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为了探究简化栽培措施对不同类型棉花品种产量和纤维品质性状的影响程度,以3种类型棉花品种为试验材料,在中等密度(5.2万株/hm2)条件下研究常规整枝和不整枝2种栽培方式对棉花产量及纤维品质性状的影响。结果表明整枝措施对不同类型棉花品种的铃重、籽指、衣分、纤维长度、马克隆值、整齐度指数、伸长率均没有显著影响,对纤维比强度影响显著(F=7.27);整枝和品种类型对棉花产量构成因素(铃重、籽指、衣分)和纤维品质性状均没有互作效应。在种植密度5.2万株/hm2时,整枝措施能提高棉花品种的纤维比强度,对棉花产量构成因素(铃重、籽指、衣分)无显著影响。  相似文献   

不同黄萎病级对棉花产量及纤维品质的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用3个抗枯耐黄棉花品种(系),在病圃研究了不同黄萎病级对棉花产量及纤维品质的影响。结果表明,不同病级的棉花黄萎病株使单株子棉产量降低4.82%~85.66%,单株结铃数减少3.38%~84.01%,单铃重减轻2.67%~16.74%,在分损失0.82%~7.57%。在产量各因素中,单株结铃数受病级影响最大,其次是铃重,再次是衣分。同时建立了各品种病级与单株子棉产量和单株结铃数的直线回归方程。黄萎病主要是对纤维的细度、强力、主体长度及成熟度有明显影响。病株与健株比较,病株纤维细度变细,强力降低,主体长度明显变短。  相似文献   

枯萎病对棉花产量和纤维品质的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对2002年长江流域棉花区试的10个新品种进行了抗枯萎病(Fusariumwilt)鉴定,并从每个品种中各选择30个单株,分株计产,按株取样检验其纤维品质。分析棉株不同的枯萎病级别对棉花产量和品质的影响。结果表明:(1)有2个品种抗枯萎病;6个耐病;2个感病。(2)枯萎病株的皮棉产量比健株减产的百分率分别为:Ⅰ级26.48%,Ⅱ级45.50%,Ⅲ级54.57%,Ⅳ级77.76%,减产极显著。(3)病株纤维的长度、整齐度、比强度和伸长率也均显著或极显著低于健株。棉株枯萎病级别与纤维长度呈极显著负相关,与比强度和麦克隆值呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

田间条件下遮光对棉花棉铃发育及纤维品质的影响   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
研究了4个棉花品种花铃期遮光对棉铃发育及纤维品质的影响。结果表明,遮光导致棉花单株结铃数减少,棉铃最终生长量、最大干物质积累速率、干物重相对增长速率及单铃棉子数、铃壳重、粒重、纤维重降低。遮光对棉铃各组分的影响依次是纤维>子粒>铃壳。遮光后纤维长度增加,比强度和麦克隆值显著下降,但对伸长率及整齐度影响不显著。在自然光照条件下密植使纤维比强度降低显著,纤维长度有所增加,对其它品质指标影响不显著。应从选育品种、塑造合理株型、适当控制种植密度等措施入手,减轻弱光对棉铃发育及纤维品质的影响。  相似文献   

栽培方式对棉花生长、产量和品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以营养钵育苗移栽栽培方式作为生产对照(T0),于2004年在江苏省的东台、射阳分别对移栽地膜棉改进栽培方式(T1)和"工厂化育苗 无土移栽 地膜覆盖"栽培方式(T2)2种棉花栽培方式进行大田试验.结果表明:随着生育进程的推移,棉花单位面积干物质累积及氮素吸收量表现为T2>T1>T0,由于苗期受小麦的胁迫作用,射阳试点苗期的干物重和氮累积量均低于东台试点.方差分析表明,栽培方式对棉花衣分、产量、单位面积的铃数及各项纤维品质指标的影响达到显著水平,并以T2生产成本最低、产量最高,且纤维品质较优,其公顷铃数、皮棉产量较对照明显提高,分别为:东台36%和26%,射阳32%和28%;施氮量较对照减少38%.  相似文献   

土壤水分对棉花产量和纤维品质的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
1988~1989年在水泥测坑和活动遮雨篷的控制下,研究棉花铃期至吐絮期土壤水分对棉花产量和纤维品质的影响。并用~(14)C示踪研究了土壤水分对产量和纤维品质影响的机理。同时用模糊数学的方法对构成产量和纤维品质的诸指标进行综合评判。结果表明,土壤持水量在75%时皮棉产量最高;土壤持水量在65%时棉纤维品质最佳。并发现棉株主茎倒3叶的叶细胞汁浓度与土壤水分呈线性关系,以及花铃期水分管理的相应形态指标。  相似文献   

研究了苏中地区水稻直播方式条件下,对产量、品质和效益的影响,结果表明,在同一地区相同的栽培管理水平条件下,同一品种直播产量以及结实率、千粒重均低于手栽稻、机插稻、抛秧稻等稻作方式;直播稻与手栽稻、机插稻、抛秧稻等稻作方式相比,稻米的加工品质和外观品质表现较差,营养品质表现较好,食味品质表现不一;不同稻作方式产量、产值、物化成本、纯效益、净效益均表现为机插稻最高,直播稻最低。  相似文献   

试验结果表明,甘薯直播栽培具有明显的综合优势(根系发达、分枝多、绿叶数、大薯比例高),能延缓甘薯衰老,延长光合作用时间,生物产量高,效益好,能解决夏收夏种劳力紧张和夏季连续干旱不易甘薯扦插的问题,对于发展畜牧业生产具有重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

【目的】探讨棉铃对位叶蔗糖代谢机制及棉铃产量性状、纤维品质对不同播期条件的响应。【方法】以棉铃产量性状具有明显差异的两个陆地棉品系A705和A201为供试材料,于2016―2017年进行大田试验研究,在不同播期(早播2016年4月12日,2017年4月15日;晚播2016年5月6日,2017年5月28日)条件下,研究棉铃对位叶非结构性碳水化合物(蔗糖、己糖、淀粉)和蔗糖代谢关键酶(液泡酸性转化酶、细胞壁酸性转化酶、蔗糖磷酸合成酶、蔗糖合成酶)的动态变化及差异,及不同播期对棉铃产量性状和纤维品质的影响。【结果】晚播棉铃铃期更长,铃重、单铃种子质量、籽指和纤维上半部平均长度增加,衣分和马克隆值降低。晚播导致棉铃对位叶细胞壁酸性转化酶和蔗糖合成酶活性降低,蔗糖浓度升高,可能为棉铃的发育提供了更充足的碳源。【结论】晚播相对低温条件下,棉铃发育更完全,在生产上适当晚播可以提高纤维品质。  相似文献   

滴灌条件下不同供水模式对棉花产量及品质的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
为了研究滴灌条件下不同供水模式对棉花生长发育、耗水规律、产量及纤维品质的影响,1997~1998设置了4种供水模式,即以当地畦灌条件下棉花多年平均逐月需水量(ET)为基础,各月灌水量分别设置为需水量的85%、70%、55%和40%.试验结果表明,棉花的株高、叶面积指数、果枝数、蕾铃数、铃重、耗水量和皮棉产量随供水量的增加而增加,衣分、整齐度、麦克隆值随供水量的增加有一定的递减趋势,但对其它纤维品质项无明显影响.通过综合评价认为,大田滴灌棉花供水量以需水量的70%为宜.在不考虑降雨的条件下,其供水模式为6月份5d灌1次、7月份4d灌1次、8月份5d灌1次、9月份7d灌1次,每次灌水定额为150m3@hm-2.  相似文献   

[Objective] The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of seeding date and topping date on yield, yield characteristics and fiber quality of short-season cotton (CCRI 50) field-seeded after barley(rape)/wheat harvest. [Method] A split-plot design with three replicates was used for the study in Nanjing, Jiangsu province of China in 2014-2015. The main plots comprised two seeding dates (S1: 25th May and S2: 10th June), while topping dates (T1: 30th July, T2: 7th August and T3: 15th August) constituted the subplots. [Result] The lint yield, the ratio of yield before frost, boll number, boll weight and lint percent of S2 were lower than those of S1. The number of fruit branches and fruit nodes of S2 were less than those of S1 while it was the opposite for the boll setting ratio. The lint yield and the ratio of yield before frost decreased with the delay of topping date. The number of fruit branches and fruit nodes, the ratio of them increased with the delay of topping date while the boll setting ratio decreased. The interaction of sowing date × topping date showed that the treatment of S1T1 achieved higher value in lint yield and the ratio of yield before frost. The higher number of fruit branches and fruit nodes were found at the treatment of S1T1, S1T2 and S1T3 and higher boll setting ratio were found at the treatment of S2T1 and S1T1. Correlation analysis showed that the lint yield positively and significantly correlated with the number of fruit branches and fruit nodes and boll number, but did not significantly correlate withboll setting ratio and the ratio of fruit branches number to nodes number. In addition, the boll distribution ratios of middle and low fruit branches of S2 were more than those of S1 while it was the opposite for that of up fruit branches. The boll distribution ratios of middle and low fruit branches decreased with the delay of topping date while it was the opposite for that of up-fruit branches. The treatment of S1T1 could be better to improve fiber length and fiber strength of different fruit branches and the micronaire value of middle fruit branches. [Conclusion] The treatment of S1T1 is conducive to high yield and fiber quality of short-season cotton field-seeded after barley(rape)/wheat harvest in lower reaches of the Yangtze River.  相似文献   

 通过播期设置营造着果点棉铃差异性或相近性温光条件下完成棉铃发育过程,研究温度及光照两个气象因子对棉铃产量及纤维品质性状的影响。结果表明,不同温光条件各着果点棉铃的产量与品质性状差异达到极显著和显著水平,变异单铃纤维重>单铃子棉重>单铃生物量>衣分,比强度>伸长率>麦克隆值>纤维长度>整齐度;各着果点上不同开花期单铃纤维重极显著差异趋势一致,其它性状差异趋势不尽一致。依据温光气象因子与产量和品质性状的正相关,建立逐步回归分析动态模型分析铃期更具重要的影响因子,相对单铃总生物量6.0~7.0 g和单铃子棉重4.8~5.4 g的≥15℃有效积温范围为408.90~764.77℃和471.12~729.74℃,相对单铃纤维重1.8~2.3 g、麦克隆值3.5~4.9、纤维长度27~31 mm的平均日最低温度范围为15.46~26.33℃、13.1~23.6℃、15.9~26.6℃,相对纤维比强度值24.0~26.0 cN·tex-1的日均温为21.2~23.7℃,相对衣分40%~42%的有效太阳辐射总量范围为871.45~899.57 MJ·m-2 。据此可分别推理出江淮生态棉区目标性状棉铃的临界开花日。  相似文献   

[Objective] A 2-year field experiment was conducted to determine the effect of a moderate drought regime in the early-stage on cotton yield, fiber quality and water use efficiency. [Method] An experiment was set up in 2015 and 2016 on the Qingyuan Experimental Plot of Hebei Agricultural University based on a split plot design with two main plots: (1) conventional irrigation (W1) and (2) drought (limited irrigation before sowing with no irrigation during the growing period, W2). Three sub-plots with different cotton cultivars were established: CCRI 50 (early maturity), Nongdamian 601 (ND 601, moderate earliness), and Jimian 958 (JM 958, intermediate maturity). [Result] (1) Drought stress affected the ratio of seasonal bolls. Under drought stress, the ratio of summer bolls decreased and that of autumn bolls increased. Because the precipitation peak in 2016 was higher than normal and mainly concentrated in July, which was later than in 2015, the ratio of autumn bolls increased in 2016. (2) Drought stress affected cotton yield but had no significant effect on fiber quality. Under moderate drought, the boll number per plant and boll weight of ND 601 and JM 958 decreased, the ratio of boll setting increased (P < 0.05), the boll weight of CCRI 50 increased, and the yields of all three cultivars decreased. Because CCRI 50 is an early-maturing cultivar and sensitive to water, its yield decreased significantly (41.0%). (3) Reducing irrigation by an appropriate amount was able to improve water use efficiency. The water use efficiencies of ND 601 and JM 958 averagely increased significantly, by 15.75% and 10.05%, respectively, between 2015 and 2016 under drought stress. The water use efficiency of CCRI 50 decreased significantly, by 15.9%, because of its early maturity and sensitivity to water stress. [Conclusion] Moderate irrigation has a significant effect on yield, fiber quality, and water use efficiency. Cotton yield losses caused by water stress can be ameliorated by making the best use of natural precipitation and by increasing planting density.  相似文献   

[Objective] We examined the effects of spraying AFD (Agent of flower bud differentiation), a new plant growth regulator, on cotton yield formation and fiber quality. This study was designed to provide a scientific basis for chemical regulation. [Method] Six treatments of different AFD concentrations were used for this experiment. Cotton plant height, boll number, boll weight, seed cotton yield, and fiber quality were assessed to clarify the effects of chemical regulation on cotton at different concentrations. [Result] The results showed that cotton plant height was associated with AFD concentration while AFD was effective in inhibiting the cotton boll shedding ratio and significantly increasing the boll opening ratio. Furthermore, the boll number per plant and boll weight were significantly higher in plants sprayed with AFD at concentrations of 1 350-1 800 mL·hm-2 than in the control group and higher seed cotton yields were obtained. Different concentrations of AFD had no significant effect on cotton breaking strength, micronaire value, and breaking elongation. However, the highest AFD concentration had certain inhibiting effects on fiber length and uniformity index. [Conclusion] The use of chemical control via a suitable concentration of AFD had a significant effect on increasing cotton yield and little effect on fiber quality. The study of the mechanism by which AFD affects cotton traits is of great significance for cotton production.  相似文献   

Short-season cotton varieties are characterized by a short period of growth and development, a rapid development process and relatively concentrated flowering and boll-setting. Consequently, short-season cotton can reach early maturity with late sowing. In this paper, the morphological characteristics as well as the physiological and molecular biological mechanisms of early maturity on short-season cotton are reviewed. The characteristics of short-season cotton with regard to optimizing planting patterns and methods, promoting cultivation of cotton in saline-alkaline fields, developing machine-harvested cotton and planting cotton without plastic mulching are also discussed. On the basis of these characteristics, future strategies are proposed for improving breeding and cultivation of short-season cotton.  相似文献   

[Objective] The present study aimed to investigate how sucrose metabolism in the leaf subtending to cotton boll, within-boll yield components and fiber quality respond to varying planting dates. [Method] Two upland cotton lines A705 and A201 differing in cotton boll traits were field tested in 2016-2017. Two different planting dates were designed with early planting on April 12, 2016, and April 15, 2017, and late planting on May 6, 2016, and May 28, 2017, respectively. Dynamics of non-structural carbohydrates (sucrose, hexose, starch) and key sucrose metabolism enzymes in the leaf subtending to cotton boll were examined including vacuolar acid invertase, cell wall acid invertase, sucrose phosphate synthase and sucrose synthase. The differences between two planting dates were compared for within- boll yield components, fiber quality and sucrose metabolism related characteristics. [Result] Late planting lengthened the period of cotton boll maturation relative to early planting. Boll weight, seed mass per boll, seed index and fiber length were increased, and lint percentage and micronaire were decreased. Late planting reduced the activities of cell wall acid invertase and sucrose synthase responsible for sucrose degradation, and in turn led to the increment of sucrose concentration in the subtending leaves which might enhance the carbon supply to the opposite bolls. [Conclusion] Lower temperature due to late planting could contribute to the more full development of cotton bolls. Late planting is an alternative consideration in improvement of fiber quality in cotton cultural practices.  相似文献   

以常规(单秆)移栽棉为对照,研究双秆棉产量品质优势及其形成机理。两年试验结果表明:在大田生长期缩减40天左右的情况下,双秆棉子棉产量2002年较CK增加12.72%,2004年较CKI和CKII分别增加17.04%、20.99%,均达显著水平;2004年双秆棉优质铃率较CKI和CKII分别高出21.46、2.75个百分点,据灰色系统关联度分析法评价,双秆棉总体纤维品质优于CKI和CKII,具有显著的产量品质优势,突出表现为开花结铃盛期与最佳光热季节同步期内的成铃的聚载效应和成铃的时空效应。双秆棉在最佳光热季节成铃强度达3.65万个·(hm2·d)1的同步期为24天,同步期间成铃强度比对照高1万个·(hm2·d)1左右,伏桃、早秋桃较对照多25.63万~36.00万个·(hm2·d)1,中下部内围铃较对照多17万个·hm2以上。  相似文献   

主要栽培措施对高品质棉科棉3号纤维品质的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 于2005 2006年研究了密度、施肥和化控等措施对高品质棉科棉3号纤维品质的效应,发现烂铃和不同时期成铃的纤维品质存在较大差异,栽培措施影响烂铃率和棉花结铃分布,从而影响纤维品质。高N和不化控处理,伏前桃和伏桃烂铃率提高5~10倍,增加施N量和减少化控是导致烂铃率高的主要原因。后期植株全N含量与烂铃率呈极显著正相关,控制后期各器官N代谢有利于降低烂铃率。随施N量增加,后期结铃分布逐步提高;增加密度(尤其是高密度)导致伏桃比例降低,而伏前桃和晚秋桃比例增加;化控量增加前中期铃分布比例提高,中后期铃比例降低。从降低烂铃率和提高优质铃比例两方面综合分析,应保持适宜的密度和施N总量,N肥前期适当增加,中期稳定,后期减少;化控用量总量略增,运筹上做到“花前减,花期稳,封顶增”。  相似文献   

为探索晋南早熟棉铃期对纤维品质的影响,给优质早熟棉品种的选育提供理论支持和重要依据,初步分析了‘中棉所50 号’和‘晋棉57 号’的铃期长短对纤维品质各指标的影响,结果表明:‘中棉所50 号’在铃龄为73 天时棉纤维长度最长(为29.01 mm),纤维整齐度指数最高(为84.60%),比强度最高(为28.7 cN/tex)。‘晋棉57 号’在铃龄为79 天时棉纤维长度最长(为28.75 mm),纤维整齐度指数最高(为84.40%),比强度与73 天铃龄的数值(28.9 cN/tex)相当,为28.8 cN/tex。总体而言,早熟棉的纤维长度、整齐度、比强度和马克隆值均随铃期的缩短而基本呈下降趋势,而伸长率随铃期的缩短而大体呈升高的趋势。其中铃期对比强度和马克隆值的影响最大。  相似文献   

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