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Hepatozoonosis caused by Hepatozoon canis is an important tick-borne disease of dogs in tropical and sub-tropical regions throughout the world. In the present study evaluation of blood samples collected from 225 dogs presented at Small Animal Clinics, GADVASU, Ludhiana, Punjab (India) was done for the presence of H. canis by PCR based assay targeting a portion of 18S rRNA gene. Of the total samples subjected to PCR, an amplicon of 666 bp was detected in 13.78% samples whereas, routine blood smear examination revealed gamonts in 5.78% samples. Furthermore, prevalence of H. canis infection was found to be significantly associated with season, being highest in summer and lowest in winter while other risk factors e.g. age, sex and breed showed non-significant association. In terms of various clinico-pathological parameters, significant drop in haemoglobin, total red blood cell count, packed cell volume and lymphocytes were recorded in positive cases whereas the total white blood cell count was non-significantly increased. The haematological alterations in the positive cases were lymphopenia, anaemia, thrombocytopenia, relative neutrophilia, neutrophilic leucocytosis, eosinophilia, monocytosis and lymphocytosis while the biochemical profile revealed hypoproteinemia and increased levels of blood urea nitrogen and creatinine (in positive cases) pointing towards renal failure.  相似文献   

In August 2015, a rabies outbreak occurred in bovines in a Punjab village, India; subsequently, a farmer in the same village died of rabies in October 2015. We surveyed farmers to describe the outbreak, the demographics and rabies prophylaxis administered to householders on case farms, and farmers’ knowledge of rabies prevention and treatment. We used multiple correspondence analysis to guide investigation of associations between demographics, farm status and rabies knowledge, attitudes and practices. The number of affected bovines was unusually high; 15 cattle and buffalo died on 13 smallholder farms (attack rate 4%). Post‐exposure vaccinations were administered to 24 people (median 2 doses). Affected farms had significantly larger households and were more likely to keep their livestock outside (therefore, accessible by stray dogs), suggesting that the impact of the outbreak was disproportionally borne by households of lower socio‐economic status. Primary sources of rabies information were friends and neighbours, not health authorities or media. Women who had not received formal education were less likely to have heard of rabies. Although case farm participants were more likely to have heard about rabies from a veterinarian, their knowledge and practices to prevent rabies did not reflect the level expected considering their contact with a health professional; they were more likely to believe that traditional remedies prevent rabies and less likely to tell their children to avoid playing with stray dogs than participants from other farms. This study highlights knowledge dissemination disparities that, if typical of rural locations, could obstruct attempts to eliminate canine‐mediated human rabies in India. Therefore, understanding the pervasiveness and influence of traditional medical beliefs on treatment‐seeking behaviour, communication structures within villages and the impact of local practices such as carcass disposal on dog populations will be essential to ensure that rabies control strategies are effective in rural India.  相似文献   

The present study reports the prevalence, effects of treatment and cost benefit analysis of bovine fasciolosis in five districts of Punjab Province viz Sargodha, Jhang, Muzaffargarh, Lodhran and Layyah. From each of the five districts, 80 animals were selected and fortnightly screened through standard coprological procedures for a period of one year for the presence of eggs of Fasciola species. Of 4800 faecal samples analyzed, 1222 (25.46%) were found positive for fasciolosis. The occurrence of Fasciola (F.) gigantica (22.40%) was higher (P < 0.05) than F. hepatica (3.06%). Highest month-wise prevalence (P < 0.05) of fasciolosis was found in winter (39.08%) followed in decreasing order by spring (29.50%), autumn (20.33%) and summer (12.92%). District-wise prevalence of fasciolosis was highest (P < 0.05) in Sargodha (40.31%) and lowest in Layyah (11.77%) while other districts were having intermediate values of prevalence of fasciolosis. Species-wise prevalence of fasciolosis was found higher (P < 0.05) in buffaloes (30.50%) as compared to cattle (20.42%). However, there were no age and sex-related differences (P > 0.05) in prevalence of fasciolosis. A strong positive association of grazing (OR = 1.81), mixed farming of small and large ruminants (OR = 1.39), stagnant pond bathing (OR = 2.24) and river/canal bathing (OR = 2.06) was found with the prevalence of fasciolosis as compared to stall feeding, separate farming of small and large ruminants and rivers/canal/ tap water bathing, respectively. Post-treatment average milk increase of 0.62 L per animal per day with 0.35% higher fat was observed in fasciolicide-treated animals with the cost benefit ratio of 3.9. The results provided significant data on the epidemiology of five districts of Punjab province which may be helpful for the planners and small holder dairy farmers for control of fasciolosis in the study districts.  相似文献   

Hepatitis E virus (HEV) has two discrete epidemiological patterns: waterborne epidemics in developing countries only, caused by HEV genotype I, and sporadic zoonotic outbreaks in developing and developed countries caused by genotypes III and IV. This study was designed to investigate seroprevalence, molecular detection and the characterization of HEV by nested RT‐PCR in swine as well as the occupational risk to exposed human population in Punjab state of north‐western India. The occupational risk‐exposed group comprised of swine farmers (organized – mixed feed feeders and unorganized – swill feeders), slaughterhouse workers, sewage workers and veterinary internes. During the study period, blood and faecal samples were collected from 320 swine and 360 humans with both high and low occupational exposure risks. The overall seroprevalence of swine HEV was 65.00%, with a significantly higher seropositivity in growing pigs (2–8 months of age). The prevalence of HEV RNA in swine faecal samples by nRT‐PCR was 8.75% with a significantly higher detection in swill‐fed pigs. With humans in the high occupational exposure risk population, significantly higher anti‐HEV IgG seropositivity was observed (60.48%) as compared to control population (10.71%). Strong evidence of association between human anti‐HEV IgG seropositivity and certain occupational exposure risk groups was observed (< 0.05). This indicates that unorganized swine farmers, slaughterhouse workers and sewage workers have higher odds of HEV infection in this study region. Percentage of nucleotide similarity between swine and human HEV isolates was less than that found in countries with zoonotic HEV outbreaks. Molecular characterization revealed the circulation of G IV and G I genotypes among swine and human population in Punjab state, respectively.  相似文献   

Spatial analysis was used in combination with more traditional epidemiologic methods to study patterns of anaplasmosis in a transitional area between anaplasmosis endemic and non-endemic regions. Data were collected using a mail survey from 179 veterinarians with practice areas including 100/102 Illinois counties. The pattern of anaplasmosis reported by practitioners did not follow the general distribution of cattle and was clustered, with two major endemic foci. Endemic counties (22/100 counties) were bordered by areas of intermediate endemicity (36/100 counties) with only sporadic cases occurring in the remainder of the state (42/100 counties). Clinical disease occurred mainly in late summer and early fall with a small number of new herds diagnosed during the winter. Illinois practitioners most commonly identified horseflies and other biting flies as the vectors of anaplasmosis but also believed mosquitos, ticks and iatrogenic means could account for transmission in their practice areas. Ries were most often reported in summer while iatrogenic transmission was more commonly reported with winter outbreaks. Vaccination and low level antibiotics were used in endemic areas but only by a small proportion of respondents (12%). Veterinarians in endemic and marginal areas also used antibiotics to clear infection from herds more often than did those experiencing sporadic cases in non-endemic areas. Many practitioners expressed uncertainty about the actual extent of the problem in their areas. Wooded land area was used as a proxy to test for co-distribution of general vector habitat with anaplasmosis. Significantly more anaplasmosis was found in the more wooded parts of the state (based on the Kappa statistic). Respondents from western Illinois reported carrier cattle to be the source of infection for most new outbreaks while white-tailed deer were considered to be as important a reservoir as cattle in southern Illinois. Spatial analysis did not support an important role for white-tailed deer.  相似文献   

In Spain, the first bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) case was detected in 2000 in a cow born in the Galicia region (Northwestern Spain). From then and until October 2005, 590 cases were detected, 223 of them in Galicia.

In 1994, meat and bone meal (MBM) was banned on ruminant feed and, in 1996, an EU decision mandating an overall change in MBM processing was implemented. This decision was gradually applied in the territory and not enforced before July 1998. The objective of this study was to explore clustering of BSE cases and estimate the standard incidence ratio (SIR) of BSE in Galicia. Our study was based on the BSE cases detected during the surveillance period 2000–2005 in the Galicia region. These cases were divided, based on birth date, into two periods: animals born from 1994 to July 1998, and those born after July 1998. We tested the role of cross-contamination on the geographical SIR distribution for both periods. Hierarchical Bayesian models were used to model the overdispersion and lack of independence of the SIR estimates. The geographical distribution of the standard incidence ratio of BSE between both periods was different. In the second period, the SIR was reduced in some areas. The reduction in these areas could be attributable to the changes in the processing of MBM. We did not find any statistical link between the poultry population and the standard incidence ratio, but pig population had a positive effect.  相似文献   

Herd and individual animal prevalence along with associated risk factors of bovine brucellosis was assessed on dairy farms located in 22 districts in Haryana and Punjab of India. Examination of 4,580 female animals of 119 dairy farms by Rose Bengal test and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay revealed that an overall herd prevalence was 65.54 % (78/119) and individual animal prevalence was 26.50 % (1,214/4,580). Herd prevalence in Haryana was 62.79 % which was not significantly different (P?=?0.4208) from Punjab (72.72 %). Individual animal prevalence was 34.15 % in Punjab which was significantly higher (P?<?0.0001) than Haryana (22.34 %). Prevalence of brucellosis on dairy farms was detected in 20 of the 22 districts, of which 12 districts were in Haryana and 8 in Punjab. Risk factors such as species of animals, age of animals, herd size, awareness of dairymen for brucellosis, entry of a purchased animals on the farm, abortion on farm, use of calving pens, type of breeding, and type of farming were analyzed. The study indicated that the odds ratio (OR) was significant with risk factors of species (OR?=?1.63; 95 %CI?=?1.40–1.90; P?<?0.0001), age (OR?=?0.22; 95 %CI?=?0.17–0.29; P?<?0.0001), awareness of brucellosis among dairymen (OR?=?21.65; 95 %CI?=?2.63–178.04; P?=?0.0042), entry of purchased animal on the farm (OR?=?9.16; 95 %CI?=?2.38–35.18; P?=?0.0012), abortion in animals (OR?=?5.57; 95 %CI?=?1.92–16.10; P?=?0.0015) and on cow farm (OR?=?3.43; 95 %CI?=?1.33–8.82; P?=?0.0105). While the OR was insignificant (P?>?0.05) with risk factors of herd size, use of calving pen on farms, type of breeding and on buffalo and mixed type of farms.  相似文献   

Theileria equi (T. equi) is an obligate intra- and extra-erythrocytic parasite that causes equine theileriosis (ET) in equids. Equine theileriosis is considered a notifiable disease of global significance, a major constraint to the international movement of horses, and endemic in many countries. This disease may be difficult to diagnose, as it can produce variable and nonspecific clinical signs. A cross-sectional study was designed for the molecular characterisation of T. equi and to investigate the associated risk factors of ET accompanied by its consequences on haematological and sero-biochemical parameters. A convenience sampling of 500 blood samples were collected from ET suspect horses from January to December 2017. PCR was performed on all blood samples targeting the 18S rRNA gene of T. equi followed by sequencing; 9% animals tested positive with confirmed sequences. The isolates of this study showed high homology with Cuban, Russian and Brazilian isolates of T. equi (accession numbers KY111762.2 , MG551915.1 and KY952237.1 , respectively). Based on multivariate analysis, the principal risk factors consisted of absence of dogs on the premises and presence of tick infestation. The haemato-biochemical parameters showed a decrease in granulocytes and erythrocytes, and an increase in lymphocytes, monocytes, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin, mean platelet volume, glucose, phosphorus and aspartate aminotransferase in positive horses. This is the first study which identified ET in Punjab (Pakistan) using molecular techniques and risk factors together with the haemato-biochemical variations in horses.  相似文献   

Theileriosis is an important disease of economic significance which badly affects the equine husbandry of developing countries. The present study was planned to investigate the molecular prevalence of theileriosis, associated risk factors, and alterations in hematological parameters of donkeys and mules from district Mianwali, Punjab, Pakistan. Blood samples from 150 equids (n = 75 donkeys; n = 75 mules) were examined microscopically, and the genomic DNA from each sample was processed for the amplification of the 18S rRNA gene of Theileria. The polymerase chain reaction confirmed isolates were purified followed by sequencing. The data regarding the analysis of risk factors were collected in a predesigned questionnaire and statistically analyzed by logistic regression analysis. An overall prevalence of 17.33% was noted in this study. Donkeys showed more prevalence followed by mules being 20.0% and 14.7%, respectively. The study isolates showed high resemblance (99%) with isolates from the United States of America, Spain, Brazil, Israel, Cuba, France, South Africa, Korea, Turkey, Tunisia, India, E. Caribbean, and Nigeria. The potential risk factors found to be significantly associated (P < .05) with disease dynamics were tick infestation on study animals, previous tick history, and house hygiene. A significant (P < .05) decrease in the number of platelets, erythrocytes, hemoglobin level, and packed cell volume was observed in donkeys and mules suffering from theileriosis compared with the healthy ones. The study is the first report regarding the molecular characterization of theileriosis in donkeys and mules in Pakistan. The findings will be effectual in designing effective control strategies for this disease in Punjab, Pakistan.  相似文献   

内蒙古地区草地表层土壤容重空间格局分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文以内蒙古地区草地表层土壤容重调查测定数据为基础,结合遥感和气候多重数据,进行草地土壤容重与海拔、年均气温、年均降雨、≥10℃积温、湿润度和NDVI等6个生态要素之间的回归分析。根据回归拟合方程,借助ArcGIS平台进行单因素插值,并通过插值预测结果与实测数据的拟合程度进行各因素对土壤容重影响的权重分析,加权叠加并综合插值出内蒙古草地土壤容重1 km×1 km栅格的空间分布图。结果表明:内蒙古地区草地土壤容重平均值为1.45 g·cm-3,其中温性荒漠类草地的土壤容重最大,为1.58 g·cm-3,温性草甸草原类土壤容重最小,为1.27 g·cm-3;空间格局上,草地表层土壤容重自东向西方向呈现由低到高逐渐递增的趋势。综合插值得到的内蒙古草地表层土壤容重空间格局图,通过预测值与实测值之间的复相关性检验,其复相关系数R2=0.6739,均方根误差(RMSE)为0.1424 g·cm-3,总体偏差为9.77%,平均预测精度达90.23%。综合空间插值结果较好地反映了内蒙古地区土壤容重空间分布情况,与土壤类型和草地类型的分布基本吻合。  相似文献   

植物种群空间分布格局不仅反映植物的空间分布特点,还有助于研究者了解植物利用资源的现状和生存能力。本研究以矮生嵩草(Kobresia humilis)为研究对象,按株丛斑块面积将矮生嵩草分为小斑块级株丛(0~30 cm2)、中斑块级株丛(30~80 cm2)和大斑块级株丛(>80 cm2)3个株丛级,采用点格局分析的g函数统计方法,分析了矮生嵩草各级株丛的空间格局及关联性。结果表明:矮生嵩草种群中小斑块级株丛占比高于中斑块、大斑块级株丛占比,种群中幼苗充足,正处于稳定的增长阶段;矮生嵩草小斑块、中斑块、大斑块级株丛在小尺度范围内表现为聚集分布,随着尺度的增大,所有株丛斑块的聚集程度减弱,逐渐趋向于随机分布;小斑块与中斑块、大斑块的矮生嵩草株丛在小尺度内表现为正关联。斑块聚集分布和相互共存是矮生嵩草的一种生存策略。  相似文献   

During 2005, a field survey of badger activity was carried out to evaluate differences between two areas with different levels of bovine tuberculosis (annual herd incidences of 16% and 4%) and to assess the awareness of herd keepers in relation to badgers. A random selection of herd keepers was interviewed and their farm land surveyed for the presence of badgers. The survey end point for each farm was the discovery of an active badger sett. Participation was very high in both areas (>80%). Evidence of badger activity was recorded on a higher proportion of farms in the area with a high tuberculosis herd incidence. However, when the difference in quality of agricultural land within each area was taken into account, a statistically significant association was not demonstrated. This suggests that the quality of agricultural land is a major determinant in the location of active badger setts. Nevertheless, the study did demonstrate the potential for increased exposure of cattle to badgers in the high incidence area. Herd keepers accurately identified the presence of badger setts on their land (positive predictive value=97%) but herd keepers reporting the absence of badger setts/activities on their land were found to be less accurate. Overall, the conclusions from this study tend to reflect the findings observed in other studies.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the incidence of trypanosome infections in cattle in tsetse-free and tsetse-infested zones of the Amhara Region of northwest Ethiopia. A total of six sentinel herds were established and the cattle observed during a period of 8 consecutive months. The prevalence of seropositive cattle was high in both the tsetse-free and tsetse-infested zones. The average monthly incidence of trypanosome infection, determined using molecular diagnostic tools, was 20.9% and 25.7% in the tsetse-free and the tsetse-infested zones, respectively. In the tsetse-free, Trypanosoma vivax was responsible for 90.9% of the cattle trypanosome infections. In the tsetse-infested zone, Trypanosoma congolense and T. vivax contributed almost equally to the trypanosome infections in cattle. Trypanosome infection, regardless of species, resulted in anaemia as evidenced by a significant decrease in the packed cell volume of the infected animal. The outcome of this longitudinal study suggests that control of trypanosomiasis in the Amhara Region cannot be achieved by tsetse control alone. Supplemental measures to include drug therapy and biting fly control are discussed.  相似文献   

Bluetongue disease (BT) was introduced into Central Europe in the summer of 2006 and has since affected most European countries. In this study we analysed the distribution of the biting midge vector Culicoides spp. in Austria and modelled Bluetongue disease risk zones. Culicoides spp. abundance data was collected from weekly catches of 14 months from 54 trapping locations. The corresponding weather data mean temperature (p < 0.001), wind (p < 0.001), relative humidity (p = 0.019) and altitude (p = 0.059) were identified as predictors on Culicoides spp. distribution in a regression model (R 2.8.0). The majority of catches were detected at temperatures above 10 degrees C and at relative humidities between 65-80%. The point data of these parameters originating from 186 meteorological stations were interpolated using the Geostatistical Analyst Kriging tool (ESRI ArcGIS 9.3). To create seasonal risk maps we overlaid regions with optimal temperature and humidity conditions with domestic ruminants density data. Our results show that the summer season holds the greatest risk of a BT epidemic with 25.9% of the analysed area providing optimal conditions for vector abundance and 12.4% showing contact risk with ruminant hosts. This project (1) provides fundamental data on the Culicoides spp. distribution in Austria, (2) determines limiting climatic parameters on vector abundance and (3) identifies risk areas by including areas of possible host-parasite-interactions. These high-risk areas can subsequently be given special attention for precautionary monitoring and surveillance measures.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The isolates of Rhipicephalus microplus collected from Madhya Pradesh (MP), Punjab (PJB) and Uttar Pradesh (UP) states of India were characterized using...  相似文献   

Zoonotic transmission of sylvatic plague caused by Yersinia pestis occurs in California, USA. Human infections with various Bartonella species have been reported recently. Coyotes (Canis latrans) are ubiquitous throughout California and can become infected with both bacterial agents, making the species useful for surveillance purposes. This study examined the geographic distribution of 863 coyotes tested for Y. pestis and Bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii serologic status to gain insight into the natural history of B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii and to characterize the spatial distribution of the two agents.

We found 11.7% of specimens positive to Y. pestis and 35.5% positive to B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii. The two pathogens had distinct spatial clusters: Y. pestis was more prevalent in eastern portions of the state and B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii in coastal regions. Prevalence of Y. pestis increased with increasing elevation, whereas prevalence of B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii decreased with increasing elevation. There were differences in the proportions of positive animals on a yearly basis to both pathogens.  相似文献   

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