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In this study five parasitological methods and a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were compared for the diagnostic sensitivity for Trypanosoma evansi in experimentally infected water buffaloes over a period of 15 weeks. The combined estimates of sensitivity (CE(se)) of the PCR proved to be highest at 78.2%, closely followed by the mouse inoculation (MI), the micro-haematocrite centrifugation technique (MHCT) and the mini-anion-exchange centrifugation technique (MAECT) with CE(se) of, respectively, 74.0, 69.6 and 62.4%. The CE(se) of the buffy-coat technique (BCT) at 38.6% and the sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) clarification technique at 25.1% were considerably lower. PCR detected consistently all buffaloes infected from week 3 post-infection (PI) onwards. For MI this occurred after 5 weeks PI while for MHCT and MAECT these sustainable high levels were reached in the 7th week PI. BCT and SDS never detected all buffaloes infected. The influence of time and temperature on the viability of T. evansi in heparinized blood from water buffalo was also studied. In general we observed that the survival time tends to be longer when blood is kept at 4 degrees C. In samples kept in direct sunlight parasites became undetectable with the MHCT after 30min. After treatment of the water buffaloes with diminazene aceturate, the PCR signal disappeared within 24h.  相似文献   

通过实验感染,研究伊氏锥虫在水牛体内抗体及虫体消长的规律.ELISA检测结果表明,水牛感染伊氏锥虫后第6 d检出抗体,而且在2个多月的监测时间里,抗体都维持在较高水平(OD450nm>0.3),因此可利用ELISA方法对水牛感染伊氏锥虫进行早期诊断和监测;水牛感染伊氏锥虫后,即出现一个2~3周左右的虫血症峰期,然后虫血症峰期迅速下降,在虫血症峰期下降后1个多月的监测时间里,虫血症维持在一个很低的水平(≤1条虫体/视野),水牛感染伊氏锥虫后这种峰期短无明显症状、虫血症水平低的现象,给临床诊断和血液镜检虫体造成了一定的困难.对广西部分地区79份血清样品水牛检测的结果表明,伊氏锥虫抗体阳性率达到29.1%,说明广西各地水牛感染伊氏锥虫的现象普遍存在,而且感染率比较高,为了保证本地区水牛产业的健康发展,有必要对水牛伊氏锥虫感染进行有效的监测.  相似文献   

Cattle, buffaloes and horses in several areas of Indonesia were examined for evidence of infection with Trypanosoma evansi by the microhaematocrit centrifugation technique (MHCT) and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detection of antibodies to T. evansi. Evidence of infection was found in animals at each sampling site although differences were seen in prevalence rates between sites. Prevalence rates in buffalo were usually higher than in cattle in the same area while in horses they were much lower than in cattle or buffalo. An age-dependent prevalence rate was seen in buffalo and cattle with the highest rates seen in animals older than 2 years. These results concur with the view that T. evansi infection is widespread throughout most of the livestock-producing areas of Indonesia. The apparent lack of any obvious disease owing to T. evansi infection in the sampled animals suggests that a form of stability exists in most endemic areas which serves to ameliorate the effect of T. evansi infection and has an immunological basis linked to the parasite's limited antigenic diversity.  相似文献   

Summary By exclusion of other possible aetiological agents, strong circumstantial evidence is presented ofTrypanosoma evansi infection being the cause of late gestation abortion and stillbirth in buffaloes.
Resumen Se presentan evidencias circunstanciales de infecciones porTrypanosoma evansi, como causa de abortos y momificaciones al final de la gestación en 32 búfalos.

Résumé Par exclusion de r?le étiologique possible d’autres agents, de fortes preuves indirectes sont présentées qui indiquent que l’infection parTrypanosoma evansi est la cause d’avortements en fin de gestation et de mortinatalités chez 32 bufflesses.

Clinical, parasitological and serological findings of Trypanosoma evansi infections in buffaloes (Bubalis bubalis) from north-eastern Thailand are reported. The overall infection rate was found to be around 20% with a distinct peak of acute infections during the rainy season. The disease is aggravated by normally well tolerated concomitant infections such as liver fluke infestations and by other stress factors.  相似文献   

Summary Clinical, parasitological and serological findings ofTrypanosoma evansi infections in buffaloes (Bubalis bubalis) from north-eastern Thailand are reported. The overall infection rate was found to be around 20% with a distinct peak of acute infections during the rainy season. The disease is aggravated by normally well tolerated concomitant infections such as liver fluke infestations and by other stress factors.
Resumen Se discuten los resultados clínicos, parasitológicos y serológicos, de infecciones porTrypanosoma evansi en búfalos (Bubalis bubalis), en el noroeste de Tailandia. La rata de infección general fue del 20%, con aumento de infecciones agudas durante la estación lluviosa. La enfermedad se agrava cuando existen infecciones concominanates, como la fascioliasis y otros factores de estrés.

Résumé Les observations cliniques, parasitologiques et sérologiques sur les infections àTrypanosoma evansi chez les buffles (Bubalis bubalis) dans le Nord-Est de la Tha?lande sont rapportées. Le taux général d'infection se situe autour de 20 p. 100 avec un pic distinct d'infections aigues pendant la saison des pluies. La maladie est aggravée par des infections concomitantes normalement bien tolérées telles que les distomatoses et par les autres facteurs de stress.

A representative number of 217 camels (Camelus dromedarius) from different areas of western Rajasthan State, India, were examined from July 2002 to May 2003 for Trypanosoma evansi infection. The tests used were parasitological (wet blood film, WBF; stained thin blood smear, TBS), immunodiagnostic (double antibody sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for antigen detection, Ag-ELISA), and DNA amplification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). These techniques were compared and the best efficiency was found for the last named (PCR). A prevalence of T. evansi infection was detected in 17.05, 9.67, 4.60 and 4.14% by PCR, Ag-ELISA, TBS and WBF with a sensitivity of 100, 56.75, 27.02 and 24.32%, respectively. PCR revealed a specific 227bp band in positive samples. The intensity of PCR bands was variable in different test samples depending upon the level of infection in the test samples. The history of intermittent fever, emaciation, oedema, poor body condition significantly correlated with positive serological status in ELISA as well as trypanosome DNA detection by PCR.  相似文献   

A card agglutination test (CATT/T. evansi) was evaluated for detection of antibodies against Trypanosoma evansi (T. evansi) in experimentally and naturally infected buffaloes. Four calves were inoculated with a strain of T. evansi isolated from a dromedary camel. Parasitological examination of the calves revealed trypanosomes in the blood from days 4 to 9 post-inoculation (PI). General emaciation appeared from day 26 PI and aggravated until the end of the experiment (day 88 PI). Antibodies against T. evansi were detectable from day 8 PI till the end of the experiment. Parasitological examination of 200 water buffalo blood samples obtained from slaughterhouses revealed negative results. Serological examination of these animals showed that 48 (24%) water buffaloes had anti-T. evansi antibodies.  相似文献   

Research was undertaken to critically evaluate parasitological tests for the detection of Trypanosoma evansi in blood. The relative sensitivity of mouse inoculation (MI), the haematocrit centrifugation technique (HCT) and a modified miniature anion-exchange centrifugation technique (MAECT) were compared using blood and buffy coat. The effect that storage of blood prior to inoculation into mice has on the reliability of the MI test was also evaluated. The tests may be ranked in increasing order of sensitivity: HCT, MAECT with whole blood, MI with whole blood, MAECT with buffy coat and MI with buffy coat. The latter was able to detect 1.25 T. evansi per 4ml of blood. The reliability of the MI test was not reduced with storage of blood containing at least 25 T. evansi per ml for up to 21h prior to inoculation into mice. These results demonstrate that sensitivity of the MI and MAECT are increased approximately 10-fold through the use of buffy coat in place of whole blood. Although, the MI is marginally more sensitive MAECT is better suited to field use.  相似文献   

Serological tests were performed on 380 cats with necropsy-confirmed heartworm disease to compare the performance of currently available commercial laboratory and point-of-care heart-worm serological tests in a heartworm-endemic area. Overall, antigen tests detected 79.3% to 86.2% of heartworm infections and were highly specific. Most cats with false-negative antigen tests had a single male worm. Antibody tests detected 62.1% to 72.4% of heartworm infections and had a wider range of false-positive results (1.4% to 19.1%) than antigen tests (0.3% to 2.0%). Serological tests for feline heartworm infection varied in diagnostic performance. Combining results from antigen and antibody tests achieved greater sensitivity than using either test alone.  相似文献   

Camel trypanosomosis (Surra) causes high morbidity and is an impediment to the camel husbandry in Kenya. The lack of a sensitive diagnostic test has hindered the collection of accurate epidemiological data and institution of control programmes. A cross-sectional study was conducted in three districts of Kenya to estimate the prevalence of Trypanosoma evansi (T. evansi) and to compare four diagnostic tests: polymerase chain reaction (PCR), card agglutination test (CATT/T. evansi), microhaematocrit centrifugation technique (MHCT) and mouse inoculation (MI). A total of 549 camels were randomly sampled. The overall prevalence of Surra was 5.3% using MHCT, 26.6% using PCR and 45.9% using CATT/T.evansi. There was a significant difference (P < 0.001) between PCR and CATT/T.evansi test, MHCT and MI in detection of T. evansi. The prevalence of T. evansi was 39.8% in Samburu, 24.7% in Nanyuki and 14.4% in Isiolo districts using PCR. A male camel was 2.6 times more likely to be infected with T. evansi compared to a female camel (OR = 3.0% CI: 1.6, 4.1), while an adult camel was 2.2 times more likely to be infected compared to non-adults (OR = 2.2; 95% CI: 1.2, 5.0). There was a poor association between the presence of the published clinical signs and seropositivity (kappa = 0.12), PCR (kappa = 0.11) and MHCT (kappa = 0.05). However, there was a higher agreement between farmers' classification of disease with the PCR test (kappa = 0.5, n = 61). The mean PCV varied with age, presence of infection, locality and gender, with the lowest mean PCV being recorded in MHCT-positive animals (20.97 +/- 0.5) and from infected calves (19.5 +/- 1.2). This study shows that PCR was more sensitive in detecting T. evansi than other tests used. Further, the prevalence of T. evansi in the camel herds sampled is higher than that previously reported in Kenya, and that the judgment by camel keepers may be a reliable "pen-side" diagnostic test for Surra. Considering the low sensitivity of parasitological techniques in detection of chronic T. evansi infection and high cost of PCR, development of a sensitive pen side diagnostic test, with a low cost is still a priority.  相似文献   

《Veterinary parasitology》2015,207(3-4):335-341
Trypanosoma theileri is a hemoprotozoan parasite that infects various ruminant species. We investigated the epidemiology of this parasite among cattle and water buffalo populations bred in Sri Lanka, using a diagnostic PCR assay based on the cathepsin L-like protein (CATL) gene. Blood DNA samples sourced from cattle (n = 316) and water buffaloes (n = 320) bred in different geographical areas of Sri Lanka were PCR screened for T. theileri. Parasite DNA was detected in cattle and water buffaloes alike in all the sampling locations. The overall T. theileri-positive rate was higher in water buffaloes (15.9%) than in cattle (7.6%). Subsequently, PCR amplicons were sequenced and the partial CATL sequences were phylogenetically analyzed. The identity values for the CATL gene were 89.6–99.7% among the cattle-derived sequences, compared with values of 90.7–100% for the buffalo-derived sequences. However, the cattle-derived sequences shared 88.2–100% identity values with those from buffaloes. In the phylogenetic tree, the Sri Lankan CATL gene sequences fell into two major clades (TthI and TthII), both of which contain CATL sequences from several other countries. Although most of the CATL sequences from Sri Lankan cattle and buffaloes clustered independently, two buffalo-derived sequences were observed to be closely related to those of the Sri Lankan cattle. Furthermore, a Sri Lankan buffalo sequence clustered with CATL gene sequences from Brazilian buffalo and Thai cattle. In addition to reporting the first PCR-based survey of T. theileri among Sri Lankan-bred cattle and water buffaloes, the present study found that some of the CATL gene fragments sourced from water buffaloes shared similarity with those determined from cattle in this country.  相似文献   

The Asiatic or Himalayan black bear (Selenarctos thibetanus) is an endangered species. In South Asian countries, captive tamed Himalayan bears are commonly used by roving bear-charmers to entertain the people in rural and urban areas. In captivity, this species confronts several psychophysical traumas and communicable diseases, which are prevalent in other domestic species. The present report describes four cases of Trypanosoma evansi infection in live Himalayan charming bears, which originated from the Faisalabad and Jhang districts of Pakistan. The condition was characterized by pyrexia, accelerated pulse, tachypnea, depression, anemic mucous membranes, and ataxia (n = 3). Microscopic examination of peripheral blood films revealed moderate (n = 2) or high (n = 2) numbers of T. evansi. All four bears were treated twice at 3-day intervals with suramin sodium by using almost twice the dosage recommended for common domestic animals (10 mg/kg). The treated bears were found aparasitemic on repeat blood testing on days 5, 7, and 10 post-treatment. No adverse effects were noted and all four cases recovered in 3-7 days after completion of the second round of treatment. One bear died 8 days after the second treatment (day 11). This is the first report of T. evansi in bears.  相似文献   

对伊氏锥虫新疆骆驼株(XJCA)、安徽水牛株(AHB)和云南水牛株(YNB)的动基体DNA进行PCR扩增后,用Sanger双脱氧核糖核酸法测定扩增产物的序列。结果表明,各虫株间DNA序列同源性为97%。内聚分析表明,AHB株与XJCA株相似性高属一类,而YNB株与中国伊氏锥虫SH株相似性高属另一类。证明我国不同伊氏锥虫在动基DNA序列上存在一些差别,这可能由于点突变的缘故。  相似文献   

12株中国伊氏锥虫对苏拉明的药敏试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用体外培养生长抑制试验检测了中国伊氏锥虫安徽水牛株(AHB)、广东阳江水牛株(GDB1)、广东水牛株(GDB2)、广东马株(GDH)、广西骡株(GXM)、湖北骡株(HBM)、湖南水牛株(HNB)、江苏高邮水牛株(JSB1)、江苏盱眙水牛株(JSB2)、新疆骆驼株(XJCA)、云南水牛株(YNB)、浙江水牛株(ZJB)对苏拉明的敏感性。它们的50%生长抑制浓度(IC50)依次为0.114、0.041、0.120、0.1490.752、0.252、0.171、0.127、0.339、0.094、0.106、0.118ng/L。结果显示,不同虫株的伊氏锥虫对苏拉明的敏感性明显不同,提示中国伊氏锥虫不同虫株存在抗药性差异。在12株伊氏锥虫中,GXM株对苏拉明的抗药性水平明显高于其他株。小鼠体内治疗试验显示,GXM株以10mg/kg剂量苏拉明治疗无效,在临床上表现出一定的抗药性,而GDB1株以10mg/kg剂量苏拉明治疗则全部治愈。由此可见,体外药敏试验结果与体内治疗结果一致。这一结果提示,多数中国伊氏锥虫株对苏拉明的敏感性偏低,少数虫株已表现出一定的抗药性。  相似文献   

Muscles from heart, tongue, oesophagus, neck and abdomen from 502 adult water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) slaughtered in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, between 1996 and 1997 were examined for Sarcocystis cysts by a combination of ocular and histological examination. Sarcocysts were present in 396 (79%) of the animals and the prevalence increased with age from a 57% infection rate among 2-3 year old animals to 93% among 6-7 year olds. The prevalence was higher in animals originating from the northern part (89%) than in those from the southern part (69%) of the country. Four species of Sarcocystis were identified. S. levinei (74%) was the most common species found, followed by S. fusiformis (41%), S. buffalonis (33%) and S. dubeyi (12%). All four species were present in 8% of the infected animals. The most common site for sarcocyst location was oesophagus, followed by cervical muscles, tongue and heart.  相似文献   

伊氏锥虫和布氏锥虫动基体DNA酶切电泳比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
限制性内切酶MboI,DdeI,Hinfi和TaqI对布氏锥虫KDNA进行酶切后,电泳中均显示出多条DNA区带,其总Kb数约等于20kb,而各限制酶对伊氏锥虫KNDA消化后均显示出1至2条区带,总和约1kb明显区别于布氏锥虫。  相似文献   

The card agglutination test for Trypanosoma evansi (CATT/T. evansi) for the detection of antibodies, and Suratex for the detection of circulating antigens were compared in a cross-sectional study involving camels in eastern and central parts of Kenya. Of the 2227 camels screened, 2038 were owned by nomadic pastoralists in T. evansi endemic areas in eastern Kenya. A herd of 86 camels were from a ranch in Mugwoni. In Athi River area, 35 camels belonged to Kenya Trypanosomiasis Research Institute, and 68 were slaughter animals. Diagnostic sensitivity estimates were obtained by testing sera from 51 camels that had been found to be parasitologically positive by the haematocrit centrifugation technique, buffy-coat technique and mouse inoculation. Diagnostic specificity was estimated by testing sera from 35 camels known to be trypanosome-free. Positive and negative predictive values (NPVs) were calculated using a range of prevalence values. The sensitivity of CATT/T. evansi (68.6%) was higher than that of Suratex (58.8%), but not significantly. Both tests had equally high specificity (100%). The overall prevalence was 2.3% (51 out of 2227) by parasite detection, 32.2% (327 out of 1017) by CATT/T. evansi and 19.6% (188 out of 961) by Suratex. Overall, there was a positive association between CATT/T. evansi and Suratex though the strength of association was low (McNemar's test=46.12, P=0.001; kappa=0.26, CI: 0.20-0.33). Parasite prevalence ranged from 0% in several herds to 27.8% in a herd in Isiolo. Prevalence was highest in Isiolo with 2.5% (51 out of 2030) by parasitological detection, 38.8% (321 out of 828) by CATT/T. evansi and 21.9% (169 out of 772) by Suratex. In Mugwoni prevalence was 7 and 18% by CATT/T. evansi and Suratex, respectively, and no parasites were detected. In Athi River Suratex detected 2.9% (3 out of 103) positive while CATT/T. evansi and parasitological methods gave negative results. At prevalence values between 10 and 100%, CATT/T. evansi as well as Suratex had infinitely high positive predictive values, whereas Suratex had a lower NPV than CATT/T. evansi. In conclusion, results of this study showed that CATT/T. evansi and Suratex were able to detect aparasitaemic infections rapidly and were more sensitive than parasitological methods in revealing the true extent of trypanosomosis in a herd. The tests effectively complemented parasitological methods in the detection of T. evansi infections in camels.  相似文献   

In this study, we compared the complement fixation test (CFT), the horse complement fixation test (HCFT) and a card agglutination test for trypanosomosis (CATT/T. evansi) for the diagnosis of equine trypanosomosis in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Cohen's kappa test was used to evaluate the concordance between the three tests. Kappa scores for CFT versus HCFT and CATT are both 0.6165 (95% Confidence Interval CI 0.414--0.819) indicating a "substantial" agreement between CFT and HCFT or CATT, respectively. Kappa for HCFT versus CATT is 0.395 (CI 0.142--0.648) indicating a "fair" agreement between the two tests. In the absence of a golden standard, seroprevalence and sensitivity and specificity of the three tests were estimated using maximum likelihood estimation. CFT has a sensitivity of 57.2% (CI 31.5--79.5%) and a specificity of 95.8% (CI 89.2--98.5%), HCFT has a sensitivity of 80.6% (CI 44.1--95.6%) and a specificity of 99.5% (CI 90.7--100%), CATT has a sensitivity of 80.2% (CI 44.5--95.2%) and a specificity of 98.5% (CI 79.5--99.9%). The seroprevalence of equine trypanosomosis in Kazakhstan was estimated at 16.4% (CI 9.4--27.0%). The data suggest that for epidemiological studies and the control of equine trypanosomosis serological tests prove useful since they have a high specificity and a satisfactory sensitivity. Field applicable tests, such as CATT/T. evansi may be used to replace laboratory-based tests, such as CFT and HCFT.  相似文献   

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