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OBJECTIVE: To identify breed disposition, postoperative complications, and outcome in dogs with lung lobe torsion. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 22 client-owned dogs. PROCEDURE: Information on signalment; history; clinical findings; results of clinicopathologic testing, diagnostic imaging, and pleural fluid analysis; surgical treatment; intra- and postoperative complications; histologic findings; and outcome were obtained from medical records. RESULTS: All 22 dogs had pleural effusion; dyspnea was the most common reason for examination. Fifteen dogs were large deep-chested breeds; 5 were toy breeds. Afghan Hounds were overrepresented, compared with the hospital population. One dog was euthanatized without treatment; the remaining dogs underwent exploratory thoracotomy and lung lobectomy. Eleven dogs recovered from surgery without complications, but 3 of these later died of thoracic disease. Four dogs survived to discharge but had clinically important complications within 2 months, including chylothorax, mediastinal mesothelioma, gastric dilatation, and a second lung lobe torsion. Six dogs died or were euthanatized within 2 weeks after surgery because of acute respiratory distress syndrome, pneumonia, septic shock, pneumothorax, or chylothorax. Chylothorax was diagnosed in 8 of the 22 dogs, including 4 Afghan Hounds. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that lung lobe torsion is rare in dogs and develops most frequently in large deep-chested dogs, particularly Afghan Hounds. Other predisposing causes were not identified, but an association with chylothorax was evident, especially in Afghan Hounds. Prognosis for dogs with lung lobe torsion was fair to guarded.  相似文献   

A cohort of 12 dogs with severe transmural gallbladder necrosis is described. All dogs had cholecystectomies performed. In six dogs, perforation of the gallbladder was noted at surgery. Eight dogs survived the immediate postoperative period, and four dogs died. Histologically, inflammation was absent or minimal in all cases, suggesting that cholecystitis was not the cause of necrosis. Thrombi (n = 2) and atheromatous vascular changes (n = 1) represent possible vascular causes of this condition. The findings of coagulative necrosis in these 12 dogs are compatible with "gallbladder infarction," and the authors propose this term to describe the histopathologic appearance of the gallbladder.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine outcome of and complications associated with cricopharyngeal myotomy or myectomy for treatment of cricopharyngeal dysphagia (CPD) in dogs. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 14 dogs. PROCEDURE: Medical records of dogs with CPD that underwent cricopharyngeal myotomy or myectomy were examined. Follow-up information was obtained through telephone interviews with owners and referring veterinarians and clinical examinations when feasible. RESULTS: 16 surgical procedures were performed on the 14 dogs. Dysphagia was completely resolved immediately after surgery in 1 dog, and clinical signs did not recur (follow-up time of 8 years); a second dog also had immediate complete resolution of dysphagia, but follow-up time was only 10 days. Three dogs had transient complete resolution with a mean time to recurrence of dysphagia of 12.3 weeks (range, 2 to 36 weeks). Three dogs had permanent partial resolution. Six dogs had no improvement after surgery. Eight of the 14 dogs were euthanatized because of problems related to CPD, including persistent dysphagia (n = 8) and aspiration pneumonia (5). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The failure rate for dogs undergoing surgical treatment of CPD may be high, particularly if concurrent aspiration pneumonia or malnutrition is not addressed prior to surgery. For those dogs with concurrent diseases, more aggressive medical management, such as enteral tube feeding, may be warranted rather than surgery. In dogs with CPD complicated by other anatomic or functional conditions, such as myasthenia gravis, laryngeal paralysis, and esophageal stricture, surgery may also not be indicated.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare results of surgical versus nonsurgical treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax in dogs. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 64 dogs with pneumothorax without any history of antecedent trauma. PROCEDURE: Information on signalment, thoracic radiographic findings, treatment, histologic findings, and outcome was obtained from the medical records. Signalment of affected dogs was compared with signalment of a control population of 260 dogs examined by the emergency service for reasons other than pneumothorax during the study period. RESULTS: Siberian Huskies were overrepresented in the case population, compared with the control population of dogs examined by the emergency service for other reasons. Twenty-eight dogs were treated without surgery (ie, thoracocentesis or tube thoracostomy with or without cage rest), and 36 were treated with surgery. Information regarding final outcome was available for 33 dogs treated with surgery (median follow-up time, 485 days) and 15 dogs treated without surgery (median follow-up time, 366 days). Dogs that underwent surgery had significantly lower recurrence (1/30) and mortality (4/33) rates, compared with dogs treated without surgery (6/12 and 8/15, respectively). A definitive diagnosis was obtained for 38 dogs, including 34 of 36 dogs undergoing surgery; 26 had bullous emphysema and 4 had neoplasia. Two dogs developed spontaneous pneumothorax secondary to migration of plant foreign bodies. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that recurrence and mortality rates for dogs with spontaneous pneumothorax managed surgically were significantly lower than rates for dogs managed by nonsurgical means alone. Early surgical intervention is recommended for definitive diagnosis and treatment of dogs with spontaneous pneumothorax.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine physical examination findings, clinicopathologic changes, and prognosis in dogs with zinc toxicosis. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. ANIMALS: 19 dogs with zinc toxicosis. PROCEDURES: Medical records from 1991 through 2003 were searched for animals with a diagnosis of zinc toxicosis. Information concerning signalment, body weight, historical findings, initial owner complaints, physical examination findings, clinicopathologic findings, blood zinc concentrations, source of zinc, treatments given, duration of hospital stay, and outcome was collected. RESULTS: Records of 19 dogs with zinc toxicosis were reviewed.The most common historical findings were vomiting (n = 14) and pigmenturia (12). The most common clinicopathologic findings were anemia (n = 19) and hyperbilirubinemia (12). Median age was 1.3 years, and median weight was 5.6 kg (12.3 lb). The prognosis was favorable, with 17 dogs surviving after a median hospital stay of 2 days. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Hemolytic anemia as a result of zinc toxicosis appeared to affect young small-breed dogs more frequently than older large-breed dogs. The prognosis with treatment is good, and most affected dogs had a short hospital stay.  相似文献   

AIMS: To examine the clinical signs, laboratory and radiographic findings, surgical technique, ureterolith composition, and post-operative outcomes in dogs managed surgically for ureterolithiasis to determine whether surgical removal of ureteroliths in dogs resulted in a positive clinical outcome. METHODS: The medical record database of a university veterinary hospital in Pennsylvania, USA, was searched for dogs that underwent surgery to remove obstructive ureteral calculi between 1990 and 2003. Records were reviewed for signalment, clinical history and examination findings, radiographic and laboratory test results, surgical technique, and ureterolith analysis. Follow-up information was obtained from telephone interviews with owners or referring veterinarians, or by reviewing the medical record of subsequent hospital visits. RESULTS: Sixteen dogs were included in this study; ten were neutered females, two intact females and four castrated males. Abdominal radiography revealed ureteral calculi in 14/16 dogs, renal calculi in 8/16, cystic calculi in 8/16, urethral calculi in 1/16, renomegaly in 6/16 and renal mineralisation in 5/16. Ureterolith type included struvite in six dogs, calcium oxalate in five, calcium phosphate in one, and a mix of struvite, calcium phosphate and calcium oxalate in another. Compared to dogs with non-struvite ureteroliths, those with struvite ureteroliths had a higher pre-operative white blood cell (WBC) count (25.6, SD 7 vs 17.6, SD 6 x 103 cells/mul; p=0.046), and were more likely to have a purulent discharge from the ureteral incision noted at the time of surgery (p=0.015). Following discharge, 14/16 dogs were re-evaluated. Median survival time was 904 days (range 2-1,876). Two dogs required additional surgery on the urinary tract. Four dogs died or were euthanised because of azotaemia and clinical signs related to the urinary system or non-specific signs of illness (vomiting, lethargy) at 8, 90, 333 and 904 days post-operatively. CONCLUSIONS: Surgical management of ureteroliths was successful and resulted in good long-term survival in the majority of dogs examined in this small study population. Similar proportions of calcium oxalate and struvite ureteroliths were identified. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The use of the ureteral surgery may increase as the frequency of diagnosis of ureteroliths in dogs increases.  相似文献   

This report describes the clinical features of a series of dogs with pharyngeal salivary mucoceles. A retrospective study of 14 dogs with pharyngeal mucocele was performed. Medical records from 1983 to 2003 were reviewed for information regarding signalment, clinical signs, diagnosis, surgical procedures, and short-term and long-term outcome. Miniature and toy poodles were common breeds in the study population, and 79% of the dogs were male. The most common presenting sign was dyspnea (50%). Diagnosis was by fine-needle aspirate, which revealed a mucoid substance in 93% of dogs. Histopathology of the excised salivary glands revealed lymphoplasmacytic inflammation in all dogs that had histopathology performed. Forty-three percent of the dogs had a cervical mucocele on the same side as the pharyngeal mucocele. Surgical therapy was performed in 13 dogs, which consisted of excision of the mandibular and sublingual salivary glands, excision of the mucocele, or marsupulization of the mucocele. Only two dogs had recurrence of the pharyngeal mucocele. In this study, pharyngeal mucoceles occurred in predominantly small dogs that frequently presented with respiratory signs. Surgical treatment was successful in most dogs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine epidemiologic characteristics, clinical findings, and treatment outcome of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) toxicosis in dogs. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 21 dogs with evidence of accidental 5-HTP ingestion. PROCEDURE: Information was retrieved from the National Animal Poison Control Center database. Records of dogs ingesting 5-HTP between January 1989 and February 1999 were reviewed for information on signalment, dose ingested, clinical signs (onset, severity, duration), treatments administered, and outcome. RESULTS: Clinical signs of toxicosis developed in 19 of 21 (90%) dogs. Neurologic signs included seizures (9 dogs), depression (6), tremors (5), hyperesthesia (5), and ataxia (4). Gastrointestinal tract signs included vomiting or diarrhea (12 dogs), signs of abdominal pain (3), and hypersalivation (2). Other clinical signs were hyperthermia (7 dogs) and transient blindness (3). Three dogs died. No important clinical laboratory or necropsy findings were reported. The doses of 5-HTP ingested ranged from 2.5 to 573 mg/kg (1.1 to 260 mg/lb) of body weight; the minimum toxic dose reported in our study was 23.6 mg/kg (10.7 mg/lb), and the minimum lethal dose was 128 mg/kg (58.1 mg/lb). Onset of signs ranged from 10 minutes to 4 hours after ingestion, and signs lasted up to 36 hours. Of 17 dogs with clinical signs of toxicosis that received treatment, 16 recovered; treatment consisted of decontamination, seizure control, thermoregulation, fluid therapy, and supportive care. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Ingestion of 5-HTP in dogs can result in a potentially life-threatening syndrome resembling serotonin syndrome in humans, which requires prompt and aggressive care.  相似文献   

Mammary duct ectasia in dogs: 51 cases (1992-1999)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical and pathologic characteristics of mammary duct ectasia in dogs. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 51 dogs with mammary duct ectasia. PROCEDURE: Information regarding body condition, history, number and location of affected mammary glands, appearance of lesions, surgical treatment, nonsurgical treatment, and evidence of recurrence or development of mammary neoplasia was obtained from surveys sent to referring veterinarians. Results of information from examination of histologic sections and referring veterinarians were evaluated for all mammary duct ectasia biopsies performed between 1992 and 1999. RESULTS: Duct ectasia was the primary diagnosis in 51 of 1,825 (2.8%) mammary biopsy specimens and comprised 48% of nonneoplastic mammary diseases. Affected dogs were evenly distributed over a range of 1 to 13 years of age, with a mean age at the time of diagnosis of 6.1 +/- 3.1 years. All dogs were female (31 sexually intact, 20 spayed); 10 of 26 had whelped. Duct ectasia was described as nodular (26 dogs), cystic (13), and multiglandular (11) and located in caudal (31) more often than cranial (14) or middle glands (10). Ectasia recurred in 3 dogs. One dog had a history of previously excised mammary adenocarcinoma; another subsequently developed mammary carcinoma. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Duct ectasia affected mature, sexually intact and spayed female dogs over a wide age range. Certain breeds were affected more commonly than expected. Increased risk for mammary neoplasia was not evident. Duct ectasia should be considered as a cause for mammary enlargement, especially in young dogs or when its cystic nature is evident. Mastectomy is usually curative, and neoplasia should be ruled out in dogs with ectasia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the history, clinicopathologic findings, and results of surgery for effusive-constrictive pericarditis associated with Coccidioides immitis infection in dogs. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 17 client-owned dogs that underwent a subtotal pericardectomy and epicardial excision. PROCEDURE: Hospital records from May 1999 to June 2003 were reviewed. Data collected included history, clinicopathologic findings, treatments, and outcome. Follow-up information was obtained via recheck examination and by use of standardized telephone interviews with referring veterinarians and owners. RESULTS: All dogs were of large breeds, and most were male (mean age, 4.66 years). Ten dogs had no prior history of C. immitis infection, and 7 dogs had chronic infection with C. immitis. Having a chronic C. immitis infection reduced the odds of survival, compared with no previous infection. All dogs had clinical signs of right-sided heart failure. All dogs had serum titers (range, 1:8 to 1:256) for antibodies against C. immitis prior to surgery, and titers were not significantly associated with outcome. Predominant echocardiographic findings were thickened pericardium, reduced right ventricular filling, and pleural or pericardial effusion. All dogs underwent a subtotal pericardectomy and epicardial excision and had fibrosing pyogranulomatous pericarditis in biopsy specimens obtained during surgery. The perioperative mortality rate was 23.5%, and the 2-year postdischarge survival rate was 82%. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Surgical treatment via subtotal pericardectomy and epicardial excision is successful at relieving right-sided heart failure in dogs with effusive-constrictive pericarditis secondary to C. immitis infection, but long-term treatment with antifungal agents may still be required.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine clinical features, diagnostic imaging abnormalities, underlying disease, disease progression, and outcome in dogs with bilateral cavernous sinus syndrome. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 6 dogs. PROCEDURE: Dogs were included if clinical signs consistent with bilateral cavernous sinus syndrome (i.e., deficits of the third, fourth, and sixth cranial nerves and at least 1 of the first 2 branches of the fifth cranial nerve) were present and a lesion of the cavernous sinus was identified by means of diagnostic imaging or postmortem examination. RESULTS: 5 dogs were evaluated because of problems referable to abnormal ocular motility or pupillomotor dysfunction, and 1 dog was evaluated because of partial motor seizures involving the face and bilateral mydriasis. Four dogs had neurologic signs referable to an extrasinusoidal lesion at the time of initial examination, and the remaining 2 dogs eventually developed extrasinusoidal signs. Besides neuroanatomic location, the only consistent neuroimaging feature was variably intense, heterogeneous enhancement of cavernous sinus lesions. Neoplasia was histologically confirmed as the underlying cause in 5 of the dogs and was suspected in the remaining dog. Median survival time for the 4 dogs that were treated was 199 days (range, 16 to 392 days). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that bilateral cavernous sinus syndrome is rare in dogs but should be suspected in dogs with compatible clinical signs. Affected dogs have a poor prognosis, and dogs with clinical signs of bilateral cavernous sinus syndrome should be systematically evaluated for neoplastic disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To describe placement of hinged transarticular external fixation (HTEF) frames and evaluate their ability to protect the primary repair of unstable joints while allowing joint mobility in dogs and cats. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 8 cats and 6 dogs. PROCEDURE: HTEF frames were composed of metal or epoxy connecting rods and a hinge. Measurements of range of motion of affected and contralateral joints and radiographs were made after fixator application and removal. RESULTS: 9 animals (4 cats and 5 dogs) had tarsal and 5 (4 cats and 1 dog) had stifle joint injuries. Treatment duration ranged from 45 to 100 days (median, 57 days). Ranges of motion in affected stifle and tarsal joints were 57% and 72% of control while HTEF was in place and 79% and 84% of control after frame removal. Complications were encountered in 3 cats and 2 dogs and included breakage of pins and connecting rods, hinge loosening, and failure at the hinge-epoxy interface. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: HTEF in animals with traumatic joint instability provided adjunctive joint stabilization during healing and protection of the primary repair and maintained joint motion during healing, resulting in early weight bearing of the affected limb.  相似文献   

Epulides were diagnosed and surgically removed in 25 dogs. Histologic examination of the epulides indicated that 40% (10/25) were acanthomatous, 32% (8/25) were ossifying, and 28% (7/25) were fibromatous. Recurrence of the tumor directly resulted in the death of 2 dogs. One of these dogs died of malnutrition 13 months after removal of an ossifying epulis, and regrowth of an acanthomatous epulis that was not resected completely resulted in malnutrition and death in another dog 6 months after surgery. Malignant transformation was observed in a third dog 6 months after removal of an ossifying epulis when an osteosarcoma developed where the epulis had been removed. The range of survival was 6 to 134 months, mean survival time was 43.1 months, median survival time was 49 months, and 1-year survival rate was 92%. Satisfactory long-term tumor control was achieved by aggressive surgical treatment of epulides.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate metastatic rate and survival times of dogs with chondrosarcoma of nonnasal bony sites treated by wide surgical excision. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: Dogs (n=31) with chondrosarcoma. METHODS: Medical records were retrospectively reviewed to identify dogs with chondrosarcoma of bone in potentially surgically accessible sites. When complete information was not available in the medical record, owners and referring veterinarians were contacted by telephone to evaluate the course of disease and survival times. When possible, histopathologic diagnosis was confirmed by a single board certified pathologist and tumors were histologically graded. RESULTS: Dogs treated by wide surgical excision (n=18) had a mean survival time of 3097 days and did not reach median survival time. Dogs untreated except for diagnostic biopsy (n =13) had a median survival time of 523 days and a mean survival time of 495 days. Method of treatment and tumor grade predicted survival time (P=.016 and P=.007, respectively). Metastatic rate was 28% for treated dogs and 15% for untreated dogs, with no significant difference between the 2 groups (P=.39). CONCLUSIONS: Wide surgical excision significantly improves survival time for dogs with chondrosarcoma of nonnasal bony sites, but does not affect the likelihood of metastasis. Grade may be prognostic for survival. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Surgical excision benefits dogs with chondrosarcoma and can result in prolonged survival times. Metastasis still occurs in approximately 1 of 4 dogs even after surgical resection.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine duration of administration, complications, and frequency of aortic thromboembolism associated with administration of low molecular weight heparin (dalteparin) in cats. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 57 cats treated with dalteparin PROCEDURE: Data were recorded from the medical records of cats treated with dalteparin, and owners were contacted by telephone for information regarding ease of administration and possible adverse effects. RESULTS: Dalteparin was easily administered by owners. Median dose was 99 U/kg (45 U/lb) once or twice daily. Bleeding complications were infrequent. Of 43 cats with cardiomyopathy that received owner-administered dalteparin for a median follow-up time of 172 days, 8 cats developed documented or possible arterial thromboembolism. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Dalteparin was easily administered by owners and was well tolerated by cats. Whether dalteparin administration can reduce the frequency or severity of arterial thromboembolism is not yet known.  相似文献   

Cases of flail chest injury for 24 client-owned companion animals following various traumas were evaluated. Concurrently sustained injuries, initial emergency treatments, and definitive treatment and outcome for regimens that utilize stabilization of the flail segment were compared with cases treated with no stabilization. Flail chest was confirmed in 24 animals: 21 dogs and three cats. There was an even division (12 each) of right and left flail segments. The median number of ribs involved was three (range, two to seven). Flail segment stabilization was performed in nine, and 15 were treated with no stabilization. Statistical analysis using multiple data permutations evaluating all combinations failed to reveal a significant difference in outcome between stabilized and unstabilized cases.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To document computed tomography (CT) features in dogs with masticatory myositis. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. ANIMALS: 7 dogs with an immunologic diagnosis of masticatory myositis and an absence of clinical abnormalities of any skeletal muscles other than the masticatory muscles. PROCEDURES: History; clinical, hematologic, biochemical, immunologic, cytologic, and histologic findings; and pre- and postcontrast CT imaging features of masticatory muscles and head and neck lymph nodes were extracted from medical records. RESULTS: On CT images, changes in size (atrophy or swelling) were common for all masticatory muscles except the digastricus muscles, which were involved only in 1 dog. Pre-contrast attenuation changes, most often hypoattenuation with varied distribution patterns, were seen in masticatory muscles of 4 dogs. Contrast enhancement with a predominantly inhomogeneous distribution pattern was seen in the temporalis, masseter, and pterygoid muscles of all dogs. Head and neck lymph nodes were enlarged in all but 1 dog and had contrast enhancement with predominantly central or homogeneous distribution patterns. Muscle biopsy was performed in 6 dogs, with biopsy specimens obtained from areas that had the most obvious contrast enhancement on CT images. For all 6 dogs, biopsy specimens had histologic features indicative of masticatory myositis. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggested that CT may be a useful adjunct in the diagnosis of masticatory myositis in dogs, including selection of sites for diagnostic muscle biopsy.  相似文献   

The clinical records of 23 dogs (1990-1999) with histopathologically confirmed bacterial meningoencephalomyelitis were evaluated retrospectively. No breed, age, sex, or weight predisposition was found. All the dogs presented with clinical signs of a brain lesion, whereas 5 of 23 had neck pain. Pyrexia was detected in 11 of 23 dogs on admission. CBCs revealed neutrophilic leucocytosis in 7 of 21 dogs and thrombocytopenia in 3 of 21 dogs. The serum chemistry profiles were abnormal in 15 of 21 dogs. The results of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis were abnormal in 13 of 14 dogs and aerobic CSF culture was positive for bacteria in 1of 8 samples. At postmortem examination, the lesions were localized to the central nervous system. Escherichia coli, Streptococcus, and Klebsiella spp were the most frequently isolated bacteria from cultures collected at postmortem examination. Twelve papers reporting 51 total clinical cases of canine bacterial meningoencephalomyelitis were reviewed. The clinical signs and results of the CBC, serum chemistry, blood culture, and CSF analysis were collated and compared with those of this study. The results of the CSF analysis in this study were similar to those in the literature. CSF cultures documented in the literature were positive for Staphylococcus, Pasteurella. Actinomyces, Nocardia spp, and various anaerobic species including Peptostreptococcus, Eubacterium, and Bacteroides spp.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether hyperglycemia is associated with head trauma in dogs and cats and whether the degree of hyperglycemia corresponds to severity of neurologic injury or outcome. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 52 dogs and 70 cats with head trauma and 122 age- and species-matched control dogs and cats. PROCEDURE: Severity of head trauma was classified as mild, moderate, or severe. Blood glucose concentrations recorded within 1 hour after admission were compared between case and control animals and among groups when case animals were grouped on the basis of severity of head trauma or outcome. RESULTS: Blood glucose concentration was significantly associated with severity of head trauma in dogs and cats and was significantly higher in dogs and cats with head trauma than in the control animals. However, blood glucose concentration was not associated with outcome. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that dogs and cats with head trauma may have hyperglycemia and that degree of hyperglycemia was associated with severity of head trauma. However, degree of hyperglycemia was not associated with outcome for dogs and cats with head trauma. Because hyperglycemia can potentiate neurologic injury, iatrogenic hyperglycemia should be avoided in patients with head trauma.  相似文献   

This case series describes clinical, radiographic, and histopathological features of mandibular swellings in 5 immature, large breed dogs. The dogs originated from different regions of the United States. In each case, intraoral dental radiography of the jaw swelling revealed a two-layered (double) ventral mandibular cortex. Biopsy was performed in 4 of the 5 puppies, revealing periosteal new bone formation. Resolution of the mandibular swelling was spontaneous in the 4 dogs available for follow-up examination. The authors postulate that the clinical, radiographic, and histopathological presentation of mandibular swelling in these 5 dogs is a distinct pathological entity consistent with an inflammatory condition of the maturing human mandible known as periostitis ossificans.  相似文献   

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