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Non-cereal plant foods in the Western Sahel of Africa contribute significantly to the diets of local residents, especially during periods of grain shortages. In this paper, we analyze four such plant foods including diyan kwakwa (nut of coconut palm, Cocos nucifera L.), muricin giginya (young shoot of Borassus aethiopum), tsamiya biri (fruit of the tree, Tamarindus indica), and yari (a mixture of lichens, mainly Rimelia reticulate) that grows on ebony trees (Diospyros mespiliformis). They were analyzed for their content of amino acids, fatty acids, and minerals. Although diyan kwakwa contained the highest protein content (27.1%), its protein quality fell below the WHO standard in 3 of 8 essential amino acid categories. Yari and muricin giginya contained moderate levels of good quality protein. Only diyan kwakwa contained calorically significant amount of total fatty acid (24.7%); however, none of the plants contained useful amounts of the essential fatty acids, linoleic acid, or α-linolenic acid. All four plants contained useful amounts of zinc (> 12 μg/g dry weight), while yari contained the most calcium (14.7 mg/g dry weight) and iron (1.41 mg/g), and diyan kwakwa the most copper. All the four plant foods contained lesser amounts of magnesium, molybdenum, or selenium. These data indicate that the four plants contain useful amounts of various essential nutrients that could supplement the diets of populations inhabiting the Western Sahel.  相似文献   

可食用野生蔬菜中纤维类物质的检测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据GB/T 5009.88-2003食品中不溶性膳食纤维的测定(Determination of insoluble dietary fiber in foods)和GB/T 5009.10-2003植物类食品中粗纤维的测定(Determination of crude fiber in vegetable foods),并简化其操作步骤,对海南8种可食用野生蔬菜中的粗纤维和不溶性膳食纤维进行测定.结果表明,不同用量石油醚和α-淀粉酶对蔬菜中脂肪和淀粉进行前处理的作用不大.对测定结果几乎无影响;8种野生蔬菜中不溶性膳食纤维含量为1.5%~4.9%.粗纤维含量为0.7%~1.8%.  相似文献   

四川崇州枇杷茶野生大茶树生化成分及制茶品质初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过调查四川崇州枇杷茶野生大茶树的资源现状,根据植物学特征,从中选取具代表性的茶树初分为6种不同类型(依次编号为A类、B类、C类、D类、E类、F类),测试了其主要生化成分含量,评审了所制红、绿茶样的制茶品质。结果表明,不同类型枇杷茶树游离氨基酸总量为(2.46±0.07)%~(5.69±0.10)%,茶多酚含量为(21.67±0.40)%~(37.16±0.99)%,咖啡碱含量为(4.01±0.18)%~(4.88±0.03)%,水浸出物含量为(33.31±2.49)%~(47.28±1.35)%,儿茶素总量为(77.08±1.18)~(236.47±29.59)mg/g,因此,部分材料可以作为选育高儿茶素、高咖啡碱等特异成分的育种材料。以咖啡碱、表儿茶素没食子酸酯、表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯作为影响红碎茶品质的第一、二、三主成分或综合因子,结合主要生化成分含量、酚/氨值及感官审评结果可推论,E类适制红茶,F类制绿茶品质最优。从茶氨酸及苯丙氨酸的含量比例、儿茶素组分及总量等可推论,6类供试枇杷茶树中,E类茶树进化程度最高,接近栽培型。  相似文献   

Plant Foods for Human Nutrition - In semiarid regions of Mexico, it is common to use the floristic richness of wild plants as food ingredients. Hence, flowers of Agave salmiana, Aloe vera,...  相似文献   

Seeds from seven species of wild legumes of the South India were analyzed for proximate composition, mineral profiles, amino acid profiles of total seed protein, in vitro protein digestibility, and certain antinutritional factors to assess their potential as alternative sources of protein crops. The major findings of the study were as follows: crude protein ranged from 20.3 to 35.0%, crude lipid 3.1–9.6%, crude fiber 5.9–12.1%, ash 2.7–5.1%, and carbohydrates 49.2–61.8%. Minerals viz., sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, and manganese occurred in the range 42.9–135.9, 556.2–1639.5, 304.5–572.2, 174.9–686.7, 98.4–947.8, 3.6–16.4, 0.2–1.2, 2.0–30.0, and 1.0–3.9 mg/100 g seed flour, respectively. Profiles of amino acids of total seed proteins detected in the present study revealed that levels of valine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, isoleucine, and histidine of all the seven wild legume seed samples, threonine of Canavalia ensiformis and C. gladiata, leucine of Mucuna pruriens var. pruriens, and lysine of Cassia floribunda and C. obtusifolia were found to be higher than FAO/WHO (1991) requirement pattern. The in vitro protein digestibility of the legumes under study ranged from 63.39 to 83.32%. Antinutritional factors such as total free phenolics ranged from 0.41 to 5.96%, tannins from 0.04 to 0.60%, L-DOPA from 1.34 to 8.37% and trypsin inhibitor activity from 13.48 to 65.43 TIU/mg protein. The detected antinutritional factors probably have little nutritional significance if the seeds are properly processed.  相似文献   

化控对砂糖橘成花数和磷素的影响及相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过盆栽试验研究干旱胁迫与不同化控技术(多效唑、核苷酸)结合对砂糖橘抽发新梢数、成花数、叶中磷素含量及其关系的影响.结果表明:与对照相比,化控处理均显著抑制砂糖橘抽发的新梢数,但化控处理间差异不显著;与对照相比,化控处理均能诱导砂糖橘成花,但多效唑+干旱胁迫处理(PDSN0)和多效唑+干旱胁迫+50 mg/L核苷酸处理(PDSN1)成花数差异不显著,而多效唑+干旱胁迫+100 mg/L核苷酸处理(PDSN2)成花数显著小于其它化控处理.叶中磷素含量主要受叶片中磷素含量的制约;在处理前期,除个别处理外,所有化控处理叶中磷素含量均降低,但同一时间内化控处理间差异不显著;在处理后期,多效唑+干旱胁迫和两种浓度的核苷酸在影响叶中磷素含量方面效果相反;在开花前期,各处理叶中磷素含量分别比处理前增加46.15%、30.77%、23.08%和30.77%;在化控处理前期、中期、后期和开花前期,叶中磷索含量与成花数呈显著或极显著负相关.  相似文献   

马铃薯晚疫病(Phytophthora infestans)和科罗拉多马铃薯甲虫(CPB)是马铃薯生产中最为严重的病虫害。培育高抗晚疫病和甲虫的马铃薯品种是加拿大马铃薯育种工作的重要组成部分。目前,我们实验室在二倍体1EBN墨西哥野生种中已鉴定出抗马铃薯晚疫病和甲虫的新基因,并利用原生质体融合技术成功的将其转移到栽培品种中。但是,培育出抗晚疫病和抗甲虫的马铃薯新品种仍然是一项艰难而繁杂的工作。为了加快分离抗性基因,建立与抗性基因紧密关联的DNA分子标记至关重要。本研究以感病的二倍体马铃薯品种S.cardiophyllum作为父本,与带有抗性基因的墨西哥野生种S.pinnatisectum杂交。用叶片离体鉴定的方法测试F1和BC1代群体的抗病性,从而筛选抗晚疫病和抗甲虫的植株。US-8/A2交配型病菌测试显示所有的F1代植株都表现出抗晚疫病,而在BC1群体中抗病与感病植株的比例为1:1。这个结果证明,在墨西哥野生种S.pinnatisectum中存在一个抗晚疫病的单显性基因Rpi1。马铃薯甲虫抗性检测中,BC1群体的抗虫性分离比例为1:3.这表明其对甲虫的抗性是由多基因遗传控制的。在F1和BC1群体中利用分子标记结合集团分离分析法(BSA)对S.pinnatisectum中的晚疫病抗性基因Rpi1进行精细作图。根据马铃薯第7条染色体上RFLP标记TG20A和CP56之间的EST和STS标记的序列信息,合成了27对特异性PCR引物。获得一些与抗晚疫病基因Rpi1相关联的新的DNA标记。对BC1群体中大量的个体植株进行的分析表明,在马铃薯第7条染色体上位于抗晚疫病基因Rpi1两侧的两个标记S1c9和GP127-300,它们与Rpi1基因的遗传距离分别为1.17cM和3.89cM。这些标记被用来筛选两个细菌人工染色体(BAC)文库,并分离出与晚疫病抗性相关的90-125kb的BAC克隆,这些克隆将在后续的工作中通过图位克隆的方法而用于分离晚疫病抗性基因。同时分离与甲虫抗性紧密相关的分子标记的工作正在进行中。  相似文献   

对天柱山野生分布的珍稀濒危及保护植物资源进行了现场调查.结果显示:记录国家II级重点保护野生植物5种;IUCN濒危(EN)种2种,易危(VU)种8种,近危(NT)种14种;CITIES附录II收录物种13种,均为兰科植物;《中国植物红皮书》收录物种4种;天柱山地方特有种1种.从空间分布情况来看,有2个集中分布区,均与景...  相似文献   

The seeds of 15 Polish pea varieties contained from 221 to 281 g/kg crude protein with a mean of 240.2±3.5 g/kg dry matter (DM). The weight of 1000 pea seeds, depending on cultivar, ranged from 209.4 to 280.4 g. No interactive effect between the seed mass and the crude protein content was detected. The highest significant negative correlation between weight of seeds and dietary fiber content wasr=−0.815XX. The content of dietary fiber ranged from 161.5 to 209.9 g/kg with a mean of 187.9±3.8 g/kg. The mean gross energy of seeds was 18.1±0.28 MJ/kg. Amino acid composition of all the cultivars was similar, which was indicated by a similar index of essential amino acids (EAAI) of about 69.7±0.25. Trypsin inhibitor content in seeds was from 2.83 to 7.32 TIU/mg and the content of phytates ranged from 6.32 to 13.36 mg/g DM. The mean content of polyphenols and flavanols in analysed pea cultivars was 0.92 amd 0.46 mg/g, respectively. In the seeds of most cultivars little or no pyrimidine glucosides, i.e. vicine and convicine, were found. The overall mean oligosaccharide content was 64.3±1.8 g/kg, of which α-galactosides were 46.8±2.0 g/kg. The antinutritional factor content was not significantly correlated with protein content. No statistical relationship was found between crude protein and dietary fiber content. It was observed that pea cultivars with higher trypsin inhibitor activity contained significantly less flavanols (r=−0.607X) and α-galactosides (r=−0.617X). The varieties with higher seed content of dietary fiber contained the highest amount of α-galactosides (r=0.514X).  相似文献   

吴彩  方兴汉 《茶叶科学》1993,13(2):135-140
用水培、土施和喷施方法,研究了 Mo 对茶树体内无机元素吸收和分布的影响,结果表明,茶树对 Mo 有很强的吸收能力,并积累在叶、根中。土施以盆土表面积每平方厘米50—200μg效果较好,但喷施易造成叶中 Mo 过剩。水培 Mo 处理能有效地提高叶中 B、Na 的含量,促进 K 的吸收,减少体内 S 的含量,P、Ca、Cu、Fe 在茎中积累,Mg、Mn 在叶中有所增加。Mo 对 Al、Zn 含量无影响。施肥方式不同,Mo 效应也有区别,土施 Mo 肥能增加新梢中的大部分元素含量,喷施Mo 肥则使新梢中的大部分元素含量趋于下降。  相似文献   

本文对甜菜植株中锰含量的变化及其分配特点进行了初步研究.结果表明:(1)甜菜锰代谢最强的时期,是在叶丛快速生长期.这与氮、磷代谢特点相一致。生育期植株中锰的含量,因品种类型不同有所差异。(2)甜菜吸收和累积锰量最多的时期,是叶丛快速生长期至决根,糖分增长期;锰在叶中的分配量,在整个生育期都占绝对优势。(3)蔗糖与锰的含量,在叶片中存在着正相关关系;在叶柄中却呈负相关关系。  相似文献   

综述了食用菌菌糠中的生物活性酶的种类、含量、功能以及再利用的概况。  相似文献   

The effects of dry heat (roasting) and moist heat (boiling) on in vitro protein digestibility, protein fractions and other chemical properties of African breadfruit (Treculia africana Decne) seed that affect their utilization as a source of human food were investigated. Chemical analyses showed that the crude protein and fat contents of the unprocessed (raw) seeds were 20.1% and 13.7%, respectively. The level of phytic acid in the raw seed (1.19 mg/g) was lower than the levels found in some commonly consumed pulses in Nigeria. Albumin and globulin protein fractions were found to be the major seed proteins of African breadfruit seed, constituting 67.8% of the total protein of the raw seed. There were no significant (p<0.05) differences between crude protein, ash and fat contents of the raw and heat processed samples. Boiling proved more effective than roasting for improving protein digestibility and for reducing the levels of trypsin inhibitor, phytic acid and polyphenols of the samples. The complete removal of these antinutrients, however, would require a more severe heat treatment of the seed, which in turn would profoundly reduce the nutritional value and availability of proteins, as demonstrated by the low values obtained for in vitro protein digestibility, protein fractions and protein extractability.  相似文献   

遗传稳定是离体繁殖植物种苗的关键。本研究利用染色体制片和流式细胞术,对1~10个增殖世代的次生体胚植株的染色体数目及DNA含量进行了分析,发现1~10个增殖世代的次生体胚植株染色体数目以2n=36为主,且DNA含量与芽接无性系相同,说明1~10个增殖世代的次生体胚植株在染色体水平保持遗传稳定。  相似文献   

野生稻是栽培稻的近缘野生种,可为栽培水稻育种提供重要的抗病、抗虫、耐旱、耐寒等抗逆基因,是水稻品种改良的宝贵基因库。随着工业化、城镇化进程加快及气候环境变化,野生稻居群数量和分布面积正急剧减少,野生稻种质资源的损失难以估量。虽然近年来我国野生稻种质资源利用与保护工作取得积极成效,但仍存在一系列问题。本文系统总结了野生稻种质的优异基因发掘、育种应用以及资源保护方面取得的重要进展,并综合分析目前保护管理中存在的问题,针对性的提出未来野生稻保护与利用的相关建议。  相似文献   

介绍了绍兴县花木主栽区3个主栽绿肥品种紫云英、肥田萝卜和肥用油菜品种特性.并对其栽培技术进行了阐述,可为实际生产提供参考。  相似文献   

综述近年来海南地区野生蔬菜基础研究进展和存在的主要问题,着重分析野生蔬菜物种资源、营养成分、重金属含量、毒理实验、栽培和加工技术研究。概述目前海南野生蔬菜的利用情况,并指出存在问题和措施,为海南野生蔬菜的研究和开发提供参考意见。  相似文献   

保山市隆阳区植烟土壤养分特征及施肥对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解保山市隆阳区的土壤养分特征,有针对性地对烤烟施肥,对该植烟区域的131个土壤样品进行分析,结果表明:隆阳区植烟土壤较适合优质烤烟生产,除土壤pH值和有机质稍偏高、有效硼供应明显不足外,其他各项指标均符合优质烤烟生长的标准.指出隆阳烟区应该重视土壤酸度的调节,补施硼肥.  相似文献   

Two wild (Dioscorea polygonoides and Rajana cordata) and seven cultivated varieties of Jamaican yams (Dioscorea spp.) were analyzed for their proximate composition and the levels of antinutritional factors. The protein level range was 47.8 ± 2.6 to 88.0 ± 2.5 g/kg dry weight. The lowest level was seen in D. cayenensis. The range for the dietary fiber content in the tubers was 16.3 ± 0.7 to 63.5 ± 0.4 g/kg dry weight. The wild yam varieties recorded higher levels. Saponins level was < 600 mg/kg dry weight in all the tubers analyzed except for bitter yam (2962.5 ± 60.5 mg/kg dry weight). Total phenol content ranged from 1.3 ± 0.1 to 79.3 ± 6.1 g/kg while total condensed tannin content ranged from 0.1 ± 0.0 to 26.7 ± 3.8 g/kg dry weight. Samples that showed high levels of phenols also had high levels of condensed tannins. All the samples analyzed contained low levels of lectins and no alkaloids were detected. The levels of antinutritional factors did not clearly delineate the wild varieties from the edible varieties.  相似文献   

对福建省野生豆科植物资源调查表明,福建省野生豆科植物有233种80属(包括变种、亚种),其中单种属、2~4种属居多并占绝对优势,分别占总属数的47.50%和30.50%。对福建省野生豆科植物资源生态地理区系分析表明,植物区系成分在属、种的水平上有13个类型,4个亚型,植物区系特征在属的水平上以热带成分为主,其中热带分布属有53属,占总属数的68.83%,可见本区系属的热带成分占明显优势,具有明显的热带性质。在种的水平上以泛热带分布类型占较大比例,其他多种分布类型并存,表现为丰富的物种多样性特征。  相似文献   

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