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Duxbury TC 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1978,199(4334):1201-1202
A Viking orbiting spacecraft successfully obtained pictures of the martian satellite Phobos with Mars in the background. This is the first time that a single picture was obtained from a spacecraft which contained both a planet and a moon and had significant surface detail visible on both. The region of Mars below Phobos included volcanoes in the Tharsis Montes region. These pictures showed Phobos to be smaller than previously thought. The image of Phobos can be used as a control point to determine the map coordinates of surface features on Mars.  相似文献   

The Apollo 12 magnetometer has measured a steady magnetic field of 36 +/- 5 gammas on the lunar surface. Surface gradient measurements and data from a lunar orbiting satellite indicate that this steady field is localized rather than global in its extent. These data suggest that the source is a large, magnetized body which acquired a field during an epoch in which the inducing field was much stronger than any that presently exists at the moon.  相似文献   

As one of the most geologically active bodies in the solar system, Saturn's moon Enceladus not only coats itself with water ice particles, it accounts for the unusually high albedos of the other satellites orbiting within Saturn's vast, tenuous E ring. This effect is evident in Hubble Space Telescope observations obtained at true opposition on 13 and 14 January 2005 that reveal that the mean geometric albedos of satellites embedded within the E ring approximate or exceed unity.  相似文献   

The lunar surface was mapped with respect to magnesium, aluminum, and silicon as aluminum/ silicon and magnesium/ silicon intensity ratios along the projected ground tracks swept out by the orbiting Apollo 16 spacecraft. The results confirm the observations made during the Apollo 15 flight and provide new data for a number of features not covered before. The data are consistent with the idea that the moon has a widespread differentiated crust (the highlands). The aluminum/ silicon and magnesium/ silicon concentration ratios correspond to those for anorthositic gabbros through gabbroic anorthosites or feldspathic basalts. The x-ray results suggest the occurrence of this premare crust or material similar to it at the Descartes landing site.  相似文献   

“月”是中国古典诗歌的经典意象。禅宗兴起之后,禅学与诗学相互渗透而走向一体化,诗歌由于禅宗而多了一些哲理的情趣和禅悟的启迪,禅宗由于诗歌也多了一些情感的韵味和审美的情怀。月意象在诗禅文化的融合过程中,营造出了一种新的禅境与诗境。禅宗可以借月喻指禅宗的佛性、佛身和圆通之境,月意象在禅诗中可以借助佛理玄机的诗意表达增强诗的审美意蕴,禅宗思想的美学精神深化了咏月诗的情感内涵。月意象在诗境与禅境的相互交融中达到了物我同一的审美观照,为中国古典文化增添了新的神韵。  相似文献   

The assumption that the moon had an internal magnetic field produced in the same way as the geomagnetic field requires that the moon rotated faster than the angular velocity at which it would break up. This suggests that a lunar dynamo is not a tenable explanation for the magnetic remanence observed on the moon.  相似文献   

Ward WR 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1975,189(4200):377-379
The orientation of the lunar spin axis is traced from the early history of the earth-moon system to the present day. Tides raised on the earth by the moon have caused an expansion of the lunar orbit. Tides raised on the moon by the earth have de-spun the moon to synchronous rotation and driven its spin axis to a Cassini state-that is, in a coprecessing configuration, coplanar with the lunar orbit normal and the normal to the Laplacian plane (which is at present coincident with the normal to the ecliptic). This combination of events has resulted in a complex history for the lunar spin axis. For much of the period during which its orbital semimajor axis expanded between 30 and 40 earth radii, the obliquity of the moon was of order 25 degrees to 50 degrees . In fact, for a brief period the obliquity periodically attained a value as high as 77 degrees ; that is, the spin axis of the moon was only 13 degrees from lying in its orbit plane.  相似文献   

以淀粉为原料生产糖浆,将麦芽糖、果糖、葡萄糖、木糖进行复配,以果糖、葡萄糖的含量为依据,调整麦芽糖、木糖的比例,制作一种新的广式月饼专用糖浆.在月饼制作中进行新的复配糖浆应用效果验证,从面团的黏性、月饼的上色情况、回油、口感等指标判断复配糖浆的应用效果,进而确定复配糖浆的调配标准.  相似文献   

In the hypothesis advanced here it is supposed that the field, in which rocks at the lunar surface acquired the remanent magnetization found through the Apollo project, arose from permanent magnetization of the deep interior of the moon. This theory involves the assumption that the moon, apart from a surface shell, accreted cold and remained below the Curie point of iron until sometime later than 3 x 10(9) years ago. The magnetization was acquired as the moon formed in a gas sphere in the strong magnetic field of the early sun.  相似文献   

分析了湖南省连续4 a来的月饼卫生检测结果质量问题.检测结果表明,月饼质量主要存在着添加剂使用违规、微生物超标、标签标识不合格、理化指标不合格等问题.从原料、生产工艺、生产环境等方面提出了应对措施,并对消费者购买月饼提出了建议.  相似文献   

不同饲料对海月水母生长性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了5种饲料对海月水母Aurelia aurita(伞体直径为2.50 cm±0.10 cm)生长性能的影响.实验共分5组,每组设3个平行,分别投喂卤虫无节幼体、冰冻卤虫、冷冻干燥卤虫、国产微粒饲料和国外微粒饲料,依照投喂饲料的不同,各组分别记为G鲜活、G冰冻、G干燥、G国产、G国外组,实验共进行30 d.结果表明:饲养30 d后,5组海月水母伞体的平均直径依次为(5.01±0.10)、(4.78±0.20)、(4.62±0.11)、(4.23±0.05)、(4.42±0.06)cm,卤虫无节幼体组生长性能最好,水母伞体直径显著高于其他各组(P<0.05),冰冻卤虫和冷冻干燥卤虫组次之,国产微粒饲料组生长性能最差;国产微粒饲料组的成活率为95%,其余各组成活率均为100%;卤虫无节幼体组的收缩频率平均为1次/s,显著高于其他4组(P<0.05),其余4组之间差异均不显著(P>0.05),收缩频率平均为0.5~0.66 次/s;冰冻卤虫组的三态氮含量均显著高于其他各组(P<0.05),国内微粒饲料组的三态氮含量次之,也显著高于其他3组(P<0.05).本实验结果表明,卤虫无节幼体是海月水母较理想的饵料,冰冻卤虫和冷冻干燥卤虫次之.国产微粒饲料因为在营养组成、水中稳定性和悬浮性方面较差,饲养海月水母的效果也较差.  相似文献   

Lunar meteorite analyses reported on page 1754 of this issue reveal a burst of impacts on the moon 3.9 billion years ago and nothing before that; the cosmochemists conclude that the moon and Earth endured a storm of impacts 100 times heavier than anything immediately before or after. Such a lunar cataclysm would have scarred the moon with the great basins that now shape the man in the moon. On Earth, the same bombardment would have intervened in the evolution of life, perhaps forcing it to start all over again.  相似文献   

The distribution of elevations on the moon determined by Clementine deviates strongly from a normal distribution, suggesting that several geologic processes have influenced the topography. The hypsograms for the near side and far side of the moon are distinctly different, and these differences correlate with differences in composition as determined by Apollo orbital geochemistry, Clementine global multispectral imaging, and ground-based spectroscopy. The hypsograms and compositional data indicate the presence of at least five compositional-altimetric units. The lack of fill of the South Pole-Aitken Basin by mare basalts suggests poor production efficiency of mare basalt in the mantle of this area of the moon.  相似文献   

低糖蛋沙薯泥馅月饼的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了以咸鸭蛋黄、薯泥为主要原料制成无蔗糖馅料,再以此馅料生产低糖月饼的配方、工艺、技术要领及质量标准。  相似文献   

Boss AP 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1986,231(4736):341-345
The origin of the moon is considered within the theory of formation of the terrestrial planets by accumulation of planetesimals. The theory predicts the occurrence of giant impacts, suggesting that the moon formed after a roughly Mars-sized body impacted on the protoearth. The impact blasted portions of the protoearth and the impacting body into geocentric orbit, forming a prelunar disk from which the moon later accreted. Although other mechanisms for formation of the moon appear to be dynamically impossible or implausible, fundamental questions must be answered before a giant impact origin can be considered both possible and probable.  相似文献   

Seismometers on the moon have detected several brief periods of enhanc ed meteoroid-impact activity, believed to represent encounters of the moon with "c louds" of objec ts in the kilogram range. The latest and most active encounter, in June 1975, is interpreted as a meteoroid c(loud of diameter 0.1 astronomical unit and total mass 10(l3) to 10(14) grams.  相似文献   

An orbiting spacecraft and ground observatories have been used to obtain interferometric observations of cosmic radio sources. The Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) was used as the orbiting observatory in conjunction with two 64- meter radio telescopes at ground observatories, one in Australia and one in Japan. The quasars 1730-130 (NRAO 530), 1510-089, and 1741-038 were observed at a frequency of 2.3 gigahertz, and a maximum projected baseline of 1.4 earth diameters was achieved. All quasar observations for which valid data were acquired resulted in detected fringes. Many of the techniques proposed for a dedicated very long baseline interferometry observatory in space were used successfully in this experiment.  相似文献   

A newly available data set of daily satellite-derived, lower-tropospheric global temperature anomalies provides an opportunity to assess the influence of lunar phase on planetary temperature. These results reveal a statistically significant 0.02 K modulation between new moon and full moon, with the warmest daily global temperatures over a synodic month coincident with the occurrence of the full moon. Spectral analysis of the daily temperature record confirms the presence of a periodicity that matches the lunar synodic (29.53-day) cycle. The precision of the satellite-based daily temperature record allows verification that the moon exerts a discernible influence on the short-term, global temperature record.  相似文献   

Considerable information concerning lunar chronology has been obtained by the study of rocks and soil returned by the Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 missions. It has been shown that at the time the moon, earth, and solar system were formed, approximately 4.6 approximately 10(9) years ago, a severe chemical fractionation took place, resulting in depletion of relatively volatile elements such as Rb and Pb from the sources of the lunar rocks studied. It is very likely that much of this material was lost to interplanetary space, although some of the loss may be associated with internal chemical differentiation of the moon. It has also been shown that igneous processes have enriched some regions of the moon in lithophile elements such as Rb, U, and Ba, very early in lunar history, within 100 million years of its formation. Subsequent igneous and metamorphic activity occurred over a long period of time; mare volcanism of the Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 sites occurred at distinctly different times, 3.6 approximately 10(9) and 3.3 approximately 10(9) years ago, respectively. Consequently, lunar magmatism and remanent magnetism cannot be explained in terms of a unique event, such as a close approach to the earth at a time of lunar capture. It is likely that these phenomena will require explanation in terms of internal lunar processes, operative to a considerable depth in the moon, over a long period of time. These data, together with the low present internal temperatures of the moon, inferred from measurements of lunar electrical conductivity, impose severe constraints on acceptable thermal histories of the moon. Progress is being made toward understanding lunar surface properties by use of the effects of particle bombardment of the lunar surface (solar wind, solar flare particles, galactic cosmic rays). It has been shown that the rate of micrometeorite erosion is very low (angstroms per year) and that lunar rocks and soil have been within approximately a meter of the lunar surface for hundreds of millions of years. Future work will require sampling distinctly different regions of the moon in order to provide data concerning other important lunar events, such as the time of formation of the highland regions and of the mare basins, and of the extent to which lunar volcanism has persisted subsequent to the first third of lunar history. This work will require a sufficient number of Apollo landings, and any further cancellation of Apollo missions will jeopardize this unique opportunity to study the development of a planetary body from its beginning. Such a study is fundamental to our understanding of the earth and other planets.  相似文献   

针对火星探测器在轨运行时间的问题,利用动力学方法和最新火星重力场模型MRO120D,对220km和150km初始轨道高度的火星探测器进行轨道仿真分析.结果表明,考虑重力场模型二阶位系数C_(20)时,探测器在220km轨道高度能够在计算时间内长期稳定地运行,不考虑该系数的探测器在轨运行时间不足40d,说明位系数C_(20)是稳定轨道的重要因素.在相同条件下,探测器在150km轨道高度运行时间不足18d,说明大气阻力效应对低轨探测器的影响较大.在满足相关科学任务的条件下,建议初始轨道设计在220km以上,以此获得较长的在轨运行时间.  相似文献   

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