Y=a bX cX2,最小的相关系数R为0.86005。2 a生红松苗生长的适宜气温为17.5℃~22.5℃,地温为27.5℃~32.5℃,相对湿度为75.0%~80.0%;3a生红松苗生长的适宜气温为20.0℃~25.0℃,地温为27.5℃~32.5℃,相对湿度为77.5%~82.5%。  相似文献   

对上层林木采取大强度、中强度、小强度抚育,林分郁闭度分别保持在0.60、0.65、0.70左右时的林分生长量进行调查分析,结果表明:大强度抚育林分冠下红松的树高、胸径、蓄积生长量分别是小强度抚育林分的2.26倍、3.24倍和6.50倍;从整个林分蓄积生长量看,采取大强度抚育林分的生长量最高,是小强度抚育林分的1.30倍...  相似文献   

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