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Preliminary studies were carried out on the effect of stocking rate during late autumn on a continuously stocked Lolium perenne -dominated sward at an upland site in central Scotland. Measurements were made of L. perenne tiller population density on 29 September and 2 November and of L. perenne net production, mean sward height and total herbage mass in early and late October and early and late November. Stocking rates were 12 ewes per ha during October and 8 and 16 ewes per ha during November. Sward height and herbage mass declined with time and more rapidly at the higher stocking rate. L. perenne growth per tiller and per unit area was influenced by time but not by stocking rate and was closely related to the 5·5°C soil temperature at 10 cm depth. Tiller senescence was greatly reduced at the higher stocking rate and/or the consequentially lower sward height and herbage mass. Tiller net production was therefore sustained at a positive level on the higher stocked sward throughout November while on the lower stocked sward it fell below zero early in November.  相似文献   

The potential productivity of perennial ryegrass/ white clover swards (GC) under continuous stocking management was assessed by comparing their performance, when grazed by sheep at sward surface heights of 3, 6 and 9 cm, with that of an all–grass sward (G) maintained at 6 cm and fertilized with 420 kg N ha–1 The grass/clover swards received no nitrogen fertilizer. The different grazing treatments had a marked effect on animal performance. In the first year for example, for treatments GC3, GC6, GC9 and G6–420 respectively, mean stocking rates to weaning were 19–7, 14–3, 8–9 and 18–4 ewes ha–1 (plus twin lambs); lamb growth rates were 223, 268, 295 and 260 g d–1and so total lamb live weight gain was 1054, 920, 630 and 1148 kg h a–1. The relative performance of the treatments was similar in all three years. All three grazing treatments had a similar effect on the composition of the grass/clover swards. Clover content increased in 1985, and was sustained in 1986 and 1987 during the main grazing season, although a marked decline in clover content during the winter led to a progressive long–term decline in both the proportion and the amount of clover.
It is suggested that a management based on maintaining a sward surface height close to 6 cm (as in all–grass swards) leads to optimum performance in grass/white clover swards grazed using continuous stocking with sheep. Despite the presence of a small and declining clover content, the output of the mixed grass/clover sward managed in this way was 80%, 80% and 82% of that of a grass sward supplied with 420 kg N ha–1 in 1985, 1986, and 1987 respectively and, similarly, 83% of the output in 1987 of a grass sward receiving 210 kg N ha–1.  相似文献   

The change in structure of continuously grazed versus infrequently cut swards of perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L), cv. S23, was investigated during their first full harvest year. Measurements were made from early May until late September. The intensity of stocking by sheep in the grazed sward was adjusted in an attempt to maintain a high level of radiation interception and the cut sward was harvested at approximately monthly intervals.
The herbage mass, lamina area index and radiation interception of the cut sward varied in a cyclic pattern between harvests but in the grazed sward these parameters showed considerably less variation, although they all increased early in the season and then declined later. The proportion of dead material above ground increased throughout the season in both sward types but was more marked in the grazed sward.
There were major differences between the grazed and cut swards in the number of tillers per unit ground area; the difference became more marked throughout the season and by September the tiller densities in the grazed and cut swards were 3·204 m-2 and 6·203 m-2 respectively. Divergence in tiller density was associated with differences in specific stem weight and leaf area per tiller.
Rates of appearance and death of leaves on tillers in the grazed sward were determined. During May, leaf appearance exceeded leaf death but this was reversed in June. During the rest of the season as a new leaf appeared on a tiller so the oldest leaf died.  相似文献   

A mosaic of short, frequently grazed areas and tall, infrequently grazed areas is a characteristic of swards continuously stocked with cattle. Inclined point quadrat measurements were used to compare sward structure on the frequently and infrequently grazed areas in an experiment on mixed grass/clover swards with beef cattle, in which the swards were maintained at overall mean rising-plate target heights of 3·0, 5·5 or 7·0 cm. The results demonstrate large within treatment differences in the vertical distribution of plant parts between the frequently and infrequently grazed areas, and smaller differences within these areas between treatments. The consequences of these observations and the need for greater effort in recording the detailed structure within these areas in grazing experiments is noted.  相似文献   

The long-term influence of sward height from April to July (Phase 1) and from July to early October (Phase 2) on total herbage and white clover production was measured over four years (1988–1991) as herbage accumulation. A subsidiary experiment to determine the influence of leaf area index (LAI) on gross canopy photosynthesis was conducted to aid interpretation of growth from herbage accumulation data. Target sward heights in 0·5 ha plots in two blocks were 5,7 or 9 cm in Phase 1 and 7 or 9 cm in Phase 2, although mean actual heights per phase were slightly higher. Net herbage accumulation (NHA) was measured within mobile exclosure areas over successive two-week intervals. Gross photosynthesis was measured in circular turves removed from the trial area representing a range of LAIs with an at least reasonable clover content. Despite wide differences in mean sward height and herbage mass, NHA and net clover accumulation for a given phase were not generally affected by treatments. Positive effects of grazing at 5 cm in Phase 1 on NHA and clover accumulation later in the year, and of grazing at 7 cm in Phase 2 on NHA in the following spring were sometimes apparent. Gross canopy photosynthesis (g CO2 m?2 h?1) at 1500 μE m?2 s?1 and 18–21°C was linearly related to LAI described by 1·003 + 1·165 LAI over the LAI range 0·7 to 4·5. Total herbage and clover growth, interpreted from NHA by a previously described model, was predicted to be marginally lower in shorter swards. Similarity in NHA and clover accumulation between treatments was considered to be because of lower senescene and decomposition, and a higher proportion of new tissue being assigned to lamina growth, despite lower LAI and gross photosynthesis in the shorter swards. It was concluded that stocking intensity in swards continuously stocked with cattle did not have a strong influence on net total herbage and clover growth.  相似文献   

A perennial ryegrass sward was managed by continuous stocking with sheep (April–September) for 4 successive years after sowing. The sward was grazed to maintain a leaf (lamina) area index (LAI) close to 1.0. Areas of the sward were released from grazing on three occasions: once during summer in the third year after sowing, and twice during spring and summer in the fourth year after sowing. There were marked changes in the structure and physiology of the continuously stocked sward following release from grazing. After several successive years of continuous stocking, the sward comprised a large population of small tillers and the small LAI resulted in consistently low rates of photosynthesis. Following release from grazing, photosynthesis increased markedly as the LAI increased but this change was associated with the loss of a large proportion of the population of tillers. There were seasonal differences in the pattern of changes in photosynthesis and tiller numbers following release from grazing which were not apparent under continuous stocking. The changes in the structure and physiology of the sward following release from grazing suggest that the net accumulation of herbage in areas of sward from which the animals are excluded, for instance using cages, may be an unreliable estimate of production under continuous stocking.  相似文献   

The benefits of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) in pastures are widely recognized. However, white clover is perceived as being unreliable due to its typically low content and spatial and temporal variability in mixed (grass‐legume) pastures. One solution to increase the clover proportion and quality of herbage available to grazing animals may be to spatially separate clover from grass within the same field. In a field experiment, perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and white clover were sown as a mixture and compared with alternating strips of ryegrass and clover (at 1·5 and 3 m widths), or in adjacent monocultures (strips of 18 m width within a 36‐m‐wide field). Pastures were stocked by ewes and lambs for three 10‐month grazing periods. Over the 3 years of the experiment, spatial separation of grass and clover, compared with a grass–clover mixture, increased clover herbage production, although its proportion in the sward declined through time (0·49–0·54 vs 0·34 in the mixture in the first year, 0·28–0·33 vs 0·15 in the second year and 0·03–0·18 vs 0·01 in the third year). Total herbage production in the growing season in the spatially separated treatments decreased from 11384 kg DM ha?1 in the first year to 8150 kg DM ha?1 in the third year. Crude protein concentration of clover and grass components in the 18‐m adjacent monoculture treatment was greater than the mixture treatment for both clover (310 vs 280 g kg?1 DM) and grass (200 vs 180 g kg?1 DM). There was no clear benefit in liveweight gain beyond the first year in response to spatially separating grass and clover into monocultures within the same field.  相似文献   

Populations of Aberystwyth S23 and S24 ryegrass tillers were individually labelled and harvested at intervals to follow their life histories and productivity in response to the effect of infection with crown rust at two levels of nitrogen fertilization.
The number of tillers in a population was reduced as a result of infection with crown rust. Increased rates of tiller death due to the pathogen occurred throughout the population age-range and were most pronounced in the youngest tillers. Population changes were evident following infection and continued to be apparent in the following spring. The disease caused alterations in sward age structure, leading both to a higher proportion of older tillers in the more rust-damaged treatments and to a decrease in the weight of the herbage produced. It is concluded that rust infection of a sward may lead to changes in population structure with long-term yield effects, in addition to the immediate direct yield reductions commonly reported. The significance of these results to the ecological and agronomic balance of grassland is discussed.  相似文献   

The leafage structure of ryegrass canopies and its role in canopy photosynthesis were compared under continuous and rotational grazing by sheep. Under continuous grazing, an increase in the intensity of grazing increased the proportion (by leaf area) of young leaves in the sward. A mechanistic mathematical model was used to demonstrate how this may have arisen, even though it would largely have been the young leaves that were eaten.
However, the observations do not confirm the hypothesis that continuously grazed swards have a characteristically greater proportion of young leaves, and so a greater photosynthetic potential, than rotationally grazed ones. The proportion of young leaves increased during regrowth following severe rotational grazing (residual LAI < 05) and the photosynthetic potential of the canopy became greater than under continuous grazing.
A model of canopy photosynthesis was used to demonstrate that the observed difference in the proportion of young leaves alone was unlikely to account for all the differences in canopy photosynthesis between managements, and further differences in canopy structure were evaluated. Despite the delay in the restoration of leaf area following severe grazing in a rotation, the total photosynthetic uptake of a system involving some 12–13 days regrowth and 3 days grazing exceeded that of a well-utilized continuously grazed sward. Re growths of longer duration led to progressively greater total photosynthetic uptake, though this was not considered synonymous with greater yield.  相似文献   

Abstract The grazing of agricultural pastures during winter and spring by geese is considered an important agricultural problem in parts of the U.K. This study describes the sward structure, leaf extension and senescence rates of Lolium perenne‐dominated pastures that are frequently grazed by barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis) during winter in South‐west Scotland, as well as the conducting of a field experiment that simulated grazing to investigate the effects of defoliation. Gross leaf extension and senescence rates were strongly related to temperature, daylength and average tiller size, resulting in positive values of net leaf extension rate per tiller for most of the winter. Total tiller length declined from November to January but increased from January to April. Sward height, however, declined consistently from October to April, suggesting that swards were becoming trampled by repeated visits by flocks of geese over this time. The structure of individual tillers was found to vary slightly over the winter, with tillers becoming more dominated by younger leaves towards the end of the winter. Experimental defoliation of tillers suggested that absolute leaf extension rates did not respond in an under‐ or over‐compensatory manner, even when tillers were nearly completely defoliated. The results suggested that sward structure and leaf extension rates are not unduly affected by repeated grazing by overwintering geese and that short‐term depletion and trampling are the main impacts.  相似文献   

In a range of perennial ryegrass/white clover swards, variation in the surface heights of the grass and clover components, the rates of increase of these surface heights and the specific leaf areas (SLAs) of ryegrass and white clover were described for 1 year. The swards were of an early- or late-flowering (Aurora or Melle respectively) perennial ryegrass variety growing with either a small- or a medium-leaved (Kent or Milkanova) white clover and were either continuously stocked by sheep or continuously stocked apart from a rest period in April-May (Aurora) or May-June (Melle).
The surface heights of grass and clover were not affected by the variety of their companion species, and the surface heights of the two clover varieties were similar. The grass was always taller than the clover, although the magnitude of the difference between the species varied with time of year and the timing of the rest period.
Before the summer solstice the rate of increase in height of grass was greater than that of clover except at cool temperatures (5°C) and warm temperatures (16°C), and in the unrested Melle sward. After the solstice the rates of increase in height, particularly of clover, were lower than the rates seen at similar temperatures before the solstice.
Overall, the SLAs of both clover varieties were greater than those of ryegrass when grown with Aurora but not when grown with Melle, and the SLAs of both species increased during the year. By October the SLAs of both grass varieties were less than those of their companion clovers.
The results are discussed in relation to their implications for the species composition of the swards.  相似文献   

The effects of two periods of rest from grazing by sheep (either April-May or May-June) on the composition of swards of both an early-flowering (Aurora) and a late-flowering (Melle) perennial ryegrass variety grown with cither a small-leaved (Kent) or a medium-leaved (Milkanova) white clover variety are described. Compared with a continuously stocked treatment, the early rest period did not affect the mass of clover in the swards (expressed as a proportion of the total) but resulted in a subsequent decrease in its population density. The late rest period doubled clover mass in the swards at the time of cutting but did not affect the subsequent population density of clover. The magnitude of the change in mass during the late rest period depended on ryegrass variety, but not on clover variety. The adverse effect of the early rest period on the subsequent population density of clover was associated with the degree of shading experienced by clover laminae at the end of the rest period. Temperature may also have had an effect here as mean temperatures were cooler during the early rest period than during the late rest period. It is concluded that the effects of the two rest periods on the clover content of the swards were primarily due to timing, and less to inherent differences between ryegrass varieties.  相似文献   

Lamina wettability, assessed using water droplet contact-angle and surface water-retention measurements on excised leaves, was examined in Lolium perenne cv. Melle, cv. Condesa and an indigenous population from an old pasture, Holcus lanatus, Poa trivialis and Agrostis stolonifera. The species fell into two significantly distinct categories, those with unwettable laminae, namely H. lanatus and A. stolonifera , and those with highly wettable laminae, P. trivialis and the three L. perenne populations. There was no significant difference between the L. perenne populations, which had the most wettable laminae overall. The possible implication of these differences in lamina wettability on animal production is discussed.  相似文献   

Two growth experiments were carried out in January-March 1978 in which simulated swards of perennial ryegrass were (1) heated by soil warming cables to give soil surface temperatures of approx. 7·5-9·C above ambient temperature, (2) shaded with netting to reduce light levels by approx. 50%, or (3) both heated and shaded.
Heating alone increased leaf appearance, death, extension, lamina size, leaf area index (LAI), tillering (month 1)and whole plant weight (month 2) and reduced stubble water-soluble carbohydrates and specific leaf weight (SLW).
Shading alone increased leaf extension, lamina size and LAI but to a lesser extent than did heating. Shading decreased SLW, leaf death rate, tillering (month 2), stubble carbohydrates and whole plant weight, but not herbage weight.
The effects of heating plus shading were similar to those of heating alone, except that the increases in leaf size, extension and LAI were even greater, and shoot bases and roots had low or negative growth rates.
In general the heating treatments caused a rapid turnover of leaf material, but net herbage growth was relatively insensitive. It is concluded that (1) temperature rather than light was limiting whole plant growth, especially from mid-February to mid-March and (2) mild, dull weather in winter is likely to induce tiller death associated with reduced investment in carbohydrate reserves.  相似文献   

In silvopastoral (SP) systems, forage responses depend on the microenvironment in which the plants develop. Our objective was to evaluate canopy and tillering characteristics of shaded 'Marandu' palisadegrass [Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst A Rich) Stapf, syn. Urochloa brizantha] under continuous stocking in a SP system. Treatments were one full sun (FS) and three shaded systems (silvopasture, SP) corresponding to distances from tree groves: 7.5 m north (SP1), and 15 m (SP2) and 7.5 m south (SP3) studied during two rainy seasons (Year 1 and Year 2). The tree in the SP system was Eucalyptus urograndis (hybrid of Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden × Eucalyptus urophylla S. T. Blake). The photosynthetic active radiation was greater in FS (923 μmol m-2 s-1), followed by SP2 (811 μmol m-2 s-1), SP1 (727 μmol m-2 s-1) and SP3 (673 μmol m-2 s-1). Forage accumulation in FS was 15% greater than the mean of SP1, SP2 and SP3 (10,663 kg DM/ha). There was no difference in net accumulation of leaf, stem and dead material, averaging 3,302, 3,420 and 4,063 kg DM/ha respectively. Leaf accumulation and accumulation rate were greater in Year 2, and leaf accumulation rate was similar among treatments (19 kg DM ha−1 day−1). Leaf proportion increased 14% from Year 1 to Year 2. Specific leaf area was greater for treatments SP1 and SP3 (193 cm2/g). Tiller population density was similar across treatments in Year 1. Shaded palisadegrass maintains leaf productivity similar to FS under continuous stocking in an SP system.  相似文献   

Decision support tools to help dairy farmers gain confidence in grazing management need to be able to predict performance of grazing animals with easy‐to‐obtain variables on farm. This paper, the second of a series of three, describes the GrazeIn model predicting herbage intake for grazing dairy cows. The model of voluntary intake described in the first paper is adapted to grazing situations taking account of sward characteristics and grazing management, which can potentially affect intake compared to indoor feeding. Rotational and continuously stocked grazing systems are considered separately. Specific effects of grazing management on intake were quantified from an extensive literature review, including the effect of daily herbage allowance and pre‐grazing herbage mass in rotational grazing systems, sward surface height in continuously stocked grazing systems, and daily time at pasture in both grazing systems. The model, based on iterative procedures, estimates many interactions between cows, supplements, sward characteristics and grazing management. The sensitivity of the prediction of herbage intake to sward and management characteristics, as well as the robustness of the simulations and an external validation of the GrazeIn model with an independent data set, is presented in a third paper.  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out on a tall fescue sward in two periods of spring 1994 and on a tall wheatgrass sward in autumn 2001 and spring 2003 to analyse the effect of sward surface height on herbage mass, leaf area index and leaf tissue flows under continuous grazing. The experiment on tall fescue was conducted without the application of fertilizer and the experiment with tall wheatgrass received 20 kg P ha?1 and a total of 100 kg N ha?1 in two equal dressings applied in March (autumn) and end of July (mid‐winter). Growth and senescence rates per unit area increased with increasing sward surface height of swards of both species. Maximum estimated lamina growth rates were 28 and 23 kg DM ha?1 d?1 for the tall fescue in early and late spring, respectively, and 25 and 36 kg DM ha?1 d?1 for tall wheatgrass in autumn and spring respectively. In the tall fescue sward, predicted average proportions of the current growth that were lost to senescence in early and late spring were around 0·40 for the sward surface heights of 30–80 mm, and increased to around 0·60 for sward surface heights over 130 mm. In the tall wheatgrass sward the corresponding values during spring increased from around 0·40 to 0·70 for sward surface heights between 80 and 130 mm. During autumn, senescence losses exceeded growth at sward surface heights above 90 mm. These results show the low efficiency of extensively managed grazing systems when compared with the high‐input systems based on perennial ryegrass.  相似文献   

The effect of defoliation on the vegetative, early reproductive and inflorescence stages of tiller development, changes in the dry‐matter yield of leaf, stem and inflorescence and the associated changes in forage quality was determined on plants of annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum Gaud.) and Italian ryegrass (L. multiflorum Lam.). The field study comprised seventy‐two plots of 1 m × 2 m, sown with one annual ryegrass and seven Italian ryegrass cultivars with a range of heading dates from early to late; defoliation commenced 6 weeks after germination. During the vegetative stage of growth, plots were defoliated when the tillers had three fully expanded leaves (three‐leaf stage). During the early reproductive stage of growth, to simulate a cut for silage, plots were defoliated 6–7 weeks after 0·10 of the tillers displayed nodal development. The subsequent regrowth was defoliated every 3 weeks. Assessments of changes in tiller density, yield and quality were made in the growth cycle that followed three contrasting cutting treatments during the winter–spring period (from 10 July). In treatment 1, this growth cycle (following closing‐up before a subsequent conservation cut) commenced on 7 August following two defoliations each taken when the tillers were at the three‐leaf stage. In treatment 2, the growth cycle commenced on 16 October following: for early‐maturing cultivars, two cuts at the three‐leaf stage, a cut for silage and an additional regrowth cut; for medium‐maturing cultivars three cuts at the three‐leaf stage and a cut for silage; and late‐maturing cultivars, five cuts at the three‐leaf stage. In treatment 3, defoliation up to 16 October was as for treatment 2, but the growth cycle studied started on 27 November following two additional regrowth cuts for early‐ and medium‐maturing cultivars and cut for silage for the late‐maturing cultivars. Tiller development for all cultivars was classified into three stages; vegetative, early reproductive and inflorescence. In treatment 1, in vitro dry‐matter digestibility (IVDMD) and crude protein (CP) content were negatively associated with maturation of tillers. IVDMD ranged from 0·85 to 0·60 and CP ranged from 200 to less than 100 g kg–1 dry matter (DM) during the vegetative and inflorescence stages respectively. This large reduction in forage quality was due to an increase in the proportion of stem, inflorescence and dead material, combined with a reduction in the IVDMD and CP content of the stem. A high level of forage quality was retained for longer with later‐maturing cultivars, and/or when vegetative tillers were initiated from the defoliation of early reproductive tillers (treatments 2 and 3). However, 15 weeks after the closing‐up date in treatment 1, defoliation significantly reduced the density of inflorescences with means (±pooled s.e_m.) of 1560, 1178 and 299 ± 108 tillers m–2, and DM yield of inflorescence with means of 3·0, 0·6 and 0·1 ± 0·15 t ha–1 for treatments 1, 2 and 3 respectively. This study supports the recommendation that annual and Italian ryegrass cultivars should be classified according to maturity date based on the onset of inflorescence emergence, and that the judicious defoliation of early reproductive tillers can be used to promote the initiation of new vegetative tillers which in turn will retain forage quality for longer.  相似文献   

Turnover rates of grass laminae and clover leaf tissue were estimated over a range of intervals within three periods each year in the second to fourth years (1983-85) of a trial involving swards continuously grazed by steers and receiving either 60 kg N ha-1 in spring (60N) or 360 kg N ha?1 throughout the year (360N). Within the 60N swards initial stocking rates at turnout were low (60N LS) at 7-2 steers ha?1 and high (60N HS) at 90 steers ha?1 in 1983, and in 1984 and 1985 corresponding rates were 10-8 and 13-5 ha?1. The 360N swards were initially stocked at turnout at 96 (360N LS) and 120 (360N HS) steers ha?1. Stocking rates were reduced by 33% in midsummer except for 60N in 1984 and 1985 when they were reduced by 50%. Meaned over 3 years, 360N HS had lower herbage mass than 60N LS. Tiller density in 360N was almost 50% higher than in 60N and clover growing point density was only one quarter that of 60N with the 60N LS having lower clover densities than 60N HS in 1985. Generally, leaf extension rate per tiller was higher in 360N than 60N and, when significant, 60N LS had higher senescence rates per tiller than 360N HS. Rate of increase in new clover lamina tissue per stolon was not affected by treatments, whereas in 1983 LS had higher senescence rates of clover laminae than HS. Petiole growth per stolon was higher in LS than HS in 1983 and 1984, the mean over these years for 360N HS being 77% that of 60N LS. Petiole senescence per stolon was lower in 360N HS than 60N LS only in 1983. When comparing 60N HS and 360N LS (representing similar levels of grazing intensity, having similar herbage mass) the gross growth of leaf material in the former was 75% of the latter, in contrast to 57% for net growth. Clover contributed 18% to the estimated growth of leaves compared to a mean of 7% in herbage mass. Taking inflorescence and pseudostem into account in 1984 and 1985,60N HS had 7% clover in standing herbage and 14% in net growth. Therefore, the contribution of clover to growth is considerably higher than its presence in herbage mass would suggest in continuously grazed swards. It is concluded that low-N swards, owing to their lower tiller density and slower grass leaf extension rate, will be less efficiently grazed than swards at higher N levels at a given herbage mass, but the presence of clover will partly offset that disadvantage.  相似文献   

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