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The use of entomopathogenic fungi for the control of stored-grain insects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present contribution discusses the recent advances in the biological control of stored-grain insects with entomopathogenic fungi (EF). Thus, the effect of formulated vs. unformulated strains of EF and the effect of combinations of EF with other components, i.e. diatomaceous earths (DEs), chemical insecticides, natural products and natural enemies against stored-product insects are reviewed. Very few formulations of EF strains have been developed and used, of which invert emulsion formulation (water-in-oil type) is considered the most important. A synergistic effect of EF is produced by combining them with DEs, chemical insecticides and natural products but not with natural enemies belonging to arthropods. Moreover, since the action of EF against insect pests in general, and stored-grain insects in particular, is compatible with the food safety and environmental regulations, a good perspective for these biocontrol agents is expected as alternatives to synthetic insecticides. The potential areas of future research on the effective use of EF as biocontrol agents of stored-grain insects and the constraints that are associated with the registration and commercialization of EF as biopesticides under storage conditions are also discussed. Suggestions for the possible ways for implementation of this technology in storage systems are also provided in the present study.  相似文献   

Prevention methods can still be a cost‐effective and efficient tool for pest control. Rational use of prevention methods is a feasible way to reduce dependency on chemical protection in agriculture. Costs, workload and farmers' awareness are key issues, however. In Poland, crop rotation is used as a method for pest control only to a limited extent owing to the high share of cereals in the crop structure. The choice of resistant varieties is satisfactory, but farmers should make use of qualified seed material more often. Liming is recommended on the majority of farms on account of widespread soil acidity. Favourable aspects as regards the prevention of pest development are biodiversity and the popularity of prevention cultivation techniques. © 2014 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

几种虫生真菌对枸杞负泥虫的致病性及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
室内用浸溃接种法测定了2种不同寄主来源的球孢白僵菌(Beauveria bassiana)2菌株和金龟子绿僵菌(Metarhizium anisopliae)1菌株对枸杞负泥虫的毒力.结果表明,3种菌株对枸杞负泥虫均具有毒杀作用.绿僵菌IPPCKAS2029菌株表现了较高的毒力,对2龄幼虫的致死中时(LT50)4.39 d,校正死亡率为100%;对成虫的致病力低于幼虫,致死中时(LT50)10.65 d,校正死亡率73.8%.球孢白僵菌FW-05、Z-28两菌株的毒力弱于前者,对2龄幼虫的致死中时(LT50)分别为6.85 d和7.78 d,校正死亡率分别为86.5%和82.7%;对成虫的致死中时(LT50)分别为16.18 d和18.92 d,校正死亡率分别为61.9%和55.6%.  相似文献   

虫生真菌对节瓜蓟马种群的控制作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
室内试验表明,在1.5×108个/ml孢子浓度下,白僵菌对节瓜蓟马成虫、蛹和若虫的寄生率分别为70%、50.20%和17.78%,而在相同浓度下绿僵菌的寄生率较低。在2×108个/ml孢子浓度下田间土壤和植株喷施球孢白僵菌,5d后可使蓟马成虫减少49.22%。  相似文献   

一株虫生真菌杀线虫活性代谢产物的分离与结构鉴定   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以生物活性为导向,利用硅胶、凝胶柱层析法以及高效液相色谱等技术对一株虫生真菌拟青霉菌Paecilomyces sp.的活性次生代谢产物进行了研究。从其活性组份中共分离得到2个杀线虫活性次生代谢产物,经质谱和核磁共振等波谱分析方法鉴定其结构分别为脑苷酯类化合物Cerebroside A( 1 )和 Cerebroside B( 2 )。活性测定结果显示,这2个化合物均具有杀松材线虫Bursaphelenchus xylophilus活性,其中化合物 1 在质量浓度分别为1 000,100和10 μ g/mL下对松材线虫的致死率分别为100%,100%和11.1%。  相似文献   

With the continued robust growth of the global biopesticide market, azadirachtin is uniquely positioned to become a key insecticide to expand in this market segment. In the USA the actual or impending cancellation of some organophosphate and carbamate insecticides that have either lost patent protection or are not being re-registered in many markets because of the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996, has opened new opportunities for biopesticides and reduced-risk pesticides in general. The broad-spectrum activity of azadirachtin at low use rates (12·5 to 40 g AI ha-1) coupled with the insect growth regulator activity (in all larval/nymphal instars including the pupal stage) and unique mode of action (ecdysone disruptor), make azadirachtin an ideal candidate for insecticide resistance, integrated pest control and organic pest control programmes. Azadirachtin has been exempted from residue tolerance requirements by the US Environmental Protection Agency for food crop applications. Azadirachtin exhibits good efficacy against key pests such as whiteflies, leafminers, fungus gnats, thrips, aphids and many leaf-eating caterpillars. Azadirachtin has minimal to no impact on non-target organisms, is compatible with other biological control agents and has a good fit into classical Integrated Pest Management programmes. The world's largest azadirachtin extraction facility has been fully commissioned in India to process over 10,000 tonnes neem seeds per annum. This will ensure the wide availability of azadirachtin technical grade material in the future. © 1998 Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

Allelopathy is a naturally occurring ecological phenomenon of interference among organisms that may be employed for managing weeds, insect pests and diseases in field crops. In field crops, allelopathy can be used following rotation, using cover crops, mulching and plant extracts for natural pest management. Application of allelopathic plant extracts can effectively control weeds and insect pests. However, mixtures of allelopathic water extracts are more effective than the application of single-plant extract in this regard. Combined application of allelopathic extract and reduced herbicide dose (up to half the standard dose) give as much weed control as the standard herbicide dose in several field crops. Lower doses of herbicides may help to reduce the development of herbicide resistance in weed ecotypes. Allelopathy thus offers an attractive environmentally friendly alternative to pesticides in agricultural pest management. In this review, application of allelopathy for natural pest management, particularly in small-farm intensive agricultural systems, is discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Bacillus-based biological control agents (BCAs) have great potential in integrated pest management (IPM) systems; however, relatively little work has been published on integration with other IPM management tools. Unfortunately, most research has focused on BCAs as alternatives to synthetic chemical fungicides or bactericides and not as part of an integrated management system. IPM has had many definitions and this review will use the national coalition for IPM definition: "A sustainable approach to managing pests by combining biological, cultural, physical and chemical tools in a way that minimizes economic, health and environmental risks." This review will examine the integrated use of Bacillus-based BCAs with disease management tools, including resistant cultivars, fungicides or bactericides, or other BCAs. This integration is important because the consistency and degree of disease control by Bacillus-based BCAs is rarely equal to the control afforded by the best fungicides or bactericides. In theory, integration of several tools brings stability to disease management programs. Integration of BCAs with other disease management tools often provides broader crop adaptation and both more efficacious and consistent levels of disease control. This review will also discuss the use of Bacillus-based BCAs in fungicide resistance management. Work with Bacillus thuringiensis and insect pest management is the exception to the relative paucity of reports but will not be the focus of this review.  相似文献   

对阿维菌素B2a进行结构优化,在阿维菌素B2a的C4\  相似文献   

Natural products (NPs) have long been used as pesticides and have broadly served as a source of inspiration for a great many commercial synthetic organic fungicides, herbicides and insecticides that are in the market today. In light of the continuing need for new tools to address an ever‐changing array of fungal, weed and insect pests, NPs continue to be a source of models and templates for the development of new pest control agents. Interestingly, an examination of the literature suggests that NP models exist for many of the pest control agents that were discovered by other means, suggesting that, had circumstances been different, these NPs could have served as inspiration for the discovery of a great many more of today's pest control agents. Here, an attempt is made to answer questions regarding the existence of an NP model for existing classes of pesticides and what is needed for the discovery of new NPs and NP models for pest control agents. © 2014 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

本文概述了1949-2009年60年来北京地区农作物有害生物灾害发生和应对情况。分析了灾害形成的原因,同时从减灾的角度提出了一些对策。  相似文献   

In spite of the obvious advantages of storage systems for pheromone use, few attempts have been made to investigate the practical effectiveness of pheromones in such systems. The sex pheromone complex of Ephestia cautella (Walker) is described, and the possible natural functions of the components are suggested. Trials with the synthetic pheromones show that mating frequency of the moth can be reduced by slow release of the materials in a warehouse. The prospects for the use of pheromones in pest management in stores are discussed.  相似文献   

The potential of botanical essential oils for insect pest control   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Today,Insect Pest management (IPM) has to face up to the economic andecological consequences of the use of pest control measures.Fifty years of sustained struggle against harmful insects usingsynthetic and oil-derivative molecules has produced perversesecondary effects (mammalian toxicity, insect resistance andecological hazards). The diversification of the approachesinherent in IPM is necessary for better environmental protection.Among the alternative strategies, the use of plants, insecticidal allelochemicals appears to be promising. Aromatic plants, and their essential oils, are among the most efficient botanicals. Their activities are manifold. They induce fumigant and topical toxicity as well as antifeedant or repellent effects. They are toxic to adults but also inhibit reproduction. Although mechanisms depend on phytochemical patterns and are not yet well known, this widespread range of activities is more and more being considered for both industrial and household uses: essential oils are presently regarded as a new class of ecological products for controlling insect pests  相似文献   

黄色灯防治害虫的研究与应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄色灯防治害虫的原理是利用蛾类昆虫对绿黄波段(500~590nm)光敏感的特性,通过干扰蛾类害虫的日节律达到降低其种群密度的目的。本文简述了黄色灯防治技术在国内外发展及应用状况、黄色灯防治效果的影响因素,以及黄色灯在防治蛾类害虫过程中对植物生理的影响,分析了黄色灯应用中存在的问题,并且对未来黄色灯的发展和应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

In 1966/1967, the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis and the hymenopteran parasite Encarsia formosa were introduced into Poland. This introduction led to extensive research on the principles and practical use of biological and integrated programmes of pest control in glasshouse crops. Additional species were later introduced (Macrolophus costalis, Amblyseius mckenziei, Neoseiulus cucumeris, Cycloneda limbifer, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri), and research was also undertaken on local species such as Aphidoletes aphidimyza and Aphidius matricariae. At present, after 25 years of research, modem and effective mass rearing of natural enemies has been organized, and they are applied over 600 ha of glasshouse crops. For correct development of biological methods in glasshouses, new introductions, research, and mass rearing of new species are necessary.  相似文献   

植物精油应用于害虫防治研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
从植物精油对害虫的生物活性(驱避、拒食、引诱、触杀、熏蒸、抑制生长发育)、植物精油的增效研究,以及植物精油对害虫的作用机理方面综述了植物精油用于植物保护领域防治害虫的研究进展,并展望了植物精油在植物保护中的应用前景。  相似文献   

Pyrethroid insecticides are characterised by high knockdown and lethal activity, a wide spectrum, good residual activity, together with repellent and antifeeding activity. With these characteristics, pyrethroid insecticides have become widely used for plant protection. Their major use has been for the control of bollworms and leafworms in cotton but they have also achieved widespread use for controlling various species of lepidopterous pests in fruits and vegetables, aphids in cereals, and many other minor outlets. Although the early synthetic pyrethroids suffered from a lack of activity against mites and soil pests, later additions, such as fenpropathrin, have combined high acaricidal activity with insecticidal activity and further pyrethroids are being introduced for use in soil. The extent of pyrethroid use has increased progressively since the first of the ‘photostable’ pyrethroids was registered. In 1986, the market share of pyrethroids reached 25 % of the total insecticide market for plant protection; this figure can be increased in the future.  相似文献   

设施农业发展与蔬菜病虫害无公害防治对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
设施农业是采用比较先进、系统的人工设施,改善农作物生长环境,进行优质高效的一种生产方式。它是1种高投入、高产出、知识与技术密集的集约化型产业。20世纪80年代以来,在一些发达国家,设施农业发展很快,目前已经普遍采用计算机控制的大型工厂化设施,进行恒定条件下的全天候生产,效益大为提高。河北省“八五”期间开始实施设施农业工程,取得了突破性进展。“九五”以来,设施蔬菜更是成为许多地方农业经济、农业发展和农民增收的支柱产业。但不容忽视的是,设施农业的发展也为蔬菜病虫害的发生提供了有利条件。有害生物周年存活,病害的发生和…  相似文献   

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