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【目的】提高深埋地下滴灌在作物生长初期的水分供应能力,降低其深层渗漏风险。【方法】设置无阻水板、下衬7.8 cm阻水板及9.4 cm阻水板的点源地下滴灌土槽试验,测定下衬阻水板宽度对地下滴灌土壤湿润锋运移和土壤水分分布的影响程度。【结果】下衬阻水板不影响地下滴灌土壤湿润锋形状,仍近似于扁椭圆形,但改变了地下滴灌土壤湿润模式;下衬阻水板对地下滴灌土壤水分水平方向运移距离影响不大,但明显增加了土壤水分垂直向上运移距离,减小了土壤水分垂直向下运移距离,使得地下滴灌土壤湿润体整体向上层迁移,阻水板越宽,土壤湿润体向上层迁移的越明显。下衬阻水板可以调整土壤湿润体内的土壤水分分布,随着下衬阻水板宽度的增大,浅层(0~10 cm土层)土壤含水率增大,而深层(50~60 cm土层)土壤含水率减小。【结论】下衬阻水板可以促进地下滴灌土壤湿润体及水分向上层土壤集中,有利于保障作物生长初期的水分供应。  相似文献   

滴灌土壤湿润体特性室外试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用室外试验研究与理论分析相结合的方法,在陕北米脂山地微灌枣树示范基地进行原状土的滴灌入渗试验,对单点源入渗情况下,不同滴头流量和灌水历时对湿润体形状、大小与湿润锋运移规律的影响,及不同参数组合情况下土壤水分的分布与再分布规律进行研究,结果表明:湿润体的形状近似为半椭球体;湿润锋的水平、垂向入渗距离分别与入渗时间具有极显著的幂函数关系;土壤含水率与湿润体特征值之间存在极显著的二项式函数关系,利用该函数关系能够精确地表示出滴灌单点源入渗土壤湿润体的水分分布与再分布过程,简单、易操作。  相似文献   

地下滴灌条件下沙质土壤入渗特性试验研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
地下滴灌作为一种极具节水潜力的微灌技术,将成为未来节水灌溉技术的新的创新点之一,但对于我国的简易地下滴灌形式尚缺乏深入的研究。通过对沙质土壤进行地下滴灌一维土柱入渗、扩散试验,探讨了不同供水水头、不同容重、不同初始含水量情况下,水平和竖直方向入渗速率、湿润锋的变化规律,并分析了原因,为该技术的发展提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

利用工程措施改变地下滴灌 土壤湿润模式的试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

地下滴灌条件下湿润体特性的试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
滴头流量与灌水量影响土壤湿润体的大小形状等特性,从而影响作物的生长生产.通过室内试验,研究了地下滴灌条件下不同滴头流量不同灌水量对湿润体特性的影响.结果表明:湿润锋运移与滴头流量的时间变化呈正相关;灌水量为5L时湿润体的横向和纵向尺寸达到50 cm;湿润体含水率与滴头的距离具有良好的二次幂函数关系.这对于开展地下滴灌试验与设计具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

地下滴灌湿润比计算方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
最近几年地下滴灌在国内推广迅速,但其工程设计仍按地表滴灌模式进行,一定程度上阻碍了其应用.湿润比是微灌系统设计的重要参数之一,在前人研究的基础上,对地下滴灌湿润比计算方法进行了理论推导,给出了理论计算公式,并进行了相关误差分析.认为:地下滴灌湿润比计算公式与地表滴灌类似,但与计划湿润深度、灌水器埋深等参数相关;继续使用地表滴灌湿润比计算公式会产生误差,误差大小与计划湿润深度和湿润体形状密切相关;只有在一定取值范围内才可继续沿用20~30 cm深处土层的湿润面积来计算湿润比.  相似文献   

本试验以层状土壤结构为研究对象,对微压小流量滴灌条件下点源入渗特性规律进行了室内试验,设置均质壤土、上壤下砂结构和上砂下壤结构层状土壤3个处理,对其湿润模式,湿润体在径向、垂向湿润距离与时间的变化特征及湿润锋随时间的变化特性进行分析,结果显示两种层状都具有减渗功能,湿润锋随时间的变化规律符合幂函数关系,研究结果对于层状土壤湿润体预报,准确模拟层状土壤介质中的水分和溶质运动过程有重要意义。  相似文献   

地下滴灌棉花栽培试验与技术研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
段守明 《节水灌溉》2003,(5):4-5,10
根据新疆兵团农五师九十团8hm^2地下滴灌棉花栽培、灌溉和施肥等方面的试验研究,地下滴灌与地面滴灌比较,无论投入产出和作物的长势,地下滴灌都比地面滴灌优越。地下滴灌比地面滴灌工程设备、材料费低0.15297万元/hm^2,降低年运行费用841.8元/hm^2。  相似文献   

【目的】了解2种典型干旱区土壤(砂土、砂黏土)中直插式地下滴灌的灌水效果。【方法】以实测的土壤湿润锋在垂直向上、向下和水平3个方向的运移距离为基础,建立了土壤湿润锋运移距离与直插式地下滴灌滴头流速和灌水时间之间的函数关系,依据此量化关系结合土壤含水率求得了直插式地下滴灌的微灌技术参数,并评价了直插式地下滴灌在干旱区砂土、砂黏土中的灌水效果。【结果】在2种土质条件下,湿润锋不同方向上的运移距离与滴头流速和灌水时间之间的量化关系式R2>0.95,验证方程R2>0.95,表明模型可行;在砂土中,灌溉水储存系数、灌水均匀系数及土壤湿润比均小于0.6,而在砂黏土中均高于0.8,表明直插式地下滴灌在砂土中灌水效果比砂黏土差。【结论】幂函数可准确描述砂土、砂黏土中直插式地下滴灌湿润峰运移距离、滴头出流速度和灌水时间之间的关系;垂直向上湿润距离与滴头流速负相关,与灌水时间正相关,水平与向下湿润距离与流速、灌水时间均正相关;在本试验条件下,流速为1.25 L/h灌水效果最好。  相似文献   

滴灌条件下沙地土壤水分分布与运移规律   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
通过对不同流量的滴头,不同灌水历时条件下沙地土壤滴灌湿润体的大小与开头的观测观察,以及对滴灌停止后不同间隔时间的土壤湿润锋运移,湿润体的发展,土壤水分的分布与再分布测量分析,使之对滴灌条件下土壤湿润体的大小及发展,土壤水分的分布与再分布规律等有了比较清楚的认识,本文不进行理论上的土壤水分分布模拟,仅从众多的实测资料分析着手,揭示土壤水分分布与运移规律,旨在为砂壤地玉米滴灌的参数确定提供基本依据。  相似文献   

A mathematical model which describes water flow under subsurface drip lines taking into account root water uptake, evaporation of soil water from the soil surface and hysteresis in the soil water characteristic curve θ(H) is presented. The model performance in simulating soil water dynamics was evaluated by comparing the predicted soil water content values with both those of Hydrus 2D model and those of an analytical solution for a buried single strip source. Soil water distribution patterns for three soils (loamy sand, silt, silty clay loam) and two discharge rates (2 and 4 l m−1 h−1) at four different times are presented. The numerical results showed that the soil wetting pattern mainly depends on soil hydraulic properties; that at a time equal to irrigation duration decreasing the discharge rate of the line sources but maintaining the applied irrigation depth, the vertical and horizontal components of the wetting front were increased; that at a time equal to the total simulation time the discharge rate has no effect on the actual transpiration and actual soil evaporation and a small effect on deep percolation. Also the numerical results showed that when the soil evaporation is neglected the soil water is more easily taken up by the plant roots.  相似文献   

Procedures are presented for determining crop water use and crop coefficients for a row crop, using a neutron scattering probe with an efficient subsurface drip irrigation system. One procedure is called the slope-projection method, and the other is called a covariance procedure. Field tests were conducted with full-season, narrow-row cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) on a well-drained, sandy soil in a semiarid environment over a 5-year period. The goal was to improve automated irrigation scheduling, by relating evapotranspiration (ET) to growing degree days (GDD). The result, using a Penman–Monteith reference ET, was an average midseason crop coefficient of 1.11, with a standard error of 0.056. With class A pan evaporation as the reference ET, the average midseason crop coefficient was 0.877, with a standard error of 0.029. A fifth-order polynomial for the pan-based crop coefficient as a function of GDD was programmed into a controller and used successfully to irrigate a field automatically for one season.Communicated by A. Kassam  相似文献   

Non-uniformities in soil hydraulic properties and infiltration rates are considered to be major reasons for the inefficiencies of some surface irrigation systems. These non-uniformities may cause non-uniformities in soil water contents and could potentially affect plant growth. To investigate whether the non-uniformities in soil water contents can be overcome by well-managed irrigation systems, fields with clay loam soils and planted to cotton were irrigated with a continuous-flow, a surge flow, and a subsurface drip system. Measurements of water contents in each field were taken throughout the growing season at several depths. The water contents measured within the top 0–0.9 m in the three irrigations systems were evaluated in terms of their spatial and temporal variabilities. The analyses indicated that on this soil, use of the surge flow system did not lead to increased spatial uniformities of soil water contents compared with the continuous-flow system. Use of the subsurface drip system resulted in very non-uniform soil water contents above the depth of the emitters. Variability in water contents below the emitter depth was comparable to the surface irrigation systems. Received: 26 March 1996  相似文献   

A 3-year project compared the operation of a subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) and a furrow irrigation system in the presence of shallow saline ground water. We evaluated five types of drip irrigation tubing installed at a depth of 0.4 m with lateral spacings of 1.6 and 2 m on 2.4 ha plots of both cotton and tomato. Approximately 40% of the cotton water requirement and 10% of the tomato water requirement were obtained from shallow (<2 m) saline (5 dS/m) ground water. Yields of the drip-irrigated cotton improved during the 3-year study, while that of the furrow-irrigated cotton remained constant. Tomato yields were greater under drip than under furrow in both the years in which tomatoes were grown. Salt accumulation in the soil profile was managed through rainfall and pre-plant irrigation. Both drip tape and hard hose drip tubing are suitable for use in our subsurface drip system. Maximum shallow ground water use for cotton was obtained when the crop was irrigated only after a leaf water potential (LWP) of −1.4 MPa was reached. Drip irrigation was controlled automatically with a maximum application frequency of twice daily. Furrow irrigation was controlled by the calendar.  相似文献   

Subsurface drip system is the latest method of irrigation. The design of subsurface drip system involves consideration of structure and texture of soil, and crop’s root development pattern. A 3-year experiment was conducted on onion (Allium Cepa L., cv. Creole Red) in a sandy loam soil from October to May in 2002–2003, 2003–2004 and 2004–2005 to study the effect of depth of placement of drip lateral and different levels of irrigation on yield. Tests for uniformity of water application through the system were carried out in December of each year. Three different irrigation levels of 60, 80 and 100% of the crop evapotranspiration and six placement depths of the drip laterals (surface (0), 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 cm) were maintained in the study. Onion yield was significantly affected by the placement depth of the drip lateral. Maximum yield (25.7 t ha−1) was obtained by applying the 60.7 cm of irrigation water and by placing the drip lateral at 10 cm soil depth. Maximum irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) (0.55 t ha−1 cm−1) was obtained by placing the drip lateral at 10 cm depth. The greater vertical movement of water in the sandy-loam soil took place because of the predominant role of gravity rather than that of the capillary forces. Therefore, placement of drip lateral at shallow depths is recommended in onion crop to get higher yield.  相似文献   

Dynamics and modeling of soil water under subsurface drip irrigated onion   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Subsurface drip irrigation provides water to the plants around the root zone while maintaining a dry soil surface. A problem associated with the subsurface drip irrigation is the formation of cavity at the soil surface above the water emission points. This can be resolved through matching dripper flow rates to the soil hydraulic properties. Such a matching can be obtained either by the field experiments supplemented by modeling. Simulation model (Hydrus-2D) was used and tested in onion crop (Allium cepa L.) irrigated through subsurface drip system during 2002-2003, 2003-2004 and 2004-2005. Onion was transplanted at a plant to plant and row to row spacing of 10 cm × 15 cm with 3 irrigation levels and 6 depths of placement of drip lateral. The specific objective of this study was to assess the effect of depth of placement of drip laterals on crop yield and application of Hydrus-2D model for the simulation of soil water. In sandy loam soils, it was observed that operating pressures of up to 1.0 kg cm−2 did not lead to the formation of cavity above the subsurface dripper having drippers of 2.0 l h−1 discharge at depths up to 30 cm. Wetted soil area of 60 cm wide and up to a depth of 30 cm had more than 18% soil water content, which was conducive for good growth of crop resulting in higher onion yields when drip laterals were placed either on soil surface or placed up to depths of 15 cm. In deeper placement of drip lateral (20 and 30 cm below surface), adequate soil water was found at 30, 45 and 60 cm soil depth. Maximum drainage occurred when drip lateral was placed at 30 cm depth. Maximum onion yield was recorded at 10 cm depth of drip lateral (25.7 t ha−1). The application of Hydrus-2D confirmed the movement of soil water at 20 and 30 cm depth of placement of drip laterals. The model performance in simulating soil water was evaluated by comparing the measured and predicted values using three parameters namely, AE, RMSE and model efficiency. Distribution of soil water under field experiment and by model simulation at different growth stages agreed closely and the differences were statistically insignificant. The use of Hydrus-2D enabled corroborating the conclusions derived from the field experimentation made on soil water distribution at different depths of placement of drip laterals. This model helped in designing the subsurface drip system for efficient use of water with minimum drainage.  相似文献   

滴灌水温对土壤入渗和土壤温度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解水温对滴灌土壤入渗特征和土壤温度的影响,研制一套恒温试验装置,可使水温变化控制在±0.5 ℃范围内,选择5,20,35 ℃作为试验水温,进行不同水温室内滴灌入渗试验,分析各水温下土壤水分入渗和土壤温度变化特征.结果表明:在相同时段内,随滴灌水温升高,水平和垂直湿润锋运移距离增大,垂直湿润锋运移速率增大.分别建立水平、垂直湿润锋运移距离与入渗时间和滴灌水温的关系模型,决定系数R2均大于0.99.湿润土体平均含水量与入渗时间关系不大,但随入渗水温的升高而减小.土壤水分扩散率与水温成正比;水温升高,饱和导水率随之增大,二者呈指数函数关系;土壤吸持水分的能力随温度的升高而降低.不同灌溉水温改变了土体中的温度分布,随着距滴头距离的增加,由水温引起的土壤温度的变化量逐渐减小.结论可为指导大田和温室滴灌技术提供理论依据.  相似文献   

This study was carried out at the experimental field station of the Atomic Energy Authority in Anshas, Egypt, by the aim of assessing the soil moisture status under surface and subsurface drip irrigation systems, as a function of the variation in the distance between drippers along and between laterals. Moisture measurements were carried out using neutron moisture meter technique, and water distribution uniformity was assessed by applying Surfer Model. The presented data indicated that the soil moisture distribution and its uniformity within the soil profile under surface drip was to great extent affected by the distance between drippers rather than that between laterals. Generally, the soil moisture distribution under using 30-cm dripper spacing was better than of that under 50 cm. Under subsurface drip irrigation, the allocation of the irrigation system was the factor that dominantly affected the moisture trend under the studied variables. Installing the system at 30 cm from the soil surface is the one to be recommended as it represents the active root zone for most vegetable crops, beside it leads to a better water saving in sandy soils than that allocated at 15 cm depth.  相似文献   

The ability of cotton roots to grow downwards through a partially-wetted soil (Calcic Haploxeralf) profile toward a water source located beneath them was investigated. Plants were grown in 60-cm-high soil columms (diameter 10 cm), the bottom 15 cm of which was kept wet by frequent drip irrigation, while the upper 45 cm was wetted three times per week up to 20, 40, 60, 80 or 100% of pot capacity. Pot capacity was defined as the water content which gave uniform distribution within the pot and was at a soil matric potential ( m ) of –0.01 MPa. Plants were harvested 42 and 70 days after emergence (DAE). Root length density was reduced by decreased soil moisture content. At 42 DAE, density was reduced in the soil profile down to 36 cm. The density in the middle segment of the cylinder (24–36 cm) increased at the second harvest, from 0.1 to 0.35 cm · cm–3 at 40% and from 0.2 to 0.5 cm · cm–1 at 60% of pot capacity, respectively. A significant rise in root length density was found at all moisture contents above 20% in the two deepest soil segments. It was most marked at 40% where the rise was from 0.2 to 0.8 cm · cm–3, due to the development of secondary roots at the wetted bottom of the column. When only 20% of pot capacity was maintained in the top 45 cm of the profile, almost no roots reached the wetted soil volume, and root length density was very low. Hydrotropism, namely root growth through dry soil layers toward a wet soil layer was thus not apparent. Root dry weight per unit length decreased with increasing depth in the column at all moisture levels. However, the only significant decrease was, found between the top and the second soil segments and was due to thicker primary roots in the top segment. There was no clear relationship between length and dry weight of roots. Total plant dry weight and transpiration were reduced significantly only at 20% of pot capacity. Dry matter production by roots was less severely inhibited than that by shoots, under decreased moisture content in the soil profile. Leaf water potential decreased when the soil moisture content of the top 45 cm of the profile was reduced below 60% of pot capacity. It was concluded that even at soil moisture content equivalent to a m of 0.1 MPa, the rate of root growth was sufficient to reach a wetted soil layer at the bottom of the soil column, where the plant roots then proliferated. This implies that as long as the soil above the subsurface dripper is not very dry there is no real need for early surface irrigation.  相似文献   

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