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Three cats and 1 dog that had undergone renal transplantation because of end-stage renal disease were examined because of complications 3 to 6 weeks after surgery. One cat died prior to treatment of the complications; Toxoplasma cysts were found in sections of the renal allograft, and Toxoplasma tachyzoites were found in other organs. The other 2 cats and the dog died despite treatment, and protozoal cysts, as well as tachyzoites, were identified in other organs but not within the allografts, suggesting that reactivation of latent infection following immunosuppression was the most likely cause of disseminated toxoplasmosis. These cases illustrate that toxoplasmosis can be a fatal complication in renal transplant recipients. We currently recommend that feline and canine donors and recipients undergo serologic testing for toxoplasmosis prior to surgery. In addition, we suggest that seropositive donors not be used for seronegative recipients and that seropositive recipients and that seropositive recipients be monitored closely after surgery for clinical signs of toxoplasmosis.  相似文献   

Acute renal failure was diagnosed in 4 cats receiving paromomycin orally for treatment of infectious enteritis. All 4 cats responded to fluid therapy and recovered normal or near-normal renal function; however, 3 of the cats subsequently became deaf and developed cataracts. Toxicoses were attributed to a combination of an excessive dosage of paromomycin and absorption of the drug across injured intestinal mucosal epithelium. Pharmacokinetic studies are needed to further define the disposition of paromomycin after oral administration to cats.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of preoperative administration of oral carprofen, subcutaneous ketoprofen, and local nerve block with bupivacaine in preventing postoperative pain-associated behavior in cats after ovariohysterectomy. ANIMALS: Fifty-two female intact cats. Materials and methods Cats received butorphanol (0.44 mg kg(-1) IM), carprofen (2.2 mg kg(-1) PO), ketoprofen (2.2 mg kg(-1) SQ), or bupivacaine infiltration block (1.1 mg kg(-1) SQ) before surgery. Cortisol and drug concentrations and visual analog scale (VAS) and interactive visual analog scale (IVAS) pain-associated behavior scores were measured 2 hours before and 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, and 24 hours after ovariohysterectomy. RESULTS: Cats receiving butorphanol had significantly increased IVAS scores 2 hours after surgery compared with baseline measurements. Cats receiving carprofen, ketoprofen, and bupivacaine had significant increases from baseline in VAS and IVAS scores 1 and 2 hours after surgery. VAS and IVAS scores for cats receiving bupivacaine were significantly greater 1 and 2 hours after surgery than for cats that received butorphanol. Cats receiving carprofen had significant increases in cortisol 1 hour after surgery and significant decreases 24 hours after surgery compared with baseline measurements. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Preoperative carprofen and ketoprofen have effects on pain-associated behavior similar to butorphanol in cats undergoing ovariohysterectomy. Cats receiving bupivacaine blocks may require additional analgesics immediately after surgery.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare two surgical techniques for renal transplantation in cats with respect to graft warm ischemia time, total surgical time, operative and postoperative complications, and return to normal renal function based on measurement of plasma creatinine concentrations. STUDY DESIGN: Research study using normal cats. ANIMALS OR SAMPLE POPULATION: Fourteen adult, feline leukemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus (FELV/FIV) negative, neutered male and spayed female cats. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fourteen cats underwent heterotopic renal isograft transplantation with nephrectomy of the contralateral kidney. Renal arterial end-to-end anastomosis to the external iliac artery was performed in eight cats and renal arterial end-to-side anastomosis to the aorta was performed in six cats. Cats were monitored for 14 days after surgery. Renal function was evaluated by daily measurement of plasma creatinine concentrations. The cats' health was assessed by the daily recording of body weight, rectal temperature, postoperative complications, urine production, appetite, packed red blood cell volume, and total serum protein. Ultrasonographic assessment of the isograft was performed every third day. Animals were euthanatized or adopted 14 days after surgery and histopathologic analysis of biopsies or whole isograft tissues was performed. RESULTS: Nine of fourteen cats survived the 14-day study period. Although not statistically significant, mean total surgical time and graft warm ischemia time was shorter for the arterial end-to-side anastomosis. Mean daily plasma creatinine concentrations were not significantly different between the two groups. Five of eight cats (62%) undergoing the arterial end-to-end technique developed neuropraxia and lameness of the ipsilateral pelvic limb. Five cats died or were euthanatized because of other complications. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The arterial end-to-side technique appears to be the better method for renal transplantation in cats. Shorter graft warm ischemia and total surgical times, absence of pelvic limb complications, and an adequate return to normal renal function were associated with this technique.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old 3.0-kg (6.6-lb) neutered male Persian was referred for renal transplantation. Serum total calcium concentration was slightly high prior to surgery, but the week after surgery, total and ionized calcium concentrations were extremely high, and a small mass was palpable on the right side of the trachea at the level of the thyroid and parathyroid glands. Exploratory surgery of the ventral aspect of the neck was performed, and a right external parathyroid mass was removed. One hour after surgery, the serum ionized calcium concentration was within reference limits, and the serum calcium concentration remained normal for the next 14 months without any specific treatment. The gross and histologic appearance of the mass, combined with the rapid decrease in serum calcium concentration following its removal, confirmed that the mass was a functional parathyroid adenoma. Although a common postoperative complication in people, hypercalcemia following renal transplantation appears to be a rare complication in cats. Surgery should be considered if the condition is a result of a parathyroid adenoma.  相似文献   


This paper describes four cats with hyperadrenocorticism. Cat 1 showed polydipsia and polyphagia. Diabetes mellitus was initially diagnosed As the animal appeared to be insulin resistant, pituitary and adrenocortical function tests were performed and the diagnosis of hyperadrenocoricism was made. Resistance to the high‐dose dexamethasone suppression test was noticed in this cat. Pathological examination revealed a pituitary chromophobe adenoma.

Cat 2 presented with diabetes mellitus, which was treated with insulin. The animal had a pendulous abdomen and its coat was in a poor condition. The low‐dose dexamenthasone suppression test demonstrated hyperadrenocorticism. Necropsy findings of pituitary tumour and hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex confirmed the diagnosis.

Cat 3 showed clinical abnormalities indicative of hyperadrenocorticism, for instance, muscle weakness, alopecia, multiple abcesses. The diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism was confirmed by the results of the lowe‐dose dexamethasone suppression test. Pathological examination revealed an adrenocortical carcinoma.

Cat 4 presented with polydipsia. The cause of this symptom was not found initially. One and a half years later additional symptoms, such as nephritis and polyphagia developed Hyperadrenocorticism was diagnosed because of a palpable mass cranial to the left kidney. The diagnosis was confirmed by the results of the lowe‐dose dexamethasone suppression test and the necropsy findings  相似文献   

Renal transplantation was performed as treatment of end-stage renal failure in 23 cats. Twenty-two cats had chronic renal disease and 1 cat had acute renal disease associated with ethylene glycol-induced toxicosis. Sixteen cats were discharged from the hospital. Nine survived a mean of 8.4 +/- 6.5 months, and 7 cats continue to survive at the time of this report (mean 12.6 months). Seven cats died within 2 weeks of surgery. All renal allografts were obtained from unrelated blood-crossmatch-compatible donors. No deaths were attributable to acute renal allograft rejection, demonstrating the successful maintenance of renal allografts by use of cyclosporine and prednisolone immunosuppression in cats.  相似文献   

Lesions in dogs following renal transplantation and immunosuppression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Renal allografts were transplanted into 20 dogs (12 beagles, eight mongrels) following a prescribed protocol for pre-transplantation blood transfusions and kidney exchange. Immunosuppressive therapy (azathioprine and prednisone) was modified as needed for each dog. Seven of the beagle dogs survived for 1 year and were then euthanized; all other dogs died or were euthanized prior to 1 year post-transplantation. Graft rejection and renal failure were the greatest causes of mortality. Renal lesions which contributed to the death of some animals included renal vein thrombosis, nephrosis, and pyelonephritis. Inflammation of the lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia, and pleuritis) was a contributory cause of death in some dogs. Cystitis and ureteritis occurred in almost half of the dogs. Prostatitis was seen in six of the 16 male dogs. Adrenal cortical atrophy, parathyroid gland hyperplasia, and bone marrow hypocellularity were seen in a majority of the dogs which survived 1 year.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence and describe the management of hypertension and central nervous system (CNS) complications after renal transplantation in cats. We also compared the prevalence of CNS complications between cats monitored and treated for postoperative hypertension and a previously described, historical control group of cats not monitored or treated for postoperative hypertension. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective clinical study. ANIMALS OR SAMPLE POPULATION: A total of 34 client-owned cats that received renal allografts for the treatment of end-stage renal failure. METHODS: Medical records were reviewed. Data obtained included preoperative and postoperative systolic blood pressures, antihypertensive therapy, response to treatment, neurologic signs, and clinical outcome. The results were compared with a historical control group of feline renal allograft recipients that were neither monitored nor treated for postoperative hypertension. RESULTS: Severe postoperative hypertension occurred in 21 of 34 of cats. Hypertension was treated in all 21 cats with subcutaneously administered hydralazine which reduced systolic blood pressure to less than 170 mm Hg in 15 minutes in 20 of 21 cats; hydralazine produced hypotension in one cat and failed to control hypertension in 1 cat. After transplantation, seizures were observed in one cat and other neurologic complications (stupor, ataxia, and central blindness) were observed in three cats. The prevalence of seizures and neurologic complication-related deaths after transplantation was significantly reduced with treatment of postoperative hypertension. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Hypertension is a major contributing factor to postoperative seizure activity after renal transplantation in cats; treatment of hypertension reduces the frequency of neurologic complications.  相似文献   

Nasopharyngeal stenosis secondary to chronic upper respiratory tract infection is described in four cats. The stenosis is caused by a thin but tough inflammatory membrane which develops across the proximal nasopharynx, partly or completely occluding it. Diagnosis is aided by use of a dental mirror for caudal rhinoscopy, together with test passage of a fine catheter through the ventral nasal meatus. All four cases were treated successfully by surgical resection of the membrane through an incision in the soft palate. Nasopharyngeal stenosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of all chronic upper respiratory disease in cats.  相似文献   

The aim of this retrospective study was to describe the clinical characteristics and treatment of four cats with dermatophytic pseudomycetoma. Four Persian cats, one female and three males, with age ranging from 1.4 to 5 years, were diagnosed with dermatophytic pseudomycetoma by histological examination and fungal culture. Wood's lamp examination revealed positive fluorescence of hairs in all four cats. Characteristic skin lesions consisted of multifocal, raised, firm and nodular to dome-shaped lesions varying in size from 1 to 8 cm in diameter, with ulcers or fistulas in some of the lesions. One cat was treated and cured with 3 months of oral itraconazole; lesions completely regressed, and at the time of writing there has been no recurrence. One cat was treated with surgical excision alone, and recurrence of lesions occurred after a disease-free interval of 15 months. Two cats were treated with surgical excision and systemic itraconazole therapy. Itraconazole therapy was started 1-2 months before surgery and continued for 3 months after surgery. Surgical margins were wide in both cats, and underlying adipose tissue and/or deeper fascia was removed. One cat relapsed, but had a disease-free interval of 18 months. The other cat has been disease free for 32 months. This case series suggests that aggressive, wide surgical excision and concurrent oral itraconazole are highly beneficial in treating dermatophytic pseudomycetoma in cats.  相似文献   

This paper describes four cats with hyperadrenocorticism. Cat 1 showed polydipsia and polyphagia. Diabetes mellitus was initially diagnosed. As the animal appeared to be insulin resistant, pituitary and adrenocortical function tests were performed and the diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism was made. Resistance to the high-dose dexamethasone suppression test was noticed in this cat. Pathological examination revealed a pituitary chromophobe adenoma. Cat 2 presented with diabetes mellitus, which was treated with insulin. The animal had a pendulous abdomen and its coat was in a poor condition. The low-dose dexamethasone suppression test demonstrated hyperadrenocorticism. Necropsy findings of pituitary tumour and hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex confirmed the diagnosis. Cat 3 showed clinical abnormalities indicative of hyperadrenocorticism, for instance, muscle weakness, alopecia, multiple abscesses. The diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism was confirmed by the results of the lowe-dose dexamethasone suppression test. Pathological examination revealed an adrenocortical carcinoma. Cat 4 presented with polydipsia. The cause of this symptom was not found initially. One and a half years later additional symptoms, such as nephritis and polyphagia developed. Hyperadrenocorticism was diagnosed because of a palpable mass cranial to the left kidney. The diagnosis was confirmed by the results of the lowe-dose dexamethasone suppression test and the necropsy findings.  相似文献   

Feline renal transplantation can offer long-term survival with a normal quality of life for cats with renal failure. However, it is important to remember that renal transplantation is a treatment option and not a cure. Renal transplantation is never performed on an emergency basis or prophylactically. Feline renal transplantation requires special microvascular instruments and an operating microscope. Careful patient selection and perioperative monitoring have improved the success rate. The new microemulsified form of cyclosporine is recommended for immunosuppression. As survival times have steadily improved, long-term complications, such as diabetes and neoplasia, are now being recognized.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the clinicopathologic patterns of the erythropoietic response after renal transplantation in cats with chronic renal failure (CRF). ANIMALS: 14 cats with CRF undergoing renal transplantation. PROCEDURE: Before and at intervals during a 6-month period after transplantation, serum creatinine and erythropoietin concentrations, Hct, erythrocyte indices, aggregate reticulocyte percentage, and iron variables were measured. Additionally, the number of transfusions administered to and any complications that developed in each cat were recorded. RESULTS: In all cats, preoperative azotemia resolved within 6 days after renal transplantation. Two cats had a temporary increase in serum creatinine concentration secondary to an acute graft rejection episode. Anemia (defined as Hct < 28%) resolved in 10 cats 3 to 49 days after surgery. Resolution of anemia was delayed in 2 cats that had acute rejection episodes. Serum erythropoietin concentration and reticulocyte percentage were low preoperatively; values after surgery were highly variable. Compared with preoperative values, serum erythropoietin concentration increased 1 to 4 days after surgery in 11 cats; between days 5 and 58, another increase was detected in 9 cats. Serum iron concentrations were generally low before and 14 days after transplantation. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The erythropoietic response was highly variable in cats after renal transplantation, but anemia typically resolved within 1 month after surgery. A delay in resolution of anemia in cats may indicate poor graft function and inadequate iron stores, suggesting the need for further evaluation for concurrent illness.  相似文献   

Four cats presented with clinical signs suggestive of respiratory disease, including dyspnea, wheezing, cyanosis, inspiratory stridor, coughing, and gagging. Radiographs revealed intratracheal masses. Bronchoscopy allowed for lesion localization and collection of samples for cytopathological and histopathological evaluation, which confirmed a diagnosis of lymphosarcoma. Cats treated with systemic chemotherapy or radiation were able to achieve complete remission and long-term resolution of clinical signs.  相似文献   

Preparturient hypocalcemia was identified in 4 cats in a specific pathogen-free colony between 1995 and 1996. All cats had an acute onset of clinical signs, 3 to 17 days prior to parturition. Signs of depression, weakness, tachypnea, and mild muscle tremors were the most common clinical signs, following by vomiting and anorexia. Additional abnormalities included hypothermia, third eyelid prolapse, dehydration, pallor, lethargy, flaccid paralysis, and hyperexcitability. Hematologic abnormalities included leukocytosis with neutrophilia and lymphopenia. Hypocalcemia was documented in each queen. Common serum biochemical abnormalities included high aspartate aminotransferase and creatine kinase activities. All cats responded to IV or SC administration of 10% calcium gluconate. Queens were then given calcium orally prior to and following parturition. The queens did not have additional complications for the duration of the gestational or lactational periods.  相似文献   

In a consecutive and non-selected study of 54 kidney transplanted dogs, 12 cases of intussusception of the small intestine developed in 8 dogs. The patogenesis is still unknown. It has been postulated that the time of the operation (4--7 hours) and the segmental termination of the post-operative atony in the intestine are essential factors in this fatal complication. The last 16 dogs in this material were peroperatively treated with antikolinergics (Mestinon NFN), which was continued until normal function of the intestine. In these dogs there were no evidence of intussusception. The value of this profylaxis is open to discussion and it is essential to solve the problem of intussusception through a "blind" and controlled trial.  相似文献   

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