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华池县甘蓝无公害丰产栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
按照无公害农产品生产的要求,从品种选择、茬口安排、整地施肥、育苗、定植、田间管理、病虫害防治、适时采收等方面介绍了华池县甘蓝产量5 .0万kg/hm2、纯收入2万元/hm2的无公害丰产栽培技术  相似文献   

从良种选用、培育壮苗、整地施肥、定植、大田管理及采收等方面总结了大棚菜用南瓜早熟栽培技术,其一般可使南瓜提早2~3月上市,平均产量达27~37.5t/hm2,产值6~7.5万元/hm2,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

泛麦5号9000kg/hm2机械化栽培技术为:秸秆还田、配方施肥、精细整地、合理密植、及时浇水、综防病虫、化控化除、增施叶肥。技术指标为:基本苗150万~225万/hm2,冬前分蘖1500万/hm2,最高分蘖1800万/hm2,有效穗675万/hm2,穗粒数35,千粒重45g。  相似文献   

通过 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 3年在天祝县种植荷兰豆的实践经验 ,从土壤及茬口选择、整地施肥、品种选择、种子处理、适期播种、加强田间管理、病虫害防治及采收等方面提出了适合天祝县推广的荷兰豆高效栽培技术 ,应用此项技术其鲜荚产量最高可达 2 2 5 0 0 kg/ hm2 ,产值达 4 .80万元 / hm2 ,纯收益达 4 .38万元 / hm2。  相似文献   

青贮做饲料、气化生能源、还田成肥料,玉米秸秆变废为宝.2009年秋,莱西市4万hm2玉米秸秆转化利用,变废为宝,其中,50万t玉米秸秆青贮转化成奶牛优质饲料.  相似文献   

为了为青贮玉米的引种及其高产优质提供理论指导,综述了青贮玉米栽培技术措施与其产量品质的关系,特别是种植密度、施肥水平、收获时期与青贮玉米产量品质的关系,研究表明:(1)种植密度在70000~120000株/hm2之间;(2)条施150~300kg/hm2氮肥,3万~7.5万kg/hm2有机肥;(3)干物质含量为30%~40%之间的蜡熟期收获,可以获得较高的产量和品质。分析了实践中存在的问题并展望了青贮玉米科学研究与生产利用的前景。  相似文献   

甘肃省静宁县是典型的雨养农业区和全省旱作农业重点示范区。全县每年平均种植全膜双垄沟播玉米总面积达2万hm2左右。玉米秸秆实际产量在22.5 t/hm2左右,玉米秸秆产量可达到45万t左右,仅玉米秸秆饲养肉牛年饲养量可达15万头以上。若要有效促进旱作农业与草食畜牧业的良性互动,推动养牛产业规模化发展,必须重视推广适合当地气候特点的玉米秸秆青贮技术,有效解决规模养牛饲草不足与秸秆严重浪费突出矛盾。本文就如何有效运用玉米秸秆青贮技术进行了阐述。  相似文献   

在天水市利用节能日光温室进行唐菖蒲的促成栽培 ,可使鲜切花在元旦至“五一”上市 ,产鲜切花 2 2 .5万~ 30 .0万枝 / hm2 ,产值达 18万~ 36万元 / hm2 。笔者从选择品种 ;种球处理 ;温、光、水、肥管理 ;病虫害防治及采收等方面介绍了其栽培技术  相似文献   

首先,在玉米雌穗刚刚抽出花丝、尚未鼓粒时及时采收玉米笋.采收后的玉米笋要及时加工,以防失水老化.如果当天采收的玉米笋加工不完,可以连同苞叶置于通风阴凉处,可保存1~2天. 其次,以人工剥取笋条,需将苞叶、花丝、笋柄等去净.要将去净花丝的玉米笋放入浓度为1%的食盐溶液中进行硬化处理.将硬化处理后的笋条用清水冲洗后,放入预先配制好的浓度为40%~ 45%的糖液中煮10~15分钟.  相似文献   

临洮县川水区试验成功的大蒜黄花烟种植模式一般大蒜收入2.3万~2.7万元/hm2,黄花烟收入1.8万~2.3万元/hm2,合计收入4.1万~5.0万元/hm2。笔者从品种选择、选茬整地与施肥、播种、田间管理、收获等方面介绍了其丰产增收的栽培技术。  相似文献   

有机肥对混推复垦地养分变化及生产力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以混推复垦地为研究对象,通过对土壤养分的变化、作物长势和产量(生产力)及其经济效益进行分析比较,结果表明,增施有机肥量为18500,11000kg/hm2时,不论增施1年还是2年,仅表现出0~20cm土壤有效P显著高于对照(CK);增施有机肥量为11000kg/hm2时,不论增施1年还是2年,玉米株高在苗期、拔节期和抽雄期均显著高于对照(CK),且玉米产量和秸秆产量也表现出最高;增施有机肥量为11000kg/hm2时,连续2年的累计经济效益最优。  相似文献   

为了提高雷竹林雷笋产量以及控制土壤障碍因子的发生,经连续3年施荣宝土壤消毒剂对雷竹产量及土壤性状影响的对比试验,结果表明:施荣宝土壤消毒剂600kg/hm2结合施45%复合肥3000kg/hm2,比不施荣宝土壤消毒剂对照区(施45%复合肥3000kg/hm2)平均提高雷竹产量30.1%。通过施荣宝土壤消毒剂后的农田pH值比对照区提高,达到了显著性差异水平(P<0.05);施荣宝土壤消毒剂后,交换性酸含量比对照区有明显降低,达到显著性差异水平。对照区雷竹林土壤有18种细菌,施荣宝处理之后土壤中未鉴定出细菌。表明施荣宝土壤消毒具有灭菌效果,有效降低了土传病的危害,提高了雷竹成竹率。  相似文献   

以黄瓜为对象,通过在黄瓜育苗时添加不同土壤添加物质和在根瓜采收后追施不同的肥料来筛选出比较理想的土壤添加物质和肥料,从而制定出一套适合北京温室大棚有机黄瓜生产的育苗和施肥技术。结果表明,用粗竹醋液200倍液和矿物肥40:1作为育苗时的土壤添加物质对苗高和茎粗有明显的促进作用;在根瓜采收后追施矿物肥1500kg/hm2、粗竹醋液510kg/hm2两个处理,可显著提高黄瓜总产量,其增产率分别为35.70%和30.76%。  相似文献   

生物质炭基肥可以改良和培肥土壤,对促进农业生产具有重要意义。然而,关于旱区滴灌玉米不同生育期土壤养分及酶活性对炭基肥的响应仍不清楚。基于此,本研究采用单因素随机区组设计,设置5种生物质炭基肥施用量:T1(1 125 kg/hm2)、T2(1 013 kg/hm2)、T3(900 kg/hm2)、T4(788 kg/hm2)、CK(普通化肥),分析生物质炭基肥对旱区0~20 cm耕层土壤养分含量和酶活性的影响。研究结果表明:土壤养分及酶活性在玉米生育期内均呈先增加后降低的趋势,其养分缓释特点与玉米生长的需肥规律相吻合。T1和T2处理的生物质炭基肥施用量可显著提高旱区土壤养分与酶活性,炭基肥施用量过低会降低土壤全氮和速效养分含量,抑制个别生育期的土壤碱性磷酸酶、过氧化氢酶和蔗糖转化酶的活性。主成分分析结果显示土壤综合肥力为T2>T1>T3>CK>T4。因此,施用量为1 013~1 125 kg/hm2的综合培肥效果优于化肥,可显著增加土壤养分含量和酶活性,提高土壤肥力。  相似文献   

[目的]为了提出推荐施肥措施。[方法]通过在秭归县玉米主产区开展测土配方施肥试验,研究该区域玉米施肥效果。[结果]测土配方施肥相比习惯施肥方式表现出明显的增产增收、提高肥料养分利用率等效果。玉米平均增产606.0kg/hm2,增产率8.9%;新增产值平均1272.0元/hm2,减氮增钾减少肥料投入平均321.0元/hm2,平均增加纯收入1593.0元/hm2;配方施肥相对习惯施肥均为减氮减磷增钾施肥,平均分别减施纯氮、P_2O_5、K_2 O79.5、13.5,9.0kg/hm2,实际化肥施用量总计减少246.0kg/hm2。[结论]对初步制定的秭归土壤养分丰缺指标和玉米作物肥料养分施用指标进行了较合理的调整和修订。  相似文献   

通过测定南京地区马肝土、红淤土、黄土等土壤的养份含量,根据养分平衡施肥估算法,得出水稻在马肝土上的目标产量施肥量是N 99.0 kg/hm~2、P_2O_561.5 kg/hm~2、K_2O 64.5 kg/hm~2,N:P_2O_5:K_2O为1:0.62:0.66;小麦在江淤土上的目标产量施肥量是N 106.5 kg/hm~2、P_2O_2 79.5 kg/hm~2、K_2O 43.5 kg/hm~2,N:P_2O_5:K_2O为1:0.75:0.40;玉米在江淤土上的目标产量施肥量是N 114 kg/hm~2、P_2O_5 49.5 kg/hm~2、K_2O 42 kg/hm~2,N:P_2O_5:K_2O为1:0.44:0.37。在配施有机肥的基础上,可以不再施用化学钾肥。  相似文献   

【Objective】The quality of cultivated land is a key factor affecting soil productivity, which serves also as scientific basis for rational fertilization. Cinnamon soil is the main soil type at the production area of wheat and corn in China. This study examined the current status of cultivated land quality and the evolution characteristics of cinnamon soil during the past 31 years (1988-2018). Though considering the evolution of fertilizer application rate, their influence on productivity was studied, and the guidance for reducing fertilizer input and increasing efficiency in cinnamon soil area was proposed.【Method】Using the data of 103 long-term (31 years) location test points in China, the evolution of cinnamon soil cultivated land quality was analyzed by combining physical and chemical indexes. The factors influencing the yield were compared through the redundancy analysis (RDA). Based on these results, reasonable suggestions were put forward to reduce fertilizer input and increase efficiency in cinnamon soil area.【Result】(1) The present situation and evolution of soil physical and chemical properties in cinnamon soil area were shown in the study. Specifically, the average values of organic matter content, available phosphorus and available potassium in 2018 were 17.9 g·kg -1, 29.2 mg·kg -1-and 164 mg·kg -1, respectively, which represented an increase of 21.2%, 200.9% and 52.0% during 31years, respectively. The average values of total nitrogen and slow available potassium in 2018 were 1.1 g·kg -1 and 945 mg·kg -1, respectively, which remained relatively stable during the monitoring period. The contents of soil secondary elements and micronutrient elements and heavy metals were in an acceptable range. The pH was reduced by 0.3 unit. Topsoil thickness was 21.9 cm and bulk density was 1.33 g·cm -3, which belonged to the middle level. (2) The fertilizer application rate in cinnamon soil area was 730.2 kg·hm -2 in 2018. The proportion of N (N):P (P2O5):K (K2O) was about 2:1:1, and the proportion of chemical fertilizer to organic fertilizer was about 3.45:1. The nitrogen fertilizer application rate was 378.9 kg·hm -2, which was stable during the past 31 years. The application rate of phosphate and potassium fertilizer decreased by 24.1% and 50.8%, respectively. (3) The wheat yield showed an upward trend during 31 years, and the maximum reached 6 651 kg·hm -2 at the end of monitoring, which was 27.6% higher than the value at the initial stage. The corn yield was stable, reaching 8 851 kg·hm -2 at the end of monitoring. The contribution rate of soil fertility in wheat season and corn season was 49.0% and 59.6%, respectively. The yield was influenced by soil physical factors, including the thickness of plough layer (which could explain the wheat production for 2.7%, denoted as explanation rate), bulk density (explanation rates of wheat and corn productions for 1.2% and 1.5%, respectively) and chemical index, such as organic matter explanation rates of wheat and corn productions for 2% and 1.7%, respectively, and available phosphorus (explanation rate of corn for 3.6%). The explanation rates of potassium fertilizer were the highest for wheat and corn productions, which reached 5.6% and 6%, respectively. The explanation rates of phosphorus fertilizer for wheat yield (1.3%) and of nitrogen fertilizer for corn yield (1.3%) were also relatively high.【Conclusion】The cultivated land quality in cinnamon soil area has been improved in 31 years, but the overall fertility was low and the physical properties were in middle level. Considering the impact of land quality on productivity, different fertilization schemes needed to be formulated for wheat and corn. Both of which needed to increase the input of potassium fertilizers, and focused on ensuring the supply of phosphorus fertilizers for wheat and nitrogen fertilizers for corn. Physical indicators needed to be highly concerned. The topsoil thickness and bulk density were at a medium level, but there was no need to continue to optimize, and maintaining the status quo was more conductive to obtaining high yield.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨红壤上玉米适宜的磷肥施用量。[方法]通过盆栽试验,研究了0、60、120、180、240 kg/hm~2磷肥施用量对玉米生长、养分积累及红壤中全磷和有效磷含量变化的影响。[结果]磷肥施用量为120 kg/hm~2时,红壤中玉米株高、茎粗均优于其他处理,磷肥施用量为120、180 kg/hm~2时促进玉米生物量的积累,提高植株磷养分含量。土壤有效磷含量和全磷含量随着磷肥施用量的增加而增加。[结论]红壤中玉米的适宜磷用量为120 kg/hm~2。  相似文献   

套作春玉米氮磷钾化肥和有机肥合理配比的生产函数分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用田间试验的方法,对苏南地区麦玉米稻三热制中套作春玉米的合理施肥量肥料配比进行了研究。  相似文献   

天津地区夏玉米施钾效果的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
在天津砂壤质潮土上进行了夏玉米施钾效果的试验研究。在施N187.5kg/hm^2和P2O575kg/hm^2基础上,设计了4个施钾(K2O)处理,即0、37.5、75、112.5kg/hm^2。试验结果表明:随着施钾量增加,玉米生长和抗逆性增加,果穗增长,秃尖减少,产量提高。但高钾处理增产幅度变缓,其中75kg/hm^2的施钾处理(即N:P2O5:K2O=1:0.4:0.4)较为合理。  相似文献   

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