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选用冀张薯8号、夏波蒂2个马铃薯品种,对不同生育 时期的干物质积累与分配进行比较。结果表明:马铃薯的全株干物质积累呈现S型曲线,马 铃薯生育期间不同器官干物质积累与分配中心依次为叶片和根、地上茎、块茎;冀张薯8号 和夏波蒂相比,叶片和地上茎的干物质积累峰值前者比后者来得晚,根和块茎的干物质积累 峰值在同一时期出现,在整个生育期叶片、地上茎、根、块茎干物质积累量前者均大于后者 ,就产量而言,前者高于后者,且增幅为23.9%。  相似文献   

对2012赛季中超联赛参赛球队主客场比赛技战术特点进行比较分析。研究得出:参赛球队间实力差距缩小,但实力分布不均衡;基本技术、进攻组织、跑动负荷的各项指标表现出主场优于客场,但犯规及红、黄牌数量客场明显多于主场,主客场跑动负荷在攻守状态表现出不同趋势,中下游球队平球率相对较高尤其在客场,且主客场胜率相差悬殊。比赛能力、攻守策略和技战术打法特点影响数据变化。  相似文献   

法官职业化是法治现代化的重要标志。法官职业化的基础是法学教育,法学教育的目标是以法官职业为核心的法律职业。为了避免两种职业的脱节,有必要在高校法学教师和法官之间进行良性互动,通过理论和实践的互补,既能够提高高校法学教师的教学效果,避免法学教育的空洞、抽象甚至闭门造车,也可以促使法官对司法实践进行理论升华,提高其理论素养,同时二者的职业互动还有利于法科大学生综合素质的养成。  相似文献   

在司法过程中,法官对案件事实的确认都是在证据和证明的基础上对过往事件的重构,法官并不能回到事件自身。和文学作品相比,法官对于案件事实的解释和重构受到多重因素的制约。法官对案件事实的阐释是一种建设性的解释,同时受制于法官共同体的形式理性和社会期待的约束。  相似文献   

审判独立是影响司法公正的最重要的要素之一。我国宪法肯定了人民法院行使审判权的独立性 ,但是这种独立性缺乏体制保障 ,在我国的司法实践中仍存在着司法权地方化的倾向 ,因此有必要从外部、内部推进司法改革 ,遏制司法权的地方化倾向  相似文献   

Subjective judgments, an essential information source for science and policy, are problematic because there are no public criteria for assessing judgmental truthfulness. I present a scoring method for eliciting truthful subjective data in situations where objective truth is unknowable. The method assigns high scores not to the most common answers but to the answers that are more common than collectively predicted, with predictions drawn from the same population. This simple adjustment in the scoring criterion removes all bias in favor of consensus: Truthful answers maximize expected score even for respondents who believe that their answer represents a minority view.  相似文献   

集中审理模式已成为各国建构民事诉讼审理方式所共同追求的目标,它要求所有审判核心事务均要在短时间内完成,否则必将陷入多次"非正式化庭审"的窠臼之中,这便意味着在审前阶段需进行充分的准备。法官应当把主要精力放在事实认定、法律适用及司法裁断之上,逐步改变事无巨细的审判环节"守夜人"角色。以法官助理为代表的司法辅助人员,在法官的指挥和授权之下处理非审判核心事务,发现诉讼瑕疵,在庭审期日到来之前明确两造争议焦点,指导证据整理及交换,促使开庭条件的达成,为法官"减负增效"。  相似文献   

When asked to judge whether two stimuli (tones) were the "same" or "different," subjects took longer to decide that two identical stimuli were the same than to decide that two dissimilar stimuli were different. Thus these judgments are not equivalent obverse aspects of a unitary judgmental process. While decision theory can be extended to deal with the obtained data, a model based on an analogy with a statistical computer is more directly applicable.  相似文献   

在简要综述铝合金桥梁桥面板结构形式的基础上,利用ANSYS拓扑技术进行铝合金桥梁桥面板结构形式的拓扑优化分析,得到铝合金桥面板的概念模型;考虑铝合金桥面板的强度和刚度要求以及铝合金挤压生产能力,设计了两种铝合金桥面板,并对所设计的2种铝合金桥面板细部尺寸进行了优化分析.研究表明,采用ANSYS拓扑得到的铝合金桥面板具有足够的刚度,可以满足公路桥梁荷载的要求;不同荷载工况下两种铝合金桥面板的整体刚度比较接近,无竖向支撑的铝合金桥面板的刚度要略大于有竖向支撑的铝合金桥面板.  相似文献   

期刊采购招标评分构成要项探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
期刊采购招标是近几年文献采购市场化运作的新模式,在节约文献购置经费的同时极大地提高图书馆期刊文献建设质量。分析了期刊采购招标文件中评分要项的主要内容和分值,并对评分要项内容和分值合理设计进行了探讨,提出了提高期刊采购招标质量的相应策略。  相似文献   

Pronin E 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2008,320(5880):1177-1180
People see themselves differently from how they see others. They are immersed in their own sensations, emotions, and cognitions at the same time that their experience of others is dominated by what can be observed externally. This basic asymmetry has broad consequences. It leads people to judge themselves and their own behavior differently from how they judge others and those others' behavior. Often, those differences produce disagreement and conflict. Understanding the psychological basis of those differences may help mitigate some of their negative effects.  相似文献   

形式背景的属性约简是形式概念分析的重要研究方向。针对形式背景人们提出了多种属性约简标准并建立了属性约简方法。本文研究形式背景基于对象导出三支概念格的约简问题,通过刻画对象之间的区分属性提出了一种新的粒约简计算方法,该方法无需构造基于对象导出的三支概念格;并证明了基于三支概念格的形式背景粒约简与基于粗糙集理论的分类约简等价。  相似文献   

形式背景的属性约简是形式概念分析的重要研究方向。针对形式背景人们提出了多种属性约简标准并建立了属性约简方法。本文研究形式背景基于对象导出三支概念格的约简问题,通过刻画对象之间的区分属性提出了一种新的粒约简计算方法,该方法无需构造基于对象导出的三支概念格;并证明了基于三支概念格的形式背景粒约简与基于粗糙集理论的分类约简等价。  相似文献   

评价农业社会主义改造的进步意义及必要性,应当从以下几个方面来进行衡量:理论标准,是否符合马恩列斯关于社会主义改造的相关论述;历史语境,是否适应建国初期中国所面临的国际国内形势;根本标准,是否符合生产关系一定要适应生产力发展的标准。  相似文献   

Deriving the quantity of items is an abstract form of categorization. To explore it, monkeys were trained to judge whether successive visual displays contained the same quantity of items. Many neurons in the lateral prefrontal cortex were tuned for quantity irrespective of the exact physical appearance of the displays. Their tuning curves formed overlapping filters, which may explain why behavioral discrimination improves with increasing numerical distance and why discrimination of two quantities with equal numerical distance worsens as their numerical size increases. A mechanism that extracts the quantity of visual field items could contribute to general numerical ability.  相似文献   

One of the most astonishing features of human language is its capacity to convey information efficiently in context. Many theories provide informal accounts of communicative inference, yet there have been few successes in making precise, quantitative predictions about pragmatic reasoning. We examined judgments about simple referential communication games, modeling behavior in these games by assuming that speakers attempt to be informative and that listeners use Bayesian inference to recover speakers' intended referents. Our model provides a close, parameter-free fit to human judgments, suggesting that the use of information-theoretic tools to predict pragmatic reasoning may lead to more effective formal models of communication.  相似文献   

The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the related medial wall play a critical role in recruiting cognitive control. Although ACC exhibits selective error and conflict responses, it has been unclear how these develop and become context-specific. With use of a modified stop-signal task, we show from integrated computational neural modeling and neuroimaging studies that ACC learns to predict error likelihood in a given context, even for trials in which there is no error or response conflict. These results support a more general error-likelihood theory of ACC function based on reinforcement learning, of which conflict and error detection are special cases.  相似文献   

为了摸清农村居民点的演进模式,进而科学规划农村居民点用地,基于GIS方法,从上石桥镇土地利用数据库中提取农村居民点空间及属性信息、路网和水系等资料,并结合人口和社会经济资料,对镇域范围内的农村居民点空间特点进行分析,进而探析农村居民点的演进模式。经过分析得出,上石桥镇农村居民点的演进模式为自然演进模式,这种演进模式是该镇农村居民点存在各种问题的根源所在。通过空间分析找出这个根源,并为当地农村居民点用地的规划与调控提供参考。  相似文献   

肃北县是河西绒毛山羊的中心产区,为了探讨其被毛品质和生产性能,为今后选育工作提供科学依据,1981年我们在中心产区的数个生产队羊群中,随机采样成年和周岁公母羊共30只山羊被毛,对其肩部、体侧和股部毛样完成了7个项目的测试工作,证明该种山羊被毛品质优异。  相似文献   

为了摸清农村居民点的演进模式,进而科学规划农村居民点用地,基于GIS方法,从上石桥镇土地利用数据库中提取农村居民点空间及属性信息、路网和水系等资料,并结合人口和社会经济资料,对镇域范围内的农村居民点空间特点进行分析,进而探析农村居民点的演进模式。经过分析得出,上石桥镇农村居民点的演进模式为自然演进模式,这种演进模式是该镇农村居民点存在各种问题的根源所在。通过空间分析找出这个根源,并为当地农村居民点用地的规划与调控提供参考。  相似文献   

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