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Tree growth plays a key role in forest dynamics, yet little attention has been paid to quantifying tree age–diameter relationships. Predicting diameter growth of oaks is especially important due to their role in nature conservation and adaptive forest management under climate change. Thus, we (1) identified environmental variables that shape age–diameter relationships of oaks and (2) quantified the accuracy of predictions based on these variables. We determined the age–diameter relationship of 243 oaks (Quercus spp.) growing in Switzerland by using tree-ring samples. Nonlinear mixed-effects models based on a modified Chapman-Richards equation were fitted with environmental variables included as covariates. The fixed effects elevation, slope and water-holding capacity were most important in shaping the age–diameter relationships. Lower elevations, steeper slopes, north-facing aspects, higher water-holding capacities and moister summers resulted in larger maximum diameters. For 75 % of the oaks, age–diameter relationships predicted by the fixed effects matched fairly well the observations (root mean square error between predictions and observations <6 cm); the inclusion of random effects reduced root mean square errors for 86 % of the trees. These results suggest that water runoff plays a key role for the age–diameter relationships, accompanied by limiting temperature effects at higher elevations. The fixed effects covered variability in site quality, whereas the random effects included tree-specific deviations from expected age–diameter relationships, potentially due to neighbourhood effects such as stand density and competition.  相似文献   

Nanoscale in Wood,Nanowood and Wood—Inorganic Nanocomposites   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In order to introduce nano science and technology(NST) into the research field of wood science and technology,and promote the research of wood science and wood-inorganic composites to nanoscale ,some new concepts,such as the nano space in wood,nano structure units of wood and nanowood are put forward in this paper based on the layer structure of wood cell wall and the pile-up model of its main components.Furthermore,the process of preparing nanowood is discussed,and wood-inorganic nanocomposites may be operated in three ways with wood (matrix) and inorganic filler phase in 0-2,0-3 or 2-3 dimensions respectively.The following results are obtained:(1) The nanoscale voids in wood indicate that wood has inherent space to accommodate nanosized materials,such as nanoparticles,nanotubes and nanosticks;(2) According to the size from top down,the nano structure units in wood can be classified as :nanolayers,nano CMF (cellulose microfibril) and matrixd,nano crystallite units and cellulose chain clusters,and these can theroretically from nanowood;(3) The preparation of wood-inorganic nanocomposites can be operated on 0-2,0-3 or 2-3 dimensions.  相似文献   

Spatial pattern has a key role in the interactions between species in plant communities. These interactions influence ecological processes involved in the species dynamics: growth, regeneration and mortality. In this study, we investigated the effect of spatial pattern on productivity in mature mixed forests of sessile oak and Scots pine. We simulated tree locations with point process models and tree growth with spatially explicit individual growth models. The point process models and growth models were fitted with field data from the same stands. We compared species productivity obtained in two types of mixture: a patchy mixture and an intimate mixture. Our results show that the productivity of both species is higher in an intimate mixture than in a patchy mixture. Productivity difference between the two types of mixture was 11.3 % for pine and 14.7 % for oak. Both species were favored in the intimate mixture because, for both, intraspecific competition was more severe than interspecific competition. Our results clearly support favoring intimate mixtures in mature oak–pine stands to optimize tree species productivity; oak is the species that benefits the most from this type of management. Our work also shows that models and simulations can provide interesting results for complex forests with mixtures, results that would be difficult to obtain through experimentation.  相似文献   

1 Introduction China, as a new member country of the World Trade Organisation, the club of market economies, is paying more attention on sustainable use of internal resources instead of dependence on the import of fossil fuels. The utilization of wood and other forms of biomass, such as shrub and cereal straws, offers possibilities to solve this problem. Forests are the main natural resource in China. However, the wood resource in China is grossly in- adequate and accounting for only 7% of d…  相似文献   



The old-growth forests on Changbai Mountain have been well protected from human activities and provide a living laboratory for studying forest carbon sequestration under natural environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Vegetation dynamics of three forest communities were studied by resampling of relevés recorded in the 1970s in the Bohemian Forest (Šumava Mountains). Results of multivariate analysis (RDA) confirmed significant time changes in species composition of the climax (Calamagrostio-Piceetum) and waterlogged (Bazzanio-Piceetum) spruce forests. The changes in the sphagnum-rich waterlogged spruce forests (Sphagno-Piceetum) are close to the level of significance. The main vegetation changes are represented by a decrease in cover and/or frequency of hygrophilous or sciophilous species (e.g. Athyrium distentifolium, Oxalis acetosella) in climax spruce forests, and an abundant increase of species, indicating a preference to drier stands or better light conditions (e.g. Calamagrostis villosa, Vaccinium vitis-idaea or Avenella flexuosa), in waterlogged spruce forests. We also found a higher proportion of meadow species (e.g. Anthoxanthum odoratum, Festuca rubra or Luzula multiflora) in the newly recorded relevés from waterlogged forests. Analysis of species number per plot showed a remarkable shift to species-rich communities, especially in waterlogged stands.We tried to find the possible factors responsible for the observed changes. Unfortunately, only indirect measurement of environmental factors using Ellenberg’s indicator values could be used and did not yield sufficient results. Thus, the changes observed in climax spruce forests were ascribed mainly to a decrease in canopy cover, which was directly estimated. In waterlogged forests, a complex of several general factors, which influence the climax spruce forest, had to be taken into account, such as: (i) a decrease in atmospheric acidification during the last 10–15 years and subsequent improvement in soil conditions, especially in waterlogged stands; (ii) fragmentation of forests as a result of bark-beetles attack; (iii) climate warming documented by long-term local meteorological measurements.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(2):83-89
The use of fixed-area plot methods was considered unsuitable to compare the responses and recovery over time of different miombo woodland species to different land-use practices (i.e. charcoal production and slash-and-burn agriculture). Young regrowth stages have many stems and the older more advanced stages have fewer stems. Different land-use practices in miombo woodland impact on the recovery potential of the woodlands. Timber harvesting does not result in significant change in stocking of the woodland compared to changes in regrowth after vegetation clearing for either charcoal production or slash-and-burn agriculture. After such clearing the woodland regrowth changes from an initial high stocking to a much lower stocking over time. This study in Zambian Copperbelt miombo woodland assessed the feasibility to use species–stem curves to determine the optimum number of stems or plants to record at a sampling point in order to compare species recovery over time in regrowth stands 2–15 years after ending the slash-and-burn and charcoal production activities. The results show that 34 and 31 stems or plants for slash-and-burn and charcoal production regrowth stands, respectively, would adequately capture the representative number of species to describe the plant community of these regrowth stands. The research has also revealed that the use of fixed-area methods would result in the measuring of too many plants in one category (younger stands) with too few in the other category (advanced stands). Therefore, the study explains why, and concludes that, variable plot size is an appropriate method for sampling species recovery in regrowth stands.  相似文献   

陆文达 《林业研究》1997,8(2):120-122
lntroductionItisconsidercdthatwoodasarcsourcctvillbcplaccdhighin2lstcenmpandasl1ortageoft`-oodt`illoccuriftheconditionoftheforestsoftl1cttorldisnotimproved.Tomakethcconscrvationofglobalen`.ironl11entandgndlivingofhumanbcings'tcndingofforcstandwiscuseOfwoo…  相似文献   

The extracts from leaves of Manglietia insignis (Wall) Blume, Manglietia chingii Dandy and Manglietia yuyuanensis Law were prepared by organic solvent extraction and their components were analyzed by GC/MS and quantified. Meanwhile, the free radicals restraining activities were detected. The 21 compounds in M. insignis, 36 compounds in M. chigii and 20 compounds in M. yuyuanensis were identified. There were 11 common components in the extracts from three Manglietia species, and 12 components in two Manglietia species. The results of relative contents of every component in three extracts showed that the main constituents of M. insignis were terpenoids and alkene, amounting to 38.93%, followed by alkane (28.18%), the nitrogen containing compounds (15.73%) and aromatic compounds (7.23 %). The main constituents of leaf extract from M. chingii were the terpenoids and alkene, carboxylic acid, alkane and aromatic compounds, amounting to 30.22%, 14.17%, 13.87% and 13.29%, respectively, The main constituents of M. yuyuanensis were alcohol compounds, the terpenoids and alkene, and aromatic compounds, amounting to 28.00%, 25.38% and 18.00% respectively. The results showed that the three extracts had strong function of restraining oxygen free radicals. The ultra oxygen anions activity was restrained at the highest level, when the three extracts were diluted by hundred-fold, whereas the restraining capacity of hydroxyl free radicals reached maximum, when the three extracts were diluted by twenty-fold. The above results provide scientific evidences for further approaching the ecological healthy function of three MangUetia species  相似文献   

Seasonal patterns of wood formation(xylogenesis) remain understudied in mixed pine-oak forests despite their contribution to tree coexistence through temporal niche complementarity.Xylogenesis was assessed in three pine species(Pinus cembroides,Pinus leiophylla,Pinus engelmannii) and one oak(Quercus grisea) coexisting in a semi-arid Mexican forest.The main xylogenesis phases(production of cambium cells,radial enlargement,cell-wall thickening and maturation) were related to climate data consideri...  相似文献   



In response to waterlogging, pedunculate oak is known to develop adventitious roots and hypertrophied lenticels. However, to date, a link between these adaptations and the ability to maintain net CO2 assimilation rates and growth has not been demonstrated.


The aim of this study was to explore the cause–effect relationship between the ability to form morphological adaptations (hypertrophied lenticels and adventitious roots) and the capacity to maintain high assimilation rate and growth.


The occurrence of morphological adaptations and the parameters of photosynthesis were monitored over 20 days of waterlogging in 5-week-old pedunculate oak seedlings presenting similar morphological development.


Based on the development or not of morphological adaptations, the following three categories of responses were identified: development of hypertrophied lenticels and adventitious roots, development of hypertrophied lenticels alone, and the lack of development of adaptive structures. These categories, ranked in the order given, corresponded to decreasing levels of initial net CO2 assimilation rate growth and photosynthesis parameters observed during waterlogging.


We observed a two-way cause–effect relationship between the capacity to form adaptive structures and the assimilation rate. Indeed, the initial assimilation rate determined the occurrence of hypertrophied lenticels and growth during stress, and then the development of morphological adaptations enhanced the ability to maintain assimilation levels during the stress.  相似文献   

Selected tropical Acacia species are used extensively for short-rotation plantation forestry in many parts of Asia and, to a limited degree, in Australia. We explored leaf-level photosynthetic activity and leaf water potential (Ψleaf) of three field-grown Acacia tree species (aged between 7 and 18 months) in contrasting wet–dry tropical plantations in southern Vietnam and northern Australia. Light-saturated photosynthetic rate (A1500) declined throughout the morning and early afternoon in the dry season; in the wet season, levels remained high and relatively constant throughout most of the day. Maximum daily A1500 at 09:00 ranged from 22.2 μmol?m?2?s?1 in the wet to 10.4 μmol?m?2?s?1 in the dry season. At both locations, trees were able to extract soil water such that pre-dawn leaf water potential (Ψpd) remained>?1.5?MPa even at the end of the dry season. Stomatal conductance to water vapour (gs) did not respond to decreasing Ψleaf during the wet season but was sensitive to changes in Ψleaf in the dry season. Species comparisons of the relationships between A1500 and Ψleaf revealed different strategies to balance carbon uptake and water loss in a wet–dry environment. Acacia crassicarpa and A. mangium regulated Ψleaf to a greater extent than the A. mangium×A. auriculiformis hybrid such that ?Ψleaf (determined as Ψpd?midday Ψleaf) was unaffected by season. This result suggests that the hydraulic regulation of tree water status varies amongst young tropical Acacia species. From a management perspective, for Acacia species that tend to strongly regulate water loss in environments with an extended dry season, overall productivity at the end of a rotation may be less than for species that prioritise carbon gain.  相似文献   

An allometric model of the maximum size–density relationship between mean stem surface area and stand density is proposed, and is fitted to data for even-aged pure stands of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) and Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endl.). To derive the model, the biomass density was defined as the ratio of the mean stem surface area to the side area of an imaginary column, of which radius and height were equal to the radius of the mean area occupied by a tree and mean tree height, respectively. According to the model, the slope of the maximum size–density relationship on logarithmic coordinates can be estimated from the allometric power relationships of mean tree height and biomass density to mean stem surface area. The resulting slope was −1.089 for the cedar and −0.974 for the cypress. The estimated maximum size–density relationship corresponded well with the combinations of mean stem surface area and stand density for the overcrowded stands of cedar and cypress. The steeper slope for cedar was attributed to the allocation of more resources to height growth compared to cypress. The maximum total stem surface area was approximated to be 1.483 ha/ha for cedar and 0.949 ha/ha for cypress stands. The difference in the maximum total stem surface area between the two species was produced by the characteristics related to tree height and stem biomass packing into space already occupied.  相似文献   

Dendroecological techniques were used to examine the disturbance history and patterns of species recruitment in an old-growth Quercus rubra L. (northern red oak)–Acer saccharum Marsh. (sugar maple)–Tilia americana L. (basswood) forest on a steep, talus slope in eastern West Virginia. The forest was uneven-aged as were the populations of red oak. Sugar maple dominated the sapling layer, which comprised little or no basswood and red oak. A compilation of major and moderate releases (indicative of disturbance) in 25 cores revealed single or multiple release events in every decade from 1870–1990. The high elevation of the forest coupled with a fertile sub-soil beneath the talus ameliorated the outwardly harsh conditions of the site, allowing for the domination of typically mesophytic, nutrient demanding tree species. We observed several fire scarred trees as well as extensive small-scale blow-down throughout the forest. Frequent disturbance events were probably crucial to the co-existence and continuous canopy recruitment of the relatively light demanding red oak with highly shade tolerant sugar maple and basswood. The strong successional replacement tendencies of red oak by northern hardwoods noted elsewhere in the eastern US may be less apparent on high elevation, rocky sites in the central Appalachians. Thus, this is a unique case study of long-term red oak domination with later successional species in an old-growth forest.  相似文献   

To halt biodiversity loss in the humid tropics of developing countries, it is crucial to understand the roles and effects of human-modified landscapes with fragmented forest remnants in maintaining biodiversity while fulfilling the demands of local communities and reducing poverty. To implement appropriate landscape planning for conserving biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, appropriate information is required about parameters of habitat suitability among various anthropogenic habitats with a range of distances to forests and vegetation characteristics, but such information is limited. We examined differences in avian communities between a remnant forest and four types of man-made forest (two mature plantations and two agroforests) in a forest–agricultural landscape of West Java, and we analyzed the effects of both local and landscape factors on various types of species richness in this landscape. The results from non-metric multidimensional scaling revealed avifauna in the two types of agroforest was clustered separately from that in the remnant forest, mainly because drastic declines in the abundance of forest specialists (including IUCN red-listed species) and their replacement with open-habitat generalists. The mixed-tree agroforests were colonized by 30 % of forest specialists and forest-edge species found in the remnant forest, and maintained the highest richness of species endemic to Indonesia among man-made forests, implying that some forest specialists and endemics might have adapted to ancient landscape heterogeneity. High proportion of insectivorous birds was found in the remnant forest (more than 50 %) and drastically decline in man-made forests, although the species richness of insectivores did not decline significantly in broad-leaved plantations. We concluded that protection of remnant forests should be prioritized to conserve forest bird diversity. However, as different environmental factors affected the richness values of different ecological groups, appropriate landscape design and habitat management could improve functional diversity in forest–agricultural landscapes in the tropics.  相似文献   


Key message

The carbon density was not different between natural and planted forests, while the biomass carbon density was greater in natural forests than in planted forests. The difference is due primarily to the larger carbon density in the standing trees in natural forests compared to planted forests (at an average age of 50.6 and 15.7 years, respectively).


Afforestation and reforestation programs might have noticeable effect on carbon stock. An integrated assessment of the forest carbon density in mountain regions is vital to evaluate the contribution of planted forests to carbon sequestration.


We compared the carbon densities and carbon stocks between natural and planted forests in the Lüliang Mountains region where large-scale afforestation and reforestation programs have been implemented. The introduced peashrubs (Caragana spp.), poplars (Populus spp.), black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), and native Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis) were the four most common species in planted forests. In contrast, the deciduous oaks (Quercus spp.), Asia white birch (Betula platyphylla), wild poplar (Populus davidiana), and Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis) dominated in natural forests.


Based on the forest inventory data of 3768 sample plots, we estimated the values of carbon densities and carbon stocks of natural and planted forests, and analyzed the spatial patterns of carbon densities and the effects of various factors on carbon densities using semivariogram analysis and nested analysis of variance (nested ANOVA), respectively.


The carbon density was 123.7 and 119.7 Mg ha?1 for natural and planted forests respectively. Natural and planted forests accounted for 54.8% and 45.2% of the total carbon stock over the whole region, respectively. The biomass carbon density (the above- and belowground biomass plus dead wood and litter biomass carbon density) was greater in natural forests than in planted forests (22.5 versus 13.2 Mg ha?1). The higher (lower) spatial carbon density variability of natural (planted) forests was featured with a much smaller (larger) range value of 32.7 km (102.0 km) within which a strong (moderate) spatial autocorrelation could be observed. Stand age, stand density, annual mean temperature, and annual precipitation had statistically significant effects on the carbon density of all forests in the region.


No significant difference was detected in the carbon densities between natural and planted forests, and planted forests have made a substantial contribution to the total carbon stock of the region due to the implementation of large-scale afforestation and reforestation programs. The spatial patterns of carbon densities were clearly different between natural and planted forests. Stand age, stand density, temperature, and precipitation were important factors influencing forest carbon density over the mountain region.

A simultaneous estimation procedure for the parameters of two functions, i.e., the maximum size–density line and the self-thinning curve, is presented to predict stand development for fast-growing tropical species. This procedure assumes that the rate of periodic reduction in stand density with increasing quadratic mean diameter on a logarithmic scale (r) will increase inversely proportionally to the distance from the maximum size–density line and consequently equals the slope of the line at distance 0. Under this assumption, the maximum size–density line can be incorporated into the self-thinning curve to form an integrated equation with three parameters: k and m, the slope and constant of the maximum size–density line, and a, the rate of reduction of r of the self-thinning curve. These parameters are estimated simultaneously using measurement data on stand density, quadratic mean diameter, and the corresponding r. This procedure was evaluated by application to two data sets: 186 measurements of Acacia mangium and 95 measurements of Paraserianthes falcataria, for which the parameters k and m have previously been calculated. The parameters estimated using this procedure were in good agreement with previous ones based on the A. mangium data set, and the differences found for the P. falcataria data set were also small, within the error variances. Therefore, it is concluded that the proposed procedure would give almost the same estimates from a single calculation step as the previous procedure that required two separate calculation steps.  相似文献   

Based on data acquired from the spatial information system Silva-SI, the majority of the entire forest area in Slovenia (22,220 forest compartments with a total area of 7446 km2, classified into eight forest categories) was analysed for changes in the distribution of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in the period 1975–2005 using a binary logistic regression model in terms of selected site, stand and management variables. Additionally, changes in the abundance of beech in forest stands in which beech was present at the beginning and the end of the analysed period were analysed. Beech expanded its area by more than 1200 ha per year on average, i.e. the annual expansion rate amounted to 0.24%. Among the 18 studied variables, three site, four stand and no management variables were included in the binary logistic regression model of beech expansion. Beech expansion was more pronounced at lower altitudes, on sites with steep topography, and on sites with a higher proportion of beech in potential natural vegetation. The probability of beech expansion reduced by a factor of 0.54 when the distance to the nearest compartment with beech increased by 1 km. Among other stand variables, the proportion of early successional phases and the proportion of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) also influenced the expansion of beech. During the observed period the growing stock of beech almost doubled, its proportion in total growing stock increasing from 27% to 32%. Significant differences were found in changes of beech proportion in the total growing stock among different forest categories; a decrease in the beech proportion was registered in alpine coniferous forests and thermophilous deciduous forests, while in other forest categories the proportion of beech increased. The recent development of forest stands and their current structure indicate a further expansion of beech and an increase in the proportion of beech in forest stands.  相似文献   


? Context

The knowledge of how shrub–seedling interactions vary with summer drought, canopy opening, and tree species is crucial for adapting forest management to climate change.

? Aims

The aim of this study was to assess variation in shrub–oak recruitment associations along a south–north drought climate gradient and between two levels of canopy cover in coastal dune forest communities in a climate change-adapted forest management perspective.

? Material and methods

Mapped data of associational patterns of seedlings of three oak species with interspecific pooled shrubs were analyzed using a bivariate pair correlation function in 10 (0.315 ha) regeneration plots located in forest and recent gap sites along the climate gradient. An index of association strength was calculated in each plot and plotted against a summer moisture index.

? Results

The association strength increased with increasing summer drought from wet south to dry north and from closed forests to gaps.

? Conclusion

Consistent with facilitation theory, our results suggest that climate change may shift associational patterns in coastal dune forest communities towards more positive associations, in particular in canopy gaps. In a perspective of climate change, foresters may need to conserve understory shrubs in gaps in order to promote oak species regeneration.  相似文献   

Forest structure changes continuously by natural and anthropogenic effects. Because the level of goods and services provided by forest ecosystems are related to this structure, some attributes have to be controlled while they are being managed. In this paper we describe the long-term temporal changes in land area and landscape metrics related to different land uses of a managed forest in Turkey. The study was carried out for the Daday Forest Planning Unit located in the west Black Sea region of northern Turkey. The total area is 16,813 ha and besides wood production, it is managed for erosion control, public health, aesthetics, and recreation. Stand type maps that were constructed in 1970, 1989, 1999, and 2010 were used in this analysis. Transition matrixes that illustrate area changes among cover types and temporal changes on some landscape metrics were obtained using Geographic Information Systems. Stands were separated into small patches, and thus the number of patches increased nearly two-fold between 1970 and 2010. The total forest edge increased and through the associated fragmentation, the amount of core forest area decreased at the landscape scale. Landscape metrics were applied to digitized versions of historical maps to assess how forest area changed. Human use of the land has changed, forest management practices have evolved, and these along with natural forest growth have contributed to interesting changes in landscape character.  相似文献   

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