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文章从温度控制、湿度控制、通风控制、设施设备的配备与使用、生物安全控制、疾病防控以及养殖模式七个方面,对肉鸡养殖过程的关键技术进行探讨,以期为从事肉鸡养殖以及肉鸡管理者提供技术参考。  相似文献   

我国北方春季气温忽高忽低,温差较大,容易引发肉鸡呼吸道疾病,尤其是规模化生产.肉鸡呼吸道疾病复杂、较难控制,且绝大多数的肉鸡呼吸道疾病是几种病的混合感染,一旦发病将很难控制.本文从肉鸡呼吸道疾病发生的原因以及主要的预防措施来综述肉鸡呼吸道疾病,为广大肉鸡养殖者提供参考.  相似文献   

肉鸡业对全球经济的贡献很大,以数值表示如下:全球850万只祖代肉鸡,值2.5亿美元;3.5亿只父母代肉鸡,值8.5~9.5亿美元;2亿吨肉鸡饲料,值400亿美元;动保产品值20亿美元以及80亿公里相关行业服务等。世界肉鸡业主要由美国、巴西两个国家控制,它们主要控制着生肉的生产和出口;而泰国控制着肉鸡熟食的出口。今天的报告主要关注美国、巴西、中国肉鸡业的发展状况,以及目前面临的机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

<正>在肉鸡养殖实践中,我们都有一个共同的感受——肉鸡的病特别多,且不容易控制,为什么?这主要是由肉鸡生长生产特点、生理和解剖结构特点、饲料及营养水平、饲养管理技术与水平限制、环境控制技术、肉鸡品种等多方面造成的。1肉鸡生长特点1.1肉鸡生长生产特点优点:肉鸡生产性能高,生长迅速。50天左右,平均体重即可从40克左右长到3000克以上;饲料  相似文献   

球虫病是危害我国肉鸡业最为严重的疾病之一,随着肉鸡规模化养殖的发展,球虫病所导致肉鸡的直接生产损失以及因控制该病所引发的药残问题给我国的肉鸡养殖业造成沉重的打击,如果肉鸡球虫病得不到有效控制,必将阻碍我国肉鸡养殖业的健康发展。1球虫病在我国肉鸡养殖中的流行状况  相似文献   

根据国家肉鸡产业技术体系的需求,利用Microsoft Visual Studio 2010结合SQL Server 2008数据库管理系统开发完成了肉鸡生产与环境控制基础数据库平台.该平台包括肉鸡生产典型示范场数据库、肉鸡生产标准数据库、肉鸡生产设施设备数据库、肉鸡生产过程数据库和肉鸡生产废弃物处理数据库等,为肉鸡的标准化养殖提供详实的技术支持.  相似文献   

国家肉鸡产业技术体系是已启动的50个农业产业体系中的畜产品产业体系之一。以提高我肉鸡产业健康发展为目标,重点解决规模化优质肉鸡品种混杂、肉鸡疾病控制不力、饲料资源短缺、规模化生产程度低等问题。围绕肉鸡良种繁育、疫病综合控制、规模化营养与饲料配套生产技术和产品加工等领域大力实施研发与示范,推进肉鸡产业蓬勃发展。  相似文献   

2014年全球肉鸡生产与环境控制研究主要围绕肉鸡舍废弃物处理和节能减排技术、鸡舍环境因素对肉鸡健康的影响以及肉鸡福利养殖等开展。在废弃物处理和节能减排技术方面,通过营养平衡日粮和低蛋白日粮以及饲用酶制剂、有机微量元素、益生素、寡糖等饲料添加剂的应用,提高饲料利用率,减少含氮物质的排放;在环境因素对肉鸡健康的影响方面,主要集中于缓解肉鸡热应激、设置适宜的光照强度和颜色、利用微酸电解水环境控制技术、鸡舍设计及环境自动化控制等;在肉鸡福利养殖技术方面,主要在饲养模式、饲养密度、环境控制以及改善福利水平等领域开展研究。  相似文献   

肉鸡饲养效益主要取决于肉鸡的饲养管理以及肉鸡的遗传因素。肉鸡的遗传因素与生俱来,后天不能将其改变,但是肉鸡的饲养技术可以进行人为调控,能够满足肉鸡的生长发育需求。肉鸡的饲养管理必须从药物预防、光照控制、通风状况、密度、湿度以及舍内温度等方面入手,为鸡群提供一个适合生长的环境,进而将养殖的经济效益提升。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,肉鸡药残问题已引起人们的高度重视。许多国家都明文规定了肉鸡产品中抗生素、抗寄生虫药等制剂的残留量。欧美等发达国家拒绝药残超标肉鸡入境。为此,我们经过研究提出了肉鸡绿色高效养殖技术,并指导养鸡户,注重生物安全措施确保防疫质量、推广新式大棚、积极控制环境条件、按疗程计划用药等,从而达到控制肉鸡药残,生产绿色肉鸡产品的目的,收到了显著的效果。  相似文献   

Thirty-nine and 47 randomly selected Colorado cow-calf operations participated in the National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) during rounds 2 (October 1986 to September 1987) and 3 (October 1987 to September 1988), respectively. Data on the incidence of disease conditions within each herd were collected by federal and state Veterinary Medical Officers and university veterinarians through monthly visits to the ranches. Annual disease incidence for disease classes and the most frequently reported individual disease conditions were determined and expressed on a per 100 cow basis. The mean annual disease incidences for all diseases in these herds were 48.8 and 47.7 new cases per 100 cows for rounds 2 and 3, respectively. The ranges for herd annual disease incidence were wide in both study years. The enteric disease class had the highest mean annual disease incidence in both years of the study, and this was primarily because of diarrhea of unknown cause in calves. Diarrhea of unknown cause accounted for approximately 25% of all new disease cases in both rounds of the study. The mean annual disease incidences were not different for any disease class between the two rounds. The data indicate that, on the average, diarrhea of unknown cause, pneumonia, dystocia, foot rot (interdigital necrobacillosis), pinkeye (infectious keratoconjunctivitis), respiratory tract infection, death of unknown cause, and nonpregnancy had the highest incidences in these Colorado beef herds during the study period. However, because of the wide variation of the predominant disease problems between herds, a herd's disease history as well as the common disease problems in the geographic area of a herd must be considered in designing a herd health program.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to identify factors associated with the clinical diagnosis of foot and mouth disease during the 2001 epidemic in the United Kingdom. Using logistic regression, we compared: (1) reports of suspect disease that resulted in the declaration of FMD to reports that did not, and (2) laboratory-positive cases to laboratory-negative cases. From 6,801 reports of suspect disease, 2,026 cases of FMD were identified. Suspect cases were more likely to become clinical cases if: (1) the report originated from the disease control authorities ('active surveillance') rather than the public, usually farmers ('passive surveillance'); (2) cattle were the species suspected of disease, as opposed to sheep; (3) the report was filed during the peak of the epidemic; (4) the reporting premises was within 3 km of an FMD case detected within the previous 2 weeks; or (5) the report originated from certain local disease control centres. There were significant two-way interactions between: type of surveillance and species suspected of disease, type of surveillance and proximity of other infected premises, species suspected and time in the epidemic, and time in the epidemic and proximity of other infected premises. Clinical cases were more likely to be laboratory positive if: (1) they were found by passive versus active surveillance, (2) cattle were suspected of disease (versus sheep), (3) oldest lesions were less than 3 days, (4) the report was filed at any time other than the peak of the epidemic, or (5) the report originated from certain local disease control centres. Significant two-way interactions were found between: type of surveillance and species suspected of disease, and type of surveillance and time in the epidemic.  相似文献   

Of 100 critically ill dogs and cats, 49 (39 dogs, 10 cats) had bacteremia. Gram-negative bacilli were the most common isolates from the bloodstream of dogs with bacteremia (46%), and gram-positive cocci and anaerobic bacteria were isolated from 36% and 31% of positive cultures, respectively; 15% of positive cultures were polymicrobial. In cats, gram-negative bacilli (especially Salmonella enteritidis) and anaerobic bacteria were the most common isolates, and 30% of positive cultures were polymicrobial. Gram-positive cocci were not isolated from the blood-stream of cats. Odds ratios, adjusted for the combined effects of disease status (severe vs nonsevere), results of bacterial culture of blood result (positive vs negative), and species (dog vs cat) were calculated for mortality in animals in the study. In animals with bacteremia, severe disease increased the risk of death 11.6-fold, compared with the risk in animals with nonsevere disease. Bacteremia increased mortality 10-fold in animals with severe disease, compared with mortality in animals with severe disease without bacteremia. Animals with severe disease and bacteremia were 15.6 times more likely to die than were those with nonsevere disease and negative culture results. In animals with nonsevere disease, culture results (positive vs negative) were not related significantly to mortality. Disease status (severe vs nonsevere) in animals without bacteremia also was not significantly related to mortality. There was no significant difference in overall mortality in dogs, compared with that in cats.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The data collected by a postal questionnaire sent to 3772 randomly selected dairy farmers in England and the border regions in Wales were used to estimate the relationships between the presence of clinical Johne's disease and farm and management factors associated with that disease. Two binary outcomes (case reported in 1993, case reported in 1994) and 27 predictor variables were considered. Only two variables were consistently and significantly associated with clinical disease in multivariable analysis. Farms on which Channel Island breeds were predominant were associated with an increased risk of reporting disease (odds ratios (ORs) ranged from 10.9 to 12.9). The presence of farmed deer on the farm also increased the risk of reporting disease (ORs ranged from 15.2 to 209.3). There were other significant but inconsistent associations involving the source of replacements, age of first-offering hay, type of concentrate feed to calves, and calving in individual pens when the cows were at grass. Since Johne's disease is predominantly subclinical, these contributing factors may play important roles in switching subclinical infection to overt disease.  相似文献   

试验研究了250μmol/L的2,3-BD分别进行1、2、3、4次诱导对匍匐翦股颖植株抗病性的影响,计算了各处理的病情指数、诱导效果并测定了抗病相关酶以及叶绿素和丙二醛(MDA)等的含量。结果表明:2,3-BD多次诱导能使匍匐翦股颖植株的抗病性提升,其中,2次诱导处理的病情指数最低,为24.60%、诱导效果最好,为65.05%,同时与其他处理相比,,2次诱导处理下的SOD、POD、CAT、PAL等酶的活性增加,始终高于对照且差异显著,MDA的积累量最低。综合分析2,3-BD能够提高匍匐翦股颖的抗病能力,且经过2次诱导处理的效果最佳。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the value of various synovial fluid cytokines and eicosanoids to diagnose joint disease or categories of joint disease. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective acquisition of clinicopathologic data. ANIMALS OR SAMPLE POPULATION: Client-owned or donated horses: 50 joints with no evidence of disease; 28 joints with acute disease; 32 joints with chronic disease; 9 joints with cartilage damage and no other signs of joint disease. METHODS: Concentrations of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta), interleukin-6 (IL-6), prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)), thromboxane B(2) (TXB(2)), prostaglandin F1-alpha (PGF(1)-alpha), and leukotriene B(4) (LTB(4)), were measured in equine synovial fluid by immunoassay and categorized according to duration and degree of joint disease. Any test value for a given category that was different from normal was further analyzed for sensitivity (S), specificity (Sp), and operating point (most valid test cutoff value). Likelihood ratios and predictive values were calculated at the operating point. Mediator concentrations were correlated to synovial fluid white blood cell count. Tests were reported as poor, fair, good, or excellent based on predictive values of <.25,.25-.5,.5-.75, or >.75, respectively. RESULTS: TNF synovial fluid concentration as a predictor of joint disease was good, and the value of TNF (maximum S and Sp) indicating joint disease was >36 pg/mL. IL-1beta as a predictor of joint disease was good, and the value of IL-1beta indicating joint disease was >4.5 pg/mL. IL-6 concentration was an excellent predictor of joint disease. Any IL-6 in synovial fluid indicated joint disease and correlated highly with synovial fluid white blood cell count (P <.0001). PGE(2) was a good-excellent predictor of disease (positive predictive value [PPV] = 0.75), and the concentration indicating joint disease was >22.5 pg/mL. The diagnostic PGF(1)-alpha concentration indicating severe chronic joint disease was identified to be >16.5 pg/mL with very high sensitivity (S = 1) and specificity (Sp =.89). PGF(1)-alpha concentrations > 9.5 pg/mL had a good PPV (.69) and NPV (.6) for any joint disease. TBX(2) concentrations below 31.5 pg/mL (S =.57; Sp =.61) were a very good predictor of joint disease (PPV =.72). LTB(4) concentration appeared to be greater in severe acute joint disease than normal joints; this was not significant (P =.15) and correlated highly with synovial fluid white blood cell count (P =.0001). CONCLUSIONS: The ability of a single value from a joint in an adult horse predicting the presence of joint disease was often good (.5-.75), and was excellent (> or =.75) for IL-6 and PGE(2). TNF-alpha and IL-1beta were no more effective than white blood cell count in screening for joint disease. IL-6 was the most sensitive and specific for joint disease and could be an excellent screening test for the presence of joint disease when lameness is difficult to identify or is intermittent. PGE(2) would be a functional screening test for the presence of any joint disease and offers a differentiating feature because values were not influenced by white blood cell count. PGF(1)-alpha values > 16.5 pg/mL identified chronic severe joint disease and may be clinically useful when there are minimal radiographic changes but substantial articular cartilage degradation.  相似文献   

From 1980 to 1988 235 koalas were necropsied and 67 were found to have urinary tract disease. Six affected koalas out of 48 were derived from wildlife parks around Sydney while 61 of 187 were derived from free living populations on the central and north coasts of New South Wales. Sixteen had cystitis alone, 5 had cystitis and associated renal disease only, 16 females had cystitis with genital disease, 23 had urinary disease in combination with other systemic disease and 7 had renal disease only. Overall 49 animals had cystitis (30 females and 19 males; 47 being free living) with 12 of these having renal extension (all free living). Cystitis tended to be active but chronic while associated renal disease was mainly designated as hydronephrosis and pyelonephritis. Other forms of renal disease included lymphosarcoma, oxalate nephrosis, acute and chronic nephritis, and microabscessation related to septicaemia. Female genital disease associated with cystitis was commonly vaginitis and metritis. Paraovarian cysts were detected with and without metritis. Other diseases occurring with urinary tract disease included conjunctivitis, dermatitis/stomatitis, pneumonia and hepatic disease. The higher prevalence of urinary tract disease in free living koalas, especially cystitis, is in contrast to captive koalas and may reflect the interaction between disease cause and habitat.  相似文献   

Surveillance and monitoring are important for measuring the level of disease in a population, documenting changes in prevalence over time, determining high-risk areas for implementation of control measures, eradicating disease, and documenting freedom from disease. The documentation of freedom from disease has importance for international trade and the resumption of production after an outbreak. Johne's disease (JD) is an example of an endemic disease of cattle that has variable prevalence related to environmental and animal-level factors. Three methods of sample collection were used to describe the prevalence and distribution of JD seropositivity in Texas. Sampled cattle were: (1) extensively managed herds, (2) market cattle, and (3) clinically ill cattle examined by practicing veterinarians throughout Texas. Samples were evaluated for JD using a commercially available serum ELISA. Proportion of seropositive samples was compared and spatial distributions were evaluated for clustering. Difference of JD seropositivity was observed among the three sample populations suggesting that estimation of disease prevalence is dependant upon the source of samples.  相似文献   

Causes of sickness and death in approximately 30,000 chickens in 5 meat breeder flocks were investigated between May 1979 and April 1980. Approximately 23% of disease was due to neoplasms; 81% of these were Marek's disease despite vaccination against this infection. Other frequent diagnoses included cellulitis (15%), respiratory disease (14%), lesions of the reproductive tract (11%) and tenosynovitis/arthritis (9%). Antibodies to Mycoplasma gallisepticium, avian adenovirus, infectious bursal disease virus and reticuloendotheliosis virus were present in all flocks. Antibody to Newcastle disease virus (NDV) was found in 2 flocks but titres were not considered protective against a virulent NDV challenge. Antibody to egg drop syndrome 1976 virus was found in 2 flocks comprised of the same breed of bird.  相似文献   

The purpose of this report is to present the clinical, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and histological data from 27 cats with inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS). The cats were part of a study of 61 cats admitted to two university clinics over an eight-year period because of signs of CNS disease. The most frequent diseases were feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) (12/27) and suspected viral disease other than FIP (10/27). Typical CSF findings in cats with FIP were a protein concentration of greater than 2 g/L (200 mg/dL) and a white cell count of over 100 cells/microL, which consisted predominantly of neutrophils. In contrast, the CSF of cats with suspected viral disease had a protein concentration of less than 1 g/L (100 mg/dL) and a total white cell count of less than 50 cells/microL. In general, cats with FIP or suspected viral disease were less than four years of age. Neurological signs were usually multifocal in cats with FIP, but focal in cats with suspected viral disease. The CSF findings were variable in five other inflammatory diseases represented. Two cats with protozoan infection had normal CSF total cell counts but abnormal differential counts. The CSF findings were invaluable in differentiating FIP from other causes of inflammatory CNS disease.  相似文献   

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