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Modeling the contagious distribution of vegetation and species in ecology and biogeography has been a challenging issue. Previous studies have demonstrated that the autologistic regression model is a useful approach for describing the distribution because patial correlation can readily be accounted for in the model. So far studies have been mainly restrained to the first-orderautologistic model. However, the first-order correlationmodel may sometimes be insufficient as long-range dispersal/migration can play a significant role in species distribution. In this study, we used the second-order autologistic regression model to model the distributions of the subarctic evergreen woodland and the boreal evergreen forest in British Columbia, Canada, in terms of climate covariates. We investigated and compared three estimation methods for the second-ordermodel—the maximum pseudo-likelihood method, the Monte Carlo likeli hood method, and the Markov chain Monte Carlo stochasti capproximation. Detailed procedures for these methods were developed and their performances were evaluated through simulations. The study demonstrates the importance for including the second-order correlation in the autologistic model for modeling vegetation distribution at the large geographical scale; each of the two vegetations studied was strongly autocorrelated not only in the south-north direction but also in the north west-southeast direction. The study further concluded that the assessment of climate change should be performed on the basis of individual vegetation or species because different vegetation or species likely respond differently to different sets of climate variables.  相似文献   

冠层气孔导度指示着植物的光合和蒸腾作用的强弱,冠层气孔导度的精确估算对于研究蒸散、农业生产和生态系统的功能等具有重要意义.以往冠层气孔导度的模型很少考虑植被类型的影响,而不同植被类型间冠层气孔导度存在较大差异,本研究旨在考虑植被类型,引入气孔长度和密度计算最大气孔导度,建立植被冠层气孔导度模型.使用HJ-1卫星数据反演...  相似文献   

Jürg Hosang 《Geoderma》1993,60(1-4):119-133
The results from a solute transport study done near Basel, Switzerland are reported. The experimental site was a 3.25 ha corn field consisting of well drained silt loam. A bromide tracer was applied to the surface of 40 plots, located at regular intervals on a grid. Soil cores were taken twice at each plot during the experiment. The first time, samples were collected at 10 cm intervals from the surface to 50 cm. During the second sampling, soil cores were taken to a depth of 100 cm in 20 cm increments. Four plots were sampled twice each time to assess small-scale heterogeneities. Solute transport was described as a convective-dispersive process with highly variable parameters within the test field. A poor correspondence between the apparent fraction of the soil volume that is active in transport and volumetric water content was found. This was interpreted as resulting from effects such as stagnant water, locally three-dimensional flow and infiltration water which bypasses the regions of the soil which contain the main mass of the tracer. The spatial distribution of the transport parameters within the test field could not be explained on the basis of soil physical properties. The fields of the transport properties showed spatial dependence and locally estimated parameters were interpolated over the entire test field by kriging.  相似文献   

基于波段比模型的地形调节植被指数组合算法构建与验证   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
为消除山区植被遥感监测中的地形影响,该文根据山区主要地物波谱曲线特征和波段比模型等基本原理,构建地形调节植被指数(topography-adjusted vegetation index,TAVI)组合算法。首先,提出TAVI研究思路。其次,利用山区Landsat8多光谱遥感影像分析山区主要地物波谱曲线特征,阐释TAVI光谱原理。接着,用红光波段数据构建新的阴影植被指数(shady vegetation index,SVI),并优选比值植被指数(ratio vegetation index,RVI)与SVI形成TAVI组合算法,再结合地形调节因子"极值优化"算法计算TAVI结果。最后,采用目视比较、统计分析和差值分析证明TAVI组合算法达到经大气加地形校正后遥感影像计算的NDVI的削减地形影响的效果,其与太阳入射角余弦值一元线性回归方程斜率降至0.035,相关系数降至0.075。TAVI组合算法可应用于山区植被信息和有关参数的遥感监测与估算。  相似文献   

None of the current surveillance streams monitoring the presence of scrapie in Great Britain provide a comprehensive and unbiased estimate of the prevalence of the disease at the holding level. Previous work to estimate the under-ascertainment adjusted prevalence of scrapie in Great Britain applied multiple-list capture-recapture methods. The enforcement of new control measures on scrapie-affected holdings in 2004 has stopped the overlapping between surveillance sources and, hence, the application of multiple-list capture-recapture models. Alternative methods, still under the capture-recapture methodology, relying on repeated entries in one single list have been suggested in these situations. In this article, we apply one-list capture-recapture approaches to data held on the Scrapie Notifications Database to estimate the undetected population of scrapie-affected holdings with clinical disease in Great Britain for the years 2002, 2003, and 2004. For doing so, we develop a new diagnostic tool for indication of heterogeneity as well as a new understanding of the Zelterman and Chao’s lower bound estimators to account for potential unobserved heterogeneity. We demonstrate that the Zelterman estimator can be viewed as a maximum likelihood estimator for a special, locally truncated Poisson likelihood equivalent to a binomial likelihood. This understanding allows the extension of the Zelterman approach by means of logistic regression to include observed heterogeneity in the form of covariates—in case studied here, the holding size and country of origin. Our results confirm the presence of substantial unobserved heterogeneity supporting the application of our two estimators. The total scrapie-affected holding population in Great Britain is around 300 holdings per year. None of the covariates appear to inform the model significantly.  相似文献   

Background, Aims, and Scope  During the last decades, different methods have been developed to determine soil hydraulic properties in the field and laboratory. These methodologies are frequently time-consuming and/or expensive. An indirect method, named Pedotransfer Functions (PTFs), was developed to predict soil hydraulic properties using other easily measurable soil (physical and chemical) parameters. This work evaluates the use of the PTFs included in the Rosetta model (Schaap et al. 2001) and compares them with PTFs obtained specifically for soils under two different vegetation covers. Methods  Rosetta software includes two basic types of pedotransfer functions (Class PTF and Continuous PTF), allowing the estimation of van Genuchten water retention parameters using limited (textural classes only) or more extensive (texture, bulk density and one or two water retention measurements) input data. We obtained water retention curves from undisturbed samples using the ‘sand box’ method for potentials between saturation and 20 kPa, and the pressure membrane method for potentials between 100 and 1500 kPa. Physical properties of sampled soils were used as input variables for the Rosetta model and to determine site-specific PTFs. Results  The Rosetta model accurately predicts water content at field capacity, but clearly underestimates it at saturation. Poor agreement between observed and estimated values in terms of root mean square error were obtained for the Rosetta model in comparison with specific PTFs. Discrepancies between both methods are comparable to results obtained by other authors. Conclusions  Site-specific PTFs predicted the van Genuchten parameters better than Rosetta model. Pedotransfers functions have been a useful tool to solve the water retention capacity for soils located in the southern Pyrenees, where the fine particle size and organic matter content are higher. The Rosetta model showed good predictions for the curve parameters, even though the uncertainty of the data predicted was higher than for the site-specific PTFs. Recommendations and Perspectives  The Rosetta model accurately predicts the retention curve parameters when the use is related with wide soil types; nevertheless, if we want to obtain good predictors using a homogenous soil database, specific PTFs are required. ESS-Submission Editor: Prof. Zhihong Xu, PhD (zhihong.xu@griffith.edu.au)  相似文献   

基于线性光谱混合模型的荒漠草地覆盖度估测   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了解决草地混合像元对草地植被覆盖度监测的影响,该研究以Landsat TM为数据源,探讨线性光谱混合模型进行混合像元分解的关键问题,分析混合光谱模型获得的不同组分分量与植被覆盖度之间的关系,以期建立适合天山北坡荒漠草地覆盖度监测模型。结果表明:通过光谱混合模型获得植被、沙丘以及盐碱化土壤3个基本组分,其中植被组分与覆盖度拟合效果较好(R2=0.62),与植被指数法估测草地覆盖度相比,决定系数R2均高于比值植被指数、归一化植被指数、土壤调节植被指数及修正土壤调整植被指数MSAVI。通过对所获模型精度检验,均方根误差RMSE为1.28,结果较为理想。因此,利用线性光谱混合模型解析混合像元估测天山北坡荒漠草地覆盖度具有可行性。  相似文献   

基于像元二分法的沙地植被景观格局特征变化分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
景观格局与过程的关系研究是目前景观生态学的主要目标和研究热点,而沙漠化是一种典型的景观演化过程。基于景观生态学原理,运用遥感与地理信息系统技术,以古尔班通古特沙漠南缘为研究区,选择近40 a(1977-2010年)间不同年降水量梯度的代表年份(1977年、1990年、2001年和2010年),利用Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+遥感数据对沙地植被景观格局变化进行了分析。结果表明:1977-2010年间,古尔班通古特沙漠南缘沙地植被呈现恢复—退化—恢复交替变化趋势,总体处于恢复趋势中;景观水平上沙地植被破碎化程度处于增加趋势,景观异质性增强,斑块形状趋于复杂;类型水平上不同盖度沙地植被破碎化程度呈不同趋势波动,总体呈盖度相对高的植被破碎化程度增加,而盖度相对低的植被破碎化程度降低的趋势。1977-2010年间,沙地植被斑块重心在西南-东北方向交替呈现,重心轨迹形成"Z"形。总体来看,植被斑块由沙漠西南缘向沙漠腹地东北方向扩张。年降水量波动与沙地植被盖度演化方向、景观破碎化程度、不同盖度沙地植被比例、不同盖度沙地植被破碎化程度、不同盖度沙地植被斑块重心迁移方向均具有密切关系,即干旱区沙地植被景观格局演化特征与年降水波动具有很强的关联性。  相似文献   

Introduced alien species are the second most important threat to global biodiversity after habitat loss. The American mink Mustela vison has been introduced to several countries and is threatening a number of native species worldwide. We developed a spatially explicit and individual based model as a planning tool to identify key criteria for the implementation of trapping campaigns as a way to control open American mink populations. We first predicted the minimum effort required to reduce populations of mink below a certain threshold and the best time of year in which to trap mink to minimise their numbers. We then employed this methodology to predict the best trapping strategy to ensure the long-term survival of the water vole Arvicola terrestris, one of the species most endangered by the spread of the mink in the UK. We also applied the mink and water vole population models to rationalise a set of observed data in an area of 50 × 30 km in the Upper Thames (UK). The model predicted that it is necessary to remove mink for at least 3 months every year and that a mixed strategy of trapping during the mating, late dispersal and winter seasons is best for keeping mink at low densities. Concentrating trapping during the late dispersal and winter seasons is instead best for ensuring the long-term survival of water voles. Targeting immigrating juvenile mink as well as reproductive adults is important. The model also showed that trapping efficiency might be an important factor to consider when choosing periods in which to trap.  相似文献   

The ability of the CERES-Maize model to estimate annual fluctuations in maize (Zea mays L.) production for the U.S. Cornbelt was tested for the years 1982–1985. The model was run for 51 weather stations in the 14 states of the Cornbelt, which account for 85% of U.S. maize production. The model was calibrated for the region by deriving varietal coefficients for each station based on minimal growth stage data and yields for the 1982 season. Eight sets of varietal coefficients were derived for the 51 stations and should be interpreted as representing all the hybrids grown in an area, rather than a specific hybrid. For 1982 (the calibration year), 1983, 1984, and 1985, model production estimates were 92, 97, 98, and 101%, respectively, of the official U.S. government estimates. The results indicate that the model may be used for large area yield and production estimation in the U.S.A. with minimal regional calibration. The model has the potential for large area yield estimation in other parts of the world where daily maximum and minimum temperatures, precipitation, and solar radiation data are available.  相似文献   

Simultaneously assessing shifts in microbial community composition along landscape and depth gradients allows us to decouple correlations among environmental variables, thus revealing underlying controls on microbial community composition. We examined how soil microbial community composition changed with depth and along a successional gradient of native prairie restoration. We predicted that carbon would be the primary control on both microbial biomass and community composition, and that deeper, low-carbon soils would be more similar to low-carbon agricultural soils than to high carbon remnant prairie soils. Soil microbial community composition was characterized using phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis, and explicitly linked to environmental data using structural equations modeling (SEM). We found that total microbial biomass declined strongly with depth, and increased with restoration age, and that changes in microbial biomass were largely attributable to changes in soil C and/or N concentrations, together with both direct and indirect impacts of root biomass and magnesium. Community composition also shifted with depth and age: the relative abundance of sulfate-reducing bacteria increased with both depth and restoration age, while gram-negative bacteria declined with depth and age. In contrast to prediction, deeper, low-C soils were more similar to high-C remnant prairie soils than to low-C agricultural soils, suggesting that carbon is not the primary control on soil microbial community composition. Instead, the effects of depth and restoration age on microbial community composition were mediated via changes in available phosphorus, exchangeable calcium, and soil water, together with a large undetermined effect of depth. Only by examining soil microbial community composition shifts across sites and down the soil column simultaneously were we able to tease apart the impact of these correlates environmental variables.  相似文献   

泥岩边坡植生技术研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为建立泥岩人工边坡植生技术体系,本计划於旗山184线公路25km处试区进行第4年观察,结果表明①理想植生斜率;1:1.5及1:2区历经77,78、79、80年台风豪雨均保持稳定植生覆盖良好。②本年度调查分析182线试区结果,坡长5~7m构筑一条截水沟坡面冲蚀最小,坡长愈长,冲蚀愈烈。③泥岩理化性质的改良以施用泥炭土最为明显,泥炭土本身pH值4.7,含腐植酸35%以上,有机质90%以上,施在pH值8.6的泥岩中有显着改良土质,促进植物生长之功能。④在泥岩自然坡方面经植生带铺植进行初期观察,由於成活良好,值得继续深入探讨。本计划针对建立复层植被研究采用两种方法进行试验探讨:①一次植生法(播种法):裸露坡面经整坡后,混合草本、野花木本种子。建立一年后,地被草花本本植物均发芽成长良好,渐具复层植被雏形。②二次植生法(植苗法):先播种百喜草、百慕达等草类;当成活率达80%时再种植乔木、灌木及野花,栽植后木本植物的成活率达90%以上,成效良好。复层植被建立后,可使土壤表层获得完密的植物覆盖及保护,土壤中且有深浅不同的植物根系可固结土壤,对提升道路边坡稳定及泥岩植生绿化有更实际的成效。  相似文献   

Over four hundred vegetation samples were collected for total Hg determination as part of a biogeochemical survey in the Precambrian Shield region near Huntsville, Ontario. An objective of the survey was to obtain accurate data describing the spatial and temporal variation of Hg concentrations in vegetation. Five tree species, clubmosses, mosses, lichen and fungi were collected along three transects each 8 to 10 km long. The samples were digested using a hot H2SO4/HNO3 mixture followed by cold-vapor AAS detection. Very low detection limits (less than 1.0 ng g−1) were achieved by performing the analyses in a clean, Hg-free laboratory. The Hg concentration of coniferous needles did not vary significantly over eight weeks of the summer, but did vary significantly between first and second year growth. In all tree species examined, Hg concentrations in needles/leaves were two to three times as high (by dry weight) as that in twig tissue from the same branch. Differences in Hg content between tissues of different types and ages constituted a major source of within-site variation between plants of the same species.  相似文献   

In recent years, international air pollution effects research has focused on setting critical levels of pollutants, above which adverse effects occur on sensitive receptors. Once established, these levels are used to determine the geographical extent of exceedance for different vegetation categories and ultimately in the development of international protocols for pollution control within the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Ideally, the critical level for each pollutant and vegetation category should have a relatively simple definition to allow ease of mapping. Nevertheless, the definitions need to be sufficiently robust to apply to sensitive vegetation growing in a diverse range of climates. The restrictions imposed by these criteria have led to complex and delicate negotiations between scientists from the UN/ECE* region. Data for the direct effects of air pollutants on vegetation have been carefully reviewed for applicability to critical levels. To date, critical levels have been set for the effects of SO2, ozone, NOx and NH3 on crops, trees and natural vegetation. The use of effects data to establish these levels is critically assessed in this paper in relation to current and future requirements for mapping.  相似文献   

Because of the large spatial and temporal variability of soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics, a modelling approach is crucial in detailed regional analyses. Several estimates of regional scale SOC sequestration potential have been made using dynamic soil organic matter (SOM) models which have been linked to spatial databases contained within a Geographic Information System. In all these previous studies, a large‐scale model validation, which provides information on the general model performance for the study area under concern, was impossible because of lack of data. A data set of over 190 000 SOC measurements, grouped as means per community and covering the period 1989–2000 was available for Flanders in northern Belgium. In order to validate the DNDC model at a large spatial scale, we used this data set along with detailed pH, soil texture and crop areas which were all available at the municipality scale to simulate SOC stocks for the entire study area during the period 1990–2000. A minor adjustment of the initial distribution of SOC in the model's SOC pool was necessary to fit the simulated SOC stock changes to the measured decrease of −475 kg OC ha−1 year−1 (0–30 cm). Although DNDC was able to simulate the SOC stock changes well for the whole study area, the simulated decrease in the SOC stocks was overestimated for communities predominantly having sandy textures and underestimated for communities with silt loam to silt textures. This study also urges caution with the application of SOM models at regional scales after limited validation or calibration at the field scale as these do not guarantee good simulation of spatial variation in SOC changes.  相似文献   

MODIS植被指数的多传感器比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
CHENG Qian 《土壤圈》2006,16(3):362-370
Vegetation indices (Ⅵ) are one of the standard science products available from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). Validation of MODIS-Ⅵ products was an important prerequisite to using these variables for global modeling. In this study, validation of the MODIS-Ⅵ products including single-day MODIS, level 2 (gridded) daily MODIS surface reflectance (MOD09), 16-day composited MODIS (MOD13) was performed utilizing multisensor data from MODIS, Thematic Mapper (TM), and field radiometer, for a rice-planting region in southern China. The validation approach involved scaling up independent fine-grained datasets, including ground measurement and high spatial resolution imagery, to the coarser MODIS spatial resolutions. The 16-day composited MODIS reflectance and Ⅵ matched well with the ground measurement reflectance and Ⅵ. The Ⅵ of TM and MODIS were lower than the ground Ⅵ. The results demonstrated the accuracy, reliability, and utility of the MODIS-Ⅵ products for the study region.  相似文献   

水稻微分光谱和植被指数的作用探讨   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
通过两年两个不同品种水稻在不同供氮水平下的田间试验,测定了水稻冠层在生长过程中不同时期的高光谱反射率及对应的叶绿素、类胡萝卜素含量,分析了微分光谱对消除水稻冠层光谱的背景影响和植被指数在农学参数测定中的作用。结果表明:由微分光谱所得的红边位置、红边斜率与盖度和供氮水平之间有一定的相关性,与叶面积指数、地上生物量及冠层叶绿素、类胡萝卜素含量有显著相关;水稻多光谱植被指数RVI、NDVI与叶面积指数LAI及其地上部生物量之间有极显著相关性;高光谱植被指数及其变量与植被盖度、供氮水平、叶面积指数、地上生物量及叶绿素、类胡萝卜素含量之间存在相关性。这表明,用微分光谱技术与植被指数方法来监测水稻的色素含量和长势应该是可行的。  相似文献   

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