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The heartwood of Acacia mangium is vulnerable to heart rot and this is the first study to investigate the role of heartwood extractives in its susceptibility. Acacia auriculiformis was compared with A. mangium because it is rarely associated with heart rot. The heartwood extracts of both species were dominated by three flavonoids (2,3-trans-3,4′,7,8-tetrahydroxyflavanone, teracacidin, and 4′,7,8,-trihydroxyflavanone), which were purified and identified by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The latter compound has not been previously reported in A. mangium and evidence for melacacidin is also newly reported. The mass spectrometric (MS) behavior of these compounds is given, for example teracacidin does not form molecular ions by either electrospray ionization or atmospheric-pressure chemical ionization. The nature of Acacia tannins was compared to quebracho tannin (composed of profisetinidins) using oxidative cleavage to enable MS detection but a negative reaction was obtained for both, which suggests the Acacia tannins may also be of the 5-deoxy proanthocyanidin type. The concentration of flavanones was less when A. mangium heartwood was decayed but the amount of proanthocyanidins was only slightly reduced and therefore these compounds may be more resistant to degradation by heart rot fungi. We found that the total phenol content of A. auriculiformis was about fivefold that of A. mangium, and, while preliminary, this provides evidence for a role played by phenolic extractives in heart rot resistance of these Acacia species.  相似文献   

通过对不同坡向13年生马占相思人工林平均木进行树干解析,结果表明:阳坡马占相思人工林林分胸径生长量和材积生长量1~13年生均大于阴坡;阴坡马占相思人工林林分胸径和材积数量成熟期早于阳坡;而阳坡的树高数量成熟早于阴坡。  相似文献   

马占相思人工林生长影响因子的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对闽南不同坡向、不同坡形、不同造林密度6年生马占相思人工林生长状况的调查分析,结果表明:6年生马占相思人工林生长阴坡优于阳坡,山洼优于山脊,密度为750株/hm^2的林分优于密度为1500株/hm^2的林分;坡形和造林密度对6年生马占相思人工林的生长影响显著,而坡向对6年生马占相思人工林的生长影响不显著。  相似文献   

Acacia mangium is a fast‐growing tree species. It is mainly planted in large monocultures for pulpwood in South‐East Asia. Root rot has become the most economically damaging disease of this species with high tree mortality rates observed during second and third rotations. Two main types of root rots have been found in A. mangium, viz. brown root‐rot and red‐root disease caused by Phellinus spp. and Ganoderma spp., respectively. To assess the future management options for root rot of A. mangium, we review past and current disease‐management strategies for root rot in different temperate and tropical industrial tree crops. The efficacies of a wide range of silvicultural, chemical and biological options are detailed, and their potential utilization in managing root rot of A. mangium is discussed. We conclude that the current gaps in knowledge regarding identification, biology and disease epidemiology of the root‐rot pathogens will need to be addressed so that effective management options can be developed.  相似文献   

充分利用木质能源对于缓解我国能源危机,减轻生态负荷有很大作用。为此,对广西省北海市合浦县内桉树、厚荚相思和马占相思三种速生树种的热值进行试验研究。结果表明,桉树的热值为19.782kJ/g,马占相思的热值为20.640kJ/g,厚荚相思的的热值为20.978kJ/g;桉树、厚荚相思和马占相思三树种的各器官中,热值由高到低的顺序大致为树叶和树枝、树干边材、树干心材和树皮,其中,马占相思树皮的发热量界于树叶与树枝之间。  相似文献   

K. Jusoff 《New Forests》1991,5(1):61-66
A glasshouse study was conducted to observe the initial height and diameter growth of Acacia mangium Willd, seedlings over a period of 24 weeks in pots with soil at bulk densities of 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8 and 2.0 g/cm3. Height and diameter growth increased significantly with decreasing soil bulk density. Significant differences in seedling diameter appeared during the tenth to twelfth week after transplanting and continued to increase until harvesting at week 24. The interaction between site water stress and compaction is discussed. A better understanding of these processes and the influence of site/soil factors on them is essential to the development of effective stand manipulation programs.  相似文献   

用10~1000 mg/L稀土溶液对马占相思和大叶相思浸种24 h后的试验结果表明:适宜浓度的稀土溶液可促进马占相思和大叶相思种子内含物的转化,从而促进种子的萌发和幼苗生长,但同一稀土溶液对不同树种的适宜浸种浓度不同。马占相思以10 mg/L处理有利于提高种子发芽势并缩短发芽时间;大叶相思10~30 mg/L处理显著提高种子发芽率和发芽势,但没有显著缩短发芽时间。200 mg/L及以上浓度浸种对2种树种种子萌发有抑制作用。考虑指标多重比较差异及经济因素,10 mg/L处理较利于马占相思和大叶相思幼苗高和根系生长。  相似文献   

马占相思优树组培苗扦插技术研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以1~2年生马占相思优良无性系组培苗为材料,进行了生根基质、生根剂浸泡液、插穗来源等扦插试验研究。结果表明:基质以泥炭土最好,生根率达83.0%,含泥炭土的混合基质效果次之,生根率为76.5%;3种生长素作生根剂单独使用时,以IAA800mg/L浓度浸泡效果最好,生根率达67.0%,NAA、IBA浓度超过200mg/L时效果较差;不同继代组培母株和定植1~2年生母株的插穗,生根率均有显著差异,不同枝段位置1年生母株差异不显著,2年生母株中间幼嫩节段生根率大于顶芽,因此在实际生产中中间幼嫩节段也可作为有效插穗使用。  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜(SEM),对马占相思开花物候、花部形态和传粉效率等进行了研究。结果表明:马占相思于9-11月开花,整个群体花期有6 7个小花期;单株开花同步性强,呈现“集中开花”模式;穗状花序由172.7±27.1朵花组成,每个花序平均有(10.35±7.78)%的雄花,两性花具有雌蕊1枚,含14.11±1.05粒胚珠;柱头凹陷,大小可容纳1 2粒直径为29 35 μm的16合花粉粒,P/O’为1.13/1;马占相思开花时,雌蕊先于雄蕊伸展并成熟,为雌蕊先熟;SEM结果显示:花药在开花第2、3阶段仅有开裂线,在第4阶段之后才开裂,即7:00-9:00开裂,9:00-12:00大量散粉;柱头在开花第1天上午可观察到分泌物,预示柱头可授。此研究结果将为今后加强相思种子园的管理及开展相思杂交育种奠定重要基础。  相似文献   

采用电导法对马占相思15个家系进行了耐寒性测定及选择.结果表明,马占相思耐寒性变异达到极显著差异;相对抗寒的家系3个,分别为GJM00926、GJM00934、GJM00941.马占相思抗寒性较差,半致死温度为1.061 7℃.  相似文献   

为建立马占相思(Acacia mangium)拟组培扦插生根技术体系,于8月采马占相思采穗圃当年生腋芽饱满枝条为穂条,以琼脂和适宜的抑菌剂制成的固体培养基为扦插基质,筛选出适宜的抑菌剂种类及浓度、以及适宜的插条类型和消毒方式;对IBA、NAA、ABT 3种生根促进剂的浓度进行筛选,以确定适宜的扦插生根处理。结果表明:百菌清0.2 g/L为适宜的抑菌处理,多菌灵0.8 g/L对中部带叶插条浸泡3 min后,以IBA 0.6 g/L浸泡其基部2 h,实验台操作,扦插至基质中,生根率94.33%。将马占相思开放扦插于简化的基质中,在组培室中培养生根,建立的拟组培扦插技术体系,由于插条长度更短,穂条利用率获得极大提高;室内进行扦插,可多层放置,极大地节约了空间;因此,成本更低,更易于推广应用;同时也为其他林木树种开展相关研究提供很好的借鉴。  相似文献   

为了探讨接种根瘤菌后的马占相思苗木生物量与营养元素的相关关系,采用随机区组盆栽试验方法,测定了苗木的结瘤率、结瘤量、生物量、叶片以及土壤的营养元素含量.结果表明:接种根瘤菌后,苗木的生物量与结瘤率、结瘤量以及叶片的含氮量呈显著的正相关关系,与叶片的钾、镁含量呈显著的负相关关系;生物量与土壤中的氮、磷、钾含量的相关关系不显著,但接种不同根瘤菌菌株对苗木生长的营养元素循环有明显的影响,即在显著的增加土壤氮素含量的同时,土壤的含磷量迅速降低.  相似文献   

马占相思与厚荚相思树皮抽提物的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对马占相思树皮和厚荚相思树皮单宁进行定性和定量分析,模拟栲胶生产小试并对制取的栲胶进行质量分析。结果表明:两种树皮所含单宁均属缩合类单宁;绝干马占相思树皮含单宁高达36.75%,纯度为85.9%.单宁与非单宁之比为6.10,约2.34t气干树皮可生产1t栲胶,制得的栲胶不仅单宁含量高,颜色浅.而且鞣革渗透速度快,富有弹性.皮质好.证明马占相思树皮是一种优良的栲胶原料;绝干厚荚相思树皮含单宁仅9.56%.生产1t栲胶约需气干树皮4.96t,制得的栲胶含单宁53.32%.含非单宁46.47%.测得栲胶中多酚含量接近70%,可代替部分酚类物质用于制取高分子材料,可见大量的厚荚相思树皮也有生产栲胶的价值。  相似文献   

Structural host responses of young Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus pellita to infection with the root rot pathogen Ganoderma philippii were described. To our knowledge, this is the first report investigating the histology of root responses infected with G. philippii. The infected roots of A. mangium were characterized by the presence of a continuous multilayered mycelial sheath (~100–200 μm thick), fungal outgrowths and the production of a wound periderm. In contrast, roots of E. pellita were characterized by a mycelial sheath and fungal outgrowths and a wound periderm comprising of only one to four rows of cells.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3-4):175-180
Ganoderma root rot is the most serious disease affecting commercially planted Acacia mangium in plantations in Indonesia. Numerous Ganoderma spp. have been recorded from diseased trees of this species and to a lesser extent Eucalyptus, causing confusion regarding the primary cause of the disease. In this study, a large collection of Ganoderma isolates were obtained from the roots of A. mangium showing early signs of root rot in disease centres in South Sumatra plantations. Isolates were also collected from Eucalyptus roots at Lake Toba in North Sumatra showing similar symptoms as well as from sporocarps connected to these samples. Phylogenetic analyses showed that a single Ganoderma sp., identified as G. philippii, is the major causal agent of Ganoderma root rot on A. mangium. Results from this study also showed that the isolates obtained for Eucalyptus trees in North Sumatra belong to G. philippii. Isolates from roots and connected fruiting bodies together with the morphology of the fruiting structures confirmed this identification. Symptoms associated with this pathogen are obvious and it should not be confused with other diseases. Other Ganoderma spp. found in disease centres are considered to be of minor importance and management strategies for root rot should be focused on G. philippii.  相似文献   

马尖相思造林技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过持续6年,面积达23.67hm ̄2的造林试验,初步探索出适于云南引种区采用的马尖相思育苗、造林技术。在普文引种试区马尖相思生长迅速,6年生树高年均生长量达2.31m,胸径年均生长量为2.9cm,活立木蓄积289.04145m ̄3/hm ̄2,年均生长量48.173575m ̄3/hm ̄2;4.5年生的马尖相思林,地上部分生物量达105.6t/hm ̄2,有较高的经济和生态效益。  相似文献   

马占相思木干燥工艺的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
马占相思属速生树种,其人工林木材径级小,幼龄材含量高,易干燥,但容易产生皱缩及内裂,宜采用低温软基准,且干燥过程中要增加调湿处理次数,减少表层的干燥应力及塑性变形,采用气干和窑干联合干燥方式时,不仅有效避免皱缩及内裂等干燥缺陷,而且可缩短干燥时间,减少能源消耗,降低干燥成本。  相似文献   

通过木材物理力学性质、木材热值、木材化学性质的测定,树皮单宁的定性、定量分析,树叶饲用成分的分析测定,生物量的测定等得出:木材宜做人造板、细木工、刨切单板等;木材有效热值高,属优质生物质燃料;木材综纤维素含量达74.5%,适合制浆造纸。4年生树皮单宁含量达32.8%,纯度82.4%,属凝缩类,为优质栲胶原料。树叶含粗脂肪3.0%以上,粗蛋白10%~14.17%,含17种氨基酸,有开发利用饲料的价值。生物量大,4.5年生幼林地上部分生物量达23.48t/hm ̄2年;林下土壤0~30cm内的有效氮含量比西南桦、山桂花、高阿丁枫三种人工纯林高2.16%~2.36%;比天然林高1.88%~2.19%,是优良的固氮树种。其经济效益显著,4.5~3.5年生人工纯林投入产出比分别为1:7.37,1:4.49。  相似文献   

外来树种马占相思自然繁殖更新研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
调查马占相思人工林的自然更新情况,在国内首次发现马占相思存在种子成苗方式的自然更新.但马占相思的自然更新受立地条件制约:只有在林缘的裸露立地条件下,马占相思的种子才能萌发成苗.马占相思16年生单株在45°扇形单方向更新扩散的最远距离为17.5 m,更新繁殖的株数最多有26株;扩散距离与扩散株数之间没有明显的相关性.1987年穴状埋根造林的马占相思,其林缘更新扩散的最远距离为10.0 m,更新繁殖的株数最多有3株;1997年穴状埋根造林的马占相思,其林缘更新扩散的最远距离为3.0 m,更新繁殖的株数最多有14株.用小样方法调查马占相思人工林下乡土乔木、灌木和草本植物的自然更新.结果表明,在马占相思林分内,共发现12种乔木树种、3种灌木树种和8种草本植物,这些乡土植物均表现为生活力强.研究结果表明,马占相思在靠近水源的裸露立地条件下可以自然更新,更新的方式为种子繁殖;马占相思不影响乡土植物的正常生长.  相似文献   

马占相思(Acacia mangium Willd)具有速生丰产、改良土壤、木材易加工等特点,是广东省一种主要的用材林造林树种,同时也作为道路绿化、生态工程林的主要配置树种,在广东省大部分地区广泛种植.特别是阳春市把马占相思作为发展商品林的当家树种,大面积营造,目前该市种植马占相思面积已超过2 万hm^2.但是近几年来在阳春市马占相思林中出现一种严重危害该种树种的害虫,造成大片林木落叶,严重影响生长或导致树木死亡.为此,笔者自2002年以来对该害虫进行了专门观察研究,经考证其种名为斑点黑蝉(Gaeana maculata),又称黄点黑蝉,是同翅目蝉总科斑蝉属昆虫.现将有关观察研究结果介绍如下.   ……  相似文献   

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