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Molecular characterization of the Cassava brown streak virus coat protein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A partial sequence of 1114 nucleotides of a virus from cassava brown streak diseased (CBSD) material was obtained. Alignment of the predicted amino acid sequence with those of other members of the Potyviridae showed closest identity with the coat protein of Sweet potato mild mottle virus (genus Ipomovirus ). The predicted amino acid sequence has one open reading frame with a 3' untranslated region of 144 nucleotides and a poly(A) tail. The expressed protein was shown to cross-react with an antiserum raised previously to a virus isolated from CBSD material. Evidence presented suggests that CBSD is caused by Cassava brown streak virus , a tentative member of the genus Ipomovirus , as this virus is consistently found associated with CBSD.  相似文献   

Symptom expression and levels of the ipomovirus Cucumber vein yellowing virus (CVYV) and the crinivirus Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (CYSDV) were compared in greenhouse cucumbers in single and mixed infections. Results were contrasted with those obtained for plants infected with the potyvirus Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) in single and in mixed infections with either CVYV or CYSDV. Cucumber showed leaf symptoms of each co‐infecting virus, except for the combination of CYSDV with ZYMV, where the typical CYSDV‐like symptoms of interveinal leaf yellowing were inconspicuous or absent. The progression of CVYV as quantified by real‐time RT‐PCR was similar in plants with single infections and in mixed infection with CYSDV between 15 and 60 days post‐inoculation (dpi). However, CYSDV was detected at significantly enhanced levels in plants when co‐infected with CVYV but not when co‐infected with ZYMV. In the latter case, ZYMV levels were reduced when compared with single infections. During mixed infections of ZYMV and CVYV, the titre levels of the ipomovirus were significantly lower when compared with single infections. Cucumber had reduced plant height, internode length, dry weight and fruit yield, positively correlated with the titre levels of CVYV and not of CYSDV during mixed infections. It is concluded that co‐infections with CVYV enhance the titre of CYSDV, which could have epidemiological significance.  相似文献   

Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (CYSDV) has been present in greenhouse-grown cucumber in Spain since 1992. However, in the autumn of 2000 Cucumber vein yellowing virus (CVYV) was introduced, leading to mixed infections of both Bemisia tabaci -transmitted viruses. The temporal and spatial spread of disease symptoms were monitored in experimental plastic-covered greenhouses during six consecutive cucumber plantings from 2000 to 2002. Using linear regression analysis of 46 disease-progress curves, the Gompertz model best described the CYSDV epidemics in 2000, whereas the logistic model best described the development of CYSDV and CVYV epidemics in 2001 and 2002. The fitted models were used to calculate the amount of degree Celsius-days at half-maximum infection in the greenhouses (° D 0·5). After multiple regression analysis, 56% of the variation in ° D 0·5 of CYSDV was related to the numbers of whiteflies infesting the cucumber crops, and was independent of the mean temperatures in the greenhouses. In contrast, 76% of the variation in ° D 0·5 of CVYV was related to both the numbers of vectors present and maximum temperature. Symptom expression in cucumbers mechanically inoculated with CVYV was most prevalent when plants were grown at regimes of at least 28°C day temperature. According to analysis of spread using Taylor's power law, beta-binomial distribution fitting, and the ordinary runs test, the prevalence of CVYV showed significant overdispersion, whereas that of CYSDV did not. The χ2 test of independence and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient were used to measure co-occurrence and covariation, respectively, during the first half of the cultivation period. These results showed that the two diseases were not associated.  相似文献   

马铃薯Y病毒科分子进化研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马铃薯Y病毒科Potyviridae包括许多重要的植物病毒。本文综述了近年来该科马铃薯Y病毒属Potyvirus、甘薯病毒属Ipomovirus和禾草病毒属Poacevirus内20余种病毒的分子进化研究现状,从突变、重组、漂移、选择和迁移5个方面探讨了影响该科一些病毒分子进化的因素,并展望了未来的研究方向,以期为该科病毒的有效防控提供理论依据。  相似文献   

野茼蒿黄脉病毒的田间寄主范围及其基因多样性特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确野茼蒿黄脉病毒(Crassocephalum yellow vein virus,CraYVV)的田间寄主范围及其群体基因结构特征,分别采用克隆和测序技术对采自云南省西双版纳傣族州、红河哈尼族彝族自治州的7种杂草和2种作物进行CraYVV的分离和鉴定,并通过生物信息学软件对分离到的CraYVV进行基因组结构、重组及基因遗传结构分析。结果显示,在赛葵、龙葵、臭牡丹、水茄、豨莶、野茼蒿和一点红7种杂草以及茄子和草莓2种作物中均分离到CraYVV,共获得20条CraYVV全长序列;CraYVV所有分离物分属2个株系,将其命名为YJ株系和JH株系;JH株系具有地理隔离特征,与YJ株系存在一定的遗传距离;重组分析显示,CraYVV是由烟草曲茎病毒(tobacco curly shoot virus,TbCSV)和云南烟草曲叶病毒(tobacco leaf curl Yunnan virus,TbLCYnV)重组产生;遗传结构分析显示,CraYVV中C1基因变异最显著,其次是C4基因和基因间隔区。表明CraYVV能侵染5科9种杂草和作物,具有较广的寄主范围,且菜豆金色花叶病毒属病毒能够侵染草莓、CraYVV能够侵染茄子,显示来源于杂草的菜豆金色花叶病毒属病毒在自然条件下能够侵染作物。  相似文献   

Wisteria mosaic, a serious disease of Wisteria spp. in horticultural production in many parts of the world, is caused by a virus, Wisteria vein mosaic virus (WVMV). This paper reports the presence of the virus in a new host, Wisteria venusta , and a new geographical distribution, New South Wales, Australia. A partial sequence (1329 nucleotides) of this isolate of WVMV was obtained, which represents the first available sequence data for the virus. Alignment of the nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequences with those of members of the Potyviridae showed closest identity with viruses of the Potyvirus genus. The predicted amino acid sequence has one open reading frame, open at the 5' end, corresponding to part of the nuclear inclusion b protein and the capsid protein, followed by a 251-nucleotide untranslated region and a polyadenylated tail at the 3' end.  相似文献   

The genetic variation and evolutionary mechanisms shaping Cucumber vein yellowing virus (CVYV) populations were investigated by analysis of nucleotide sequences coding for P1b, P1b/P3 and coat proteins (CP) from isolates collected in different countries. The complete genome sequence of isolate ISM from Israel was also determined and compared to those of isolates Jor from Jordan and ALM32 from Spain. This isolate had overall nucleotide identities of 94·23 and 94·96% with ALM32 and Jor, respectively. Nucleotide variation among isolates was not homogeneously distributed, with the 5′ half of the genome being more variable than the 3′ half. A Bayesian phylogenetic tree of the CP showed that CVYV isolates clustered into two main clades: isolates from the Middle East region (Lebanon, Israel and Jordan) clustered in both clades whereas the isolate from Tunisia clustered in clade I and the European isolates clustered as a homogeneous phylogroup in Clade II. A similar topology was observed for P1b but with incongruences with respect to the CP, suggesting genetic exchange among virus isolates, which were confirmed with recombination algorithms. The low genetic diversity within the European phylogroup with respect to the other isolates, neutralist tests and genetic differentiation analyses suggest that the Middle East region is the cradle of CVYV and that a unique virus introduction event occurred in Europe, where the virus spread rapidly. Taken together, these findings indicate a risk of emergence of virulent CVYV isolates in Europe either through migration from the Middle East or by genetic changes of the European isolates.  相似文献   

The southwest Australian floristic region (SWAFR) is an internationally recognized 'hot spot' of global biodiversity and has an endangered flora. It represents a unique interface between an ancient ecosystem and a recent agroecosystem, providing the opportunity to investigate encounters where the recipient of the virus is an introduced crop and the donor a native plant and vice versa. Phylogenetic analysis of the virus coat-protein genes was used to study isolates of three potyviruses representing different 'new encounter' scenarios at this interface. The incidence, symptomatology, host range, non-persistent aphid transmission and considerable genetic diversity of the first indigenous virus described from the SWAFR, where it infects the native legume Hardenbergia comptoniana , and its potential to damage lupin, a locally important, newly introduced cultivated grain legume, was studied. The name Hardenbergia mosaic virus is proposed for this virus. Two other examples of 'new encounter' scenarios involving other legume-infecting potyviruses studied were: Passion fruit woodiness virus , which has been found only in Australasia, where it damages recently introduced species of Passiflora and legumes; and Bean yellow mosaic virus, which is not indigenous to Australia and was introduced recently to the SWAFR, where it infects a number of introduced legumes, but also damages the local native legume Kennedia prostrata . Isolates of the former had considerable genetic diversity consistent with the virus being indigenous, while isolates of the latter virus from K. prostrata had a low genetic diversity consistent with recent arrival. This research illustrates how introduced viruses can damage indigenous plants and indigenous viruses can damage introduced cultivated plants within this unique ecosystem, and how human activities can facilitate damaging 'new encounters' between plants and viruses.  相似文献   

Zucchini squash is host to Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (CYSDV), a member of the genus Crinivirus, and Cucumber vein yellowing virus (CVYV), a member of the genus Ipomovirus, both transmitted by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci. Field observations suggest the appearance of new symptoms observed on leaves of zucchini squash crops when both viruses were present. When infected during controlled experiments with CYSDV only, zucchini plants showed no obvious symptoms and the virus titer decreased between 15 and 45 days postinoculation (dpi), after which it was no longer detected. CVYV caused inconspicuous symptoms restricted to vein clearing on some of the apical leaves and the virus accumulated progressively between 15 and 60 dpi. Similar accumulations of virus followed single inoculations with the potyvirus Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) and plants showed severe stunting, leaf deformation, and mosaic yellowing. However, in mixed infections with CYSDV and CVYV, intermediate leaves showed chlorotic mottling which evolved later to rolling, brittleness, and complete yellowing of the leaf lamina, with exception of the veins. No consistent alteration of CVYV accumulation was detected but the amounts of CYSDV increased ≈100-fold and remained detectable at 60 dpi. Such synergistic effects on the titer of the crinivirus and symptom expression were not observed when co-infected with ZYMV.  相似文献   

The Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotype B transmitted host range of Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV), genus Crinivirus, Family Closteroviridae, and Cucumber vein yellowing virus (CVYV), genus Ipomovirus, Family Potyviridae, was studied. New experimental hosts were identified for each of these viruses. Seventeen species in eight plant families were assessed as potential hosts for ToCV. Infection in asymptomatic Anthriscus cereifolium (chervil) test plants by ToCV was confirmed by using a Real-Time PCR assay designed for ToCV. The presence of readily transmissible, infectious ToCV virions in A. cereifolium was confirmed by re-isolation of the virus via whitefly-transmission from A. cereifolium to Lycopersicon esculentum and A. cereifolium. This is the first report of the experimental transmission of ToCV by B. tabaci to a species within the Umbelliferae. All other hosts assessed for the presence of ToCV were found to be uninfected. Ten species in five families were assessed as potential hosts for CVYV. The CVYV host range identified included some important crops and common weeds, such as L. esculentum, Nicotiana tabacum, A. cereifolium, Datura stramonium, Nicotiana benthamiana, Nicotiana clevlandii and Cucumis sativus. Symptoms were present on D. stramonium, N. benthamiana and C. sativus control plants. The presence of infectious whitefly transmitted CVYV virions was confirmed solely for D. stramonium and N. tabacum, following re-isolation of the virus via B. tabaci transmission from all infected species to C. sativus. This is the␣first report of experimental CVYV transmission by B. tabaci to non-cucurbitaceous crop and weed hosts belonging to the Solanaceae or Umbelliferae.  相似文献   

为明确柑橘衰退病毒(citrus tristeza virus, CTV)和柑橘黄脉病毒(citrus yellow vein clearing virus, CYVCV)在广西柑橘上的发生?分布及其遗传变异情况, 于2020年至2021年对百色?北海?崇左?贵港?桂林?河池?贺州?来宾?柳州?南宁?梧州和玉林等12个柑橘产区进行了病毒病调查?采用RT-PCR对采集样品进行了病毒检测, 并基于病毒分离物外壳蛋白(coat protein, CP)基因的核苷酸序列进行比对分析, 构建系统发育树?结果表明:采集的737份柑橘样品中, CTV的检出率为20.62%, CYVCV检出率为18.32%, CTV的检出率略高于CYVCV?病毒复合侵染的现象在采集的柑橘样品中普遍存在, CTV和CYVCV复合侵染率高达34.50%?对RT-PCR产物测序共获得12个CTV分离物和6个CYVCV分离物的CP基因序列?遗传多样性分析发现, CTV和CYVCV的CP基因序列都较保守, CTV分离物的遗传进化与地理来源?寄主来源均没有明显相关性, 但CYVCV分离物的遗传进化与地理位置具有相关性, 而与寄主来源无明显相关性?上述研究结果可为深入了解CTV和CYVCV在广西的流行情况以及柑橘病毒病的检疫和防控提供参考?  相似文献   

Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) is the causal agent of rhizomania, the most serious sugar beet disease worldwide. Since the first finding in Japan in 1969, BNYVV became widespread throughout Hokkaido in a few decades and led to the introduction of Rz1-resistant sugar beet cultivars in the 1990s. Here, we report the historical progress of the BNYVV epidemic in Hokkaido from 1969 to 2019. Previous analysis on samples from 1991 showed that BNYVV isolates were classified into three strains (named O, D, and T) based on the RNA3-encoded p25 gene. The O-type viruses were widely detected in Hokkaido, while the D- and T-type viruses were detected in limited areas. The RNA5, encoding the p26 gene, was initially contained in some D- and O-type isolates but not in any T-type isolates. Interestingly, recent sample analysis revealed that RNA5-containing T-type viruses, seemingly more virulent than the other two strains, were widely detected in Hokkaido. Additionally, a small group of virus isolates harbouring a new p25 gene (named C) was found in limited areas. These results suggest that the T-type viruses, which accompanied RNA5, have been preferentially spread from a limited area to other districts over the last few decades and that this spread might be strongly associated with the recent introduction of Rz1-resistant sugar beet cultivars. BNYVV-positive samples also contained mainly beet soil-borne virus and traces of beet virus Q, both of which are the first to be recorded in Japan.  相似文献   

Begomoviruses represent one of the most damaging virus groups on many important crops worldwide. In Venezuela, the begomovirus Melon chlorotic mosaic virus (MeCMV) is the major constraint for melon and watermelon production. MeCMV has been associated with the satellite Melon chlorotic mosaic alphasatellite (MeCMA). Full‐length genome sequencing of 20 and 35 isolates of MeCMV and MeCMA, respectively, was carried out to estimate their genetic variability. Furthermore, mechanical transmission assays of MeCMV alone, or in conjunction with MeCMA, were performed. Genetic variation was low among MeCMV isolates, which exhibited 97–100% nucleotide identity for the DNA‐A component and 95–100% for the DNA‐B component. Alphasatellite isolates were highly variable ranging from 86·5 to 100% nucleotide identity. MeCMV isolates were phylogenetically related to begomoviruses belonging to the Squash leaf curl virus (SLCV) clade, while MeCMA isolates were clustered in two subgroups related to alphasatellites from the New World (Cuba and Brazil). MeCMV has a host range restricted to cucurbit species and two experimental hosts: Nicotiana benthamiana and Nicotiana clevelandii. MeCMV can be mechanically transmitted with up to 100% efficiency in melon. The physiological stage of the inoculated organ (cotyledon or leaf) represents a key factor for inoculation efficiency. This result provides a simple and reliable inoculation method to develop extensive screening for MeCMV resistance sources. In addition, the complex MeCMV + MeCMA was mechanically transmitted to melon, N. benthamiana and N. clevelandii plantlets and successfully back‐transmitted. To the authors’ knowledge, this finding is the first evidence of sap transmission for a begomovirus–satellite complex.  相似文献   

Little cherry virus 1 (LChV‐1), a member of the recently proposed genus Velarivirus, is a sweet cherry pathogen that has been recently reported to infect other Prunus species and is associated with various plant disorders. In this work the incidence of the virus on its putative hosts and possible mechanisms driving its evolution were investigated. Due to problems encountered with LChV‐1 detection, a new nested RT‐PCR assay was developed and applied. The virus was found to be prevalent in cherry plantations in Greece and only occasionally detected in other Prunus species. Sequences corresponding to the partial RNA‐dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), heat‐shock protein homologue (HSP70h) and coat protein (CP) genes were determined from Greek LChV‐1 isolates originating from different hosts; these were analysed, along with published homologous genomic regions from other isolates. Phylogenetic analysis of the three genes revealed the segregation of four evolutionary distinct groups showing no host or geography‐based clustering. Mean genetic distances among the four groups were high with the CP region showing the highest divergence, although intragroup variability levels were low. Nevertheless, estimations of the mean ratio of nonsynonymous substitutions per synonymous site to synonymous substitutions per synonymous site (dN/dS) for the partial RdRp, HSP70h and CP indicated that these genomic regions are under negative selection pressure. Interestingly, a recombination event was identified at the 3′ end of RdRp on a Greek virus isolate, thus highlighting the role of this mechanism in the evolutionary history of LChV‐1.  相似文献   

An investigation of genetic variation in Cirsium arvense field patches   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The genetic structure of typical Cirsium arvense patch populations in two arable fields was examined. Patches were mapped and plant samples were taken in these patches. Plants of a central patch and four surrounding patches were sampled in 1 year to investigate the influence of root fragment dispersal. Plants of another patch were sampled in three subsequent years to investigate the patch development. The genotypes of the plants were examined using repetitive enterogenic primer (REP) and inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis. The mean proportion of distinguishable genotypes ranged from 0.13 to 0.67 and the evenness index ranged from 0.58 to 1.00. Differences in genotypes between neighbouring patches indicated that root fragment dispersal via soil cultivation was of minor importance. Three years sampling within a patch showed that the patch mainly ‘grew’ via the establishment of new clones rather than by clonal growth of one genotype. The influence of various factors caused by population demography or arable practice on patch development in an arable field is discussed. Although various factors can help to maintain genetic diversity, there is strong evidence for regular seedling establishment in arable fields.  相似文献   

Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) is a highly infectious potexvirus that causes a severe disease in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) crops worldwide. In Sicily, the first outbreak was detected in a single greenhouse in 2005 and it was promptly eradicated. However, in 2008, a large number of greenhouses were simultaneously affected, and it was impossible to eradicate or control the virus. This study addressed the dispersion and the genetic diversity of PepMV isolates obtained from the outbreak in Sicily, in comparison with worldwide PepMV isolates, to gain insight into the factors determining the evolution and epidemiology of the virus. A total of 1800 samples from plants with and without symptoms were collected in the Sicilian provinces of Agrigento, Caltanissetta, Palermo, Ragusa, Siracusa and Trapani. Three isolates collected at different times were biologically characterized. The incidence of the virus increased rapidly from 13% in 2011 to 63% in 2013, and phylogenetic analysis showed that all Sicilian isolates of PepMV belonged to the CH2 strain, one of the six strains previously described. Nucleotide diversity of the Sicilian isolates was low, thus suggesting rapid spread and genetic stability.  相似文献   

DNA primers, based on the ribosomal sequences of lethal yellowing-type disease (LYD) phytoplasmas, were used to analyse genetic variation within the lethal yellowing-type diseases of coconut in East Africa. Samples were collected from palms in Kenya, Mozambique and high, medium and low disease incidence areas of Tanzania. The mollicute-specific primer pair P1 and P6 amplified a 1.5 kbp product from all diseased palms and no product from symptomless palms, indicating that phytoplasmas were associated with all of these diseases. However, the Rohde forward and Rohde reverse primers (a second rRNA primer pair designed to detect East African LYD-associated phytoplasmas) only amplified products from Tanzanian and Kenyan diseased palms and not from those of Mozambique. Conversely, primers Ghana 813 and AK-SR, designed for specific detection of coconut-associated phytoplasmas in West Africa, amplified products only from the Mozambique palms, indicating that the phytoplasma associated with LYD in Mozambique is more closely related to those from West Africa. This was supported by restriction enzyme digestion of PCR products. DNA sequencing of PCR products from phytoplasmas within Tanzania revealed no detectable differences in the rDNA sequences of isolates from high, medium and low incidence areas.  相似文献   

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