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近年来,随着我国奶牛养殖数量和规模的不断扩大,大量的粪尿作为肥料被广泛地施用在农田里,奶牛正常的生理活动产生的大量气体(CO2和CH4)也被排放到了空气中,但是反刍动物生产中排放的这些废物却对土壤、空气和水造成了日益严重的污染,其中粪、尿和气体中的碳、氮、磷、钾元素引起的环境污染问题更是不容忽视。笔者就以上存在的问题综述了奶牛生产中碳、氮、磷和钾对环境的污染,并从营养和饲养管理上提出相应的减排技术措施。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国奶牛养殖数量和规模的不断扩大,大量的粪尿作为肥料被广泛的施用在农田里,奶牛正常的生理活动产生的大量气体(CO2和CH4)也被排放到了空气中,但是反刍动物生产中排放的这些废物却对土壤、空气和水造成了日益严重的污染,其中粪、尿和气体中的碳、氮、磷、钾元素引起的环境污染问题更是不容忽视。本文就以上存在的问题综述了奶牛生产中碳、氮、磷和钾对环境的污染,并从营养和饲养管理上提出相应的减排技术措施。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国奶牛养殖数量和规模的不断扩大,大量的粪尿作为肥料被广泛地施用在农田里,奶牛正常的生理活动产生的大量气体(CO2和CH4)也被排放到了空气中,但是反刍动物生产中排放的这些废物却对土壤、空气和水造成了日益严重的污染,其中粪、尿和气体中的碳、氮、磷、钾元素引起的环境污染问题更是不客忽视.笔者就以上存在的问题综述了奶牛生产中碳、氮、磷和钾对环境的污染,并从营养和饲养管理上提出相应的减排技术措施.  相似文献   

随着畜牧业生产规模的不断扩大和集约化程度的不断提高,畜牧生产过程中产生的大量氨气、硫化氢、粪臭素、三基氨等恶臭气体和粪尿中的氮、磷元素、重金属等,造成了严重的环境污染,极大地影响了城乡居民的身体健康。因此采取有效的治理措施,最大限度地降低畜牧业生产对环境的污染,对其废弃物进行无害化处理和综合利用,促进畜牧业可持续发展,是畜牧生产中亟待解决的问题。1畜牧业造成环境污染的有害因素及危害1.1粪便污染畜禽粪尿中含有大量的未被消化吸收的有机物(氮、磷和药物添加剂的残留物),是污染空气、土壤和水流的有害物质。由于畜禽对…  相似文献   

谈利用营养调控减少猪粪尿中氮、磷对环境的污染   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,养猪业的快速发展不仅提高了生产效率,满足了人们对猪肉的需要,而且还为当地农村产业经济发展起到推动作用.但是同时,也对当地农村生态环境造成了严重的污染.养猪场对环境的污染主要是猪粪尿等排泄物,粪尿中最易破坏生态环境的是氮和磷.猪粪尿中含有大量未被消化吸收的氮、磷等营养成分.  相似文献   

<正>一、养猪与环保要想做好环保,必须先了解有哪些污染。1个万头猪场每年排放纯粪尿3万吨,再加上集约化生产的冲洗水,每年可排放粪尿及污水6~7万吨。每粪尿年60多亿吨。(一)对空气的污染畜牧场臭气的产生,主要是两类物质,即碳水化合物和含氮有机物,其中氨气对空气影响最大。另外粪便在无氧条件下大量未被消化的营养物质便会发酵产生氨气、粪臭素、硫化氢、低级脂肪酸等有毒、有害气体。尤其  相似文献   

我国奶牛养殖业的氮素利用率还普遍较低,大量未被利用的氮素随粪尿排放到环境中,对水体和空气都造成了很大的污染。如何有效提高奶牛对氮素的利用,减少氮素对环境的污染已成为当今畜牧业向环境友好型转变时必须解决的问题。本文就当前奶牛养殖对环境的影响以及改善奶牛氮素利用的措施进行综述,以期为实际生产提供参考。  相似文献   

减少养禽业中氮、磷排泄及污染的营养措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着家禽业生产规模的不断扩大和集约化程度的不断提高,家禽排泄物中氮、磷对环境的污染也日趋严重,家禽生产过程中积累的大量粪尿不仅会污染表土层和地下水.其产生的有害气体还会污染大气,并由此产生一系列公害。因此减少养禽业中排泄物的污染已成为当务之急,而通过营养措施减少养分排泄量是主要途径之一。  相似文献   

<正>1畜禽养殖业对环境的影响随着人们生活水平的提高,环境保护问题越来越引起人类的重视。目前,引人关注的环境污染有氮、磷、铜、锌、砷、硒、有毒有害气体(如氨、硫化氨等)、抗生素残留等,其中最为关注的是氮和磷的污染。动物在为人类提供大量优质畜产品的同时,也向环境排放大量的粪尿和有害气体。据估计,  相似文献   

<正>规模化猪场的环境污染主要表现在粪尿中氮、磷等物质对水体和土壤的污染,恶臭气味对空气的污染[1]。氮主要来源于饲料中未被消化利用的粗蛋白质和氨基酸的降解,磷主要来源于饲料中未被消化的植酸磷和人工补充的磷酸氢钙[2]。因此,在不降低畜禽生产性能的条件下,采取有效的营养调控措施,最大限度地提高畜禽对营养物质的消化利用率、减少粪尿的排放量,是消除畜牧业环境污染的"治本"之举。为此,对不同组合配方的营养调控剂进行了猪对  相似文献   

Toxic silo gases are a potential danger to livestock housed in close proximity to roughage silos. These gases, such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2), may be produced during the early stages of (maize and grass) silage making. In humans, inhalation of these gases causes a condition known as 'Silo Filler's Disease' (SFD), which is a recognized occupational hazard for workers in upright forage silos in many countries. NO2 accumulates on top of silage, is inhaled by workers, and reacts with water on the airway surfaces to form nitrous acid, which damages the lung and causes pulmonary oedema, bronchiolitis, and death in severe cases. On a dairy farm, a cloud of reddish-brown NO2 gas (which is heavier than air) was noticed to escape from underneath the plastic sheet of a horizontal maize bunker and to enter a cubicle house for dairy cows 1 day after ensiling. Eleven cows became dyspnoeic, 3 of which subsequently died. A combination of weather conditions, an insufficient sand load on the maize bunker, the utilization of a lactobacillus starter culture, and the close proximity of the silo to the cubicle house may have caused the incident.  相似文献   

Tissue strips from the ovary, (uterine tube), and oviduct, and uterus of pregnant and nonpregnant cows were tested for their contractile response to prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha). When 2.1 x 10(-6)M PGF2 alpha was added to the uterine strips, tension of tissues from pregnant cows increased sharply; however, tension in tissues from nonpregnant cows only increased moderately. Similar concentrations failed to elicit any response from oviductal tissues of either group. Unlike the uterus and the oviduct, the ovaries contracted slowly and irregularly. They responded with varying degrees of stimulation; ovaries from pregnant cows with brief and mild stimulation and ovaries from nonpregnant cows with slower and relatively stronger stimulation. Results indicate that the bovine ovary contracts rhythmically and that its sensitivity to PGF2 alpha decreases during pregnancy in contrast to the bovine uterus which becomes increasingly sensitive during pregnancy.  相似文献   

After surgical reposition of displaced organs (abomasum, uterus, intestines) restoration of blood flow and oxygen supply generates oxygen radicals and other reactive oxygen species. SOD indicates radical stress of the organism. Subject of the study was the question if SOD can be detected in blood serum samples of cows and if there are differences in SOD activity between healthy cows and cows with Dislocatio abomasi (DA). We also wanted to investigate the influence of breed "Schwarzbunte" with DA (16 left/5 rights). The samples were drawn before and 1, 3 and 24 post op. Ten healthy cows of the same breed were also examined (2 weeks and 4-6 weeks after calving). There are no significant differences between the SOD activity of healthy cows and cows with DA, but the SOD activity of cows with left DA is significant lower than the activity of cows with right DA. Post op. SOD activity decreases; 24 h after surgery cows with left but not with right DA show an increase of SOD activity similar to values before surgery. There is a close positive correlation between SOD activity and protein concentration as well as negative correlation to concentration of free fatty acids after surgery. The behaviour of SOD activity shows that the surgical replacement of the displaced abomasum can generate a depression of the antioxidative capacity of the organism.  相似文献   

Two trials conducted in 1996-97 measured BW and body condition score changes of cows fed different sources of degradable intake protein, including dried poultry waste and soybean meal, while grazing low-quality winter forages. In Trial 1, 60 spring-calving cows (5 yr; 555 kg) were used in an individual supplementation trial. Cows were gathered three times a week, sorted into individual pens, and fed their respective supplement. Cows grazed dormant native Sandhills winter range (common pasture) and were assigned to one of six supplemental treatments: 1) no supplement, 2) urea, 3) 22% dried poultry waste + urea, 4) soybean meal, 5) 22% dried poultry waste + soybean meal, or 6) 44% dried poultry waste. All supplements were based on wheat middlings and soybean hulls and were formulated to contain 44% CP. Thirty-six cows were selected randomly (six per treatment) for a 5-d measurement of forage intake from December 16 through December 20, 1996. Cows receiving supplements gained more weight (P < 0.001) and maintained greater body condition (P < 0.001) than unsupplemented cows. Cows receiving urea gained less (P < 0.10) than cows receiving a source of natural protein, but body condition remained similar. No differences were found in daily forage or total organic matter intake (P > 0.10). In Trial 2, cows grazed corn residues. Forty-eight spring-calving cows were group-fed supplements in one of six 4-ha paddocks. Cows received supplements containing either soybean meal or dried poultry waste that were the same as the soybean meal and 44% dried poultry waste supplements fed in Trial 1; gains were not different (P > 0.10). Under the economic conditions that existed at the time of these experiments, the supplement containing dried poultry waste resulted in a savings of $.04 per cow per day and a total savings of $3.20 per cow over an 80-d period. Feeding a supplement containing dried poultry waste resulted in performance similar to that when feeding a more conventional supplement containing soybean meal.  相似文献   

The German wasp, Vespula germanica has been observed to injure teats of dairy cows, causing lesions that are associated with clinical and subclinical mastitis. The presence of skin lesions on the teats, caused by the wasps, was recorded in a dairy cattle herd located in the Samaria foothills during July-October 1999. Wasp-inflicted injuries were found in 43.6% (58 of 133) of the adult cows and 1.4% (one of 71) of the first-calving cows. They were located in 42.4% of cows (n = 25) on all quarters, 18 cows (30.5%) had lesions on the front quarters and 27.1% (n = 16) of cows on the hind quarters only. Clinical and subclinical mastitis were diagnosed in 61% (36 of 59) and 28.8% (17 of 59), respectively, of the injured adult and first-calving cows. The most common bacterial isolates from the mastitic cows were Staphylococcus aureus 45.1% (n = 14), Streptococcus dysgalactiae 16.1% (n = 5), Streptococcus spp. 19.4% (n = 7) and others 13.9% (n = 5). The loss of milk production was estimated at 300 kg milk for each cow injured by wasps and exhibiting clinical mastitis. An increase in the bulk-milk somatic cell count, from 186 x 103 at 1 month prior to the outbreak to a peak of 1200 x 10(3) in the post-outbreak month, was noted. The culling rate reached 13.6% (eight of 59) of the affected cows. In summary, the considerable economic losses caused by the wasp infestation resulted from decreased milk production and a decline in milk quality, culling of affected cows, and increased demand for use of drugs and veterinary care.  相似文献   

A 2-yr study was conducted at the Range Cattle Research and Education Center, University of Florida – Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) (Ona, FL), to evaluate differences in the metabolism of Cu and Se of Angus (Bos taurus) and Brahman (Bos indicus) cattle. Thirty-two pregnant beef cows (n = 8 Brahman and 8 Angus/yr) were enrolled in the study in the first trimester of gestation. This study consisted of three phases: 1) restriction (day 0 to 90), 2) supplementation (day 91 to 150), and 3) calving. During all three phases, cows were individually fed and housed in partially covered drylot pens. During the restriction and supplementation phases, cows were provided a 1.5 kg/d of a grain-based concentrate supplement, which was fortified with flowers of S (50 g of supplemental S/cow daily; restriction phase) or Cu and Se (100 and 3 mg/d of Cu and Se, respectively; supplementation phase). Blood and liver samples were collected from all cows at 30 d intervals and from both cows and calves within 24 h of calving. Colostrum and milk samples were collected at calving and 7 d after birth. All data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS, where cow and calf were the experimental unit. During the restriction phase, a breed × day effect (P = 0.03) was observed where Brahman had greater liver Cu concentration than Angus cows in all sampling days. For liver Se concentration, a tendency (P = 0.07) for a breed effect was observed where Angus cows tended to have greater liver Se concentration than Brahman. During the supplementation phase, breed (P < 0.001) and day (P < 0.01) effects were observed, where Brahman cows had greater liver Cu concentration than Angus. For liver Se concentration, a day effect (P < 0.001) was observed, where liver Se concentration increased (P < 0.001) from day 90 to 120 and remained unchanged (P = 0.86) until day 150. At calving, no effects of breed (P = 0.34) were observed for liver Cu concentration of cows; however, Brahman calves tended (P = 0.09) to have greater liver Cu concentration than Angus calves. For Se liver concentration at calving, Angus cows tended (P = 0.07) to have greater liver Se concentration than Brahman cows; however, no breed differences (P = 0.70) were observed for liver Se concentration of calves at birth. In summary, substantial differences in multiple indicators of Cu and Se status were observed between Angus and Brahman cattle, implying that Angus and Brahman cattle possibly have different mechanisms to maintain adequate Cu and Se status.  相似文献   

Objectives were to examine how the conceptus and recombinant bovine interferon-tau (rbIFN-tau) regulate intracellular components of the PGF(2a) synthetic pathway and to determine if arachidonic acid (AA) is limiting in endometrial tissue of pregnant cows. In Experiment 1, uteri were collected from either cyclic or pregnant dairy cows on Day 17 post-estrus. Intercaruncular explants were dissected and incubated for 60 min to quantify PGF(2a) production in response to oxytocin (10(-6) M), A23187 (10(-5) M), melittin (10(-5) M), and phorbol 12, 13 dibutyrate (PDBu, 10(-6) M). Additional explants from the same cows were incubated for 24 h with and without AA. Oxytocin and A23187 did not stimulate PGF(2a) in explants from either cyclic or pregnant cows. Both PDBu, melittin, and A23187 + melittin stimulated PGF(2a) production in explants of cyclic cows, but not in explants of pregnant cows. The addition of AA to explant cultures for 24 hr did not increase PGF(2a) production during a subsequent 60-min incubation. In Experiment 2, explants were collected from cows that received intrauterine infusions of either BSA (1.9 mg/1.2 ml) or rbIFN-tau (0.2 mg rbIFN-tau + 1.7 mg BSA/1.2 ml) twice a day from Days 14 to 17 of the estrous cycle. Treatments of rbIFN-tau attenuated PGF(2a) secretion induced by in vitro PDBu and A23187 treatments. However, rbIFN-tau treatment in vivo had no effect on the in vitro induction of PGF(2a) secretion by melittin. IFN-tau may regulate the PGF(2a) synthetic pathway by reducing activity of PKC or PKC mediated events.  相似文献   

To assess the profitability of control schemes for Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (Map)-infection implemented in dairy herds, accurate estimates of its production effects are needed. This study aimed at quantifying the variation in milk yield of dairy cows according to their Map-infection status. The cow-status was determined by combining (i) its testing(s)-result(s) (serum ELISA, faecal culture (FC), PCR, Ziehl staining), (ii) the Map-status of its herd, and (iii) its possible vaccination against Map. A total of 15 490 cows in 569 herds located in western France was considered. The effect on test-day milk yield (TDMY) of the cow-status to Map was assessed separately in parity 1, 2 and 3 or more, using mixed linear models, after adjustment for herd-season (random), days in milk and breed. Average TDMY was significantly lower in cows from herds with at least one Map-infected cow (defined as positive herds). Individual TDMY showed a reduction ranging from 1.58 to 3.30, 2.03 to 2.51, 5.36 to 7.20 kg/day (P < 0.001) depending on parity for unvaccinated cows and testing ELISA-positive, PCR- or FC-positive, and Ziehl-positive, respectively, compared to cows in Map-free herds. The loss in milk yield increased with increased parity in ELISA-positive and Ziehl-positive cows. Cows that were both tested ELISA-positive and vaccinated had a smaller loss in TDMY than those that were unvaccinated. The estimates from this study can be used to further assess the economic impact associated with Map-infection in dairy herds or to help in the culling decisions regarding infected cows.  相似文献   

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