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During the last years, trotting races met with massive criticism, because some of the numerous items of equipment were not to be reconciled with animal protection. In March 1998, the Trotting Association (HVT), as well as the list of authorized equipment. The so-called "positive list" includes harnesses, bridles, bits, auxiliary reins, driving reins, whips and other aids, among other things brushing boots, ear-muffs and head-pole. Especially criticized items are submitted to an assessment according to the present animal protection law. Moreover, possibilities are shown to make positive conditions in the surrounding area of the trotter more transparent, for instance horse keeping and training management, and to underline them in order to improve the reputation of the trotting sport.  相似文献   

A retrospective survey was carried out at a Florida racetrack in 1984, to determine the prevalence of exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH) in Appaloosa horses. Of 94 horses examined endoscopically between 30 and 90 minutes after racing, forty-nine (52%) were found to exhibit some degree of EIPH. There was a significantly increased prevalence of EIPH with increasing age in this population. An increased prevalence of EIPH was noted with mares and geldings as compared with stallions, but this was not statistically significant. More horses bled from the right lung than from the left, but the difference was statistically insignificant. An increased prevalence of EIPH with distance run was evident, but this was not significant when animals of the same age were examined.  相似文献   

Furosemide has been used empirically and has been legally approved for many years by the US racing industry for the control of exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage (EIPH) or bleeding. Its use in horses for this purpose is highly controversial and has been criticized by organizations outside and inside of the racing industry. This review concentrates on its renal and extra-renal actions and the possible relationship of these actions to the modification of EIPH and changes in performance of horses. The existing literature references suggest that furosemide has the potential of increasing performance in horses without significantly changing the bleeding status. The pulmonary capillary transmural pressure in the exercising horse is estimated to be over 100 mmHg. The pressure reduction produced by the administration of furosemide is not of sufficient magnitude to reduce transmural pressures within the capillaries to a level where pressures resulting in rupture of the capillaries, and thus haemorrhage, would be completely prevented. This is substantiated by clinical observations that the administration of furosemide to horses with EIPH may reduce haemorrhage but does not completely stop it. The unanswered question is whether the improvement of racing times which have been shown in a number of studies are due to the reduction in bleeding or to other actions of furosemide. This review also discusses the difficulties encountered in furosemide regulation, in view of its diuretic actions and potential for the reduction in the ability of forensic laboratories to detect drugs and medications administered to a horse within days or hours before a race. Interactions between nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and furosemide have also been examined, and the results suggest that the effects of prior administration of NSAID may partially mitigate the renal and extra-renal effects which may contribute to the effects of furosemide on EIPH.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate plasmapheresis as a method for plasma extraction in comparison with centrifugation or gravity sedimentation. The study was designed as a cross over trial with six Freiberger horses undergoing plasma donation by plasmapheresis followed by whole-blood donation and subsequent plasma production 4 weeks later. Automated plasmapheresis and whole-blood donation were well tolerated in all horses. The plasmapheresis method achieved an almost complete removal of erythrocytes and leucocytes from plasma at all flow rates. After blood bag centrifugation, significantly more erythrocytes (P < 0.01) and leucocytes (P < 0.01) were present in the prepared plasma compared with plasmapheresis plasma. Plasma prepared by gravity sedimentation contained significantly more erythrocytes and leucocytes than plasma prepared with the other techniques (P < 0.01), and platelet aggregation was observed. The coagulation proteins and the total protein content of plasma prepared after plasmapheresis and blood bag centrifugation did not differ significantly from values measured prior to collection (P > 0.05). However, the activity of factor VIII was significantly lower 24 h after gravity sedimentation of blood than activity prior to blood collection (P < 0.01). In conclusion, automated plasmapheresis is the method of choice for the production of high quality equine plasma.  相似文献   

During training, a 6-year-old standardbred gelding collapsed, exhibiting severe epistaxis and agonal breathing and was euthanized. The horse had a recent history of poor performance, lethargy, and unilateral eyelid swelling with serous ocular discharge. Postmortem and histopathologic examination findings revealed thoracic lymphosarcoma and concurrent exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Data collected by the Japan Racing Association (JRA) were individual horse racing times at eight racecourses (Hakodate, Fukushima, Niigata, Tokyo, Nakayama, Chukyo, Kyoto and Hanshin) and at five distances (1000 m, 1200 m, 1400 m, 1600 m, and 1800 m) from 1982 to 1990. Important sources of variation in racing time were examined using a nested model and expressing the variance components as percentages of the total on both turf and dirt. At all racecourses and at all distances where races were on both turf and dirt, racing times were less on turf than dirt. Differences were from 2.09s to 3.91s that increased as distance increased except for 1000 m and 1200 m on dirt where the starting gate are at different locations. The total variance increased with distance on both turf and dirt and at each distance the total variance was larger on dirt than turf, except for 1000 m, as was the residual variance. Racecourse accounted for a small fraction of the variance. Years within racecourses were unimportant. Months within years and courses were important. Months accounted for an average of 12.7% of the total variance on turf and 8.8% on dirt indicating an effect of season that influences racing speed more on turf than dirt. Days within months, years, and courses were important and larger on turf (average was 8.6%) than dirt (average 2.4%). Races within days, months, years, and racecourses accounted for an average of 33.2% on turf and 40.2% on dirt. Clearly races accounted for the largest percentage of the total variance. Racecourse and years within course accounted for less variance than that found in American Quarter horse data, but months, days and races accounted for similar variances. Results suggest that racing speed on turf was more influenced by month and day than speed on dirt in data on Japanese Thoroughbreds. Clearly individual race is the logical contemporary group within which to make genetic predictions among horses. Five distance on turf and dirt were studied to ascertain the importance of sex, age, and sex by age effects and the influence of weight carried on racing times. Individual races having at least to sexes and two ages within each sex were used as incomplete blocks to study the effects. Races were important at all distances on both turf and dirt. The interaction between sex and age was unimportant. The effect of sex and/or age was significant except at 1800 m and 2000 m on turf. Mares were faster than stallions on turf at all distances, but on dirt stallions were faster than mares except at 1200 m. In general, 5 year olds were faster than 3 and 4 year olds except at 1600 m on turf. The partial regression of racing times on weight carried were significant at all distances on turf and dirt. The effects of sex and age were significant statistically and weight carried appears to be important at the distances run in Thoroughbred races. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Genetik der Rennleistung beim Japanischen Vollblut: II. Umweltbedingte Variation der Rennzeit auf Rasen- und Sandbahnen und Einflu? von Geschlecht, Alter und getragenem Gezvicht auf die Rennzeit Von 1982 bis 1990 wurden von der "Japan Racing Association" (JRA) auf acht Pferderennbahnen (Hakodate, Fukushima, Niigata, Tokyo, Nakayama, Chukyo, Kyoto und Hanshin) Daten über fünf Renndistanzen (1000, 1200, 1400, 1600 und 1800 m) gesammelt. Die wichtigen Ursachen für die Variation der Rennzeit wurden mit Hilfe eines "Verschachtelungsmodells" untersucht, wobei die Varianzkomponenten als Prozents?tze des Gesamtwerts sowohl auf Rasen- als auch auf Sandbahnen ausgedrückt wurden. Auf alien Pferderennbahnen und über alle Distanzen sowohl auf Rasen- als auch Sandkursen zeigte sich, da? die Rennzeiten auf Rasen kürzer als auf Sand waren. Die Untcrschiede betrugen zwiscnen 2,09 bis 3,91 Sekunden und wuchsen mit der Distanz au?er bei 1000 und 1200 m auf Sand, wo sich die Starttore an verschiedenen Stellen befinden. Die Gesamtvarianz stieg mit der Distanz, und bei alien Distanzen au?er 1000 m waren die Gesamt- und die Restvarianz jeweils gr??er auf Sand als auf Rasen. Ein geringer Bruchteil der Varianz war auf die Pferderennbahnen zurückzuführen. Jahre bezogen auf die Pferderennbahnen spielten kcine Rolle. Dagegen waren die Monate bezogen auf Jahre und Pferderennbahnen von Bedeutung. Den Monaten sind auf Rasen ein Durchschnitt von 12,7% der Varianz zuzuschreiben und auf Sand 8,8%, was auf einen jahreszeitlichen Effekt hinweist, der die Renngeschwindigkeit auf Rasen in st?rkerem Ma?e beeinflu?t als auf Sand. Tagesbedingte Varianz bezogen auf Monate, Jahre und Pferderennbahnen war signifikant und gr??er auf Rasen (durch-schnittlich 8,6%) als auf Sand (durchschnittlich 2,4%). Rennen bezogen auf Tage, Monate, Jahre und Pferderennbahnen verursachten 33,2% der Varianz auf Rasen und 40,2% auf Sand. Den Rennen konnte deutlich der gr??te Prozentsatz an der Gesamtvarianz zugeschrieben werden. Pferderennbahn und Jahre/Pferderennbahn führten zu geringerer Varianz als bei "American Quarter Horse", wobei jedoch Monate, Tage und Rennen ?hnliche Varianzen verursachten. Diese Ergebnisse legen die Vermutung nahe, da? Renngeschwindigkeit auf Rasen bei japanischen Vollblütern st?rker durch Monat und Tag beeinflu?t wurde als auf Sand. Also ist für genetische Voraussagen das Einzelrennen die logische Kategorie. Durch die Untersuchung von fünf Distanzen auf Rasen und Sand wurde die Bedeutung von Geschlecht und Alter sowie Geschlecht nach Alter und der Einflu? des zu tragenden Gewichts auf die Rennzeiten festgestellt. Einzelne Rennen mit wenigstens zwei Geschlechtern und zwei Altersgruppen für jedes Geschlecht wurden als unvollst?ndige Bl?ckc zur Untersuchung herangezogen. Rennen waren über alle Distanzen sowohl auf Rasen als auch auf Sand signifikant. Die Wechselbeziehung zwischen Geschlecht und Alter war signifikant au?er bei 1800 m und 2000 m auf Rasen. Stuten waren schneller als Hengste auf Rasen über alle Distanzen, dagegen auf Sand Hengste schneller au?er über 1200 m. Im allgemeinen waren die Fünfj?hrigen schneller als die Drei- und Vierj?hrigen au?er über 1600 auf Rasen. Die partielle Regression der Rennzeiten auf das getragene Gewicht war signifikant bei alien Distanzen. Die Effekte von Geschlecht und Alter waren statistisch signifikant und das getragene Gewicht für Distanzen, über die Vollblüterrennen ausgetragen werden.  相似文献   

We identified risk factors associated with falling during steeplechase racing. We used retrospective data from all steeplechase runs on UK racecourses during 1999: 10,866 starts with 647 horse falls. The relationship between continuous variables and falling was assessed using generalised additive models (GAMs). Polynomial fits then were included in a multilevel, multivariable logistic-regression model. The number of runners had a linear, positive association with the risk of falling. The distance of the race had a non-linear relationship with the risk of falling; the risk steadily increased in races up to 23 furlongs (1furlong approximately equals 198 m), and then decreased in longer races. Age also had a significant, non-linear relationship with the risk of falling: a decreasing risk up to 12 years of age followed by an increasing risk in older horses. Horses that wore visors and had raced previously were associated with a decrease in the risk of falling. Intra-class correlation coefficients (ICCs) showed that although most of the variation resided at the start (level 1), a proportion of variation in the risk of falling could be attributed to horse and race. Trainer and jockey contributed very little to the variation in the risk of falling.  相似文献   

Arthropod-transmitted viruses (Arboviruses) are important causes of disease in humans and animals, and it is proposed that climate change will increase the distribution and severity of arboviral diseases. Orbiviruses are the cause of important and apparently emerging arboviral diseases of livestock, including bluetongue virus (BTV), African horse sickness virus (AHSV), equine encephalosis virus (EEV), and epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV) that are all transmitted by haematophagous Culicoides insects. Recent changes in the global distribution and nature of BTV infection have been especially dramatic, with spread of multiple serotypes of the virus throughout extensive portions of Europe and invasion of the south-eastern USA with previously exotic virus serotypes. Although climate change has been incriminated in the emergence of BTV infection of ungulates, the precise role of anthropogenic factors and the like is less certain. Similarly, although there have been somewhat less dramatic recent alterations in the distribution of EHDV, AHSV, and EEV, it is not yet clear what the future holds in terms of these diseases, nor of other potentially important but poorly characterized Orbiviruses such as Peruvian horse sickness virus.  相似文献   

Between March 1, 2000 and August 31, 2001, a case-control study was conducted on 12 racecourses in England and Wales to identify and quantify the risk factors associated with horse falls in hurdle races. The cases and controls were defined so that variables relating to the horse, the jockey, the race and racecourse, and the jump could be considered. The cases were defined as a jumping effort at a hurdle flight that resulted in a fall, and the controls were defined as a successful jump over a hurdle at any of the 12 racecourses within 14 days before or after the case fall. Conditional logistic regression was used to examine the univariable and multivariable relationships between the predictor variables and the risk of falling. The risk of falling was significantly associated with the position of the jump in the race, and with the distance and speed of the race. A horse's previous racing experience and history were also significantly associated with the risk of falling and horses participating in their first hurdle race were at almost five times greater risk of falling than horses that had hurdled before.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Falls during racing present a risk of injury to both horse and jockey and a risk of fatality to horses. OBJECTIVES: To use video recordings of races to describe the circumstances surrounding horse falls at hurdle and steeplechase fences and to identify and quantify within-race risk factors for horse falls in National Hunt racing in the UK. METHODS: A retrospective, matched, nested case-control study using video recordings of races was conducted on 6 UK racecourses. Cases and controls were matched on both race type and jump number at which the fall occurred. Conditional logistic regression analysis was used to examine the univariable and multivariable relationship between predictor variables and the risk of falling. RESULTS: The risk of falling was significantly associated with whip use and race progress. Horses which were being whipped and progressing through the race were at greater than 7 times the risk of falling compared to horses which were not being whipped and which had no change in position or lost position through the field. CONCLUSIONS: This study has identified whip use and the position of the horse with respect to others in the field as potential risk factors for horse falls. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: If these findings are confirmed by the use of intervention trials (e.g. with whip-free or restricted whip use races), modifications could be introduced which would reduce the frequency of horse falls, leading to improved equine welfare.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Equine fatalities during racing continue to be a major welfare concern and falls at fences are responsible for a proportion of all equine fatalities recorded on racecourses. OBJECTIVES: To identify and quantify risk factors for horse falls in National Hunt (NH) racing and to report the frequency of falling and falling-associated fatalities. METHODS: A prospective cohort study was conducted on 2879 horse starts in hurdle and steeplechase races on 6 UK racecourses. Any horse that suffered a fall at a steeplechase or hurdle fence during the race was defined as a case. Data were obtained by interview and observations in the parade ring and from commercial databases. Multivariable logistic regression models, allowing for clustering at the level of the track, were used to identify the relationship between variables and the risk of falling. RESULTS: There were 124 falling cases (32 in hurdling and 92 in steeplechasing) identified. The injury risk of fallers was 8.9% and fatality risk 6.5%. Duration of journey to the racecourse, behaviour in the parade ring and weather at the time of the race were associated with falling in both hurdle and steeplechase racing. Age, amount of rainfall and going were also associated with falling in steeplechase racing. CONCLUSIONS: Falls at fences are significant contributors to equine fatalities during NH racing. Potentially modifiable risk factors identified were the condition of track surfaces and journey time to the racecourse. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: It is hoped that information from this study may be used in future interventions to improve horse and jockey safety in racing. The study has also identified areas requiring further research, such as equine behaviour and its effect on racing performance, and the effect of light conditions on jumping ability.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The Japan Racing Association (JRA) operates 10 national racecourses with both turf and dirt tracks. JRA formulates the rules for horseracing; registers owners, colors, and horses using foal registration; and licenses all JRA trainers and jockeys. In 1990, at the 10 racecourses there were 288 racing days, 3,353 races, and some 38,397 horses. Horse breeding is concentrated in 7 locations with 93% of the Thoroughbreds foaled each year coming from Hokkaido. Thoroughbred flat racing comprise 92% of all races held. Two year olds race together and nearly 40% of their races are run at 1200 m. Some 39% of the three year olds races are at 1800 m. For 3 (and 4) year olds, the range in distances is from 1000 m to 3600 m. The average, over years, of the number of race records per race for 2 year olds is 10.0 and for 3 year olds and up is 11.3. The average for race records per horse for 2 year olds is 3.5 and for 3 year olds and up is 6.7. This average for horses raced per year for 2 year olds is 1,164 and 4,240 for 3 year olds and up. Horses raced per sire averaged over years was 4.6 for 2 year olds and 10.5 for the older ages. The linear regression of seconds per 100 m fit the average seconds reported for the several distances run almost perfectly with R(2) values greater than .99 for all horse ages on either turf or dirt. There is selection practiced as indicated by horse numbers registered and their numbers over ages for stallions and mares. Less than .2% of the horses raced are geldings. A high degree of control exists by JRA in horse stabling and distribution of racing by horses over racecourses. Jockeys are trained by JRA, ride at several race courses, and ride for many trainers. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Genetik der Rennleistung beim Japanischen Vollblut: I. Beschreibung der Daten Die "Japan Racing Association" (JRA) betreibt in ganz Japan zehn Pferderennbahnen sowohl mit Rasen- als auch mit Sandkursen. JRA legt die Regeln für Pferderennen fest, registriert die Eigentümer, Farben und Pferde mittels Fohlenregistrierung und vergibt die Lizenzen für alle JRA-Trainer und -Jockeys. Im Jahre 1990 verzeichneten die zehn Pferderennbahnen 288 Renntage, 3353 Rennen mit 38 397 Pferden; Pferdezucht ist an sieben Orten konzentriert, wobei 93% der Vollblutfohlen aus Hokkaido stammen. Bei 92% der veranstalteten Rennen handelt es sich um Nichthindernisrennen von Vollblutpferden. Dabei stehen die Zweij?hrigen im Wettbewerb, und fast 40% der Rennen gehen über 1200 m. Etwa 39% der Dreij?hrigen nehmen an Rennen über 1800 m teil. Bei den Dreij?hrigen (und Vierj?hrigen) liegen die Distanzen zwischen 1000 bis 3600 m. Der Durchschnitt der Zahl der Rennmeldungen über mehrere Jahre für die Zweij?hrigen betr?gt 10,0 und für die dreij?hrigen und ?lteren Pferde 11,3. Der Durchschnitt der Rennmeldungen pro Pferd bei den Zweij?hrigen betr?gt 3,5 und den dreij?hrigen und ?lteren Pferden 6,7. Durchschnittlich nehmen j?hrlich an Rennen 1164 zweij?hrige und 4240 dreij?hrige und ?ltere Pferde teil. Die durchschnittliche Zahl der Pferde über mehrere Jahre war 4,6 pro Vatertier für die Zweij?hrigen und 10,5 für ?ltere Pferde. Die lineare Regression von Sekunden pro 100 m pa?te sich mit R(2) -Werten über 0,99 fast genau den Durchschnittssekunden an, die für die verschiedenen Renndistanzen angegeben wurden, für die Pferde aller Altersgruppen sowohl auf Rasen- als auch Sandbahn. Selektion bei Hengsten und Stuten ergibt sich aus Zahl der registrierten Pferde mit verschiedenem Lebensalter. Unter den an Rennen beteiligten Pferden sind weniger als 0,2% Wallache. Bei JRA herrscht ein hoher Grad an Kontrolle in bezug auf St?lle und die Verteilung über die Pferderennbahnen. Die von JRA ausgebildeten Jockeys reiten auf verschiedenen Pferderennbahnen und für mehrere Trainer.  相似文献   

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