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This article discusses risk analysis of infectious diseases in a cattle population. Heck cattle living in nature reserve 'De Oostvaardersplassen' were studied as an example of the risk analysis approach. Twenty-five adult cattle were tested for every infectious disease agent that the risk analysis indicated might be prevalent. All sampled cattle tested positive for Bovine Herpesvirus 1, whereas the prevalence of antibodies against other infectious disease agents was below the level that was assumed to be the threshold for spread of the disease to cattle in the surrounding areas. Risk management of infectious diseases was expressed in a so-called 'low-risk profile'. The risk of introduction or spread of infectious diseases was estimated to be very low as long as the population was kept strictly enclosed.  相似文献   

Epidemiological data indicate that infection of cattle with chlamydiae such as Chlamydophila (C.) pecorum, C. abortus, C. psittaci and Chlamydia suis, is ubiquitous with mixed infections occurring frequently. The apparent lack of association between infection and clinical disease has resulted in debate as to the pathogenic significance of these organisms, and their tendency to sub-clinical and/or persistent infection presents a challenge to the study of their potential effects. However, recent evidence indicates that chlamydial infections have a substantial and quantifiable impact on livestock productivity with chronic, recurrent infections associated with pulmonary disease in calves and with infertility and sub-clinical mastitis in dairy cows. Data also suggest these infections manifest clinically when they coincide with a number of epidemiological risk factors. Future research should: (1) use relevant animal models to clarify the pathogenesis of bovine chlamydioses; (2) quantify the impact of chlamydial infection at a herd level and identify strategies for its control, including sub-unit vaccine development; and (3) evaluate the zoonotic risk of bovine chlamydial infections which will require the development of species-specific serodiagnostics.  相似文献   

During the Schmallenberg virus (SBV) epidemic, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) collected data on SBV occurrence across Europe in order to provide an assessment of spread and impact. By May 2013, twenty-nine countries were reporting to EFSA and twenty-two countries had reported cases of SBV. The total number of SBV herds reported was 13,846 and the number of SBV laboratory confirmed herds was 8730. The surveillance activities were based on the detection of SBV clinical cases (either adults or newborns). Malformation in newborns was the most commonly reported clinical sign of SBV-infection. All countries were able to provide the date when the first suspicion of SBV in the herd was reported and nineteen could report the location of the herd at a regional level. This allowed the spread of SBV in Europe to be measured both temporally and spatially. The number of SBV confirmed herds started to increase in December 2011 and two peaks were observed in 2012 (February and May). Confirmed herds continued to be reported in 2012 and into 2013. An increase during winter 2012 and spring 2013 was again observed, but the number of confirmed herds was lower than in the previous year. SBV spread rapidly throughout Europe from the initial area of detection. SBV was detected above the latitude of 60° North, which exceeds the northern expansion observed during the bluetongue virus serotype 8 epidemic in 2006–2009. The impact of SBV was calculated as ratio of the number of herds with at least one malformed SBV positive foetus and the total number of herds in this region. The 75th percentile of the malformations ratio in the various affected countries for the whole reporting period was below 1% and 3% for cattle and sheep herds, respectively. International data collection on emerging diseases represents a challenge as the nature of available data, data quality and the proportion of reported cases may vary widely between affected countries. Surveillance activities on emerging animal diseases are often structured only for case detection making the estimation of infection/diseases prevalence and the investigation of risk factors difficult. The impact of the disease must be determined to allow risk managers to take appropriate decisions. Simple within-herd impact indicators suitable for emerging disease outbreaks should be defined that could be measured as part of routine animal health surveillance programmes and allow for rapid and reliable impact assessment of emerging animal health diseases.  相似文献   

A two year study (2008-2009) was carried out to monitor the Usutu virus (USUV) circulation in Italy. Sentinel horses and chickens, wild birds and mosquitoes were sampled and tested for the presence of USUV and USUV antibodies within the WND National Surveillance plan. Seroconversion evidenced in sentinel animals proved that in these two years the virus has circulated in Tuscany, Emilia Romagna, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia regions. In Veneto USUV caused a severe blackbird die-off disease involving at least a thousand birds. Eleven viral strains were detected in organs of 9 blackbirds (52.9%) and two magpies (0.5%) originating from Veneto and Emilia Romagna regions. USUV was also detected in a pool of Culex pipiens caught in Tuscany. According to the alignment of the NS5 partial sequences, no differences between the Italian USUV strains isolated from Veneto, Friuli and Emilia Romagna regions were observed. The Italian North Eastern strain sequences were identical to those of the strain detected in the brain of a human patient and shared a high similarity with the isolates from Vienna and Budapest. Conversely, there were few differences between the Italian strains which circulated in the North Eastern regions and the USUV strain detected in a pool of C. pipiens caught in Tuscany. A high degree of similarity at both nucleotide and amino acid level was also found when the full genome sequence of the Italian North Eastern isolate was compared with that of the strains circulating in Europe. The North Eastern Italian strain sequence exhibited 97% identity to the South African reference strain SAAR-1776. The deduced amino acid sequences of the Italian strain differed by 10 and 11 amino-acids from the Budapest and Vienna strains, respectively, and by 28 from the SAAR-1776 strain. According to this study two strains of USUVs are likely to have circulated in Italy between 2008 and 2009. They have developed strategies of adaptation and evolution to spread into new areas and to become established.  相似文献   

This paper describes a hypothesis on the origin of the members of the recently established adenovirus genus, Atadenovirus, invading cattle, sheep, deer, duck and poultry. Comparison of the phylogenetic trees of adenoviruses and their hosts suggests a very ancient but common origin for the atadenoviruses. The surprisingly large difference between these virus types and other adenoviruses infecting the same host can be easily understood by assuming their separate evolution in different hosts (e.g., in reptiles versus a coevolution with mammals and birds, respectively) followed by a later host switch.  相似文献   

Experimentally initiated epidemics of infectious pancreatic necrosis in rainbow-trout fry were analyzed using a modification of the standard mathematical model for a simple propagative epidemic. Contrary to expectations, the value of the transmission parameter (β) was inversely related to initial density of susceptible hosts. This anomaly can be explained if we assume that the experimental epidemics were point-source rather than propagative epidemics. The implications of this conclusion for modeling experimental and natural epidemics are discussed.  相似文献   


In contrast to the situation in sheep, anthelmintic resistance in cattle nematodes in New Zealand appears to be relatively uncommon. A brief review in 1991 indicated that only six confirmed cases had been reported(l). All related to resistance to benzimidazole anthelmintics and involved infections of Cooperia and, to a lesser extent, Ostertugia and Trichostrongylus. Since then, however, a further 13 cases of benzimidazole resistance in cattle have been identified by faecal egg count reduction tests conducted on submissions to the Batchelar and Ruakura Animal Health Laboratories (Table I). In addition, another two cases have recently been detected by similar means by ethers (2)(3). In the latter two instances, these not only involved resistance to benzimidazole drenches but to milbemycin/ avermectin type anthelmintics as well. Like those listed in Table I, the main parasite genus implicated on both of these occasions was Cooperia.  相似文献   

Newcastle disease (ND) is one of the most important diseases of poultry, and may cause devastating losses in the poultry industry worldwide. Its causative agent is Newcastle disease virus (NDV), also known as avian paramyxovirus type 1. Many countries maintain a stringent vaccination policy against ND, but there are indications that ND outbreaks can still occur despite intensive vaccination. It has been argued that this may be due to antigenic divergence between the vaccine strains and circulating field strains. Here we present the complete genome sequence of a highly virulent genotype VII virus (NL/93) obtained from vaccinated poultry during an outbreak of ND in the Netherlands in 1992-1993. Using this strain, we investigated whether the identified genetic evolution of NDV is accompanied by antigenic evolution. In this study we show that a live vaccine that is antigenically adapted to match the genotype VII NL/93 outbreak strain does not provide increased protection compared to a classic genotype II live vaccine. When challenged with the NL/93 strain, chickens vaccinated with a classic vaccine were completely protected against clinical disease and mortality and virus shedding was significantly reduced, even with a supposedly suboptimal vaccine dose. These results suggest that it is not antigenic variation but rather poor flock immunity due to inadequate vaccination practices that may be responsible for outbreaks and spreading of virulent NDV field strains.  相似文献   

Evidence for a temporary suppression of egg production in gastro-intestinal nematodes of sheep and cattle following anthelmintic treatment is reviewed and the possible relevance of this phenomenon to the appropriate sampling time in the faecal egg count reduction test is discussed. The results of this review suggest that if such suppressive effects do occur in sheep nematodes, then they are unlikely to be of much practical significance and that little benefit would be derived from extending the post-treatment sampling interval beyond 10 days. For cattle nematodes, however, the issues are less readily obvious but indicate, at least when testing for resistance to persistent anthelmintics, that adoption of a longer post-treatment interval might be advisable.  相似文献   

Cooperia spp. have become the most prevalent parasites in United States cow/calf operations as observed in the USDA NAHMS (National Animal Health Monitoring System) Beef Cow/Calf survey in 2008. This is at least in part due to the widespread use of macrocyclic lactones that have recently been shown to have a reduced activity against these parasites. The effects of Cooperia spp. on cattle productivity are largely unknown. This study was conducted to assess their effect upon cattle housed under conditions found in American feedlots. Two hundred yearling calves (average weight 460 lb/209 kg) were acquired from northwestern Arkansas and northeastern Oklahoma and were vaccinated and dewormed upon arrival at the feedlot. Animals were comingled and preconditioned for approximately one month, and were fed a standard growing ration throughout the study. Calves were randomly divided into two groups (n=80, infected and control) and each group was further divided into two replicate pens (n=40). Calves from the two infected pens were orally inoculated with a gavage of 1 × 10(5) and 0.825 × 10(5) infective larvae of a recent isolate of Cooperia punctata on day 0 and 14, respectively, with the two control pens receiving a similar volume of tap water. Data collected included biweekly fecal egg counts, daily individual feed consumption and weight gain over the 60-day test period. The presence of C. punctata (>99% of recovered worms) was confirmed by necropsy and recovery from the small intestine on days 35 and 60 post infection (PI) in a subset of animals. Egg counts were positive by day 14 PI and remained at numbers similar to values seen in field studies. The control group gained weight 7.5% more rapidly (p=0.02) than infected animals (3.24 lb/1.47 kg per day vs. 3.0 lb/1.36 kg per day, respectively). The Cooperia-infected calves also consumed 1.5 lb (0.68 kg) less dry feed per day than the control animals (p=0.02). These data suggest that C. punctata has a deleterious effect on both appetite and nutrient uptake or utilization. At necropsy (days 35 and 60), the draining mesenteric lymph nodes of infected animals were increased in size and the small intestinal mucosa was thickened and covered with a thick layer of mucus in the infected animals. The most prominent histological changes in the Cooperia- infected animals included a moderate increase in the number of intraepithelial lymphocytes and globule leukocytes, as well as aggregates of eosinophils within the lower lamina propria. The only significant difference was an increase in the goblet cell density at day 60. Anthelmintic sensitivity/resistance of the Cooperia isolate used was determined by treatment of one pen of infected calves with a macrocyclic lactone and the other pen with a benzimidazole at the completion of the study. The macrocyclic lactone treatment (n=40) did not remove the parasites (FECRT=8.8%), while treatment with a benzimidazole was very effective (FECRT=98.1%). This study demonstrated that C. punctata has a significant effect on cattle productivity, both reduced weight gain and decreased feed intake compared to controls.  相似文献   

Cross-contamination of cattle feed with meat and bone meal (MBM) allowed in feed for other species is regarded as the current hypothesis for the infection pathway of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) cases occurring after the implementation of a ban on feeding MBM to cattle. This study was aimed at establishing a spatial relation between BSE cases in Switzerland and the findings of MBM in cattle feed. A cluster analysis and a cohort study were performed. Two hundred sixteen BSE cases born after December 1990 and detected until August 1st 2005, screening data of 504 feed producers between 1996 and 2001 and population data from the Swiss 2001 cattle census were included. The cluster analysis showed feed producer, positive for MBM contaminations in cattle feed, as possible cluster centres for BSE cases. In the cohort study, farms within a radius of 2 and 10 km around positive feed producers showed significantly higher odds to have a BSE case than the control group. The odds ratio and its 95% confidence interval were 2.23 (1.26-3.93) for the 2 km radius and 1.38 (1-1.9) for the 10 km radius. The results provide evidence for a spatial relation between cross-contamination and BSE occurrence. These findings support the hypothesis of cross-contamination to be an important route for BSE transmission after a feed ban.  相似文献   

At the end of May 1999 the author was asked by the Dutch Animal Health Service (GD) to evaluate problems with 'chronic wasting' cows on 13 farms. The cows were thought to have become ill after vaccination with an IBR marker vaccine. On nine farms a number of cows aborted shortly after vaccination. On eight farms lameness was a problem, as was mastitis. Diarrhoea occurred on four farms. A number of farms had problems with stillbirth, subfertility, abomasal displacement, and decreasing body condition. It was concluded that the abortions, stillbirth, and weak calves at birth in the first weeks after vaccination might be associated with the vaccination. However, the author found no indication that the other problems were associated with the vaccination. This was because the symptoms on the 13 farms were not uniform, and many of the herds already had problems before the herd was vaccinated. The 'chronic wasting' problem cannot be attributed to vaccination with the IBR marker vaccine. 'Chronic wasting' concerns a multifactorial complex of diseases, and has always been present, but has increased in incidence in the last years as a result of 'Holsteinization', a very high milk production, longer periods of housing indoors (and in many cases insufficient quality of the stable and cubicles), a too high work load, and insufficient management.  相似文献   

In the United States, rumenocentesis has been recommended especially for early diagnosis of subacute rumen acidosis (SARA). The objective of the current study was to evaluate health risks due to the technique ofrumenocentesis and to measure pH in ruminal juice using a commercial indicator paper (Pehanon) and a pH electrode (reference method). After 11 dairy cows underwent rumenocentesis, the clinical status of those animals was evaluated daily, and cows were slaughtered as well as pathologically--anatomically examined on day 7. During the observation period, the following pathological clinical signs were evident: forced inspiration (3 cows), transient episode of hyperthermia (2 cows), increased tension of the abdominal wall (8 cows) and positive foreign body tests (3 cows). One cow had to be culled on day 7 because of severe generalised septic peritonitis spreading from the site of rumenocentesis. At slaughter, hematoma formation in the area of the puncture site was found in 9 out of 10 cows. It was concluded that the severe complications encountered with this technique do not legitimate rumenocentesis as a routine procedure for collection of rumen juice samples in cows under Swiss conditions. The correlation between the pH reference method and the commercial indicator paper was the high (r = 0.926).  相似文献   

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