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The accumulation and redistribution of 137Cs in natural ecosystems within the 30-km impact zone of the Smolensk nuclear power plant (SNPP) are analyzed. It is shown that the radioactive pollution of this territory is mainly due to the Chernobyl-derived radioactive fallout. However, the radioactive decay of 137Cs from the Chernobyl disaster is partly compensated for by the 137Cs technologic emission from the SNPP. The highest rate of the vertical migration of 137Cs is typical of the bog phytocenoses and deciduous forests. The components of biota may be ranked by their capacity for 137Cs accumulation as follows: higher fungi > mosses > herbs and shrubs > trees. The organisms and their parts that may serve as bioindicators of the modern radioactive contamination of the territory have been identified. These are the assimilative organs and bark of the trees, various fern species among herbs, sphagnum mosses and Pleurozium schreberi (among mosses), and Typolius felleus among higher fungi.  相似文献   

Although information regarding the spatial variability of soil respiration is important for understanding carbon cycling and developing a suitable sampling design for estimating average soil respiration, it remains relatively understudied compared to temporal changes. In this study, soil respiration was measured at 35 locations by season on a slope of Japanese cedar forest in order to examine temporal changes in the spatial distribution of soil respiration. Spatial variability of soil respiration varied between seasons, with the highest coefficient variation in winter (42%) and lowest in summer (26%). Semivariogram analysis and kriged maps revealed different patterns of spatial distribution in each season. Factors affecting the spatial variability were relief index (autumn), soil hardness of the A layer (winter), soil hardness at 50 cm depth (spring) and the altitude and relief index (summer). Annual soil respiration (average: 39 mol m−2 y−1) varied from 26 mol m−2 y−1 to 55 mol m−2 y−1 between the 35 locations and was higher in the upper part of the slope and lower in the lower part. The average Q10 value was 2.3, varying from 1.3 to 3.0 among the locations. These findings suggest that insufficient information on the spatial variability of soil respiration and imbalanced sampling could bias estimates of current and future carbon budgets.  相似文献   

Radioactive contamination of soils is considered as a separate type of degradation decreasing their fertility. Natural soil radioactivity is described. The main sources of technogenic radionuclides for the soil cover (global radionuclide fallout after nuclear weapons tests, the operation of nuclear facilities, radioactive waste) were shown. The phytomelioration of soils containing radionuclides was assessed. Issues were analyzed related to the remediation of agricultural soils after radiation accidents associated with the release of radionuclides into the environment: the discharge of radionuclides into the Techa River (1949–1953) and the Kyshtym (Southern Urals, 1957), Windscale (United Kingdom, 1957), and Chernobyl (Ukraine, 1986) accidents. The hazard of radioactive contamination of the soil-plant cover was assessed from two viewpoints: the anthropocentric (sanitary-hygienic) principle, when the degree of radioactive contamination of agricultural crops and the conformity of their radionuclide content to radiological standards are taken into account (maximum permissible concentrations of radionuclides), on the one hand, and the ecocentric (biospheric, environmental) approach, when the consequences of the irradiation of soil biota and living terrestrial organisms caused by radionuclides present in the soils are taken into account (conformity to the radiation standards and permissible radiation doses), on the other hand. For some technogenic radionuclides, the use of these principles for assessing the hazard of radioactive contamination of the soil was exemplified, which is of importance for determining the rehabilitation strategy of agricultural lands contaminated with radionuclides.  相似文献   

The explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on 26 April 1986 released vast amounts of radioactive material over an area of 200,000 km2 in eastern and central Europe, affecting all living organisms. The biological impacts including the conservation consequences of this event are still poorly known even 25 years after the disaster. Here we assess the effects of this environmental disaster for conservation by focusing on two connected questions addressing the short-term ecological and the long-term evolutionary consequences: First, we pose the question of whether rare species are more impacted by radiation than common species? Second, what are the conservation consequences of elevated mutation rates due to the mutagenic effects of radionuclides from Chernobyl? Furthermore, we assess the extent to which ecological and evolutionary aspects interact. We censused breeding birds across 731 census points in Ukraine and Belarus during 3 years to assess the relationship between abundance of different species and radiation. Most bird species avoided contaminated sites and individuals were concentrated in relatively uncontaminated sites. While common species were recorded at a wide range of radiation levels, rare species were restricted to the least contaminated sites and to sites with a high biodiversity. Thus, rare species were disproportionately impacted by the accident. Mutation rates of plants and animals have increased by up to a factor 20 due to release of radionuclides from Chernobyl. Given that each slightly deleterious mutation is expected to result in a selective genetic death, and that an average fruitfly under normal conditions may carry as many as 80 mutations, the number of mutations in animals and plants around Chernobyl and hence the number of selective deaths is bound to be much higher. There is empirical evidence for highly elevated mortality rates and dramatically increased rates of reproductive failure in contaminated areas, consistent with the expected high frequency of selective deaths due to mutations. The average slightly deleterious mutation is present for 33–167 generations in Drosophila, so if these estimates are qualitatively similar in other organisms, we can expect that mutants will disperse outside contaminated areas resulting in the spread of mutations well beyond the reach of contamination with radionuclides. Therefore, it should be possible to document the gradual spread of mutations from Chernobyl. We consider that the Chernobyl disaster and other nuclear releases may have significant consequences for population size and population viability of many species due to the large number of selective deaths. These effects remain to be investigated. Finally, comparative analyses of birds revealed that species with high mitochondrial DNA substitution rates had short dispersal distances, suggesting that mutations will spread relatively short distances when they are common, but will spread longer distances in species when they are rare.  相似文献   

The role of the organic carbon occluded within phytoliths (referred to in this text as ‘PhytOC‘) in carbon sequestration in some soils is examined. The results show that PhytOC can be a substantial component of total organic carbon in soil. PhytOC is highly resistant to decomposition compared to other soil organic carbon components in the soil environments examined accounting for up to 82% of the total carbon in well-drained soils after 1000 years of organic matter decomposition. Estimated PhytOC accumulation rates were between 15 and 37% of the estimated global mean long-term (i.e. on a millenial scale) soil carbon accumulation rate of 2.4 g C m−2 yr−1 indicating that the accumulation of PhytOC within soil is an important process in the terrestrial sequestration of carbon. The rates of phytolith production and the long-term sequestration of carbon occluded in phytoliths varied according to the overlying plant community. The PhytOC yield of a sugarcane crop was 18.1 g C m−2 yr−1, an accumulation rate that is sustainable over the long-term (millenia) and yet comparable to the rates of carbon sequestration that are achievable (but only for a few decades) by land use changes such as conversion of cultivated land to forest or grassland, or a change of tillage practices from conventional to no tillage. This process offers the opportunity to use plant species that yield high amounts of PhytOC to enhance terrestrial carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

Plasmid transfer among isolates of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae in heavy metal contaminated soils from a long-term experiment in Braunschweig, Germany, was investigated under laboratory conditions. Three replicate samples each of four sterilized soils with total Zn contents of 54, 104, 208 and 340 mg kg−1 were inoculated with an equal number (1×105 cells g−1 soil) of seven different, well-characterized isolates of R. leguminosarum bv. viciae. Four of the isolates were from an uncontaminated control plot (total Zn 54 mg kg−1) and three were from a metal-contaminated plot (total Zn 340 mg kg−1).After 1 year the population size was between 106 and 107 g−1 soil, and remained at this level in all but the most contaminated soil. In the soil from the most contaminated plot no initial increase in rhizobial numbers was seen, and the population declined after 1 year to <30 cells g−1 soil after 4 years. One isolate originally from uncontaminated soil that had five large plasmids (no. 2-8-27) was the most abundant type re-isolated from all of the soils. Isolates originally from the metal-contaminated soils were only recovered in the most contaminated soil. After 1 year, four isolates with plasmid profiles distinct from those inoculated into the soils were recovered. One isolate in the control soil appeared to have lost a plasmid. Three isolates from heavy metal contaminated soils (one isolate from the soil with total Zn 208 mg kg−1 and two isolates from the soil with total Zn 340 mg kg−1) had all acquired one plasmid. Plasmid transfer was confirmed using the distinct ITS-RFLP types of the isolates and DNA hybridization using probes specific to the transferred plasmid. The transconjugant of 2-8-27 which had gained a plasmid was found in one replicate after 2 years of the most contaminated soil but comprised more than 50% of the isolates. A similar type appeared in a separate replicate of the most contaminated soil after 3 years and persisted in both of these soils until the final sampling after 4 years. After 2 years isolates were recovered from four of the soil replicates with the chromosomal type of 2-8-27 which appeared to have lost one plasmid, but these were not recovered subsequently.Isolate 2-8-27 was among the isolates most sensitive to Zn in laboratory assays, whereas isolate 7-13-1 showed greater zinc tolerance. Acquisition of the plasmid conferred enhanced Zn tolerance to the recipients, but transconjugant isolates were not as metal tolerant as 7-13-1, the putative donor. Laboratory matings between 2-8-27 and 7-13-1 in the presence of Zn resulted in the conjugal transfer of the same small plasmid from 7-13-1 to isolate 2-8-27 and the transconjugant had enhanced metal tolerance. Our results show that transfer of naturally-occurring plasmids among rhizobial strains is stimulated by increased metal concentrations in soil. We further demonstrate that the transfer of naturally-occurring plasmids is important in conferring enhanced tolerance to elevated zinc concentrations in rhizobia.  相似文献   

Soil respiration is an important component of terrestrial carbon cycling and can be influenced by many factors that vary spatially. This research aims to determine the extent and causes of spatial variation of soil respiration, and to quantify the importance of scale on measuring and modeling soil respiration within and among common forests of Northern Wisconsin. The potential sources of variation were examined at three scales: [1] variation among the litter, root, and bulk soil respiration components within individual 0.1 m measurement collars, [2] variation between individual soil respiration measurements within a site (<1 m to 10 m), and [3] variation on the landscape caused by topographic influence (100 m to 1000 m). Soil respiration was measured over a two-year period at 12 plots that included four forest types. Root exclusion collars were installed at a subset of the sites, and periodic removal of the litter layer allowed litter and bulk soil contributions to be estimated by subtraction. Soil respiration was also measured at fixed locations in six northern hardwood sites and two aspen sites to examine the stability of variation between individual measurements. These study sites were added to an existing data set where soil respiration was measured in a random, rotating, systematic clustering which allowed the examination of spatial variability from scales of <1 m to 100+ m. The combined data set for this area was also used to examine the influence of topography on soil respiration at scales of over 1000 m by using a temperature and moisture driven soil respiration model and a 4 km2 digital elevation model (DEM) to model soil moisture. Results indicate that, although variation of soil respiration and soil moisture is greatest at scales of 100 m or more, variation from locations 1 m or less can be large (standard deviation during summer period of 1.58 and 1.28 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1, respectively). At the smallest of scales, the individual contributions of the bulk soil, the roots, and the litter mat changed greatly throughout the season and between forest types, although the data were highly variable within any given site. For scales of 1-10 m, variation between individual measurements could be explained by positive relationships between forest floor mass, root mass, carbon and nitrogen pools, or root nitrogen concentration. Lastly, topography strongly influenced soil moisture and soil properties, and created spatial patterns of soil respiration which changed greatly during a drought event. Integrating soil fluxes over a 4 km2 region using an elevation dependent soil respiration model resulted in a drought induced reduction of peak summer flux rates by 37.5%, versus a 31.3% when only plot level data was used. The trends at these important scales may help explain some inter-annual and spatial variability of the net ecosystem exchange of carbon.  相似文献   

Fatty acids as major compounds of soil lipids may affect many soil properties, but the input and turnover rates in soil are largely unknown. The objective of this study was to identify and quantify fatty acids in soils as a result of input from primary sources such as plant residues, farmyard manure and soil organisms, and to evaluate the corresponding turnover- and stabilization processes. The concentrations of n-C10:0 to n-C34:0 fatty acids were determined in the Ap horizon of a Phaeozem with long-term cropping of rye and maize and the treatments ‘Unfertilized’ (‘U’) and fertilized with ‘Farmyard manure’ (‘FYM’). The most important primary sources of fatty acids such as rye and maize stubble and roots, soil micro- and mesofauna, and the applied FYM were also investigated. The quantification of fatty acids by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) showed that long-term FYM application led to larger concentrations of n-alkyl fatty acids in the plots grown with rye (‘U’: 48.1 μg g−1, ‘FYM’: 57.7 μg g−1, **P≤0.01, n=3) and maize (‘U’: 17.0 μg g−1, ‘FYM’: 23.4 μg g−1, ***P≤0.001, n=3). The observed bimodal fatty acid distribution in soils from n-C10:0 to n-C21:0 and from n-C21:0 to n-C34:0 with a predominance at n-C16:0 and at n-C28:0 was apparently due to input from crop residues, soil organisms and FYM. The short-chain lengths may have originated from the investigated primary sources. The major contributors to the long-chain lengths, with a maximum at n-C28:0, were rye stubble and FYM. A change in mono-culture from rye to maize, 38 years prior to sampling, led to a decrease in fatty acid concentrations by factors of about 2.8 (‘U’) and 2.5 (‘FYM’). Therefore, rye-derived fatty acids and soil tillage had a larger impact on fatty acid pools than the input of primary organic matter. The changes in fatty acid distributions and pools under the consideration of the quantified input of primary organic matter led to the conclusion that the short-chained fatty acids were more rapidly decomposed than the long-chains.  相似文献   

The possibility of using the VERT_MIG algorithm in simulation models of the vertical migration of radionuclides in soil is discussed. The algorithm was successfully used to develop models of 137Cs and 90Sr migration for radioactive contamination of different soils as a result of the accidents at the Chernobyl and Fukushima-1 nuclear power plants. The modeling results are given. Prospects for further use of this algorithm and some aspects of using imitation modeling in this area are discussed.  相似文献   

In order to quickly assess the transfer of radioactive cesium after a nuclear incident, it is useful to know the main biospheric parameters influencing this transfer. A suitably simplified heuristic formula for the Cs transfer is helpful for further application in a Geographic Information System (GIS). In order to determine the most relevant parameters given their huge variability in nature, samples of 150 aquatic plants and the corresponding sediments of 26 diverse aquatic locations such as lakes, ponds, and disconnected parts of rivers were measured for 137Cs, 134Cs, and 40K radioactivity one?year after the nuclear disaster of Chernobyl. Sediments were characterized by determination of weight loss after heating, extractable Cs and K, pH(KCl), particle size distribution, content of clay minerals, and similar biospheric, chemical, and physical parameters. As a general concept, the procedure of uptake of radioactive cesium was subdivided into the two following steps: ??resorption of cesium fallout by soil?? and ??uptake of soil cesium by plants??. Results for the resorption by soil show strong dependence on the percentage of dry matter and on the content of muscovite (mica) in the sediment. The uptake in plants, however, depends mostly on the content of 137Cs in the sediment itself, on the content of montmorillonite (weathered mica) and on the transfer factor of 40K which indicates the potassium affinity of the 30 different collected plant species. These findings can serve to quickly and practically assess the transfer factor across larger geographic regions in an evidence-based manner. Suitable IT tools for such space-related estimations are Geographic Information Systems or Virtual Globes such as Google Earth.  相似文献   

Using pre-established trial sites on allophanic soils, we investigated the impacts of long to medium-term pastoral management practices, such as fertilisation and grazing intensity, on a range of soil biological and biochemical properties; hot water-extractable C (HWC), water-soluble C (WSC), hot-water extractable total carbohydrates, microbial biomass-C and N and mineralisable N. These properties were examined for their usefulness as soil quality indicators responding to changes in the rhizosphere caused by management practices. Adjacent cropping, market garden and native bush sites located on similar soil types were included to determine the changes in soil biological and biochemical properties resulting from changes in land use. The seasonal variability of HWC and its relationship with other labile fractions of soil organic matter was also examined.Microbial biomass-C, mineralisable N and extractable total carbohydrates showed promise in differentiating treatment and land use effects. However, HWC was one of the most sensitive and consistent indicators examined at 52 different sites. The impact of different land uses on the amounts of HWC in the same soil type was far greater than that was observed for the soil organic carbon. The average values of HWC for soil under different land use were: native (4000 μg C g−1 soil), sheep/beef pastures (3400), dairy pastures (3000), cropping (1000) and market gardening soils (850). HWC was also sensitive to differences within an ecosystem, e.g. effects of grazing intensities and effects of N or P fertilisers on pastures. The sheep and beef/cattle grazed pastures always had higher amounts of HWC than the intensively grazed dairy pastures. Nitrogen fertiliser application (200 and 400 kg N ha−1 yr−1) over the previous 5 yr had significant (P<0.001) negative impacts on HWC and other soil microbial properties. In contrast, long-term application of P fertilisers had a significant (P<0.001) positive effect on the HWC levels in pastoral soils. In the case of long-term P trials, HWC increased even though no increase in the total soil carbon pool was detected.HWC was positively correlated with soil microbial biomass-C (R2=0.84), microbial nitrogen (R2=0.72), mineralisable N (R2=0.86), and total carbohydrates (R2=0.88). All these correlations were significant at P<0.001 level of significance. The HWC was also positively correlated with WSC and total organic C. However, these correlations were poorer than those found for other soil parameters. Most of these measurements have been actively promoted as key indicators of soil quality. Given the strong correlations between HWC and other biochemical measurements, HWC could be used as an integrated measure of soil quality. When HWC is extracted, other pools of labile nutrients are also extracted along with C. Therefore it is suggested that decline in HWC would also indicate a decline in other labile organic pools of nutrients such as nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus. About 40-50% of the C in the HWC extract was present as carbohydrates.  相似文献   

Radiation ecology of soil animals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary In this paper the use of animals in organic litter and in the mineral part of soils as bioindicators of ionizing radiation is reviewed. Soil animals are the most suitable biological indicators of radioactive pollution because they are parts of nutritional chains and webs, occur in relatively high numbers and can be collected during most parts of the year. Insects and other forest-dwelling invertebrates are more resistant to radioactive pollution than vertebrates, probably because of the shielding effects of soil constituents. In experiments with 90Sr, 137Cs, 106Ru, 95Zr, 65Zn 125Sb and 239Pu on different components of the mesofauna, earthworms (Oligochaeta) and Myriapoda (Diplopoda and Chilopoda) were affected most intensively, probably because these organisms have an intimate inside and outside contact with soil constituents in the upper layers of the soils. Soil dwellers that are only transitorily in soil or characterized by rapid distribution (predatory Coleoptera, flying insects) are less affected by radiation. Under natural conditions, the doses of irradiation of animals in the upper forest layers are lower than those of dwellers within soil. Forest insects that hibernate in soils at the egg or larval stage are most intensively affected and reduced by radiation. Earthworms prove particularly sensitive to an increased Ra-radiation background. They are among the best bioindicators of polluted soils.In honour of my teacher and colleague Prof. Dr. M.S. Ghilarov  相似文献   

The revegetation of soils affected by the historic pollution of an industrial complex in central Chile was studied. Spontaneous and assisted revegetation and changes in the physicochemical properties of the soils were evaluated in field plots that were amended with lime or lime + compost. Lime had no effect on plant productivity in comparison with the control, whereas the incorporation of lime + compost into the soil increased the plant cover and aboveground biomass. The application of lime + compost increased the plant productivity of Chrysanthemum coronarium (a species sensitive to the atmospheric emissions from the industrial complex), thus showing effective in situ stabilization of soil contaminants. Regression analyses suggested that the plant response was due to the increase in the soil organic matter content rather than to the increase in the soil pH. The aboveground biomass and plant cover did not differ under the spontaneous and assisted revegetation regimes. The native soil seed bank was sufficient for attainment of the proper plant cover and biomass production after the application of the soil amendments. Although the pCu2+ in the amended soils was 4 orders of magnitude higher than in the unamended control, the shoot Cu concentration was similar among most of the combinations of plant species and amendments.  相似文献   

Toxic compounds in soils threaten groundwater quality in two ways: as potential contaminants themselves, and by retarding the microbial degradation of other organic compounds, thus enhancing their deep penetration. Benzotriazole (BTA) is a chemical with versatile industrial applications, used in large quantities worldwide, and represents a potential threat to the environment due to its apparent toxicity and recalcitrance. When used as an additive in aircraft deicing/antiicing fluid on airports, substantial spills of these mixtures and jet fuel will inevitably reach the soil. We have investigated the subsoil (1-2 m depth) microbial degradation and growth on four relevant organic substrates found in airport run-off (acetate, formate, glycol and toluene) in the presence of concentrations of BTA which can be found in airport run-off. Monitoring CO2 evolution showed growth-dependent degradation rates for all substrates (sigmoid CO2 accumulation curves), which were significantly affected by BTA. The mineralization of acetate was only moderately retarded and only by the highest BTA concentration used (400 mg l−1 in soil solution); formate and glycol mineralization was substantially retarded at 200 mg l−1, and toluene mineralization already at 10 mg l−1 BTA. Mass balances (fraction of added C recovered as CO2) suggested that the microbial growth yield (g biomass-C formed per g substrate C) was severely reduced with increasing concentrations of BTA. The analysis of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) demonstrated that Gram-negative bacteria were dominating among the organisms growing on all four substrates. The total amount of PLFA increased with approximately 1000 pmol PLFA g−1 soil in response to a dose of 0.93 μmol glycol-C g−1 soil, but this increase was gradually reduced with increasing BTA concentrations. This was in agreement with C mass balances based on CO2 measurements, verifying that BTA severely reduced the growth yields. The response of individual PLFA's to BTA and substrates demonstrated that non-growing organisms were largely unaffected (i.e. the PLFA's of which the absolute amounts did not increase in response to substrates were not affected by BTA), whereas those which were growing on the added substrates were uniformly reduced by BTA (all the PLFA's which increased in response to the substrates were negatively affected by BTA). The results suggest that BTA functions as an uncoupler, i.e. a substance that reduces the yield of ATP per mole of substrate used, or that the defence mechanisms represent a large energy burden to all microbial cells.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that long-term irrigation with wastewater can lead to the development of soil water repellency. Little is known about the longevity of this effect. Here we address this research gap by examining the effect of long-term (~ 20 years) use of low-quality wastewater for disposal purposes, followed by 6 years of ‘recovery’ with no irrigation, on the wettability of calcareous sandy soil (Xerofluvent) under a Populus alba tree stand used as a “green filter” in SE Spain. Water repellency (WR) and soil organic matter content (SOM) were determined for 120 air-dry samples from the plot and 80 control samples from adjacent and otherwise similar non-irrigated areas. To account for plot micro-topography 40 samples each were taken from ridges (R; 0-5 cm depth), furrows (F; 0-5 cm), and furrows at depth (FD; 5-10 cm). The controls included 40 samples each (0-5 cm depth) from unvegetated and unploughed soil, and from soil under the P. alba plantation.All control samples were non-repellent whereas at the irrigated plot, water repellency was present for 48, 95 and 93% of ridge, furrow and furrow-depth samples respectively. WR and SOM was strongly correlated within the whole sample population (R2 = 0.623**) and within two sample groups (R: R2 = 0.783**; FD: R2 = 0.424**), but weakly within F samples (R2 = 0.072 n.s.). The latter showed the highest frequency and persistence (WDPT) of WR, indicating that not only quantity of SOM is controlling WR. Exploratory kaolinite clay additions (0.5-8%) to samples substantially reduced WR even at the lowest concentration, indicating that this could be a promising amelioration treatment for the WR in the soils investigated here.We conclude that for the conditions studied here (i) long-term use with poor-quality wastewater for disposal had led to the development of soil WR, (ii) a 6-year period of ‘recovery’ (i.e. non-irrigation) was insufficient to eliminate the induced WR, and (iii) kaolinite addition could be a promising amelioration treatment for these sandy soils.  相似文献   

Municipal solid waste (MSW) composts have been used to maintain the long-term productivity of agroecosystems and to protect the soil environment from overcropping, changes in climatic conditions and inadequate management; they also have the additional benefit of reducing waste disposal costs. Since MSW may contain heavy metals and other toxic compounds, amendments cannot only influence soil fertility, but may also affect the composition and activity of soil microorganisms. The effects of MSW compost and mineral N amendments in a 6-year field trial on some physical-chemical properties, enzyme activities and bacterial genetic diversity of cropped plots (Beta vulgaris-Triticum turgidum rotation) and uncropped plots were investigated. The compost was added at the recommended and twice the recommended dosage (12, 24 t ha−1). Amendments of cropped plots with MSW compost increased the contents of organic C from 13.3 to 15.0 g kg−1 soil and total N from 1.55 to 1.65 g kg−1 soil. There were significant increases in dehydrogenase (9.6%), β-glucosidase (13.5%), urease (15.4%), nitrate reductase (21.4%) and phosphatase (9.7%) activities. A significant reduction in protease activity (from 3.6 to 2.8 U g−1 soil) was measured when a double dose of compost was added to the cropped plots. No dosage effect was detected for the other enzymes. Changes in the microbial community, as a consequence of MSW amendment, were minimal as determined using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, rDNA internal spacer analysis and amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis of bacteria, archaea, actinomycetes, and ammonia oxidizers. This indicates that there was no significant variation in the overall bacterial communities nor in selected taxonomic groups deemed to be essential for soil fertility.  相似文献   

Our aim was to establish the long-term effects of repeated applications after 20 y of organic amendments (farmyard manure at 10 t ha−1 y−1, and urban sewage sludge at two different rates, 10 t ha−1 y−1 and 100 t ha−1 every 2 y) on the quality of a sandy and poorly buffered soil (Fluvisol, pH 6). Chemical characteristics and biodegradability of the labile organic matter, which is mainly derived from microbial biomass and biodegradation products of organic residues, were chosen as indicators for soil quality. The organic C content had reached a maximal value (30.6 g C kg−1 in the 100 t sludge-treated soil), i.e. about 2.5 times that in the control. Six years after the last application, the organic C content and the microbial biomass content remained higher in sludge-treated soils than in the control. In contrast, the proportion of labile organic matter was significantly lower in sludge-treated soils than in manure-treated and control soils. The labile organic matter of sludge extracts appeared less humified than that of manure-treated and control soils.  相似文献   

A long-term field experiment was conducted to examine the influence of mineral fertilizer and organic manure on the equilibrium dynamics of soil organic C in an intensively cultivated fluvo-aquic soil in the Fengqiu State Key Agro-Ecological Experimental Station (Fengqiu county, Henan province, China) since September 1989. Soil CO2 flux was measured during the maize and wheat growing seasons in 2002-2003 and 2004 to evaluate the response of soil respiration to additions and/or alterations in mineral fertilizer, organic manure and various environmental factors. The study included seven treatments: organic manure (OM), half-organic manure plus half-fertilizer N (NOM), fertilizer NPK (NPK), fertilizer NP (NP), fertilizer NK (NK), fertilizer PK (PK) and control (CK). Organic C in soil and the soil heavy fraction (organo-mineral complex) was increased from 4.47 to 8.61 mg C g−1 and from 3.32 to 5.68 mg C g−1, respectively, after the 13 yr application of organic manure. In contrast, organic C and the soil heavy fraction increased in NPK soil to only 5.41 and 4.38 mg C g−1, respectively. In the CK treatment, these parameters actually decreased from the initial C concentrations (4.47 and 3.32 mg C g−1) to 3.77 and 3.11 mg C g−1, respectively. Therefore, organic manure efficiently elevated soil organic C. However, only 66% of the increased soil organic C was combined with clay minerals in the OM treatment. Cumulative soil CO2 emissions from inter-row soil in the OM and NPK treatments were 228 and 188 g C m−2 during the 2002 maize growing season, 132 and 123 g C m−2 during the 2002/2003 wheat growing season, and 401 and 346 g C m−2 yr−1 in 2002-2003, respectively. However, during the 2004 maize growing season, cumulative soil CO2 emissions were as high as 617 and 556 g C m−2, respectively, due to the contribution of rhizosphere respiration. The addition of organic manure contributed to a 16% increase in soil CO2 emission in 2002-2003 (compared to NPK), where only 27%, 36% and 24% of applied organic C was released as CO2 during the 2002 and 2004 maize growing seasons and in 2002-2003, respectively. During the 2002/2003 wheat growing season, soil CO2 flux was significantly affected by soil temperature below 20 °C, but by soil moisture (WFPS) during the 2004 maize growing season at soil temperatures above 18 °C. Optimum soil WFPS for soil CO2 flux was approximately 70%. When WFPS was below 50%, it no longer had a significant impact on soil CO2 flux during the 2002 maize growing season. This study indicates the application of organic manure composted with wheat straw may be a preferred strategy for increasing soil organic C and sequestering C in soil.  相似文献   

Nanoparticles (NPs) of TiO2 and ZnO are receiving increasing attention due to their widespread applications. To evaluate their toxicities to the earthworm Eisenia fetida (Savigny, 1826) in soil, artificial soil systems containing distilled water, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 or 5.0 g kg−1 of NPs were prepared and earthworms were exposed for 7 days. Contents of Zn and Ti in earthworm, activities of antioxidant enzymes, DNA damage to earthworm, activity of cellulase and damage to mitochondria of gut cells were investigated after acute toxicity test. The results from response of the antioxidant system combined with DNA damage endpoint (comet assay) indicated that TiO2 and ZnO NPs could induce significant damage to earthworms when doses were greater than 1.0 g kg−1. We found that Ti and Zn, especially Zn, were bioaccumulated, and that mitochondria were damaged at the highest dose in soil (5.0 g kg−1). The activity of cellulase was significantly inhibited when organisms were exposed to 5.0 g kg−1 of ZnO NPs. Our study demonstrates that both TiO2 and ZnO NPs exert harmful effects to E. fetida when their levels are higher than 1.0 g kg−1 in soil and that toxicity of ZnO NPs was higher than TiO2.  相似文献   

The Antarctic dry valleys are characterized by extremely low temperatures, dry conditions and lack of conspicuous terrestrial autotrophs, but the soils contain organic C, emit CO2 and support communities of heterotrophic soil organisms. We have examined the role of modern lacustrine detritus as a driver of soil respiration in the Garwood Valley, Antarctica, by characterizing the composition and mineralization of both lacustrine detritus and soil organic matter, and relating these properties to soil respiration and the abiotic controls on soil respiration. Laboratory mineralization of organic C in soils from different, geomorphically defined, landscape elements at 10 °C was comparable with decomposition of lacustrine detritus (mean residence times between 115 and 345 d for the detritus and 410 and 1670 d for soil organic matter). The chemical composition of the detritus (C-to-N ratio=9:1-12:1 and low alkyl-C-to-O-alkyl-C ratio in solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy) indicated that it was a labile, high quality resource for micro-organisms. Initial (0-6 d at 10 °C) respiratory responses to glucose, glycine and NH4Cl addition were positive in all the soils tested, indicating both C and N limitations on soil respiration. However, over the longer term (up to 48 d at 10 °C) differential responses occurred. Glucose addition led to net C mineralization in most of the soils. In the lake shore soils, which contained accumulated lacustrine organic matter, glucose led to substantial priming of the decomposition of the indigenous organic matter, indicating a C or energetic limitation to mineralization in that soil. By contrast, over 48 d, glycine addition led to no net C mineralization in all soils except stream edge and lake shore soils, indicating either substantial assimilation of the added C (and N), or no detectable utilization of the glycine. The Q10 values for basal respiration over the −0.5-20 °C temperature range were between 1.4 and 3.3 for the different soils, increasing to between 3.4 and 6.9 for glucose-induced respiration, and showed a temperature dependence with Q10 increasing with declining temperature. Taken together, our results strongly support contemporaneous lacustrine detritus, blown from the lake shore, as an important driver of soil respiration in the Antarctic dry valley soils.  相似文献   

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