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With the reform toward power market processing, how to decide electricity price becomes a key problem which one power plant have to face. So in this paper, the authors show two ways to the problem, a pricing model by account and a pricing model by economics, then they analyze the cost structure and counting principle of three-electricity price, which is determined by the methods of repayment of capital with interest (RCI pricing), of the operation period (OP pricing) and of marginal cost (MC pricing). Then similarities and differences among these three pricing methods existing in the transitional period are examined by a case in china. The indicate that it is important and inevitable to reform RCI pricing, to popularize OP pricing and to transfer to MC pricing.  相似文献   

Prospects and promise of wheat breeding in the 21st century   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S. Rajaram 《Euphytica》2001,119(1-2):3-15
Globally speaking, the world would require one billion metric tons ofwheat in the year 2020 as compared to the current production of 600million metric tons. These figures, when translated into productivityparameters, mean that the current wheat global average yield of 2.5 t/ha.must shift to roughly 4 t/ha, in the 2020. Can this be achieved?Optimistically speaking, this projection can be met provided there iscontinuous support and investment in agricultural science and research,especially in conventional plant breeding, integrated pest managementincluding soil health, improved seed multiplication and distribution, system,optimum and efficient use of inputs. Furthermore, mechanization of farmingsystems and supporting pricing policies to farmers are necessary forcontinuing production increases. I believe that, an invigorated research program on redesigning of wheatplant, discovery and assembly of hybrid vigour, efficient management ofwater and drought, genetically superior system of uptake and translocationof nutrients, suitable germplasm adapted to conservation tillage practices,durable and multiple disease resistance in wheat and transgenics wouldinsure a superior germplasm base from which future cultivars with high andstable yield potential would be made available to the farmers. Germplasmand genetic resources would remain paramount. However, every precautionis warranted to preserve the natural resource base and soil nutrient balance,so that the future agricultural system is guaranteed with minimum hazardto environment.  相似文献   

The distribution of mussel beds in the Wadden Sea of Schleswig-Holstein was mapped by aerial surveys from 1989 to 1991. The number of mussel beds decreased from 94 in 1989 to 49 in 1990, as a result of severe storms in early 1990. Thereafter only small changes were observed. The mussel beds that remained in 1990 were found only in the shelter of islands; all beds in exposed areas had disappeared between the surveys of 1989 and 1990, leaving large areas without mussel beds. Storms are thus identified as a major factor limiting the distribution of mussel beds to the sheltered parts of the Wadden Sea. Beds in the exposed parts of the Wadden Sea are highly dynamic, whereas beds in sheltered areas may persist over long times. A comparison with distribution patterns of older surveys (from 1937, 1968 and 1978) revealed great similarities with the results of recent investigations, indicating a constant distribution pattern over a long period.The results are discussed in relation to eutrophication and the structure of the benthic communities of the Wadden Sea. It is concluded that any eutrophication-induced increase of the mussel population would be restricted to the sheltered parts of the Wadden Sea. Storms will largely determine whether the communities of a given area have to compete with mussels, which are most important filter feeders of the ecosystem. As competition for food is a major factor structuring the benthic communities of the Wadden Sea, it is assumed that storms indirectly affect all other communities, giving deeper-burying, storm-tolerant species a competitive advantage in exposed areas where epibenthic mussels are excluded. The impact of mussel fisheries will be different for persisting and dynamic beds: fishing on persisting beds in sheltered areas may remove the crucial reserve which mussel-feeding birds such as eiders or oystercatchers need in times of low mussel populations.  相似文献   

Agricultural is a major contributor to environmental resource management problems. Modelling the distribution of agricultural land use to evaluate current situations or scenarios is an important issue for policy-makers and natural resource managers. A promising approach is the use of bio-decisional models based on decision rules. However, at the regional scale, the large number of farmers makes it difficult to identify decision rules, and the diversity of farmers' decisions is rarely considered. To this end, we developed SIMITKO, a spatialised and stochastic bio-decisional model, able to simulate the spatial and temporal variability in farming practices. We focused on the choice of varietal earliness and sowing practices of maize (Zea mays L.) in the Baïse sector (south-western France). Model development was based on statistical analyses of surveys of farmers’ practices to identify their current strategies, the best variables to describe the practices and the probabilities associated with the values of the variables for each strategy. We tested SIMITKO by simulating the dynamics of areas sown with maize. Comparing model predictions of practices to observed data showed generally good predictions of sowing dynamics but less satisfactory predictions of varietal earliness choices. Possible improvements are suggested.  相似文献   

According to the mutual relations of standard costing,activity-based costing and inner transfer pricing, this paper explores systematically the approaches of the integrations of the above three in the large or medium enterprises that carry out decentralized management. Further, we raise three models as external report model, internal decision model and social contribution model, based on the financial accounting, managerial accounting and incremental accounting respectively. Finally, we investigate the principle of stratified application of the integration of standard costing, activity-based costing and inner transfer pricing, in the perspective of practice. The formula is presented that decomposes the inner transfer pricing, budgets the comprehensive cost and converses the variable cost & materiel cost into the manufacturing cost.  相似文献   

广东省鲜活农产品现代物流配送模式的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前农业市场的竞争主要集中在农产品的销售方面,而农产品物流中最关键的问题在于配送。广东省农产品配送的主要问题是农产品配送渠道混乱,配送过程浪费大,配送时间长、成本高、效率低。因此,有必要建立能形成大流通、大市场格局的配送网络,以规范物流渠道,建立农产品快速配送管理体系。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The welfare effects of public versus private waste disposal with and without flow controls are analyzed. The pricing of private waste disposal services is modeled as being bounded above by the public entity's average disposal cost, but constrained by potential entry of private competitors. It is found that once a publicly owned disposal facility has been built, waste generators are almost always better off if their local government has flow control authority. This results from the necessity of covering the fixed costs of the public facility once it has been built, in conjunction with the expected pricing behavior of private firms.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the industrial organization of public utility and its cause and synthetically researches government direct regulating pricing methods of public utility, mostly the static or dynamic cost mark-up pricing methods. It is indicated by the means of game theory and imperfect contract theory, under the conditions of imperfect information and the government's inferior position, It's impossible to develop the incentive mechanism to utility enterprise, makes low productivity in public utility. The inefficiency of the cost monitor and control is inevitable when the direct regulation pricing system be used. The thought of direct pricing methods is a mechanical obstruction to improve the effectiveness of public utility. It's the radical approach for the government to reform the regulation modes in order to improve the effectiveness and social surplus of public utility.  相似文献   

On the basis of analyzing connotation of congestion pricing,through the qualitative analysis of the main content and implementation effect of the congestion policy in cities such as Singapore,London and Stockholm,the basic conditions for urban congestion charges were summarized.Compared with Beijing’s urban development,traffic development status,urban transport infrastructure and social factors,the current policy of traffic congestion charging is still not available from the perspective of the current status of car ownership in Beijing,residents’ travel composition,and population density distribution.  相似文献   

农业上市公司审计定价影响因素的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
姜涛 《中国农学通报》2010,26(20):423-428
选择农业上市公司2001年至2008年作为数据窗口,共216混合样本,对影响农业上市公司审计定价的内外部因素进行理论分析和实证检验。研究结果表明:公司总资产规模和董事会规模是影响农业事实上公司审计定价的主要因素,公司总资产规模和董事会规模越大,审计定价越高;公司经营业务种类越多、负债水平越高,审计定价越高。会计师事务所特征和地区外部治理环境也是影响审计定价的重要因素,综合评价排名居前、审计质量高的事务所审计定价较高;农业上市公司所处地区的市场化程度越高,审计定价越高,地区法治化水平越高,审计定价越低。根据研究结论,本文提出相关对策建议。  相似文献   

The service frequency is an important factor which shows the supply and service level of public transportion. By considering the effect of occupancy rate on generalised cost firstly, the authors establish a new public transport model based on generalised cost. Then from the view of optimal pricing, this paper constructs two optimal service frequency models by the aim of maximizing social welfare and maximizing profit separately. The result shows that, without the effect of externalities, the two optimal service frequency is the same. Finally, this paper use some parameters of generalised cost, which coming from a city, to simulate this model, and the result shows it is feasible.  相似文献   

大兴安岭兴安落叶松群落多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以内蒙古大兴安岭牙克石林管局下属6个林区的兴安落叶松群落为研究对象,通过对群落物种多样性的量化分析,探讨大兴安岭兴安落叶松群落物种多样性分布规律。结果表明:兴安落叶松群落种群物种多样性总数分布范围为0~28种,垂直结构上变化规律明显,草本层物种数最多,其次是灌木层,最小的是乔木层。群落丰富度最大的为阿里河西陵梯林场,主要是灌木层,草本层物种较多。最小的为克一河库亚林场的兴安落叶松群落,该群落草本层物种较小。  相似文献   

In urban gas network with multiple pressure ranges, there is an optimal effect radius, for which the annual calculating cost is minimal. According to the analysis of technology and economy about the gas supply with the medium pressure in urban gas transmission and distribution system, the optimal effect radius of regulator station in medium pressure gas network has been obtained.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Proponents of petroleum industry subsidies often assert that such policies will have positive economic implications for rural communities. This paper examines the economic impacts of such a policy in Utah. Specifically, this paper quantifies the direct and indirect economic and fiscal impacts of a tax credit granted for oil and gas well workovers in Utah's Uintah Basin. The analysis is made possible by an input-output model constructed specifically for Utah's oil producing economy. The tax credit policy was found to generate a net fiscal loss for the state. However, it does generate employment in the Uintah Basin. The total per job cost to the state of generating an average of one job per year for 5 years through the tax credit policy is $24,056 (1991 dollars). However, if the public expenditure impacts are taken into account, then the cost per job could be as high as $48,423 (1991 dollars). Whether there are other ways to generate the same employment gains at a lower cost was lost in the political debate surrounding this petroleum industry tax credit.  相似文献   

The paper has expounded the fact that the great majority of construction enterprises before setting up one's own ration of enterprise yet,choose the correct bid tactics,carry on the overall analyses of expense,combine enterprise's own actual conditions,use the inventory pricing method bid skill of the project amount rationally,control the fabrication cost of the project,win a bid in a situation that it is rational and is not lower than cost project fabrication cost.  相似文献   

Pressure from the state government to abandon shifting cultivation and of the market to increase the production of cash crops are causing not simply a reduction in the practice of shifting cultivation in Sabah, Malaysia but marked alterations in the way many remote communities grow hill rice. Many traditional practices have been abandoned including the substitution of cash payments for community labour co-operation (gotong-royong), the use of traditional methods to monitor soil fertility such as maintaining fallow periods and the selection of appropriate hill rice varieties. The result has been a reduction in labour input, a shortage of land, continuous production, increased used of weedicides and a general failure to continue sustainable agricultural practices. Despite state incentives to abandon the practice the pressure to maintain real incomes among the rural communities has meant a continuation of the practice of shifting cultivation but under conditions which are now resulting in land degradation, slope instability and soil infertility.  相似文献   

This essay defines walkable neighborhood systems, summarizes the negative impacts of suburbia on the economy as a whole, and presents indirect pricing as a major cause of suburbia. The paper proposes several pricing reforms and green mobility as solutions based on prices that reflect full costs. Several hypotheses are presented concerning the performance of walkable neighborhood systems and the concept of an inflection point for the takeoff of non‐auto modes when density within a walkable area reaches economies of scale. It proposes research on old neighborhoods as a way to quantify relationships in the absence of pricing reforms. The paper discusses building types and high rise, and how at highest densities there may be diminishing returns. While it is natural for most scholars to study dominant land uses, there is a need to understand better dense walking neighborhoods as solutions to the costs of suburbia and to enhance their functioning to show a path to a sustainable future.  相似文献   

政府定价机制下黑龙江省农户灌溉行为的负外部性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
结合黑龙江省农业水价的政策现状和调研走访情况,认识农户灌溉行为产生的初因,指出农户灌溉行为的负外部性表现,并对负外部性的实质进行经济学分析。研究表明:在政府定价机制下,农业用水价格的实施不利于鼓励农户在生产中主动节约用水,农业水资源的浪费会增加社会用水的边际成本。适宜采取产权界定的方式将外部性内部化,通过农业水资源的合理经营和再配置,将农业水资源的价格形成机制逐步市场化,通过价格杠杆作用实现水资源的高效利用和帕累托最优。  相似文献   

Due to very large scale of general contract projects, the scope of projects is always uncertain when the contractor bids and the difference between the planned and actual volumes of projects is very large. If a lump sum contract is used to establish the price, contractors thus must take high risks. The contract price is always high, and both owners and contractors show unwillingness to optimize technology under lump sum contract conditions. Owners are inclined to extend the norm and scope of projects. Such situations may result in additional costs. As a new pricing contract, a target contract fits the situation when project scope is not fully defined or the forecasting risks are high. Such a contract can bring both sides enthusiasm for technology optimization and substantially reduces project cost. Therefore, a target contract is suitable for EPC general contract pricing.  相似文献   

大兴安岭兴安落叶松群落结构分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了揭示大兴安岭兴安落叶松群落结构的内部特征问题,以内蒙古大兴安岭牙克石林管局下属6个林区的兴安落叶松群落为研究对象,对兴安落叶松群落结构和种群空间分布格局进行调查与分析。结果表明:兴安落叶松群落群落结构简单,兴安落叶松单优种,伴生有较少白桦、山杨和樟子松;林分密度差异较大,最大达到了2040株/hm2,最小为340株/hm2。群落林分直径主要分布6~32 cm范围之内,绝大多数林木直径均处于小径级范围内,说明各林场林分均处于旺盛的生长发育时期。兴安落叶松群落种群分布格局呈随机分布、呈均匀分布和集群分布,而聚集分布型居多。  相似文献   

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