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Biology and medicine of the ferret   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is still much more to be learned about ferret behavior, nutrition, and physiologic responses associated with aging, disease, and environmental stimuli. The many similarities in the clinical disorders of ferrets and other small companion animals should emphasize the importance of using the same diagnostic methods developed for common companion animals in examinations of ferrets. There is still very little known of the efficacy of a wide spectrum of drugs in ferrets, and judicious use of pharmacodynamic agents that are safe for cats would be a reasonable approach to drug therapy.  相似文献   

The articles regarding the ferret supply a practical hand-out for the companion animal practitioner. Features regarding housing, nutrition, and reproduction are briefly described followed by, more in detail, diagnostic procedures such as blood collection, anesthesia, small surgical procedures, preventive veterinary care and hospitalization of the ferret. Frequently seen clinical problems with their differential diagnosis are discussed including cause, clinical disease, diagnosis, therapy and if applicable prevention and control.  相似文献   

The domestic ferret is an increasingly popular pet in North America and Europe and may easily be incorporated into the structure and workings of most small animal hospitals. Not only does treatment of ferrets provide case diversity and intellectual challenges to the veterinarian but it may increase revenue, because most ferret owners have several ferrets. The diagnostic and supportive care procedures used commonly in ferrets are similar to those used in dogs and cats. This article presents the common diagnostic and supportive care procedures used in ferrets, with special emphasis on some of the unique aspects that make these procedures easier to learn and perform.  相似文献   

Pyloric adenocarcinoma was diagnosed in a ferret with clinical signs of gastric distention. The development of this tumor may be related to Helicobacter mustelae infection in the gastric mucosa of ferrets. Pyloric adenocarcinoma has only recently been reported in ferrets and should be considered as a differential diagnosis for gastric distention in this species.  相似文献   

This case report describes the diagnosis and resolution of an inter-vertebral disk prolapse in a 6-year-old ferret. No predisposing causes were found in the patient's history. A right hemilaminectomy, performed 1 week after presentation, was chosen to treat the patient surgically, and complete remission of clinical signs was achieved 2 months after presentation.  相似文献   

Since late 2003, an inflammatory disease of muscle and fascia has been diagnosed in several ferrets at Northwest ZooPath, and this report describes the condition in 17 ferrets. It is a disease of young ferrets, characterized by rapid onset of clinical signs, high fever, neutrophilic leukocytosis, treatment failure, and death (or euthanasia). Gross lesions include atrophy of skeletal muscle; red and white mottling and dilatation of the esophagus; and splenomegaly. Histologically, moderate to severe suppurative to pyogranulomatous inflammation is in the skeletal muscle and the fascia at multiple sites, including esophagus, heart, limbs, body wall, head, and lumbar regions. Myeloid hyperplasia of spleen and/or bone marrow also is a prominent feature. Ultrastructural lesions include mitochondrial swelling, intracellular edema, disruption of myofibrils and Z bands. Bacterial and viral cultures, electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry, and polymerase chain reaction were negative for a variety of infectious agents. The clinical presentation and distribution of lesions suggests that polymyositis in domestic ferrets is likely a distinct entity. The etiopathogenesis if this condition is not known.  相似文献   

Ferrets inoculated with Aleutian disease (AD)-infective material of mink origin harbored the infective agent for at least 136 days after inoculation. In contrast, hamsters given a similar inoculum of infective material no longer harbored the infective agent at 21 days postinoculation. During the infective period, neither ferrets nor hamsters had any detectable illness. However, in certain ferrets, massive periportal lymphocytic infiltrates were observed. A survey of ferrets from different ranches revealed similar lymphocytic infiltrates only in ferrets raised on a ranch which had AD-infected mink.  相似文献   

Novel approaches to the clinical training of veterinary students in many disciplines are being sought by veterinary colleges. In 2004, the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine approached the Small Animal Department and Florida Veterinary Specialists (FVS) in Tampa with a proposal to jointly design and run an elective clerkship in emergency medicine. The program would focus on providing increased emergency case exposure in a real-world environment to interested third- and fourth-year veterinary students. The purpose would be to better prepare these students for emergent cases while increasing their overall level of clinical confidence. This article reviews in detail the clerkship structure, its objectives, and the logistics of training and support at FVS. In this instance, the academic-private institution partnership has been successful in providing effective learning for veterinary students over the last three years. This clerkship structure may serve as a template for other institutions exploring alternatives to the traditional clinical training of veterinary students.  相似文献   

Hyperadrenocorticism in a ferret   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 7-year-old adult male ferret had progressive hair loss that was bilaterally symmetric. Also clinically evident were severe dehydration, polydipsia, muffled heart sounds, weak femoral pulses, hepatomegaly, lethargy, weakness, temporal muscular atrophy, dyspnea, and weakness. The blood profile of the ferret indicated profound leukopenia, eosinopenia, and high phosphorus, BUN, creatinine, and potassium concentrations, as well as high aspartate transaminase activity; the albumin concentration was low. The serum cortisol concentration was 8.1 micrograms/dl. Necropsy and histologic findings confirmed a diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism, complicated by dilatative cardiomyopathy, chronic active hepatitis, and renal disease.  相似文献   

An 18-month-old female ferret with an ulcerated metacarpal pad and signs of respiratory illness was diagnosed as having blastomycosis by visualization of organisms on a tissue imprint, an agarose gel immunodiffusion test, and thoracic radiography. The ferret was treated intravenously with amphotercin B at 0.4 to 0.8 mg/kg and orally with ketoconazole at 8 mg/kg for approximately 1 month, during which time clinical and radiographic improvement was noted. A change to SC amphoterocin B therapy resulted in relapse of clinical signs despite continuation of ketoconazole therapy, and necessitated euthanasia. Necropsy revealed granulomatous lesions typical of Blastomyces dermatitidis infection in the lungs, thoracic pleura, spleen, meninges, and brain. Comparisons between this case and canine blastomycosis cases are made and alternative treatment regimes for mustelid blastomycosis are suggested.  相似文献   

Insulinoma was diagnosed in a 7-year-old female ferret examined because of generalized seizures, intermittent paraplegia, and abnormal behavior. Low serum glucose, high serum insulin, and infinite amended insulin/glucose ratio values in this ferret supported the clinical diagnosis of insulinoma. Histologic examination of the pancreas confirmed the diagnosis of insulinoma. The clinical signs and laboratory evaluations in this case and in a previously reported case of insulinoma in a ferret were consistent with variations reported in dogs with insulinoma.  相似文献   

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