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The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal interval between 2 consecutive milk progesterone samples for the detection of cyclicity in dairy cows. Two hundred and thirty-six postpartum periods were monitored with thrice-weekly whole milk progesterone assay. Cyclicity was determined from elevation of the progesterone level. Animals which had started to cycle by 50 or 60 days post partum were included in the study. The last of the 2 samples was taken at 50 or 60 days post partum, respectively.The lowest percentage of false diagnoses (9.0%) in cows which had started to cycle by 50 days post partum was obtained when the samples were taken at 8 days’ interval. In cows which had started to cycle by 60 days post partum the lowest percentage of false diagnoses (1.1%) was obtained when the samples were taken at 10 days’ interval.  相似文献   

为了解产后母牛的繁殖状况,明确产后护理的应用效果,选择饲养管理条件相同、日粮配方及营养水平相同、不同胎次的围产期西门塔尔母牛,每批次护理组105头、对照组35头,3批次共计420头,进行产后护理对母牛体况恢复和繁殖能力影响的研究。结果显示:护理组胎衣不下、乳房炎、子宫内膜炎极显著低于对照组(P<0.01),其他疫病发病率显著低于对照组(P<0.05);护理组恶露排放期、子宫复旧时间极显著低于对照组(P<0.01),45 d以下黄体、卵泡和46~60 d黄体发育极显著高于对照组(P<0.01),45 d以下及46~60 d发情率、情期受胎率显著高于对照组(P<0.01),61~90 d及91 d以上发情率、产后配种天数显著低于对照组(P<0.01)。提示:护理模式对产后母牛的干预效果明显,可显著促进母牛产后体况快速恢复,促进了卵巢黄体、卵泡的发育,缩短了产后配种天数,提高了情期受胎率。  相似文献   

Background: It is known that quantification of bovine acute‐phase proteins could routinely provide early diagnostic and prognostic information for monitoring herd health status. Objective: The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that haptoglobin (Hp) and serum amyloid A (SAA) have the potential for indicating uterine infection, mainly due to subclinical endometritis, which can seriously influence the reproductive performance in dairy cows. Methods: A total of 264 serum samples were collected from 24 Holstein dairy cows at defined intervals from 1 week prepartum to 6 months postpartum. Clinically healthy animals (Group 1, n=6) were compared with 24 animals having acute puerperal metritis (Group 2, n=18) and with concentrations obtained from healthy heifers (baseline values, n=10). The concentrations of serum Hp and SAA were measured using a hemoglobin‐binding assay and Western blot analysis, respectively. Reproductive performance was assessed as the number of days open and the conception rate at the end of the study. Results: Upper cut‐off values for Hp and SAA concentrations in heifers were 130.9 μg/L and 51.9 μg/mL, respectively. Hp concentrations in Group 2 were significantly higher than those in Group 1 at all time points (P<.001). Additionally, among the successfully pregnant animals, the number of days open was significantly higher in 6 cows with Hp >130.9 μg/mL (median=316 days) than in 11 cows with Hp ≤130.9 μg/mL (median=120 days) (P=.0024). Conclusions: Serum Hp and SAA concentrations can be used to recognize uterine infection in postpartum cows. The association between elevated Hp values and number of days open suggests Hp may also be a useful indicator of poor prognosis for reproductive performance.  相似文献   

Aims: To determine the reproductive performance of cows diagnosed as anoestrus prior to the planned start of mating (PSM) when they were either treated when first diagnosed, or left untreated until 16 days after the PSM.

Methods: A clinical trial was conducted during the 1996/97 and 1997/98 breeding seasons involving 823 anoestrous dairy cows in 14 herds. On Day-8 (PSM = Day 0), cows in one group (Treated) were each treated with an intravaginal device containing 1.9 g of progesterone (CIDR).The CIDR device was removed on Day-2, and on Day-1 each cow was injected intramuscularly with 1 mg oestradiol benzoate. Cows in the second group (Control) remained untreated at the time of first examination. All cows detected in oestrus after the PSM were mated by artificial insemination (AI) or a bull. Sixteen days after the PSM, all cows that had not been mated were presented for veterinary examination, and those which were still classified as anoestrus were treated with the previously described CIDR regimen. Pregnancy status and approximate date of conception were determined by palpation per rectum 10-13 weeks after the PSM or 6 weeks after the end of the mating period.

Results: Treatment of anoestrous cows 8 days before the PSM significantly increased the number of cows detected in oestrus (95.0% vs 63.1%;p < 0.001) and conceiving (59.5% vs 38.8%;p < 0.001) during the first 21 days of mating, and reduced the interval from PSM to conception by 7.5 days (p < 0.001). There was no significant difference between the conception rate of cows mated following the CIDR treatment regimen compared to cows mated at their first spontaneous oestrus after calving (52.4% vs 58.3%; p = 0.143).

Conclusion: Diagnosis and treatment of anoestrous dairy cows prior to the start of mating significantly improves their reproductive performance under the seasonal mating conditions typical of spring-calving New Zealand dairy herds.  相似文献   

The effect of 2 types of feeding on the involution of the genital tract and on the fertility was studied in 79 Finnish dairy cows on a research farm. The cows were fed twice a day with home-produced feed in accordance with the Finnish feeding standard. The cows were divided according to the type of feed into a hay-urea group and a silage group. The cows were examined clinically by rectal palpation 3 times a week during 8 weeks postpartum. The time required for the complete involution of uterus and cervix was recorded. The cows in the silage group had a significantly longer time in uterine involution, a lower fertility rate at first insemination and a longer interval from calving to conception than those in the hay-urea group. The pregnancy rate in the first insemination was in the hay-urea group 91% and in the silage group 57%. The interval between calving and the first insemination was shorter in the hay-urea group than in the silage group: 71.4 +/- 10.6 and 74.0 +/- 10.3 days, respectively. The interval between calving and conception was in the hay-urea group significantly (p less than 0.01) shorter than in the silage group; 74.8 +/- 15.1 and 89.5 +/- 24.4 days, respectively.  相似文献   

The study was planned to see if there is any important and significant changes in the PMN function in cows suffering from postpartum reproductive diseases (PRD). Blood sampling was done from 41 pregnant cows on 15 days prepartum (?15d), calving day (0d), 15 days (15d) and 30 days (30d) postpartum and thorough gynaecological examination was performed on 0d, 15d, 30d and 45d for diagnosis of PRD like retained placenta (RP), clinical metritis (CM), clinical endometritis (CE) and delayed involution of uterus (DIU). The heparinised blood was used for isolation of PMN leukocytes for estimation of superoxide (SO), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and enzyme myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity in each group of cows. The SO production (ΔOD) was greater for normal (0.19 ± 0.05) than cows suffering from RP (?0.12 ± 0.09), CM (?0.15 ± 0.13) and CE (?0.07 ± 0.05) at -15d. The mean value was greater for normal cows (0.12) than the cows with PRD (0.05 to 0.9) at 30d. The H2O2 production was greater for normal than cows with PRD at all sampling days and significantly greater than cows with RP and CE at 15d (p < 0.01) and 30d (P < 0.05). The MPO activity (μmol/1 × 107) was greater for normal (18.77 ± 1.27) than for RP (12.52 ± 2.57) and CM (11.31 ± 3.30) cows on 0d. The depressed capability of the PMN from the cows with PRD to produce SO, H2O2 and MPO during the periparturient period indicated their association with the development of RP, CM and CE.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to derive an equation that has the ability to model live weight of Irish dairy cows over lactation. The data set consisted of 6899 cows from 63 herds, of which 428 were from experimental herds and 6471 cows were from commercial herds. An initial examination focussed on time series techniques, as the data are of a time series nature. Splines were also examined to determine the dimensions of a model required to represent the data. As an incomplete gamma function, which was previously used to model milk yield, has been used in other studies to model live weight, various milk yield models were investigated. Finally, live weight changes between two calvings were modelled as a function of age, days in milk and pregnancy. As multicollinearity was evident in this function, the variance inflation factor was examined and principal component analysis was carried out on the variables responsible for multicollinearity. The proposed live weight model has a better fit than previous models, weak multicollinearity and the residuals are homoskedastic, independent and normally distributed. This live weight model therefore provides an acceptable level of accuracy in representing the shape of the live weight curve for Irish dairy cows and can be easily modified for different environmental scenarios.  相似文献   

Weekly changes in body condition score (BCS) and body weight (BW) were compared in relation to parity and the timing of postpartum reproductive events. To eliminate the effect of frame size, the BW loss (%) was used for analysis using 26 primiparous and 24 multiparous Holstein cows. Compared with primiparous cows, multiparous cows showed significantly lower BCS and greater BW, but had the same BW loss. Recovery from the BW nadir initiated earlier than that from the BCS nadir and was independent of parity. For the 50 cows, those showing early occurrences of first ovulation, estrus, and insemination, or conception expressed the same BCS as those showing late occurrences. However, those cows that were late in ovulating, showing estrus and being inseminated showed a more severe decline in the BW than did those that were early; there was no significant difference between early and late conceiving cows. These results suggest that the BW loss (%) could be a parity-independent indicator of certain reproductive indices.  相似文献   

The effect of restricted suckling on milk yield and composition, udder health, and postpartum anoestrus in dairy cows in pasture-based systems, was studied in 32 Holstein multiparous cows and their calves. At calving, each cow–calf pair was randomly assigned to one of two treatments: restricted suckling (RS) of the cows by her own or another calf, twice daily for 30 min or artificial rearing (AR) of the calves with milk obtained from the bulk tank, offered twice a day in buckets. Treatments were applied until week 8 after calving. The diet of the cows consisted of direct grazing in improved pastures, corn silage and a commercial concentrate which was offered at milking. Milk production and composition, udder health, body condition score of the cows, body weight and milk intake of the calves were measured weekly, and the first postpartum ovulation was determined three times a week by ovarian ultrasonography. Cows with RS management had a lower machine-milked milk yield (17.9 vs. 24.8 kg/d), a lower fat percentage (3.21 vs. 4.11%) and 4% fat-corrected milk yield (16.2 vs. 25.7 kg/d), and also a lower average milk flow (1.35 vs. 1.76 kg/min) than cows in the AR treatment. There was no effect of treatment on milk protein percentage or udder health as measured by milk electrical conductivity. The interval from calving to first postpartum ovulation was shorter in the AR cows than in the RS cows (18.5 vs. 21.8 days). The RS calves consumed more milk (7.2 vs. 5.4 kg/d), gained more body weight (0.813 vs. 0.656 kg/d), and had a higher body weight at weaning (84.3 vs. 73.3 kg) than AR calves. Restricted suckling of grazing dairy cows had a negative effect on machine-milked milk yield, fat percentage and 4% fat-corrected milk yield, but had no effect on udder health or on improved weight gain and body weight at weaning of the calves.  相似文献   

The aim of the following investigation was to study the effect of beta-carotin serum concentrations on reproductive performance in dairy cows. Blood samples were collected from 201 cows 3 to 4 weeks antepartum, 1 to 2 weeks postpartum and at the time of insemination. Concentrations of beta-carotin in blood serum were determined via HPLC. The incidence of retained placental fetal membranes, endometritis, ovarian cysts as well as the beginning of the oestrous cycle and various measures of fertility such as first service conception rate, pregnancy index, interval from calving to first insemination, interval from calving to conception, interval from first insemination to conception and expected calving interval were recorded and analysed. The beta-carotin serum concentrations were not related to the incidence of retained placental fetal membranes, endometritis, ovarian cysts or the onset of cyclicity post partum. Cows with lower beta-carotin concentrations partially seemed to have a reduced reproductive performance than cows with higher beta-carotin concentrations. Overall, our results suggest only a minor relationship between the beta-carotin serum concentration and fertility in dairy cows.  相似文献   

本试验旨在确立能量平衡对奶牛产后卵巢静止的作用,为今后预防该病提供科学依据。从黑龙江省某集约化牛场随机选取产后14~21d奶牛80头(年龄2~4岁,胎次1~3次,泌乳量(34.82±9.51)kg/d),跟踪观测至产后60~90d,进行奶牛发情鉴定,结合B超观察与生殖激素检测从观测奶牛中选出卵巢静止与发情奶牛各16头。对2组奶牛产后14~21d和60~90d的血浆能量代谢及肝功能指标进行了统计比较。结果显示:产后60~90d卵巢静止奶牛血浆β-羟丁酸和游离脂肪酸含量高于发情奶牛(P0.05),血浆促卵泡素、雌二醇和孕酮浓度极显著低于发情奶牛(P0.01);根据受试者工作特征曲线分析确定产后14~21d血浆β-羟丁酸0.69 mmol/L、游离脂肪酸0.52mmol/L作为产后卵巢静止预警值,灵敏度和特异度分别为85.7%和83.30%,92.3%和86.70%,产后60~90d2项指标的预警值分别为0.42,0.17mmol/L。奶牛产后14~21d与60~90d血浆β-羟丁酸和游离脂肪酸浓度超过预警值,奶牛产后发生卵巢静止的风险会增大。  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty early lactating Holstein dairy cows were assigned to investigate the effect of dietary chromium (Cr) supplementation (0 or 6 mg Cr/head/day from organic preparation) on the productive and reproductive performance as well as on some blood serum parameters under heat stress (35–40 °C). Cows received treatment from 3 weeks pre‐partum through 12 weeks post‐partum. Chromium supplemented diet had lower body weight loss and improved dry matter intake with consequent reduction in the energy balance deficits during the first period after calving when compared with the control group. Chromium supplementation increased (p < 0.05) milk yield by 6.7%, 12.3% and 16.5% at 4, 8 and 12 weeks post‐partum, respectively, whereas milk composition and milk to feed ratio were unaffected (p > 0.05) when compared with the control. Moreover, dietary Cr supplementation had no effect (p > 0.05) on blood serum glucose, calcium and phosphorus concentrations. A reduction (p < 0.05) of non‐esterified fatty acids at 1 week pre‐partum, 2 and 4 weeks post‐partum was also observed. Serum insulin concentration increased whereas cortisol concentration decreased, when compared with the control group, throughout the whole experimental period. Also Cr supplementation showed a trend towards improving reproductive performance as indicated by increased percentage of pregnant cows in the first 28 days of breeding. It could be concluded that dietary Cr supplementation at level of 6 mg/head/day may offer a potential protective management practice to lessen the effect of heat stress in dairy cattle.  相似文献   

AIM: To compare 2 treatments for anovulatory anoestrus (AA) in postpartum dairy cows. The treatments were combinations of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and prostaglandin F2𝛂 (PG) or progesterone (P4) and oestradiol benzoate (ODB).

METHODS: Forty AA cows from each of 5 herds were blocked by age (2 or >2 years old) and randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatments. The first group (GPG) were treated with 250 𝛍g of a GnRH analogue, gonadorelin, followed 7 days later by 15 mg of the PG analogue, luprostiol. Two days later the cows were injected with 250 𝛍g of gonadorelin. Cows were artificially inseminated 16–24 h after the second GnRH injection. The second group (P4+ODB) were treated with an intravaginal P4 releasing device for 6 days, followed 24 h after device removal by injection of 1 mg of ODB. Cows were pregnancy tested 35–40 days after the initial insemination and twice again at 6–8 week intervals thereafter.

RESULTS: There was no significant difference between P4+ODB and GPG groups in the percentage of cows submitted for insemination in the first 7 days (94.0% vs 100% for P4+ODB vs GPG, respectively; p>0.3), in conception rate to first insemination within the first 7 days (43.6% vs 35.0% for P4+ODB vs GPG, respectively; p>0.2), in the percentage of cows conceiving in the first 28 days of the breeding period (68.0% vs 58.3%, P4+ODB vs GPG, respectively; p>0.1), or in median interval from the end of treatment to conception (20 vs 21days;p>0.1).

CONCLUSIONS: No differences in the reproductive performance of AA cows treated with either P4+ODB or GPG were detected. However, given the small number of animals enrolled, further data are required before the GPG protocol can be recommended for treatment of AA cows.  相似文献   

摘要:[目的]探究繁殖营养素对西门塔尔杂交母牛繁殖性能、产后健康及犊牛生长性能的影响。[方法]试验对33头390kg左右妊娠8-9月的初配西门塔尔杂交母牛饲喂不同添加量的繁殖营养,对母牛繁殖性能、产后健康及犊牛生长性能的数据进行分析。[结果]饲喂10g/(头·d)繁殖营养素母牛人工助产率较对照组大幅降低,且犊牛成活率提高,犊牛发病率减少。第一次发情时间提前7.42d,且受胎率也有所提高;饲喂10g/(头·d)繁殖营养素大幅度降低了母牛胎衣不下、子宫炎和乳房炎疾病的发病率;添加了10g/(头·d)繁殖营养素组的犊牛从出生到产后3月龄,其体重和体尺都有不同程度提高。[结论]母牛日粮中添加10g/(头·d)繁殖营养素能提高母牛繁殖性能、降低母牛产后疾病的发生率以及一定程度上提高犊牛的生长性能。  相似文献   

The purpose of this survey was to evaluate the reproductive performance of dairy cows on problem farms in southern Iceland. In all 229 cows on 6 farms were studied. The animals were examined clinically by rectal palpation, once a month. Blood samples were taken 2–5 and 7–10 weeks after calving. The blood samples were analysed for the contents of glucose, urea, inorganic phosphate, calcium and magnesium. Milk samples for progesterone profiles were taken, by the farmer, every 4th day from day 10 postpartum until first oestrus. Because of this sampling method, 128 cows had no rise in progesterone levels, when milk sampling was stopped. These 128 animals were excluded from the study. The results are based on 101 animals.There was a large variation between cows in postpartum reproductive performance. In the total material 1st ovulation occurred later than reported in many other countries. Fifty percent of the cows had ovulated 35 days after calving and 90 percent 70 days after calving.The first luteal phase was short in about 60 % of the cows. The progesterone values assayed from those short cycles were lower than the values assayed from the following cycle. First artificial insemination (ai) was on the average 77 days postpartum (pp). The conception rate to first service was 49 %. Of 100 milk samples taken at the time of ai, 20 had high progesterone value. This indicates a high frequency of luteal phase inseminations.Clinical ketosis was diagnosed in 35 cows. Of these, 31 had a low glucose value. Cows with clinical ketosis ovulated, on the average, later than other animals and 24 ovulated later than 40 days pp. The results indicated that the fertility problems of these cows studied were late ovulations, low conception rate, probably in part, due to luteal phase inseminations, and a high frequency of ketosis which could be caused by low quality feedstuff.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the risk factors for postpartum endometritis by evaluating several reproductive factors in individual cows, and to determine the effect of endometritis on the subsequent reproductive performance in dairy herds in Korea. The data, including health status, parity and body condition score (BCS) of cows, and calving date, were collected from 320 cows in eight dairy herds calving from January 2001 to October 2002. We used logistic regression to evaluate the effects of these factors on endometritis. A stepwise procedure, used to obtain the appropriate model with alpha=0.05, revealed that retained placenta, metabolic disorders and parity are the important risk factors for endometritis. The mean intervals from calving to first service and conception were prolonged (P<0.01) by 23 and 36 days, respectively, in the endometritis group compared to the non-endometritis group. The first service conception rate was lower (P<0.05) in the endometritis group (47.6%) than in the non-endometritis group (62.6%). The number of services per conception was higher (P<0.05) in the endometritis group (1.9) than in the non-endometritis group (1.6). We conclude that retained placenta, metabolic disorders and cow parity are strongly correlated with the development of postpartum endometritis, which decreases reproductive performance in dairy herds in Korea.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of postpartum prostaglandin treatment on reproduction in 3 seasonal calving dairy herds. Recently calved lactating dairy cows were paired on herd, age, calving date and previous production index. One cow in each of the 196 pairs received a single intramuscular injection of 25 mg of the prostaglandin analogue, dinoprost, between 14 and 28 days after calving. Subsequent reproduction was monitored. Within each herd and overall, there was no significant effect of treatment on the intervals from calving to first service, mating start date to first service, calving to conception, mating start date to conception and first service to conception. Treatment also had no significant effect on 21-day submission and pregnancy rates, on the proportion of each group not pregnant at the end of mating, and on first service pregnancy rates. Responses to treatment did not vary between cows calving within 50 days of mating start date and earlier calving cows or between cows aged less than 5 years and older cows.  相似文献   

Three cross-bred cows calved in March and April and were followed until day 62 after parturition. Each animal was suckled by 2 calves ad libitum. All calves were removed from the cows on day 55 after parturition. Blood was collected 3 times per day from the jugular vein by venipuncture. On 4 occasions after parturition--i.e. days 7-8, 21-22, 35-36 and 49-50, the cows were bled through a jugular venous catheter every 30 min during the 24 h. The plasma samples were analyzed for the content of 15-keto-13,14-dihydro-PGF2 alpha (main PGF2 alpha metabolite), LH, prolactin, cortisol and progesterone by radioimmunoassay methods. The concentration of PGF2 alpha increased from 280 to 730 pmol/l within the last 4 days before parturition. The highest geometric mean was 3106 pmol/l on the day of parturition. Thereafter a steady decrease of PGF2 alpha metabolite concentration was seen until day 21 when it reached plateau at 148 pmol/l. In all cows plasma LH concentrations increased significantly (P < 0.05) from about 1.6 micrograms/l on days 7-8 to 2.4 micrograms/l on days 21-22 post partum. The frequency of LH pulses showed no tendency to increase as the postpartum period progressed and averaged 6.5 pulses/24 h. Mean plasma LH concentrations increased from 2.1 micrograms/l 2 days before weaning to 3.2 micrograms/l 2 days after weaning (P < 0.05). LH peaks occurred less frequently in association with prolactin and cortisol peaks than in their absence. A partial positive correlation between PGF2 alpha metabolite and cortisol (r = 0.30) was found on days 7-8 post partum. Correlation between prolactin and cortisol on days 7-8 and 21-22 post partum was also positive (r = 0.20 and r = 0.27, respectively). There was a negative correlation between LH and cortisol on days 7-8 (r = -0.27) and days 49-50 (r = -0.21) post partum. The first and short progesterone increase observed after weaning was terminated in conjunction with PGF2 alpha metabolite peaks.  相似文献   

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