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 The capability of the NCSOIL computer model to simulate the effects of residue fractions on mineralisation-immobilisation turnover was evaluated. Heterogeneous organic substrates were represented in the model by three Van Soest pools, decomposing at different rates. Dried and ground wheat straw, sunflower stalks, wheat stubble and sheep manure (5.22 g kg–1 soil) were respectively added to a Chromic Calcixerert and aerobically incubated for 224 days at 22±2  °C and 75% field capacity. The CO2 evolution rates peaked shortly after the C amendments were added, with the highest rate in the sunflower- stalk-amended soils. The addition of organic substrates induced rapid N immobilisation. Net mineralisation was detected earliest in the sunflower-stalk treatment (day 14), while soils with the other amendments showed no net N mineralisation until day 52. The NCSOIL model was calibrated for this soil with CO2 and inorganic N data from the control soil, yielding a χ2 value of 0.011. The overestimation by the model of the C mineralisation data in the case of C-amended soils clearly showed that the concept of three Van Soest pools, decomposing independently at a specific rate constant, is not valid. A retardation factor, that was related to the lignin content of the decomposing material, was introduced into the model. After its introduction the model satisfactorily simulated the C mineralisation rates. However, for all plant residues, N mineralisation was underestimated towards the end of the incubation period. In the case of the soil amended with sheep manure, there was a large discrepancy between simulated and experimental N mineralisation-immobilisation kinetics, suggesting a different allocation of N in animal manure to N-containing fractions compared to that of plant residues. The results indicated that a N fractionation procedure for organic residues should be tested and incorporated into the model. Received: 9 January 1998  相似文献   

Soil organic nitrogen mineralization rates and possible predictors thereof were investigated for vegetable‐growing soils in Belgium. Soil organic matter (SOM) was fractionated into sand (> 53 μm) and silt+clay (< 53 μm) fractions. The latter fraction was further separated into 6%NaOCl‐oxidation labile (6%NaOCl‐ox) and resistant N and C and subsequently into 10%HF‐extractable (mineral bound) and resistant (recalcitrant) N and C. The N mineralization turnover rate (% of soil N/year) correlated with several of the investigated N or C fractions and stepwise linear regression confirmed that the 6%NaOCl‐ox N was the best predictor. However, the small (0.42) of the regression model suggests that soil parameters other than the soil fractions isolated here would be required to explain the significant residual variation in N mineralization rate. A next step could be to look for alternative SOM fractionations capable of isolating bioavailable N. However, it would appear that the observed relationships between N fractions and N mineralization may not be causal but indirect. The number of vegetable crops per rotation did not influence N mineralization, but it did influence 6%NaOCl‐ox N, probably as an effect of differences in crop residues returned and organic manure supply. However, the nature of this relation between management, SOM quality and N mineralization is not clear. Explanation of correlations between N mineralization and presumed bioavailable N fractions, like the 6%NaOCl‐ox N, requires further mechanistic elucidation of the N mineralization process.  相似文献   

Microbial biomass N dynamics were studied under field and laboratory conditions in soils of high yield (HY) and low yield (LY) areas in an agricultural field. The objective of the study was to determine the size and activity of soil microbial biomass in the soils of the different yield areas and to compare these data obtained under field and laboratory conditions. Soils were amended with 15N labelled mustard (Sinapis alba) residues (both experiments) and labelled nitrate (laboratory only) at 30 μg N g−1 dry soil. Soil microbial biomass (SMB) N, mineral N (Nmin) and total N content was monitored both in the field and in the laboratory. N2O efflux was additionally measured in laboratory treatments. Isotope ratios were determined for SMB in both experiments, for all other parameters only in the laboratory treatments. In the laboratory less amounts of added substrate N were immobilised by the SMB in HY soils compared to LY soils, whereas in the field immobilisation of added N by SMB was higher in HY soils initially and slightly lower after 40 days of incubation. Calculated turnover times in the laboratory nitrate, laboratory mustard and field mustard amendments were 0.18, 0.27 and 0.74 years (HY) and 0.22, 0.61 and 1.01 years (LY), respectively. The turnover times of added substrate N always showed the trend to be faster in HY soils compared to LY soils. A faster turnover of nutrients in the HY soils may involve a better nutrient supply of the plants, which coincides with the higher agricultural yield observed in these areas.  相似文献   

The major aim of this study was to evaluate how the pool size of slowly mineralizable, ‘old’ soil organic N can be derived from more easily accessible soil and site information via pedotransfer functions (PTF). Besides modeling, this pool size might be of great importance for the identification of soils with high mineralization potential in drinking‐water catchments. From long‐term laboratory incubations (ca. 200 days) at 35 °C, the pool sizes of easily mineralizable organic N (Nfast), mainly in fresh residues, and slowly mineralizable, ‘old’ soil organic N (Nslow) as well as their first‐order rate coefficients were obtained. 90 sandy arable soils from NW Germany served to derive PTFs for Nslow that were evaluated using another 20 soils from the same region. Information on former land‐use and soil type was obtained from topographical, historical, and soil maps (partly from 1780). Pool size Nslow very strongly depends on soil type and former land‐use. Mean pool sizes of Nslow were much lower in old arable lowland (105 mg N kg–1) than upland soils (175 mg N kg–1) possibly due to lower clay contents. Within lowlands, mean pool sizes in former grassland soils (245 mg N kg–1) were 2 to 3 times larger than in old arable soils due to accumulation of mineralizable N. In contrast, mean pool sizes of Nslow were lowest in recently cleared, former heath‐ and woodland (31 mg N kg–1) as a result of the input of hardly decomposable organic matter. Neither N nor C in the light fraction (density < 1.8 g cm–3) was adequate to derive pool size Nslow in the studied soils (r2 < 0.03). Instead, Nslow can be accurately (r2 = 0.55 – 0.83) derived from one or two basic soil characteristics (e.g. organic C, total N, C : N, mineral fraction < 20 μm), provided that sites were grouped by former land‐use. Field mineralization from Nslow during winter (independent data set) can be predicted as well on the basis of Nslow‐values calculated from PTFs that were derived after grouping the soils by former land‐use (r2 = 0.51***). In contrast, using the PTF without soil grouping strongly reduced the reliability (r2 = 0.16).  相似文献   

Addition of clay-rich subsoil to sandy soil results in heterogeneous soil with clay peds(2-mm) or finely ground( 2 mm) clay soil(FG), which may affect the nutrient availability. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of clay soil particle size(FG or peds)and properties on nutrient availability and organic C binding in sandy soil after addition of residues with low(young kikuyu grass,KG) or high(faba bean, FB) C/N ratio. Two clay soils with high and low smectite percentage, clay and exchangeable Fe and Al were added to a sandy soil at a rate of 20%(weight/weight) either as FG or peds. Over 45 d, available N and P as well as microbial biomass N and P concentrations and cumulative respiration were greater in soils with residues of KG than FB. For soils with KG residues,clay addition increased available N and initial microbial biomass C and N concentrations, but decreased cumulative respiration and P availability compared to sandy soil without clay. Differences in measured parameters between clay type and size were inconsistent and varied with time except the increase in total organic C in the 53 μm fraction during the experiment, which was greater for soils with FG than with peds. We concluded that the high exchangeable Fe and Al concentrations in the low-smectite clay soil can compensate a lower clay concentration and proportion of smectite with respect to binding of organic matter and nutrients.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between soil organic matter (SOM) content and N dynamics in three grassland soils (0-10 and 10-20 cm depth) of different age (6, 14 and 50 y-old) with sandy loam textures. To study the distribution of the total C and N content the SOM was fractionated into light, intermediate and heavy density fractions of particulate macro-organic matter (150-2000 μm) and the 50-150 μm and <50 μm size fractions. The potential gross N transformation rates (mineralisation, nitrification, NH4+ and NO3 immobilization) were determined by means of short-term, fully mirrored 15N isotope dilution experiments (7-d incubations). The long-term potential net N mineralisation and gross N immobilization rates were measured in 70-d incubations. The total C and N contents mainly tended to increase in the 0-10 cm layer with increasing age of the grassland soils. Significant differences in total SOM storage were detected for the long-term (50 y-old) conversion from arable land to permanent grassland. The largest relative increase in C and N contents had occurred in the heavy density fraction of the macro-organic matter, followed by the 50-150 and <50 μm fractions. Our results suggest that the heavy density fraction of the macro-organic matter could serve as a good indicator of early SOM accumulation, induced by converting arable land to permanent grassland. Gross N mineralisation, nitrification, and (long-term) gross N immobilization rates tended to increase with increasing age of the grasslands, and showed strong, positive correlations with the total C and N contents. The calculated gross N mineralisation rates (7-d incubations) and net N mineralisation rates (70-d incubations) corresponded with a gross N mineralisation of 643, 982 and 1876 kg N ha−1 y−1, and a net N mineralisation of 195, 208 and 274 kg N ha−1 y−1 in the upper 20 cm of the 6, 14 and 50 y-old grassland soils, respectively. Linear regression analysis showed that 93% of the variability of the gross N mineralisation rates could be explained by variation in the total N contents, whereas total N contents together with the C-to-N ratios of the <50 μm fraction explained 84% of the variability of the net N mineralisation rates. The relationship between long-term net N mineralisation rates and gross N mineralisation rates could be fitted by means of a logarithmic equation (net m=0.24Ln(gross m)+0.23, R2=0.69, P<0.05), which reflects that the ratio of gross N immobilization-to-gross N mineralisation tended to increase with increasing SOM contents. Microbial demand for N tended to increase with increasing SOM content in the grassland soils, indicating that potential N retention in soils through microbial N immobilization tends to be limited by C availability.  相似文献   

Soil compaction is one of the major problems facing modern intensive agriculture. To remove soil compaction and restore soil productivity soil must be ripped to loosen it. Ripping is a costly process involving high fuel consumption, as well as depreciation of the implements through wear and tear. This article shows research into some combinations of tine spacing and ripping depth and their consequences for soil properties and grain yields. Three sites were chosen for these experiments on clayey and sandy soils. Treatments were a factorial of three tine spacings (20, 30 and 40 cm) by three ripping depths (15, 30 and 40 cm) together with the control.Commercial gypsum at 2.5 t/ha was applied to all treatments to maintain soil structure after ripping and the treatments were treatments were monitored for two seasons under wheat and barley crops.The highest grain yield in sandy soil was found with the combination of 40 cm ripping depth and 20 cm tine spacing. In clayey soils tine spacings of 20 cm and 30 cm in combination with 40 cm ripping depth, were equally effective for grain yield. The shallowest depth treatment, 15 cm, did not significantly affect grain yields regardless of tine spacing. It seems that the best practical compromise of tine spacing and ripping depth is 30 cm × 30 cm. The highest stored soil water was obtained from the deepest ripping and the widest tine spacing (40 cm × 40 cm) treatments and the lowest was obtained from the shallowest depth and narrowest spacing (15 cm × 20 cm) treatments which was still higher than the control treatment. However, due to soil re-settlement and re-compaction, the soil water storage obtained in the year after ripping to 40 cm depth was in many cases only equal to that obtained from 30 cm ripping depth. Soils ripped at 30 cm or deeper had significantly higher water infiltration rate than soils ripped at 15 cm depth. Soil bulk density, though decreased significantly in all ripping treatments relative to the controlled treatments in the first year, showed no stable pattern of change in the second year. All shallow ripping treatments (15 cm) regardless of tine spacing had similar soil strength and were not significantly different from the control. The other two ripping depths in general were equal, and significantly better than the controls. It is concluded that ripping to 30 or 40 cm depth in combination with 30 or 40 cm tine spacing was most effective for treating compacted soils.  相似文献   

The contents and distribution of water-soluble, exchangeable, and nonexchangeable forms of potassium have been studied in the profiles of sandy gleyic soddy-podzolic soils under forest, intensively used cropland, extensively used cropland, and a 20-year-old fallow. It is shown that soil cultivation leads to a rise in the concentration of mobile potassium compounds. The ratio between nonexchangeable and exchangeable forms of potassium also changes in the cultivated soil. Under the fallow, the restoration of this ratio to the values typical of the soil under natural forest cenoses takes place. Data on the mineralogical composition of the clay and colloidal fractions in the virgin and cultivated soils are presented.  相似文献   

DCD 在不同质地土壤上的硝化抑制效果和剂量效应研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过硝化抑制剂抑制土壤硝化作用是实现作物铵硝混合营养和提高氮肥利用率的重要途径之一。本试验采用室内模拟的方法, 在人工气候室(25 ℃)黑暗培养条件下, 应用新疆石灰性土壤研究了不同剂量的双氰胺(dicyandiamide, DCD)在砂土、壤土、黏土3 种不同质地土壤中对土壤硝态氮、铵态氮转化的影响及DCD 的剂量效应和硝化抑制效果。处理30 d 内, 各剂量DCD 处理对砂土的硝化抑制率为96.5%~99.4%(平均值为98.3%), 在黏土上为66.9%~85.6%(平均值为77.6%), 在壤土上为49.3%~79.4%(平均值为67.7%), 总体硝化抑制率表现为砂土>黏土>壤土。在砂土上DCD 的剂量效应不明显, DCD 用量从纯氮的1.0%增加到7.0%时, 土壤中硝态氮含量仅增加1.9~10.7 mg·kg-1(培养30 d 时); 而在壤土和黏土中, 土壤硝态氮含量随DCD 浓度的增加而显著下降, 存在明显剂量效应。这说明施用DCD 可显著抑制新疆石灰性土壤的硝化作用过程, 在砂土、壤土、黏土中DCD 的最佳浓度分别为纯氮用量的6.0%、7.0%和7.0%, 并在培养30 d 内发挥显著作用。  相似文献   

Our aim was to study whether the in situ natural abundance 15N (δ15N)-values and N concentration of understory plants were correlated with the form and amount of mineral N available in the soil. Also to determine whether such differences were related to earlier demonstrations of differences in biomass increase in the same species exposed to nutrient solutions with both and or to alone. Several studies show that the δ15N of in soil solution generally is isotopically lighter than the δ15N of due to fractionation during nitrification. Hence, it is reasonable to assume that plant species benefiting from in ecosystems without significant leaching or denitrification have lower δ15N-values in their tissues than species growing equally well, or better, on We studied the δ15N of six understory species in oak woodlands in southern Sweden at 12 sites which varied fivefold in potential net N mineralisation rate The species decreased in benefit from in the following order: Geum urbanum, Aegopodium podagraria, Milium effusum, Convallaria majalis, Deschampsia flexuosa and Poa nemoralis. Four or five species demonstrated a negative correlation between and leaf δ15N and a positive correlation between and leaf N concentration. In wide contrast, only D. flexuosa, which grows on soils with little nitrification, showed a positive correlation between and the leaf N concentration and δ15N-value. Furthermore, δ15N of plants from the field and previously obtained indices of hydroponic growth on relative to were closely correlated at the species level. We conclude that δ15N may serve as a comparative index of uptake of among understory species, preferably in combination with other indices of N availability. The use of δ15N needs careful consideration of known restrictions of method, soils and plants.  相似文献   

Emission of N2O from cultivated and fertilised soils may contribute significantly to the total global N2O emission. This study included laboratory and field investigations of the N2O production from a dry stubble field as influenced by addition of water, nitrogen and glucose. N2O fluxes were measured using a closed-chamber technique, and the O2 content in the soil was measured using soil probes. Results from a laboratory soil core technique were correlated to the relative N2O emission observed in the field. When the soil water content in the field increased from 14% to 60% water-filled pore space, the N2O emission increased from non-significant to a constant emission of 30 μg N m–2 h–1. At this soil water content the production of N2O was limited by the availability of nitrogen and carbon. Application of nitrogen at soil temperatures of 13 and 21°C in a pre-wetted soil increased the N2O emission 3.1- and 3.7-fold, respectively, whereas nitrogen plus carbon application increased the N2O emission 13.3- and 7.3-fold, respectively. In both treatments the N2O emission rates were affected by fluctuations in soil temperature and O2 content. The results indicate that even in a soil producing very little N2O under dry conditions, the soil microbial community maintains a potential to produce N2O when favourable conditions occur in terms of availability of water, nitrogen and carbon. Received: 21 October 1996  相似文献   

The conversion of pasture to cropland leads to a decline of aggregation in topsoils and to a decrease of aggregate-binding agents such as carbohydrates and glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP). Till now, studies on soil aggregation focused either on carbohydrates or on GRSP as a binding agent in aggregates. In this study we analyse the development of the relationship between carbohydrates, GRSP, TOC and aggregate-stability following land-use change. Furthermore, we discuss the contents of carbohydrates, GRSP and TOC in each of the aggregate fractions. For these purposes, a chronosequence of sites, which were converted from pasture to cropland at different periods in history, was established. To get further insight into the impact of different types of land-use, also soils under forest, either afforested or permanent, were studied. The mean-weight diameter (MWD) of water-stable aggregates, the carbohydrate, and the GRSP content were determined in 49 soils. It was found that the MWD of the water-stable aggregates decreased monoexponentially (R2 = 0.66) by 66% during the first 46 years after conversion of the soils from pasture to cropland. During the same period, the carbohydrate content decreased very rapidly after the land use change by 64% and the GRSP content decreased more slowly by 57%. The MWD of the forest soils were in the same range as those of the permanent pasture soils although they exhibit significantly higher TOC contents, which indicate that other stabilization mechanisms are dominant in forest soils, less important in the chronosequence soils. TOC, carbohydrates and the GRSP contents were sigmoidally correlated with the MWD. Among the four water-stable aggregate fractions TOC and carbohydrates exhibited high contents in the macroaggregates and were less present in the microaggregates. GRSP, in contrast, was more equally distributed among the four water-stable aggregate fractions.  相似文献   

Metal hyperaccumulator plants like Alyssum murale have a remarkable ability to hyperaccumulate Ni from soils containing mostly insoluble Ni. We have shown some rhizobacteria increase the phytoavailability of Ni in soils, thus enhancing Ni accumulation by A. murale. Nine bacterial strains, originally isolated from the rhizosphere of A. murale grown in serpentine Ni-rich soil, were examined for their ability to solubilize Ni in different soils and for their effect on Ni uptake into Alyssum. Microbacterium oxydans AY509223; Rhizobium galegae AY509213; Microbacterium oxydans AY509219; Clavibacter xyli AY509236; Acidovorax avenae AY512827; Microbacterium arabinogalactanolyticum AY509225; M. oxydans AY509222; M. arabinogalactanolyticum AY509226 and M. oxydans AY509221 were added to low, moderate and high Ni-contaminated soils. M. oxydans AY509223 significantly increased Ni extraction by 10 mM Sr(NO3)2 from the high and medium soils and had no effect on Ni extraction from the low Ni soils. The other eight bacterial isolates significantly increased Ni extraction from all soils. There were no significant effects of bacterial inoculation on fresh and dry weight of A . murale shoots grown in the low and high Ni soils compared to an unamended control. M. oxydans AY509223 significantly increased Ni uptake of A. murale grown in the low, medium, and high soils by 36.1%, 39.3%, and 27.7%, respectively, compared with uninoculated seeds. M. oxydans AY509223 increased foliar Ni from the same soils from 82.9, 261.3 and 2829.3 mg kg−1 to 129.7, 430.7, and 3914.3 mg kg−1, respectively, compared with uninoculated controls. These results show that bacteria are important for Ni hyperaccumulation and could potentially be developed as an inoculum for enhancing uptake during commercial phytoremediation or phytomining of Ni.  相似文献   

The addition of manure, gypsum, and dolomite as improvers of the organic matter, calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) levels in the soils has been tested in a greenhouse experiment in order to enhance results obtained from strawberry cultivation in the southwest of Spain. The manure addition resulted in a significant increase in the Ca content in plants and decreased potassium (K). These effects were more pronounced when gypsum and dolomite were supplied together with the manure. The vitamin C content in the fruits was higher when manure was applied to the soil, whereas the reducing sugar levels in the fruits decreased.  相似文献   

To study the influence of potassium (K) fertilizer rate on soil test K values, crop yield, and K-leaching in sandy soils, four long-term fertilizer experiments (0–60–120–180 kg K ha?1 a?1) were initiated in 1988 in northern Germany on farmers fields. Clay content of the plow layer was about 4%, and organic matter between 2% and 5%. Plant available soil K was estimated with the double lactate (DL) method. Small grain cereals (rye and barley) did not respond to K fertilization in the 7-year period even though the soil test value of the K-0 plots decreased from ca. 90 to ca. 30 mg KDL kg?1 within 3 years. This value remained almost constant thereafter. Crop removal (including straw) of 75 kg K ha?1 a?1 was therefore apparently supplied from nonexchangeable K fractions. Compared to the optimum, no K application reduced the yield of potato by up to 21%, and that of white sugar yield up to 10%. Maximum potato yield was obtained by annually applying 60 kg K ha?1 which resulted in a test value of 60 mg KDL kg?1 soil. Maximum potato yield was also obtained at 40 mg KDL kg?1 soil, however, with a single application of 200 kg K ha?1. Similar results were obtained with sugar beet. This indicates that for maximum yield, even for K demanding crops, it is not necessary to maintain KDL values above 40 mg K kg?1 soil throughout the entire crop rotation. Soil test values increased roughly proportional to the K fertilizer level. About 120 kg fertilizer K ha?1 a?1, markedly more than crop K removal, was required to maintain the initial KDL of 90 mg kg?1. The K concentration of the soil solution in the top soil measured after harvest was increased exponentially by K fertilizer level and so was K leaching from the plow layer into the rooted subsoil. The leached quantity increased from 22 kg K ha?1 a?1 in the plot without K application to 42.79 and 133 kg Kha?1 a?1 in plots supplied with 60, 120 and 180 kg K ha?1 a?1 respectively. Soil test values around 100 mg KDL kg?1 on sandy soils, as often found in the plow layer of farmers fields, lead to K leaching below the root zone that may exceed the critical K concentration of 12 mg K T?1 for drinking water.  相似文献   

In previous studies, periodic sampling of topsoils on runoff plots on sandy soils at the Hilton experimental site, Shropshire, UK, suggested erosion decreased the topsoil clay content and increased the coarse fraction. However, a comparison of soil and sediment properties suggested erosion selectively removed sand. Therefore, to cross-check the effects of erosion on soil properties, topsoil samples were collected from bare, eroded runoff plots and compared with samples from adjacent non-eroded grassland. Bare, eroded soil was stonier and particularly deficient in sand compared with grassed soil. Textural differences were very marked in the medium and coarse sands, especially the 0.5–1.0 mm fraction. On the basis of mean properties, the grassed soil was a very slightly stony loamy sand and the bare soil a slightly stony sandy loam. Soil organic matter was significantly less in the bare soils than the grassed soils and thus may have contributed to the higher erodibility of sands in bare soils.  相似文献   

The extent of microbial community diversity in two similar sandy surface soils from Virginia and Delaware (USA) was analysed with a culture-independent small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene-based cloning approach with about 400-700 SSU rDNA clones obtained from each sample. While there were no operational taxonomic units (OTUs) having more than three individuals, about 96-99% of the OTUs had only a single individual. The clones showing less than 85% similarity to the sequences in the current databases were fully sequenced. The majority of the clones (55%) had sequences that were more than 20% different from those in the current databases. About 37% of the clones differed by 15-20% in sequence from the database, 16% of the clones differed by 10-15%, and 5% of the clones differed by only 1-10%. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that these sequences fell into 10 of the 35-40 known phylogenetic divisions. Many of the clones were affiliated with Acidobacterium (35%). While a substantial portion of the clones belong to alpha (24%) and beta (12%) Proteobacteria, a few of them were affiliated with delta (6%) and gamma (3%) Proteobacteria. About 6% of the clones belong to Planctomycetes, and 4% of the clones were related to gram-positive bacteria. About 4% of clones were related to other bacterial divisions, including Cytophaga, Green sulfur bacteria, Nitrospira, OP10, and Verrucomicrobia. Eight sequences had no specific association with any of the known divisions or candidate divisions and were phylogenetically divided into three novel division level groups, named AD1, AD2 and AD3. Candidate division AD1 represented by six clones (4%) was found in both sites and consisted of two subdivisions. The community structures were similar between these two widely separated, sandy, oligotrophic, surface soils under grass vegetation in a temperate, humid climate but somewhat dissimilar to community structures revealed in similar studies in other types of soil habitats.  相似文献   

Biochar added to agricultural soils may sequester carbon and improve physico-chemical conditions for crop growth, due to effects such as increased water and nutrient retention in the root zone. The effects of biochar on soil microbiological properties are less certain. We addressed the effects of wood-based biochar on soil respiration, water contents, potential ammonia oxidation (PAO), arylsulfatase activity (ASA), and crop yields at two temperate sandy loam soils under realistic field conditions. In situ soil respiration, PAO, and ASA were not significantly different in quadruplicate field plots with or without biochar (20 Mg ha?1); however, in the same plots, volumetric water contents increased by 7.5 % due to biochar (P?=?0.007). Crop yields (oat) were not significantly different in the first year after biochar application, but in the second year, total yields of spring barley increased by 11 % (P??1, applied during two consecutive years, substantiated that biochar was not inhibitory to PAO and ASA as reference plots consistently showed lowest activities. For PAO, it was found that soil pH, rather than biochar rates, was a driving environmental variable. For ASA, the methodological approach was challenged by product sorption, but results did not suggest that biochar significantly stimulated the enzyme activity. Crop yields of maize in field experiments with 10–100 Mg biochar ha?1 were unaffected by biochar except for a negative effect of the highest annual rates of 50 Mg ha?1 in the first year after application. In conclusion, the present wood-based biochar poorly affected the measured microbial processes and generally resulted in similar crop yields in reference and biochar-amended soil plots.  相似文献   

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