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A preliminary evaluation of the thermal history of the upper mantle as determined by petrologic techniques indicates a general correspondence with theoretically derived models. The petrologic data supply direct information which may be used as an independent calibration of calculated models, serve as a base for evaluating the assumptions of the theoretical approach, and allow more careful selection of the variables describing mantle thermal properties and processes. Like the theoretical counterpart, the petrological approach indicates that the lithosphere is dominated by two thermal regimes: first, there is a continental regime which cools at rates of the order of 10(9) years and represents the longterm cooling of the earth. Secondly, superimposed on the continental evolution is the thermal event associated with the formation of an oceanic basin, and which may be thought of as a 10(8) year convective perturbation on the continental cycle. Of special interest is petrologic evidence for a sudden steepening of the thermal gradients across the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary not seen in the theoretical models. The unexpected change of slope points to the need for a critical reevaluation of the thermal processes and properties extant in the asthenosphere. The potential of the petrologic contribution has yet to be fully realized. For a start, this article points to an important body of independent evidence critical to our understanding of the earth's thermal history.  相似文献   

The anorthosite slide 15415,18 contains 98 percent subhedral plagioclase (97 mole percent anorthite), two pyroxenes: diopsidic augite (46 percent wollastonite, 39 percent enstatite, 16 percent ferrosilite) with subsidiary (100) lamellae and grains of hypersthene (2.5 percent wollastonite, 58 percent enstatite, 39.5 percent ferrosilite), and traces of ilmenite. The pyroxene occurs interstitial to, and as small grains enclosed within, plagioclase. The textures and compositions of the phases appear compatible with an origin by concentration and adcumulus growth of plagioclase from a gabbroic anorthosite (or hyperaluminous) magma in a "plutonic" environment.  相似文献   

Measurements of the accumulation of Xe(l29) from radioactive decay of extinct 1(129) in meteorites show that the 1(129)/ 1(127) ratio in high-temperature minerals in diverse chondrites was 10(-4) at the time of cooling. The uniformity in the ratio indicates that the minerals cooled simultaneously within 1 or 2 million years.  相似文献   

The primordial gases of eight unequilibrated ordinary chondrites are strongly fractionated with respect to" cosmic" proportions. The absolute amounts are roughly proportional to the degree of disequilibration. Apparently, ordinary chondrites originally contained considerably larger amounts of primordial rare gases.  相似文献   

Rhenium and osmium concentrations and Os isotopic compositions of eight carbonaceous chondrites, one LL3 ordinary chondrite, and two iron meteorites were determined by resonance ionization mass spectrometry. Iron meteorite (187)Re/(186)Os and (l87)Os/(l86)Os ratios plot on the previously determined iron meteorite isochron, but most chondrite data plot 1 to 2 percent above this meteorite isochron. This suggests either that irons have significantly younger Re-Os closure ages than chondrites or that chondrites were formed from precursor materials with different chemical histories from the precursors of irons. Some samples of Semarkona (LL3) and Murray (C2M) meteorites plot 4 to 6 percent above the iron meteorite isochron, well above the field delineated by other chondrites. Murray may have lost Re by aqueous leaching during its preterrestrial history. Semarkona could have experienced a similar loss of Re, but only slight aqueous alteration is evident in the meteorite. Therefore, the isotopic composition of Semarkona could reflect assembly of isotopically heterogeneous components subsequent to 4.55 billion years ago or Os isotopic heterogeneities in the primordial solar nebula.  相似文献   

The chlorofluoromethanes (CFMs: CCl(2)F(2) and CCl(3)F), methyl chloroform (CH(3)CCl(3)), and carbon tetrachloride (CCl(4)) have been measured in deep waters of the Arctic Ocean. Oceanic and atmospheric inventories of these compounds result from known anthropogenic releases; because the CFMs and CCl(4) are also chemically nonreactive, they can be used as transient tracers of ocean circulation. The input history of CCl(4) is longer than that of any other transient tracer identified to date( approximately 70 years). This long input history, together with an e-folding time scale of increase(tau) of approximately 28 years, makes CCl(4) potentially the most useful tracer for calibrating models of the oceanic uptake of the fossil-fuel CO(2) transient(tau approximately 25 years). The bottom water of the Nansen Basin, Arctic Ocean, has detectable CCl(4) but undetectable CFM(s) and CH(3)CCl(3), which suggests either that the bottom water is approximately 50 years old, or that there is a small, nonanthropogenic component of atmospheric CCl(4)(<6 parts per trillion by volume).  相似文献   

Chondrules, which are roughly millimeter-sized silicate-rich spherules, dominate the most primitive meteorites, the chondrites. They formed as molten droplets and, judging from their abundances in chondrites, are the products of one of the most energetic processes that operated in the early inner solar system. The conditions and mechanism of chondrule formation remain poorly understood. Here we show that the abundance of the volatile element sodium remained relatively constant during chondrule formation. Prevention of the evaporation of sodium requires that chondrules formed in regions with much higher solid densities than predicted by known nebular concentration mechanisms. These regions would probably have been self-gravitating. Our model explains many other chemical characteristics of chondrules and also implies that chondrule and planetesimal formation were linked.  相似文献   

Adams JB 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1968,159(3822):1453-1455
A reflection minimum at 1 micron, reported for Moon and for Mars, indicates olivine or iron- and calcium-bearing clinopyroxene, or both-major constituents of many basaltic rocks. If the 1-micron absorption features are real, both chondritic and acidic rocks are ruled out as primary constituents of the surfaces of the bodies. The reflectance spectrum of Mars matches closely that of an oxidized basalt.  相似文献   

A new mineral, essentially a potassium-copper-iron sulfide, occurs in accessory amounts in the enstatite chondrites Kota Kota (a find) and St. Marks (a fall), and has been identified visually in the enstatite achondrite Pena Blanca Springs (a fall). The x-ray diffraction pattern, electron-microprobe analysis, and its appearance in polished sections all serve to identify it.  相似文献   

Chondrules are millimeter-sized rounded igneous rocks within chondritic meteorites. Their textures and fractionated mineral chemistries suggest that they formed by repeated, localized, brief (minutes to hours) melting of cold aggregates of mineral dust in the protoplanetary nebula. Astrophysical models of chondrule formation have been unable to explain the petrologically diverse nature of chondrites. However, a nebular shock wave model for chondrule formation agrees with many of the observed petrologic and geochemical properties of chondrules and shows how particles within the nebula are sorted by size and how rims around chondrules are formed. It also explains the volatile-rich nature of chondrule rims and the chondrite matrix.  相似文献   

The Hayabusa spacecraft successfully recovered dust particles from the surface of near-Earth asteroid 25143 Itokawa. Synchrotron-radiation x-ray diffraction and transmission and scanning electron microscope analyses indicate that the mineralogy and mineral chemistry of the Itokawa dust particles are identical to those of thermally metamorphosed LL chondrites, consistent with spectroscopic observations made from Earth and by the Hayabusa spacecraft. Our results directly demonstrate that ordinary chondrites, the most abundant meteorites found on Earth, come from S-type asteroids. Mineral chemistry indicates that the majority of regolith surface particles suffered long-term thermal annealing and subsequent impact shock, suggesting that Itokawa is an asteroid made of reassembled pieces of the interior portions of a once larger asteroid.  相似文献   

Osmium extracted from unequilibrated bulk chondrites has isotope anomalies consistent with an insoluble s-process carrier, termed Os(i) here. Osmium from metamorphosed bulk chondrites does not have isotope anomalies, implying that the Os(i) carrier was destroyed by metamorphism. The isotopic homogeneity of metamorphosed bulk chondrites is consistent with extremely effective mixing of presolar grains from varied sources in the nebula. Osmium in the Os(i) carrier is likely from nucleosynthetic sites with a neutron density about two to four times as high as that of the average solar s-process Os.  相似文献   

Chemical results from four samples of martian fines delivered to Viking landers 1 and 2 are remarkably similar in that they all have high iron; moderate magnesium, calcium, and sulfur; low aluminum; and apparently very low alkalies and trace elements. This composition is best interpreted as representing the weathering products of mafic igneous rocks. A mineralogic model, derived from computer mixing studies and laboratory analog preparations, suggests that Mars fines could be an intimate mixture of about 80 percent iron-rich clay, about 10 percent magnesium sulfate (kieserite?), about 5 percent carbonate (calcite), and about 5 percent iron oxides (hematite, magnetite, maghemite, goethite?). The mafic nature of the present fines (distributed globally) and their probable source rocks seems to preclude large-scale planetary differentiation of a terrestrial nature.  相似文献   

Fine-grained diamonds, the most abundant form of circumstellar dust isolated from primitive meteorites, have elemental and isotopic characteristics that are dependent on the host meteorite type. Carbon isotopic compositions vary from -32 to -38 per mil, and nitrogen associated with the diamond changes in overall abundance by over a factor of four from 0.2 to 0.9 weight percent, between ordinary and CM2-type chondrites. Although the ratio of carbon to nitrogen evolves in a distinctive way during combustion of diamond separates, metamorphic degassing of nitrogen is not the main cause of the differences in nitrogen content. The data suggest that intrinsic differences must have been inherited by the diamonds at the time of their formation and that the diamonds were distributed heterogeneously in the solar nebula during condensation. However, the hypothesis that a distinct nitrogen carrier remains hidden within the diamond cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

针对一种含砷的铟冶金溶液,研究了一种选择性硫化除砷方法,消除铟生产过程中AsH3对环境的污染,考察了酸度、温度、时间及硫化氢加入量等工艺参数对除砷效率的影响,研究结果表明:在较佳的工艺条件下,砷去除率达99.1%,同时铟损失少,无二次污染。  相似文献   

The transition of metallic indium antimonide into the superconducting state begins at 2.1 degrees K and is complete at about 1.6 degrees K. These data are close to those for white tin.  相似文献   

Shaw DM  Donn WL 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1968,162(3859):1270-1272
A quantitative determination of changes in the surface temperature caused by variations in insolation calculated by Milankovitch has been made through the use of the thermodynamic model of Adem. Under extreme conditions, mean coolings of 3.1 degrees and 2.7 degrees C, respectively, at latitudes 25 degrees and 65 degrees N are obtained for Milankovitch radiation cycles. At the sensitive latitude 65 degrees N, a mean cooling below the present temperature for each of the times of radiation minimum is only 1.4 degrees C. This result indicates that the Milankovitch effect is rather small to have triggered glacial climates.  相似文献   

The ability of rats to perform correctly a bar-pressing response that meets a specific duration criterion is related through spectral analysis to systematic variations in response force. It is suggested that these oscillations are representative of sensory feedback which aids in making the required temporal discrimination.  相似文献   

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