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寒地型草坪草养护管理要点   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
冯建庄 《草业科学》1999,16(6):57-59
草坪的养护园林建设上可以说是一项复杂的系统工程。养护管理的好,可有效延长草坪的利用年限,年度内可延长绿化观赏期,只种不管或轻管,草坪将失去其生态效益及观赏功能。  相似文献   

草坪在园林建设和美化环境中发挥很大的作用,草坪的养护管理是一项复杂的工程。养护管理好,可有效的延长草坪的利用年限和延长年度内的绿色观赏期,只种不管或轻管,草坪推动生态效益及绿色观赏功能。  相似文献   

探讨了观赏草在高尔夫球场设计中的研究和应用现状。观赏草姿态优美,大多对环境要求粗放,管护成本低,抗性强,繁殖力强,适应面广,景观效果独特。这些特点使观赏草符合当前建设节约型园林的要求。因此,观赏草在节约型园林建设特别是高尔夫球场设计中具有重要的作用,而且有待于继续进行科学的开发与利用。  相似文献   

梁山 《山东饲料》2005,(11):17-17
地被花卉植物是吲林绿化及观赏草坪的新优物种。随着公众对园林绿化景观多样性要求不断提高,在公共绿地中利用矮生、繁花多年生环保型植物作园林地彼,已成为时下及令后绿化的流行趋势。红花草莓凭借其四季红花,植株矮生,覆盖性强,耐寒抗旱,叶色浓绿,适应性强,不退化,形态靓丽,管理养护简便,观赏价值高,绿化效果好等丰富优点,备受国内外旧林绿化的青睐。  相似文献   

多肉植物种类繁多,色彩丰富,形态各异,易于繁殖、病虫害少,适应性广泛等优点,在现代园林以及家庭观赏中应用广泛,深受园艺爱好者的喜爱,可以称之为植物中的"宠物"。多肉植物的景观应用除了盆栽观赏外,还在城市绿化、屋顶绿化、垂直绿化等方面均有应用。本文主要介绍多肉植物的由来及多肉植物在现代园艺中的发展应用情况。  相似文献   

乡土地被植物因其适应性强、病虫害少及养护成本低等优势在城市园林绿化应用中逐渐受到人们的关注。本研究选择深圳地区常见的3种乡土植物链荚豆(Alysicarpus vaginalis)、丁癸草(Zornia gibbosa)和酢浆草(Oxalis corniculata),通过测定其株高、质地、密度、绿度、均一性、绿期、盖度、建植速率以及耐践踏性共9项指标,并按照"景观-性能-应用适合度"综合评价指标体系进行评价。结果表明,链荚豆耐践踏性较强、草坪强度高、建植速率较快,可作为游憩草坪以及保土草坪替代品种推广;丁癸草耐践踏性强、草坪强度高,可作为游憩草坪替代品种进行推广;酢浆草则因为叶形美、密度高、生长均匀,适宜作为观赏草坪替代品种进行推广。坪用价值综合评分以链荚豆在3种植物中最高,为14.550分;丁癸草次之(13.850);酢浆草最低(12.650)。3种乡土植物均具有较好的园林草坪应用前景,为深圳市及我国南方地区绿化工作提供了草坪草种新选择。  相似文献   

观赏草具有极高的观赏价值,其作为一类新型的园林造景材料,目前在我国的认识和应用还不充分。本文对观赏草的概念、分类、应用历史和研究现状进行了阐述,分析了观赏草在园林建设中的不同应用模式和造景手法,并探讨了观赏草在我国园林和生态建设中的应用前景及今后工作努力的方向。  相似文献   

园林艺术在我国源远流长。近几年来,果树观赏成为园林观赏的重要组成部分。在园林建筑中,加入的适当的果树观赏,一方面增加了园林景色中的植物种类,同时也提升了整个园林的优雅意境。所以,本文对园林建设的果树观赏进行了深入的分析,并从园林的空间结构、艺术构图等方面展开深入研究。  相似文献   

中国园林的艺术特点与现代城市建设   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
柳小妮  刘小静 《草业科学》2003,20(11):69-71
草坪与园林在城市的园林绿地建设中有关好前景,中国园林虽然具有西方优秀艺术作品难以企及的精巧之处和意境关,但草坪绿地比例太少。改善城市生态,创造适宜的生活环境,最有效的手段就是健全城市的园林绿地系统,在花园中建设城市。扩大草坪绿地面积,充分发挥草坪的生态和环境功能,同时发扬中国园林独特的艺术魅力,使中国的园林事业实现质的飞跃。  相似文献   

几种草坪草品种介绍成都园林科研所杨迎迎草坪是城乡园林绿化的重要组成部分。随着园林事业和环境科学的发展,草坪草的研究和推广种植已成为目前世界上一门崭新的科学。草坪在园林中具有多方面的功能,在人类生活环境中起着独特的作用。它可以迅速覆盖地面,防止水土流失...  相似文献   

柑橘类植物株型饱满、花繁香郁、秋季金果累累。柑橘象征品性高洁,寓意吉祥安康,再加上特殊的药用价值和芳香功能,使之能成为一种优良的现代景观植物。湖南地区柑橘资源丰富,诸多品种同时具备观赏性、食用性及药用价值。本文分析了湖南地区柑橘类植物的生长习性、观赏特点,挖掘其在园林景观设计上的应用价值,提出了适合这类植物的果林式、庭荫式、盆栽式和篱垣式四种园林配置方式,为园林设计中植物选择和配置提供参考。  相似文献   

不同放牧强度下草地植物格局特征的变化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过人工草地上的放牧试验,研究了奶牛放牧对草地植物黑麦草、鸡脚草和白三叶的种群空间分布格局类型、强度和规模的影响。试验结果表明:(1)放牧条件下草地植物总是倾向于集聚分布,而且放牧强度对植物集聚程度的作用存在差异;(2)总体上,植物平均拥挤的大小顺序为黑麦草〉鸡脚草〉白三叶,集聚参数的顺序与其相同,聚块指数则相反,占据优势的黑麦草更多地受到相邻的鸡脚草与白三叶的作用,体现了较高的拥挤效应,且随放牧强度的增加拥挤效应呈现加强的趋势;(3)家畜对植物格局规模影响明显,高放牧强度下黑麦草始终保持稳定的格局规模;轻度放牧强度下白三叶的格局规模变化很大,区组规模复杂。  相似文献   

草坪在城市园林绿化中的作用及其发展研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
草坪在现代城市园林绿化中具有重要作用,如维持城市生态平衡、发展社会效益、美化环境等。本文在阐述草坪综合功能的同时,又从因地制宜地开发草坪资源,健全市场,应用新技术等方面就草坪业的发展进行了研讨。  相似文献   

从玄参科通泉草属植物区系与分类学、资源的分布与应用前景、药用价值等方面的研究进行了综述,并对其园林应用前景进行展望。通泉草属植物目前在药用价值上研究得较多,而园林应用研究甚少。该属植物分布广泛,许多种类是优良的观赏植物资源,可作园林地被,用于药草园布置、组合盆栽和吊盆栽培,有广阔的园林开发应用前景。  相似文献   

Historically, the plains bison (Bison bison Linnaeus) was the most numerous and influential grazer on the Great Plains. Today 500 000 bison occupy North America among more than 100 000 000 cattle. In an attempt to restore their historical ecological role, bison are translocated onto landscapes previously manipulated for cattle use through water and fence development. We hypothesized that bison would use these landscapes similarly to cattle, thus maintaining homogenous grazing and reducing the restoration potential of bison at a landscape scale. We quantified differences between bison populations at different locations and spatial scales (American Prairie Reserve, Malta, Montana, USA, and Grasslands National Park, Val Marie, Saskatchewan, Canada, 2010–2011) and bison and cattle at similar locations and spatial scales using behavioral observations, movement analyses, and resource selection functions. Bison and cattle differed in all behaviors (grazing, standing, bedded, moving, other); however, landscape attributes resulted in behavior differences within species. Cattle spent a higher proportion of time grazing (45–49%) than bison (26–28%) and increased time at water. Bison moved at a 50–99% faster rate than cattle, and first passage time movement analyses identified selection of bison foraging patches (11 690 ha) larger than cattle foraging patches (48–615 ha). Similar to cattle, bison avoided most vegetation communities in relation to riparian communities and selected areas closer to water. Cattle selected for high plant biomass, whereas bison selected for intermediate plant biomass. This study has implications when bison and cattle are used to meet prairie restoration objectives. For bison, large landscapes that include variation in topography and vegetation communities are required. Furthermore, limiting manmade water sources may facilitate bison grazing patterns that more closely approximate historical bison use. For livestock, reduced movement and increased time spent grazing encourage grazing practices that increase heterogeneous grazing at a pasture scale.  相似文献   

北京奥林匹克森林公园乡土草本地被植物调查及分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张超  徐希  李雪珂  晏海  董丽 《草业科学》2012,29(8):1193-1198
以乡土植物为主体的园林绿地建设是城市园林绿化发展的主要方向。本研究通过对北京奥林匹克森林公园乡土草本地被植物种类、频度和生长势的调查发现,公园内有乡土草本地被植物44种,隶属于22科43属。菊科、豆科和十字花科的频度最高,抱茎苦荬菜(Ixeris sonchifolia)、草木樨(Melilotus suaveolens)和二月兰(Orychophragmus violaceus)在全园分布最广泛。建议将二月兰、抱茎苦荬菜、蒲公英(Taraxacum officnala)、紫花地丁(Viola yedoensis)、委陵菜(Potentillae chinensis)、草木樨、紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)和野豌豆(Vicia sativa)8种植物在北京城区园林绿化中大量应用。  相似文献   

锡林郭勒盟草原旅游资源丰富,自然和人文景观独特,旅游业在内蒙古乃至全国占有重要的地位,将成为地区经济发展的重要支柱产业.随着草原旅游业的迅猛发展,所带来的资源开发,环境建设和景区管理等一系列问题已成为当今旅游业可持续发展中亟待解决的问题.本文在分析锡林郭勒盟草原与景观类型和旅游资源的基础上,阐明了草原旅游资源特点和草原旅游的内容,指出了草原旅游所带来的环境问题,提出了草原旅游的管理对策,旨在对锡林郭勒盟草原旅游业的可持续发展提供参考.  相似文献   

豆科牧草种子丸衣化接种根瘤菌技术及其效益   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过近几年对豆科牧草种子丸衣化接种根瘤菌的试验研究,总结出在云南种植豆科牧草所采用的红三叶、白三叶等品种进行接种根瘤菌时对丸衣材料、粘着剂的选择和具体接种制作丸衣的技术;采用此技术在牧草种植中所获得的经济、社会、生态效益;是种植豆科牧草必不可少的一项农业技术措施。  相似文献   

Preferences for landscapes are critical because they can drive landscape changes over time. The mediating role of wildlife value orientations in influencing preferences for urban wetlands through the provision of ecological information (based on insectivorous bats) was experimentally tested. Residents (N = 198) were asked about their preferences for wetlands, as depicted in 27 photographs. Half of the participants were provided with ecological information. Urban wetlands of high habitat quality for bats were preferred by both groups. There was a significant influence of ecological information on preference, although unexpectedly, this was on wetlands of low quality habitat; people who received ecological information had lower preferences for wetlands that provided lower quality habitat for bats. This influence was mediated by wildlife value orientations (wildlife rights and recreational wildlife experiences). Results suggest that preferences for landscapes can be influenced by providing information that is consistent with value orientations.  相似文献   

The rangeland science profession in the United States has its roots in the widespread overgrazing and concurrent severe droughts of the late 19th century. These drivers contributed to rangeland resource degradation especially in the American Southwest—what E. O. Wooton (1908) called the “Range Problem.” Although logical for the time, the scientific activities and resulting policies that arose out of this catastrophe were based on reductionist experimentation and productionist emphases on food and fiber. After a century of science and policy, there are two additional perspectives that shape our vision for the emphases of the future. First, rangeland landscapes are extremely heterogeneous; general principles derived from scientific experimentation cannot be easily or generally applied without adjusting to the distinct societal and ecological characteristics of a location. Second, rangeland management occurs at spatial scales considerably larger than those that have typically been addressed in range science. Scaling up science results is not a simple, additive process. The leading features of the emerging science are 1) research at landscape scales and 2) over longer time spans that 3) approaches conservation and management practices as treatments requiring scientific evaluation, 4) incorporates local knowledge, 5) is explicitly applied in nature, and 6) is transparent in its practice. We strongly argue for a science that supports resource management by testing hypotheses relevant to actual conservation practices and iteratively applying its findings in partnership with managers in an ongoing, adaptive fashion.  相似文献   

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