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To date, most research on freshwater cyanotoxin(s) has focused on understanding the dynamics of toxin production and decomposition, as well as evaluating the environmental conditions that trigger toxin production, all with the objective of informing management strategies and options for risk reduction. Comparatively few research studies have considered how this information can be used to understand the broader ecological role of cyanotoxin(s), and the possible applications of this knowledge to the management of toxic blooms. This paper explores the ecological, toxicological, and genetic evidence for cyanotoxin production in natural environments. The possible evolutionary advantages of toxin production are grouped into two main themes: That of “competitive advantage” or “physiological aide”. The first grouping illustrates how compounds produced by cyanobacteria may have originated from the need for a cellular defence mechanism, in response to grazing pressure and/or resource competition. The second grouping considers the contribution that secondary metabolites make to improved cellular physiology, through benefits to homeostasis, photosynthetic efficiencies, and accelerated growth rates. The discussion also includes other factors in the debate about possible evolutionary roles for toxins, such as different modes of exposures and effects on non-target (i.e., non-competitive) species. The paper demonstrates that complex and multiple factors are at play in driving evolutionary processes in aquatic environments. This information may provide a fresh perspective on managing toxic blooms, including the need to use a “systems approach” to understand how physico-chemical conditions, as well biological stressors, interact to trigger toxin production.  相似文献   

Seed-yield stability, frequently associated with drought-tolerance strategies, is one of the main breeding objectives for the development of crops for semi-arid mediterranean-type environments. Since breeding of new industrial crops targeted for arid lands is not appreciably different from that of traditional crops, higher yield is achieved by increased harvest-index, at the cost of losing traits associated with drought-tolerance and reduced seed-yield stability. Using Lesquerella as a model we compared selected and unselected accessions of annual (L. gracilis and L. angustifolia) and perennial (L. pinetorum and L. mendocina) genotypes grown in field experiments in Patagonia, Argentina. Our objective was to assess the effects of breeding for increased seed-yield on traits related to the main characteristics that define the most common ideotype for mediterranean-type environments: early vigor, conservative growth strategy post-anthesis and reserves storage. Our specific question was: Have any of the attributes associated with seed-yield stability been indirectly selected during the domestication process? Our results show that these characteristics were reduced or lost, in selected lines compared to their wild relatives. Early vigor was lower in selected accessions and was associated mainly with reduced relative growth rate and CO2 assimilation. During the reproductive period the growth strategy was changed by selection towards a non-conservative and more acquisitive resource use strategy. Traits associated with this strategy were linked to higher water use efficiency and growth capacity (higher CO2 assimilation rate, specific leaf area, and leaf allocation), but also with loss of structural adaptation to low resource environments (i.e. low specific leaf area), an increase in nutrient and water demands, and reduced nutrient use efficiency. Carbohydrates accumulation pre-anthesis was lower in selected accessions of all four species, and also, just in perennials we found lower reserves storage post-anthesis. These changes in the pattern of carbohydrates accumulation could be associated to lower seed-yield stability due to the loss of buffer capacity linked with the use of pre-anthesis reserves for seed filling. On the other hand, in perennial species lower reserves storage after seed harvest could reduce plant longevity and survival. We conclude that indirect changes occurred during the preliminary domestication of both annual and perennial species of Lesquerella used in our experiment. These changes were against those required if these species were to be developed as crops for semi-arid, mediterranean environments and should result in low seed-yield stability.  相似文献   



Within semi-closed areas like the Mediterranean Sea, anthropic wastes tend to concentrate in the environment. Metals, in particular, are known to persist in the environment and can affect human health due to accumulation in the food chain. The seagrass Posidonia oceanica, widely found in Mediterranean coastal waters, has been chosen as a "sentinel" to quantify the distribution of such pollutants within the marine environment. Using a technique similar to dendrochronology in trees, it can act as an indicator of pollutant levels over a timeframe of several months to years. In the present study, we measured and compared the levels of eight trace metals (Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Cd, and Pb) in sheaths dated by lepidochronology and in leaves of shoots sampled from P. oceanica meadows collected from six offshore sites in northern Corsica between 1988 and 2004; in the aim to determine 1) the spatial and 2) temporal variations of these metals in these areas and 3) to compared these two types of tissues.  相似文献   

Five native Sargassaceae species from Brittany (France) living in rockpools were surveyed over time to investigate photoprotective strategies according to their tidal position. We gave evidences for the existence of a species distribution between pools along the shore, with the most dense and smallest individuals in the highest pools. Pigment contents were higher in lower pools, suggesting a photo-adaptive process by which the decreasing light irradiance toward the low shore was compensated by a high production of pigments to ensure efficient photosynthesis. Conversely, no xanthophyll cycle-related photoprotective mechanism was highlighted because high levels of zeaxanthin rarely occurred in the upper shore. Phlorotannins were not involved in photoprotection either; only some lower-shore species exhibited a seasonal trend in phlorotannin levels. The structural complexity of phlorotannins appears more to be a taxonomic than an ecological feature: Ericaria produced simple phloroglucinol while Cystoseira and Gongolaria species exhibited polymers. Consequently, tide pools could be considered as light-protected areas on the intertidal zone, in comparison with the exposed emerged substrata where photoprotective mechanisms are essential.  相似文献   

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