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The structure and fill of the omasum was investigated in summer and in winter in adult female reindeer living on the polar desert and tundra of the high Arctic archipelago of Svalbard and in sub-Arctic mountain habitats in northern Norway. The mean total mass of the omasum in non-lactating adult female Svalbard reindeer was 467 g (0.65 g per 100 g live body mass (BM)) in September and 477 g (1.03 g per 100 g BM) in April. By contrast, the mean mass of the omasum in non-lactating adult reindeer in northern Norway was 534 g (0.83 g per 100 g BM) in September but only 205 g (0.35 g per 100 g BM p < 0.05) in late March, owing to a decrease in both tissue mass and the wet mass of the contents of the organ. The mean absorptive surface of the omasum in Svalbard reindeer was 2300 cm2 in September and 2023 cm2 in April. In Norwegian reindeer, by contrast, the absorptive surface area decreased from 2201 cm2 in September to 1181 cm2 (p < 0.05) in late March. The marked seasonal decline of omasal tissue and contents in Norwegian reindeer probably results from intake of highly digestible forage plants, including lichens, in winter. Svalbard reindeer, a non-migratory sub-species, survive eating poor quality fibrous vascular plants in winter. The absence of any marked seasonal change in the mass, total absorptive surface area or filling of the omasum in Svalbard reindeer in winter despite a substantial decline in body mass presumably reflects their need to maintain maximum absorption of nutrients, including volatile fatty acids, when feeding on such poorly fermentable forage.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of two potent α2-adrenoceptor agents that can be used for immobilization (medetomidine) and reversal (atipamezole) of the sedation in mammals, were studied in three reindeer ( Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in winter and again in summer. Medetomidine (60 μg/kg) was injected intravenously (i.v.), followed by atipamezole (300 μg/kg) intravenously 60 min later. Drug concentrations in plasma were measured by HPLC. The administration of atipamezole resulted in an immediate 2.5–3.5 fold increase in the medetomidine concentration in plasma. Clearance for medetomidine (median 19.3 mL/min·kg) was lower than clearance for atipamezole (median 31.0 mL/min·kg). The median elimination half-lives of medetomidine and atipamezole in plasma were 76.1 and 59.9 min, respectively. The animals became resedated 0.5–1 h after the reversal with atipamezole. Resedation may be explained by the longer elimination half-life of medetomidine compared to atipamezole.  相似文献   

In Sweden echinococcosis is uncommon in domestic animals. In reindeer in the most northern part of the country echinococcosis was found. Of 1453 pairs of lungs, 23 pairs (1.6 %) were infected with hydatid cysts. These were of two types: typical well-developed hydatid cysts, which were found in nine of the 23 infected lungs, and collapsed hydatid cysts, which were found in 13 of the lungs. In only one lung pair both types of cysts were seen.  相似文献   



The aim of this project was to study 14 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 5 dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethans (DDTs), 12 organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and 6 polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs) in meat, liver, tallow and bone marrow from semi-domesticated reindeer.


Meat, liver, tallow, and bone marrow samples (n= 30) were collected from semi-domesticated reindeer in Northern Norway. Determination of the persistent organic pollutants (POPs) concentrations was done by using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Dependent sample t-test and Pearson’s correlation test were used in statistical analysis.


Concentrations of the persistent organic pollutants in the samples from semi-domesticated reindeer were generally low and slightly above the limit of detection (LOD). For PCBs and OCPs, ≥ 50% of the samples had concentrations above LOD. For the DDTs and PBDEs, the proportion of samples with concentrations above LOD varied between 3.7 and 45.5% depending on the sample type. Concentrations of PCB 99, 105, 138/163, 153 and 187 differed significantly between meat and liver, whereas concentrations of PCB 183 were significantly different between tallow and bone marrow. Furthermore, concentrations of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) were significantly different between meat and liver. Significant correlations were revealed in concentrations of 5 PCB congeners between the studied tissue types.


Concentrations of the POPs revealed in this study were generally low.  相似文献   

Many factors related with drug and animals affect the plasma disposition of endectocides including ivermectin (IVM). The aim of the present study was to investigate the breed differences in pharmacokinetics of IVM in goats following subcutaneous administration. Two different goat breeds (Kilis and Damascus goats) were allocated into two treatment groups with respect to breed. The injectable formulation of IVM was administered subcutaneously at a dose rate of 0.2 mg/kg bodyweight. Blood samples were collected before treatment and at various times between 1 h and 40 days after treatment and the plasma samples were analysed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using fluorescence detection. The results indicated that the plasma disposition of IVM was substantially affected by breed differences following subcutaneous administration in goats. The last detectable plasma concentration (tlast) of IVM was significantly later in Kilis goats (38.33 days) compared with Damascus goats (22.50 days). Although, there were no significant differences on Cmax (10.83 ng/ml vs. 10.15 ng/ml) and tmax (2.75 days vs. 2.33 days) values; the area under the concentration–time curve-AUC (110.26 ng.d/ml vs. 73.38 ng.d/ml) the terminal half-life-t1/2λz (5.65 days vs. 3.81 days) and the mean plasma residence time-MRT (9.31 days vs. 6.35 days) were significantly different in Kilis goats compared with Damascus goats, respectively. The breed-related difference observed on the plasma disposition of IVM between Kilis and Damascus goats could be attributable to different excretion pattern or specific anatomical and/or physiological characteristics such as body fat composition of each breed.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo investigate the pharmacokinetics of orally and intravenously (IV) administered meloxicam in semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus).Study designA crossover design with an 11 day washout period.AnimalsA total of eight young male reindeer, aged 1.5–2.5 years and weighing 74.3 ± 6.3 kg, mean ± standard deviation.MethodsThe reindeer were administered meloxicam (0.5 mg kg–1 IV or orally). Blood samples were repeatedly collected from the jugular vein for up to 72 hours post administration. Plasma samples were analysed for meloxicam concentrations with ultraperformance liquid chromatography combined with triple quadrupole mass spectrometry. Noncompartmental analysis for determination of pharmacokinetic variables was performed.ResultsThe pharmacokinetic values, median (range), were determined. Elimination half-life (t½) with the IV route (n = 4) was 15.2 (13.2–16.8) hours, the volume of distribution at steady state was 133 (113–151) mL kg?1 and clearance was 3.98 (2.63–5.29) mL hour–1 kg–1. After oral administration (n = 7), the peak plasma concentration (Cmax) was detected at 6 hours, t½ was 19.3 (16.7–20.5) hours, Cmax 1.82 (1.17–2.78) μg mL–1 and bioavailability (n = 3) 49 (46–73)%. No evident adverse effects were detected after either administration route.Conclusions and clinical relevanceA single dose of meloxicam (0.5 mg kg–1 IV or orally) has the potential to maintain the therapeutic concentration determined in other species for up to 3 days in reindeer plasma.  相似文献   

The effects of manual blood sampling and remote blood sampling using automatic blood sampling equipment (ABSE) on plasma cortisol and catecholamine concentrations were studied on eight adult female reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus). Contemporary body temperatures and heart rates were also recorded to determine their utility as other possible stress indicators. The animals were blood sampled once every hour with ABSE on 9-10 May and then by manual blood sampling on 13-14 May. Animals were also fitted with equipment to record heart rate and body temperature. Heart rate and body temperature were also recorded continuously without blood sampling on 17-18 May in undisturbed control conditions. Plasma cortisol concentrations were five-to-six fold greater during manual blood sampling compared to sampling with ABSE (F(1,3) = 13.34, P < 0.05). Plasma noradrenaline concentrations were significantly higher (F(1,3) = 22.98, P < 0.05) during manual blood sampling compared to sampling with ABSE, whereas plasma adrenaline concentrations did not differ. Heart rate was higher during manual blood sampling compared to control values. Body temperature was significantly higher during manual sampling compared to values recorded without blood sampling (F(1,4)= 31.65, P < 0.01). In conclusion, plasma cortisol concentration provides an excellent indicator of handling stress in reindeer. The use of ABSE for blood sampling enables measurements of plasma cortisol levels close to basal concentrations that may be used for reference values in studies where indicators of physiological stress are required.  相似文献   

The papillar morphology of the ventral and dorsal rumen of the wild forest reindeer (Rangifer tarandus fennicus Lönn.) and semidomesticated reindeer (R. t. tarandus L.) was studied in October and November 1996. The morphological measurements which were carried out were: the lengths of the papillae, the number of the papillae per square centimetre, the cross‐sectional area and perimeter of sections cut from the middle of papillae. From these measurements mean papillar volume, areal papillar volume, mean papillar (epithelial) surface area, areal papillar surface and surface enlargement factor were calculated. No differences in these measurements between ventral and dorsal walls of the rumen were evident. The semidomesticated reindeer had longer papillar perimeters, larger mean and areal papillar surface areas, larger mean papillar volumes, and a larger surface enlargement factor in the ventral rumen than did forest reindeer. This may be a result of differences between feeding habits, the semidomesticated reindeer preferring a diet including more plants rich in carbohydrates e.g. lichens, which has resulted in a high production of volatile fatty acids and thus stimulation of papillar growth.  相似文献   

Six Sarcocystis species have previously been described from reindeer in Norway based on sarcocyst morphology and DNA sequencing. The aim of this study was to determine whether reindeer in Iceland, which descend from reindeer imported from Norway in 1787, also were infected with Sarcocystis, and to identify and genetically characterise any species present. Muscle tissue from the heart, diaphragm and/or oesophagus was collected from 36 reindeer in Iceland. Pieces of all tissue samples were examined histologically. Frozen/thawed samples of cardiac muscle, oesophagus and/or diaphragm from 11 of the 36 reindeer were also examined under a stereoscopic microscope and sarcocysts present were identified to species either in situ or under a light microscope. Two cysts of each species, originating from two different reindeer were randomly selected for DNA analyses. The complete ssu rRNA gene was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequenced. In addition, two sarcocysts that could not be classified by microscopic examination were selected for partial ssu rRNA gene sequence analysis. By histology, sarcocysts were found in the diaphragm and/or oesophagus of 8 of 36 (22.2%) animals. By examination of fresh tissue, sarcocysts of Sarcocystis rangi, S. tarandivulpes and S. hardangeri were found in the oesophagus of seven of nine (77.8%) animals, suggesting a high prevalence of Sarcocystis in the Icelandic reindeer population. Cyst morphology and the ssu rRNA gene sequence of each of the three species were identical to isolates of the same species from Norwegian reindeer. DNA sequencing was useful in order to identify cysts with an ambiguous morphology. This is the first record of these Sarcocystis species in reindeer outside Norway.  相似文献   

The cysts of S. tarandivulpes were found to be limited by a unit membrane which has been called the cyst membrane. The surface of the cysts was covered by closely packed and hexagonally arranged knob-like protrusions. The protrusions were 0.6–1.2 μm long and had an elliptical cross section. At the base of and between the bases of the protrusions the cyst mem brane was raised into low anastomosing folds which delineated shallow compartments. Between the folds the cyst membrane formed small vesicle-like invaginations into the cyst. On the apical part of the protrusions the cyst membrane had a smooth contour and was underlined by 2 layers of electron-dense material. Cyst ground substance divided the interior of the cyst into compartments containing either metrocytes or cystozoites. Cystozoites undergoing endodyogeny were present among the nondividing cystozoites. Some new terms were introduced to denote structures at the border of the cyst. The old terms are reviewed and the structural resemblance between S. tarandivulpes and S. odocoileocanis from Odocoileus virginianus is discussed.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood smears from four adult reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) were examined after staining with Romanowsky's stain and cytochemical stains, including alpha-napthyl butyrate esterase (alpha-NBE), Sudan black B (SBB), chloroacetate esterase (CAE) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). Romanowsky-stained eosinophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes and monocytes resembled those of cattle, sheep and goats. Basophils had two different staining patterns with Romanowsky's stain. Basophils that we termed "grey basophils" were similar in appearance to grey eosinophils in Greyhound dogs, with medium blue-grey to lavender-grey cytoplasm containing varying numbers of clear vacuoles or granules and variable numbers of small, intensely basophilic, perinuclear granules. The second basophil staining pattern was more typical of ruminant basophils, with uniform, pale to dark basophilic cytoplasmic granules. Basophils stained positive for alpha-NBE, SBB, CAE, and ALP. Eosinophils stained positive for SBB, and were negative for alpha-NBE, CAE, and ALP. Neutrophils were negative for SBB, CAE, and ALP. Monocytes stained positive for alpha-NBE, were rarely positive for CAE and SBB, and were negative for ALP. Transmission electron microscopy revealed matrix within all granulocytes granules, including those of basophils.  相似文献   

Serum samples from 1032 semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) from Finland were examined for the occurrence of Salmonella-antibodies by use of an indirect ELISA. The majority of samples originated from clinically healthy slaughter reindeer, kept extensively (n = 802; year of sampling: 1996). The remaining samples (n = 230) came from a research herd, permanently kept intensively, with repeated outbreaks of diarrhoea. In this study, 29 of the examined serum samples showed an OD above the determined cut-off. The prevalence in the clinically healthy slaughter reindeer was 0.9%, in the research herd 4.2% in 1996, 10.5% in 1997 and 12.9% in 1998. It must be assumed that the intensive husbandry in the corralled research herd may favour the spreading of infectious agents and eventually outbreaks of crowding diseases in the herd. This investigation is complemented by a review on the occurrence of Salmonella in wild and semi-domesticated cervids.  相似文献   

Reindeer transported on lorries to the slaughterhouse showed strongly elevated plasma noradrenaline, adrenaline and Cortisol values. Plasma creatine kinase and aspartate aminotransferase activity measurements gave no evidence of muscle damage, but by cooking ammonia-like and another taint were observed in the meat from about 25 % of the transported reindeer. A control group consisting of reindeer slaughtered from the gathering corral also showed a high prevalence of these meat taints. Plasma and meat urea values were elevated in the transported reindeer, but there was no correlation between the meat urea values and the intensities of ammonia-like taint. The character of the other observed taint was not defined.  相似文献   

A raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides; Family: Canidae), was given cardiac muscle of reindeer infected with S. grueneri, and started shedding Sarcocystis sporocysts 10 days post feeding. The sporocysts measured 13.9 (12.4–15.7) × 10.1 (9.2–11.2) µm, and were excreted for at least 16 days. The raccoon dog is thus an additional definitive host for S. grueneri (Yakimoff & Sokoloff, 1934) Gjerde, 1984.Another raccoon dog was given skeletal muscle infected with 4 species of Sarcocystis, none of which was S. grueneri. The raccoon dog started shedding Sarcocystis sporocysts on day 10 post feeding, and excreted sporocysts for at least 16 days. The sporocysts measured 14.0 (12.3–15.6) × 10.1 (9.2–11.2) µm, and are considered to be sporocysts of S. tarandivulpes Gjerde, 1984.This is the first record of the raccoon dog as an experimental definitive host for Sarcocystis.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the comparative plasma dispositions of ivermectin (IVM) and doramectin (DRM) following oral and subcutaneous administration (200 microg/kg) over a 40-day period in dogs. Twenty bitches were allocated by weight in to four groups (Groups I-IV) of five animals each. Animals in the first two groups (Groups I and II) received orally the injectable solutions of IVM and DRM, respectively, at the dose of 200 microg/kg bodyweight. The other two groups (Groups III and IV) received subcutaneously injectable solutions at the same dose rate. Blood samples were collected between 1h and 40 days after treatment and the plasma samples were analysed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using fluorescence detection. The results indicated that IVM produced a significantly higher maximum plasma concentration (C(max): 116.80+/-10.79 ng/ml) with slower absorption (t(max): 0.23+/-0.09 day) and larger area under the concentration versus time curve (AUC: 236.79+/-41.45 ng day/ml) as compared with DRM (C(max): 86.47+/-19.80 ng/ml, t(max): 0.12+/-0.05 day, AUC: 183.48+/-13.17 ng day/ml) following oral administration of both drugs; whereas no significant differences were observed on the pharmacokinetic parameters between IVM and DRM after subcutaneous administrations. In addition, subcutaneously given IVM and DRM presented a significantly lower maximum plasma concentration (C(max): 66.80+/-9.67 ng/ml and 54.78+/-11.99 ng/ml, respectively) with slower absorption (t(max): 1.40+/-1.00 day and 1.70+/-0.76 day, respectively) and larger area under the concentration versus time curve (AUC: 349.18+/-47.79 ng day/ml and 292.10+/-78.76 ng day/ml, respectively) as compared with the oral administration of IVM and DRM, respectively. No difference was observed for the terminal half-lives ((t(1/2lambda(z)) and mean residence times (MRT) of both molecules. Considering the pharmacokinetic parameters, IVM and DRM could be used by the oral or subcutaneous route for the control of parasitic infection in dogs.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to evaluate moxidectin as a tool for understanding the impact of parasitism on wild Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus). Adult females were injected subcutaneously with moxidectin at a dose rate of 0-4 mg/kg bodyweight, and groups of animals were culled within its expected period of efficacy (around 14 days) or around 12 or 24 weeks after treatment. Moxidectin was effective in eliminating the reindeers' abomasal worm burdens, and although they became reinfected, worm burdens were significantly lower in the treated animals compared to the untreated controls for up to 24 weeks after treatment. Nematode eggs did not reappear in faeces until five weeks after treatment, a similar period to that claimed by the manufacturer for sheep and cattle. Animals culled 12 and 24 weeks after treatment had been reinfected and harboured a wide range of abomasal worm burdens which contributed to the understanding of the seasonal variation in the relationship between faecal egg count and worm burden.  相似文献   

Ivermectin (IVM- Eqvalan paste, 1.87%) and doramectin (DRM-Dectomax 1%) were each administered orally to donkeys at 200 microgkg(-1) bodyweight. Blood and faecal samples were collected at predetermined times over 30 days and plasma pharmacokinetics and faecal excretion determined. Maximum plasma concentrations (C(max)) of IVM (23.6 ngml(-1)) and DRM (33.9 ngml(-1)) were obtained at (t(max)) 19.2 and 24h, respectively. The area under the concentration curve (AUC) of DRM (228.9 ngdayml(-1)) was significantly larger than that of IVM (119.3 ngdayml(-1)) and mean residence time (MRT) was 6.5 days for IVM and 9.1days for DRM. The highest (dry weight) faecal concentrations (9.33 microgg(-1) - IVM, 12.12 microgg(-1) - DRM) were detected at 55.9 and 48.0 h, respectively and each compound was detected (0.05 microgg(-1)) in faeces between 11h and 9 days following oral administration in donkeys.  相似文献   

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