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ABSTRACT:   To protect chum salmon eggs from water mold infection during incubation, the eggs were treated daily with sodium hypochlorite solution (NaOCl) at 10 mg/L residual chlorine concentration for 15 min during their developmental period from fertilization to eyed stages. The number of infected eggs and number of eyed eggs were observed on day 23 of incubation. The percentage of infected eggs to total eggs was significantly lower with NaOCl treatment (1.8 : 33.4%) than in the control (11.3 : 59.3%, P  < 0.01). The percentage of eyed eggs to total eggs was significantly higher with NaOCl (85.9 : 98.6%) than in the control (66.1 : 97.5%, P  < 0.01). The antifungal activity of NaOCl resulted in improving egg survival. Accordingly, NaOCl is a useful antifungal agent against water mold infection on chum salmon eggs.  相似文献   

Live and dead Atlantic salmon eyed eggs were challenged with eight different Saprolegnia isolates, selected because of their varied origins, known morphological characteristics and growth/germination pattern. Some isolates were also tested for pathogenicity to Atlantic salmon parr. Challenge of eggs was performed by exposure to spores in suspension or by co-incubation of live eggs with infected dead eggs. The phenotypic characteristics of the isolates were evaluated in relation to their observed pathogenicity from the challenge experiment, to identify possible virulence factors leading to egg-infection by Saprolegnia. The results from the experiments confirm that live eggs are refractory to infection with Saprolegnia spores in suspension and that an infection of live eggs can only occur from an infection nucleus represented by dead eggs or debris. It was observed that strains pathogenic to salmon parr were not particularly infective towards eggs, and the isolates that gave the highest infection rates to eggs were species considered to be saprotrophs.  相似文献   

Here, we address the morphological changes of eyed eggs of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. infected with Saprolegnia from a commercial hatchery and after experimental infection. Eyed eggs infected with Saprolegnia spp. from 10 Atlantic salmon females were obtained. Egg pathology was investigated by light and scanning electron microscopy. Eggs from six of ten females were infected with S. parasitica, and two females had infections with S. diclina clade IIIA; two Saprolegnia isolates remained unidentified. Light microscopy showed S. diclina infection resulted in the chorion in some areas being completely destroyed, whereas eggs infected with S. parasitica had an apparently intact chorion with hyphae growing within or beneath the chorion. The same contrasting pathology was found in experimentally infected eggs. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that Sparasitica grew on the egg surface and hyphae were found penetrating the chorion of the egg, and re‐emerging on the surface away from the infection site. The two Saprolegnia species employ different infection strategies when colonizing salmon eggs. Saprolegnia diclina infection results in chorion destruction, while S. parasitica penetrates intact chorion. We discuss the possibility these infection mechanisms representing a necrotrophic (S. diclina) vs. a facultative biotrophic strategy (S. parasitica).  相似文献   

Seventeen strains of Saprolegnia spp. were examined for morphological and physiological characteristics, and seven were examined for their pathogenicity to Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. Two of the Saprolegnia strains tested caused 89 and 31% cumulative mortality in challenged salmonids and were significantly more pathogenic than the other strains tested. The positive control (Saprolegnia parasitica ATCC 90213) caused 18% mortality, but this was not significantly higher than non-pathogenic strains (0-3% cumulative mortality). All the pathogenic Saprolegnia strains and two non-pathogenic strains had secondary cysts with long, hooked hairs, a characteristic which is claimed to be typical of S. parasitica. This characteristic is apparently necessary, but does not in itself determine the ability to cause mortality in Atlantic salmon. However, all the pathogenic Saprolegnia strains in the present study showed a significantly higher initial growth rate of cysts in sterilized tap water than did non-pathogenic strains. The results of the present study suggest that initial growth rate of germinating cysts in pure water, together with the presence of long hooked hairs on the secondary cysts, may be indicators of pathogenicity of Saprolegnia strains to Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

在水温21~23℃,pH 6.2~6.5条件下,采用半静水试验法,按等对数间距设置药物质量浓度梯度,日换水50%,补充药物50%,24 h观察记录1次,比较美婷Ⅱ、霉灵、纳他霉素、杀毒矾和高锰酸钾5种药物对异育银鲫"中科3号"受精卵水霉抑制作用及孵化率的影响。试验结果显示,试验药物对受精卵水霉生长均有一定抑制作用,其抑霉率为美婷Ⅱ>霉灵>高锰酸钾、纳他霉素和杀毒矾,但杀毒矾对异育银鲫"中科3号"受精卵的毒副作用较大,显著降低了受精卵孵化率,不宜使用;美婷Ⅱ、霉灵、纳他霉素和高锰酸钾对异育银鲫"中科3号"受精卵的适宜使用质量浓度分别为4.90~6.50、1.97~3.87、1.50、2.50 mg/L,使用方法为长时间浸浴,可有效抑制受精卵孵化过程中水霉的生长,显著提高受精卵孵化率,适合在异育银鲫"中科3号"受精卵孵化过程中使用。  相似文献   

This study determined the effectiveness of copper sulfate (CuSO4) to inhibit fungal growth (caused by Saprolegnia spp.) on largemouth bass (LMB) eggs spawned on/in fiber mats in very high-alkalinity/-hardness waters; experiments also determined the toxicity of CuSO4 to LMB fry and juveniles. An untreated control and three CuSO4 concentrations (10, 20, and 40 mg/L) were tested under a flow-through scenario in the effectiveness experiment. Eggs were treated daily until hatching began. Fungal load at the time of hatch had a total area > 3.0 cm2 in the untreated controls, total area 1.0 to <2.0 cm2 in the 10 and 20 mg/L CuSO4 treatments, and total area > 1.0 cm2 in the 40 mg/L CuSO4 treatments. Fungus samples were identified as Saprolegnia australis. The 24-hr median lethal concentration (LC50) values on the LMB yolk-sac and swim-up fry were 32.0 and 4.6 mg/L CuSO4, respectively; the No Observed Effect Concentrations (NOEC) were 16.0 and 0.125 mg/L CuSO4, respectively. Juvenile LMB were extremely tolerant to CuSO4, and their 24-hr LC50 value was 185.5 mg/L; the NOEC was 64 mg/L. This study indicates that CuSO4 can be an important resource for hatcheries to control egg fungus, especially in high-alkalinity/-hardness waters.  相似文献   

The repeat swimming ability and oxygen uptake (Mo2) of adult sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum), were assessed at ambient water temperatures at three field locations along their migration route. Following these measurements, internal and external fish condition was evaluated according to United States Environmental Protection Agency guidelines. Here we report on the physiological characteristics of fish having either moderate or severe levels of disease and injury. Routine oxygen uptake (Mo2) did not differ between healthy fish and those with indices of ill health. In contrast, fish classified as sick, which included conditions of damaged internal organs, an Ichthyophonus spp. heart infection, a Saprolegnia spp. gill infection, and skin wounds, had a lower post-exercise Mo2 and were unable to repeat their critical swim speed (U(crit)) on the second swim test. Moderate levels of disease or injury did not significantly affect either U(crit) or post-exercise Mo2. We conclude that the ability of adult salmon to recover quickly from exercise may be a useful indicator of sublethal pathologies.  相似文献   

Abstract  A total of 118 wild Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., females were stripped at the River Bush Salmon Station. The total number of eggs (fecundity) and egg diameters were compared for three age groups of adults. Adult length explained the majority of the variation in fecundity whilst freshwater age explained the majority of the variation in egg diameter. Parallel regression analysis for the total number of eggs on fish length relation for 3 years (2000–2002) showed significant temporal variation among years. Larger eggs from 2.1+ adults produced longer and heavier swim-up fry than smaller eggs from 1.1+ adults. There was also the suggestion that the survival of eggs from 1.1+ adults was lower than eggs from 2.1+ adults to the swim-up stage.  相似文献   

Egg strings and nauplii of the salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis were exposed to a variety of medicinal compounds at 50 mg L?1 for 30 min in two experiment series. This medicine concentration was selected as a starting point for a screening series. Hatching of egg strings and development to copepodid larvae were monitored in one experiment, and the survival and development of nauplii were monitored in the other. Two compounds, emamectin benzoate and cypermethrin, inhibited hatching effectively. Several compounds affected nauplii, either directly or through inhibiting development to the infective stage. A total of 50 mg L?1 of azamethiphos, cypermethrin, emamectin benzoate and propoxur was lethal to >70% of the larvae. Diflubenzuron, fenoxycarb, pymetrozine, pyriprole and tebufenozide diminished the ability of nauplii developing to copepodids.  相似文献   

Impact of bacteria on short-term storage of salmonid eggs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Unfertilized eggs of steelhead, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum 1792), were stored at a low temperature (~0°C) with antibiotics (penicillin and streptomycin) for up to 22 days and fertility assessed. Unfertilized eggs of chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum 1792), were stored at a low temperature (~0°C) either with or without antibiotics for up to 24 days and fertility assessed. There were no significant decreases in fertility under these conditions. Steelhead eggs were maintained at 4°C for up to 15 days with or without added bacteria and with or without gentamicin. Gentamicin inhibited bacterial growth during storage at 4°C and its use resulted in a less pronounced decline in fertility with storage. These results suggest that low temperatures and antibiotics play an important role in extending the period over which salmonid eggs can be successfully stored.  相似文献   

Abstract  Fecundity is an integral component of the calculation of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., egg depositions in rivers. Fecundity determinations can be time consuming and prohibitively expensive in terms of application on a broad scale. Consequently, where river specific and annual data are not available, default means are used in calculations in Newfoundland and Labrador. It is important therefore to know the extent of variability among rivers, years and seasons and the potential error involved in using default values. Annual fecundity data were available for one river in Labrador and nine rivers in Newfoundland. Fecundity was determined from ovaries collected in the recreational fishery in the summer for all 10 rivers. For three of these rivers, fecundity determined from summer sampling was compared with that obtained from sampling at time of spawning in autumn. There was significant variability in fecundity with length as a covariate among rivers, years and seasons. Mean number of eggs per female decreased between 8.3% and 29.0% from summer to autumn while mean number of eggs per cm decreased from 5.0% to 28.5%. Depending on the measure of relative fecundity used (no. of eggs kg−1 or no. of eggs cm−1), results of simulations showed that estimates of egg deposition incorporating defaults can deviate from those obtained by applying year-specific and river-specific values by 50–75%, without adjusting for the seasonal reduction in fecundity, and by 30–50% with an adjustment. A sensitivity analysis revealed that of three parameters used in the calculation of egg deposition (size, percent female and fecundity), fecundity was the most influential.  相似文献   


Liquid smoke and sodium lactate (NaL) were evaluated as inhibitors to control microbial growth in Alaskan native-style smoked and dried salmon strips. Brined salmon strips were dipped in aqueous solutions of liquid smoke (25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) or NaL (20%, 40%) and then inoculated with 3000 CFU of Staphylococcus aureus/100 g sample prior to drying in a laboratory smoke house without application of smoke, at 30°C for 5 days. S. aureus populations increased to 105/g in non-dipped control samples, 4.5 × 103/g in 20%, and 4.6 × 102/g in 40% NaL samples. Liquid smoke was not effective at a concentration of 25%, but reduced S. aureus levels below detectable limits when used at higher concentrations. When the additives were tested by a processor in Alaska, aerobic populations were less than 30 CFU/g with 30% NaL and 50% liquid smoke and the water activity (aw) of these finished products was below 0.85, a level that would inhibit further microbial growth. Processors should test their products for microbiological populations, WPS and aw until they can show that their process is adequate to control bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   

Within the State of Maine, only a portion of the farm sites experience sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) infections on an annual basis. There has been concern about the further spread of lice by farming activities to unaffected areas despite routine disinfection of equipment with sodium hypochlorite or iodophors. We examined the effects of Povidone‐iodine, sodium hypochlorite and desiccation on egg strings of L. salmonis and the potential of these methods for preventing hatching of nauplii or development to the copepodid stage. L. salmonis egg strings were exposed to one of eight treatments: 200 ppm of sodium hypochlorite or Povidone‐iodine solutions for 1 min, 500 ppm of either disinfectant for one minute or 10 min, or desiccation for either 4 or 24 h. The egg strings were then incubated and the hatched copepods were kept for 6 days in filtered natural seawater at 32 ppt salinity at 12°C. Desiccation for 4 or 24 h were the only methods that prevented L. salmonis nauplii from hatching or developing to the infective copepodid stage. Common disinfection procedures against pathogenic bacteria and virus were not found to be effective against L. salmonis eggs.  相似文献   

Corkwing wrasse, Symphodus melops, is one of the main species used as cleaner fish to combat sea lice infestation in salmon aquaculture; however, there is little knowledge about its biology. Here, we describe the embryonic development of this species and examine the viability of the eggs under three temperature regimes. The experiments were conducted at three water temperature regimes, 12, 15, and 18°C, which resemble common sea water temperatures registered during the spawning season of corkwing wrasse at different latitudes along the Norwegian coast. Corkwing wrasse spawn small spherical eggs of 0.75–0.80 mm in diameter (mean 0.78, CV = 3.6%) with several oil droplets and go through eight developmental stages until hatching. The shortest hatching time was registered after 144 hr at 18°C and after 222 and 372 hr at 15 and 12°C, respectively. These observations provide important baseline biological information to advance the establishment of commercial rearing techniques and sustainable fishing management practices for this heavily exploited species.  相似文献   

Two Swedish landlocked (nonanadromous) salmon (Salmo salar) stocks were investigated with the aim of characterising their egg fatty acid (FA) and carotenoid profiles. Fish from one of the stocks were also cultured over the past few decades as part of the Swedish program for genetic preservation, allowing a comparison between the eggs from females on a diet based on lipids of limnic (natural food chain) origin and eggs from females fed an artificial diet of marine origin. No significant differences in the FA profile of the phospholipid (PL) or triacylglycerol (TAG) fraction were found between the two wild stocks. The content of EPA (20:5n-3, eicosapentaenoic acid) in PL fraction was significantly higher in eggs from cultured females (13.0%) compared with eggs from both wild stocks (5.7 and 6.4%). Further, in PL fraction, AA (20:4n-6, arachidonic acid) levels in these eggs were significantly lower (2.4% versus 6.7 and 6.2%). The AA content of the TAG fraction differed greatly between wild (4.4 and 4.9%) and cultured (1.2%) eggs, whereas this fraction showed almost no corresponding difference in EPA content. The level of DHA (22:6n-3, docosahexaenoic acid) did not differ between the two wild stocks or between wild and cultured fish. This was in spite of widely different levels of DHA in the diet. The composition of carotenoids was altered in the cultured eggs which had a higher proportion and higher content (1.16 g egg–1) of astaxanthin than the wild eggs (0.56 and 0.62 g egg–1, respectively). Hatching success varied markedly between wild (>95%) and cultured fish (40–75%). We conclude that changes in the lipid source in the diet of female salmon during gonadal maturation will alter the egg fatty acid composition with an increased risk of disturbances in embryonic development as a consequence. Further, the lack of any difference between wild and cultured females in terms of their egg DHA content indicates that there is a strong genetic influence on levels of this fatty acid in salmon eggs.  相似文献   

等鞭金藻对次氯酸钠中有效氯耐受力的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用不同质量分数的次氯酸钠 ,以不同的处理时间对等鞭金藻 30 11进行耐受力研究。结果表明 :在试验的取值范围内处理时间比有效氯质量分数对等鞭金藻的生长影响更显著。在实际应用中 ,次氯酸钠的质量分数 (有效氯 )以 4× 10 -6~ 8× 10 -6,处理时间约 2h为宜  相似文献   

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