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This paper analyses the differences in soil moisture, runoff and sediment concentration resulting from land levelling works carried out before new vineyard establishment in a reference wine region of NE Spain. In low disturbed soils, low differences in soil moisture were observed, while in high disturbed soils, soil moisture and water infiltration of the surface were always lower than in the low disturbed ones, while soil sealing was higher in high disturbed than in the low disturbed soils. Differences in runoff and sediment concentrations were also observed. The most disturbed plot showed a higher sediment concentration in runoff, which together with higher runoff volumes gave higher erosion rates and soil losses than the low disturbed one. The differences within the most disturbed soils were high after high intensity rainfall events, while no significant variations were observed in the least disturbed ones.  相似文献   

This study analyses the spatial variability of runoff and erosion rates in vineyards due to mechanisation works. Runoff samples were collected at three positions in two plots after 33 erosive events in three years (2001, 2003, 2004) with different rainfall patterns. Three replications were considered at each position. Soil properties were evaluated in order to analyse its relationship with runoff and erosion rates. Runoff and erosion rates were, on average, higher in the levelled plot (HD), ranging between 8·4 and 34·3 per cent, than in the non‐levelled plot (LD) ranging between 8·2 and 24·1 per cent. Mean sediment concentration in runoff ranged between 6 and 8 g L−1 in the HD plot and about 4·6 g L−1 in the LD plot, but with high differences within the plot. In the HD plot, runoff‐rainfall rates were significantly higher (at 95 per cent level) in the upper part of the slope and decreased along the slope, while in the LD plot, differences in runoff rates were not significant and similar to those observed in the less disturbed areas of the HD plot. The higher susceptibility to soil sealing in areas where the original topsoil was removed conditioned runoff rates. In the lower part of the HD plot runoff rates were, on average, 20 per cent lower than in the upper part of the slope. In those positions runoff rates up to 79 per cent were recorded. Organic matter content and water retention capacity at different potentials are the soil characteristics related to the differences on runoff and erosion rates in the resulting soils. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract. To study the influence of different vegetation species and plant properties on the generation of surface runoff and soil erosion in south east Spain, a series of rainfall simulation experiments was conducted on small ( c . 1.5 m2) plots. These were carried out in October 1993 and May 1994 on two sites close to Murcia. Six vegetation types were studied, with some at different stages of maturity, giving a total of nine vegetation treatments and two bare soil treatments. Four replicates of each treatment were exposed to a rainstorm of 120 mm/h for 15 minutes. The results of the experiments show that there are few significant differences in the ability of the vegetation types studied to control runoff or soil erosion. Of the plant properties considered, only plant canopy cover showed a significant relationship with soil loss and runoff with the greatest reduction in soil loss taking place at canopy covers greater than 30%. The implications of this research are that future efforts should be directed at developing ecological successions and revegetation methods which promote a substantial and sustainable canopy cover.  相似文献   

Harvesting of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) may cause soil losses, but the magnitude of such losses has not been widely documented. We quantified the amount of soil lost with the mechanical harvesting of potatoes in 39 fields in western Turkey in 2013. The amount of soil lost was 1.81 Mg/ha/harvest and increased with increased gravimetric water content and plant density. The cost to replace nutrients lost with soil was about US$3 per hectare. Overall, soil loss due to potato harvesting is an important component of total erosion in the study region.  相似文献   

土壤有机质对坡耕地土壤侵蚀及作物产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
土壤有机质是形成土壤结构的重要因素.采取定位试验的结果表明,在10°~12°的黄土坡耕地上每公顷施厩肥30000、45000、75000kg,年径流量比对照区分别减少13.3%、20.5%、34%,年泥沙流失量分别减少32.3%、33.7%、35.4%,其减少率随施肥量的增加而提高;第4年各施肥水平下的耕层土壤有机质增加量分别为69.7%、65.0%和140.1%;一种作物在一年中的产量随施肥量的增加而增加,3种施肥水平可分别增产26.7%、25.5%和43.3%.在10°左右的坡耕地上,每年施入一定数量的有机肥,使土壤有机质增加,土壤结构得到改善,并达到减少水土流失、提高作物产量的目的.  相似文献   

Soil erosion in southeast Spain is a complex process due to strong interactions between biophysical and human components. Significant progress has been achieved in the understanding of soil hydrological behavior, despite the fact that most investigations were focused on the experimental plot scale. Although experimental plots allow exploring the effect of multiple biophysical and anthropogenic factors, they provide limited insights in the combined effect of all factors acting together at the landscape scale. In this study, area-specific sediment yields (SSY) have been estimated based on the volume of sediment trapped behind 36 check dams in the southeast of Spain. Low SSY-values were reported (mean = 1.40 t ha−1 year−1: median = 0.61 t ha−1 year−1). SSY variability could be explained for 67% by catchment characteristics such as drainage area, soil characteristics, land cover, average catchment slope, and annual rainfall. The low SSY values are probably caused by the agricultural abandonment that occurred over the past decades and allowed the recovery of natural vegetation. Furthermore, our results suggest that the soils have eroded in the past to such an extent that nowadays not much sediment is detached by overland flow due to residual enrichment of clay and stones. Also, sediment is to a large extent trapped locally in the catchment, as indicated by the negative relationship between SSY and catchment area.  相似文献   

Soil erosion contributes negatively to agricultural production, quality of source water for drinking, ecosystem health in land and aquatic environments, and aesthetic value of landscapes. Approaches to understand the spatial variability of erosion severity are important for improving landuse management. This study uses the Kelani river basin in Sri Lanka as the study area to assess erosion severity using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model supported by a GIS system. Erosion severity across the river basin was estimated using RUSLE, a Digital Elevation Model (15 × 15 m), twenty years rainfall data at 14 rain gauge stations across the basin, landuse and land cover, and soil maps and cropping factors. The estimated average annual soil loss in Kelani river basin varied from zero to 103.7 t ha-1 yr−1, with a mean annual soil loss estimated at 10.9 t ha−1 yr−1. About 70% of the river basin area was identified with low to moderate erosion severity (<12 t ha−1 yr−1) indicating that erosion control measures are urgently needed to ensure a sustainable ecosystem in the Kelani river basin, which in turn, is connected with the quality of life of over 5 million people. Use of this severity information developed with RUSLE along with its individual parameters can help to design landuse management practices. This effort can be further refined by analyzing RUSLE results along with Kelani river sub-basins level real time erosion estimations as a monitoring measure for conservation practices.  相似文献   

Although root crops are widely cultivated in Iran, little is known about soil loss due to crop harvesting (SLCH). We assessed the annual exported soil, soil organic matter (SOM) and nutrients from 47 farms under root crops in southwestern Iran. Soil losses for garlic, potato, sugar beet, radish and beetroot were estimated as 6.27, 2.52, 2.26, 4.10 and 6.95, Mg ha?1, respectively, which on average was of the order of soil losses by water erosion in the watershed basins of Iran. Total N, P2O5 and K2O losses were estimated as 36.61, 1.10 and 31.50 kg ha?1 and their costs as 18.24, 0.74 and 19.93 USAlthough root crops are widely cultivated in Iran, little is known about soil loss due to crop harvesting (SLCH). We assessed the annual exported soil, soil organic matter (SOM) and nutrients from 47 farms under root crops in southwestern Iran. Soil losses for garlic, potato, sugar beet, radish and beetroot were estimated as 6.27, 2.52, 2.26, 4.10 and 6.95, Mg ha?1, respectively, which on average was of the order of soil losses by water erosion in the watershed basins of Iran. Total N, P2O5 and K2O losses were estimated as 36.61, 1.10 and 31.50 kg ha?1 and their costs as 18.24, 0.74 and 19.93 US$ ha?1, respectively. For the whole country, total soil, N, P2O5, K2O and SOM losses for garlic, potato and sugar beet were estimated as 731.7 × 103, 836, 27, 476 and 14.5 × 103 Mg, respectively (radish and beetroot were excluded due to no reliable data on their planted areas). Correlation analysis showed no significant relationship between soil properties and SLCH (except soil moisture content for radish and clay content for beetroot). The findings indicated that the exported soil, SOM and nutrients were at such levels that SLCH should be considered in soil erosion studies.  相似文献   

This paper examines the nature, extent and severity of soil erosion in upland Scotland, an area subject to land management pressures typical of temperate maritime uplands. Erosion features were classified and their area measured from aerial photographs. Some 12 per cent of the upland area sampled was subject to some form of erosion, which is very similar to the percentage for Europe as a whole. The most significant erosion category was peat erosion, with 6 per cent of the area being affected; a figure which increased to 20 per cent in one sub-region. Peat erosion varied in severity, with the most severe erosion being in areas of eastern Scotland with the greatest land management pressures. Gully erosion of slopes on mineral soils was found in almost 5 per cent of the area sampled, particularly in sub-regions with large amplitude of relief. Debris flow/cone features and screes were less extensive and largely found at higher altitudes. Footpath erosion was mapped in popular mountain areas, but overall the mean length of eroded footpaths was less than that of large gullies. There was little evidence of spatial linkages between erosion of mineral soils and land management at the scale of the survey. Separating the roles of upland management and extreme rainfall events in the inception of erosion remains a key issue in the study of accelerated erosion in temperate maritime upland areas. Some guidance for management is presented.  相似文献   

 冀北地区土壤侵蚀以水蚀和风蚀为主,根据水利部颁布的《土壤侵蚀分类分级标准》(1997),参考有关学者提出的土壤风蚀强度分级指标,构建研究区土壤侵蚀强度的分级指标。运用GIS和RS技术,提取土地利用、坡度、植被覆盖度、土壤质地等信息,通过GIS空间叠加分析,得出冀北地区土壤侵蚀强度分级图,详细研究土壤侵蚀强度的空间分布特征;进一步与土地利用图叠加,分析不同土壤侵蚀强度下的土地利用特征和不同土地利用类型的土壤侵蚀状况。  相似文献   

This paper introduces briefly two remote sensing case studies on land use in the subtropic region of China. One is on slope land use in the Yangtze River Three Gorges area. This is a large area of 60497 km2. First of all, geometric correction and supervised classification were conducted for ten scenes of Landsat-5 TM or MSS images. The resolution of the processed images is 50 m × 50 m on ground. By the classification the land use/cover categories in this area were discriminated. Then the croplands including rice fields and upland fields were extracted from the land use/cover maps. Simultaneously the slope grade maps were prepared based on the topographic maps. Overlaying the slope grade maps and the cropland maps, the area and percentage of the croplands in different slope grades were determined. This case study indicated that 71.5% of the uplands was situated on the slope above 150 and 25% on the slope above 250 in this area. It is dangerous, and urgent cultivation or engineering measures should be taken. Another case study is on soil erosion in Linshan County of Guangxi Province. Airphoto interpretation and supervised classification of a Landsat TM image were carried out for discriminating land cover/use categories in an area of 3 557.8 km2. And the soil erosion intensity grades were determined according to the land cover/use maps and slope maps. It wad discovered that the land suffering soil erosion accounted for 2404.0 km2, 67.6% of the total area of the county. Necessary measures to control soil erosion should be taken also.  相似文献   

Agricultural landscapes that are intensively farmed, as in western Europe, face the challenge of a transition to more sustainable systems. Although erosion rates are relatively low in western Europe, the agricultural landscape is confronted by the need to mitigate the off-site impacts of erosion. An important challenge is that of disrupting connectivity between runoff and sediment sources, often farmers' fields, and freshwater systems or local communities. Mitigation strategies should include monitoring of erosion rates and off-site impacts and a mix of engineered and alternative measures such as buffer strips and retention ponds. Also needed are supportive government policies and actions including awareness of institutional memory problems and the promotion of farmer education. For the future, the risk of climate change must be appreciated and built into the planning of comprehensive mitigation strategies. Our perspective is that the overall aim should be a ‘sustainable agricultural landscape’ and not simply a reduction of erosion and runoff on farmers' fields.  相似文献   

Unsuitable agricultural practices can cause loss in soil quality and erodibility to thus increase or trigger desertification under Mediterranean conditions. A field experiment was performed at the El Teularet‐Sierra de Enguera Experimental Station (eastern Spain) to assess the influence during a 5‐yr period of different agricultural practices on physical and chemical indicators of soil quality (total and water‐soluble carbohydrates, glomalin‐related soil proteins (GRSP), total organic carbon, aggregate stability (AS), vegetation cover and soil erosion). The management practices included residual herbicide use, ploughing, ploughing + oats, addition of oat straw mulch and a control (land abandonment). Adjacent soil under natural vegetation was used as a reference for local, high‐quality soil and as a control for comparison with the agricultural soils under different management practices. Oat straw mulching led to higher levels of water‐soluble carbohydrates, GRSP and AS and lower soil erosion rates, resulting in values similar to those in the soil under native vegetation. The lowest levels of carbohydrates and GRSP were for the plots that were treated with herbicide or were ploughed. The maintenance of and increases in stable aggregates promoted by the different agricultural management practices over the years were attributed to increases in labile organic fractions such as carbohydrates and to the GRSP content. The results demonstrate that land abandonment (control plot) or the use of a cover (plants or straw) contributes to increases in soil quality and reduces the risk of erosion. The research also shows that sustainable agricultural management allows soil to recover and that the use of straw mulching is the most effective management strategy.  相似文献   

渭北旱塬坡耕地水土和养分流失特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
以渭北旱塬的坡耕地为对象,采用定位监测和室内分析相结合的方法,研究其退化机理。取得以下主要结论:坡耕地的土壤退化主要是水土流失所致,水土流失主要集中在年内的几场暴雨。观测期内5°、10°和15°坡面平均产沙量分别为320.9,1 581.1,3 819.6t/(km2.a);平均产流量分别为13 836.4,46 869.3,53 956.5m3/(km2.a)。受降雨强度和坡度影响较大。水土流失导致坡耕地土壤容重增加,孔隙度减小,持水能力减弱,且带走土壤中有效养分量,使土壤肥力降低。流失泥沙中全氮和速效钾含量远高于耕层土壤中的含量,表现出"富集"。  相似文献   

农牧交错带土地利用的土壤侵蚀状况分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
土地是人类赖以生存的根本。土壤侵蚀会导致土地资源的退化,造成环境恶化。农牧交错带是我国一个独特的地理景观,对它的研究在生态、区域发展上有重要意义。在定义土壤侵蚀指数的基础上.以土地资源类型为单元,以遥感与GIS为技术支撑,分析不同土地资源类型下土壤侵蚀类型与强度.阐明土地资源的土壤侵蚀背景,揭示出两之间的关系,并作了区域上的分析。结果认为在我国农牧交错带的东部草地退化,西部沙化严重,亟需治理。  相似文献   

Physical scientists have presented a wealth of evidence regarding the effects of cropland soil degradation. Because soil degradation has both on‐site and off‐site effects, public policies have often tried to increase rates of conservation over privately optimal rates. Where private incentives leave off and public incentives start up is somewhat controversial, however. Physical evidence, while necessary, is not sufficient to predict conservation actions by farmers in response to the threat of degradation. This paper provides a partial explanation for why farmers may adopt differing conservation strategies, even though they share similar preferences. A model is constructed that divides soil degradation into reversible and irreversible components. We portray nutrient depletion as a reversible facet of soil degradation and soil profile depth depletion as an irreversible facet of soil degradation. Predictions of optimal management response to soil degradation are accomplished using a closed‐loop model of fertilizer applications and residue management to control future stocks of soil nutrients and soil profile depth. Our model is applied to degradation data from nine soils in the north central United States. Three principal findings result: First, due to differences in initial soil properties, susceptibility to degradation, sensitivity of yield to soil depth, and yield response to alternative management practices, dynamically optimal economic strategies cannot be inferred directly from physical results but are inferred from the associated economic implications. Second, optimal residue management is more variable with respect to soil type than to the erosion phase of the soil, implying that substantial gains to targeting are possible. Third, nutrient depletion is a more compelling motivator for adopting residue management than soil profile depth depletion. This implies that motivating residue management requires programs that pay even greater attention to reversible degradation, and therefore the overall farm management implications, rather than strictly to protect topsoil from irreversible degradation. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although Andosols are relatively resistant to water erosion, they can be severely affected by changes in land use, resulting in accelerated erosion and loss of soil organic matter (SOM). We hypothesized that if the contents of specific components of SOM and organo–metallic complexes (humic acids –HAs–, fulvic acids –FAs–, sodium pyrophosphate extractable carbon –Cp–, aluminium –Alp–, and iron –Fep–) consistently tend towards certain ratios in A and B horizons, they could be used to identify soils denuded by erosion. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the vertical distribution of humus components and certain ratios, namely C‐HA/C‐FA, C‐FA/total organic C (TOC), Cp/TOC and (Fep + Alp)/C‐FA, in representative profiles of andic soils located in natural ecosystems with different degrees of human disturbance. Furthermore, we analysed these parameters in the topsoil of a natural protected area and in adjacent soils under different land use scenarios (natural reserve vs. traditional exploitation). We found that the ratios of C‐HA/C‐FA and, to a lesser extent, of C‐FA/TOC and Cp/TOC changed with depth in the selected soil profiles, but the values were characteristic of each type of soil horizon. The values of these ratios in the topsoils of the disturbed areas were closer to a B horizon than an A horizon. This pattern may be superimposed on pre‐existing gradients, such as those related to the type of natural vegetation. The use of these indices emerges as a possible land use and erosion indicator.  相似文献   

岷江源头区农林复合景观变化对土壤侵蚀强度的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
研究植被景观对土壤侵蚀的影响对旨在控制水土流失的流域生态恢复工作来说十分重要。该文利用遥感和GIS技术对岷江源头区的农林复合景观和土壤侵蚀强度的变化进行分析,并从景观角度分析了该区域农林复合景观变化对土壤侵蚀强度变化的影响。从不同景观类型对土壤侵蚀强度的控制能力大小看:针叶林>落叶阔叶林>针阔混交林>灌丛>草地>农用地。对于除农用地以外的其他植被景观类型来说,增加其平均斑块面积和形状的复杂性会在一定程度上减少土壤侵蚀强度。而对于农用地来说,斑块形状的简单化以及均匀镶嵌的分布形式则是减少土壤侵蚀强度的有效手段。  相似文献   

Soil and land degradation in the tropics can be identified and described in terms of physical, chemical,and biological changes from its pristine state brought about by natural and anthropogenic influences. Acharacteristic of these ecosystems is their capacity to recycle nutrients through soil organic matter (SOM).Following disturbance through changed land management, SOM is rapidly mineralized and there is a cor-responding decline in fertility and the variable charge component of the cation exchange capacity. As theseecosystems are strongly dependent on SOM for their functionality, changed land use can have irreversible im-pacts on the productivity of these systems. The paper focuses on quantifying chemical degradation throughprinting. Using values taken from the fingerprint of an undisturbed soil, an index of chemical degradationimprove poor quality soils in their natural condition are discussed, such as the addition of natural clays andsilicated materials. Results are present to show the effect of each of the aforementioned strategies on surfacecharge characteristics and associated increases in plant productivity.  相似文献   

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