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园丰脐橙是湖南省园艺研究所1993年从资兴市坪石乡华盛顿脐橙自然变异中选育出的优良株系,经过十多年的观察鉴定,其主要经济性状稳定。具有树势强壮,结果早,丰产稳产,无明显大小年结果现象;果实近圆形,大小适中,果形较整齐,果皮橙红或深橙红,果肉脆嫩化渣,酸甜可口,品质优良等特点。  相似文献   

抗旱耐热白三叶新品种选育初报   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
鄂牧一号白三叶是以美国瑞加和路易斯安那两个白三叶品种为原始材料,经单株抗性造反份系比较鉴定,多系混合杂交,品种比较和区域试验选育而成,历时10年。该品种具有高产,抗旱,耐热和粗蛋白含量高等特性,是南方低山丘陵地区有推广应用前景的优良牧草和草坪植物。  相似文献   

浙江省桑蚕新品种的选育方向   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
阐述了桑蚕新品种选育及推广应用对提升蚕业所起的重要作用,并根据浙江省蚕品种推广应用的现状,提出了适合于不同饲养环境条件与不同蚕期的桑蚕新品种的选育方向。  相似文献   

十几年来,浙江省已确立了较为先进的桑树新品种选育技术体系,培育了多个综合性状优良的桑树新品种;建立了集中成片的桑苗繁育基地,形成了良好的桑苗营销与推广机制.  相似文献   

柞蚕新品种永青是以“青六号”为基础材料,利用系统选育手段,采用分区饲养、系统分离、定向培育的方法,同时兼顾各项经济指标的综合平衡,通过9年18代的系统选育,育成的具有青黄蚕血统的柞蚕新品种。选育结果:全茧量12.47g,千粒茧重11.99kg,虫蛹统一生命率94.81%;与吉柞88-2、方山黄杂交,增产幅度达15.5%以上。  相似文献   

柞蚕新品种"吉青"是以"选大二号"为基础材料,利用杂交育种手段,采用分区饲养、系统分离、定向培育的方法,同时兼顾各项经济指标的综合平衡,通过9年18代的系统选育,育成的青蚕大型茧新品种。其全茧量13.04g,千粒茧重12.36kg,虫蛹统一生命率92.97%,纯种较选大二号和吉柞88-2增产5%以上;与吉柞88-2、选大二号杂交,增产幅度达16.7%~22.5%。  相似文献   

“红粉佳人”是从杏李品种恐龙蛋中选育出来的新品种。果实椭圆形,成熟后果皮淡紫红色伴红色斑点,表面有白色蜡质果粉。果实纵径5.23cm、横径5.70cm,果形指数0.92,单果重91.1g,最大果重139.4g。可溶性固形物含量14.9%。果肉粉红色,质脆、粘核,可食率98.04%,粗纤维少,果汁多,具有杏的香味、李的甜味。果实生育期约120d,在重庆海拔300 m地区7月中旬成熟。  相似文献   

烟茶1号茶树新品种经7年的品种区域试验,结果表明:烟茶l号属小叶型,一芽一叶黄绿或紫,茸毛多,萌芽期与对照品种福鼎大白茶相比早6天,氨基酸含量5.8%、茶多酚含量27.3%、水浸出物含量51.2%,抗寒、抗病虫程度较好,抗旱能力一般,适宜烟台地区大面积栽植,产量比对照福鼎大白茶相比增加10%左右,2013年通过山东省林木品种审定委员会品种审定。  相似文献   

高邮鸭家系选育效果观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高邮鸭又称高邮麻鸭,是江苏省里下河地区劳动人民经过长期选育而成的肉蛋兼用的一种大型麻鸭,是我国优秀的水禽品种资源,在体态上保持了发育均衡的特点,具有较理想的肉蛋兼用鸭的体型。高邮鸭以其蛋肉品质优异、善产双黄蛋而驰名中外,它以独特的适应性和品质的优势而倍受鸭农的欢迎,其产品符合当今需要安全食品的消费时尚,深受市场欢迎。随着人民生活水平的提高,高邮鸭的名、特、优效应剧增,为进一步提高高邮鸭的生产性能,保持原有的优良品质,  相似文献   

云南省核桃资源丰富,但却缺乏可把玩的麻核桃品种。云南省林业和草原科学院于2013年从河北易县引进了‘公子帽’等13个麻核桃品种,栽种在禄劝县茂山乡麻核桃基地,通过6年的观测发现,有10个品种进入复选,其中‘公子帽’和‘四座楼’在这10个品种中综合表现最佳,皮质密度好,果壳刻纹深,种形美观,并于2019年12月31日通过云南省林木良种审定委员会认定。  相似文献   

Zebu breeds play an important role in cattle production systems in Brazil. To assess the genetic variability from animals in the Herd Books of Nelore, Gir and Guzerat breeds, generation intervals, inbreeding, effective population size and parameters of gene origin (effective number of founders, ancestors and founder genomes) were calculated using pedigree records from 1938 to 1998. Breed subdivision was quantified by Wright's F -statistics. Calculations were separately carried out for consecutive 4-year intervals in the period 1979–98. Generation interval was around 8 years for the three breeds. Total inbreeding increased in all the breeds reaching values of 2.13%, 2.28% and 1.75%. Effective population size decreased from 85 to 68 in Nelore, from 70 to 45 in Gir and remained nearly constant around 104 in Guzerat. The quantities assessing the number of contributing ancestors decreased with time in all the breeds, and in the last analysed period the most important ancestor accounted for 14%, 3.1% and 4.1% in Nelore, Gir and Guzerat, respectively. Results indicate that the studied breeds are suffering from a loss of genetic variability which can result in negative effects on breeding and conservation purposes.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to analyse the pedigree information of Thoroughbred horses which were participating in gallop races between 1998 and 2010 in Hungary. Among the 3043 individuals of the reference population there were imported animals from foreign countries (e.g. Germany, England or Ireland) and horses that were born in Hungary. The number of complete generations was 15.64 (varied between 0 for the founders and 25.20), the mean number of full generations was 6.69, and the mean maximum generations were 28.96. The number of founders was 1062, and the effective number of founders was 42. Two hundred and thirty-two founders were born before 1793 (when the stud book of the Thoroughbred breed was closed), therefore these founders are considered as true founders of the breed. These 232 founders were responsible for 88.58% of the gene pool in the reference genome. The significant difference between the number of founders and effective number of founders indicate that the genetic diversity decreased greatly from the founders to the reference population. The number of ancestors was 908 and only 6 of them were responsible for 50% of the genetic diversity in the examined population. The effective number of ancestors was 15.32. From the ratio of the effective number of founders and effective number of ancestors we concluded to a bottleneck effect that characterizes the pedigree under study. Generation interval was more than a year longer for stallions (12.17) than it was for mares (10.64). More than 94% of the individuals in the pedigree were inbred, and the average inbreeding of the population was 9.58%. Considering the changes of the inbreeding status of the examined population 4 large time periods were appointed. The first lasted until 1780, the second period was from 1780 until 1952, the third period was between 1946 and 1998 and the last one was from 1998 until 2008. Rate of inbreeding in the last generation was 0.3%, which forecasts further increase in inbreeding. The effective population size was above 100 in the last 30 generations, proving the genetic diversity did not decrease by a level that would make long-term selection impossible.  相似文献   

通过杂交育种的方法,初步选育出强健好养、经济性状优良的301和502两个细纤度品种,并组配一代杂交组合,试养成绩表明,该品种强健、好养,孵化眠起齐一。全龄经过19-20d,幼虫生命力、虫蛹生命力与“9·芙×7·湘”相当,全茧量1.30~1.35g,茧层量0.25~0.27g,茧层率19.0%~20%。一茧丝长850—900m,净度93分,可制4A级以上的生丝。  相似文献   

Pedigrees of 62 Abyssinian cats with familial amyloidosis were compared with those of 100 Abyssinian cats registered with the Cat Fanciers Association. The inbreeding coefficients of the 2 samples of cats were not significantly different. Analysis of the pedigrees with respect to specific ancestors, however, showed that certain cats were significantly more common in the pedigrees of affected cats than in those of cats in the randomly selected sample. These data support a genetic basis for this disease, but do not allow determination of the mode of inheritance.  相似文献   

Pedigree analysis of factor XI deficiency in Japanese black cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using a DNA-based diagnostic test for factor XI deficiency in Japanese black cattle, we surveyed 123 cattle (42 sires and 81 dams) in Gifu and Hyogo prefectures, and calculated gene frequencies. In sires, we drew up the pedigree network of the cattle with the factor XI deficiency. Results showed that the mutated allele of factor XI deficiency was retroactive in at least 6 or more generations of sires. Frequencies of the mutant gene were higher at 26.4% in total, and at 33.3% in sires. All 7 cattle with the homozygote of mutated allele were clinically normal, and showed no bleeding episodes. The mutated allele of factor XI deficiency might be widespread among Japanese black cattle.  相似文献   

Pedigrees of randomly selected Quarter Horses born in each of the years 1946, 1956, 1966 and 1976 and of winning halter, cutting and race horses born in the same years were evaluated and compared. Average inbreeding and inter se relationship levels and relationships of influential ancestors to the sample were calculated for each sample. The amount of Thoroughbred influence and the average generation interval were also determined for each random sample. The levels of inbreeding found in the random samples were low, ranging from 1.3% in 1956 to 2.6% in 1966; however, these levels were higher than would be expected if mating were random. Show and race winners born in 1976 appeared to be less inbred than random horses of the breed. The estimated average inter se relationship within the random samples increased from 0% in 1946 to 3% in 1966, decreasing again to 0% in 1976. Horses in the elite samples appeared to be more closely related to each other than those in the random samples. Fifteen ancestors of horses in the random samples were identified as influential to the Quarter Horse breed. Many of these same ancestors were influential in the halter and cutting samples, but only one was influential in the race samples. The percentage of pedigree lines in the random samples that contained a Thoroughbred ancestor were as follows; 1946, 27.5%; 1956, 19.2%; 1966, 23.2% and 1976, 31.4%. The average generation interval fluctuated from approximately 8 yr to approximately 10 yr for the random samples.  相似文献   



Schistosoma reflexum (SR) is congenital syndrome briefly characterized by visceral eventration, severe dorsoflexion and ankylosis of the spine and arthrogryposis. A genetic etiology has been proposed, but conclusive evidence has not yet been provided.


Pedigree analysis was carried out in 29 cases of SR in Czech Holsteins and Holstein crosses. Genetic relationship was evaluated and inbreeding coefficients calculated. Pedigrees of 15 Czech Holsteins fathering non-SR affected calves were used for comparison.


Twenty-one cases occurred in one pedigree founded by three sires while three SR calves occurred in another pedigree with a common grandfather. The sex ratio between affected males and females was 11:6. Affected calves shared common ancestors different from those shared by the unaffected calves. The inbreeding coefficient in the SR affected calves was not increased compared to unaffected calves.


The findings are consistent with SR being inherited autosomal recessively. Further studies are however needed to confirm this and therefore a breeding trial is recommended where a suspected heterozygous sire is mated to closely related females.  相似文献   

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