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CO2 concentrations and related environmental factors were measured in an Asian tropical rainforest located in a small valley in Xishuangbanna, SW China, with the aim of investigating the CO2 pooling effect and its mechanism of formation. Pooling of CO2 was observed during the evening (1600?C2200?hours local time); the accumulated CO2 subsequently flowed away after dusk. We consider that along-slope drainage flow, soil CO2 efflux, and temperature inversion contribute to the development of CO2 pooling. A new model is proposed to track the mechanism of the formation and dissipation of CO2 pooling (e.g., drainage flow, compensatory mechanisms). Given its influence on the storage term, we suggest that CO2 pooling and subsequent disappearance should be taken into account when calculating eddy covariance and other micrometeorological measurements of carbon flux for valley sites.  相似文献   

The degree to which variation in species distribution is predictable from topographic variation is of considerable current interest. In this paper, canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), linear regression and principal coordinates of neighbour matrices (PCNM) models were used to explain the variation in the distributions of the 13 dominant species in a 20-ha tropical rain-forest plot in China. The results showed that: (1) Tree distribution maps show that some species are mainly found in the gullies of the plot, whereas others occur on the slopes. Which indicates topographic variables are important factors for the distribution pattern of species. (2) Both linear regression and CCA results show that convexity and elevation are the most important variables effecting distribution of trees. For saplings, elevation, convexity and aspect explain 15.3%, 9.0% and 10.1% of the total variation of species abundance. For poles, elevation and convexity explain 19.3% and 11.4% respectively. However, only 5.3% of the total variation is explained for adults. (3) The PCNM results showed that topography alone explained 20%, 24% and 5% of the total variation of species abundance for saplings, poles and adults, respectively. Overall evidence for topographic control of the tropical tree distribution is strong, but the explanatory power of topographic variables was a small part of the total of variation.  相似文献   

Variations in leaf photosynthetic, morphological and biochemical properties with increasing plant height from seedlings to emergent trees were investigated in five dipterocarp species in a Malaysian tropical rain forest. Canopy openness increased significantly with tree height. Photosynthetic properties, such as photosynthetic capacity at light saturation, light compensation point, maximum rate of carboxylation and maximum rate of photosynthetic electron transport, all increased significantly with tree height. Leaf morphological and biochemical traits, such as leaf mass per area, palisade layer thickness, nitrogen concentration per unit area, chlorophyll concentration per unit dry mass and chlorophyll to nitrogen ratio, also changed significantly with tree height. Leaf properties had simple and significant relationships with tree height, with few intra- and interspecies differences. Our results therefore suggest that the photosynthetic capacity of dipterocarp trees depends on tree height, and that the trees adapt to the light environment by adjusting their leaf morphological and biochemical properties. These results should aid in developing models that can accurately estimate carbon dioxide flux and biomass production in tropical rain forests.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic rate, nitrogen concentration and morphological properties of canopy leaves were studied in 18 trees, comprising five dipterocarp species, in a tropical rain forest in Sarawak, Malaysia. Photosynthetic rate at light saturation (Pmax) differed significantly across species, varying from 7 to 18 micro mol m(-2) s(-1). Leaf nitrogen concentration and morphological properties, such as leaf blade and palisade layer thickness, leaf mass per area (LMA) and surface area of mesophyll cells per unit leaf area (Ames/A), also varied significantly across species. Among the relationships with leaf characteristics, Pmax had the strongest correlation with leaf mesophyll parameters, such as palisade cell layer thickness (r2 = 0.76, P < 0.001) and Ames/A (r2 = 0.73, P < 0.001). Leaf nitrogen concentration and Pmax per unit area also had a significant but weaker correlation (r2 = 0.46, P < 0.01), whereas Pmax had no correlation, or only weakly significant correlations, with leaf blade thickness and LMA. Shorea beccariana Burck, which had the highest P(max) of the species studied, also had the thickest palisade layer, with up to five or more layers. We conclude that interspecific variation in photosynthetic capacity in tropical rain forest canopies is influenced more by leaf mesophyll structure than by leaf thickness, LMA or leaf nitrogen concentration.  相似文献   

Diurnal and seasonal patterns of leaf gas exchange and water relations were examined in tree species of contrasting leaf phenology growing in a seasonally dry tropical rain forest in north-eastern Australia. Two drought-deciduous species, Brachychiton australis (Schott and Endl.) A. Terracc. and Cochlospermum gillivraei Benth., and two evergreen species, Alphitonia excelsa (Fenzal) Benth. and Austromyrtus bidwillii (Benth.) Burret. were studied. The deciduous species had higher specific leaf areas and maximum photosynthetic rates per leaf dry mass in the wet season than the evergreens. During the transition from wet season to dry season, total canopy area was reduced by 70-90% in the deciduous species and stomatal conductance (g(s)) and assimilation rate (A) were markedly lower in the remaining leaves. Deciduous species maintained daytime leaf water potentials (Psi(L)) at close to or above wet season values by a combination of stomatal regulation and reduction in leaf area. Thus, the timing of leaf drop in deciduous species was not associated with large negative values of daytime Psi(L) (greater than -1.6 MPa) or predawn Psi(L) (greater than -1.0 MPa). The deciduous species appeared sensitive to small perturbations in soil and leaf water status that signalled the onset of drought. The evergreen species were less sensitive to the onset of drought and g(s) values were not significantly lower during the transitional period. In the dry season, the evergreen species maintained their canopies despite increasing water-stress; however, unlike Eucalyptus species from northern Australian savannas, A and g(s) were significantly lower than wet season values.  相似文献   

We studied the flood tolerance of five tree species growing in the flooded forest adjacent to the Mapire river, in SW Venezuela. Mean photosynthetic rate and leaf conductance were 11 &mgr;mol m(-2) s(-1) and 700 mmol m(-2) s(-1), respectively. Xylem water potential ranged from -0.08 to -1.15 MPa. Based on leaf gas exchange as a criterion of tolerance to flooding, two response patterns were identified: (1) decreasing photosynthetic rate with increasing flooding and leaf conductance (Psidium ovatifolium Berg. ex Desc., Campsiandra laurifolia Benth., Symmeria paniculata Benth. and Acosmium nitens (Vog.) Benth); and (2) independence of photosynthesis and leaf conductance from flooding (Eschweilera tenuifolia (Berg.) Miers.). In the first response pattern, declining photosynthetic rate with flooding may be interpreted as a sign of reduced flood tolerance, whereas the second response pattern may indicate increased flood tolerance. An increase in xylem water potential with depth of water column was found for all species (with the possible exception of P. ovatifolium), indicating that flooding does not cause water stress in these trees. Submerged leaves that had been under water for between four days and four months generally had photosynthetic rates and leaf conductances similar to those of aerial leaves, indicating maintenance of photosynthetic capacity under water. Daily positive oscillations in glucan content in submerged leaves of P. ovatifolium and C. laurifolia suggest that submerged leaves do not represent a sink for photosynthates produced by aerial leaves.  相似文献   

Understanding seasonal changes in photosynthetic characteristics of canopy leaves is indispensable for modeling the carbon balance in forests. We studied seasonal changes in gas exchange characteristics that are related to the temperature dependence of photosynthesis in canopy leaves of Quercus crispula Blume, one of the most abundant species in cool-temperate forests in Japan. Photosynthetic rate and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylation capacity (V(cmax)) at 20 degrees C increased from June to August and then decreased in September. The activation energy of V(cmax), a measure of the temperature dependence of V(cmax), was highest in summer, indicating that V(cmax) was most sensitive to leaf temperature at this time. The activation energy of V(cmax) was significantly correlated with growth temperature. Other parameters related to the temperature dependence of photosynthesis, such as intercellular CO(2) partial pressure and temperature dependence of RuBP regeneration capacity, showed no clear seasonal trend. It was suggested that leaf senescence affected the balance between carboxylation and regeneration of RuBP. The model simulation showed that photosynthetic rate and its optimal temperature were highest in summer.  相似文献   

Acclimation in seedlings of Bischofia javanica Blume, which are commonly found in canopy gaps in the moist forests of tropical Asia, to a change in light availability was examined in a controlled environment simulating forest shade and daylight. Seedlings were grown in a high (1000 micro mol m(-2) s(-1); red/far-red, 1.45) or low (40 micro mol m(-2) s(-1); red/far-red, 0.10) light regime and then transferred to the contrasting light environment for nine weeks. Control seedlings were maintained in the same light regime throughout the study. The availability of light influenced relative growth rate through morphological and physiological adjustments. Transferred seedlings retained the leaves that had been developed before transfer, and no leaf-shedding was observed till the end of the experiment. Leaves formed in the new light regime were physiologically and morphologically identical to those of the corresponding controls. High-light seedlings transferred to low light displayed significantly lower relative growth rate than the low-light controls because of a lower leaf area ratio carried over from the previous high-light environment. A reverse pattern of response with respect to relative growth rate was observed for the low-light seedlings transferred to high light compared to the high-light controls. The higher relative growth rate in the low-light seedlings transferred to high light was the result of higher net assimilation rate and higher leaf area ratio. The higher leaf area ratio in the low-light seedlings transferred to high light was the consequence of the effects of previous environment, and the relatively lower net assimilation rate in the high-light control seedlings was, at least partly, due to the effects of self-shading rather than to the photosynthetic capacity of the leaves. The results suggest that the species has a wide acclimation potential to a change in light availability that might occur in nature following gap creation or canopy closure.  相似文献   

A simple measure of the amount of foliage present in a forest is leaf area index (LAI; the amount of foliage per unit ground surface area), which can be determined by optical estimation (gap fraction method) with an instrument such as the Li-Cor LAI-2000 Plant Canopy Analyzer. However, optical instruments such as the LAI-2000 cannot directly differentiate between foliage and woody components of the canopy. Studies investigating LAI and its calibration (extracting foliar LAI from optical estimates) in tropical forests are rare. We calibrated optical estimates of LAI from the LAI-2000 with leaf litter data for a tropical dry forest. We also developed a robust method for determining LAI from leaf litter data in a tropical dry forest environment. We found that, depending on the successional stage of the canopy and the season, the LAI-2000 may underestimate LAI by 17% to over 40%. In the dry season, the instrument overestimated LAI by the contribution of the woody area index. Examination of the seasonal variation in LAI for three successional stages in a tropical dry forest indicated differences in timing of leaf fall according to successional stage and functional group (i.e., lianas and trees). We conclude that when calculating LAI from optical estimates, it is necessary to account for the differences between values obtained from optical and semi-direct techniques. In addition, to calculate LAI from litter collected in traps, specific leaf area must be calculated for each species rather than from a mean value for multiple species.  相似文献   

Tropical forests play an important role in the global carbon cycle. Despite an increasing number of studies have addressed carbon storage in tropical forests, the regional variation in such storage remains poorly understood. Uncertainty about how much carbon is stored in tropical forests is an important limitation for regional-scale estimates of carbon fluxes and improving these estimates requires extensive field studies of both above- and belowground stocks. In order to assess the carbon pools of a tropical seasonal forest in Asia, total ecosystem carbon storage was investigated in Xishuangbanna, SW China. Averaged across three 1 ha plots, the total carbon stock of the forest ecosystem was 303 t C ha−1. Living tree carbon stocks (both above- and belowground) ranged from 163 to 258 t C ha−1. The aboveground biomass C pool is comparable to the Dipterocarp forests in Sumatra but lower than those in Malaysia. The variation of C storage in the tree layer among different plots was mainly due to different densities of large trees (DBH > 70 cm). The contributions of the shrub layer, herb layer, woody lianas, and fine litter each accounted for 1–2 t C ha−1 to the total carbon stock. The mineral soil C pools (top 100 cm) ranged from 84 to 102 t C ha−1 and the C in woody debris from 5.6 to 12.5 t C ha−1, representing the second and third largest C component in this ecosystem. Our results reveal that a high percentage (70%) of C is stored in biomass and less in soil in this tropical seasonal forest. This study provides an accurate estimate of the carbon pool and the partitioning of C among major components in tropical seasonal rain forest of northern tropical Asia. Results from this study will enhance our ability to evaluate the role of these forests in regional C cycles and have great implications for conservation planning.  相似文献   

Photosynthetically active radiation (Q)-use efficiency (epsilon) is an important parameter for deriving carbon fluxes between forest canopies and the atmosphere from meteorological ground and remote sensing data. A common approach is to assume gross primary production (P(g)) and net primary production (P(n)) are proportional to Q absorbed by vegetation (Q(abs)) by defining the proportionality constants epsilon(Pg) and epsilon(Pn) (for P(g) and P(n), respectively). Although remote sensing and climate monitoring provide Q(abs) and other meteorological data at the global scale, information on epsilon is particularly scarce in remote tropical areas. We used a 16-month continuous CO(2) flux and meteorological dataset from a mountainous tropical rain forest in central Sulawesi, Indonesia to derive values of epsilon(Pg) and to investigate the relationship between P(g) and Q(abs). Absorption was estimated with a 1D SVAT model from measured canopy structure and short wave radiation. The half-hourly P(g) data showed a saturation response to Q(abs). The amount of Q(abs) required to saturate P(g) was reduced when water vapor saturation deficit (D) was high. Light saturation of P(g) was still evident when shifting from half-hourly to daily and monthly time scales. Thus, for a majority of observations, P(g) was insensitive to changes in Q(abs). A large proportion of the observed seasonal variability in P(g) could not be attributed to changes in Q(abs) or D. Values of epsilon(Pg) varied little around the long-term mean of 0.0179 mol CO(2) (mol photon)(-1) or 0.99 g C MJ(-1) (the standard deviations were +/- 0.006 and +/- 0.0018 mol CO(2) (mol photon)(-1) for daily and monthly means, respectively). In both cases, epsilon(Pg) values were more sensitive to Q(abs) than to daytime D. These findings show that the current epsilon-approaches fail to predict P(g) at our tropical rain forest site for two reasons: (1) they neglect saturation of P(g) when Q(abs) is high; and (2) they do not include factors, other than Q(abs) and D, that determine seasonality and annual sums of P(g).  相似文献   

  • ? In the dense tropical rainforest understorey, saplings exhibit different growth strategies aiming at reaching light levels better fitting their ecology. Investing mainly in height growth, at the expense of their width, a lot are close to mechanical instability. Tachigali melinonii, a long living heliophilic tree species, is frequently observed to be extremely slender and supported by neighbours. Such observations suggest an active growth control through the perception of mechanical environment.
  • ? Mechanical environment or light availability, which one is the most influent on growth and slenderness (H/D)? To test this question, we recorded growth of control and staked saplings of two species with contrasting habits and ecology: T. melinonii, and Dicorynia guianensis, along a natural light gradient.
  • ? Dicorynia, the more stable, responded more clearly to the staking treatment, showing slenderness increase when light is available, whereas for Tachigali, only light availability governed growth.
  • ? For Tachigali, growth allocation is mainly governed by light availability and ontogeny, whereas Dicorynia is probably similar to the average tree strategy, using the thigmomorphogenetic physiological process to control its stability.
  •   相似文献   

    Eamus D  Myers B  Duff G  Williams D 《Tree physiology》1999,19(10):665-671
    Seasonal variations in carbon assimilation of eight tree species of a north Australian tropical savanna were examined over two wet seasons and one dry season (18 months). Assimilation rates (A) in the two evergreen species, Eucalyptus tetrodonta F. Muell. and E. miniata A. Cunn. ex Schauer, were high throughout the study although there was a 10-20% decline in the dry season compared with the wet season. The three semi-deciduous species (Erythrophleum chlorostachys (F. Muell.) Baillon, Eucalyptus clavigera A. Cunn. ex Schauer, and Xanthostemon paradoxus F. Muell.) showed a 25-75% decline in A in the dry season compared with the wet season, and the deciduous species (Terminalia ferdinandiana Excell, Planchonia careya (F. Muell.) Kunth, and Cochlospermum fraseri Planchon) were leafless for several months in the dry season. Generally, the ratio of intercellular CO(2) concentration to ambient CO(2) concentration (C(i):C(a)) was larger in the wet season than in the dry season, indicating a smaller stomatal limitation of photosynthesis in the wet season compared with the dry season. In all species, the C(i):C(a) ratio and A were essentially independent of leaf-to-air vapor pressure difference (LAVPD) during the wet season, but both parameters generally declined with increasing LAVPD in the dry season. The slope of the positive correlation between A and transpiration rate (E) was less in the wet season than in the dry season. There was no evidence that high E inhibited A. Instantaneous transpiration efficiency was lowest in the wet season and highest during the dry season. Nitrogen-use efficiency (NUE) was higher in the wet season than in the dry season because the decline in A in the dry season was proportionally larger than the decline in foliar nitrogen content. In the wet season, evergreen species exhibited higher NUE than semi-deciduous and deciduous species. In all species, A was linearly correlated with specific leaf area (SLA) and foliar N content. Foliar N content increased with increasing SLA. All species showed a decline in midday leaf water potential as the dry season progressed. Dry season midday water potentials were lowest in semi-deciduous species and highest in the deciduous species, with evergreen species exhibiting intermediate values.  相似文献   

    Containerized seedlings of three commercially important tropical species were grown under four different light treatments [i.e., 100 (open site), 45, 22 and 10% sunlight] for 130 days. Light-saturated photosynthesis (A max) and light saturation estimates (LSE) reflected the species successional status with Terminalia superba Engl. and Diels, the pioneer species showing largest mean A max and LSE at 100% sunlight, whereas at 10% sunlight, it showed the lowest A max and LSE. At 22% sunlight, Cedrela odorata L., an intermediate successional species had greater A max and LSE than Mansonia altissima A. Chev., a non-pioneer light demander and T. superba. T. superba had the lowest relative growth rate (RGR) at 10% sunlight and greatest net assimilation rate (NAR) at 100% sunlight; although a higher RGR at this light level was not seen for this species. Strong and positive linear mean A max–mean NAR relationship of C. odorata and T. superba indicated that differences in leaf photosynthetic rates of the two species were reflected in their NAR, which increased with increasing light. At final harvest, superior biomass production was found at 45% sunlight for all the species. Seedling responses in specific leaf area, leaf area ratio, leaf mass ratio and root mass ratio were typically those found along a light gradient. At the 100% sunlight, intrinsic water-use efficiency (WUE), F v/F m and final root system of the plants was generally superior in T. superba but at 10% sunlight, WUE was inferior in T. superba when compared to C. odorata and M. altissima, reflecting the respective species’ short-term acclimation to high or low light. Results of this study may have practical use in screening tropical tree species for use in plantation forestry.  相似文献   

    Seasonal dynamics of net photosynthesis (Anet) in 2-year-old seedlings of Pinus brutia Ten., Pinus pinea L. and Pinus pinaster Ait. were investigated. Seedlings were grown in the field in two light regimes: sun (ambient light) and shade (25% of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)). Repeated measures analyses over a 12-month period showed that Anet varied significantly among species and from season to season. Maximum Anet in sun-acclimated seedlings was low in winter (yet remained positive) and peaked during summer. Maximum Anet was observed in June in P. pinea (12 micromol m-2 s-1), July in P. pinaster (23 micromol m-2 s-1) and August in P. brutia (20 micromol m-2 s-1). Photosynthetic light response curves saturated at a PAR of 200-300 micromol m-2 s-1 in winter and in shade-acclimated seedlings in summer. Net photosynthesis in sun-acclimated seedlings did not saturate at PAR up to 1900 micromol m-2 s-1 in P. brutia and P. pinaster. Minimum air temperature of the preceding night was apparently one of the main factors controlling Anet during the day. In shade-acclimated seedlings, photosynthetic rates were reduced by 50% in P. brutia and P. pinaster and by 20% in P. pinea compared with those in sun-acclimated seedlings. Stomatal conductance was generally lower in shaded seedlings than in seedlings grown in the sun, except on days with a high vapor pressure deficit. Total chlorophyll concentration per unit leaf area, specific leaf area (SLA) and height significantly increased in P. pinea in response to shade, but not in P. pinaster or P. brutia. In response to shade, P. brutia showed a significant increase in total chlorophyll concentration but not SLA. Photosynthetic and growth data indicate that P. pinaster and P. brutia are more light-demanding than P. pinea.  相似文献   

    海南热带雨林森林旅游发展探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    李标 《热带林业》2012,40(1):35-39
    海南是“天然氧吧”和“森林浴”最理想、最优越的生态场所,开展热带雨林森林旅游具有得天独厚的条件.分析海南发展热带雨林森林旅游的优势与条件、海南热带雨林森林旅游存在的问题,最后探讨海南热带雨林森林旅游发展对策.  相似文献   

    Relative to closed-canopy tropical forests, tree seedlings planted in open grown areas are exposed to higher light intensity, air temperatures, vapor pressure deficit, and greater seasonal fluxes of plant available water than mature tropical forests. The species-specific adaptive capacity to respond to variable precipitation and seasonality in open grown conditions, therefore, is likely to affect species performance in large-scale reforestation efforts. In the present study, we compared the photosynthetic characteristics of eight tropical tree species within and between seasons at two study sites with contrasting dry season intensities. All species except Pseudosamanea guachapele reduced leaf physiological function between the wet and dry seasons. The contrasting severity of seasonal drought stress at the study sites constrained growth rates and photosynthetic characteristics differently. Variation of photosynthetic characteristics at the species level was high, particularly in the dry season. Faster growing species at the less seasonal site, Terminalia amazonia, Inga punctata, Colubrina glandulosa, and Acacia mangium, exhibited a greater adaptive capacity than the other species to down-regulate leaf photosynthesis between seasons. As the dry season was more severe at the more seasonal site, most species strongly reduced physiological function regardless of relative growth rates, except two species (Tectona grandis and P. guachapele) with widespread distributions and relatively high drought tolerance. Our results underscore the need to consider seasonal drought tolerance when selecting tree species for specific reforestation sites.  相似文献   

    Liu TW  Wu FH  Wang WH  Chen J  Li ZJ  Dong XJ  Patton J  Pei ZM  Zheng HL 《Tree physiology》2011,31(4):402-413
    We selected six tree species, Pinus massoniana Lamb., Cryptomeria fortunei Hooibr. ex Otto et Dietr., Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook., Liquidambar formosana Hance, Pinus armandii Franch. and Castanopsis chinensis Hance, which are widely distributed as dominant species in the forest of southern China where acid deposition is becoming more and more serious in recent years. We investigated the effects and potential interactions between simulated acid rain (SiAR) and three calcium (Ca) levels on seed germination, radicle length, seedling growth, chlorophyll content, photosynthesis and Ca content in leaves of these six species. We found that the six species showed different responses to SiAR and different Ca levels. Pinus armandii and C. chinensis were very tolerant to SiAR, whereas the others were more sensitive. The results of significant SiAR?×?Ca interactions on different physiological parameters of the six species demonstrate that additional Ca had a dramatic rescue effect on the seed germination and seedling growth for the sensitive species under SiAR. Altogether, we conclude that the negative effects of SiAR on seed germination, seedling growth and photosynthesis of the four sensitive species could be ameliorated by Ca addition. In contrast, the physiological processes of the two tolerant species were much less affected by both SiAR and Ca treatments. This conclusion implies that the degree of forest decline caused by long-term acid deposition may be attributed not only to the sensitivity of tree species to acid deposition, but also to the Ca level in the soil.  相似文献   

    Cunningham SC  Read J 《Tree physiology》2006,26(11):1435-1443
    Australian rain forests extend from tropical climates in the north to temperate climates in the south, providing an opportunity to investigate physiological responses to temperature of both temperate and tropical species within the same forest type. Eight, rain forest canopy tree species were selected to cover the 33 degrees latitudinal range of rain forests in eastern Australia. Temperature tolerance was measured in 6-year-old plants grown in a common environment, by exposing leaves to a series of high temperatures during late summer and a series of freezing temperatures during midwinter. Damage was evaluated based on chlorophyll fluorescence measurements made 2 h after exposure and by visual assessment of leaf damage made a week after exposure. Leaves of the tropical species were more heat tolerant and less frost tolerant than leaves of the temperate species, which is consistent with their climate distributions. In contrast, the temperature tolerance of the photosynthetic apparatus was unrelated to climate in a species' native habitat. However, the tropical species underwent significant photoinhibition during winter. All species maintained the integrity of the photosynthetic apparatus and avoided tissue damage over a similar span of temperatures (about 60 degrees C), reflecting the similar annual temperature ranges in Australia's temperate and tropical rain forests. Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements and visual assessment of leaf damage provided different estimates of the absolute and relative temperature tolerances of the species, thus emphasizing the importance of a direct assessment of tissue damage for determining a species' temperature tolerance.  相似文献   

    Domestic livestock grazing and firewood extraction are chronic and pervasive disturbances in dry secondary forest that reduce diversity and modify composition. Exclosure of such disturbances may allow the reestablishment of original diversity. To investigate potential vegetation recovery following 30 years of perturbation, seed rain was evaluated monthly during 3 years in 96 0.78 m2 seed traps located in eight exclosures established in 2006 in a species-poor secondary dry forest in central Mexico. Twelve additional seed traps were located outside the exclosures in 2010 for comparison purposes. Baseline diversity of seed sources (trees, ?5 cm DBH) was recorded to compare standing tree composition with seed rain. Also, baseline diversity of potential primary (birds) and secondary (ants) dispersal vectors were registered to infer current plant-animal interactions. Total seed rain over 3 years within the exclosures comprised 180,375 seeds from 61 woody species, an average of 1.12 seeds/m2/month. Half of these species (31) and 95% of the seeds falling within the exclosures belonged to trees typical of perturbed sites. Sixty percent of all recorded seeds belonged to an early-successional, bird-dispersed shrub (Hamelia patens Jacq., Rubiaceae). Seed rain at one non-excluded plot was dominated by the wind-dispersed early-successional tree Heliocarpus sp. (Tiliaceae). Richness and seed density increased significantly in the second year of exclusion; however, by the third year, richness remained constant while seed density decreased. Seed rain was richer and more abundant during the dry season and was dominated by wind-dispersed species. Phenology, successional status and the dispersal modes of woody species explained most variance in richness and seed density of seed rain in early-successional dry forest. Seeds of early-successional species were dispersed in equal measure by abiotic and biotic vectors, whereas biotic vectors dispersed a higher density of late-successional seeds. The amount and timing of fall of abiotically dispersed seeds of the three most abundant species in the standing tree community may prolong their current domination of the landscape. However, even when richness in the seed rain within exclosures remained constant through time, composition was gradually shifting towards animal-dispersed species which may start a positive feedback producing an increase in animal visitation and a further increase of richness.  相似文献   

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